Ejemplo n.º 1
def icp_numpy(source, target, tol=1e-3):
    """Align two point clouds using the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) method.

    source : list of point
        The source data.
    target : list of point
        The target data.
    tol : float, optional
        Tolerance for finding matches.
        Default is ``1e-3``.


        The transformed points

    First we align the source with the target cloud using the frames resulting
    from a PCA of each of the clouds, simply by calculating a frame-to-frame transformation.

    This initial alignment is used to establish an initial correspondence between
    the points of the two clouds.

    Then we iteratively improve the alignment by computing successive "best-fit"
    transformations using SVD of the cross-covariance matrix of the two data sets.
    During this iterative process, we continuously update the correspondence
    between the point clouds by finding the closest point in the target to each
    of the source points.

    The algorithm terminates when the alignment error is below a specified tolerance.


    A = asarray(source)
    B = asarray(target)

    origin, axes, _ = pca_numpy(A)
    A_frame = Frame(origin, axes[0], axes[1])

    origin, axes, _ = pca_numpy(B)
    B_frame = Frame(origin, axes[0], axes[1])

    X = Transformation.from_frame_to_frame(A_frame, B_frame)
    A = transform_points_numpy(A, X)

    for i in range(20):
        D = cdist(A, B, 'euclidean')
        closest = argmin(D, axis=1)
        if norm(normrow(A - B[closest])) < tol:
        X = bestfit_transform(A, B[closest])
        A = transform_points_numpy(A, X)

    return A, X
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_kinematics_cartesian():
    if compas.IPY:
    frames_WCF = [
        Frame((0.407, 0.073, 0.320), (0.922, 0.000, 0.388),
              (0.113, 0.956, -0.269)),
        Frame((0.404, 0.057, 0.324), (0.919, 0.000, 0.394),
              (0.090, 0.974, -0.210)),
        Frame((0.390, 0.064, 0.315), (0.891, 0.000, 0.454),
              (0.116, 0.967, -0.228)),
        Frame((0.388, 0.079, 0.309), (0.881, 0.000, 0.473),
              (0.149, 0.949, -0.278)),
        Frame((0.376, 0.087, 0.299), (0.850, 0.000, 0.528),
              (0.184, 0.937, -0.296))

    with AnalyticalPyBulletClient(connection_type='direct') as client:
        robot = client.load_robot(urdf_filename)
        client.load_semantics(robot, srdf_filename)

        options = {"solver": "ur5", "check_collision": True}
        start_configuration = list(
            robot.iter_inverse_kinematics(frames_WCF[0], options=options))[-1]
        trajectory = robot.plan_cartesian_motion(
        assert (trajectory.fraction == 1.)
def frame_list():
    return [
        Frame([0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]),
        Frame([1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]),
        Frame([2, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]),
        Frame([3, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]),
        Frame([4, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]),
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def get_frame(self):
     """ Returns a Frame with x-axis pointing up, y-axis pointing towards the mesh normal. """
     if abs(dot_vectors(self.up_vector, self.mesh_normal)
            ) < 1.0:  # if the normalized vectors are not co-linear
         c = cross_vectors(self.up_vector, self.mesh_normal)
         return Frame(self.pt, c, self.mesh_normal)
     else:  # in horizontal surfaces the vectors happen to be co-linear
         return Frame(self.pt, Vector(1, 0, 0), Vector(0, 1, 0))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def coerce_frame(plane):
    import Rhino
    from compas.geometry import Frame
    if isinstance(plane, Rhino.Geometry.Plane):
        return Frame(plane.Origin, plane.XAxis, plane.YAxis)
    elif isinstance(plane, Frame):
        return plane
        return Frame(*plane)
    def board_geometry_setup():
        for my_element in self.elements():
            my_board = my_element[1]
            if my_board.layer % 2 == 0:
                my_frame = self.origin_fr
                layer_standard_length = self.primary_length
                my_frame = self.sec_fr
                layer_standard_length = self.secondary_length

            my_dir1 = normalize_vector(my_frame[1])
            my_dir2 = normalize_vector(my_frame[2])

            dist = my_board.grid_position

            if my_board.location == "high":
                if not my_board.supporter:
                    length_attribute_1 = layer_standard_length - my_board.length / 2
                    length_attribute_1 = layer_standard_length - my_board.width / 2
            elif my_board.location == "low":
                if not my_board.supporter:
                    length_attribute_1 = my_board.length / 2
                    length_attribute_1 = my_board.width / 2
                length_attribute_1 = layer_standard_length / 2

