Ejemplo n.º 1
    def save(self):
      Save attachment.

      @return (mixed)
      @raises (Exception)
        if not self.document:
            raise Exception("Attachment document is not defined!")

        docId = self.document.getId()
        docRev = self.document.getRev()

        if not docId:
            raise Exception("Attachment document _id is required!")

        if not docRev:
            raise Exception("Attachment document _rev is required!")

        if not self.fileName:
            raise Exception("Attachment file name is required!")

        # read file data

        headers = {}
        headers["If-Match"] = docRev
        headers["Content-Type"] = self.contentType

        database = self.document.getDatabase()
        return database.client.put(
            "%s/%s/%s" % (database.name, util.urlEncode(docId),
                          util.urlEncode(self.fileName)), None, self.data,
Ejemplo n.º 2
   def save(self):
      Save attachment.

      @return (mixed)
      @raises (Exception)
      if not self.document:
         raise Exception("Attachment document is not defined!")

      docId = self.document.getId()
      docRev = self.document.getRev()

      if not docId:
         raise Exception("Attachment document _id is required!")

      if not docRev:
         raise Exception("Attachment document _rev is required!")

      if not self.fileName:
         raise Exception("Attachment file name is required!")

      # read file data

      headers = {}
      headers["If-Match"] = docRev
      headers["Content-Type"] = self.contentType

      database = self.document.getDatabase()
      return database.client.put("%s/%s/%s" %
         (database.name, util.urlEncode(docId), util.urlEncode(self.fileName)),
            None, self.data, headers).getBodyData()
Ejemplo n.º 3
   def remove(self, batch = False, fullCommit = False):
      Remove attachment.

      @param  (bool) batch
      @param  (bool) fullCommit
      @return (mixed)
      @raises (Exception)
      if not self.document:
         raise Exception("Attachment document is not defined!")

      docId = self.document.getId()
      docRev = self.document.getRev()

      if not docId:
         raise Exception("Attachment document _id is required!")

      if not docRev:
         raise Exception("Attachment document _rev is required!")

      if not self.fileName:
         raise Exception("Attachment file name is required!")

      batch = "?batch=ok" if batch else ""

      headers = {}
      headers["If-Match"] = docRev
      if fullCommit:
         headers["X-Couch-Full-Commit"] = "true"

      database = self.document.getDatabase()
      return database.client.delete("%s/%s/%s%s" %
         (database.name, util.urlEncode(docId), util.urlEncode(self.fileName), batch),
            None, headers).getBodyData()
Ejemplo n.º 4
   def ping(self, *args):
      Ping a document attachment.

      @param  (int) *args Expected status code(s).
      @return (bool)
      @raises (Exception)
      if not self.document:
         raise Exception("Attachment document is not defined!")

      docId = self.document.getId()
      docRev = self.document.getRev()

      if not docId:
         raise Exception("Attachment document _id is required!")

      if not self.fileName:
         raise Exception("Attachment file name is required!")

      query, headers = {}, {}
      if docRev:
         query["rev"] = docRev
      if self.digest:
         headers["If-None-Match"] = '"%s"' % (self.digest)

      database = self.document.getDatabase()
      response = database.client.head("%s/%s/%s" %
         (database.name, util.urlEncode(docId), util.urlEncode(self.fileName)), query, headers)

      return response.getStatusCode() in (args or [200])
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def ping(self, *args):
      Ping a document attachment.

      @param  (int) *args Expected status code(s).
      @return (bool)
      @raises (Exception)
        if not self.document:
            raise Exception("Attachment document is not defined!")

        docId = self.document.getId()
        docRev = self.document.getRev()

        if not docId:
            raise Exception("Attachment document _id is required!")

        if not self.fileName:
            raise Exception("Attachment file name is required!")

        query, headers = {}, {}
        if docRev:
            query["rev"] = docRev
        if self.digest:
            headers["If-None-Match"] = '"%s"' % (self.digest)

        database = self.document.getDatabase()
        response = database.client.head(
            "%s/%s/%s" % (database.name, util.urlEncode(docId),
                          util.urlEncode(self.fileName)), query, headers)

        return response.getStatusCode() in (args or [200])
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def getBodyData(self, key=None):
      Get body data (parsed).

