Пример #1
	def __init__(self):
		cherrylog("Buiding Media Process object")
		super(MediaProcess,self).__init__() #Call parent init method.
		self.source_name = ""
		self.mongo_connection = Connection() #This gets torn down in the parent's destructor
		self.bettermedia = self.mongo_connection['BetterMedia']  # `BetterMedia` database
		self.my_collection = self.bettermedia.crowdservice  # `crowdservice` collection
Пример #2
def splice_video_into_images(videoInputPath, videoName, processedVideoPath, image_dir, video_stats):

	video_name_without_extension = videoName[0:videoName.rfind(".")]
	full_path = videoInputPath + "/" + videoName
	md5 = video_stats['hashstring']
	width = video_stats['width']
	height = video_stats['height']
	#Grab images for video
	#Because it seems we will always want all the frames, commenting out the ability to set FPS
	#ffmpeg_shell_command = "ffmpeg -i \"%s\" -r %s -s %s \"%s/%s/%s/image_%%06d.jpg\"" % ( videoInputPath +"/" + videoName, images_per_sec, str(resolution["width"]) + "x" + str(resolution["height"]), processedVideoPath, video_md5sum, imagesSubDir)
	ffmpeg_shell_command = "ffmpeg -i \"%s\" -s \"%s\" \"%s/%s/%s/image%s06d.png\"" % ( full_path, width + "x" + height, processedVideoPath, md5, image_dir, "%")
	cherrylog ("running ffmpeg -> " + ffmpeg_shell_command)
	#test_string = re.sub(r'\x00', '', ffmpeg_shell_command)
	#encoded_ffmpeg_command = cStringIO.StringIO(test_string)
	#cherrylog (" does it contain nulls? " + str(ffmpeg_shell_command.find('\0')))
	args = shlex.split(ffmpeg_shell_command.encode('utf-8'))
	p = subprocess.call(args)
	#Also build jpg files for web hosting
	ffmpeg_shell_command_jpg = "ffmpeg -i \"%s\" -s \"%s\" \"%s/%s/%s/image%s06d.jpg\"" % ( full_path, width + "x" + height, processedVideoPath, md5, image_dir, "%")
	cherrylog ("running ffmpeg -> " + ffmpeg_shell_command_jpg)
	args = shlex.split(ffmpeg_shell_command_jpg.encode('utf-8'))
	p = subprocess.call(args)