            # position parallel to the boards (if not sup)
            my_vec1 = scale_vector(my_dir1, length_attribute_1)
            # position perpendicular to board direction (if not sup)
            my_vec2 = scale_vector(my_dir2, dist)
            # height vector
            my_vec3 = Vector(0, 0, my_board.z_drop - my_board.height / 2)
            my_centre = self.origin_pt + my_vec1 + my_vec2 + my_vec3
            my_board.centre_point = my_centre

            my_board.drop_point = my_centre + Vector(0, 0, my_board.height / 2)
            if not my_board.perp:
                my_board.length_vector = normalize_vector(my_vec1)
                my_board.width_vector = normalize_vector(my_vec2)
                my_board.length_vector = normalize_vector(my_vec2)
                my_board.width_vector = normalize_vector(my_vec1)

            old_centre = my_board.center
            T = Translation(my_centre - old_centre)

            self.network.node[my_board.global_count]['x'] = my_centre[0]
            self.network.node[my_board.global_count]['y'] = my_centre[1]
            self.network.node[my_board.global_count]['z'] = my_centre[2]

            my_board.board_frame = Frame(my_board.centre_point, my_board.length_vector, my_board.width_vector)
            my_board.tool_frame = Frame(my_board.drop_point, my_board.length_vector, my_board.width_vector)
            my_board.box = Box(my_board.board_frame, my_board.length, my_board.width, my_board.height)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_from_tcf_to_t0cf(mesh, frame):
    tool = ToolModel(mesh, frame)
    frames_tcf = [
        Frame((-0.309, -0.046, -0.266), (0.276, 0.926, -0.256),
              (0.879, -0.136, 0.456))
    result = tool.from_tcf_to_t0cf(frames_tcf)
    expected = [
        Frame(Point(-0.363, 0.003, -0.147), Vector(0.388, -0.351, -0.852),
              Vector(0.276, 0.926, -0.256))
    assert allclose(result[0], expected[0], tol=1e-03)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_boundary_plane(boundary):
    a = cablenet.vertex_coordinates(boundary[0])
    b = cablenet.vertex_coordinates(boundary[-1])

    x_axis = subtract_vectors(b, a)
    y_axis = [0, 0, 1.0]
    z_axis = cross_vectors(x_axis, y_axis)

    x_axis = cross_vectors(y_axis, z_axis)

    frame_0 = Frame(a, x_axis, y_axis)
    point = add_vectors(frame_0.point, scale_vector(frame_0.zaxis, OFFSET))
    frame_1 = Frame(point, x_axis, y_axis)
    return frame_0, frame_1
Ejemplo n.º 9
def RunCommand(is_interactive):

    #load Derivation and model
    derivation = Derivation.from_json(
    model = derivation.get_next_step()

    #user input
    rc, corners = Rhino.Input.RhinoGet.GetRectangle()
    if rc != Rhino.Commands.Result.Success:
        return rc
    plane = Rhino.Geometry.Plane(corners[0], corners[1], corners[2])
    beam_frame = Frame(plane[0], plane[1], plane[2])
    length = rs.GetReal("length", 4000, 300, None)

    #Generate unique name for the Beam
    name = create_id()

    #Create Beam
    model.rule_create_beam(beam_frame, length, 100, 100, name)

    #Save Derivation (Model is also saved)

    artist = MeshArtist(None, layer='BEAM::Beams_out')
    for beam in model.beams:
        artist = MeshArtist(
            beam.mesh, layer='BEAM::Beams_out'
        )  #.mesh is not ideal fix in beam and assemble class
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self):
        super(UR, self).__init__()

        self.model = []  # a list of meshes
        self.model_breps = []
        self.basis_frame = None
        # move to UR !!!!
        self.transformation_RCS_WCS = None
        self.transformation_WCS_RCS = None
        self.tool = Tool(Frame.worldXY())
        self.configuration = None

        d1, a2, a3, d4, d5, d6 = self.params

        # j0 - j5 are the axes around which the joints m0 - m5 rotate, e.g. m0
        # rotates around j0, m1 around j1, etc.
        self.j0 = [(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, d1)]
        self.j1 = [(0, 0, d1), (0, -self.shoulder_offset, d1)]
        self.j2 = [(a2, -self.shoulder_offset - self.elbow_offset, d1),
                   (a2, -self.shoulder_offset, d1)]
        self.j3 = [(a2 + a3, 0, d1), (a2 + a3, -d4, d1)]
        self.j4 = [(a2 + a3, -d4, d1), (a2 + a3, -d4, d1 - d5)]
        self.j5 = [(a2 + a3, -d4, d1 - d5), (a2 + a3, -d4 - d6, d1 - d5)]