      @param  (str) key
        bodyData = {}
        # should parsed?
        if self.getHeader("Content-Type") == "application/json":
            bodyData = util.jsonDecode(self.body or "")
            if key != None:
                return util.dig(key, bodyData)

        return bodyData
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def find(self):
      Find attachment.

      @return (mixed|dict|None)
      @raises (Exception)
        if not self.document:
            raise Exception("Attachment document is not defined!")

        docId = self.document.getId()
        docRev = self.document.getRev()

        if not docId:
            raise Exception("Attachment document _id is required!")

        if not self.fileName:
            raise Exception("Attachment file name is required!")

        query = {}
        if docRev:
            query["rev"] = docRev

        headers = {}
        headers["Accept"] = "*/*"
        headers["Content-Type"] = None
        if self.digest:
            headers["If-None-Match"] = '"%s"' % (self.digest)

        database = self.document.getDatabase()
        response = database.client.get(
            "%s/%s/%s" % (database.name, util.urlEncode(docId),
                          util.urlEncode(self.fileName)), query, headers)

        # check response status code
        if response.getStatusCode() in [200, 304]:
            ret = {}
            ret["content"] = response.getBody()
            ret["content_type"] = response.getHeader("Content-Type")
            ret["content_length"] = response.getHeader("Content-Length")
            md5 = response.getHeader("Content-MD5")
            if md5:
                ret["digest"] = "md5-" + md5
                ret["digest"] = "md5-" + (response.getHeader("ETag")
                                          or "").strip('"')

            return ret
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def findRevisions(self):
      Find a document's revisions.

      @return (dict|None)
        return util.dig("_revisions", self.find({"revs": True}))
Ejemplo n.º 9
   def copy(self, dest, batch = False, fullCommit = False):
      Copy a document to a destination.

      @param  (str)  dest
      @param  (bool) batch
      @param  (bool) fullCommit
      @return (mixed)
      @raises (Exception)
      if not self.id:
         raise Exception("_id field could not be empty!")

      if not dest:
         raise Exception("Destination could not be empty!")

      batch = "?batch=ok" if batch else ""

      headers = {}
      headers["Destination"] = dest
      if fullCommit:
         headers["X-Couch-Full-Commit"] = "true"

      return self.database.client.copy(self.database.name +"/"+
         util.urlEncode(self.id) + batch, None, headers).getBodyData()
Ejemplo n.º 10
   def copyTo(self, dest, destRev, batch = False, fullCommit = False):
      Copy a (this) document to an existing document.

      @param  (str)  dest
      @param  (str)  destRev
      @param  (bool) batch
      @param  (bool) fullCommit
      @return (mixed)
      @raises (Exception)
      if not self.id or not self.rev:
         raise Exception("Both _id & _rev fields could not be empty!")

      if not dest or not destRev:
         raise Exception("Destination & destination revision could not be empty!")

      batch = "?batch=ok" if batch else ""

      headers = {}
      headers["If-Match"] = self.rev
      headers["Destination"] = "%s?rev=%s" % (dest, destRev)
      if fullCommit:
         headers["X-Couch-Full-Commit"] = "true"

      return self.database.client.copy(self.database.name +"/"+
         util.urlEncode(self.id) + batch, None, headers).getBodyData()
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def copy(self, dest, batch=False, fullCommit=False):
      Copy a document to a destination.

      @param  (str)  dest
      @param  (bool) batch
      @param  (bool) fullCommit
      @return (mixed)
      @raises (Exception)
        if not self.id:
            raise Exception("_id field could not be empty!")

        if not dest:
            raise Exception("Destination could not be empty!")

        batch = "?batch=ok" if batch else ""

        headers = {}
        headers["Destination"] = dest
        if fullCommit:
            headers["X-Couch-Full-Commit"] = "true"

        return self.database.client.copy(
            self.database.name + "/" + util.urlEncode(self.id) + batch, None,
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def toJson(self, encode=True):
   Get attachment data as json string that CouchDB expects.
   @param  (bool) encode
   @return (str)
     return util.jsonEncode(self.toArray(encode))
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self, client):
      Object constructor.

