Ejemplo n.º 1
    def run_quickapp(self, qapp, cmd: str):
        args = ['-o', self.root0, '-c', cmd, '--compress']
        self.assertEqual(0, quickapp_main(qapp, args, sys_exit=False))

        # tell the context that it's all good
        jobs = all_jobs(self.db)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def clean_other_jobs():
    ''' Cleans jobs not defined in the session '''
    if compmake.compmake_status == compmake_status_slave:
    from compmake.ui.console import ask_question

    answers = {'a':'a', 'n':'n', 'y':'y', 'N':'N'}
    clean_all = False
    for job_id in all_jobs(force_db=True):
        if not job_id in  jobs_defined_in_this_session:
            if not clean_all:
                answer = ask_question(
                "Found spurious job %s; cleaning? [y]es, [a]ll, [n]o, [N]one " \
                    % job_id, allowed=answers)
                if answer == 'n':
                if answer == 'N':
                if answer == 'a':
                    clean_all = True
Ejemplo n.º 3
def check_consistency(args, context, cq,
                      raise_if_error=False):  # @ReservedAssignment
    """ Checks in the DB that the relations between jobs are consistent. """
    db = context.get_compmake_db()
    # Do not use cq
    if not args:
        job_list = all_jobs(db=db)
        job_list = parse_job_list(args, context=context)

    job_list = list(job_list)
    #print('Checking consistency of %d jobs.' % len(job_list))
    errors = {}
    for job_id in job_list:
            ok, reasons = check_job(job_id, context)
            if not ok:
                errors[job_id] = reasons
        except CompmakeBug as e:
            errors[job_id] = ['bug: %s' % e]
    if errors:
        msg = "Inconsistency with %d jobs:" % len(errors)
        for job_id, es in errors.items():
            msg += '\n- job %r:\n%s' % (job_id, '\n'.join(es))
        if raise_if_error: 
            raise CompmakeBug(msg)

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
def list_ready_jobs():
    ''' Returns a list of jobs that can be done now,
        as their dependencies are up-to-date. '''
    from compmake.jobs.uptodate import dependencies_up_to_date
    for job_id in all_jobs(): 
        if dependencies_up_to_date(job_id):
            yield job_id
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def run_quickapp(self, qapp, cmd):
        args = ['-o', self.root0, '-c', cmd]
        self.assertEqual(0, quickapp_main(qapp, args, sys_exit=False))

        # tell the context that it's all good
        jobs = all_jobs(self.db)        
Ejemplo n.º 6
def stats(args):
    '''Displays a coarse summary of the jobs state. '''
    if not args:
        job_list = all_jobs()
        job_list = parse_job_list(args)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def tab_completion2(text, state):
    available = get_commands().keys()
    available.extend(list(all_jobs())) # give it a list
    matches = sorted(x for x in available if x.startswith(text))
        response = matches[state]
    except IndexError:
        response = None
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 8
def console_starting(event): #@UnusedVariable
    # starting console
    print "%s %s -- ``%s,, -- %s " % (
        colored('Compmake', attrs=['bold']),
        version, banner, banner2)
    print "Welcome to the compmake console. " + \
            "(write 'help' for a list of commands)"
    njobs = len(list(all_jobs()))
    print("%d jobs loaded; using namespace '%s'." % (njobs, get_namespace()))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def eval_ops(ops):
    ''' Evaluates an expression. 
      ops: list of strings and int representing operators '''
    assert isinstance(ops, list)
    def list_split(l, index):
        ''' Splits a list in two '''
        return l[0:index], l[index + 1:]
    # The sequence of the following operations
    # defines the associativity rules
    # in > except > not 

    if Operators.INTERSECTION in ops:
        left, right = list_split(ops, ops.index(Operators.INTERSECTION))
        if not left or not right:
            raise CompmakeSyntaxError(''' INTERSECTION requires only a right \
argument. Interpreting "%s" INTERSECTION "%s". ''' % 
(' '.join(left), ' '.join(right)))
        left = eval_ops(left)
        right = set(eval_ops(right))
        for x in left:
            if x in right:
                yield x

