Ejemplo n.º 1
    def make_cpd(self):
        import pylab as plt
        import numpy as np
        from datasource import DataSource

        wifsip = DataSource(database='wifsip', user='******', host='pina.aip.de')
        query = """SELECT bv, period, theta 
                    FROM ngc1647stars 
                    WHERE vmag>4.762*bv + 10.4762 and theta>0.5;"""
        data = wifsip.query(query)

        bv = np.array([d[0] for d in data])
        period = np.array([d[1] for d in data])
        theta = np.array([d[2] for d in data])

        query = """SELECT bv, period, theta 
                    FROM ngc1647stars 
                    WHERE vmag<4.762*bv + 10.4762 
                    AND theta>0.5;"""
        data = wifsip.query(query)
        bv_ms = np.array([d[0] for d in data])
        period_ms = np.array([d[1] for d in data])
        theta_ms = np.array([d[2] for d in data])

        import gyroage

        bv170 = np.linspace(0.5, 1.6, num=20)
        P = gyroage.gyroperiod(bv170, 170.0)
        P01 = gyroage.gyroperiod(bv170, 170.0, P0=0.1)
        P33 = gyroage.gyroperiod(bv170, 170.0, P0=3.3)

        plt.plot(bv170, P, color='r')
        plt.plot(bv170, P01, color='r', linestyle='dashed')
        plt.plot(bv170, P33, color='r', linestyle='dashed')

        plt.scatter(bv - self.ebv,
                    s=(1.0 - theta) * 40.,
        plt.scatter(bv_ms - self.ebv,
                    s=(1.0 - theta_ms) * 40.,
        plt.xlabel('(B - V)$_0$')
        plt.ylabel('period [days]')
        plt.ylim(0.0, 10.0)
        plt.xlim(0.0, 2.2)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Ppmxl(dict):
    Class to inference the PPMXL table in the wifsip database on pina

    def __init__(self, param):
        initialize the database and query it according the parameter,
        if a string is given, then we assume, it is the name,
        if it is a tuple, then we take them as coordinates
        from datasource import DataSource

        self.corot = DataSource(database='wifsip', user='******', host='pina.aip.de')
        if type(param) is str:
                values = self._byname(param)[0]
            except IndexError:
                values = [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]

        if type(param) is tuple:
                values = self._bycoord(param)[0]
            except IndexError:
                values = [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]

        keys = ['id', 'ra', 'dec', 'pmra', 'pmde', 'jmag', 'hmag', 'kmag',
                'b1mag', 'b2mag', 'r1mag', 'r2mag', 'imag', 'smags', 'no',
                'fl', 'coord']
        for key, value in zip(keys, values):
            if key == 'coord':  # we want to return a tuple
                vals = value.strip('()').split(',')
                self[key] = (float(vals[0]), float(vals[1]))
                self[key] = value

    def _byname(self, name):
        """query the table by name"""
        query = """SELECT * 
        FROM ppmxl 
        WHERE id = '%s';""" % name
        result = self.corot.query(query)
        return result

    def _bycoord(self, coord):
        """query the table by coordinate"""
        query = """SELECT * 
        FROM ppmxl 
        WHERE circle(coord,0.0006) @> circle(point(%f,%f),0) LIMIT 1;""" % coord
        result = self.corot.query(query)
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 3
class TwoMass(dict):
    Class to inference the TwoMass table in the corot database on pina

    def __init__(self, param):
        initialize the database and query it according the parameter,
        if a string is given, then we assume, it is the name,
        if it is a tuple, then we take them as coordinates
        from datasource import DataSource
        self.corot = DataSource(database='corot', user='******', host='pina.aip.de')
        if type(param) is str:
                values = self._byname(param)[0] 
            except IndexError:
                values = [None,None,None,None,None,None,None,None,None,None]
        if type(param) is tuple:
                values = self._bycoord(param)[0]
            except IndexError:
                values = [None,None,None,None,None,None,None,None,None,None]
        keys = ['twomass', 'raj2000', 'dej2000', 'jmag', 'e_jmag' ,'hmag' , 
                'e_hmag', 'kmag' , 'e_kmag', 'coord'] 
        for key, value in zip(keys,values):
            if key=='coord' and not value is None: # we want to return a tuple
                vals = value.strip('()').split(',')
                self[key] = (float(vals[0]),float(vals[1])) 
                self[key] = value    
    def _byname(self, name):
        """query the table by name"""
        query = """SELECT * 
        FROM twomass 
        WHERE twomass = '%s';""" % name
        result = self.corot.query(query)
        return result
    def _bycoord(self, coord):
        """query the table by coordinate"""
        query = """SELECT * 
        FROM twomass 
        WHERE circle(coord,0.0006) @> point(%f,%f) LIMIT 1;""" % coord 
        result = self.corot.query(query)
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def make_cmd(self):
        import pylab as plt
        import numpy as np
        from datasource import DataSource

        wifsip = DataSource(database='wifsip', user='******', host='pina.aip.de')
        query = "SELECT vmag, bv FROM ngc1647stars;"

        data = wifsip.query(query)
        vmag = np.array([d[0] for d in data])
        bv = np.array([d[1] for d in data])
        plt.scatter(bv, vmag, edgecolor='none', alpha=0.75)