      @param (couch.Client) client
        self.type = Stream.TYPE_REQUEST
        self.httpVersion = "1.0"

        self.client = client

        # reset headers (for each "extends" operation, interesting..)
        self.headers = {}

        # set default headers
        self.headers["Host"] = "%s:%s" % (self.client.host, self.client.port)
        self.headers["Connection"] = "close"
        self.headers["Accept"] = "application/json"
        self.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
        self.headers["User-Agent"] = "%s/v%s (+http://github.com/yay-couch/couch-py)" % \
           (couch.Couch.NAME, couch.Couch.VERSION)

        # set basic authorization header
        if self.client.username and self.client.password:
            self.headers["Authorization"] = "Basic "+ \
               util.base64Encode(self.client.username +":"+ self.client.password)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def findRevisionsExtended(self):
      Find a document's revisions as extended result.

      @return (dict|None)
        return util.dig("_revs_info", self.find({"revs_info": True}))
Ejemplo n.º 15
   def findRevisions(self):
      Find a document's revisions.

      @return (dict|None)
      return util.dig("_revisions", self.find({"revs": True}))
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def copyTo(self, dest, destRev, batch=False, fullCommit=False):
      Copy a (this) document to an existing document.

      @param  (str)  dest
      @param  (str)  destRev
      @param  (bool) batch
      @param  (bool) fullCommit
      @return (mixed)
      @raises (Exception)
        if not self.id or not self.rev:
            raise Exception("Both _id & _rev fields could not be empty!")

        if not dest or not destRev:
            raise Exception(
                "Destination & destination revision could not be empty!")

        batch = "?batch=ok" if batch else ""

        headers = {}
        headers["If-Match"] = self.rev
        headers["Destination"] = "%s?rev=%s" % (dest, destRev)
        if fullCommit:
            headers["X-Couch-Full-Commit"] = "true"

        return self.database.client.copy(
            self.database.name + "/" + util.urlEncode(self.id) + batch, None,
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def toJson(self, encode = True):
    Get attachment data as json string that CouchDB expects.
    @param  (bool) encode
    @return (str)
    return util.jsonEncode(self.toArray(encode))
Ejemplo n.º 18
   def __init__(self, client):
      Object constructor.

      @param (couch.Client) client
      self.type = Stream.TYPE_REQUEST
      self.httpVersion = "1.0"

      self.client = client

      # reset headers (for each "extends" operation, interesting..)
      self.headers = {}

      # set default headers
      self.headers["Host"] = "%s:%s" % (self.client.host, self.client.port)
      self.headers["Connection"] = "close"
      self.headers["Accept"] = "application/json"
      self.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
      self.headers["User-Agent"] = "%s/v%s (+http://github.com/yay-couch/couch-py)" % \
         (couch.Couch.NAME, couch.Couch.VERSION)

      # set basic authorization header
      if self.client.username and self.client.password:
         self.headers["Authorization"] = "Basic "+ \
            util.base64Encode(self.client.username +":"+ self.client.password)
Ejemplo n.º 19
   def findRevisionsExtended(self):
      Find a document's revisions as extended result.

      @return (dict|None)
      return util.dig("_revs_info", self.find({"revs_info": True}))
Ejemplo n.º 20
   def find(self):
      Find attachment.

      @return (mixed|dict|None)
      @raises (Exception)
      if not self.document:
         raise Exception("Attachment document is not defined!")

      docId = self.document.getId()
      docRev = self.document.getRev()

      if not docId:
         raise Exception("Attachment document _id is required!")

      if not self.fileName:
         raise Exception("Attachment file name is required!")

      query = {}
      if docRev:
         query["rev"] = docRev

      headers = {}
      headers["Accept"] = "*/*"
      headers["Content-Type"] = None
      if self.digest:
         headers["If-None-Match"] = '"%s"' % (self.digest)

      database = self.document.getDatabase()
      response = database.client.get("%s/%s/%s" %
         (database.name, util.urlEncode(docId), util.urlEncode(self.fileName)), query, headers)

      # check response status code
      if response.getStatusCode() in [200, 304]:
         ret = {}
         ret["content"] = response.getBody()
         ret["content_type"] = response.getHeader("Content-Type")
         ret["content_length"] = response.getHeader("Content-Length")
         md5 = response.getHeader("Content-MD5")
         if md5:
            ret["digest"] = "md5-"+ md5
            ret["digest"] = "md5-"+ (response.getHeader("ETag") or "").strip('"')

         return ret
Ejemplo n.º 21
   def toString(self):
      String wrap.

