Ejemplo n.º 1
def Origin(url):
    Check if the remote web application verifies the Origin before
                    processing the HTTP request.
    verbout(color.RED, '\n +-------------------------------------+')
    verbout(color.RED, ' |   Origin Based Request Validation   |')
    verbout(color.RED, ' +-------------------------------------+\n')
    # Make the request normally and get content
    verbout(O,'Making request on normal basis...')
    req0x01 = Get(url)

    # Set a fake Origin along with UA (pretending to be a
    # legitimate request from a browser)
    verbout(GR,'Setting generic headers...')
    gen_headers = HEADER_VALUES
    gen_headers['Origin'] = ORIGIN_URL

    # We put the cookie in request, if cookie supplied :D
        for cookie in COOKIE_VALUE:
            gen_headers['Cookie'] = cookie

    # Make the request with different Origin header and get the content
    verbout(O,'Making request with '+color.CYAN+'Tampered Origin Header'+color.END+'...')
    req0x02 = Get(url, headers=gen_headers)

    # Comparing the length of the requests' responses. If both content
    # lengths are same, then the site actually does not validate Origin
    # before processing the HTTP request which makes the site more
    # vulnerable to CSRF attacks.
    # IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm aware that checking for the Origin header does
    # NOT protect the application against all cases of CSRF, but it's a
    # very good first step. In order to exploit a CSRF in an application
    # that protects using this method an intruder would have to identify
    # other vulnerabilities, such as XSS or open redirects, in the same
    # domain.
    # TODO: This algorithm has lots of room for improvement
    if len(req0x01.content) != len(req0x02.content):
        verbout(color.GREEN,' [+] Endoint '+color.ORANGE+'Origin Validation'+color.GREEN+' Present!')
        print(color.GREEN+' [-] Heuristics reveal endpoint might be '+color.BG+' NOT VULNERABLE '+color.END+'...')
        print(color.ORANGE+' [+] Mitigation Method: '+color.BG+' Origin Based Request Validation '+color.END+'\n')
        NovulLogger(url, 'Presence of Origin Header based request Validation.')
        return True
        verbout(R,'Endpoint '+color.RED+'Origin Validation Not Present'+color.END+'!')
        verbout(R,'Heuristics reveal endpoint might be '+color.BY+' VULNERABLE '+color.END+' to Origin Based CSRFs...')
        print(color.CYAN+ ' [+] Possible CSRF Vulnerability Detected : '+color.GREY+url+'!')
        print(color.ORANGE+' [!] Possible Vulnerability Type: '+color.BY+' No Origin Based Request Validation '+color.END+'\n')
        VulnLogger(url, 'No Origin Header based request validation presence.', '[i] Response Headers: '+str(req0x02.headers))
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 2
def Analysis():
    The main idea behind this is to observe and analyse
           the patterns in which the CSRF tokens
                  are generated by server.
    ctr = 0  # Counter variable set to 0
    # Checking if the no of tokens is greater than 1
    if len(REQUEST_TOKENS) > 1:
        verbout(color.RED, '\n +--------------+')
        verbout(color.RED, ' |   Analysis   |')
        verbout(color.RED, ' +--------------+\n')
        print(GR + 'Proceeding for post-scan analysis of tokens gathered...')
            G, 'A total of %s tokens was discovered during the scan' %
        # The idea behind this is to generate all possible combinations (not
        # considering permutations) from the given list of discovered tokens
        # and generate anti-CSRF token generation pattern.
        for tokenx1, tokenx2 in itertools.combinations(REQUEST_TOKENS, 2):
                    'Analysing 2 Anti-CSRF Tokens from gathered requests...')
                        ' [+] First Token: ' + color.BLUE + tokenx1)
                    color.ORANGE, ' [+] Shannon Entropy: ' + color.GREEN +
                    '%s' % (calcEntropy(tokenx1)))
                        ' [+] Second Token: ' + color.BLUE + tokenx2)
                    color.ORANGE, ' [+] Shannon Entropy: ' + color.GREEN +
                    '%s' % (calcEntropy(tokenx2)))
                # Calculating the edit distance via Damerau Levenshtein algorithm
                m = stringdist.rdlevenshtein(tokenx1, tokenx2)
                    color.CYAN, ' [+] Edit Distance Calculated: ' +
                    color.GREY + str(m) + '%')
                # Now its time to detect the alignment ratio
                n = stringdist.rdlevenshtein_norm(tokenx1, tokenx2)
                    ' [+] Alignment Ratio Calculated: ' + color.GREY + str(n))
                # If both tokens are same, then
                if len(tokenx1) == len(tokenx2):
                        C, 'Token length calculated is same: ' + color.ORANGE +
                        'Each %s bytes' % len(byteString(tokenx1)))
                        C, 'Token length calculated is different: ' +
                        color.ORANGE + 'By %s bytes' %
