Ejemplo n.º 1
def execute(branch, command, release=None):
    Execute a shell command in the virtualenv
        $ fab execute:staging,"tail logs/*.log"
    If no release is specified it defaults to the latest release.
    release = release or base.current_release()
    directory = _join(env.releases_path, release, env.github_repo_name)
    return _virtualenv(directory, command)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def copy_settings_file(branch, release=None):
    Copy the settings file for this branch to the server
        $ fab copy_settings_file:staging
    If no release is specified it defaults to the latest release.
    release = release or base.current_release()
    directory = _join(env.releases_path, release, env.github_repo_name)
        "environments/%(branch)s.py" % env, 
        _join(directory, "environments/%(branch)s.py" % env)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def create_virtualenv(branch, release=None):
    Create the virtualenv and install the PIP requirements
        $ fab create_virtualenv:staging
    If no release is specified it defaults to the latest release
    release = release or base.current_release()
    directory = _join(env.releases_path, release, env.github_repo_name)
    with cd(directory):
        return run(" && ".join([
            "virtualenv --no-site-packages ve",
            "source ve/bin/activate",
            "pip -E ve install --download-cache=%(pip_cache_path)s -r config/requirements.pip" % env,
            "python setup.py develop",