      @return (str)
      url = util.urlParse(self.uri)

      return super(Request, self).toString(
         "%s %s?%s HTTP/%s\r\n" % (self.method, url.path, url.query, self.httpVersion))
Ejemplo n.º 22
   def findAttachments(self, attEncInfo = False, attsSince = []):
      Find a document's attachments.

      @param  (bool)      attEncInfo
      @param  (dict|None) attsSince
      @return (dict|None)
      query = {}
      query["attachments"] = True
      query["att_encoding_info"] = attEncInfo

      if attsSince:
         attsSinceArray = []
         for attsSinceValue in attsSince:
            attsSinceArray.append('"%s"' % util.quote(attsSinceValue))
         query["atts_since"] = "[%s]" % ",".join(attsSinceArray)

      return util.dig("_attachments", self.find(query))
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def findAttachments(self, attEncInfo=False, attsSince=[]):
      Find a document's attachments.

      @param  (bool)      attEncInfo
      @param  (dict|None) attsSince
      @return (dict|None)
        query = {}
        query["attachments"] = True
        query["att_encoding_info"] = attEncInfo

        if attsSince:
            attsSinceArray = []
            for attsSinceValue in attsSince:
                attsSinceArray.append('"%s"' % util.quote(attsSinceValue))
            query["atts_since"] = "[%s]" % ",".join(attsSinceArray)

        return util.dig("_attachments", self.find(query))
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def toString(self):
      String wrap.

      @return (str)
        url = util.urlParse(self.uri)

        return super(Request, self).toString(
            "%s %s?%s HTTP/%s\r\n" %
            (self.method, url.path, url.query, self.httpVersion))
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def getData(self, key=None):
      Get document data value.

      @param  (str) key
      @return (mixed)
        if key != None:
            return util.dig(key, self.data)

        return self.data
Ejemplo n.º 26
   def getData(self, key = None):
      Get document data value.

      @param  (str) key
      @return (mixed)
      if key != None:
         return util.dig(key, self.data)

      return self.data
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def readFile(self, encode=True):
      Read file contents, set attachment data, data length and content type.

      @param  (bool) encode
      @return (None)
      @raises (Exception)
        if not self.file:
            raise Exception("Attachment file is empty!")

        # detect content type
        info = util.fileInfo(self.file)
        self.contentType = info["mime"]

        data = util.fileGetContents(self.file)
        self.data = data
        if encode:
            self.data = util.base64Encode(data)

        self.dataLength = len(data)
Ejemplo n.º 28
   def request(self, uri, uriParams = {}, body = None, headers = {}):
      Make a HTTP request using Request and return Response.

      @param  (str)   uri
      @param  (dict)  uriParams
      @param  (mixed) body
      @param  (dict)  headers
      @return (couch.http.Response)
      @throws (Exception)
      # match for a valid request i.e: HEAD /foo
      r = re.match("^([A-Z]+)\s+(/.*)", uri)
      if not r:
         raise Exception("Usage: <REQUEST METHOD> <REQUEST URI>!")

      m = r.groups()
      if len(m) < 2:
         raise Exception("Usage: <REQUEST METHOD> <REQUEST URI>!")

      self.Request = Request(self)
      self.Response = Response()

      # merge host, port and uri
      uri = "%s:%s/%s" % (self.host, self.port, m[1].strip(" /"))

      # set request method, uri, body
      self.Request \
         .setMethod(m[0]) \
         .setUri(uri, uriParams) \

      # set request headers (if any)
      for key, value in headers.items():
         self.Request.setHeader(key, value)

      result = self.Request.send()
      if result != "":
         headers, body = result.split("\r\n\r\n", 1)
         headers = util.parseHeaders(headers)
         if headers:
            for key, value in headers.items():
               # status line
               if key == "0":
               self.Response.setHeader(key, value)

      # is error?
      if self.Response.getStatusCode() >= 400:

      return self.Response
Ejemplo n.º 29
   def readFile(self, encode = True):
      Read file contents, set attachment data, data length and content type.

