Ejemplo n.º 1
	def __init__(self):
		cherrylog("Buiding Media Process object")
		super(MediaProcess,self).__init__() #Call parent init method.
		self.source_name = ""
		self.mongo_connection = Connection() #This gets torn down in the parent's destructor
		self.bettermedia = self.mongo_connection['BetterMedia']  # `BetterMedia` database
		self.my_collection = self.bettermedia.crowdservice  # `crowdservice` collection
Ejemplo n.º 2
def splice_video_into_images(videoInputPath, videoName, processedVideoPath, image_dir, video_stats):

	video_name_without_extension = videoName[0:videoName.rfind(".")]
	full_path = videoInputPath + "/" + videoName
	md5 = video_stats['hashstring']
	width = video_stats['width']
	height = video_stats['height']
	#Grab images for video
	#Because it seems we will always want all the frames, commenting out the ability to set FPS
	#ffmpeg_shell_command = "ffmpeg -i \"%s\" -r %s -s %s \"%s/%s/%s/image_%%06d.jpg\"" % ( videoInputPath +"/" + videoName, images_per_sec, str(resolution["width"]) + "x" + str(resolution["height"]), processedVideoPath, video_md5sum, imagesSubDir)
	ffmpeg_shell_command = "ffmpeg -i \"%s\" -s \"%s\" \"%s/%s/%s/image%s06d.png\"" % ( full_path, width + "x" + height, processedVideoPath, md5, image_dir, "%")
	cherrylog ("running ffmpeg -> " + ffmpeg_shell_command)
	#test_string = re.sub(r'\x00', '', ffmpeg_shell_command)
	#encoded_ffmpeg_command = cStringIO.StringIO(test_string)
	#cherrylog (" does it contain nulls? " + str(ffmpeg_shell_command.find('\0')))
	args = shlex.split(ffmpeg_shell_command.encode('utf-8'))
	p = subprocess.call(args)
	#Also build jpg files for web hosting
	ffmpeg_shell_command_jpg = "ffmpeg -i \"%s\" -s \"%s\" \"%s/%s/%s/image%s06d.jpg\"" % ( full_path, width + "x" + height, processedVideoPath, md5, image_dir, "%")
	cherrylog ("running ffmpeg -> " + ffmpeg_shell_command_jpg)
	args = shlex.split(ffmpeg_shell_command_jpg.encode('utf-8'))
	p = subprocess.call(args)