    elif Operators.DIFFERENCE in ops:
        left, right = list_split(ops, ops.index(Operators.DIFFERENCE))
        if not left or not right:
            raise CompmakeSyntaxError(''' EXCEPT requires a left and right \
argument. Interpreting "%s" EXCEPT "%s". ''' % 
(' '.join(left), ' '.join(right)))

        left = eval_ops(left)
        right = set(eval_ops(right))
        for x in left:
            if x not in right:
                yield x

    elif Operators.NOT in ops:
        left, right = list_split(ops, ops.index(Operators.NOT))
        if left or not right: # forbid left, require right
            raise CompmakeSyntaxError(\
''' NOT requires only a right argument. Interpreting "%s" NOT "%s". ''' % 
(' '.join(left), ' '.join(right)))
        all = all_jobs()
        right = set(eval_ops(right))
        for x in all:
            if x not in right:
                yield x
        # no operators: simple list
        # cannot do this anymore, now it's a generator. assert_list_of_strings(ops)
        for x in expand_job_list_tokens(ops):
            yield x
Ejemplo n.º 10
def list(args):
    '''Lists the status of the selected targets (or all targets \
if not specified).
    If only one job is specified, then it is listed in more detail.  '''
    if not args:
        job_list = all_jobs()
        job_list = parse_job_list(args)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def junit_xml(compmake_db):
    jobs = list(all_jobs(compmake_db))
    logger.info('Loaded %d jobs' % len(jobs))
    if len(jobs) < 10:
        logger.error('too few jobs')

    test_cases = []
    for job_id in jobs:
        tc = junit_test_case_from_compmake(compmake_db, job_id)

    ts = TestSuite("comptests_test_suite", test_cases)

    return TestSuite.to_xml_string([ts])
Ejemplo n.º 12
def list_matching_functions(token):
    assert token.endswith('()')
    if len(token) < 3:
        raise UserError('Malformed token "%s".' % token)
    function_id = token[:-2] 

    num_matches = 0
    for job_id in all_jobs():
        if function_id.lower() == get_job(job_id).command.__name__.lower():
            yield job_id
            num_matches += 1 

    if num_matches == 0:
        raise UserError('Could not find matches for function "%s()".' % 
Ejemplo n.º 13
def expand_job_list_token(token):
    ''' Parses a token (string). Returns a generator of jobs.
        Raises UserError, CompmakeSyntaxError '''
    assert isinstance(token, str)
    if token.find('*') > -1:
        return expand_wildcard(token, all_jobs())
    elif is_alias(token):
        return eval_alias(token)
    elif token.endswith('()'):
        return list_matching_functions(token)
        #raise UserError('Syntax reserved but not used yet. ("%s")' % token)
        # interpret as a job id
        job_id = token
        if not job_exists(job_id):
            raise UserError('Job or expression "%s" not found ' % job_id) 
        return [job_id]
Ejemplo n.º 14
def junit_xml(compmake_db):
    from junit_xml import TestSuite

    jobs = list(all_jobs(compmake_db))
    logger.info('Loaded %d jobs' % len(jobs))
    N = 10
    if len(jobs) < N:
        logger.error('too few jobs (I expect at least %s)' % N)

    test_cases = []
    for job_id in jobs:
        tc = junit_test_case_from_compmake(compmake_db, job_id)

    ts = TestSuite("comptests_test_suite", test_cases)

    res = TestSuite.to_xml_string([ts])
    check_isinstance(res, six.text_type)
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 15
def clean(job_list):
    '''Cleans the result of the selected computation \
(or everything is nothing specified). '''