      @param  (bool) encode
      @return (None)
      @raises (Exception)
      if not self.file:
         raise Exception("Attachment file is empty!")

      # detect content type
      info = util.fileInfo(self.file)
      self.contentType = info["mime"]

      data = util.fileGetContents(self.file)
      self.data = data
      if encode:
         self.data = util.base64Encode(data)

      self.dataLength = len(data)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def request(self, uri, uriParams={}, body=None, headers={}):
      Make a HTTP request using Request and return Response.

      @param  (str)   uri
      @param  (dict)  uriParams
      @param  (mixed) body
      @param  (dict)  headers
      @return (couch.http.Response)
      @throws (Exception)
        # match for a valid request i.e: HEAD /foo
        r = re.match("^([A-Z]+)\s+(/.*)", uri)
        if not r:
            raise Exception("Usage: <REQUEST METHOD> <REQUEST URI>!")

        m = r.groups()
        if len(m) < 2:
            raise Exception("Usage: <REQUEST METHOD> <REQUEST URI>!")

        self.Request = Request(self)
        self.Response = Response()

        # merge host, port and uri
        uri = "%s:%s/%s" % (self.host, self.port, m[1].strip(" /"))

        # set request method, uri, body
        self.Request \
           .setMethod(m[0]) \
           .setUri(uri, uriParams) \

        # set request headers (if any)
        for key, value in headers.items():
            self.Request.setHeader(key, value)

        result = self.Request.send()
        if result != "":
            headers, body = result.split("\r\n\r\n", 1)
            headers = util.parseHeaders(headers)
            if headers:
                for key, value in headers.items():
                    # status line
                    if key == "0":
                    self.Response.setHeader(key, value)

        # is error?
        if self.Response.getStatusCode() >= 400:

        return self.Response
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def setError(self, body=None):
      Set error.

      @param  (mixed) body
      @return (None)
        body = util.jsonDecode(body or self.body or "")
        if type(body) is dict and ("error" in body) and ("reason" in body):
            self.error = "Stream Error >> error: '%s', reason: '%s'" % (body["error"], body["reason"])
            self.errorData["error"] = body["error"]
            self.errorData["reason"] = body["reason"]
Ejemplo n.º 32
   def __init__(self, document = None, file = None, fileName = None):
      Object constructor.

      @param (couch.Document) document
      @param (str)            file
      @param (str)            fileName
      if document:

      if file:
         self.file = file
         self.fileName = fileName if fileName else util.basename(file)
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def __init__(self, document=None, file=None, fileName=None):
      Object constructor.

      @param (couch.Document) document
      @param (str)            file
      @param (str)            fileName
        if document:

        if file:
            self.file = file
            self.fileName = fileName if fileName else util.basename(file)
Ejemplo n.º 34
   def getDocument(self, key):
      Get a document by given key (docid).

      @param  (str) key
      @return (mixed)
      data = self.client.get(self.name +"/_all_docs", {
         "include_docs": True,
         "key"         : "\"%s\"" % util.quote(key),

         return data["rows"][0]
      except: pass
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def remove(self, batch=False, fullCommit=False):
      Remove attachment.

      @param  (bool) batch
      @param  (bool) fullCommit
      @return (mixed)
      @raises (Exception)
        if not self.document:
            raise Exception("Attachment document is not defined!")

        docId = self.document.getId()
        docRev = self.document.getRev()

        if not docId:
            raise Exception("Attachment document _id is required!")

        if not docRev:
            raise Exception("Attachment document _rev is required!")

        if not self.fileName:
            raise Exception("Attachment file name is required!")

        batch = "?batch=ok" if batch else ""

        headers = {}
        headers["If-Match"] = docRev
        if fullCommit:
            headers["X-Couch-Full-Commit"] = "true"

        database = self.document.getDatabase()
        return database.client.delete(
            "%s/%s/%s%s" % (database.name, util.urlEncode(docId),
                            util.urlEncode(self.fileName), batch), None,
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def getDocument(self, key):
      Get a document by given key (docid).

