def process_reinfections_report(sim_dir_map, sim_id):

    survey_report_output = {}
    reinfections = {}
    for i,day in enumerate(campaign_days):
        # get reports before and after campaign
        survey_day_prior = day - 5
        survey_day_after = day + 5
        survey_report_output[survey_day_after] = {} 
        survey_report_prior_path = os.path.join(sim_dir_map[sim_id],'output', 'MalariaSurveyJSONAnalyzer_Day_' + str(survey_day_prior) + '_0.json')
        survey_report_after_path = os.path.join(sim_dir_map[sim_id],'output', 'MalariaSurveyJSONAnalyzer_Day_' + str(survey_day_after) + '_0.json')
        survey_report_prior = json2dict(survey_report_prior_path)
        survey_report_after = json2dict(survey_report_after_path)
        # debug statements
        #print len(survey_report_prior['patient_array'])
        #print len(survey_report_after['patient_array'])
        # re-index reports data by patient id
        survey_report_prior_reindexed = {}
        # index patient by id which perhaps is a bit more sensible than the current reporter output
        for patient in survey_report_prior['patient_array']:
            survey_report_prior_reindexed[patient['id']] = patient
        survey_report_after_reindexed = {}
        for patient in survey_report_after['patient_array']:
            survey_report_after_reindexed[patient['id']] = patient
        survey_report_prior = survey_report_prior_reindexed
        survey_report_after = survey_report_after_reindexed

        # determine if each patient in report is reinfected for each pair of consecutive surveys 
        total_tested_patients = 0
        num_reinfected = 0
        count_not_found = 0
        for patient_id, patient in survey_report_prior.iteritems():
            treatment_prior = "" 
            for drugs in patient['treatment'][0]:
                if drugs != "": 
                    treatment_prior = drugs
            if patient_id in survey_report_after:
                patient_after = survey_report_after[patient_id]
            treatment_after = ""
            for drugs in patient_after['treatment'][0]:
                if drugs != "": 
                    treatment_after = drugs
            if ' + '+treatment_prior in treatment_after and treatment_prior != '':
                treatment_after = string.replace(treatment_after, ' + ' + treatment_prior, '', maxreplace = 1)
                treatment_after = string.replace(treatment_after, treatment_prior, '', maxreplace = 1)
            #print "clean after treatment " + str(treatment_after)

            survey_report_output[survey_day_after][patient_id] = {} 
            survey_report_output[survey_day_after][patient_id]['initial_age'] = patient['initial_age']
            survey_report_output[survey_day_after][patient_id]['treatment'] = treatment_after
            if i > 0:
                survey_day_1 = campaign_days[i - 1] + 5
                survey_day_2 = survey_day_after
                if patient_id in survey_report_output[survey_day_1]:
                    treatment_1 = survey_report_output[survey_day_1][patient_id]['treatment']
                    treatment_2 = treatment_after
                    if treatment_1 != ''  and treatment_2 != '':
                        total_tested_patients = total_tested_patients + 1
                        if ('Artemether' in treatment_1) and ('Artemether' in treatment_2):
                                  num_reinfected = num_reinfected + 1
                        # for MDA do something along the lines of 
                        if (('DHA' in patient['treatment'] and 'Vehicle' in patient['treatment']) or 'Artemether' in patient['treatment']) and\
                           (('DHA' in survey_report_output[second_survey_day][patient_id]['treatment'] and 'Vehicle' in survey_report_output[second_survey_day][patient_id]['treatment']) or 'Artemether' in survey_report_output[second_survey_day][patient_id]['treatment']):
                              num_reinfected = num_reinfected + 1
                        #print "patient " + str(patient_id) + " not found in second_survey day (" + str(second_survey_day) + ") report"
                        count_not_found = count_not_found + 1
        if i > 0:
            if total_tested_patients != 0:
                reinfections['round_' + str(i) + '_' + str(i+1)] = num_reinfected/(total_tested_patients + 0.0)
                reinfections['round_' + str(i) + '_' + str(i+1)] = 'nan'

    return reinfections
def get_sweep_results(sim_meta_config_files, calib_file_path, tags_data_file_path):
    # Login to COMPs
    # find total number of simulations across given experiment files
    num_sims = 0
    for sim_meta_config_file in sim_meta_config_files:
        with open(sim_meta_config_file) as metadata_file:
             metadata = json.loads(

        num_sims = num_sims +  len(metadata['sims'])

    # Download simulations locally
    # sample sim meta config file (like "C:\\Users\\Mnikolov\\Zambia-raw\\dtk-scripts\\1node\\simulations\\Sinamalina_Sinazongwe_Calibration_e9979059-33f8-e411-93f9-f0921c16b9e7.json")
    #print 'Downloading simulations from experiment ' + str(sim_meta_config_files) + '...'

