Ejemplo n.º 1
class Calibrate(object):
    def __init__(self, obj='', filtercol='V'):
        Initialize database
        set filtercolor
        from datasource import DataSource

        self.wifsip = DataSource(database='wifsip', host='pina', user='******')
        self.obj = obj
        if filtercol in ('B', 'V', 'R', 'I'):
            self.filtercol = filtercol
            raise (ValueError)
        logging.basicConfig(filename=config.projectpath + 'calibration.log',
                            format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
        logging.info('Object: %s', self.obj)
        logging.info('Setting filtercolor=%s', self.filtercol)

    def getframes(self, refframe):
        logging.info('getframes ...')
        query = "SELECT object FROM frames WHERE objid='%s';" % refframe
        obj = self.wifsip.query(query)[0][0]
        print(refframe, '-->', obj)
        logging.info('%s --> %s' % (refframe, obj))
        query = """SELECT objid
         FROM frames
         WHERE object LIKE '%s'
         AND filter like '%s';""" % (obj, self.filtercol)

        result = self.wifsip.query(query)
        self.frames = [r[0] for r in result]
        logging.info('%d frames' % len(self.frames))

    def getrefframes(self):
        choose the frames with the highest number of matched stars for each 
        field and filter 
        logging.info('getrefframes ...')
        query = """SELECT object,max(matched)
            FROM frames
            WHERE object LIKE '%s'
            AND filter = '%s'
            GROUP BY object
            ORDER BY object;""" % (self.obj, self.filtercol)
        result = self.wifsip.query(query)
        logging.info('%d frames' % len(result))
        for r in result:
            print(r[0], '\t', r[1])

        maxmatched = [{'object': r[0], 'matched': r[1]} for r in result]

        self.ref = []
        for m in maxmatched:
            query = """SELECT objid
                FROM frames
                WHERE object LIKE '%s'
                AND filter like '%s'
                AND matched = %d;""" % \
                    (m['object'], self.filtercol, m['matched'])
        logging.info('%d frames' % len(self.ref))

    def corrframes(self, refframe=''):
        logging.info('create view phot1')

            self.wifsip.execute('DROP VIEW phot1;')
        except psycopg2.ProgrammingError:
            logging.info('drop view phot1 failed')
        query = """CREATE VIEW phot1 AS 
            SELECT * 
            FROM phot 
            WHERE objid='%s'
             AND phot.mag_auto>12 and phot.mag_auto<16
             AND flags=0
            ORDER BY phot.mag_auto;""" % (refframe)

        for frame in self.frames:
            query = """SELECT phot.mag_auto, phot1.mag_auto
            FROM phot, phot1
            WHERE phot.objid='%s'
            AND circle(phot.coord,0) <@ circle(phot1.coord,0.15/3600.);
            """ % frame

            result = self.wifsip.query(query)
            if len(result) == 0:
                logging.warn('no data for frame %s' % frame)
            omag = np.array([r[0] for r in result])
            cmag = np.array([r[1] for r in result])
            mstd = np.std(omag - cmag)

            corr = np.mean(omag - cmag)
            s = '%s %6.3f %.3f %3d' % (frame, corr, mstd, len(omag))

            if len(omag) < 100 or mstd > 0.015:
                corr = np.nan
                # print '#'
            self.updateframe(frame, corr)

        logging.info('drop view phot1')

    def updateframe(self, frame, corr):

        if np.isnan(corr):
            query = """UPDATE frames SET corr = NULL
                    WHERE objid = '%s';""" % frame
            query = """UPDATE frames
                        SET corr = %f
                        WHERE objid = '%s';""" % (corr, frame)

    def resetframes(self):
        logging.info('reset frames')
        query = """UPDATE frames
        SET corr=NULL
        WHERE object LIKE '%s'
        AND filter like '%s';""" % (self.obj, self.filtercol)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Photometry(object):
    def __init__(self, filtercol='V'):
        from datasource import DataSource

        self.wifsip = DataSource(database='wifsip', host='pina', user='******')
        if filtercol in ('B', 'V'):
            self.filtercol = filtercol
            raise (ValueError)

        self.frames = []
        print 'filter %s' % self.filtercol

    def createtable(self):
        create table for the photometry
        if not raw_input('press Y to erase m48stars') == 'Y':