	return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_md5(path, running_os):
	if (running_os == "linux"):
		md5_shell_command = "md5sum \"%s\"" % (path)
	elif (running_os == "osx"):
		md5_shell_command = "md5 \"%s\"" % (path)
		md5_shell_command = "md5sum \"%s\"" % (path)
	md5_args = shlex.split(md5_shell_command)
	cherrylog ("Running md5sum command: " + md5_shell_command )
	video_md5sum_b = subprocess.check_output(md5_args)
	video_md5sum_long = video_md5sum_b.decode("utf-8")
	video_md5sum = ""
	#On OS X with the md5 command, we want the last
	if (running_os == "osx"):
		intBreak = video_md5sum_long.rfind(" ")
		video_md5sum = video_md5sum_long[intBreak+1:intBreak+33]
	#On linux with the md5sum command, we want the first segment
	elif (running_os == "linux"):
		intBreak = video_md5sum_long.find(" ")
		video_md5sum = video_md5sum_long[0:intBreak]
		intBreak = video_md5sum_long.find(" ")
		video_md5sum = video_md5sum_long[0:intBreak]
	cherrylog ("Got video md5sum of " + video_md5sum)
	return video_md5sum
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def validate_rebuild_report_params(video_json):
     if not all(k in MVideo.REBUILD_PARAMS for k in video_json):
         cherrylog("Video rebuildReport command is missing params")
         return FALSE
     if len(video_json.keys()) != len(MVideo.REBUILD_PARAMS):
         cherrylog("Video rebuildReport command: wrong number of params")
         return False
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def validate_reprocess_metadata_params(video_json):
     if not all(k in MVideo.REPROCESS_PARAMS for k in video_json):
         cherrylog("Video reprocessMetadata command is missing params")
         return FALSE
     if len(video_json.keys()) != len(MVideo.REPROCESS_PARAMS):
         cherrylog("Video reprocessMetadata command: wrong number of params")
         return False
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def validate_analyze_params(video_json):
     if not all(k in video_json for k in (MVideo.ANALYZE_PARAMS)):
         cherrylog("Video lookup is missing a parameter")
         return False
     if len(video_json.keys()) != len(MVideo.ANALYZE_PARAMS):
         cherrylog("wrong number of parameters for video ")
         return False
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def validate_submit_params(video_json):
     if not all(k in video_json for k in (MVideo.SUBMIT_PARAMS)):
         cherrylog("Video submit is missing a parameter")
         return False
     if len(video_json.keys()) != len(MVideo.SUBMIT_PARAMS):
         cherrylog("wrong number of parameters for video ")
         return False
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def __init__(self, collection=""):
	  	cherrylog ("Created Media Object of type: " + str(self.__class__.__name__))
		#Mongo Stuff - For safety / performance, these aren't always instantiated upon object instatiated and need to be built when needed.
		self.mongo_connection = "" #Mongo connection object
		self.my_collection = collection #Take a collection object if one is given.
		self.bettermedia = "" #Mongo BetterMedia database
		self.attributes = {} #Holds the important data for this object.  This will be persisted to the Mongo DB.
		self.doc_id = "" #Holds a reference to the mongo document ID
Ejemplo n.º 9
def set_env_configs(config_dir):
		configs['environment'] = str(yaml.load(open(config_dir + '/environment.yml')))
		cherrylog ("Current Environment = " + configs['environment'])
		cherrylog ("Couldn't load environment file.  Using default of " + DEFAULT_ENV)
		configs['environment'] = DEFAULT_ENV
	for i in config_files:
		configs[i] = yaml.load(open(config_dir + "/" +  i + '.yml'))[configs['environment']]
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def validate_update_params(video_json):
     if not all(k in MVideo.UPDATE_PARAMS for k in video_json):
         cherrylog("Video update parameter is not valid")
         # if not all (k in video_json for k in (MVideo.UPDATE_PARAMS)):
         # 	cherrylog ("Video update is missing a parameter")
         # 	return False
         # if len(video_json.keys()) != len(MVideo.UPDATE_PARAMS):
         # 	cherrylog ("wrong number of parameters for video ")
         # 	return False
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 11
	def start_timed_process(self,**kwargs):
		count = 0
		function_name = str(kwargs['called_function'].__name__)
		repeat_time = self.get_repeat_time(function_name)
		while (self.running):
			if (count % self.print_timed_process_update == 0):
				cherrylog("Checking timed process: " + str(function_name) + " Current time: " + str(count) + " and interval timer: " + str(repeat_time))
			if (count >= repeat_time):
				count = 0
				count += self.timed_processes_shutdown_time
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize MVideo object.
		Set up the Mongo connection objects.
        cherrylog("Created Media Object of type: " + str(self.__class__.__name__))
        self.mongo_connection = Connection()  # This gets closed by the parent destructor
        self.bettermedia = self.mongo_connection["BetterMedia"]  # `BetterMedia` database
        self.image_collection = self.bettermedia.image  # `image` collection
        self.scene_collection = self.bettermedia.scene
        self.my_collection = self.bettermedia.video  # `video` collection
        self.attributes = {}  # Holds the important data for this object.  This will be persisted to the Mongo DB.
        self.doc_id = ""  # Holds a reference to the mongo document ID
Ejemplo n.º 13
def verify_key(*args, **kwargs):
	Function used to verify the incoming request has 
	the remote_key as a parameter for controlled access to this system's calls.
	request = cherrypy.request
	params = request.body.request_params
	cherrylog ("Verifying key of http request params: " + str(params))
	if (params.has_key("remote_key")):
		param_key = params['remote_key']
		valid_remote_key = c.configs['imagetagger']['remote_key']
		if (param_key == valid_remote_key):
			#Strip the remote_key parameter once it has been verified.
			del cherrypy.request.body.request_params['remote_key']
			return True
	raise cherrypy.HTTPError("401 Unauthorized")
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def destroy(self):
        cherrylog("Deleting video from database")
        # Don't delete the video in the database, as it contains our useful metadata.
        # It has unique idenfitiers, so it should never clash
        # match_param = {'friendly_id':self.attributes['friendly_id']}
        # self.my_collection.remove(match_param)
        # Instead, mark the video as deleted
        self.update({"status": {"imagetagger_status": "deleted"}}, commit=True)
        # For now, don't delete other metadata about the video
        # match_param = {'video':self.attributes['friendly_id']}
        # self.scene_collection.remove(match_param)
        # self.image_collection.remove(match_param)

