Ejemplo n.º 1
 def setUpClass(cls):
     # set up topology used for all traffic matrix tests
     cls.G = fnss.glp_topology(n=50, m=1, m0=10, p=0.2, beta=-2, seed=1)
     fnss.set_capacities_random(cls.G, {
         10: 0.5,
         20: 0.3,
         40: 0.2
     fnss.set_delays_constant(cls.G, 2, delay_unit='ms')
     for node in [2, 4, 6]:
         fnss.add_stack(cls.G, node, 'tcp', {
             'protocol': 'cubic',
             'rcvwnd': 1024
     for node in [2, 4]:
         fnss.add_application(cls.G, node, 'client', {
             'rate': 100,
             'user-agent': 'fnss'
     fnss.add_application(cls.G, 2, 'server', {
         'port': 80,
         'active': True,
         'user-agent': 'fnss'
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_add_stack_kw_attr(self):
     fnss.add_stack(self.topo, 1, 's_name', att1='val1')
     self.assertEqual(fnss.get_stack(self.topo, 1, data=False), 's_name')
     self.assertEqual(fnss.get_stack(self.topo, 1, data=True),
                      ('s_name', {
                          'att1': 'val1'
Ejemplo n.º 3
def large_line_topology():
    topology = fnss.line_topology(11)
    fnss.add_stack(topology, 0, 'receiver')
    for i in range(1, 10):
        fnss.add_stack(topology, i, 'router')
    topology.graph['icr_candidates'] = [2, 3, 4, 5]
    return topology
Ejemplo n.º 4
def topology_ds2os(**kwargs):
    # pass edge list to create topology (alternatively pass NetworkX object)

    agents = ['agent' + str(id)
              for id in range(1, 7)]  # [agent1, agent2, ..., agent6]

    edges = [
        # main edges between KAs/rooms
        ('agent1', 'agent2'),  # BedroomChildren, BedroomParents
        ('agent2', 'agent6'),  # BedroomParents, Bathroom
        ('agent2', 'agent4'),  # BedroomParents, Kitchen
        # ('agent3', 'agent6'), # Dinningroom, Bathroom
        ('agent4', 'agent5'),  # Kitchen, Garage
        ('agent4', 'agent3'),  # Kitchen, Dinningroom

    rooms = [
        ['movement1', 'questioningservice1', 'tempin1',
         'lightcontrol1'],  # ka1, BedroomChildren
        ['movement2', 'questioningservice2', 'tempin2',
         'lightcontrol2'],  # ka2, BedroomParents
            'heatingcontrol1', 'doorlock1', 'questioningservice3', 'movement3',
            'tempin3', 'lightcontrol3'
        ],  # ka3, Dinningroom
        ['tempin4', 'lightcontrol4', 'movement4', 'battery3'],  # ka4, Kitchen
        ['tempin5', 'battery1', 'movement5', 'lightcontrol5',
         'battery2'],  # ka5, Garage
        ['tempin6', 'washingmachine1', 'lightcontrol6',
         'movement6'],  # ka6, Bathroom

    for i, agent in enumerate(agents):
        connectedServices = rooms[i]
        # print(agent, 'is connected to', connectedServices)
        for service in connectedServices:
            edges.append((agent, service))  # e.g. ('agent1', 'movement1')
            if not service.startswith('questioningservice'
                                      ):  # questioningservices only read data
                    (service, service +
                     '/source'))  # e.g. ('movement1', 'movement1/source')
                (service, service +
                 '/receiver'))  # e.g. ('movement1', 'movement1/receiver')

    topology = fnss.Topology(data=edges)

    for node in topology.nodes():
        stack = 'source' if node.endswith('source') else (
            'receiver' if node.endswith('receiver') else 'router')
        fnss.add_stack(topology, node, stack)

    topology.graph['icr_candidates'] = set(agents)  # only cache at agents

    fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1.0)
    fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, INTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms')