                        (len(byteString(tokenx1)) - len(byteString(tokenx2))))
                # In my experience with web security assessments, often the Anti-CSRF token
                # is composed of two parts, one of them remains static while the other one dynamic.
                # For example, if the Anti CSRF Tokens “837456mzy29jkd911139” for one request, the
                # other is “837456mzy29jkd337221”, “837456mzy29jkd” part of the token remains same
                # in both requests.
                # The main idea behind this is to detect the static and dynamic part via DL Algorithm
                # as discussed above by calculating edit distance.
                p = sameSequence(tokenx1, tokenx2)
                tokenx01 = tokenx1.replace(p, '')
                tokenx02 = tokenx2.replace(p, '')
                if n == 0.5 or m == len(tokenx1) / 2:
                        'The tokens are composed of 2 parts (one static and other dynamic)... '
                        C, 'Static Part : ' + color.GREY + p + color.END +
                        ' | Length: ' + color.CYAN + str(len(p)))
                        O, 'Dynamic Part of Token 0x1: ' + color.GREY +
                        tokenx01 + color.END + ' | Length: ' + color.CYAN +
                        O, 'Dynamic Part of Token 0x2: ' + color.GREY +
                        tokenx02 + color.END + ' | Length: ' + color.CYAN +
                    if len(len(tokenx1) / 2) <= 6:
                            ' [-] Post-Analysis reveals that token might be ' +
                            color.BR + ' VULNERABLE ' + color.END + '!')
                        print(color.RED +
                              ' [+] Possible CSRF Vulnerability Detected!')
                        print(color.ORANGE + ' [!] Vulnerability Type: ' +
                              color.BR + ' Weak Dynamic Part of Tokens ' +
                        print(color.GREY + ' [+] Tokens can easily be ' +
                              color.RED + 'Forged by Bruteforcing/Guessing' +
                              color.END + '!\n')
                            'Tokens can easily be Forged by Bruteforcing/Guessing.',
                            '[i] Token 1: ' + tokenx1 + '\n[i] Token 2: ' +
                elif n < 0.5 or m < len(tokenx1) / 2:
                        R, 'Token distance calculated is ' + color.RED +
                        'less than 0.5!')
                        C, 'Static Part : ' + color.GREY + p + color.END +
                        ' | Length: ' + color.CYAN + str(len(p)))
                        O, 'Dynamic Part of Token 0x1: ' + color.GREY +
                        tokenx01 + color.END + ' | Length: ' + color.CYAN +
                        O, 'Dynamic Part of Token 0x2: ' + color.GREY +
                        tokenx02 + color.END + ' | Length: ' + color.CYAN +
                        ' [-] Post-Analysis reveals that token might be ' +
                        color.BR + ' VULNERABLE ' + color.END + '!')
                    print(color.GREEN +
                          ' [+] Possible CSRF Vulnerability Detected!')
                    print(color.ORANGE + ' [!] Vulnerability Type: ' +
                          color.BR + ' Weak Dynamic Part of Tokens ' +
                    print(color.GREY + ' [+] Tokens can easily be ' +
                          color.RED + 'Forged by Bruteforcing/Guessing' +
                          color.END + '!\n')
                        'Tokens can easily be Forged by Bruteforcing/Guessing.',
                        '[i] Token 1: ' + tokenx1 + '\n[i] Token 2: ' +
                        R, 'Token distance calculated is ' + color.GREEN +
                        'greater than 0.5!')
                        C, 'Static Part : ' + color.GREY + p + color.END +
                        ' | Length: ' + color.CYAN + str(len(p)))
                        O, 'Dynamic Part of Token 0x1: ' + color.GREY +
                        tokenx01 + color.END + ' | Length: ' + color.CYAN +
                        O, 'Dynamic Part of Token 0x2: ' + color.GREY +
                        tokenx02 + color.END + ' | Length: ' + color.CYAN +
                        ' [+] Post-Analysis reveals that tokens are ' +
                        color.BG + ' NOT VULNERABLE ' + color.END + '!')
                    print(color.ORANGE + ' [!] Vulnerability Mitigation: ' +
                          color.BG + ' Strong Dynamic Part of Tokens ' +
                    print(color.GREY + ' [+] Tokens ' + color.GREEN +
                          'Cannot be Forged by Bruteforcing/Guessing' +
                          color.END + '!\n')
                        'Tokens cannot be Forged by Bruteforcing/Guessing.')
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print(C + 'Post-Scan Analysis Completed!')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def Entropy(req, url, headers, form, m_action, m_name=''):
    This function has the work of comparing and
      calculating Shannon Entropy and related
           POST Based requests' security.