    # simulations tag data structure: accumulates sims meta information from sims tags
    tag_data = {
                        'ITN trajectory': [],\
                        'Drug coverage per round': [],\
                        'Temporary habitat scale': [],\
                        'Constant habitat scale': []\
    # iterate through experiments
    calib_output = {}    
    # count processed sims to updated progress
    count = 0
    for sim_meta_config_file in sim_meta_config_files:
        # construct experiment directory structure
        with open(sim_meta_config_file) as metadata_file:
             metadata = json.loads(
        output_path = metadata['sim_root']
        exp_id = metadata['exp_id']
        exp_name = metadata['exp_name']
        sim_dir_map  = CompsDTKOutputParser.createSimDirectoryMap(exp_id)
        # get all successfully completed sims in experiment
        for sim_id, sim in metadata['sims'].items():
            # get path to the sim timeseries channels data
            timeseries_path = os.path.join(sim_dir_map[sim_id],'output', 'InsetChart.json')

            #get sim timeseries channels data; json2dict returns None if timeseries_path points to non-existing file, which is the case if the sim has not successfully finished 
            sim_output = json2dict(timeseries_path)

            # only download successfully completed  simulations
            if sim_output == None:

            # delete all but the specified channels
            for channel in sim_output['Channels'].keys():
                if not channel in channels:
            # process specified reports
            report_channels_data = {}
            if not reports_channels == None:
               report_channels_data = process_reports(reports_channels, sim_dir_map, sim_id)
            # record sim meta information including sim tags
            tags_path = os.path.join(sim_dir_map[sim_id], 'tags.json')
            f = open(tags_path, 'r')
            tags =
            sim_meta =  ast.literal_eval(tags)
            append_tag_data(sim_meta, tag_data)
            # construct sim group key and sim key
            x_temp_h = sim_meta_2_temp_h(sim_meta)
            const_h = sim_meta_2_const_h(sim_meta)
            itn_level = sim_meta_2_itn_level(sim_meta)
            drug_coverage_level = sim_meta_2_drug_cov(sim_meta)
            sim_key = get_sim_key(x_temp_h, const_h, itn_level, drug_coverage_level)
            sim_group_key =  get_sim_group_key(itn_level, drug_coverage_level)

            # store sim channels data  
            if sim_group_key not in calib_output:
                calib_output[sim_group_key] = {}

            calib_output[sim_group_key][sim_key] = {
                                                    # can add/remove data entries depending on needs
                                                    'prevalence': sim_output['Channels']['New Diagnostic Prevalence']['Data'],
                                                    'reinfections': report_channels_data['reinfections'],
    count = count + 1
    percent_complete = 100*count/(num_sims+0.0)
    sys.stdout.write('%2f %%' % percent_complete)
    #sys.stdout.write('%d' % count)
    print ""
    print "Writing files..."
    with open(calib_file_path, 'w') as calib_f:
            json.dump(calib_output, calib_f)
            print str(len(calib_output)) + ' simulation results saved to ' + calib_file_path
    with open(tags_data_file_path, 'w') as tags_f:
            json.dump(tag_data, tags_f)
            print 'Meta data tags saved to ' + tags_data_file_path
    print ""
    return calib_f
import pandas as pd
import json
from nodenames import *
from dtk.utils.parsers.json2dict import json2dict
import operator

net_info_file = "prevalence_net-use_service-use_by_new_cluster_waves1-6.csv"
nets_calib = json2dict("cluster_tags_net_usage_single_node_updated.json")

df =
grouped_rounds = df.groupby("")

net_usage = {}

for cluster_id, group in grouped_rounds:
    pop_cluster = group["pop"].to_dict()
    net_usage_cluster = group.UsedLastNight.to_dict()
    for k, v in net_usage_cluster.iteritems():
        if str(v) == "nan":
            vals = np.array(net_usage_cluster.values())
            net_usage_cluster[k] = vals[~np.isnan(vals)].mean()

    rounds_idx = group.round.to_dict()

    for k, v in rounds_idx.iteritems():
        net_usage_cluster[str(v)] = net_usage_cluster.pop(k)
        pop_cluster[str(v)] = pop_cluster.pop(k)

    rnd_max_pop = max(pop_cluster.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]