    return IcnTopology(topology)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_add_stack_mixed_attr(self):
     fnss.add_stack(self.topo, 1, 's_name', {'att1': 'val1'}, att2='val2')
     self.assertEqual(fnss.get_stack(self.topo, 1, data=False), 's_name')
     self.assertEqual(fnss.get_stack(self.topo, 1, data=True),
                      ('s_name', {
                          'att1': 'val1',
                          'att2': 'val2'
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def setUpClass(cls):
     # set up topology used for all traffic matrix tests
     cls.G = fnss.glp_topology(n=50, m=1, m0=10, p=0.2, beta=-2, seed=1)
     fnss.set_capacities_random(cls.G, {10: 0.5, 20: 0.3, 40: 0.2}, 
     fnss.set_delays_constant(cls.G, 2, delay_unit='ms')
     for node in [2, 4, 6]:
         fnss.add_stack(cls.G, node, 'tcp', 
                       {'protocol': 'cubic', 'rcvwnd': 1024})
     for node in [2, 4]:
         fnss.add_application(cls.G, node, 'client', 
                             {'rate': 100, 'user-agent': 'fnss'})
     fnss.add_application(cls.G, 2, 'server', 
                        {'port': 80, 'active': True, 'user-agent': 'fnss'})
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_weighted_content_placement():
    t = fnss.line_topology(4)
    fnss.add_stack(t, 0, 'router')
    fnss.add_stack(t, 1, 'source')
    fnss.add_stack(t, 2, 'source')
    fnss.add_stack(t, 3, 'receiver')
    contentplacement.weighted_content_placement(t, range(10), {1: 0.7, 2: 0.3})
    c1 = t.node[1]['stack'][1]['contents'] if 'contents' in t.node[1]['stack'][1] else set()
    c2 = t.node[2]['stack'][1]['contents'] if 'contents' in t.node[2]['stack'][1] else set()
    assert len(c1) + len(c2) == 10
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_uniform_content_placement():
    t = fnss.line_topology(4)
    fnss.add_stack(t, 0, 'router')
    fnss.add_stack(t, 1, 'source')
    fnss.add_stack(t, 2, 'source')
    fnss.add_stack(t, 3, 'receiver')
    contentplacement.uniform_content_placement(t, range(10))
    c1 = t.node[1]['stack'][1].get('contents', set())
    c2 = t.node[2]['stack'][1].get('contents', set())
    assert len(c1) + len(c2) == 10
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_uniform(self):
     t = fnss.line_topology(4)
     fnss.add_stack(t, 0, 'router')
     fnss.add_stack(t, 1, 'source')
     fnss.add_stack(t, 2, 'source')
     fnss.add_stack(t, 3, 'receiver')
     contentplacement.uniform_content_placement(t, range(10))
     c1 = t.node[1]['stack'][1]['contents']
     c2 = t.node[2]['stack'][1]['contents']
     self.assertEqual(len(c1) + len(c2), 10)
 def test_uniform(self):
     t = fnss.line_topology(4)
     fnss.add_stack(t, 0, "router")
     fnss.add_stack(t, 1, "source")
     fnss.add_stack(t, 2, "source")
     fnss.add_stack(t, 3, "receiver")
     contentplacement.weighted_content_placement(t, range(10), {1: 0.7, 2: 0.3})
     c1 = t.node[1]["stack"][1]["contents"] if "contents" in t.node[1]["stack"][1] else set()
     c2 = t.node[2]["stack"][1]["contents"] if "contents" in t.node[2]["stack"][1] else set()
     self.assertEqual(len(c1) + len(c2), 10)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_uniform_content_placement():
    t = fnss.line_topology(4)
    fnss.add_stack(t, 0, "router")
    fnss.add_stack(t, 1, "source")
    fnss.add_stack(t, 2, "source")
    fnss.add_stack(t, 3, "receiver")
    contentplacement.uniform_content_placement(t, range(10))
    c1 = t.node[1]["stack"][1].get("contents", set())
    c2 = t.node[2]["stack"][1].get("contents", set())
    assert len(c1) + len(c2) == 10
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_uniform(self):
     t = fnss.line_topology(4)
     fnss.add_stack(t, 0, 'router')
     fnss.add_stack(t, 1, 'source')
     fnss.add_stack(t, 2, 'source')
     fnss.add_stack(t, 3, 'receiver')
     contentplacement.uniform_content_placement(t, range(10))
     c1 = t.node[1]['stack'][1].get('contents', set())
     c2 = t.node[2]['stack'][1].get('contents', set())
     self.assertEqual(len(c1) + len(c2), 10)
 def test_uniform(self):
     t = fnss.line_topology(4)
     fnss.add_stack(t, 0, "router")
     fnss.add_stack(t, 1, "source")
     fnss.add_stack(t, 2, "source")
     fnss.add_stack(t, 3, "receiver")
     contentplacement.uniform_content_placement(t, range(10))