    found = 0x00
    # The minimum length of a csrf token should be 5 bytes.
    min_length = 5

    # I have never seen a CSRF token longer than 256 bytes,
    # so the main concept here is doubling that and checking
    # to make sure we don't check parameters which are
    # files in multipart uploads or stuff like that.
    # Multipart uploads usually have a trailing sequence of
    # characters which could be misunderstood as a CSRF token.
    # This is a very important step with respect to
    # decreasing [[ False Positives ]].
    max_length = 256 * 2

    # Shannon Entropy calculated for a particular CSRF token
    # should be at least 2.4. If the token entropy is less
    # than that, the application request can be easily
    # forged making the application vulnerable even in
    # presence of a CSRF token.
    min_entropy = 2.4

    # Check for common CSRF token names
    _q, para = Token(req, headers)
    if (para and _q) == None:
            url, 'Form Requested Without Anti-CSRF Token.',
            '[i] Form Requested: ' + form + '\n[i] Request Query: ' +
        return '', ''
    verbout(color.RED, '\n +------------------------------+')
    verbout(color.RED, ' |   Token Strength Detection   |')
    verbout(color.RED, ' +------------------------------+\n')
    for para in REQUEST_TOKENS:
        # Coverting the token to a raw string, cause some special
        # chars might fu*k with the Shannon Entropy operation.
        value = r'%s' % para
            ' [!] Testing Anti-CSRF Token: ' + color.ORANGE + '%s' % (value))
        # Check length
        if len(value) <= min_length:
            print(color.RED + ' [-] CSRF Token Length less than 5 bytes. ' +
                  color.ORANGE + 'Token value can be guessed/bruteforced...')
            print(color.ORANGE + ' [-] Endpoint likely ' + color.BR +
                  ' VULNERABLE ' + color.END + color.ORANGE +
                  ' to CSRF Attacks...')
            print(color.RED + ' [!] Vulnerability Type: ' + color.BR +
                  ' Very Short/No Anti-CSRF Tokens ' + color.END)
            VulnLogger(url, 'Very Short Anti-CSRF Tokens.', 'Token: ' + value)
        if len(value) >= max_length:
            print(color.ORANGE + ' [+] CSRF Token Length greater than ' +
                  color.CYAN + '256 bytes. ' + color.GREEN +
                  'Token value cannot be guessed/bruteforced...')
            print(color.GREEN + ' [+] Endpoint likely ' + color.BG +
                  ' NOT VULNERABLE ' + color.END + color.GREEN +
                  ' to CSRF Attacks...')
            print(color.GREEN + ' [!] CSRF Mitigation Method: ' + color.BG +
                  ' Long Anti-CSRF Tokens ' + color.END)
            NovulLogger(url, 'Long Anti-CSRF tokens with Good Strength.')
            found = 0x01
        # Checking entropy
            O, 'Proceeding to calculate ' + color.GREY + 'Shannon Entropy' +
            color.END + ' of Token audited...')
        entropy = calcEntropy(value)
        verbout(GR, 'Calculating Entropy...')
                ' [+] Entropy Calculated: ' + color.CYAN + str(entropy))
        if entropy >= min_entropy:
                color.ORANGE, ' [+] Anti-CSRF Token Entropy Calculated is ' +
                color.BY + ' GREATER than 2.4 ' + color.END + '... ')
            print(color.GREEN + ' [+] Endpoint ' + color.BG +
                  ' PROBABLY NOT VULNERABLE ' + color.END + color.GREEN +
                  ' to CSRF Attacks...')
            print(color.GREEN + ' [!] CSRF Mitigation Method: ' + color.BG +
                  ' High Entropy Anti-CSRF Tokens ' + color.END)
            NovulLogger(url, 'High Entropy Anti-CSRF Tokens.')
            found = 0x01
                color.RED, ' [-] Anti-CSRF Token Entropy Calculated is ' +
                color.BY + ' LESS than 2.4 ' + color.END + '... ')
            print(color.RED + ' [-] Endpoint likely ' + color.BR +
                  ' VULNERABLE ' + color.END + color.RED +
                  ' to CSRF Attacks inspite of CSRF Tokens...')
            print(color.RED + ' [!] Vulnerability Type: ' + color.BR +
                  ' Low Entropy Anti-CSRF Tokens ' + color.END)
            VulnLogger(url, 'Low Entropy Anti-CSRF Tokens.', 'Token: ' + value)
    if found == 0x00:
        if m_name:
            print(color.RED + '\n +---------+')
            print(color.RED + ' |   PoC   |')
            print(color.RED + ' +---------+\n')
            print(color.BLUE + ' [+] URL : ' + color.CYAN + url)
            print(color.CYAN + ' [+] Name : ' + color.ORANGE + m_name)
            print(color.GREEN + ' [+] Action : ' + color.ORANGE + m_action)
        else:  # if value m_name not there :(
            print(color.RED + '\n +---------+')
            print(color.RED + ' |   PoC   |')
            print(color.RED + ' +---------+\n')
            print(color.BLUE + ' [+] URL : ' + color.CYAN + url)
            print(color.GREEN + ' [+] Action : ' + color.ORANGE + m_action)
        # Print out the params
        print(color.ORANGE + ' [+] Query : ' + color.GREY +
    return (_q, para)  # Return the query paramter and anti-csrf token
Ejemplo n.º 4
def SameSite(url):
    This function parses and verifies the cookies with
                    SameSite Flags.
    verbout(color.RED, '\n +------------------------------------+')
    verbout(color.RED, ' |   Cross Origin Cookie Validation   |')
    verbout(color.RED, ' +------------------------------------+\n')
    # Some Flags we'd need later...
    foundx1 = 0x00
    foundx2 = 0x00
    foundx3 = 0x00
    # Step 1: First we check that if the server returns any
    # SameSite flag on Cookies with the same Referer as the netloc
            ' [+] Lets examine how server reacts to same referer...')
    gen_headers = HEADER_VALUES
    gen_headers['User-Agent'] = USER_AGENT or RandomAgent()
    verbout(GR, 'Setting Referer header same as host...')
    # Setting the netloc as the referer for the first check.
    gen_headers['Referer'] = urlsplit(url).netloc
        for cook in COOKIE_VALUE:
            gen_headers['Cookie'] = cook
    getreq = Get(url, headers=gen_headers)  # Making the request
    head = getreq.headers
    for h in head:
        #if search('cookie', h, I) or search('set-cookie', h, I):
        if 'Cookie'.lower() in h.lower():
            verbout(G, 'Found cookie header value...')
            cookieval = head[h]
                    ' [+] Cookie Received: ' + color.CYAN + str(cookieval))
            m = cookieval.split(';')
            verbout(GR, 'Examining Cookie...')
            for q in m:
                if search('SameSite', q, I):
                        G, 'SameSite Flag ' + color.ORANGE +
                        ' detected on cookie!')
                    foundx1 = 0x01
                    q = q.split('=')[1].strip()
                    verbout(C, 'Cookie: ' + color.ORANGE + q)
            foundx3 = 0x02
    if foundx1 == 0x01:
            R, ' [+] Endpoint ' + color.ORANGE +
            'SameSite Flag Cookie Validation' + color.END + ' Present!')

    # Step 2: Now we check security mechanisms when the Referer is
    # different, i.e. request originates from a different url other
    # than the host. (This time without the Cookie assigned)
        ' [+] Lets examine how server reacts to a fake external referer...')
    gen_headers = HEADER_VALUES
    gen_headers['User-Agent'] = USER_AGENT or RandomAgent(
    )  # Setting user-agents
    # Assigning a fake referer for the second check, but no cookie.
    gen_headers['Referer'] = REFERER_URL
    getreq = Get(url, headers=gen_headers)
    head = getreq.headers  # Getting headers from requests
    for h in head:
        # If search('cookie', h, I) or search('set-cookie', h, I):
        if 'Cookie'.lower() in h.lower():
            verbout(G, 'Found cookie header value...')
            cookieval = head[h]
                    ' [+] Cookie Received: ' + color.CYAN + str(cookieval))
            m = cookieval.split(';')
            verbout(GR, 'Examining Cookie...')
            for q in m:
                if search('SameSite', q, I):
                        G, 'SameSite Flag ' + color.ORANGE +
                        ' detected on cookie!')
                    foundx2 = 0x01
                    q = q.split('=')[1].strip()
                    verbout(C, 'Cookie: ' + color.ORANGE + q)
            foundx3 = 0x02

    if foundx1 == 0x01:
            R, ' [+] Endpoint ' + color.ORANGE +
            'SameSite Flag Cookie Validation' + color.END + ' Present!')