        # check difference ur5 and ur10!!!
        self.tool0_frame = Frame(self.j5[1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1])
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def frame_generator(pt):
     zaxis = Vector(0, 0, 1)
     for axis in DeviationVectorsGenerator(zaxis, math.radians(40), 1):
         for xaxis in OrthonormalVectorsFromAxisGenerator(
                 axis, math.radians(60)):
             yaxis = axis.cross(xaxis)
             yield Frame(pt, xaxis, yaxis)
def forward_kinematics(configuration, ur_params):
    """Forward kinematics function.

    This is the wrapper for the forward kinematics function from ROS.
    Our robots somehow differ to the standard configuration. Therefore we need
    to swap angles and rotate the first joint by -pi. (The initial position can
    be visualized by loading the meshes.)

        configuration, the 6 joint angles in radians
        ur_params: UR defined parameters for the model

        the frame

    configuration[0] += math.pi

    T = forward_ros(configuration, ur_params)

    xaxis = [T[1], T[5], T[9]]
    yaxis = [T[2], T[6], T[10]]
    point = [T[3], T[7], T[11]]

    return Frame(point, xaxis, yaxis)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def draw_halfedges(
        halfedges: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int]]] = None,
        color: Union[str, Color, List[Color], Dict[int,
                                                   Color]] = (0.7, 0.7, 0.7),
        distance: float = 0.05,
        width: float = 0.01,
        shrink: float = 0.8,
    ) -> None:
        """Draw a selection of halfedges.

        edges : list, optional
            A list of halfedges to draw.
            The default is ``None``, in which case all halfedges are drawn.
        color : rgb-tuple or dict of rgb-tuples, optional
            The color specification for the halfedges.

        self._halfedgecollection = []

        if color:
            self.halfedge_color = color

        if halfedges:
            self.halfedges = halfedges

        for u, v in self.halfedges:
            face = self.mesh.halfedge_face(u, v)

            if face is None:
                normal = self.mesh.face_normal(self.mesh.halfedge_face(v, u))
                normal = self.mesh.face_normal(face)

            a, b = self.mesh.edge_coordinates(u, v)
            line = Line(*offset_line((a, b), distance, normal))
            frame = Frame(line.midpoint, [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0])
            scale = Scale.from_factors([shrink, shrink, shrink], frame=frame)

            artist = self.plotter.axes.arrow(line.start[0],
                                             head_width=10 * width,
                                             head_length=10 * width,
                                                 (u, v),
Ejemplo n.º 14
def pick_frame_from_grid(index, bullet_height):
    """Get next picking frame.

    index : int
        Counter to iterate through picking positions.
    bullet_height : float
        Height of bullet to pick up.

    list of `class`:compas.geometry.Frame
    # If index is larger than amount on picking plate, start from zero again
    index = index % (fab_conf["pick"]["xnum"].get() *

    xpos = index % fab_conf["pick"]["xnum"].get()
    ypos = index // fab_conf["pick"]["xnum"].get()

    x = (fab_conf["pick"]["origin_grid"]["x"].get() +
         xpos * fab_conf["pick"]["grid_spacing"].get())
    y = (fab_conf["pick"]["origin_grid"]["y"].get() +
         ypos * fab_conf["pick"]["grid_spacing"].get())
    z = bullet_height * fab_conf["pick"]["compression_height_factor"].get()

    frame = Frame(
        Point(x, y, z),
    log.debug("Picking frame {:03d}: {}".format(index, frame))
    return frame
Ejemplo n.º 15
        def __init__(self, board_layer, identification, board_no_in_layer,
                     board_dimensions, z_value_toppoint, length_dir,
            self.index = identification
            self.layer = board_layer
            self.no_in_layer = board_no_in_layer
            self.dimensions = board_dimensions
            self.width = self.dimensions[0]
            self.height = self.dimensions[1]
            self.length = self.dimensions[2]
            self.drop_point = Point(0, 0, 0)
            self.centre_point = Point(0, 0, 0)
            self.z_drop = z_value_toppoint
            self.length_direction = length_dir
            self.width_direction = width_dir
            self.glue_givers = []
            self.glue_receivers = []
            self.receiving_neighbours = []
            self.giving_neighbours = []