        k = 8 / (2.0 - 0.32)
        d = 20 - 2.0 * k
        x = np.linspace(0.0, 2.5, 10)
        y = k * x + d
        plt.plot(x, y, linestyle='dashed', color='k')
        plt.ylim(21.0, 8.0)
        plt.xlim(0.0, 2.2)
        plt.xlabel('B - V')
        plt.ylabel('V [mag]')
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def make_cmd(self):
        import pylab as plt
        import numpy as np
        from datasource import DataSource

        wifsip = DataSource(database='wifsip', user='******', host='pina.aip.de')
        query = "SELECT vmag, bv FROM ngc2281stars where vmag>0.0 and bv>0.0;"

        data = wifsip.query(query)
        vmag = np.array([d[0] for d in data])
        bv = np.array([d[1] for d in data])
        plt.scatter(bv - self.ebv, vmag, edgecolor='none', alpha=0.75)

        k = (21.0 - 10.5) / (1.8 - 0.0)
        d = 10.5
        x = np.linspace(0.0, 2.5, 10)
        y = k * x + d
        plt.plot(x, y, linestyle='dashed', color='k')
        plt.ylim(21.0, 10.0)
        plt.xlim(0.0, 2.2)
        plt.title('NGC 2281')
        plt.xlabel('(B - V)$_0$')
        plt.ylabel('V [mag]')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def make_cmd(show=False):
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from datasource import DataSource

    wifsip = DataSource(database='wifsip', user='******', host='pina.aip.de')

    query = "SELECT vmag, bmag FROM ngc6940 WHERE vmag>0.0 and bmag>0.0;"
    data = wifsip.query(query)
    vmag = np.array([d[0]
                     for d in data]) * 1.0042005546775856 + 0.24536565071778343
    bmag = np.array([d[1]
                     for d in data]) * 1.0017849466111253 + 1.3145083952754286
    bv = bmag - vmag

    plt.scatter(bv - 0.214, vmag, edgecolor='none', alpha=0.5, s=2, c='k')
    plt.axvline(0.653, linestyle='--', color='y')
    plt.title('NGC6940 Color Magnitude Diagram E(B-V)=0.214')
    plt.ylim(21.0, 10.0)
    plt.xlim(0.0, 1.6)
    plt.xlabel('(B - V)$_0$')
    plt.ylabel('V [mag]')
    if show:
        plt.savefig(config.resultpath + 'ngc6940cmd.eps')
        plt.savefig(config.resultpath + 'ngc6940cmd.pdf')
Ejemplo n.º 7
def make_cmd():
    import pylab as plt
    import numpy as np
    from datasource import DataSource

    wifsip = DataSource(database='wifsip', user='******', host='pina.aip.de')
    query = "UPDATE m48stars SET bv = (bmag-vmag)+(0.761837-0.060177);"

    query = "SELECT vmag+0.060177, bv FROM m48stars WHERE NOT bv is NULL and nv>1 and nb>1;"

    data = wifsip.query(query)
    vmag = np.array([d[0] for d in data])
    bv = np.array([d[1] for d in data])
    plt.scatter(bv, vmag, edgecolor='none', alpha=0.75, s=4, c='k')

    plt.ylim(22.0, 7.0)
    plt.xlim(-0.2, 2.0)
    plt.xlabel('B - V')
    plt.ylabel('V [mag]')
    plt.title('M 48')
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def getphot(self, ra, dec, filtercol):
        from datasource import DataSource
        wifsip = DataSource(database=config.dbname,
        params = {'filtercol': filtercol, 'ra': ra, 'dec': dec}
        #'IC 4756 v2 %% uvby'
        query = """SELECT mag_auto, zeropnt, expt, flux_auto
        FROM phot, frames
        WHERE object like 'M 67%%'
        AND phot.objid = frames.objid
        AND filter='%(filtercol)s'
        AND circle(phot.coord,0.0)<@circle(point(%(ra).11f,%(dec).11f),0.6/3600.0)
        AND flags=0""" % params
        data = wifsip.query(query)
        zeropnt = np.array([d['zeropnt'] for d in data])
        mag_isocor = np.array([d['mag_auto'] for d in data])
        expt = np.array([d['expt'] for d in data])
        flux_auto = np.array([d['flux_auto'] for d in data])
        if len(mag_isocor) == 0:
            return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan
        #mags = mag_isocor-zeropnt
        mags = -2.5 * np.log10(flux_auto / expt)
        valid = abs(mags - np.mean(mags)) < 2.0 * np.std(mags)
        mags = np.compress(valid, mags)
        mag = np.mean(mags)

        return mag, np.std(mags), len(mags)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def plot_cpd(self):
        create plot for Heraeus Talk
        from datasource import DataSource
        wifsip = DataSource(database='wifsip', user='******', host='oldpina.aip.de')
        query = """SELECT bv, period 
                    FROM m48stars 
                    WHERE good;"""