    # Step 3: And finally comes the most important step. Lets see how
    # the site reacts to a valid cookie (ofc supplied by the user) coming
    # from a a different site, i.e Referer set to other than host.
    # This is the most crucial part of the detection.
    # TODO: Improve the logic in detection.
        ' [+] Lets examine how server reacts to valid cookie from a different referer...'
    gen_headers = HEADER_VALUES
    gen_headers['User-Agent'] = USER_AGENT or RandomAgent()
    # Assigning a fake referer for third request, this time with cookie ;)
    gen_headers['Referer'] = REFERER_URL
        for cook in COOKIE_VALUE:
            gen_headers['Cookie'] = cook
    getreq = Get(url, headers=gen_headers)
    head = getreq.headers
    for h in head:
        # if search('cookie', h, I) or search('set-cookie', h, I):
        if 'Cookie'.lower() in h.lower():
            verbout(G, 'Found cookie header value...')
            cookieval = head[h]
                    ' [+] Cookie Received: ' + color.CYAN + str(cookieval))
            m = cookieval.split(';')
            verbout(GR, 'Examining Cookie...')
            for q in m:
                if search('samesite', q.lower(), I):
                        G, 'SameSite Flag ' + color.ORANGE +
                        ' detected on cookie on Cross Origin Request!')
                    foundx3 = 0x01
                    q = q.split('=')[1].strip()
                    verbout(C, 'Cookie: ' + color.ORANGE + q)
            foundx3 = 0x02

    if foundx1 == 0x01:
            R, 'Endpoint ' + color.ORANGE + 'SameSite Flag Cookie Validation' +
            color.END + ' is Present!')

    if (foundx1 == 0x01 and foundx3 == 0x00) and (foundx2 == 0x00
                                                  or foundx2 == 0x01):
        print(color.GREEN + ' [+] Endpoint ' + color.BG +
              ' NOT VULNERABLE to ANY type of CSRF attacks! ' + color.END)
        print(color.GREEN + ' [+] Protection Method Detected : ' + color.BG +
              ' SameSite Flag on Cookies ' + color.END)
                    'SameSite Flag set on Cookies on Cross-Origin Requests.')
        # If a SameSite flag is set on cookies, then the application is totally fool-proof
        # against CSRF attacks unless there is some XSS stuff on it. So for now the job of
        # this application is done. We need to confirm before we quit.
        oq = input(color.BLUE + ' [+] Continue scanning? (y/N) :> ')
        if oq.lower().startswith('n'):
            sys.exit('\n' + R + 'Shutting down XSRFProbe...\n')
    elif foundx1 == 0x02 and foundx2 == 0x02 and foundx3 == 0x02:
        print(color.GREEN + ' [+] Endpoint ' + color.BG + ' NOT VULNERABLE ' +
              color.END + color.GREEN + ' to CSRF attacks!')
        print(color.GREEN + ' [+] Type: ' + color.BG +
              ' No Cookie Set while Cross Origin Requests ' + color.END)
        NovulLogger(url, 'No cookie set on Cross-Origin Requests.')
            R, 'Endpoint ' + color.ORANGE + 'Cross Origin Cookie Validation' +
            color.END + ' Not Present!')
            R, 'Heuristic(s) reveal endpoint might be ' + color.BY +
            ' VULNERABLE ' + color.END + ' to CSRFs...')
        print(color.GREEN + ' [+] Possible CSRF Vulnerability Detected : ' +
              color.ORANGE + url + '!')
        print(color.ORANGE + ' [!] Possible Vulnerability Type: ' + color.BY +
              ' No Cross Origin Cookie Validation Presence ' + color.END)
        VulnLogger(url, 'No Cookie Validation on Cross-Origin Requests.',
                   '[i] Headers: ' + str(head))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def Engine():  # lets begin it!

    os.system('clear')  # Clear shit from terminal :p
    banner()  # Print the banner
    banabout()  # The second banner
    web, fld = inputin()  # Take the input
    form1 = testFormx1()  # Get the form 1 ready
    form2 = testFormx2()  # Get the form 2 ready
    # For the cookies that we encounter during requests...
    Cookie0 = http.cookiejar.CookieJar()  # First as User1
    Cookie1 = http.cookiejar.CookieJar()  # Then as User2
    resp1 = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(Cookie0))  # Process cookies
    resp2 = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(Cookie1))  # Process cookies
    actionDone = []  # init to the done stuff
    csrf = ''  # no token initialise / invalid token
    ref_detect = 0x00  # Null Char Flag
    ori_detect = 0x00  # Null Char Flags
    form = Debugger.Form_Debugger()  # init to the form parser+token generator
    bs1 = BeautifulSoup(form1).findAll(
        'form', action=True)[0]  # make sure the stuff works properly
    bs2 = BeautifulSoup(form2).findAll('form', action=True)[0]  # same as above
    init1 = web  # First init
    resp1.open(init1)  # Makes request as User2
    resp2.open(init1)  # Make request as User1