    job_list = list(job_list)
    if not job_list:
        job_list = list(all_jobs())
    if not job_list:
    from compmake.ui.console import ask_question
    if get_compmake_status() == compmake_status_interactive: 
        question = "Should I clean %d jobs? [y/n] " % len(job_list)
        answer = ask_question(question)
        if not answer:
            info('Not cleaned.')
    for job_id in job_list:
Ejemplo n.º 16
def comptest_to_junit_main():
    args = sys.argv[1:]
    if not args:
        msg = 'Require the path to a Compmake DB.'
        raise UserError(msg)

    dirname = args[0]
    # try compressed
        db = StorageFilesystem(dirname, compress=True)
    except Exception:
        db = StorageFilesystem(dirname, compress=False)

    jobs = list(all_jobs(db))

    if not jobs:
        msg = 'Could not find any job, compressed or not.'

    s = junit_xml(db)
    check_isinstance(s, six.text_type)
    s = s.encode('utf8')
Ejemplo n.º 17
def check_consistency(args,
                      raise_if_error=False):  # @ReservedAssignment
    """ Checks in the DB that the relations between jobs are consistent. """

    db = context.get_compmake_db()

    # Do not use cq
    if not args:
        job_list = all_jobs(db=db)
        job_list = parse_job_list(args, context=context)

    job_list = list(job_list)
    #print('Checking consistency of %d jobs.' % len(job_list))
    errors = {}
    for job_id in job_list:
            ok, reasons = check_job(job_id, context)
            if not ok:
                errors[job_id] = reasons
        except CompmakeBug as e:
            errors[job_id] = ['bug: %s' % e]

    if errors:
        msg = "Inconsistency with %d jobs:" % len(errors)
        for job_id, es in errors.items():
            msg += '\n- job %r:\n%s' % (job_id, '\n'.join(es))

        if raise_if_error:
            raise CompmakeBug(msg)

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def all_jobs(self, root):
     """ Returns the list of jobs corresponding to the given expression. """
     db = StorageFilesystem(root, compress=True)
     return sorted(list(all_jobs(db)))
Ejemplo n.º 19
def list_bottom_jobs():
    ''' Returns a list of jobs that do not depend on anything else. '''
    from compmake.jobs.queries import direct_children
    for job_id in all_jobs(): 
        if not direct_children(job_id):
            yield job_id
Ejemplo n.º 20
def list_top_jobs():
    ''' Returns a list of jobs that are top-level targets.  '''
    from compmake.jobs.queries import direct_parents
    for job_id in all_jobs(): 
        if not direct_parents(job_id):
            yield job_id
Ejemplo n.º 21
def list_todo_jobs():
    ''' Returns a list of jobs that haven't been DONE. '''
    for job_id in all_jobs(): 
        if get_job_cache(job_id).state != Cache.DONE:
            yield job_id
Ejemplo n.º 22
def list_jobs_with_state(state):
    ''' Returns a list of jobs in the given state. '''
    for job_id in all_jobs(): 
        if get_job_cache(job_id).state == state:
            yield job_id
Ejemplo n.º 23
def gantt(job_list, context, filename='gantt.html'):


    db = context.get_compmake_db()
    if not job_list:
#        job_list = list(top_targets(db))
        job_list = all_jobs(db)
    # plus all the jobs that were defined by them
    job_list = set(job_list)
#    job_list.update(definition_closure(job_list, db))

    from networkx import DiGraph
    G = DiGraph()
    cq = CacheQueryDB(db)

    for job_id in job_list:
        cache = cq.get_job_cache(job_id)
        length = cache.int_make.get_cputime_used()
        attr_dict = dict(cache=cache, length=length)
        G.add_node(job_id, **attr_dict)

        dependencies = cq.direct_children(job_id)
        for c in dependencies:
            G.add_edge(c, job_id)

        defined = cq.jobs_defined(job_id)
        for c in defined:
            G.add_edge(job_id, c)

    order = topological_sort(G)
    for job_id in order:
        length = G.node[job_id]['length']
        pre = list(G.predecessors(job_id))
#        print('%s pred %s' % (job_id, pre))
        if not pre:
            T0 = 0
            G.node[job_id]['CP'] = None
            # find predecessor with highest T1
            import numpy as np
            T1s = list(G.node[_]['T1'] for _ in pre)
            i = np.argmax(T1s)
            T0 = T1s[i]
            G.node[job_id]['CP'] = pre[i]
        T1 = T0 + length
        G.node[job_id]['T0'] = T0
        G.node[job_id]['T1'] = T1