        data = wifsip.query(query)
        bv = np.array([d[0] for d in data])
        period = np.array([d[1] for d in data])
        import gyroage
        from functions import logspace
        bv360 = logspace(0.5, 2.0, num=100)
        #P = gyroage.gyroperiod(bv360, 360.0, version=2007)
        P, pc = gyroage.gyroperiod(bv360, 360.0, version=2003)
        plt.plot(bv360, pc, color='b', linestyle='--')
        plt.plot(bv360, P, color='r')
        plt.scatter(bv-self.ebv, period, s=1, 
                    edgecolor='none', c='k')
        plt.xlabel('(B - V)$_0$')
        plt.ylabel('period [days]')
        plt.ylim(0.0, 20.0)
        plt.xlim(0.0, 2.0)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self):
        from datasource import DataSource

        table = DataSource(database='stella',
        columns = ['starid', 'ra', 'dec', '"b-y"', 'm1', 'c1', 'beta']
        query = "SELECT %s FROM referencestars order by starid;" % ', '.join(
        data = table.query(query)
        columns[3] = 'b-y'

        d0 = data[0]
        #for c in columns: print c
        dtypes = ['|S11', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4']
        for c in columns:

        arraydata = []
        for star in data:
        self.stars = np.array(arraydata, dtype=zip(columns, dtypes))
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def lightcurve_fromdb(self):
        extract a single lightcurve from the database
        and return epoch (hjd), magnitude and error
        from datasource import DataSource
        import numpy as np

        wifsip = DataSource(database='wifsip', user='******', host='pina.aip.de')
        query = """SELECT frames.hjd, phot.mag_isocor, phot.magerr_isocor
                FROM frames, matched, phot
                WHERE id LIKE '%s'
                AND filter LIKE 'rp'
                AND frames.objid = matched.objid
                AND (phot.objid,phot.star) = (matched.objid,matched.star)
                ORDER BY hjd;""" % (self.id)
        # AND hjd>2455473.5 AND hjd<2455477 AND frames.good

        # AND frames.good
        #          AND hjd>2455470 AND hjd<2455510
        data = wifsip.query(query)
        self.hjd = np.array([d[0] for d in data])
        self.mag = np.array([d[1] for d in data])
        self.err = np.array([d[2] for d in data])
        self.hjd -= self.hjd[0]
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def lightcurve_fromdb(self, starid):
        extract a single lightcurve from the database
        and return epoch (hjd), magnitude and error
        from datasource import DataSource
        import numpy as np

        import log
        wifsip = DataSource(database='wifsip', user='******', host='pina.aip.de')
        query = """SELECT frames.hjd, phot.mag_auto, phot.magerr_auto, phot.flags
                FROM frames, matched, phot
                WHERE id LIKE '%s'
                AND filter LIKE 'rp'
                AND frames.objid = matched.objid
                AND (phot.objid,phot.star) = (matched.objid,matched.star)
                ORDER BY hjd;""" % (starid)
        # AND hjd>2455473.5 AND hjd<2455477 AND frames.good
        log.log('/work1/jwe/NGC1647/analysis.log', 'fetching star %s' % starid)
        # AND frames.good
        #          AND hjd>2455470 AND hjd<2455510
        data = wifsip.query(query)
        hjd = np.array([d[0] for d in data])
        mag = np.array([d[1] for d in data])
        err = np.array([d[2] for d in data])
        return (hjd, mag, err)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def buildtable(self):
        builds the table of stars
        import numpy as np

        epochs = len(self.objids)
        stars = len(self.stars)
        if fileexists('/work2/jwe/NGC2281/' + self.filter + 'array.npy'):
            m = np.load('/work2/jwe/NGC2281/' + self.filter + 'array.npy')
            from datasource import DataSource
            from framecal import FrameCal

            fc = FrameCal(self.filter)

            m = np.zeros([epochs, stars])
            # objid is specific to a filter so we only need to query the objid
            wifsip = DataSource(host='pina', database='wifsip', user='******')
            for objid in self.objids:
                k = self.objids.index(objid)
                print k, epochs, objid,
                query = """SELECT matched.id, phot.mag_auto, phot.mag_errauto 
                        FROM phot, matched
                        WHERE phot.objid like '%s'
                        AND (matched.objid,matched.star) = (phot.objid,phot.star)
                        AND phot.flags = 0;""" % objid
                result = wifsip.query(query)
                starids = [s[0] for s in result]
                mags = [s[1] for s in result]
                err = [s[2] for s in result]

                slope, intercept, _, _, _ = fc.calframe(objid)
                print len(mags)
                for starid in starids:
                    i = self.stars.index(starid)
                    m[k, i] = mags[starids.index(starid)] * slope + intercept
            np.save('/work2/jwe/NGC2281/' + self.filter + 'array.npy', m)

        i = np.where(m == 0.0)
        m[i] = np.nan
        from scipy import stats
        # calculate the observed average for the stars
        avg = stats.nanmean(m, axis=0)
        for k in range(epochs):
            print k, epochs, self.objids[k]

            # calculate the mean of offsets
            off = stats.nanmedian(m[k, :] - avg)
            # correct epoch for mean of offsets
            m[k, :] += off