    # Now there are 2 different modes of scanning and crawling here.
    # 1st -> Testing a single endpoint without the --crawl flag.
    # 2nd -> Testing all endpoints with the --crawl flag.
        # Implementing the first mode. [NO CRAWL]
        if not CRAWL_SITE:
            url = web
            response = Get(url).text
                verbout(O, 'Trying to parse response...')
                soup = BeautifulSoup(response)  # Parser init
            except HTMLParser.HTMLParseError:
                verbout(R, 'BeautifulSoup Error: ' + url)
            i = 0  # Init user number
                # Referer Based Checks if True...
                    O, 'Checking endpoint request validation via ' +
                    color.GREY + 'Referer' + color.END + ' Checks...')
                if Referer(url):
                    ref_detect = 0x01
                verbout(O, 'Confirming the vulnerability...')
                # We have finished with Referer Based Checks, lets go for Origin Based Ones...
                    O, 'Confirming endpoint request validation via ' +
                    color.GREY + 'Origin' + color.END + ' Checks...')
                if Origin(url):
                    ori_detect = 0x01
            # Now lets get the forms...
                O, 'Retrieving all forms on ' + color.GREY + url + color.END +
            for m in Debugger.getAllForms(
                    soup):  # iterating over all forms extracted
                verbout(O, 'Testing form:\n' + color.CYAN)
                verbout('', '')
                FORMS_TESTED.append('(i) ' + url + ':\n\n' + m.prettify() +
                    if m['action']:
                except KeyError:
                    m['action'] = '/' + url.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
                    ErrorLogger(url, 'No standard form "action".')
                action = Parser.buildAction(
                    m['action'])  # get all forms which have 'action' attribute
                if not action in actionDone and action != '':  # if url returned is not a null value nor duplicate...
                    # If form submission is kept to True
                    if FORM_SUBMISSION:
                            # NOTE: Slow connections may cause read timeouts which may result in AttributeError
                            # So the idea here is tp make requests pretending to be 3 different users.
                            # Now a series of requests will be targeted against the site with different
                            # identities. Refer to XSRFProbe wiki for more info.
                            # NOTE: Slow connections may cause read timeouts which may result in AttributeError
                            result, genpoc = form.prepareFormInputs(
                                m)  # prepare inputs as user 1
                            r1 = Post(
                                url, action, result
                            )  # make request with token values generated as user1
                            result, genpoc = form.prepareFormInputs(
                                m)  # prepare inputs as user 2
                            r2 = Post(
                                url, action, result
                            )  # again make request with token values generated as user2
                            # Go for cookie based checks
                            if COOKIE_BASED:
                                Cookie(url, r1)
                            # Go for token based entropy checks...
                                if m['name']:
                                    query, token = Entropy(
                                        result, url, r1.headers, m.prettify(),
                                        m['action'], m['name'])
                            except KeyError:
                                query, token = Entropy(result, url, r1.headers,
                            # Now its time to detect the encoding type (if any) of the Anti-CSRF token.
                            fnd, detct = Encoding(token)
                            if fnd == 0x01 and detct:
                                    'Token is a string encoded value which can be probably decrypted.',
                                    '[i] Encoding: ' + detct)
                                    'Anti-CSRF token is not a string encoded value.'
                            # Go for token parameter tamper checks.
                            if (query and token):
                                txor = Tamper(url, action, result, r2.text,
                                              query, token)
                            o2 = resp2.open(
                                url).read()  # make request as user2
                                form2 = Debugger.getAllForms(BeautifulSoup(
                                    o2))[i]  # user2 gets his form
                            except IndexError:
                                verbout(R, 'Form Index Error')
                                ErrorLogger(url, 'Form Index Error.')
                                continue  # Making sure program won't end here (dirty fix :( )
                            verbout(GR, 'Preparing form inputs...')
                            contents2, genpoc = form.prepareFormInputs(
                                form2)  # prepare for form 3 as user3
                            r3 = Post(
                                url, action, contents2
                            )  # make request as user3 with user3's form
                            if (POST_BASED) and ((not query) or (txor)):
                                    if m['name']:
                                        PostBased(url, r1.text, r2.text,
                                                  m['action'], result, genpoc,
                                                  m.prettify(), m['name'])
                                except KeyError:
                                    PostBased(url, r1.text, r2.text, r3.text,
                                              m['action'], result, genpoc,
                                    color.GREEN +
                                    ' [+] The form was requested with a Anti-CSRF token.'
                                print(color.GREEN + ' [+] Endpoint ' +
                                      color.BG + ' NOT VULNERABLE ' +
                                      color.END + color.GREEN +
                                      ' to POST-Based CSRF Attacks!')
                                    'Not vulnerable to POST-Based CSRF Attacks.'
                        except HTTPError as msg:  # if runtime exception...
                            verbout(R, 'Exception : ' +
                                    msg.__str__())  # again exception :(
                            ErrorLogger(url, msg)
                actionDone.append(action)  # add the stuff done
                i += 1  # Increase user iteration
            # Implementing the 2nd mode [CRAWLING AND SCANNING].
            verbout(GR, "Initializing crawling and scanning...")
            crawler = Crawler.Handler(init1,
                                      resp1)  # Init to the Crawler handler
            while crawler.noinit():  # Until 0 urls left
                url = next(crawler)  # Go for next!
                print(C + 'Testing :> ' + color.CYAN +
                      url)  # Display what url its crawling
                    soup = crawler.process(fld)  # Start the parser
                    if not soup:
                        continue  # Making sure not to end the program yet...
                    i = 0  # Set count = 0 (user number 0, which will be subsequently incremented)
                    if REFERER_ORIGIN_CHECKS:
                        # Referer Based Checks if True...
                            O, 'Checking endpoint request validation via ' +
                            color.GREY + 'Referer' + color.END + ' Checks...')
                        if Referer(url):
                            ref_detect = 0x01
                        verbout(O, 'Confirming the vulnerability...')
                        # We have finished with Referer Based Checks, lets go for Origin Based Ones...
                            O, 'Confirming endpoint request validation via ' +
                            color.GREY + 'Origin' + color.END + ' Checks...')
                        if Origin(url):
                            ori_detect = 0x01
                    # Now lets get the forms...
                        O, 'Retrieving all forms on ' + color.GREY + url +
                        color.END + '...')
                    for m in Debugger.getAllForms(
                            soup):  # iterating over all forms extracted
                        FORMS_TESTED.append('(i) ' + url + ':\n\n' +
                                            m.prettify() + '\n')
                            if m['action']:
                        except KeyError:
                            m['action'] = '/' + url.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
                            ErrorLogger(url, 'No standard "action" attribute.')
                        action = Parser.buildAction(
                            url, m['action']
                        )  # get all forms which have 'action' attribute
                        if not action in actionDone and action != '':  # if url returned is not a null value nor duplicate...
                            # If form submission is kept to True
                            if FORM_SUBMISSION:
                                    result, genpoc = form.prepareFormInputs(
                                        m)  # prepare inputs as user 1
                                    r1 = Post(
                                        url, action, result