            if self.length_direction == 0:
                self.length_vector = Vector(1, 0, 0)
                self.width_vector = Vector(0, 1, 0)
                self.length_vector = Vector(0, 1, 0)
                self.width_vector = Vector(1, 0, 0)

            self.board_frame = Frame(self.centre_point, self.length_vector,
            self.box = Box(self.board_frame, self.length, self.width,
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def get_pose(self, input):
     if isinstance(input, rg.plane):
         frame = Frame(input.Origin, input.XAxis, input.YAxis)
         pose = frame.point.data + frame.quaternion.wxyz
         pose = input.point.data + input.quaternion.wxyz
     return pose
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, identifier, host='', port_snd=30003, port_rcv=30004, ghenv = None):
        ClientContainer.__init__(self,  identifier, host, port_snd, port_rcv, ghenv = ghenv)

        " create "
        self.tool_frame = Frame([0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0])

        # init values for command messages
        self.int_speed = 0 # speed: 0 = slow, 1 = mid, 2 = fast
        self.float_duration = 0 #duration is not used, use velocity instead
        self.int_zonedata = 10 # zonedata: in mm
        self.int_tool = 0 # toolnumber: 0 = tool0, 1 = vacgrip_vert, 2 = hokuyo
        self.int_wobj = 0 # wobjnumber: 0 = wobj0, 1 = wobj_common, 2 = wobj_base
        # self.int_rob_num = 0
        self.float_arbitrary = 0 #robot number to access

        # home positions cartesian - to change!!!!! - stefana
        self.tool_plane_home_mid = rg.Plane(rg.Point3d(1000,0,650), rg.Vector3d(1,0,0), rg.Vector3d(0,-1,0))
        self.tool_plane_home_left = rg.Plane(rg.Point3d(-665.507, 629.086, 720.0), rg.Vector3d(-1,0,0), rg.Vector3d(0,1,0))

        # home positions joint targets - to change!!!! - stefana
        self.jointtarget_home_zero = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
        self.jointtarget_home_pickbrick = [130.9, -56.8, 58.3, 7.4, 30.1, 51.9]

        ##################################### changed stefana #########################################
        self.current_joint_values = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
        self.current_tool0_pose = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
        #self.ghComp = None
        self.debug_print = []
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def read_mesh_from_filename(self, filename, meshcls):
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise FileNotFoundError("No such file: '%s'" % filename)
        extension = filename[(filename.rfind(".") + 1):]
        if extension == "dae": # no dae support yet
            #mesh = Mesh.from_dae(filename)
            obj_filename = filename.replace(".dae", ".obj")
            if os.path.isfile(obj_filename):
                mesh = Mesh.from_obj(obj_filename)
                # former DAE files have yaxis and zaxis swapped
                # TODO: already fix in conversion to obj
                frame = Frame([0,0,0], [1,0,0], [0,0,1])
                T = Transformation.from_frame(frame)
                mesh_transform(mesh, T)
                raise FileNotFoundError("Please convert '%s' into an OBJ file, \
                                         since DAE is currently not supported \
                                         yet." % filename)
        elif extension == "obj":
            mesh = Mesh.from_obj(filename)
        elif extension == "stl":
            mesh = Mesh.from_stl(filename)
            raise ValueError("%s file types not yet supported" %

        return meshcls(mesh)
    def __init__(self, no_layers, min_gap, len_prim, len_sec, omni, prim_wid_out, prim_hi_out, prim_wid_in, prim_hi_in,
                 sec_wi, sec_hi, prim_intv, prim_fal, prim_dedens, sec_intv, sec_intv_dev, orgn_fram, skip):

        self.layer_no = no_layers
        self.gap_min = min_gap
        self.primary_length = len_prim
        self.secondary_length = len_sec
        self.omnidirectional = omni
        self.primary_board_width_outside = prim_wid_out
        self.primary_board_height_outside = prim_hi_out
        self.primary_board_width_inside = prim_wid_in
        self.primary_board_height_inside = prim_hi_in
        self.primary_board_outside_dimensions = [self.primary_board_width_outside, self.primary_board_height_outside, self.primary_length]
        self.primary_board_inside_dimensions = [self.primary_board_width_inside, self.primary_board_height_inside, self.primary_length]
        self.secondary_board_width = sec_wi
        self.secondary_board_height = sec_hi
        self.secondary_board_dimensions = [self.secondary_board_width, self.secondary_board_height, self.secondary_length]
        self.primary_interval = prim_intv
        self.primary_falloff = prim_fal
        self.primary_dedensification = prim_dedens
        self.secondary_interval = sec_intv
        self.secondary_interval_development = sec_intv_dev
        self.skipping = skip
        self.primary_direction = 0
        self.secondary_direction = 1
        self.origin_fr = orgn_fram
        self.origin_pt = orgn_fram[0]
        self.prim_dir = orgn_fram[1]
        self.sec_dir = orgn_fram[2]
        self.sec_fr = Frame(self.origin_pt, self.sec_dir, self.prim_dir)
        self.timberboards = []

