class Dataset:

    LEFT_HAND = 0
    RIGHT_HAND = 1
    NO_HAND = 2

    DISTANCE_550 = 0
    DISTANCE_750 = 4
    DISTANCE_1000 = 1
    DISTANCE_1250 = 5
    DISTANCE_1500 = 2
    DISTANCE_1750 = 6
    DISTANCE_2000 = 3

    # Constructor of the Dataset class
    # @param	camera_height		Value of the camera height while gathering informations
    # @param	hand				Identifier of the hand (Ø|1|2)
    # @param	skeleton			Skeletal joints of the detected subject
    # @param	depth_map			Depth map of the captured scene
    # @param	image				RGB image of the captured scene
    # @param	type				Identifier of the type of data (0|1|2|3)
    # @param	distance			Identifier of the type of distance chosen (0|1|2|3|4|5|6) or the actual distance between the fingertip and the target
    # @param	target				Coordinates of the target
    # @return	None
    def __init__(self,
        self.settings = Settings()
        self.utils = Utils()

        # Initialise each attributes with respective parameters; otherwise with a default value
        if camera_height is None:
            camera_height = 1500
        self.camera_height = camera_height

        if hand is None:
            hand = self.settings.LEFT_HAND
        self.hand = hand

        if skeleton is None:
            skeleton = {
                "head": [],
                "shoulder": {
                    "left": [],
                    "right": [],
                    "center": []
                "elbow": {
                    "left": [],
                    "right": []
                "hand": {
                    "left": [],
                    "right": []
        self.skeleton = skeleton

        if depth_map is None:
            depth_map = []
        self.depth_map = np.array(depth_map)

        if image is None:
            image = ""
        self.image = image

        if type is None:
            type = Dataset.TYPE_POSITIVE
        self.type = type

        if distance is None:
            distance = Dataset.DISTANCE_550
        self.distance = distance

        if target is None:
            target = [] = target

    # Returns a JSON encoded string of the dataset object
    # @param	None
    # @return	string				JSON encoded string of the dataset object
    def to_JSON(self):
        # Convert the depth map to a serializable state
        self.depth_map = self.depth_map.tolist()

        # Encode the RGB image in a base64 string
        self.image = self.utils.getBase64(self.image)

        # Get rid of extra attributes to clean the output
        obj = deepcopy(self)
        del obj.settings
        del obj.utils

        return json.dumps(obj,
                          default=lambda o: o.__dict__,
                          separators=(',', ':'))

    # Save the dataset informations as a file
    # @param	None
    # @return	None
    def save(self):
        print "Saving dataset informations..."

        # Save the dataset to the right folder
        if self.type == Dataset.TYPE_POSITIVE:
            filename = self.settings.getPositiveFolder()
        elif self.type == Dataset.TYPE_NEGATIVE:
            filename = self.settings.getNegativeFolder()
        elif self.type == Dataset.TYPE_ACCURACY:
            filename = self.settings.getAccuracyFolder()
            raise ValueError("Invalid type of dataset to save", self.type)

        # Retrieve the number of files saved so far
        # Be careful that due to the sample file, the counter does not need to be incremented. Otherwise, the files would replace each others
        filename += str(
            self.utils.getFileNumberInFolder(filename)).zfill(3) + ".json"
        self.utils.dumpJsonToFile(self.to_JSON(), filename)

    # Toggle the type identifier of the dataset
    # @param	value				Identifier of the new type of the dataset
    # @return	None
    def toggleType(self, value):
        self.type = value
        print "type toggled to {0}".format(value)

    # Toggle the distance identifier of the dataset
    # @param	value				Identifier of the new distance of the dataset
    # @return	None
    def toggleDistance(self, value):
        self.distance = value
        print "distance toggled to {0}".format(value)

    # Update the distance of the dataset
    # @param	value				Distance value
    # @return	None
    def setDistance(self, value):
        self.distance = value
        print "distance changed to {0}".format(value)

    # Toggle the hand identifier of the dataset
    # @param	value				Identifier of the new hand of the dataset
    # @return	None
    def toggleHand(self, value):
        self.hand = value
        print "hand toggled"

