Ejemplo n.º 1
def cortex_distance_matrix(lm_dir=LINEAR_MODEL_DIRECTORY, 
                           cent_dir=STRUCTURE_DIRECTORY, in_mm=True):
    """Compute distance matrix from centroid data.
        lm_dir: Directory containing linear model data
        cent_dir: Directory containing centroid data
        in_mm: Set to true to return dist matrix in mm instead of 100um units
        distance matrix, centroid matrix"""
    # Get labels
    _, _, labels = aux.load_W_and_P(data_dir=lm_dir)
    # Get mask of areas in cortex
    mask = aux.mask_specific_structures(labels, ['CTX'])
    # Get new labels
    labels = list(np.array(labels)[mask])
    # Load centroids
    centroids = aux.load_centroids(labels, data_dir=cent_dir, in_mm=in_mm)
    # Compute distance matrix
    dist_mat = aux_tools.dist_mat(centroids)
    return dist_mat, labels
Ejemplo n.º 2
def distance_matrix(lm_dir=DATA_DIRECTORY, cent_dir=DATA_DIRECTORY, in_mm=True):
    """Compute distance matrix from centroid data.

        lm_dir: Directory containing linear model data
        cent_dir: Directory containing centroid data
        in_mm: Set to true to return dist matrix in mm instead of 100um units
        distance matrix, centroid matrix"""
    # Get labels
    _, _, labels = aux.load_W_and_P(data_dir=lm_dir)
    # Load centroids
    centroids = aux.load_centroids(labels, data_dir=cent_dir, in_mm=in_mm)
    # Compute distance matrix
    dist_mat = aux.dist_mat(centroids)

    return dist_mat, centroids
Ejemplo n.º 3
def distance_matrix(cent_dir=DATA_DIRECTORY, in_mm=True):
    """Compute distance matrix from centroid data.

        lm_dir: Directory containing linear model data
        cent_dir: Directory containing centroid data
        in_mm: Set to true to return dist matrix in mm instead of 100um units
        distance matrix, centroid matrix"""
    # Get labels
    _, _, labels = aux.load_W_and_P()
    # Load centroids
    centroids = aux.load_centroids(labels, data_dir=cent_dir, in_mm=in_mm)
    # Compute distance matrix
    dist_mat = aux.dist_mat(centroids)

    return dist_mat, centroids
Ejemplo n.º 4
def weighted_undirected(p_th=.01, w_th=0, data_dir=DATA_DIRECTORY):
    """Load brain as binary undirected graph.

        NetworkX graph, weight matrix, row labels & column labels"""
    # Load weights & p-values
    W, P, labels = aux.load_W_and_P(data_dir=data_dir)

    # Threshold weights via weights & p-values
    W[(W < w_th)] = 0.
    W[(P > p_th)] = 0.
    # Symmetrize W by summing reciprocal weights
    W = W + W.T

    # Set self-weights to zero
    np.fill_diagonal(W, 0.)

    # Create graph from weight matrix
    G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(W)

    return G, W, labels
Ejemplo n.º 5
def binary_directed(p_th=.01, w_th=0, data_dir=DATA_DIRECTORY):
    """Load brain as binary directed graph.

        NetworkX graph, adjacency matrix, row labels & column labels"""
    # Load weights & p-values
    W, P, labels = aux.load_W_and_P(data_dir)
    # Threshold weights via weights & p-values
    W[(W < w_th)] = 0.
    W[(P > p_th)] = 0.

    # Set self-weights to zero
    np.fill_diagonal(W, 0.)

    # Create adjacency matrix
    A = (W > 0).astype(int)

    # Create graph from adjacency matrix
    G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A, create_using=nx.DiGraph())

    return G, A, labels
Ejemplo n.º 6
def weighted_undirected(p_th=.01, w_th=0):
    """Load brain as binary undirected graph.

        NetworkX graph, weight matrix, row labels & column labels"""
    # Load weights & p-values
    W, P, labels = aux.load_W_and_P()

    # Threshold weights via weights & p-values
    W[(W < w_th)] = 0.
    W[(P > p_th)] = 0.
    # Symmetrize W by summing reciprocal weights
    W = W + W.T

    # Set self-weights to zero
    np.fill_diagonal(W, 0.)

    # Create graph from weight matrix
    G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(W)

    return G, W, labels
Ejemplo n.º 7
def binary_directed(p_th=.01, w_th=0):
    """Load brain as binary directed graph.

        NetworkX graph, adjacency matrix, row labels & column labels"""
    # Load weights & p-values
    W, P, labels = aux.load_W_and_P()
    # Threshold weights via weights & p-values
    W[(W < w_th)] = 0.
    W[(P > p_th)] = 0.

    # Set self-weights to zero
    np.fill_diagonal(W, 0.)

    # Create adjacency matrix
    A = (W > 0).astype(int)

    # Create graph from adjacency matrix
    G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A, create_using=nx.DiGraph())

    return G, A, labels
Ejemplo n.º 8
def binary_undirected(p_th=.01, w_th=0):
    """Load brain as binary undirected graph.

        NetworkX graph, adjacency matrix, row labels & column labels"""
    # Load weights & p-values
    W, P, labels = aux.load_W_and_P()
    # Threshold weights via weights & p-values
    W[(W < w_th)] = 0.
    W[(P > p_th)] = 0.
    # Symmetrize W by summing reciprocal weights
    W = W + W.T
    # Set self-weights to zero
    np.fill_diagonal(W, 0.)
    # Create adjacency matrix
    A = (W > 0).astype(int)

    # Create graph from adjacency matrix
    G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A)

    return G, A, labels