Ejemplo n.º 1
def setup_memory_controllers(system, ruby, dir_cntrls, options):
    ruby.block_size_bytes = options.cacheline_size
    ruby.memory_size_bits = 48

    index = 0
    mem_ctrls = []
    crossbars = []

    if options.numa_high_bit:
        dir_bits = int(math.log(options.num_dirs, 2))
        intlv_size = 2**(options.numa_high_bit - dir_bits + 1)
        # if the numa_bit is not specified, set the directory bits as the
        # lowest bits above the block offset bits
        intlv_size = options.cacheline_size

    # Sets bits to be used for interleaving.  Creates memory controllers
    # attached to a directory controller.  A separate controller is created
    # for each address range as the abstract memory can handle only one
    # contiguous address range as of now.
    for dir_cntrl in dir_cntrls:
        crossbar = None
        if len(system.mem_ranges) > 1:
            crossbar = IOXBar()
            dir_cntrl.memory = crossbar.slave

        dir_ranges = []
        for r in system.mem_ranges:
            mem_type = ObjectList.mem_list.get(options.mem_type)
            mem_ctrl = MemConfig.create_mem_ctrl(
                mem_type, r, index, options.num_dirs,
                int(math.log(options.num_dirs, 2)), intlv_size)

            if options.access_backing_store:
                mem_ctrl.kvm_map = False


            if crossbar != None:
                mem_ctrl.port = crossbar.master
                mem_ctrl.port = dir_cntrl.memory

            # Enable low-power DRAM states if option is set
            if issubclass(mem_type, DRAMCtrl):
                mem_ctrl.enable_dram_powerdown = \

        index += 1
        dir_cntrl.addr_ranges = dir_ranges

    system.mem_ctrls = mem_ctrls

    if len(crossbars) > 0:
        ruby.crossbars = crossbars
Ejemplo n.º 2
def setup_memory_controllers(system, ruby, dir_cntrls, options):
    ruby.block_size_bytes = options.cacheline_size
    ruby.memory_size_bits = 48
    block_size_bits = int(math.log(options.cacheline_size, 2))

    if options.numa_high_bit:
        numa_bit = options.numa_high_bit
        # if the numa_bit is not specified, set the directory bits as the
        # lowest bits above the block offset bits, and the numa_bit as the
        # highest of those directory bits
        dir_bits = int(math.log(options.num_dirs, 2))
        numa_bit = block_size_bits + dir_bits - 1

    index = 0
    mem_ctrls = []
    crossbars = []

    # Sets bits to be used for interleaving.  Creates memory controllers
    # attached to a directory controller.  A separate controller is created
    # for each address range as the abstract memory can handle only one
    # contiguous address range as of now.
    for dir_cntrl in dir_cntrls:
        dir_cntrl.directory.numa_high_bit = numa_bit

        crossbar = None
        if len(system.mem_ranges) > 1:
            crossbar = IOXBar()
            dir_cntrl.memory = crossbar.slave

        for r in system.mem_ranges:
            mem_ctrl = MemConfig.create_mem_ctrl(
                int(math.log(options.num_dirs, 2)),

            if options.access_backing_store:
                mem_ctrl.kvm_map = False


            if crossbar != None:
                mem_ctrl.port = crossbar.master
                mem_ctrl.port = dir_cntrl.memory

        index += 1

    system.mem_ctrls = mem_ctrls

    if len(crossbars) > 0:
        ruby.crossbars = crossbars
Ejemplo n.º 3
def setup_memory_controllers(system, ruby, dir_cntrls, options):
    ruby.block_size_bytes = options.cacheline_size
    ruby.memory_size_bits = 48
    block_size_bits = int(math.log(options.cacheline_size, 2))

    if options.numa_high_bit:
        numa_bit = options.numa_high_bit
        # if the numa_bit is not specified, set the directory bits as the
        # lowest bits above the block offset bits, and the numa_bit as the
        # highest of those directory bits
        dir_bits = int(math.log(options.num_dirs, 2))
        numa_bit = block_size_bits + dir_bits - 1

    index = 0
    mem_ctrls = []
    crossbars = []