        query = """
        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS m48stars;
        CREATE TABLE m48stars(
         starid varchar(25),
         bv real,
         vmag real default 0,
         vmag_err real,
         bmag real default 0,
         bmag_err real,
         period real,
         period_err real,
         theta real,
         amp real,
         amp_err real,
         nv integer default 0,
         nb integer default 0,
         ra double precision,
         dec double precision,
         coord point,
         PRIMARY KEY (starid));
        GRANT SELECT ON m48stars TO public;
        CREATE INDEX idx_m48stars_coords ON m48stars USING GIST (circle(coord,1.0/3600.));
        print "table 'm48stars' created"

    def cleartable(self):
        if not raw_input('press Y to clear m48stars') == 'Y':
        query = """
        UPDATE m48stars
        SET vmag = 0, vmag_err = NULL, bmag = 0, bmag_err =NULL, nv = 0, nb = 0, bv = NULL;
        print "table 'm48stars' cleared"

    def getframes(self):
        for field in ['C', 'NW', 'NE', 'SW', 'SE']:
            query = """SELECT object, objid, abs(corr)
             FROM frames
             WHERE object LIKE 'M 48 BVI %s'
             AND filter LIKE '%s'
             AND NOT corr IS NULL
             ORDER BY abs(corr)
             limit 5;""" % (field, self.filtercol)

            result = self.wifsip.query(query)
            if len(result) == 0:
                print 'no frames found!'
            for r in result:
                print '%s\t%s\t%.3f: ' % r
                objid = r[1]
        #print '\n'.join(self.frames)

    def filltable(self, objid):
        #get the stars from the phot table ...
        query = """
            SELECT phot.objid ||'#'|| star, mag_auto-corr, alphawin_j2000 , deltawin_j2000
            FROM phot,frames
            WHERE frames.objid='%s'
            AND phot.objid=frames.objid AND flags<8;""" % (objid)
        result = self.wifsip.query(query)
        #... and inject them into the m48stars
        stars = len(result)
        if stars > 400:
            print '%5d stars: ' % stars,
            oldstars = 0
            newstars = 0
            for r in result:
                ostars = self.addstar(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3])
                if ostars == 0:
                    newstars += 1
                    oldstars += 1
            print '%5d old , %5d new' % (oldstars, newstars)
            print 'not enough stars (%d)' % stars
        #value = '%s\t%f\t%f\t%f' % r
        #print value

    def addstar(self, starid, mag, ra, dec):
        # identify by coordinates, if the star is already in table
        query = """SELECT starid
        FROM m48stars
        WHERE circle(point(%f,%f),0)<@circle(coord,1.0/3600.)
        ORDER BY point(%f,%f)<->coord
        LIMIT 1;""" % (ra, dec, ra, dec)
        result = self.wifsip.query(query)
        oldstar = 0
        # if not: append new star
        if len(result) == 0:
            oldstar = 0
            if self.filtercol == 'B':
                query = """INSERT INTO m48stars (starid, bmag, nb, ra, dec, coord)
                VALUES ('%s', %f, 1, %f, %f, point(%f,%f))""" % (
                    starid, mag, ra, dec, ra, dec)
            elif self.filtercol == 'V':
                query = """INSERT INTO m48stars (starid, vmag, nv, ra, dec, coord)
                VALUES ('%s', %f, 1, %f, %f, point(%f,%f))""" % (
                    starid, mag, ra, dec, ra, dec)

        # if star exists: add up magnitudes, increase counter
            oldstar = 1
            oldid = result[0][0]
            if self.filtercol == 'B':
                query = """UPDATE m48stars
                SET bmag = bmag + %f, nb = nb + 1
                WHERE starid = '%s';
                """ % (mag, oldid)
            elif self.filtercol == 'V':
                query = """UPDATE m48stars
                SET vmag = vmag + %f, nv = nv + 1
                WHERE starid = '%s';
                """ % (mag, oldid)
        return oldstar

    def update_magnitudes(self):
        if self.filtercol == 'B':
            query = """UPDATE m48stars
            SET bmag=bmag/nb
            WHERE nb>1;
            UPDATE m48stars
            SET bmag=NULL
            WHERE nb=0;"""
        elif self.filtercol == 'V':
            query = """    
            UPDATE m48stars
            SET vmag=vmag/nv
            WHERE nv>1;
            UPDATE m48stars
            SET vmag=NULL
            WHERE nv=0;"""