    # Returns the actual distance
    # @param	None
    # @return	numeric				Actual distance value (translated if identifier)
    def getWishedDistance(self):
        if self.distance == Dataset.DISTANCE_550:
            return 550
        elif self.distance == Dataset.DISTANCE_750:
            return 750
        elif self.distance == Dataset.DISTANCE_1000:
            return 1000
        elif self.distance == Dataset.DISTANCE_1250:
            return 1250
        elif self.distance == Dataset.DISTANCE_1500:
            return 1500
        elif self.distance == Dataset.DISTANCE_1750:
            return 1750
        elif self.distance == Dataset.DISTANCE_2000:
            return 2000
            return self.distance
class Dataset:
	NO_HAND = 2
	DISTANCE_550 = 0
	DISTANCE_750 = 4
	DISTANCE_1000 = 1
	DISTANCE_1250 = 5
	DISTANCE_1500 = 2
	DISTANCE_1750 = 6
	DISTANCE_2000 = 3
	# Constructor of the Dataset class
	# @param	camera_height		Value of the camera height while gathering informations
	# @param	hand				Identifier of the hand (Ø|1|2)
	# @param	skeleton			Skeletal joints of the detected subject
	# @param	depth_map			Depth map of the captured scene
	# @param	image				RGB image of the captured scene
	# @param	type				Identifier of the type of data (0|1|2|3)
	# @param	distance			Identifier of the type of distance chosen (0|1|2|3|4|5|6) or the actual distance between the fingertip and the target
	# @param	target				Coordinates of the target
	# @return	None
	def __init__(self, camera_height=None, hand=None, skeleton=None, depth_map=None, image=None, type=None, distance=None, target=None):
		self.settings = Settings()
		self.utils = Utils()
		# Initialise each attributes with respective parameters; otherwise with a default value
		if camera_height is None:
			camera_height = 1500
		self.camera_height = camera_height
		if hand is None:
			hand = self.settings.LEFT_HAND
		self.hand = hand
		if skeleton is None:
			skeleton = {
				"head": [],
				"shoulder": {
					"left": [],
					"right": [],
					"center": []
				"elbow": {
					"left": [],
					"right": []
				"hand": {
					"left": [],
					"right": []
		self.skeleton = skeleton
		if depth_map is None:
			depth_map = []
		self.depth_map = np.array(depth_map)
		if image is None:
			image = ""
		self.image = image
		if type is None:
			type = Dataset.TYPE_POSITIVE
		self.type = type
		if distance is None:
			distance = Dataset.DISTANCE_550
		self.distance = distance
		if target is None:
			target = [] = target
	# Returns a JSON encoded string of the dataset object
	# @param	None
	# @return	string				JSON encoded string of the dataset object
	def to_JSON(self):
		# Convert the depth map to a serializable state
		self.depth_map = self.depth_map.tolist()
		# Encode the RGB image in a base64 string
		self.image = self.utils.getBase64(self.image)
		# Get rid of extra attributes to clean the output
		obj = deepcopy(self)
		del obj.settings
		del obj.utils
		return json.dumps(obj, default=lambda o: o.__dict__, separators=(',', ':'))
	# Save the dataset informations as a file
	# @param	None
	# @return	None
	def save(self):
		print "Saving dataset informations..."
		# Save the dataset to the right folder
		if self.type == Dataset.TYPE_POSITIVE:
			filename = self.settings.getPositiveFolder()
		elif self.type == Dataset.TYPE_NEGATIVE:
			filename = self.settings.getNegativeFolder()
		elif self.type == Dataset.TYPE_ACCURACY:
			filename = self.settings.getAccuracyFolder()
			raise ValueError("Invalid type of dataset to save", self.type)
		# Retrieve the number of files saved so far
		# Be careful that due to the sample file, the counter does not need to be incremented. Otherwise, the files would replace each others
		filename += str(self.utils.getFileNumberInFolder(filename)).zfill(3)+".json"
		self.utils.dumpJsonToFile(self.to_JSON(), filename)
	# Toggle the type identifier of the dataset
	# @param	value				Identifier of the new type of the dataset
	# @return	None
	def toggleType(self, value):
		self.type = value
		print "type toggled to {0}".format(value)
	# Toggle the distance identifier of the dataset
	# @param	value				Identifier of the new distance of the dataset
	# @return	None
	def toggleDistance(self, value):
		self.distance = value
		print "distance toggled to {0}".format(value)
	# Update the distance of the dataset
	# @param	value				Distance value
	# @return	None
	def setDistance(self, value):
		self.distance = value
		print "distance changed to {0}".format(value)
	# Toggle the hand identifier of the dataset
	# @param	value				Identifier of the new hand of the dataset
	# @return	None
	def toggleHand(self, value):
		self.hand = value
		print "hand toggled"
	# Returns the actual distance
	# @param	None
	# @return	numeric				Actual distance value (translated if identifier)
	def getWishedDistance(self):
		if self.distance == Dataset.DISTANCE_550:
			return 550
		elif self.distance == Dataset.DISTANCE_750:
			return 750
		elif self.distance == Dataset.DISTANCE_1000:
			return 1000
		elif self.distance == Dataset.DISTANCE_1250:
			return 1250
		elif self.distance == Dataset.DISTANCE_1500:
			return 1500
		elif self.distance == Dataset.DISTANCE_1750:
			return 1750
		elif self.distance == Dataset.DISTANCE_2000:
			return 2000
			return self.distance