	return True
Пример #3
def get_md5(path, running_os):
	if (running_os == "linux"):
		md5_shell_command = "md5sum \"%s\"" % (path)
	elif (running_os == "osx"):
		md5_shell_command = "md5 \"%s\"" % (path)
		md5_shell_command = "md5sum \"%s\"" % (path)
	md5_args = shlex.split(md5_shell_command)
	cherrylog ("Running md5sum command: " + md5_shell_command )
	video_md5sum_b = subprocess.check_output(md5_args)
	video_md5sum_long = video_md5sum_b.decode("utf-8")
	video_md5sum = ""
	#On OS X with the md5 command, we want the last
	if (running_os == "osx"):
		intBreak = video_md5sum_long.rfind(" ")
		video_md5sum = video_md5sum_long[intBreak+1:intBreak+33]
	#On linux with the md5sum command, we want the first segment
	elif (running_os == "linux"):
		intBreak = video_md5sum_long.find(" ")
		video_md5sum = video_md5sum_long[0:intBreak]
		intBreak = video_md5sum_long.find(" ")
		video_md5sum = video_md5sum_long[0:intBreak]
	cherrylog ("Got video md5sum of " + video_md5sum)
	return video_md5sum
Пример #4
 def validate_rebuild_report_params(video_json):
     if not all(k in MVideo.REBUILD_PARAMS for k in video_json):
         cherrylog("Video rebuildReport command is missing params")
         return FALSE
     if len(video_json.keys()) != len(MVideo.REBUILD_PARAMS):
         cherrylog("Video rebuildReport command: wrong number of params")
         return False
     return True
Пример #5
 def validate_reprocess_metadata_params(video_json):
     if not all(k in MVideo.REPROCESS_PARAMS for k in video_json):
         cherrylog("Video reprocessMetadata command is missing params")
         return FALSE
     if len(video_json.keys()) != len(MVideo.REPROCESS_PARAMS):
         cherrylog("Video reprocessMetadata command: wrong number of params")
         return False
     return True
Пример #6
 def validate_analyze_params(video_json):
     if not all(k in video_json for k in (MVideo.ANALYZE_PARAMS)):
         cherrylog("Video lookup is missing a parameter")
         return False
     if len(video_json.keys()) != len(MVideo.ANALYZE_PARAMS):
         cherrylog("wrong number of parameters for video ")
         return False
     return True
Пример #7
 def validate_submit_params(video_json):
     if not all(k in video_json for k in (MVideo.SUBMIT_PARAMS)):
         cherrylog("Video submit is missing a parameter")
         return False
     if len(video_json.keys()) != len(MVideo.SUBMIT_PARAMS):
         cherrylog("wrong number of parameters for video ")
         return False
     return True
	def __init__(self, collection=""):
	  	cherrylog ("Created Media Object of type: " + str(self.__class__.__name__))
		#Mongo Stuff - For safety / performance, these aren't always instantiated upon object instatiated and need to be built when needed.
		self.mongo_connection = "" #Mongo connection object
		self.my_collection = collection #Take a collection object if one is given.
		self.bettermedia = "" #Mongo BetterMedia database
		self.attributes = {} #Holds the important data for this object.  This will be persisted to the Mongo DB.
		self.doc_id = "" #Holds a reference to the mongo document ID
Пример #9
def set_env_configs(config_dir):
		configs['environment'] = str(yaml.load(open(config_dir + '/environment.yml')))
		cherrylog ("Current Environment = " + configs['environment'])
		cherrylog ("Couldn't load environment file.  Using default of " + DEFAULT_ENV)
		configs['environment'] = DEFAULT_ENV
	for i in config_files:
		configs[i] = yaml.load(open(config_dir + "/" +  i + '.yml'))[configs['environment']]
Пример #10
 def validate_update_params(video_json):
     if not all(k in MVideo.UPDATE_PARAMS for k in video_json):
         cherrylog("Video update parameter is not valid")
         # if not all (k in video_json for k in (MVideo.UPDATE_PARAMS)):
         # 	cherrylog ("Video update is missing a parameter")
         # 	return False
         # if len(video_json.keys()) != len(MVideo.UPDATE_PARAMS):
         # 	cherrylog ("wrong number of parameters for video ")
         # 	return False
     return True
	def start_timed_process(self,**kwargs):
		count = 0
		function_name = str(kwargs['called_function'].__name__)
		repeat_time = self.get_repeat_time(function_name)
		while (self.running):
			if (count % self.print_timed_process_update == 0):
				cherrylog("Checking timed process: " + str(function_name) + " Current time: " + str(count) + " and interval timer: " + str(repeat_time))
			if (count >= repeat_time):
				count = 0
				count += self.timed_processes_shutdown_time
Пример #12
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize MVideo object.
		Set up the Mongo connection objects.
        cherrylog("Created Media Object of type: " + str(self.__class__.__name__))
        self.mongo_connection = Connection()  # This gets closed by the parent destructor
        self.bettermedia = self.mongo_connection["BetterMedia"]  # `BetterMedia` database
        self.image_collection = self.bettermedia.image  # `image` collection
        self.scene_collection = self.bettermedia.scene
        self.my_collection = self.bettermedia.video  # `video` collection
        self.attributes = {}  # Holds the important data for this object.  This will be persisted to the Mongo DB.
        self.doc_id = ""  # Holds a reference to the mongo document ID
Пример #13
def verify_key(*args, **kwargs):
	Function used to verify the incoming request has 
	the remote_key as a parameter for controlled access to this system's calls.
	request = cherrypy.request
	params = request.body.request_params
	cherrylog ("Verifying key of http request params: " + str(params))
	if (params.has_key("remote_key")):
		param_key = params['remote_key']
		valid_remote_key = c.configs['imagetagger']['remote_key']
		if (param_key == valid_remote_key):
			#Strip the remote_key parameter once it has been verified.
			del cherrypy.request.body.request_params['remote_key']
			return True
	raise cherrypy.HTTPError("401 Unauthorized")
Пример #14
    def destroy(self):
        cherrylog("Deleting video from database")
        # Don't delete the video in the database, as it contains our useful metadata.
        # It has unique idenfitiers, so it should never clash
        # match_param = {'friendly_id':self.attributes['friendly_id']}
        # self.my_collection.remove(match_param)
        # Instead, mark the video as deleted
        self.update({"status": {"imagetagger_status": "deleted"}}, commit=True)
        # For now, don't delete other metadata about the video
        # match_param = {'video':self.attributes['friendly_id']}
        # self.scene_collection.remove(match_param)
        # self.image_collection.remove(match_param)