        self.advanced_setup = False
Ejemplo n.º 20
def offset_bbox_xy(pts, dist):
    bbox = pca_numpy(pts)
    frame1 = Frame(bbox[0], bbox[1][0], bbox[1][1])
    xform = Transformation.from_frame_to_frame(frame1, Frame.worldXY())
    pts = transform_points(pts, xform)
    bbox = bounding_box_xy(pts)
    bbox = offset_polygon(bbox, dist)
    return bbox, xform
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_basis_vectors_from_matrix():
    f = Frame([0, 0, 0], [0.68, 0.68, 0.27], [-0.67, 0.73, -0.15])
    R = matrix_from_frame(f)
    xaxis, yaxis = basis_vectors_from_matrix(R)
    assert allclose(
        xaxis, [0.6807833515407016, 0.6807833515407016, 0.2703110366411609])
    assert allclose(
        yaxis, [-0.6687681911461376, 0.7282315441900513, -0.14975955581430114])
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_matrix_from_frame():
    f = Frame([1, 1, 1], [0.68, 0.68, 0.27], [-0.67, 0.73, -0.15])
    T = matrix_from_frame(f)
    t = [[0.6807833515407016, -0.6687681911461376, -0.29880283595731283, 1.0],
         [0.6807833515407016, 0.7282315441900513, -0.0788216106888398, 1.0],
         [0.2703110366411609, -0.14975955581430114, 0.9510541619236438, 1.0],
         [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
    assert allclose(T, t)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_scale():
    S = Scale.from_factors([1, 2, 3])
    assert S.matrix == [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                        [0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]

    S = Scale.from_factors([2.] * 3, Frame((2, 5, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0)))
    assert S.matrix == [[2.0, 0.0, 0.0, -2.0], [0.0, 2.0, 0.0, -5.0],
                        [0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def to_compas(self):
        """Convert to a COMPAS geometry object.

            A COMPAS frame object.
        return Frame(self.point, self.xaxis, self.yaxis)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_reflection_from_frame():
    point = [1, 1, 1]
    x = [1, 0, 0]
    y = [0, 1, 0]

    f = Frame(point, x, y)
    R1 = Reflection.from_frame(f)
    R2 = Transformation.from_matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 2], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    assert R1 == R2
Ejemplo n.º 26
def oabb_numpy(points):
    origin, (xaxis, yaxis, zaxis), values = pca_numpy(points)
    frame = Frame(origin, xaxis, yaxis)
    world = Frame.worldXY()
    X = Transformation.from_frame_to_frame(frame, world)
    points = transform_points_numpy(points, X)
    bbox = bounding_box(points)
    bbox = transform_points_numpy(bbox, X.inverse())
    return bbox
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def rule_Connect_90lap(self,selected_beams,projected_point_list,face_ids,beam_length,ext_start,name):

        #create joints on selected beams 
        joint_distance_to_selectedBeams = []
        for i in range (len(selected_beams)):
            print("Adding Joint to Beam: ", i)
            #Prepare information
            selected_beam =  selected_beams[i]
            projected_point = projected_point_list[i]
            face_id = face_ids[i]
            joint_distance = selected_beam.Get_distancefromBeamYZFrame(projected_point)
            #Create Joint
            new_joint = Joint_90lap(joint_distance,face_id,100,50,100)
            #Add new Joint to Beam and update beam mesh

        #Add match beam 
        #####get beam frame 
        #construct a frame similar to face frame with max point as origin 
        face_frame = selected_beams[0].face_frame(face_ids[0])
        max_point_frame = Frame(face_frame.point,face_frame.xaxis,face_frame.yaxis)
        connection_beam_origin = max_point_frame.represent_point_in_global_coordinates([(joint_distance_to_selectedBeams[0]-50),0, ext_start])
        connection_beam_frame = Frame(connection_beam_origin, face_frame.normal * -1.0, face_frame.yaxis)

        match_beam = self.rule_create_beam(connection_beam_frame,beam_length,100,100,name)