     c1 = t.node[1]["stack"][1]["contents"]
     c2 = t.node[2]["stack"][1]["contents"]
     self.assertEqual(len(c1) + len(c2), 10)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_uniform(self):
     t = fnss.line_topology(4)
     fnss.add_stack(t, 0, 'router')
     fnss.add_stack(t, 1, 'source')
     fnss.add_stack(t, 2, 'source')
     fnss.add_stack(t, 3, 'receiver')
     contentplacement.weighted_content_placement(t, range(10), {1: 0.7, 2: 0.3})
     c1 = t.node[1]['stack'][1]['contents'] if 'contents' in t.node[1]['stack'][1] else set()
     c2 = t.node[2]['stack'][1]['contents'] if 'contents' in t.node[2]['stack'][1] else set()
     self.assertEqual(len(c1) + len(c2), 10)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_weighted_content_placement():
    t = fnss.line_topology(4)
    fnss.add_stack(t, 0, "router")
    fnss.add_stack(t, 1, "source")
    fnss.add_stack(t, 2, "source")
    fnss.add_stack(t, 3, "receiver")
    contentplacement.weighted_content_placement(t, range(10), {1: 0.7, 2: 0.3})
    c1 = (t.node[1]["stack"][1]["contents"]
          if "contents" in t.node[1]["stack"][1] else set())
    c2 = (t.node[2]["stack"][1]["contents"]
          if "contents" in t.node[2]["stack"][1] else set())
    assert len(c1) + len(c2) == 10
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def setup_method(self):
     #   s1    s2
     #    |     |
     #   c1-----c2----c3
     #  /  \   / | \    \
     # r1  r2 r3 r4 r5  r6
     topo = fnss.Topology()
     icr_candidates = ["c1", "c2", "c3"]
     nx.add_path(topo, icr_candidates)
     topo.add_edge("c2", "s1")
     topo.add_edge("c2", "s2")
     topo.add_edge("c1", "r1")
     topo.add_edge("c1", "r2")
     topo.add_edge("c2", "r3")
     topo.add_edge("c2", "r4")
     topo.add_edge("c2", "r5")
     topo.add_edge("c3", "r6")
     topo.graph["icr_candidates"] = set(icr_candidates)
     for router in icr_candidates:
         fnss.add_stack(topo, router, "router")
     for src in ["s1"]:
         fnss.add_stack(topo, src, "source")
     for rcv in ["r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6"]:
         fnss.add_stack(topo, rcv, "receiver")
     self.topo = cacheplacement.IcnTopology(topo)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def off_path_topology():
    """Return topology for testing off-path caching strategies
    # Topology sketch
    #     --------- 5 ----------  
    #    /                      \
    #   /                        \
    # 0 ---- 1 ---- 2 ---- 3 ---- 4 
    #               |
    #               |
    #               6
    topology = fnss.ring_topology(6)
    topology.add_edge(2, 6)
    topology.add_edge(1, 7)
    source = 4
    receivers = (0, 6, 7) 
    caches = (1, 2, 3, 5)
    contents = caches
    fnss.add_stack(topology, source, 'source', {'contents': contents})
    for v in caches:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'cache', {'size': 1})
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver', {})
    topology.graph['cache_policy'] = 'FIFO'
    return topology
Ejemplo n.º 18
def topology_fiveNode(**kwargs):
    """Return a scenario based on Five_Node topology.
    This functions the similar as the GEANT topology but with only 5 nodes
    All routers are given caches
    Sources are added on initilization in addition to the main network to all
    nodes with 2 connections
    seed : int, optional
        The seed used for random number generation
    topology : fnss.Topology
        The topology object
    # 5 nodes
    topology = fnss.parse_topology_zoo(
        path.join(TOPOLOGY_RESOURCES_DIR, 'SixNode.graphml')).to_undirected()
    topology = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(topology))[0]
    deg = nx.degree(topology)
    receivers = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] == 1]  # 8 nodes
    # attach sources to topology
    source_attachments = [v for v in topology.nodes()
                          if deg[v] == 2]  # 13 nodes
    sources = []
    for v in source_attachments:
        u = v + 1000  # node ID of source
        topology.add_edge(v, u)
    routers = [v for v in topology.nodes() if v not in sources + receivers]
    # Put caches in nodes with top betweenness centralities
    betw = nx.betweenness_centrality(topology)
    routers = sorted(routers, key=lambda k: betw[k])