      @param  (str) key
      @return (mixed)
        data = self.client.get(self.name + "/_all_docs", {
            "include_docs": True,
            "key": "\"%s\"" % util.quote(key),

            return data["rows"][0]
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def send(self, body=None):

      @param  (str) method
      @return (str)
        url = util.urlParse(self.uri)
        sock, err = None, None
        send, recv = "", ""

        send += "%s %s?%s HTTP/%s\r\n" % (self.method, url.path, url.query,
        for key, value in self.headers.items():
            if value != None:
                send += "%s: %s\r\n" % (key, value)

        send += "\r\n"
        send += self.getBody() or ""

            sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            sock.connect((self.client.host, self.client.port))
                sock.sendall(bytes(send, "utf8"))

            while True:
                buff = sock.recv(1024)
                if not buff:  # eof
                recv += str(buff, "utf8")
        except Exception as e:
            err = e
            if sock:

        # dump whole http messages (request/response)
        if self.client.couch.DEBUG == True:
            if err:
                raise err

        return recv
Ejemplo n.º 38
   def find(self, query = {}):
      Find a document.

      @param  (dict) query
      @return (mixed)
      @raises (Exception)
      if not self.id:
         raise Exception("_id field is could not be empty!")

      query = query or {}
      if "rev" not in query and self.rev:
         query["rev"] = self.rev

      return self.database.client.get(self.database.name +"/"+
         util.urlEncode(self.id), query).getBodyData()
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def setBody(self, body=None):
      Set body.

      @param  (mixed) body
      @return (self)
        if (body != None and self.method != Request.METHOD_HEAD
                and self.method != Request.METHOD_GET):
            # decode if provided
            if self.getHeader("Content-Type") == "application/json":
                body = util.jsonEncode(body)

            self.body = body
            self.headers["Content-Length"] = len(body)

        return self
Ejemplo n.º 40
   def __setattr__(self, name, value):
      Setter for magic actions.

      @param  (str) name
      @param  (str) value
      @return (None)
      @raises (Exception)
      if not hasattr(self, name):
         raise Exception("`%s` property does not exists on this object!" % name)

      # file is exception
      if name == "file":
         super.__setattr__(self, "file", value)
         super.__setattr__(self, "fileName", util.basename(value))
         super.__setattr__(self, name, value)
Ejemplo n.º 41
   def setBody(self, body = None):
      Set body.

      @param  (mixed) body
      @return (self)
      if (body != None
         and self.method != Request.METHOD_HEAD
         and self.method != Request.METHOD_GET):
         # decode if provided
         if self.getHeader("Content-Type") == "application/json":
            body = util.jsonEncode(body)

         self.body = body
         self.headers["Content-Length"] = len(body)

      return self
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def find(self, query={}):
      Find a document.

      @param  (dict) query
      @return (mixed)
      @raises (Exception)
        if not self.id:
            raise Exception("_id field is could not be empty!")

        query = query or {}
        if "rev" not in query and self.rev:
            query["rev"] = self.rev

        return self.database.client.get(
            self.database.name + "/" + util.urlEncode(self.id),
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
      Setter for magic actions.

      @param  (str) name
      @param  (str) value
      @return (None)
      @raises (Exception)
        if not hasattr(self, name):
            raise Exception("`%s` property does not exists on this object!" %

        # file is exception
        if name == "file":
            super.__setattr__(self, "file", value)
            super.__setattr__(self, "fileName", util.basename(value))
            super.__setattr__(self, name, value)
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def ping(self, *args):
      Ping document.

      @param  (int) *args Expected status code(s).
      @return (bool)
      @raises (Exception)
        if not self.id:
            raise Exception("_id field is could not be empty!")

        headers = {}
        if self.rev != None:
            headers["If-None-Match"] = '"%s"' % (self.rev)

        response = self.database.client.head(
            self.database.name + "/" + util.urlEncode(self.id), None, headers)

        return response.getStatusCode() in (args or [200])
Ejemplo n.º 45
   def ping(self, *args):
      Ping document.