    # Sets bits to be used for interleaving.  Creates memory controllers
    # attached to a directory controller.  A separate controller is created
    # for each address range as the abstract memory can handle only one
    # contiguous address range as of now.
    for dir_cntrl in dir_cntrls:
        dir_cntrl.directory.numa_high_bit = numa_bit

        crossbar = None
        if len(system.mem_ranges) > 1:
            crossbar = IOXBar()
            dir_cntrl.memory = crossbar.slave

        for r in system.mem_ranges:
            mem_ctrl = MemConfig.create_mem_ctrl(
                MemConfig.get(options.mem_type), r, index, options.num_dirs,
                int(math.log(options.num_dirs, 2)), options.cacheline_size)

            if options.access_backing_store:
                mem_ctrl.kvm_map = False


            if crossbar != None:
                mem_ctrl.port = crossbar.master
                mem_ctrl.port = dir_cntrl.memory

        index += 1

    system.mem_ctrls = mem_ctrls

    if len(crossbars) > 0:
        ruby.crossbars = crossbars
Ejemplo n.º 4
def setup_memory_controllers(system, ruby, dir_cntrls, options):
    if (options.numa_high_bit):
        block_size_bits = options.numa_high_bit + 1 - \
                          int(math.log(options.num_dirs, 2))
        ruby.block_size_bytes = 2**(block_size_bits)
        ruby.block_size_bytes = options.cacheline_size

    ruby.memory_size_bits = 48

    index = 0
    mem_ctrls = []
    crossbars = []

    # Sets bits to be used for interleaving.  Creates memory controllers
    # attached to a directory controller.  A separate controller is created
    # for each address range as the abstract memory can handle only one
    # contiguous address range as of now.
    for dir_cntrl in dir_cntrls:
        crossbar = None
        if len(system.mem_ranges) > 1:
            crossbar = IOXBar()
            dir_cntrl.memory = crossbar.slave

        for r in system.mem_ranges:
            mem_ctrl = MemConfig.create_mem_ctrl(
                MemConfig.get(options.mem_type), r, index, options.num_dirs,
                int(math.log(options.num_dirs, 2)), ruby.block_size_bytes,

            if options.access_backing_store:
                mem_ctrl.kvm_map = False


            if crossbar != None:
                mem_ctrl.port = crossbar.master
                mem_ctrl.port = dir_cntrl.memory

        index += 1

    system.mem_ctrls = mem_ctrls

    if len(crossbars) > 0:
        ruby.crossbars = crossbars
Ejemplo n.º 5
def setup_memory_controllers(system, ruby, dir_cntrls, options):
    ruby.block_size_bytes = options.cacheline_size
    ruby.memory_size_bits = 48

    index = 0
    mem_ctrls = []
    crossbars = []

    # Sets bits to be used for interleaving.  Creates memory controllers
    # attached to a directory controller.  A separate controller is created
    # for each address range as the abstract memory can handle only one
    # contiguous address range as of now.
    for dir_cntrl in dir_cntrls:
        crossbar = None
        if len(system.mem_ranges) > 1:
            crossbar = IOXBar()
            dir_cntrl.memory = crossbar.slave

        for r in system.mem_ranges:
            mem_ctrl = MemConfig.create_mem_ctrl(
                MemConfig.get(options.mem_type), r, index, options.num_dirs,
                int(math.log(options.num_dirs, 2)), options.cacheline_size)

            if options.access_backing_store:


            if crossbar != None:
                mem_ctrl.port = crossbar.master
                mem_ctrl.port = dir_cntrl.memory

        index += 1

    system.mem_ctrls = mem_ctrls

    if len(crossbars) > 0:
        ruby.crossbars = crossbars