        # Should check if there are active crowd services, and if so, cancel them.
        cherrylog("Done destroying video")
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_thumbnail(videoInputPath, videoName, processedVideoPath, thumb_dir, thumb_name, video_stats):
	cherrylog ("Getting thumbnail for video " + videoName)
	full_path = videoInputPath + "/" + videoName
	md5 = video_stats['hashstring']
	width = video_stats['width']
	height = video_stats['height']
	length_seconds = video_stats['length'] / 1000
	ffmpeg_shell_command = "ffmpeg -itsoffset -%d -i \"%s\" -vcodec mjpeg -vframes 1 -an -f rawvideo -s \"%s\" \"%s/%s/%s/%s\"" % ( length_seconds / 2, full_path, width + "x" + height, processedVideoPath, md5, thumb_dir, thumb_name)
	args = shlex.split(ffmpeg_shell_command.encode('utf-8'))
	p = subprocess.call(args)
	cherrylog ("running ffmpeg -> " + ffmpeg_shell_command)	
	return True
Ejemplo n.º 16
	def create(self):
		self.doc_id = ""
		"""Insert the object into the mongodb.  It should not exist in mongo before this call."""
		if (not self.attributes.has_key('created_at')):
			self.attributes['created_at'] = datetime.datetime.now()
		self.attributes['status'] = {'imagetagger_status':'created'}
		self.attributes['modified_at'] = datetime.datetime.now()
		cherrylog ("Creating item in database with values " + str(self.attributes))
		#insert a doc
			insert = self.my_collection.insert(self.attributes, safe=True)
		except Exception as e:
			Tools.print_errors ("Error inserting object into database: " + str(self.__class__.__name__))
			return False
		cherrylog ("Insert of item successul: " + (str(insert)))
		self.doc_id = str(insert)
		return True
Ejemplo n.º 17
def doProcess(video,full_path,extension):
	# Run the scene detection algorithm
	cherrylog ("Running the scene detection algorithm with video: " + str(video.attributes['friendly_id']) + " and at folder: " + str(full_path) + " with file extension: " + str(extension))
	detection_results = scene_detection.detect(full_path, extension)

	all_scenes = get_scene_stats(video.attributes['friendly_id'], detection_results['motionIndexVector'], video.attributes['fps'])
	cherrylog ("Done running get_scene_stats, updating video obj in database")
	# This adds the scenes to Mongo
	mongo_connection = Connection()
	bettermedia = mongo_connection['BetterMedia']
	scene_collection = bettermedia.scene
	for scene in all_scenes:
		new_scene = ms.MScene(collection=scene_collection)
		new_scene.attributes = scene
Ejemplo n.º 18
def find_nearby_nontrivial_image(nearby_files):
	cherrylog("Running 'find_nearby_nontrivial_image' against " + str(len(nearby_files)) + " nearby files")
	num_files = len(nearby_files)
	check = int(num_files/2)
	count = 1
	while (check >= 0 and check < num_files):
		if (is_nontrivial_image(nearby_files[check])):
			cherrylog("Found a nontrivial nearby image at subindex: " + str(check))
			return check #Found a nearby nontrivial image, returning the index of it
			if (count % 2 == 0):
				check += count
				check -= count
		count += 1
	#Couldn't find a nearby nontrivial image!
	return None
Ejemplo n.º 19
def get_scene_stats(video_id, motionIndexVector,fps):
	cherrylog ("Running get_scene_stats")
	all_scenes = []
		for i in range(len(motionIndexVector)-1):
			num_images = motionIndexVector[i+1] - motionIndexVector[i]
			start_time = time_of_frame_raw(motionIndexVector[i], fps)
			stop_time = time_of_frame_raw(motionIndexVector[i+1], fps)
			length = time_of_frame(start_time - stop_time)