        # calculate new corrected means
        avg = stats.nanmean(m, axis=0)
        std = stats.nanstd(m, axis=0)
        for i in range(len(self.stars)):
            print self.stars[i], avg[i], std[i]
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def __init__(self, objid):
     self.objid = objid
     table = DataSource(database='stella',
     query = """SELECT * FROM frames WHERE objid = '%s';""" % objid
     result = table.query(query)[0]
     self.exposure = result['expt']
Ejemplo n.º 15
def getcoords(objid):
    table = DataSource(database='stella', user='******', host='pera.aip.de')
    query = """SELECT alphawin_j2000, deltawin_j2000, flux_auto 
                FROM phot
                WHERE objid = '%s'
                ORDER BY star;""" % objid
    result = table.query(query)
    ra = np.array([r[0] for r in result])
    dec = np.array([r[1] for r in result])
    flux = np.array([r[2] for r in result])
    return ra, dec, flux
Ejemplo n.º 16
def getframes(obj, targetdir='/work2/jwe/stella/wifsip/', filtercol='V',
              conditions=None, imcopy=False, listonly=False):

    :param obj: name of the object to retrieve
    :param targetdir: target directory, where the files are copied to
    :param filtercol: Filter color to choose e.g. 'V' or 'B' or 'I'
    :param conditions: additional conditions like airmass limit, background limit (Moon!)
    :param imcopy: uses imcopy to convert fitz files to fits files
    :param listonly: does not scp, just lists the files
    :return: nothing
    params = {'object': obj,
              'filtercol': filtercol}

    wifsip = DataSource(host='pera', database='stella', user='******')
    query = """SELECT path, filename, fwhm, backgrnd, airmass
             FROM frames, science
             WHERE (filter LIKE '%(filtercol)s')
              AND object LIKE '%(object)s'
              AND frames.objid = science.objid""" % params
    if 'fwhm' in conditions:
        params['fwhm'] = conditions['fwhm']
        query += '\nAND fwhm_image < %(fwhm)f ' % params
    if 'background' in conditions:
        params['background'] = conditions['background']
        query += '\nAND backgrnd < %(background)f ' % params
    if 'airmass' in conditions:
        params['airmass'] = conditions['airmass']
        query += '\nAND airmass < %(airmass)f ' % params
    if 'expt' in conditions:
        params['expt'] = conditions['expt']
        query += '\nAND expt = %(expt)f ' % params

    query = query + '\nORDER by frames.objid;'
    tab = wifsip.query(query)
    print(len(tab), 'files')
    if not os.path.exists(targetdir):
    for sciencepath, filename, fwhm, backgrnd, airmass in tab:
        # old path listed in the database:
        # /stella/wifsip/reduced/20160904/science20160903A-0057EXP0002
        # new path on pina:
        # /stella/home/stella/wifsip/reduced/20160904/science20160903A-0057EXP0001.fitz
        newpath = sciencepath.replace('/stella/wifsip/reduced/', '/stella/home/stella/wifsip/reduced/')
        print("%s %.1f %.1f %.2f" % (os.path.join(newpath, filename + '.fitz'), fwhm, backgrnd, airmass))
        # if listonly is set, we break the loop here
        if listonly: continue
        call(['scp', '[email protected]:' + os.path.join(newpath, filename + '.fitz'), targetdir])
        source = '%s/%s.fitz[1]' % (targetdir, filename)
        target = '%s/%s.fits' % (targetdir, filename)
        if imcopy:
            call(['imcopy', source, target])
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self):
        wifsip = DataSource(database='stella',

        query = """SELECT distinct object 
        FROM frames 
        WHERE object LIKE 'NGC%rot NW' OR object LIKE 'M%rot NW' OR object LIKE 'NGC%rot'

        result = wifsip.query(query)
        self.objects = [r[0].rstrip(' NW') for r in result]

        self.data = []
        for obj in self.objects:
            query = """select distinct floor(jd) "startdate", expt "duration" 
            from frames 
            where object like '%s%%'
            order by startdate
            """ % obj
            result = wifsip.query(query)

            startdates = np.array([r[0] for r in result])
            # durations = np.array([timedelta(seconds=r[1]) for r in result])
            durations = np.array([r[1] for r in result])
            rec = {
                'object': obj,
                'startdates': startdates,
                'durations': durations

        # self.startdates = np.array([r[1] for r in result])
        # self.enddates = np.array([r[2] for r in result])
        print('%d records' % len(result))
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def __init__(self):
     from datasource import DataSource
     wifsip = DataSource(database=config.dbname, 
     query = """SELECT bmag, vmag, period, good, member 
     FROM ngc2236
     WHERE NOT bv is NULL AND NOT vmag is NULL"""
     self.data = wifsip.query(query) 
     self.dm = 14.0
Ejemplo n.º 19
def refstars():
    from datasource import DataSource

    table = DataSource(database='stella',
    query = "SELECT * FROM referencestars order by starid;"
    data = table.query(query)

    columns = data[0].keys()
    dtypes = [type(d) for d in data[0].values()]
    arraydata = []
    for star in data:
    return np.array(arraydata, dtype=zip(columns, dtypes))
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def phot(self):
        builds the table of stars
        import numpy as np
        from scipy import stats

        epochs = len(self.objids)
        stars = len(self.stars)
        from datasource import DataSource