    # Select as ICR candidates all routers
    icr_candidates = routers
    # add stacks to nodes
    topology.graph['icr_candidates'] = set(icr_candidates)
    for v in sources:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'source')
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver')
    for v in routers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router')
    # set weights and delays on all links
    fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1.0)
    fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, INTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms')
    # label links as internal or external
    for u, v in topology.edges_iter():
        if u in sources or v in sources:
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'external'
            # this prevents sources to be used to route traffic
            fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1000.0, [(u, v)])
            fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, EXTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms',
                                     [(u, v)])
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'internal'
    return IcnTopology(topology)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def nrr_topology(cls):
     """Return topology for testing NRR caching strategies
     # Topology sketch
     # 0 ---- 2----- 4
     #        |       \
     #        |        s
     #        |       /
     # 1 ---- 3 ---- 5
     topology = IcnTopology(fnss.Topology())
     nx.add_path(topology, [0, 2, 4, "s", 5, 3, 1])
     topology.add_edge(2, 3)
     receivers = (0, 1)
     source = "s"
     caches = (2, 3, 4, 5)
     contents = (1, 2, 3, 4)
     fnss.add_stack(topology, source, 'source', {'contents': contents})
     for v in caches:
         fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router', {'cache_size': 1})
     for v in receivers:
         fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver', {})
     fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, 1, 'ms')
     return topology
Ejemplo n.º 20
def off_path_topology():
    """Return topology for testing off-path caching strategies
    # Topology sketch
    #     --------- 5 ----------
    #    /                      \
    #   /                        \
    # 0 ---- 1 ---- 2 ---- 3 ---- 4
    #               |
    #               |
    #               6
    topology = fnss.ring_topology(6)
    topology.add_edge(2, 6)
    topology.add_edge(1, 7)
    source = 4
    receivers = (0, 6, 7)
    caches = (1, 2, 3, 5)
    contents = caches
    fnss.add_stack(topology, source, 'source', {'contents': contents})
    for v in caches:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router', {'cache_size': 1})
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver', {})
    return topology
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def setUp(self):
     #       -- s1 --
     #     /     |    \
     #   c1-----c2----c3
     #  /  \   / | \    \
     # r1  r2 r3 r4 r5  r6
     topo = fnss.Topology()
     icr_candidates = ["c1", "c2", "c3"]
     nx.add_path(topo, icr_candidates)
     topo.add_edge("c1", "s1")
     topo.add_edge("c2", "s1")
     topo.add_edge("c3", "s1")
     topo.add_edge("c1", "r1")
     topo.add_edge("c1", "r2")
     topo.add_edge("c2", "r3")
     topo.add_edge("c2", "r4")
     topo.add_edge("c2", "r5")
     topo.add_edge("c3", "r6")
     topo.graph['icr_candidates'] = set(icr_candidates)
     for router in icr_candidates:
         fnss.add_stack(topo, router, 'router')
     for src in ['s1']:
         fnss.add_stack(topo, src, 'source')
     for rcv in ['r1', 'r2', 'r3', 'r4', 'r5', 'r6']:
         fnss.add_stack(topo, rcv, 'receiver')
     self.topo = cacheplacement.IcnTopology(topo)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def topology_garr2(**kwargs):
    """Return a scenario based on GARR topology.
    Differently from plain GARR, this topology some receivers are appended to
    routers and only a subset of routers which are actually on the path of some
    traffic are selected to become ICN routers. These changes make this
    topology more realistic.
    seed : int, optional
        The seed used for random number generation
    topology : fnss.Topology
        The topology object
    topology = fnss.parse_topology_zoo(

