thymio.setBothSaveWaitUntilReadyAndReturnTime(speed, speed)
                t0 = clock()
                # while thymio.getLeft() != speed or thymio.getRight() != speed:
                #     print thymio.getLeft()
                #     print thymio.getRight()
                camera.capture(stream, format="yuv", use_video_port = True)
                image1 = emd.getReceptiveFields(stream.array, nOCellsX = 50, nOCellsY = 50)


                camera.capture(stream, format="yuv", use_video_port = True)
                image2 = emd.getReceptiveFields(stream.array, nOCellsX = 50, nOCellsY = 50)

                motionX = emd.getMotionX(image1, image2)

                #TURN PHASE
                emdsLeft = (-motionX[0:motionX.shape[0],0:motionX.shape[1]/2]).clip(min = 0)
                emdsRight = motionX[0:motionX.shape[0],motionX.shape[1]/2:motionX.shape[1]].clip(min = 0)

                meanLeft = np.mean(emdsLeft)
                meanRight = np.mean(emdsRight)

                adjustmentProportionLeft = meanLeft/(meanLeft+meanRight)
                adjustmentProportionRight = meanRight/(meanLeft+meanRight)

                t1 = clock()

                thymio.setBothSaveWaitUntilReadyAndReturnTime(speed * adjustmentProportionLeft * 2, speed * adjustmentProportionRight * 2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    #sock = _raspClient.initSocket('')

    with picamera.PiCamera() as camera:
        camera.resolution = (50,50)
        camera.framerate = 60
        camera.hflip = True
        camera.vflip = True
        with picamera.array.PiYUVArray(camera) as stream:
            camera.capture(stream, format="yuv")
            delayed = emd.getReceptiveFields(stream.array, nOCellsX = 50, nOCellsY = 50)
            for i in camera.capture_continuous(stream, format="yuv", use_video_port = True):
                current = emd.getReceptiveFields(stream.array, nOCellsX = 50, nOCellsY = 50)
                motionX = emd.getMotionX(delayed, current)
                delayed = current
                movementLeft = (-motionX[0:motionX.shape[0],0:motionX.shape[1]/2]).clip(min = 0)
                movementRight = motionX[0:motionX.shape[0],motionX.shape[1]/2:motionX.shape[1]].clip(min = 0)

                meanLeft = np.mean(movementLeft)
                meanRight = np.mean(movementRight)

                baseSpeed = 50
                #turnSpeed = 100

                groundSensors = thymio.getGroundSensorR()
                if groundSensors[0] < 100 or groundSensors[1] < 100:
                    print("Warning Thymio is about to fall from the table")