			scene = {'video': int(video_id),'scene_id': int(i),

	except Exception as e:
		Tools.print_errors ("Error running get_scene_stats on video_id: " + str(video_id))

	return all_scenes
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def accept_video(self, video_file, *args, **kwargs):
        out = "myFile length: %s\nmyFile filename: %s\nmyFile mime-type: %s"
        # Although this just counts the file length, it demonstrates
        # how to read large files in chunks instead of all at once.
        # CherryPy reads the uploaded file into a temporary file;
        # myFile.file.read reads from that.
        cherrylog("Got args of " + str(args) + "  and " + str(kwargs))
        new_file_name = kwargs["file_id"]
        size = 0
        video_file_directory = c.configs["imagetagger"]["video_file_directory"]
        output_file = file(video_file_directory + new_file_name, "wb")
        while True:
            data = video_file.file.read(8192)
            if not data:
            size += len(data)

        return out % (size, video_file.filename, video_file.content_type)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def flag_images_for_crowd(self, quality):
        """docstring for flag_images_for_crowd"""
        match_param = {"video": self.attributes["friendly_id"]}
        image_docs = self.image_collection.find(match_param, safe=True)
        interval = 0

        # Number of seconds between images to process
        if quality == "basic":
            interval = 4
        elif quality == "premium":
            interval = 2
            interval = 4

            # Expects a round integer for time_in_video
        for image in image_docs:
            if image["time_in_video"] % interval == 0:
                cherrylog("Flagging this image to be sent to crowd: " + str(image))
                flag_image = mi.MImage(collection=self.image_collection)
                flag_image.update({"send_to_crowd": True})
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def images(self, *args, **kw):
     friendly_id = json.loads(kw["id"])
     cherrylog("Received command to get to_process images for this video: " + str(friendly_id))
     image_video = mv.MVideo()
     if not image_video.load(alt_matching={"friendly_id": friendly_id}):
         return "Could not find video"
     result = image_video.get_image_json()
     if result == []:
         cherrylog("No images have been flagged to be analyzed yet.")
         return "No images have been flagged to be analyzed yet."
     if result:
         cherrylog("Returned to_process images for this video as json")
         return json.dumps(result)
         cherrylog("Something went wrong when submitting process command")
         return "Unable to retrieve images for this video at this time"
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def delete_data(self):
        cherrylog("Removing Video files, including hidden files (.*)")
        video_root_dir = c.configs["imagetagger"]["processed_videos_dir"] + "/" + self.attributes["hashstring"]
        # image_files = glob.glob(video_root_dir + '/' + c.configs['imagetagger']['image_dir_name'] + '/*') + glob.glob(video_root_dir + '/' + c.configs['imagetagger']['image_dir_name'] + '/.*')
        # video_files = glob.glob(video_root_dir + '/' + c.configs['imagetagger']['video_dir_name'] + '/*') + glob.glob(video_root_dir + '/' + c.configs['imagetagger']['video_dir_name'] + '/.*')
        # report_files = glob.glob(video_root_dir + '/' + c.configs['imagetagger']['report_dir_name'] + '/*') + glob.glob(video_root_dir + '/' + c.configs['imagetagger']['report_dir_name'] + '/.*')
            # Have to first delete all files, when using the OS lib
            # for image_count in range(len(image_files)):
            # 	os.remove(image_files[image_count])
            # for video_count in range(len(video_files)):
            # 	os.remove(video_files[video_count])
            # for report_count in range(len(report_files)):
            # 	os.remove(report_files[report_count])

            # os.removedirs(video_root_dir)
        except OSError:
                "Unable to delete directory or files in "
                + c.configs["imagetagger"]["processed_videos_dir"]
                + "/"
                + self.attributes["hashstring"]
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def send_thumbnail_to_web(self, processedVideoPath, video_stats, thumb_dir, thumb_name):
        cherrylog("Building Thumbnail PUT request")
        md5 = video_stats["hashstring"]

        thumb_file_path = processedVideoPath + "/" + md5 + "/" + thumb_dir + "/" + thumb_name
        cherrylog("thumbnail file path: " + thumb_file_path)

        dest_url = c.configs["imagetagger"]["video_thumbnail_url"] + "/videos/" + str(self.attributes["friendly_id"])
        cherrylog("dest url is: " + dest_url)