    # sources are nodes representing neighbouring AS's
    sources = [0, 2, 3, 5, 13, 16, 23, 24, 25, 27, 51, 52, 54]
    # receivers are internal nodes with degree = 1
    receivers = [
        1, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 19, 26, 28, 30, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 47, 48, 50, 53,
        57, 60
    # routers are all remaining nodes --> 27 caches
    routers = [
        n for n in topology.nodes_iter() if n not in receivers + sources
    artificial_receivers = list(range(1000, 1000 + len(routers)))
    for i in range(len(routers)):
        topology.add_edge(routers[i], artificial_receivers[i])
    receivers += artificial_receivers
    # Caches to nodes with degree > 3 (after adding artificial receivers)
    degree = nx.degree(topology)
    icr_candidates = [n for n in topology.nodes_iter() if degree[n] > 3.5]
    # set weights and delays on all links
    fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1.0)
    fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, INTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms')

    # Deploy stacks
    topology.graph['icr_candidates'] = set(icr_candidates)
    for v in sources:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'source')
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver')
    for v in routers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router')
    # label links as internal or external
    for u, v in topology.edges():
        if u in sources or v in sources:
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'external'
            # this prevents sources to be used to route traffic
            fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1000.0, [(u, v)])
            fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, EXTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms',
                                     [(u, v)])
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'internal'
    return IcnTopology(topology)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def nrr_topology(cls):
     """Return topology for testing NRR caching strategies
     # Topology sketch
     # 0 ---- 2----- 4
     #        |       \
     #        |        s
     #        |       /
     # 1 ---- 3 ---- 5
     topology = IcnTopology(fnss.Topology())
     nx.add_path(topology, [0, 2, 4, "s", 5, 3, 1])
     topology.add_edge(2, 3)
     receivers = (0, 1)
     source = "s"
     caches = (2, 3, 4, 5)
     contents = (1, 2, 3, 4)
     fnss.add_stack(topology, source, 'source', {'contents': contents})
     for v in caches:
         fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router', {'cache_size': 1})
     for v in receivers:
         fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver', {})
     fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, 1, 'ms')
     return topology
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def partition_topology(cls):
     #      +-- s1 --+
     #     /     |    \
     #   c1-----[]----c2
     #         /  \
     #        r1  r2
     topo = fnss.Topology()
     icr_candidates = ["c1", "router", "c2"]
     nx.add_path(topo, icr_candidates)
     topo.add_edge("r1", "router")
     topo.add_edge("r2", "router")
     topo.add_edge("c1", "s1")
     topo.add_edge("c2", "s1")
     topo.graph['icr_candidates'] = set(icr_candidates)
     contents = (1, 2, 3, 4)
     for router in icr_candidates:
         if router in ("c1", "c2"):
             props = {'cache_size': 1}
         fnss.add_stack(topo, router, 'router', **props)
     for src in ['s1']:
         fnss.add_stack(topo, src, 'source', {'contents': contents})
     for rcv in ['r1', 'r2']:
         fnss.add_stack(topo, rcv, 'receiver')
     topo.graph['cache_assignment'] = {"r1": "c1", "r2": "c2"}
     return IcnTopology(topo)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def topology_path(n, delay=1, **kwargs):
    """Return a path topology with a receiver on node `0` and a source at node