        m = np.zeros([epochs, stars])
        # objid is specific to a filter so we only need to query the objid
        wifsip = DataSource(host='pina', database='wifsip', user='******')
        for star in self.stars:
            print star,
            query = """SELECT mag_auto, magerr_auto 
                    FROM frames, phot, matched
                    WHERE matched.id like '%s'
                    AND frames.filter like '%s'
                    AND frames.objid = phot.objid
                    AND (matched.objid,matched.star) = (phot.objid,phot.star)
                    AND phot.flags = 0
                    AND magerr_auto > 0.0;""" % (star, self.filter)
            result = wifsip.query(query)
            mags = np.array([s[0] for s in result])
            err = np.array([s[1] for s in result])
            m = stats.nanmean(mags)
            s = stats.nanstd(mags)
            merr = stats.nanmean(err)
            stderr = stats.nanstd(err)
            #print mags
            #print err
            if len(mags) > 1:
                print '%4d %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f' % (len(mags), m, s, merr,
                mags = mags[err <= merr + stderr]
                err = err[err <= merr + stderr]
                avg = np.average(mags, weights=1. / err)
                std = np.sqrt(np.average(abs(mags - avg)**2, weights=1. / err))
                #std = np.std(mags)
                print '%4d %.3f %.3f' % (len(mags), avg, std)
                self.update_star(wifsip, star, avg, std, len(mags))
                print 'none (%.3f, %.3f)' % (m, s)

Ejemplo n.º 21
def getframes(targetdir='/work2/jwe/stella/wifsip/ngc1647'):
    from datasource import DataSource
    from subprocess import call

    wifsip = DataSource(host='pina', database='wifsip', user='******')
    query = """select path, filename
             from frames, science
             where filter like 'rp'
              and object like 'NGC 1647 field 1'
              and expt = 62.5 and frames.objid = science.objid"""
    tab = wifsip.query(query)
    for path, filename in tab:
        print path + '/' + filename
            'scp', '[email protected]:' + path + '/' + filename + '.fitz ',
Ejemplo n.º 22
def listframes(obj, fields=['objid']):
    from datasource import DataSource

    wifsip = DataSource(host='pera', database='stella', user='******')
    params = {'object': obj, 'fieldsstring': ', '.join(fields)}

    query = """SELECT %(fieldsstring)s
             FROM frames
             WHERE object LIKE '%(object)s'
             ORDER by %(fieldsstring)s
             """ % params

    tab = wifsip.query(query)
    print('#', '\t'.join(fields))
    for t in tab:
        print('\t'.join([str(ti) for ti in t]))
    print('#', len(tab), 'records')
Ejemplo n.º 23
def getobjid(objid, targetdir=os.getcwd(), imcopy=False, listonly=False):
    wifsip = DataSource(host='pera', database='stella', user='******')
    query = "SELECT path, filename "\
            " FROM science "\
            " WHERE objid = '%s'" % objid

    path, filename = wifsip.query(query)[0]
    path = path.replace('stella/wifsip/reduced/','/stella/home/stella/wifsip/reduced/')
    # /stella/home/stella/wifsip/reduced/20140725/
    print("%s/%s" % (path, filename))

    scpsource = os.path.join(path,filename + '.fitz')
    if not listonly:
        call(['scp', '[email protected]:' + scpsource, targetdir])
        source = os.path.join(targetdir, filename+'.fitz[1]')
        target = os.path.join(targetdir, filename+'.fits')
        if imcopy:
            call(['/home/jwe/bin/imcopy', source, target])
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def make_cpd(self):
        import pylab as plt
        import numpy as np
        from datasource import DataSource

        wifsip = DataSource(database='wifsip', user='******', host='pina.aip.de')
        query = """SELECT bv, period, theta 
                    FROM ngc2281stars
                    WHERE bv >-1.0 AND period>0
                    and vmag < 5.8333*(bv-0.09)+10.5;"""
        data = wifsip.query(query)

        bv = np.array([d[0] for d in data])
        period = np.array([d[1] for d in data])
        theta = np.array([d[2] for d in data])


        import gyroage

        bv358 = np.linspace(0.5, 1.6, num=40)
        #P = gyroage.gyroperiod(bv358, 358.1)
        #P01 = gyroage.gyroperiod(bv358, 358.1, P0=0.1)
        #P33 = gyroage.gyroperiod(bv358, 358.1, P0=3.3)

        PI, PC = gyroage.gyroperiod(bv358, 358.1)

        plt.plot(bv358, PI, color='r')
        plt.plot(bv358, PC, color='r', linestyle='dashed')

        plt.scatter(bv - self.ebv,
                    s=40. * (1.0 - theta)**2,
        plt.title('NGC 2281')
        plt.xlabel('(B - V)$_0$')
        plt.ylabel('period [days]')
        plt.ylim(0.0, 20.0)
        plt.xlim(0.0, 2.2)
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def getstars(self):
        build up a list of stars, where we do not have periods yet

        from datasource import DataSource
        import log

        wifsip = DataSource(host='pina', database='wifsip', user='******')
        query = "select id from ngc1647stars where period is NULL;"
        #query = """SELECT id
        #FROM ngc1647stars
        #WHERE vmag<4.762*bv + 10.4762
        #AND period is NULL;"""
        log.log('/work1/jwe/NGC1647/analysis.log', 'fetching stars ...')
        result = wifsip.query(query)
                '... %d stars found' % len(result))
        self.stars = [s[0] for s in result]
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def get_frames(self):
        if fileexists('/work2/jwe/NGC2281/' + self.filter + 'frames.txt'):
            self.objids = loadfromfile('/work2/jwe/NGC2281/' + self.filter +
            print len(self.objids), 'frames'