                                    )  # make request with token values generated as user1
                                    result, genpoc = form.prepareFormInputs(
                                        m)  # prepare inputs as user 2
                                    r2 = Post(
                                        url, action, result
                                    )  # again make request with token values generated as user2
                                    if COOKIE_BASED:
                                        Cookie(url, r1)
                                    # Go for token based entropy checks...
                                        if m['name']:
                                            query, token = Entropy(
                                                result, url, r1.headers,
                                                m.prettify(), m['action'],
                                    except KeyError:
                                        query, token = Entropy(
                                            result, url, r1.headers,
                                            m.prettify(), m['action'])
                                            url, 'No standard form "name".')
                                    # Now its time to detect the encoding type (if any) of the Anti-CSRF token.
                                    fnd, detct = Encoding(token)
                                    if fnd == 0x01 and detct:
                                            'String encoded token value. Token might be decrypted.',
                                            '[i] Encoding: ' + detct)
                                            'Anti-CSRF token is not a string encoded value.'
                                    # Go for token parameter tamper checks.
                                    if (query and token):
                                        txor = Tamper(url, action, result,
                                                      r2.text, query, token)
                                    o2 = resp2.open(
                                        url).read()  # make request as user2
                                        form2 = Debugger.getAllForms(
                                                i]  # user2 gets his form
                                    except IndexError:
                                        verbout(R, 'Form Index Error')
                                        ErrorLogger(url, 'Form Index Error.')
                                        continue  # making sure program won't end here (dirty fix :( )
                                    verbout(GR, 'Preparing form inputs...')
                                    contents2, genpoc = form.prepareFormInputs(
                                        form2)  # prepare for form 3 as user3
                                    r3 = Post(
                                        url, action, contents2
                                    )  # make request as user3 with user3's form
                                    if (POST_BASED) and ((query == '') or
                                                         (txor == True)):
                                            if m['name']:
                                                    url, r1.text, r2.text,
                                                    r3.text, m['action'],
                                                    result, genpoc,
                                                    m.prettify(), m['name'])
                                        except KeyError:
                                            PostBased(url, r1.text, r2.text,
                                                      r3.text, m['action'],
                                                      result, genpoc,
                                            color.GREEN +
                                            ' [+] The form was requested with a Anti-CSRF token.'
                                        print(color.GREEN + ' [+] Endpoint ' +
                                              color.BG + ' NOT VULNERABLE ' +
                                              color.END + color.GREEN +
                                              ' to P0ST-Based CSRF Attacks!')
                                            'Not vulnerable to POST-Based CSRF Attacks.'
                                except HTTPError as msg:  # if runtime exception...
                                        ' [-] Exception : ' + color.END +
                                        msg.__str__())  # again exception :(
                                    ErrorLogger(url, msg)
                        actionDone.append(action)  # add the stuff done
                        i += 1  # Increase user iteration
                except URLError as e:  # if again...
                    verbout(R, 'Exception at : ' + url)  # again exception -_-
                    verbout(O, 'Moving on...')
                    ErrorLogger(url, e)
                    continue  # make sure it doesn't stop at exceptions
                # This error usually happens when some sites are protected by some load balancer
                # example Cloudflare. These domains return a 403 forbidden response in various
                # contexts. For example when making reverse DNS queries.
                except HTTPError as e:
                    if str(e.code) == '403':
                        verbout(R, 'HTTP Authentication Error!')
                        verbout(R, 'Error Code : ' + O + str(e.code))
                        ErrorLogger(url, e)
        )  # The scanning has finished, so now we can log out all the links ;)
        print('\n' + G + "Scan completed!" + '\n')
        Analysis()  # For Post Scan Analysis
    except KeyboardInterrupt as e:  # Incase user wants to exit :') (while crawling)
        verbout(R, 'User Interrupt!')
        Analysis()  # For Post scan Analysis
        print(R + 'Aborted!')  # say goodbye
        ErrorLogger('KeyBoard Interrupt', 'Aborted')
        )  # The scanning has interrupted, so now we can log out all the links ;)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def Persistence(url, postq):
    The main idea behind this is to check for Cookie
    verbout(color.RED, '\n +-----------------------------------+')
    verbout(color.RED, ' |   Cookie Persistence Validation   |')
    verbout(color.RED, ' +-----------------------------------+\n')
    # Checking if user has supplied a value.
        GR, 'Proceeding to test for ' + color.GREY + 'Cookie Persistence' +
        color.END + '...')
    found = 0x00
    # Now let the real test begin...
    # [Step 1]: Lets examine now whether cookies set by server are persistent or not.
    # For this we'll have to parse the cookies set by the server and check for the
    # time when the cookie expires. Lets do it!
    # First its time for GET type requests. Lets prepare our request.
    cookies = []
        C, 'Proceeding to test cookie persistence via ' + color.CYAN +
        'Prepared GET Requests' + color.END + '...')
    gen_headers = HEADER_VALUES
        'User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.115 Safari/537.36'
        for cookie in COOKIE_VALUE:
            gen_headers['Cookie'] = cookie
    verbout(GR, 'Making the request...')
    req = Get(url, headers=gen_headers)
    if req.cookies:
        for cook in req.cookies:
            if cook.expires:
                print(color.GREEN +
                      ' [+] Persistent Cookies found in Response Headers!')
                print(color.GREY + ' [+] Cookie: ' + color.CYAN +
                # cookie.expires returns a timestamp value. I didn't know it. :( Spent over 2+ hours scratching my head
                # over this, until I stumbled upon a stackoverflow answer comment. So to decode this, we'd need to
                # convert it a human readable format.
                print(color.GREEN + ' [+] Cookie Expiry Period: ' +
                      color.ORANGE +
                found = 0x01
                VulnLogger(url, 'Persistent Session Cookies Found.',
                           '[i] Cookie: ' + req.headers.get('Set-Cookie'))
                NovulLogger(url, 'No Persistent Session Cookies.')
    if found == 0x00:
            'No persistent session cookies identified on GET Type Requests!')
        C, 'Proceeding to test cookie persistence on ' + color.CYAN +
        'POST Requests' + color.END + '...')
    # Now its time for POST Based requests.
    # NOTE: As a standard method, every web application should supply a cookie upon a POST query.
    # It might or might not be in case of GET requests.
    if postq.cookies:
        for cookie in postq.cookies:
            if cookie.expires:
                print(color.GREEN +
                      ' [+] Persistent Cookies found in Response Headers!')
                print(color.GREY + ' [+] Cookie: ' + color.CYAN +
                # So to decode this, we'd need to convert it a human readable format.
                print(color.GREEN + ' [+] Cookie Expiry Period: ' +
                      color.ORANGE +
                found = 0x01
                VulnLogger(url, 'Persistent Session Cookies Found.',
                           '[i] Cookie: ' + req.headers.get('Set-Cookie'))
                print(color.ORANGE + ' [!] Probable Insecure Practice: ' +
                      color.BR + ' Persistent Session Cookies ' + color.END)
                NovulLogger(url, 'No Persistent Cookies.')
    if found == 0x00:
            R, 'No persistent session cookies identified upon POST Requests!')
        print(color.GREEN + ' [+] Endpoint might be ' + color.BG +
              ' NOT VULNERABLE ' + color.END + color.GREEN +
              ' to CSRF attacks!')
        print(color.GREEN + ' [+] Detected : ' + color.BG +
              ' No Persistent Cookies ' + color.END)