    n : int (>=3)
        The number of nodes
    delay : float
        The link delay in milliseconds

    topology : IcnTopology
        The topology object
    topology = fnss.line_topology(n)
    receivers = [0]
    routers = range(1, n - 1)
    sources = [n - 1]
    topology.graph['icr_candidates'] = set(routers)
    for v in sources:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'source')
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver')
    for v in routers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router')
    # set weights and delays on all links
    fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1.0)
    fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, delay, 'ms')
    # label links as internal or external
    for u, v in topology.edges_iter():
        topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'internal'
    return IcnTopology(topology)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def topology_path(n, delay=1, **kwargs):
    """Return a path topology with a receiver on node `0` and a source at node
    n : int (>=3)
        The number of nodes
    delay : float
        The link delay in milliseconds
    topology : IcnTopology
        The topology object
    topology = fnss.line_topology(n)
    receivers = [0]    
    routers = range(1, n-1)
    sources = [n-1]
    topology.graph['icr_candidates'] = set(routers)
    for v in sources:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'source')
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver')
    for v in routers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router')
    # set weights and delays on all links
    fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1.0)
    fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, delay, 'ms')
    # label links as internal or external
    for u, v in topology.edges_iter():
        topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'internal'
    return IcnTopology(topology)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def setUp(self):
     #       -- s1 --
     #     /     |    \
     #   c1-----c2----c3
     #  /  \   / | \    \
     # r1  r2 r3 r4 r5  r6
     topo = fnss.Topology()
     icr_candidates = ["c1", "c2", "c3"]
     topo.add_edge("c1", "s1")
     topo.add_edge("c2", "s1")
     topo.add_edge("c3", "s1")
     topo.add_edge("c1", "r1")
     topo.add_edge("c1", "r2")
     topo.add_edge("c2", "r3")
     topo.add_edge("c2", "r4")
     topo.add_edge("c2", "r5")
     topo.add_edge("c3", "r6")
     topo.graph['icr_candidates'] = set(icr_candidates)
     for router in icr_candidates:
         fnss.add_stack(topo, router, 'router')
     for src in ['s1']:
         fnss.add_stack(topo, src, 'source')
     for rcv in ['r1', 'r2', 'r3', 'r4', 'r5', 'r6']:
         fnss.add_stack(topo, rcv, 'receiver')
     self.topo = cacheplacement.IcnTopology(topo)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def topology_generic_rocketfuel_latency(asn, source_ratio, ext_delay, **kwargs):
    """Parse a generic RocketFuel topology with annotated latencies
    To each node of the parsed topology it is attached an artificial receiver
    node. To the routers with highest degree it is also attached a source node. 
    asn : int
        AS number
    source_ratio : float
        Ratio between number of source nodes (artificially attached) and routers
    ext_delay : float
        Delay on external nodes
    if source_ratio < 0 or source_ratio > 1:
        raise ValueError('source_ratio must be comprised between 0 and 1')
    f_topo = path.join(TOPOLOGY_RESOURCES_DIR, 'rocketfuel-latency', str(asn), 'latencies.intra')
    topology = fnss.parse_rocketfuel_isp_latency(f_topo).to_undirected()
    topology = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(topology))[0]
    # First mark all current links as inernal
    for u,v in topology.edges_iter():
        topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'internal'
    # Note: I don't need to filter out nodes with degree 1 cause they all have
    # a greater degree value but we compute degree to decide where to attach sources
    routers = topology.nodes()
    # Source attachment
    n_sources = int(source_ratio*len(routers))
    sources = ['src_%d' % i for i in range(n_sources)]
    deg = nx.degree(topology)
    # Attach sources based on their degree purely, but they may end up quite clustered 
    # routers = sorted(routers, key=lambda k: deg[k], reverse=True)
	# Onur: change the order of sorting to attach sources to low-degree routers
    routers = sorted(routers, key=lambda k: deg[k])
    for i in range(len(sources)):
        topology.add_edge(sources[i], routers[i], delay=ext_delay, type='external')
    # Here let's try attach them via cluster
#     clusters = compute_clusters(topology, n_sources, distance=None, n_iter=1000)
#     source_attachments = [max(cluster, key=lambda k: deg[k]) for cluster in clusters]
#     for i in range(len(sources)):
#         topology.add_edge(sources[i], source_attachments[i], delay=ext_delay, type='external')
    # attach artificial receiver nodes to ICR candidates
    receivers = ['rec_%d' % i for i in range(len(routers))]
    for i in range(len(routers)):
        topology.add_edge(receivers[i], routers[i], delay=0, type='internal')
    # Set weights to latency values
    for u, v in topology.edges_iter():
        topology.edge[u][v]['weight'] = topology.edge[u][v]['delay']
    # Deploy stacks on nodes
    topology.graph['icr_candidates'] = set(routers)
    for v in sources:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'source')
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver')
    for v in routers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router')
    return IcnTopology(topology)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def topology_four_child_tree(network_cache=0.05, n_contents=100000, seed=None):
    Returns a tree topology
    network_cache : float
        Size of network cache (sum of all caches) normalized by size of content
    n_contents : int
        Size of content population
    seed : int, optional
        The seed used for random number generation
    topology : fnss.Topology
        The topology object
    h = 5  # depth of the tree
    topology = fnss.k_ary_tree_topology(4, h)
    topology.add_node(1365, depth=-1)
    topology.add_path([0, 1365])

    receivers = [
        v for v in topology.nodes_iter() if topology.node[v]['depth'] == h
    sources = [
        v for v in topology.nodes_iter() if topology.node[v]['depth'] == -1
    caches = [
        v for v in topology.nodes_iter()
        if topology.node[v]['depth'] >= 0 and topology.node[v]['depth'] < h
    # randomly allocate contents to sources
    content_placement = uniform_content_placement(topology,
                                                  range(1, n_contents + 1),
    for v in sources:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'source',
                       {'contents': content_placement[v]})
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver', {})
    cache_placement = uniform_cache_placement(topology,
                                              network_cache * n_contents,
    for node, size in cache_placement.iteritems():
        fnss.add_stack(topology, node, 'cache', {'size': size})
    # set weights and delays on all links
    fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1.0)
    fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, INTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms')
    # label links as internal or external
    for u, v in topology.edges_iter():
        if u in sources or v in sources:
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'external'
            fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, EXTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms',
                                     [(u, v)])
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'internal'
    return topology
Ejemplo n.º 30
def topology_geant2(**kwargs):
    """Return a scenario based on GEANT topology.