    def update_sigmas(self):
        import numpy as np

        if self.filtercol == 'V': field = 'vmag'
        elif self.filtercol == 'B': field = 'bmag'
        query = """SELECT starid, coord 
            FROM m48stars 
            WHERE (NOT bv IS NULL) AND (%s_err IS NULL);""" % (field)
        starlist = self.wifsip.query(query)
        for star in starlist:
            print '%5d ' % starlist.index(star),
            print '%-24s: %-25s' % star,
            query = """SELECT phot.objid, mag_auto-corr 
                FROM phot, frames
                WHERE object like 'M 48 BVI %%'
                AND phot.objid=frames.objid
                AND filter='%s'
                AND flags<8
                AND point%s <@ circle(phot.coord,1./3600.)
                ORDER BY abs(corr)
                LIMIT 5;""" % (self.filtercol, star[1])
            result = self.wifsip.query(query)
            mags = np.array([r[1] for r in result])
                err = np.std(mags)
                print mags,
                print '%.3f %.4f' % (np.mean(mags), err)
                if np.isfinite(err):
                    query = "UPDATE m48stars SET %s_err=%f WHERE starid='%s';" % (
                        field, err, star[0])
            except TypeError:
                print 'no data'

    def update_bv(self):
        query = "UPDATE m48stars SET bv = bmag-vmag;"
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Photometry(object):
    Photometry class has the following tasks:
    * create the db table
    * optionally clear the values for recalculation
    * build up a list of stars
    * collect B and V magnitudes for each star
    def __init__(self, objname=None, filtercol='V', dbname=None):

        self.wifsip = DataSource(database='wifsip', host='pina', user='******')


        if objname is None:  # 'M48 BVI'
            raise (ValueError, 'objname not set')
            self.objname = objname

        if filtercol in ('B', 'V', 'R', 'I', 'u', 'v', 'b', 'y', 'hbn', 'hbw'):
            self.filtercol = filtercol
            raise (ValueError, 'unknown filter color')

        self.frames = []
        if dbname is None:  # 'M48stars'
            raise (ValueError, 'tablename not set')
            self.dbname = dbname

        print('filter %s' % self.filtercol)

    def createtable(self):
        create table for the photometry
        if not input('press Y to erase ' + self.dbname) == 'Y':

        query = """
        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %(dbname)s;
        CREATE TABLE %(dbname)s(
         starid varchar(25),
         bv real,
         vmag real default 0,
         vmag_err real,
         bmag real default 0,
         bmag_err real,
         period real,
         period_err real,
         amp real,
         amp_err real,
         nv integer default 0,
         nb integer default 0,
         ra double precision,
         dec double precision,
         coord point,
         PRIMARY KEY (starid));
        GRANT SELECT ON %(dbname)s TO public;
        CREATE INDEX idx_%(dbname)s_coords ON %(dbname)s USING GIST (circle(coord,1.0/3600.));
        """ % {
            'dbname': self.dbname
        print("table '%s' created" % self.dbname)

    def cleartable(self):
        clears photometric values from the table for recalculation
        if not input('press Y to clear ' + self.dbname) == 'Y':
        query = """
        UPDATE %s
        SET vmag = 0, 
        vmag_err = NULL, 
        bmag = 0, 
        bmag_err = NULL, 
        nv = 0, 
        nb = 0, 
        bv = NULL;
        """ % self.dbname
        print("table '%s' cleared" % self.dbname)

    def getframes(self, fields=['C', 'NW', 'NE', 'SW', 'SE']):
        for field in fields:
            if len(field) > 0:
                objname = self.objname + ' ' + field
                objname = self.objname
            query = """SELECT object, objid, abs(corr)
             FROM frames
             WHERE object LIKE '%s'
             AND filter LIKE '%s'
             AND NOT corr IS NULL
             ORDER BY abs(corr)
             limit 5;""" % (objname, self.filtercol)

            result = self.wifsip.query(query)
            if len(result) == 0:
                print('no frames found!')
            for r in result:
                print('%s\t%s\t%.3f: ' % r)
                objid = r[1]