    # [Step 2]: The idea here is to try to identify cookie persistence on basis of observing
    # variations in cases of using different user-agents. For this test we have chosen 5 different
    # well used and common user-agents (as below) and then we observe the variation of set-cookie
    # header under different conditions.
    # We'll test this method only when we haven't identified requests based on previous algo.
    if found != 0x01:
            C, 'Proceeding to test cookie persistence via ' + color.CYAN +
            'User-Agent Alteration' + color.END + '...')
        user_agents = {
            'Chrome on Windows 8.1':
            'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.115 Safari/537.36',
            'Safari on iOS':
            'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 8_1_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/12B466 Safari/600.1.4',
            'IE6 on Windows XP':
            'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)',
            'Opera on Windows 10':
            'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36 OPR/43.0.2442.991',
            'Chrome on Android':
            'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.1; en-us; MID Build/GINGERBREAD) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1'
        verbout(GR, 'Setting custom generic headers...')
        gen_headers = HEADER_VALUES
        for name, agent in user_agents.items():
            verbout(C, 'Using User-Agent : ' + color.CYAN + name)
            verbout(GR, 'Value : ' + color.ORANGE + agent)
            gen_headers['User-Agent'] = agent
            if COOKIE_VALUE:
                for cookie in COOKIE_VALUE:
                    gen_headers['Cookie'] = cookie
            req = Get(url, headers=gen_headers)
        if checkDuplicates(resps):
                'Set-Cookie header does not change with varied User-Agents...')
                    ' [+] Possible persistent session cookies found...')
            print(color.RED + ' [+] Possible CSRF Vulnerability Detected : ' +
                  color.ORANGE + url + '!')
            print(color.ORANGE + ' [!] Probable Insecure Practice: ' +
                  color.BY + ' Persistent Session Cookies ' + color.END)
            VulnLogger(url, 'Persistent Session Cookies Found.',
                       '[i] Cookie: ' + req.headers.get('Set-Cookie'))
            verbout(G, 'Set-Cookie header changes with varied User-Agents...')
            verbout(R, 'No possible persistent session cookies found...')
                ' [+] Endpoint ' + color.BG + ' PROBABLY NOT VULNERABLE ' +
                color.END + color.GREEN + ' to CSRF attacks!')
                color.ORANGE, ' [+] Application Practice Method Detected : ' +
                color.BG + ' No Persistent Cookies ' + color.END)
            NovulLogger(url, 'No Persistent Cookies.')
Ejemplo n.º 7
def Tamper(url, action, req, body, query, para):
    The main idea behind this is to tamper the Anti-CSRF tokens
          found and check the content length for related
    verbout(color.RED, '\n +---------------------------------------+')
    verbout(color.RED, ' |   Anti-CSRF Token Tamper Validation   |')
    verbout(color.RED, ' +---------------------------------------+\n')
    # Null char flags (hex)
    flagx1 = 0x00
    flagx2 = 0x00
    flagx3 = 0x00
    verbout(GR, 'Proceeding for CSRF attack via Anti-CSRF token tampering...')
    # First of all lets get out token from request
    if para == '':
        return True
    # Coverting the token to a raw string, cause some special
    # chars might fu*k with the operation.
    value = r'%s' % para
    copy = req