        G.node[job_id]['critical'] = False

    sg_ideal = SimpleGantt()

    by_ideal_completion = sorted(order, key=lambda _: G.node[_]['T1'])
    last = by_ideal_completion[-1]
    path = []
    while last is not None:
        G.node[last]['critical'] = True
        last = G.node[last]['CP']

    print('Critical path:')
    for job_id in reversed(path):
        length = G.node[job_id]['length']
        print('-  %.1f s   %s' % (length, job_id))

    for job_id in by_ideal_completion:
        T0 = G.node[job_id]['T0']
        T1 = G.node[job_id]['T1']
        # length = G.node[job_id]['length']

        dependencies = list(G.predecessors(job_id))
        # cache = G.node[job_id]['cache']
        periods = OrderedDict()
        periods['ideal'] = (T0, T1)
        critical = G.node[job_id]['critical']
        sg_ideal.add_job(job_id, dependencies, periods=periods, critical=critical)

    sg_actual = SimpleGantt()

    order_actual = sorted(order, key=lambda _: G.node[_]['cache'].int_make.t0)
    for job_id in order_actual:
        cache = G.node[job_id]['cache']
        critical = G.node[job_id]['critical']
        dependencies = list(G.predecessors(job_id))
        periods = OrderedDict()
        periods['make'] = cache.int_make.walltime_interval()
        sg_actual.add_job(job_id, dependencies, periods=periods, critical=critical)

    sg_actual_detailed = SimpleGantt()
    for job_id in order_actual:
        cache = G.node[job_id]['cache']
        critical = G.node[job_id]['critical']
        periods = OrderedDict()
        periods['load'] = cache.int_load_results.walltime_interval()
        periods['compute'] = cache.int_compute.walltime_interval()
        periods['gc'] = cache.int_gc.walltime_interval()
        periods['save'] = cache.int_save_results.walltime_interval()

        assert periods['load'][1] <= periods['compute'][0]
        assert periods['compute'][1] <= periods['save'][0]
        sg_actual_detailed.add_job(job_id, dependencies, periods=periods, critical=critical)

    html = ''
    width_pixels = 1000
    if True:
        html += '\n<h1>Actual</h1>'
        html += sg_actual.as_html(width_pixels)
    if True:
        html += '\n<h1>Actual (detailed)</h1>'
        html += sg_actual_detailed.as_html(width_pixels)
    if True:
        html += '\n<h1>Ideal</h1>'
        html += sg_ideal.as_html(width_pixels)

    html += '''
        tr:hover td:first-child {

        td:first-child {
        font-size: 10px;
        td:nth-child(2) {
            background-color: grey;
            width: %spx;
        .compute, .make, .save, .load, .ideal, .gc {
            outline: solid 1px black;
            float: left;
            clear: left;
        .compute {
            background-color: red;
        .make {
            background-color: blue;
        .gc {
            background-color: brown;
        .save {
            background-color: green;
        .load {
            background-color: yellow;
        .ideal {
            background-color: magenta;
        .critical  {
            /* outline: solid 2px red !important; */
            background-color: pink;
        ''' % width_pixels

    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
    print('written to %s' % filename)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def top_targets():
    """ Returns a list of all jobs which are not needed by anybody """
    return [x for x in all_jobs() if not direct_parents(x)]
Ejemplo n.º 25
def bottom_targets():
    """ Returns a list of all jobs with no dependencies """
    return [x for x in all_jobs() if not direct_children(x)]
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def all_jobs(self, root):
     """ Returns the list of jobs corresponding to the given expression. """
     db = StorageFilesystem(root, compress=True)
     return sorted(list(all_jobs(db)))