        # Should check if there are active crowd services, and if so, cancel them.
        cherrylog("Done destroying video")
Пример #15
def get_thumbnail(videoInputPath, videoName, processedVideoPath, thumb_dir, thumb_name, video_stats):
	cherrylog ("Getting thumbnail for video " + videoName)
	full_path = videoInputPath + "/" + videoName
	md5 = video_stats['hashstring']
	width = video_stats['width']
	height = video_stats['height']
	length_seconds = video_stats['length'] / 1000
	ffmpeg_shell_command = "ffmpeg -itsoffset -%d -i \"%s\" -vcodec mjpeg -vframes 1 -an -f rawvideo -s \"%s\" \"%s/%s/%s/%s\"" % ( length_seconds / 2, full_path, width + "x" + height, processedVideoPath, md5, thumb_dir, thumb_name)
	args = shlex.split(ffmpeg_shell_command.encode('utf-8'))
	p = subprocess.call(args)
	cherrylog ("running ffmpeg -> " + ffmpeg_shell_command)	
	return True
Пример #16
	def create(self):
		self.doc_id = ""
		"""Insert the object into the mongodb.  It should not exist in mongo before this call."""
		if (not self.attributes.has_key('created_at')):
			self.attributes['created_at'] = datetime.datetime.now()
		self.attributes['status'] = {'imagetagger_status':'created'}
		self.attributes['modified_at'] = datetime.datetime.now()
		cherrylog ("Creating item in database with values " + str(self.attributes))
		#insert a doc
			insert = self.my_collection.insert(self.attributes, safe=True)
		except Exception as e:
			Tools.print_errors ("Error inserting object into database: " + str(self.__class__.__name__))
			return False
		cherrylog ("Insert of item successul: " + (str(insert)))
		self.doc_id = str(insert)
		return True
Пример #17
def doProcess(video,full_path,extension):
	# Run the scene detection algorithm
	cherrylog ("Running the scene detection algorithm with video: " + str(video.attributes['friendly_id']) + " and at folder: " + str(full_path) + " with file extension: " + str(extension))
	detection_results = scene_detection.detect(full_path, extension)

	all_scenes = get_scene_stats(video.attributes['friendly_id'], detection_results['motionIndexVector'], video.attributes['fps'])
	cherrylog ("Done running get_scene_stats, updating video obj in database")
	# This adds the scenes to Mongo
	mongo_connection = Connection()
	bettermedia = mongo_connection['BetterMedia']
	scene_collection = bettermedia.scene
	for scene in all_scenes:
		new_scene = ms.MScene(collection=scene_collection)
		new_scene.attributes = scene
Пример #18
def find_nearby_nontrivial_image(nearby_files):
	cherrylog("Running 'find_nearby_nontrivial_image' against " + str(len(nearby_files)) + " nearby files")
	num_files = len(nearby_files)
	check = int(num_files/2)
	count = 1
	while (check >= 0 and check < num_files):
		if (is_nontrivial_image(nearby_files[check])):
			cherrylog("Found a nontrivial nearby image at subindex: " + str(check))
			return check #Found a nearby nontrivial image, returning the index of it
			if (count % 2 == 0):
				check += count
				check -= count
		count += 1
	#Couldn't find a nearby nontrivial image!
	return None
Пример #19
def get_scene_stats(video_id, motionIndexVector,fps):
	cherrylog ("Running get_scene_stats")
	all_scenes = []
		for i in range(len(motionIndexVector)-1):
			num_images = motionIndexVector[i+1] - motionIndexVector[i]
			start_time = time_of_frame_raw(motionIndexVector[i], fps)
			stop_time = time_of_frame_raw(motionIndexVector[i+1], fps)
			length = time_of_frame(start_time - stop_time)

