Ejemplo n.º 1
This module will aid in reading ELAN files. This aim is to populate an OWL ontology with instances extracted from the ELAN file. 

Though this file creates GOLD entities, the full functionality is not yet implemented. 

# create ontology object and declare uri
gold = Ontology("http://purl.org/linguistics/gold")

# load GOLD remotely
# gold=load('http://purl.org/linguistics/gold')

# may be done locally, for speed
gold.load("file:" + abspath("../examples/inputfiles/gold-2008.owl"))

class ElanReader(object):

    A class for reading Elan eaf files


    def __init__(self):

        # one converter per input file is read
        # (maybe change this to global if multiple files are to be read in a batch?
        # assume file is in XSAMPA, for now
        self.converter = CharConverter("xsampa", "uni")
Ejemplo n.º 2
This module will aid in reading Praat files. This aim is to populate an OWL ontology with instances extracted from the Praat file.

Though this file creates GOLD entities, the full functionality is not yet implemented. 

#create ontology object and declare uri

#load GOLD remotely

#may be done locally, for speed

class PraatReader():

    A class for parsing and processing Praat TextGrid files

#from Termset
#    def __init__(self,ns=u'http://purl.org/linguistics/data/termset/'):
#        """
#        Init the termset and set its namespace 
Ejemplo n.º 3
This module will aid in reading Praat files. This aim is to populate an OWL ontology with instances extracted from the Praat file.

Though this file creates GOLD entities, the full functionality is not yet implemented. 

#create ontology object and declare uri

#load GOLD remotely

#may be done locally, for speed

class PraatReader():

    A class for parsing and processing Praat TextGrid files

#from Termset
#    def __init__(self,ns=u'http://purl.org/linguistics/data/termset/'):
#        """
#        Init the termset and set its namespace