        # Register the streaming http handlers with urllib2

        params = {"remote_key": c.configs["imagetagger"]["remote_key"]}
        datagen, headers = multipart_encode([("thumbnail", open(thumb_file_path, "rb"))])
        dest_url += "?" + urllib.urlencode(params)
        # Create the Request object
        request = urllib2.Request(dest_url, datagen, headers)
        request.get_method = lambda: "PUT"
        # Actually do the request, and get the response
        cherrylog("Sending Thumbnail update to imagetagger web")
        print urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 25
	def load(self, lookup_doc_id=None, alt_matching={}):
		"""Load data from database into object in memory
		lookup_doc_id -- the doc_id of the object that will be used for matching.
		alt_matching -- An alternate dictionary for doing the lookup.
		One of these two parameters is required.
		if (lookup_doc_id != None):
			cherrylog ("Loading " + str(self.__class__.__name__) + " with params: id=" + str(lookup_doc_id))
			cherrylog ("Loading " + str(self.__class__.__name__) + " with params: " + str(alt_matching))
			match_param = {}
			if (alt_matching != {}):
				match_param = alt_matching
				match_param = {'_id':oid(lookup_doc_id)}
			docs = self.my_collection.find(match_param, safe=True)
			cherrylog ("got number of results as: " + str(docs.count()))
			if (docs.count() == 0):
				cherrylog ("Couldn't load object, 0 matching results in database!!")
				return False
			if (docs.count() == 1):
				self.doc_id = str(docs[0]['_id'])
				if docs[0].has_key('_id'): del docs[0]['_id']
				self.attributes = docs[0]
				return True
				raise Exception("Retrieved multiple videos when only 1 was expected")
		except Exception as e:
			Tools.print_errors ("Unable to load " + str(self.__class__.__name__) + " from database with params: id=" + str(self.doc_id))
			return False
		cherrylog ("Successfully loaded object: " + str(self.attributes))
		return True
Ejemplo n.º 26
def is_nontrivial_image(image_file_name):
	cherrylog("checking if this image is non_trivial: " + image_file_name)
	image = pylab.imread(image_file_name)
	height = len(image)
	width = len(image[0])
	white_image_sum = 3*height*width #The max sum for an image
	if ( (image.sum() < (0.05 * white_image_sum)) or (image.sum() > (0.95 * white_image_sum))):
		cherrylog("No, it is trivial because the sum of the pixel values is: " + str(image.sum()))
		return False
		cherrylog("Yes, it is valid and non-trivial.  Pixel sum is: " + str(image.sum()))
		return True
Ejemplo n.º 27
	def index(self, *args, **kw):
		cherrylog("Args: " + str(kw))
		#submit a new video
			if 'get_images' in kw:
				get_args = json.loads(kw['get'])
				file_id = get_args['file_id']
				return ('<html><body><img src="/images/' + file_id + '" /></body></html>')
				return "Invalid Image Command"

		except Exception as e:
			exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
			fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]      
			print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
			cherrylog (str(sys.exc_info()))
			cherrylog ("received invalid Video command")
			return "Invalid Command"
Ejemplo n.º 28
	def update(self, merge_data={}, commit=True):
		""" Update object with current data into mongo. 
		merge_data -- dictionary used to represent the entire object.  This will overwrite the object's current data.
		commit -- Should this update of the data in memory be commited to mongo?  Default: True
		if (not merge_data=={}):
			self.merge_data(merge_data) #Intelligently merge the argument into the self.attributes variable
			cherrylog ("Data merged into object: "+ str(merge_data))
		if (commit):
			self.attributes['modified_at'] = datetime.datetime.now()
			cherrylog ("updating item in database")
				update = self.my_collection.update({'_id':oid(self.doc_id)}, self.attributes, safe=True)
			except Exception as e:
				Tools.print_errors ("Error updating object in database: " + str(self.__class__.__name__))
				return False
			cherrylog ("Update of item successul: " + (str(update)))
		return True
def print_errors(message):
	cherrylog (message)
	exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
	fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]      
	print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
	cherrylog (str(sys.exc_info()))
Ejemplo n.º 30
	def poll_video_analysis_complete(self):
		cherrylog ("Running: poll_video_analysis_complete")