			scene = {'video': int(video_id),'scene_id': int(i),

	except Exception as e:
		Tools.print_errors ("Error running get_scene_stats on video_id: " + str(video_id))

	return all_scenes
Пример #20
    def accept_video(self, video_file, *args, **kwargs):
        out = "myFile length: %s\nmyFile filename: %s\nmyFile mime-type: %s"
        # Although this just counts the file length, it demonstrates
        # how to read large files in chunks instead of all at once.
        # CherryPy reads the uploaded file into a temporary file;
        # myFile.file.read reads from that.
        cherrylog("Got args of " + str(args) + "  and " + str(kwargs))
        new_file_name = kwargs["file_id"]
        size = 0
        video_file_directory = c.configs["imagetagger"]["video_file_directory"]
        output_file = file(video_file_directory + new_file_name, "wb")
        while True:
            data = video_file.file.read(8192)
            if not data:
            size += len(data)

        return out % (size, video_file.filename, video_file.content_type)
Пример #21
    def flag_images_for_crowd(self, quality):
        """docstring for flag_images_for_crowd"""
        match_param = {"video": self.attributes["friendly_id"]}
        image_docs = self.image_collection.find(match_param, safe=True)
        interval = 0

        # Number of seconds between images to process
        if quality == "basic":
            interval = 4
        elif quality == "premium":
            interval = 2
            interval = 4

            # Expects a round integer for time_in_video
        for image in image_docs:
            if image["time_in_video"] % interval == 0:
                cherrylog("Flagging this image to be sent to crowd: " + str(image))
                flag_image = mi.MImage(collection=self.image_collection)
                flag_image.update({"send_to_crowd": True})
Пример #22
 def images(self, *args, **kw):
     friendly_id = json.loads(kw["id"])
     cherrylog("Received command to get to_process images for this video: " + str(friendly_id))
     image_video = mv.MVideo()
     if not image_video.load(alt_matching={"friendly_id": friendly_id}):
         return "Could not find video"
     result = image_video.get_image_json()
     if result == []:
         cherrylog("No images have been flagged to be analyzed yet.")
         return "No images have been flagged to be analyzed yet."
     if result:
         cherrylog("Returned to_process images for this video as json")
         return json.dumps(result)
         cherrylog("Something went wrong when submitting process command")
         return "Unable to retrieve images for this video at this time"
Пример #23
    def delete_data(self):
        cherrylog("Removing Video files, including hidden files (.*)")
        video_root_dir = c.configs["imagetagger"]["processed_videos_dir"] + "/" + self.attributes["hashstring"]
        # image_files = glob.glob(video_root_dir + '/' + c.configs['imagetagger']['image_dir_name'] + '/*') + glob.glob(video_root_dir + '/' + c.configs['imagetagger']['image_dir_name'] + '/.*')
        # video_files = glob.glob(video_root_dir + '/' + c.configs['imagetagger']['video_dir_name'] + '/*') + glob.glob(video_root_dir + '/' + c.configs['imagetagger']['video_dir_name'] + '/.*')
        # report_files = glob.glob(video_root_dir + '/' + c.configs['imagetagger']['report_dir_name'] + '/*') + glob.glob(video_root_dir + '/' + c.configs['imagetagger']['report_dir_name'] + '/.*')
            # Have to first delete all files, when using the OS lib
            # for image_count in range(len(image_files)):
            # 	os.remove(image_files[image_count])
            # for video_count in range(len(video_files)):
            # 	os.remove(video_files[video_count])
            # for report_count in range(len(report_files)):
            # 	os.remove(report_files[report_count])

            # os.removedirs(video_root_dir)
        except OSError:
                "Unable to delete directory or files in "
                + c.configs["imagetagger"]["processed_videos_dir"]
                + "/"
                + self.attributes["hashstring"]
Пример #24
    def send_thumbnail_to_web(self, processedVideoPath, video_stats, thumb_dir, thumb_name):
        cherrylog("Building Thumbnail PUT request")
        md5 = video_stats["hashstring"]

        thumb_file_path = processedVideoPath + "/" + md5 + "/" + thumb_dir + "/" + thumb_name
        cherrylog("thumbnail file path: " + thumb_file_path)

        dest_url = c.configs["imagetagger"]["video_thumbnail_url"] + "/videos/" + str(self.attributes["friendly_id"])
        cherrylog("dest url is: " + dest_url)