        from datasource import DataSource

        wifsip = DataSource(host='pina', database='wifsip', user='******')
        query = """SELECT frames.objid 
                    FROM frames
                    WHERE frames.object like 'NGC 2281 BVI %%'
                    AND frames.filter like '%s';""" % self.filter
        result = wifsip.query(query)
        self.objids = [s[0] for s in result]
        savetofile('/work2/jwe/NGC2281/' + self.filter + 'frames.txt',
        print len(self.objids), 'frames'
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def update_coordinates(self):
     from datasource import DataSource
     corot = DataSource(database='corot', user='******', host='pina.aip.de')
     query = """SELECT corotid
         FROM ngc2236 
         WHERE NOT corotid IS NULL
         ORDER BY vmag;"""
     corotids = [c[0] for c in self.wifsip.query(query)]
     for corotid in corotids:
         query = """SELECT alpha, delta
         FROM corot 
         WHERE corotid = %d;""" % corotid
         ra, dec = corot.query(query)[0]
         print corotid,ra,dec
         record = dict(zip(['corotid','ra','dec'], [corotid,ra,dec]))
         query = """UPDATE ngc2236 
         SET ra = %(ra)f, dec = %(dec)f, coord = point(%(ra)f,%(dec)f)
         WHERE corotid = %(corotid)d;""" % record
         self.wifsip.execute(query, commit=False)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def get_stars(self):

        if fileexists('/work2/jwe/NGC2281/' + self.filter + 'stars.txt'):
            self.stars = loadfromfile('/work2/jwe/NGC2281/' + self.filter +
            print len(self.stars), 'stars'

        from datasource import DataSource

        wifsip = DataSource(host='pina', database='wifsip', user='******')
        query = """SELECT distinct matched.id
            FROM frames, phot, matched
            WHERE frames.object like 'NGC 2281 BVI %%'
            AND frames.filter like '%s'
            AND frames.objid = phot.objid
            AND (matched.objid,matched.star) = (phot.objid,phot.star);""" % self.filter
        result = wifsip.query(query)
        self.stars = [s[0] for s in result]
        savetofile('/work2/jwe/NGC2281/' + self.filter + 'stars.txt',

        print len(self.stars), 'stars'
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def __init__(self, target, frot=False):
        self.target = target

        wifsip = DataSource(database='stella',
        if target == 'M 48':
            date_limit = 'TRUE'
        elif target == 'NGC 6940':
            date_limit = "datesend > '2017-01-01'"
            date_limit = 'TRUE'

        if frot:
            expt = 6
            self.survey = 'frot'
            expt = 60
            self.survey = 'rot'

        params = {
            'target': self.target,
            'date_limit': date_limit,
            'expt': expt,
            "survey": self.survey,
            "frot": frot
        query = 'SELECT datesend "datum", 1 ' \
                "FROM frames " \
                "WHERE (object like '%(target)s %(survey)s NW' or object like '%(target)s %(survey)s')" \
                " AND expt>%(expt)d AND filter='V'" \
                " AND %(date_limit)s " \
                "ORDER BY datum;" % params

        result = wifsip.query(query)

        if len(result) == 0:
            print("No observations found")
        self.dates = [r[0] for r in result]
        self.count = [r[1] for r in result]

        todates = self.dates[1:]
        fromdates = self.dates[0:-1]
        datedeltas = [
            todate - fromdate for todate, fromdate in zip(todates, fromdates)

        # find gaps larger than 10 days
        offsets = [0]
        i = 0
        for i, datedelta in enumerate(datedeltas):
            if datedelta > datetime.timedelta(days=gap_length):
                offsets.append(i + 1)

        if i not in offsets:

        start = 0
        end = len(self.dates)

        if len(offsets) == 2:
            self.length = self.dates[-1] - self.dates[0]
            start = 0
            end = len(self.dates)
            self.length = self.dates[1] - self.dates[0]
            for o1, o2 in zip(offsets[1:], offsets[:-1]):
                length = self.dates[o1] - self.dates[o2]
                print(length.days, self.dates[o1], self.dates[o2],
                if length.days > self.length.days and np.sum(
                        self.count[o2:o1]) > gap_length:
                    self.length = length
                    start = o2
                    end = o1
        print(start, end)
        self.dates = self.dates[start:end]
        self.count = self.count[start:end]
        self.cumsum = np.cumsum(self.count)
Ejemplo n.º 30
class ClusterPlan(object):

    def __init__(self, clusterlist=None):
        builds list of clusters either by criteria or by list given in clusterlist

        self.wifsip = DataSource(database='stella', user='******', host='pera.aip.de')

        if clusterlist is None:
            query = self.selectclusters()
            if type(clusterlist) == str:
                clusterstring = "'%s'" % clusterlist
                clusterstring = ', '.join(["'%s'" % cluster for cluster in clusterlist])
            query = """SELECT name,ra,dec,diam,d,ebv,logage 
                FROM clusters
                WHERE name in (%s)""" % clusterstring
        print(clusterlist, query)