      @param  (int) *args Expected status code(s).
      @return (bool)
      @raises (Exception)
      if not self.id:
         raise Exception("_id field is could not be empty!")

      headers = {}
      if self.rev != None:
         headers["If-None-Match"] = '"%s"' % (self.rev)

      response = self.database.client.head(self.database.name +"/"+
         util.urlEncode(self.id), None, headers)

      return response.getStatusCode() in (args or [200])
Ejemplo n.º 46
   def send(self, body = None):

      @param  (str) method
      @return (str)
      url = util.urlParse(self.uri)
      sock, err = None, None
      send, recv = "", ""

      send += "%s %s?%s HTTP/%s\r\n" % (self.method, url.path, url.query, self.httpVersion)
      for key, value in self.headers.items():
         if value != None:
            send += "%s: %s\r\n" % (key, value)

      send += "\r\n"
      send += self.getBody() or ""

         sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
         sock.connect((self.client.host, self.client.port))
         while True:
            buff = sock.recv(1024)
            if not buff: # eof
            recv += buff
      except Exception as e:
         err = e
         if sock:

      # dump whole http messages (request/response)
      if self.client.couch.DEBUG == True:
         print send
         print recv
         if err:
            raise err

      return recv
Ejemplo n.º 47
   def remove(self, batch = False, fullCommit = False):
      Remove a document.

      @param  (bool) batch
      @param  (bool) fullCommit
      @return (mixed)
      @raises (Exception)
      if not self.id and not self.rev:
         raise Exception("Both _id & _rev fields could not be empty!")

      batch = "?batch=ok" if batch else ""

      headers = {}
      headers["If-Match"] = self.rev
      if fullCommit:
         headers["X-Couch-Full-Commit"] = "true"

      return self.database.client.delete(self.database.name +"/"+
         util.urlEncode(self.id) + batch, None, headers).getBodyData()
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def save(self, batch=False, fullCommit=False):
      Create or update a document.

      @param  (bool) batch
      @param  (bool) fullCommit
      @return (mixed)
        batch = "?batch=ok" if batch else ""

        headers = {}
        if fullCommit:
            headers["X-Couch-Full-Commit"] = "true"
        if self.rev:
            headers["If-Match"] = self.rev

        data = self.getData()
        if self.attachments:
            data["_attachments"] = {}
            for name, attachment in self.attachments.items():
                data["_attachments"][name] = attachment.toArray()

        # insert action
        if not self.id:
            ret = self.database.client.post(self.database.name + batch, None,
                                            data, headers).getBodyData()
            if ret and ("id" in ret):
        # update action
            ret = self.database.client.put(
                self.database.name + "/" + util.urlEncode(self.id) + batch,
                None, data, headers).getBodyData()

        # for next instant call(s)
        if ret and ("rev" in ret):

        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 49
    def remove(self, batch=False, fullCommit=False):
      Remove a document.

      @param  (bool) batch
      @param  (bool) fullCommit
      @return (mixed)
      @raises (Exception)
        if not self.id and not self.rev:
            raise Exception("Both _id & _rev fields could not be empty!")

        batch = "?batch=ok" if batch else ""

        headers = {}
        headers["If-Match"] = self.rev
        if fullCommit:
            headers["X-Couch-Full-Commit"] = "true"

        return self.database.client.delete(
            self.database.name + "/" + util.urlEncode(self.id) + batch, None,
Ejemplo n.º 50
   def save(self, batch = False, fullCommit = False):
      Create or update a document.

      @param  (bool) batch
      @param  (bool) fullCommit
      @return (mixed)
      batch = "?batch=ok" if batch else ""

      headers = {}
      if fullCommit:
         headers["X-Couch-Full-Commit"] = "true"
      if self.rev:
         headers["If-Match"] = self.rev

      data = self.getData()
      if self.attachments:
         data["_attachments"] = {}
         for name, attachment in self.attachments.items():
            data["_attachments"][name] = attachment.toArray()

      # insert action
      if not self.id:
         ret = self.database.client.post(self.database.name + batch, None,
            data, headers).getBodyData()
         if ret and ("id" in ret):
      # update action
         ret = self.database.client.put(self.database.name +"/"+
            util.urlEncode(self.id) + batch, None, data, headers).getBodyData()

      # for next instant call(s)
      if ret and ("rev" in ret):

      return ret