        # Register the streaming http handlers with urllib2

        params = {"remote_key": c.configs["imagetagger"]["remote_key"]}
        datagen, headers = multipart_encode([("thumbnail", open(thumb_file_path, "rb"))])
        dest_url += "?" + urllib.urlencode(params)
        # Create the Request object
        request = urllib2.Request(dest_url, datagen, headers)
        request.get_method = lambda: "PUT"
        # Actually do the request, and get the response
        cherrylog("Sending Thumbnail update to imagetagger web")
        print urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
        return True
Пример #25
	def load(self, lookup_doc_id=None, alt_matching={}):
		"""Load data from database into object in memory
		lookup_doc_id -- the doc_id of the object that will be used for matching.
		alt_matching -- An alternate dictionary for doing the lookup.
		One of these two parameters is required.
		if (lookup_doc_id != None):
			cherrylog ("Loading " + str(self.__class__.__name__) + " with params: id=" + str(lookup_doc_id))
			cherrylog ("Loading " + str(self.__class__.__name__) + " with params: " + str(alt_matching))
			match_param = {}
			if (alt_matching != {}):
				match_param = alt_matching
				match_param = {'_id':oid(lookup_doc_id)}
			docs = self.my_collection.find(match_param, safe=True)
			cherrylog ("got number of results as: " + str(docs.count()))
			if (docs.count() == 0):
				cherrylog ("Couldn't load object, 0 matching results in database!!")
				return False
			if (docs.count() == 1):
				self.doc_id = str(docs[0]['_id'])
				if docs[0].has_key('_id'): del docs[0]['_id']
				self.attributes = docs[0]
				return True
				raise Exception("Retrieved multiple videos when only 1 was expected")
		except Exception as e:
			Tools.print_errors ("Unable to load " + str(self.__class__.__name__) + " from database with params: id=" + str(self.doc_id))
			return False
		cherrylog ("Successfully loaded object: " + str(self.attributes))
		return True
Пример #26
def is_nontrivial_image(image_file_name):
	cherrylog("checking if this image is non_trivial: " + image_file_name)
	image = pylab.imread(image_file_name)
	height = len(image)
	width = len(image[0])
	white_image_sum = 3*height*width #The max sum for an image
	if ( (image.sum() < (0.05 * white_image_sum)) or (image.sum() > (0.95 * white_image_sum))):
		cherrylog("No, it is trivial because the sum of the pixel values is: " + str(image.sum()))
		return False
		cherrylog("Yes, it is valid and non-trivial.  Pixel sum is: " + str(image.sum()))
		return True
Пример #27
	def index(self, *args, **kw):
		cherrylog("Args: " + str(kw))
		#submit a new video
			if 'get_images' in kw:
				get_args = json.loads(kw['get'])
				file_id = get_args['file_id']
				return ('<html><body><img src="/images/' + file_id + '" /></body></html>')
				return "Invalid Image Command"

		except Exception as e:
			exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
			fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]      
			print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
			cherrylog (str(sys.exc_info()))
			cherrylog ("received invalid Video command")
			return "Invalid Command"
Пример #28
	def update(self, merge_data={}, commit=True):
		""" Update object with current data into mongo. 
		merge_data -- dictionary used to represent the entire object.  This will overwrite the object's current data.
		commit -- Should this update of the data in memory be commited to mongo?  Default: True
		if (not merge_data=={}):
			self.merge_data(merge_data) #Intelligently merge the argument into the self.attributes variable
			cherrylog ("Data merged into object: "+ str(merge_data))
		if (commit):
			self.attributes['modified_at'] = datetime.datetime.now()
			cherrylog ("updating item in database")
				update = self.my_collection.update({'_id':oid(self.doc_id)}, self.attributes, safe=True)
			except Exception as e:
				Tools.print_errors ("Error updating object in database: " + str(self.__class__.__name__))
				return False
			cherrylog ("Update of item successul: " + (str(update)))
		return True
def print_errors(message):
	cherrylog (message)
	exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
	fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]      
	print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
	cherrylog (str(sys.exc_info()))
	def poll_video_analysis_complete(self):
		cherrylog ("Running: poll_video_analysis_complete")