        result = self.wifsip.query(query)
        print('%d clusters found' % len(result))
        if len(result) == 0:
            raise ValueError('no clusters meet the criteria')

        self.current_year = datetime.datetime.now().year

        self.data = []
        for r in result:
            rec = {}
            rec['name'] = r[0]
            rec['ra'] = float(r[1])
            rec['dec'] = float(r[2])
            rec['diam'] = int(r[3])
            rec['d'] = int(r[4])
            rec['ebv'] = float(r[5])
            rec['age'] = round(10 ** float(r[6]) / 1e6, -1)  # convert to Myrs

    def selectclusters(self):
        defines the criteria for the cluster selection and queries the database
        the result of the query is stored in the data property, which needs to be improved
        from math import log10
        criteria = {'minage': log10(125e6),
                    'maxage': log10(2600e6),
                    'maxebv': 0.31,
                    'maxd': 1500,
                    'mindec': -15.0,
                    'mindiam': 10,
                    'maxdiam': 80}

        query = """SELECT name,ra,dec,diam,d,ebv,logage from clusters 
            WHERE ((diam<=%(maxdiam)d and diam>=%(mindiam)d) or diam IS NULL) 
            AND logage>=%(minage)f and logage<=%(maxage)f
            AND dec>=%(mindec)f
            AND (name LIKE 'NGC%%' OR name LIKE 'IC%%')
            AND (ebv <= %(maxebv)f OR ebv IS NULL)
            AND (d <= %(maxd)d or d IS NULL)
            AND not observed
            order by ra""" % criteria

        return query

    def _eph2dt(self, ephemdate):
        """converts ephem.Date to datetime"""
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(str(ephemdate), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")

    def plot(self):
        plots the milkyway density map and the selected clusters on the map.
        from milkyway import MilkyWay
        plt.figure(figsize=(10.69, 7.27))
        mw = MilkyWay('/work2/jwe/tychomap.npy', magnitudes=True)
        ra = [d['ra'] / 15. for d in self.data]
        dec = [d['dec'] for d in self.data]
        ebv = [d['ebv'] for d in self.data]
        name = [d['name'] for d in self.data]
        d = [d['diam'] * 4 for d in self.data]

        plt.scatter(ra, dec, edgecolor='none', c=ebv, s=d)
        plt.xlim(24, 0)
        plt.ylim(-15, 75)
        for r, d, n in zip(ra, dec, name):
            plt.text(r, d, n, fontsize=8)

        plt.savefig('/work2/jwe/SOCS/clusterplan.pdf', papertype='a4')
        # plt.show()

    def list(self):
        lists the clusters that fulfill the criteria
        for d in self.data:
            print('%-15s %4dpc %4dMyr E(B-V)=%.2f %2d' % (d['name'], d['d'], d['age'], d['ebv'], d['diam']))
            # print self.time(d)

    def calc(self):
        calculate the exposure for a solar like star
        isofile = '/home/jwe/data/iso_01.000_Gyr.dat'

        a = np.loadtxt(isofile)
        iso_mass = a[:, 0]
        iso_mv = a[:, 5]
        iso_bv = a[:, 8]

        minbv, maxbv = 0.2, 1.45

        bv = np.arange(minbv, maxbv, 0.01)
        # mv = np.arange(min(iso_mv), max(iso_mv), 0.1)
        mass = np.arange(min(iso_mass), max(iso_mass), 0.01)

        i = np.where((iso_bv > minbv) & (iso_bv < maxbv) & (iso_mv > 2.0))
        p = np.polyfit(iso_bv[i], iso_mv[i], 5)
        # q = np.polyfit(iso_mv, iso_bv, 11)
        massmvp = np.polyfit(iso_mass, iso_mv, 12)
        massbvp = np.polyfit(iso_mass, iso_bv, 12)

        mv_int = np.polyval(massmvp, mass)
        bv_int = np.polyval(massbvp, mass)

        # p1 = [-1.33,  7.27,  0.75]
        print('[' + ', '.join(['%.2f' % pi for pi in p]) + ']')
        y = np.polyval(p, bv)
        print(np.polyval(p, [0.4, 1.4]))

        plt.scatter(iso_bv, iso_mv)

        plt.plot(bv, y, 'g')

        plt.plot(bv_int, mv_int, 'r')

        plt.axhline(4.83, color='y')
        plt.axvline(0.653, color='y')

    def loadfromfile(self, filename):
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
        dates = []
        hours = []
        darkhours = []

        for line in lines:
            split_line = line.split()
            date = ' '.join(split_line[0:2])
            dates.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))
        hours = np.array(hours)
        darkhours = np.array(darkhours)
        return dates, hours, darkhours

    def obstime(self):
        plt.figure(figsize=(29.6 / 2.54, 21. / 2.54))
        darkhours = np.zeros(365)
        for c in self.data:
            filename = '/work2/jwe/SOCS/data/obstime %(name)s.txt' % c
                dates, hours, darkhours = self.loadfromfile(filename)
            except IOError:

