Ejemplo n.º 1
def mkdir_handler(arg):
    if arg.path:
        # TODO do recursive get on the path /a/b/c/
        # TODO assert somehow that the path exists on the server
        if arg.root:
            # create root dir
            (root_private, root_public, cap) = crypto.generate_RSA()
            root_cap = [DIR_WRITE_CAP, cap[0], cap[1]]
            data = {".": ":".join(root_cap)}
            print "ROOT CAP: ", root_cap
            with open("private/root_dir.cap", 'w') as f:
                c = arg.name + "|" + capToString(root_cap) + "\n"
            # assume the root exists 
            with open("private/root_dir.cap", 'r') as f:
                line = f.read()
                if line and line != "\n":
                    line = line[line.find("|")+1:].strip("\n")
                    root_cap = line.split(":")
                    root_cap[2] = root_cap[2]
                    cipher = get_data(line)
                    (data, root_private, root_public)= crypto.unpackage_data(root_cap, cipher) 
                    data = json.loads(data) 
                    (private, public, cap) = crypto.generate_RSA()
                    cap = [DIR_WRITE_CAP, cap[0], cap[1]]
                    data[arg.name] =  ":".join(cap)
                    # post new dir 1st 
                    new_data = {".": ":".join(cap)}
                    new_data = json.dumps(new_data)
                    new_data = crypto.package_data(new_data, cap, private, public)
                    post_data(new_data, capToString(cap))
    # post root dir data 
    data = json.dumps(data) 
    data = crypto.package_data(data, root_cap, root_private, root_public)
    post_data(data, capToString(root_cap))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def put_handler(arg):
    if arg.writecap:
        # putting with a cap requires
        # 1) Getting the encrypted private key
        # 2) Decrypting it, and using it to sign the updated data
        # 3) Signing the encryption of the updated data with the private key
        cap = arg.writecap.split(":")
        cipher = get_data(arg.writecap) 
        (data, private, public) = crypto.unpackage_data(cap, cipher)
        with open("private/root_dir.cap", 'r') as f:
            line = f.read()
            if line and line != "\n":
                line = line[line.find("|")+1:].strip("\n")
                root_cap = line.split(":")
                cipher = get_data(line)
                (data, root_private, root_public)= crypto.unpackage_data(root_cap, cipher) 
                data = json.loads(data)
        # here cap is (my_hash(private_key), my_hash(public_key))
        (private, public, cap) = crypto.generate_RSA()
        cap = [FILE_WRITE_CAP, cap[0], cap[1]]
        # put name in dir
        data[arg.name] = capToString(cap)         
        # update root dir data 
        data = json.dumps(data) 
        data = crypto.package_data(data, root_cap, root_private, root_public)
        post_data(data, capToString(root_cap))
        # save the cap in a private file 
        with open('private/files.txt', "a") as f:
            c = arg.name+ "|" + capToString(cap)+ "\n"
        # TODO get rid of key storage by making get to the server via URI after createion
        # save the private key in a file 
        with open('private/keys/'+arg.name+"public", "w") as f:
        with open('private/keys/'+arg.name+"private", "w") as f:
    data = arg.data
    data = crypto.package_data(data, cap, private, public)
    h = crypto.my_hash(cap[1])[:16]
    cap[1] = crypto.my_hash(h)
    post_data(data, capToString(cap))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def put_handler(arg):
    if arg.writecap:
        # putting with a cap requires
        # 1) Getting the encrypted private key
        # 2) Decrypting it, and using it to sign the updated data same signature fro authenticity
        # 3) Signing the encryption of the updated data with the private key
        cap = arg.writecap.split(":")
        cipher = get_data(arg.writecap) 
        data_ar = cipher.split(SPLIT_SYMBOL)
        sign = data_ar[1]
        data = data_ar[0]
        public = data_ar[2]
        assert(data_ar[3] == crypto.my_hash(public))

        valid = crypto.verify_RSA(public, sign, data)
        print "Valid: ", valid
        if valid:
            # generate the AES decryption key and decrypt
            salt = "a"*16
            s = str(cap[1] + salt)
            hashed_key = crypto.my_hash(s)
            ptext = crypto.decrypt(data, hashed_key[:16])   
            splitted = ptext.split(SPLIT_SYMBOL)
            raw_data = splitted[0]
            enc_pk = splitted[1]
            private = crypto.decrypt(enc_pk, cap[1])
            data = arg.data
        # here cap is (my_hash(private_key), my_hash(public_key))
        (private, public, cap) = crypto.generate_RSA()
        cap = [FILE_WRITE_CAP, cap[0], cap[1]]
        # save the cap in a private file 
        with open('private/files.txt', "a") as f:
            c = arg.name+ "|" + cap[0] + ":" + cap[1] + ":" + cap[2] + "\n"
        # save the private key in a file 
        with open('private/keys/'+arg.name+"public", "w") as f:
        with open('private/keys/'+arg.name+"private", "w") as f:
        data = arg.data
    # store the encrypted private key in the data
    data = data + SPLIT_SYMBOL + crypto.encrypt(private, cap[1], False)
    # use the read key as an encryption key for the concatted data
    salt = "a"*16
    s = str(cap[1] + salt)
    hashed_key = crypto.my_hash(s)
    # encrypt the data
    data = crypto.encrypt(data, hashed_key[:16], False)
    # sign it with private key
    signature = crypto.sign_data(private, data)
    # enc_data | signature | public_key | hash(public_key)
    data = data +SPLIT_SYMBOL+ signature + SPLIT_SYMBOL + public + SPLIT_SYMBOL + crypto.my_hash(public)

    # double hash the key to get the file name
    file_name = crypto.my_hash(crypto.my_hash(cap[1]))
    write = ":".join(map(str, cap)) 
    print "Write cap for the file is: %s" % write
    cap[0] = FILE_READ_CAP
    cap[1] = crypto.my_hash(cap[1])[:16]
    read = ":".join(map(str, cap)) 
    print "Read cap for the file is: %s" % read
    print "You can access the capability in private/files.txt"
    post_data(data, write)