    # Alright lets start...
    # [Step 1]: First we take the token and then replace a particular character
    # at a specific position (here at 4th position) and test the response body.
    # Required check for checking if string at that position isn't the
    # same char we are going to replace with.
    verbout(GR, 'Tampering Token by '+color.GREY+'index replacement'+color.END+'...')
    if value[3] != 'a':
        tampvalx1 = replaceStrIndex(value, 3, 'a')
        tampvalx1 = replaceStrIndex(value, 3, 'x')
    verbout(color.BLUE, ' [+] Original Token: '+color.CYAN+value)
    verbout(color.BLUE, ' [+] Tampered Token: '+color.CYAN+tampvalx1)
    # Lets build up the request...
    req[query] = tampvalx1
    resp = Post(url, action, req)

    # If there is a 40x (Not Found) or a 50x (Internal Error) error,
    # we assume that the tamper did not work :( But if there is a 20x
    # (Accepted) or a 30x (Redirection), then we know it worked.
    # Or if the previous request has same content length as this tampered
    # request, then we have the vulnerability.
    # NOTE: This algorithm has lots of room for improvement.
    if ((str(resp.status_code).startswith('2') and not any(search(s, resp.text, I) for s in TOKEN_ERRORS))
        or (len(body) == len(resp.text))):
        verbout(color.RED,' [-] Anti-CSRF Token tamper by index replacement returns valid response!')
        flagx1 = 0x01
        VulnLogger(url, 'Anti-CSRF Token tamper by index replacement returns valid response.', '[i] POST Query: '+req.__str__())
        verbout(color.RED,' [+] Token tamper in request does not return valid response!')
        NovulLogger(url, 'Anti-CSRF Token tamper by index replacement does not return valid response.')

    # [Step 2]: Second we take the token and then remove a character
    # at a specific position and test the response body.
    verbout(GR, 'Tampering Token by '+color.GREY+'index removal'+color.END+'...')
    tampvalx2 = replaceStrIndex(value, 3)
    verbout(color.BLUE, ' [+] Original Token: '+color.CYAN+value)
    verbout(color.BLUE, ' [+] Tampered Token: '+color.CYAN+tampvalx2)
    # Lets build up the request...
    req[query] = tampvalx2
    resp = Post(url, action, req)

    # If there is a 40x (Not Found) or a 50x (Internal Error) error,
    # we assume that the tamper did not work :( But if there is a 20x
    # (Accepted) or a 30x (Redirection), then we know it worked.
    # NOTE: This algorithm has lots of room for improvement.
    if ((str(resp.status_code).startswith('2') and not any(search(s, resp.text, I) for s in TOKEN_ERRORS))
        or (len(body) == len(resp.text))):
        verbout(color.RED,' [-] Anti-CSRF Token tamper by index removal returns valid response!')
        flagx2 = 0x01
        VulnLogger(url, 'Anti-CSRF Token tamper by index removal returns valid response.', '[i] POST Query: '+req.__str__())
        verbout(color.RED,' [+] Token tamper in request does not return valid response!')
        NovulLogger(url, 'Anti-CSRF Token tamper by index removal does not return valid response.')

    # [Step 3]: Third we take the token and then remove the whole
    # anticsrf token and test the response body.
    verbout(GR, 'Tampering Token by '+color.GREY+'Token removal'+color.END+'...')
    # Removing the anti-csrf token from request
    del req[query]
    verbout(color.GREY, ' [+] Removed token parameter from request!')
    # Lets build up the request...
    resp = Post(url, action, req)

    # If there is a 40x (Not Found) or a 50x (Internal Error) error,
    # we assume that the tamper did not work :(. But if there is a 20x
    # (Accepted) or a 30x (Redirection), then we know it worked.
    # NOTE: This algorithm has lots of room for improvement.
    if ((str(resp.status_code).startswith('2') and not any(search(s, resp.text, I) for s in TOKEN_ERRORS))
        or (len(body) == len(resp.text))):
        verbout(color.RED,' [-] Anti-CSRF Token removal returns valid response!')
        flagx3 = 0x01
        VulnLogger(url, 'Anti-CSRF Token removal returns valid response.', '[i] POST Query: '+req.__str__())
        verbout(color.RED,' [+] Token tamper in request does not return valid response!')
        NovulLogger(url, 'Anti-CSRF Token removal does not return valid response.')

    # If any of the forgeries worked...
    if (flagx1 or flagx2 or flagx3) == 0x01:
        verbout(color.RED,' [+] The tampered token value works! Endpoint '+color.BR+' VULNERABLE to Replay Attacks '+color.END+'!')
        verbout(color.ORANGE,' [-] The Tampered Anti-CSRF Token requested does NOT return a 40x or 50x response! ')
        print(color.RED+' [-] Endpoint '+color.BR+' CONFIRMED VULNERABLE '+color.END+color.RED+' to Request Forgery Attacks...')
        print(color.ORANGE+' [!] Vulnerability Type: '+color.BR+' Non-Unique Anti-CSRF Tokens in Requests '+color.END+'\n')
        VulnLogger(url, 'Anti-CSRF Tokens are not Unique. Token Reuse detected.', '[i] Request: '+str(copy))
        return True
        print(color.RED+' [-] The Tampered Anti-CSRF Token requested returns a 40x or 50x response... ')
        print(color.GREEN+' [-] Endpoint '+color.BG+' NOT VULNERABLE '+color.END+color.ORANGE+' to CSRF Attacks...')
        print(color.ORANGE+' [!] CSRF Mitigation Method: '+color.BG+' Unique Anti-CSRF Tokens '+color.END+'\n')
        NovulLogger(url, 'Unique Anti-CSRF Tokens. No token reuse.')
        return False