                date0 = ephem.Date('%d/1/1 00:00:00' % self.current_year)
                hours = np.zeros(365)
                dates = []
                for day in range(365):
                    ephemdate = ephem.Date(date0 + day)
                    t = self.time(c, date=ephemdate)
                    hours[day] = t
                    if darkhours[day] == 0.0:
                        darkhours[day] = self.darktime(ephemdate)
                    log(filename, '%-20.20s %5.2f %5.2f %4.2f' % (ephemdate, t, darkhours[day], t / darkhours[day]))

            plt.plot(dates, hours, label=c['name'])
        plt.plot(dates, darkhours, 'k--')
        plt.ylabel('hours visible')
        xticks = [datetime.date(y, m, 1) for y in np.arange(self.current_year-1, self.current_year+1) for m in range(1, 13)]
        xlabels = [month.strftime('%b') for month in xticks]
        plt.xticks(xticks, xlabels)
        plt.xlim(dates[0], dates[-1])
        plt.title('clusterplan obstime')
        plt.legend(loc=9, fontsize='small')
        plt.savefig('/work2/jwe/SOCS/plots/clusterplan obstime %s.pdf' % c['name'])
        # plt.show()

    def darktime(self, date):
        izana = ephem.Observer()
        if date is None:
            date = ephem.Date('2015/8/2 00:00:00')
        izana.date = date
        izana.lat = '28.301195'
        izana.lon = '-16.509209'
        izana.horizon = '-0:34'
        # kpno.elevation = 2096
        sun = ephem.Sun(izana)  # @UndefinedVariable

        # set astronomical dawn
        izana.horizon = '-19:00'
        spset = izana.previous_setting(sun)
        snrise = izana.next_rising(sun)

        darktime = (ephem.Date(snrise) - ephem.Date(spset)) * 24.0
        return darktime

    def time(self, cluster, date=None, verbose=False):

        izana = ephem.Observer()
        if date is None:
            date = ephem.Date('2015/8/2 00:00:00')
        izana.date = date  # '2015/03/19 00:00:00'
        izana.lat = '28.301195'
        izana.lon = '-16.509209'
        izana.horizon = '-0:34'
        # izana.elevation = 2096
        sun = ephem.Sun(izana)  # @UndefinedVariable
        c = SkyCoord(cluster['ra'], cluster['dec'], frame='icrs', unit=(u.deg, u.deg))  # @UndefinedVariable
        rastr = c.ra.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep='::')  # @UndefinedVariable
        decstr = c.dec.to_string(unit=u.deg, sep='::')  # @UndefinedVariable
        ephemstr = '%s,f|O,%s,%s, 5.,2000' % (cluster['name'], rastr, decstr)
        clusterephem = ephem.readdb(ephemstr)
        eventlist = []
        # set airmass 2.0 
        izana.horizon = '30:00'
        cnrise = izana.next_rising(clusterephem)
        cnset = izana.next_setting(clusterephem)
        cprise = izana.previous_rising(clusterephem)
        cpset = izana.previous_setting(clusterephem)
        eventlist.append([self._eph2dt(cnrise), 'cluster rise (next)'])
        eventlist.append([self._eph2dt(cnset), 'cluster set (next)'])
        eventlist.append([self._eph2dt(cprise), 'cluster rise (prev)'])
        eventlist.append([self._eph2dt(cpset), 'cluster set (prev)'])

        # set astronomical dawn
        izana.horizon = '-19:00'
        spset = izana.previous_setting(sun)
        snrise = izana.next_rising(sun)
        eventlist.append([self._eph2dt(snrise), 'sunrise'])
        eventlist.append([self._eph2dt(spset), 'sunset'])

        sundown = False
        clusterup = False
        t0, t1 = None, None

        for t, e in eventlist:
            if verbose: print(t, e)
            if e == 'sunset':
                sundown = True
                if clusterup:
                    t0 = t

            if e == 'sunrise':
                sundown = False
                if clusterup:
                    t1 = t

            if e == 'cluster rise (next)' or \
                    e == 'cluster rise (prev)':
                clusterup = True
                if sundown: t0 = t
            if e == 'cluster set (next)' or \
                    e == 'cluster set (prev)':
                clusterup = False
                if sundown: t1 = t

        if verbose: print(t0, t1)
        if t0 is None and t1 is None:
            return 0.0
        return (ephem.Date(t1) - ephem.Date(t0)) * 24.0
Ejemplo n.º 31
@author: Joerg Weingrill <*****@*****.**>
from datasource import DataSource

def getfile(sourcefile, targetdirectory):
    from subprocess import call
    call(['scp', '[email protected]:'+sourcefile,targetdirectory])

def convertfile(filename):
    from subprocess import call
    call(['./ses-writetxt.py', '--textfile', filename])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    query = "SELECT filename FROM obs WHERE object LIKE 'HN Peg' ORDER BY dateobs;"
    wifsip = DataSource(database='stella', user='******', host='pera.aip.de')
    result = wifsip.query(query)
    for r in result: 
        filename = r[0]
        print filename,
        path = filename.lstrip('science')[:8]
        sourcefile = '/stella/home/stella/spectra/'+path+'/'+filename+'_botzfxsEcd.fits'
        targetdirectory = '/work2/jwe/Projects/HNPeg/data'
        print sourcefile, targetdirectory

    print len(result)