        # print '\n'.join(self.frames)

    def filltable(self, objid):
        # get the stars from the phot table ...
        query = """
            SELECT phot.objid ||'#'|| star, mag_auto-corr, alphawin_j2000 , deltawin_j2000
            FROM phot,frames
            WHERE frames.objid='%s'
            AND phot.objid=frames.objid AND flags<8;""" % (objid)
        result = self.wifsip.query(query)
        # ... and inject them into the m48stars
        stars = len(result)
        if stars > 400:
            print('%5d stars: ' % stars, end=' ')
            oldstars = 0
            newstars = 0
            for r in result:
                ostars = self.addstar(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3])
                if ostars == 0:
                    newstars += 1
                    oldstars += 1
            print('%5d old , %5d new' % (oldstars, newstars))
            print('not enough stars (%d)' % stars)

    def addstar(self, starid, mag, ra, dec):
        # identify by coordinates, if the star is already in table
        query = """SELECT starid
        FROM %(dbname)s
        WHERE circle(point(%(ra)f,%(dec)f),0)<@circle(coord,1.0/3600.)
        ORDER BY point(%(ra)f,%(dec)f)<->coord
        LIMIT 1;""" % {
            'dbname': self.dbname,
            'ra': ra,
            'dec': dec
        result = self.wifsip.query(query)
        oldstar = 0
        # if not: append new star
        if self.filtercol == 'B':
            mname, nname = ('bmag', 'nb')
        elif self.filtercol == 'V':
            mname, nname = ('vmag', 'nv')

        if len(result) == 0:
            oldstar = 0
            query = """INSERT INTO %s (starid, %s, %s, ra, dec, coord)
            VALUES ('%s', %f, 1, %f, %f, point(%f,%f))""" % \
                    (self.dbname, mname, nname, starid, mag, ra, dec, ra, dec)

        # if star exists: add up magnitudes, increase counter
            oldstar = 1
            oldid = result[0][0]
            query = """UPDATE %(dbname)s
            SET %(mname)s = %(mname)s + %(mag)f, %(nname)s = %(nname)s + 1
            WHERE starid = '%(oldid)s';
            """ % {
                'dbname': self.dbname,
                'mname': mname,
                'nname': nname,
                'mag': mag,
                'oldid': oldid
        return oldstar

    def update_magnitudes(self):
        if self.filtercol == 'B':
            magfield, nfield = 'bmag', 'nb'
        elif self.filtercol == 'V':
            magfield, nfield = 'vmag', 'nv'
        query = """UPDATE %(dbname)s
        SET %(magfield)s=%(magfield)s/%(nfield)s
        WHERE %(nfield)s>1;
        UPDATE %(dbname)s
        SET %(magfield)s=NULL
        WHERE %(nfield)s=0;""" % \
                {'dbname': self.dbname, 'magfield': magfield, 'nfield': nfield}


    def update_sigmas(self):
        update the photometric erros after the magnitude has been calculated
        import numpy as np

        if self.filtercol == 'V':
            field = 'vmag'
        elif self.filtercol == 'B':
            field = 'bmag'
        query = """SELECT starid, coord 
            FROM %s 
            WHERE (NOT bv IS NULL) AND (%s_err IS NULL);""" % (self.dbname,
        starlist = self.wifsip.query(query)
        for star in starlist:
            print('%5d ' % starlist.index(star), end=' ')
            print('%-24s: %-25s' % star, end=' ')
            query = """SELECT phot.objid, mag_auto-corr 
                FROM phot, frames
                WHERE object like '%s %%'
                AND phot.objid=frames.objid
                AND filter='%s'
                AND flags<8
                AND point%s <@ circle(phot.coord,1./3600.)
                ORDER BY abs(corr)
                LIMIT 5;""" % (self.objname, self.filtercol, star[1])
            result = self.wifsip.query(query)
            mags = np.array([r[1] for r in result])
                err = np.std(mags)
                print(mags, end=' ')
                print('%.3f %.4f' % (np.mean(mags), err))
                if np.isfinite(err):
                    query = "UPDATE %s SET %s_err=%f WHERE starid='%s';" % \
                            (self.dbname, field, err, star[0])
            except TypeError:
                print('no data')

    def update_bv(self):
        just calculate the B-V
        query = "UPDATE %s SET bv = bmag-vmag;" % self.dbname