        #calculate distance from projected points to match_beam[0]plane
        for i in range(len(projected_point_list)):
            print("Adding Joint " , i)
            pt = projected_point_list[i]
            match_beam_joint_distance = match_beam.Get_distancefromBeamYZFrame(pt)
            joint = Joint_90lap(match_beam_joint_distance,3,100,50,100) #match_beam joint face is always 3 

        #performs multiple booleans in 1 call   
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def data(self, data):
        f_origin = data.get('f_origin') or []
        f_xaxis = data.get('f_xaxis') or []
        f_yaxis = data.get('f_yaxis') or []
        c_type = data.get('type') or None
        c_part = data.get('part') or None
        c_id = data.get('id') or None

        self.frame = Frame(f_origin, f_xaxis, f_yaxis)

        flip_pln_Y = self.frame.yaxis.copy()
        self.flip_pln = Frame(self.frame.point, self.frame.xaxis, flip_pln_Y)

        self.type = c_type
        self.part = c_part
        self.id = int(c_id)

        self.rules_table = []
        self.active_rules = []
Ejemplo n.º 29
def forward_kinematics_offset_wrist(joint_values, params):
    """Forward kinematics function for offset wrist 6-axis robots.

    joint_values : list of float
        List of 6 joint values in radians.
    params : list of float
        The offset wrist parameters that specify the robot.


    Code adapted from https://github.com/ros-industrial/universal_robot/blob/indigo-devel/ur_kinematics/src/ur_kin.cpp
    d1, a2, a3, d4, d5, d6 = params
    q = joint_values

    s1, c1 = sin(q[0]), cos(q[0])
    q23, q234, s2, c2 = q[1], q[1], sin(q[1]), cos(q[1])
    q23 += q[2]
    q234 += q[2]
    s4, c4 = sin(q[3]), cos(q[3])
    q234 += q[3]
    s5, c5 = sin(q[4]), cos(q[4])
    s6, c6 = sin(q[5]), cos(q[5])
    s23, c23 = sin(q23), cos(q23)
    s234, c234 = sin(q234), cos(q234)

    T = [0. for _ in range(4 * 4)]

    T[0] = c234 * c1 * s5 - c5 * s1
    T[1] = c6 * (s1 * s5 + c234 * c1 * c5) - s234 * c1 * s6
    T[2] = -s6 * (s1 * s5 + c234 * c1 * c5) - s234 * c1 * c6
    T[3] = d6*c234*c1*s5 - a3*c23*c1 - a2 * \
        c1*c2 - d6*c5*s1 - d5*s234*c1 - d4*s1
    T[4] = c1 * c5 + c234 * s1 * s5
    T[5] = -c6 * (c1 * s5 - c234 * c5 * s1) - s234 * s1 * s6
    T[6] = s6 * (c1 * s5 - c234 * c5 * s1) - s234 * c6 * s1
    T[7] = d6*(c1*c5 + c234*s1*s5) + d4*c1 - \
        a3*c23*s1 - a2*c2*s1 - d5*s234*s1
    T[8] = -s234 * s5
    T[9] = -c234 * s6 - s234 * c5 * c6
    T[10] = s234 * c5 * s6 - c234 * c6
    T[11] = d1 + a3*s23 + a2*s2 - d5 * \
        (c23*c4 - s23*s4) - d6*s5*(c23*s4 + s23*c4)
    T[15] = 1.0

    frame = Frame((T[3], T[7], T[11]), (T[0], T[4], T[8]), (T[1], T[5], T[9]))

    return frame
Ejemplo n.º 30
def icp_numpy(d1, d2, tol=1e-3):
    """Align two point clouds using the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) method.

    d1 : list of point
        Point cloud 1.
    d2 : list of point
        Point cloud 2.
    tol : float, optional
        Tolerance for finding matches.
        Default is ``1e-3``.





    d1 = asarray(d1)
    d2 = asarray(d2)

    point, axes, spread = pca_numpy(d1)
    frame1 = Frame(point, axes[0], axes[1])

    point, axes, spread = pca_numpy(d2)
    frame2 = Frame(point, axes[0], axes[1])

    T = Transformation.from_frame_to_frame(frame1, frame2)
    transform_points_numpy(d1, T)

    y = cdist(d1, d2, 'eucledian')
    closest = argmin(y, axes=1)