    Differently from plain GEANT, this topology some receivers are appended to
    routers and only a subset of routers which are actually on the path of some
    traffic are selected to become ICN routers. These changes make this
    topology more realistic.

    seed : int, optional
        The seed used for random number generation

    topology : fnss.Topology
        The topology object
    # 53 nodes
    topology = fnss.parse_topology_zoo(path.join(TOPOLOGY_RESOURCES_DIR,
    topology = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(topology))[0]
    deg = nx.degree(topology)
    receivers = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] == 1]  # 8 nodes
    # attach sources to topology
    source_attachments = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] == 2]  # 13 nodes
    sources = []
    for v in source_attachments:
        u = v + 1000  # node ID of source
        topology.add_edge(v, u)
    routers = [v for v in topology.nodes() if v not in sources + receivers]
    # Put caches in nodes with top betweenness centralities
    betw = nx.betweenness_centrality(topology)
    routers = sorted(routers, key=lambda k: betw[k])
    # Select as ICR candidates the top 50% routers for betweenness centrality
    icr_candidates = routers[len(routers) // 2:]
    # add stacks to nodes
    topology.graph['icr_candidates'] = set(icr_candidates)
    for v in sources:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'source')
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver')
    for v in routers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router')
    # set weights and delays on all links
    fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1.0)
    fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, INTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms')
    # label links as internal or external
    for u, v in topology.edges_iter():
        if u in sources or v in sources:
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'external'
            # this prevents sources to be used to route traffic
            fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1000.0, [(u, v)])
            fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, EXTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms', [(u, v)])
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'internal'
    return IcnTopology(topology)
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def setUp(self):
     self.topo = fnss.line_topology(6)
     fnss.add_stack(self.topo, 0, 'receiver')
     self.topo.graph['icr_candidates'] = []
     for i in range(1, 5):
         fnss.add_stack(self.topo, i, 'router')
     fnss.add_stack(self.topo, 5, 'source')
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def test_uniform(self):
     t = fnss.line_topology(4)
     fnss.add_stack(t, 0, 'router')
     fnss.add_stack(t, 1, 'source')
     fnss.add_stack(t, 2, 'source')
     fnss.add_stack(t, 3, 'receiver')
     contentplacement.weighted_content_placement(t, list(range(10)), {
         1: 0.7,
         2: 0.3
     c1 = t.node[1]['stack'][1]['contents'] if 'contents' in t.node[1][
         'stack'][1] else set()
     c2 = t.node[2]['stack'][1]['contents'] if 'contents' in t.node[2][
         'stack'][1] else set()
     self.assertEqual(len(c1) + len(c2), 10)
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def setup_method(self):
     self.topo = fnss.line_topology(6)
     fnss.add_stack(self.topo, 0, "receiver")
     self.topo.graph["icr_candidates"] = []
     for i in range(1, 5):
         fnss.add_stack(self.topo, i, "router")
     fnss.add_stack(self.topo, 5, "source")
Ejemplo n.º 34
def topology_rocketfuel_latency(asn, source_ratio=1.0, ext_delay=EXTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, **kwargs):
    """Parse a generic RocketFuel topology with annotated latencies

    To each node of the parsed topology it is attached an artificial receiver
    node. To the routers with highest degree it is also attached a source node.

    asn : int
        AS number
    source_ratio : float
        Ratio between number of source nodes (artificially attached) and routers
    ext_delay : float
        Delay on external nodes
    if source_ratio < 0 or source_ratio > 1:
        raise ValueError('source_ratio must be comprised between 0 and 1')
    f_topo = path.join(TOPOLOGY_RESOURCES_DIR, 'rocketfuel-latency', str(asn), 'latencies.intra')
    topology = fnss.parse_rocketfuel_isp_latency(f_topo).to_undirected()
    topology = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(topology))[0]
    # First mark all current links as inernal
    for u, v in topology.edges_iter():
        topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'internal'
    # Note: I don't need to filter out nodes with degree 1 cause they all have
    # a greater degree value but we compute degree to decide where to attach sources
    routers = topology.nodes()
    # Source attachment
    n_sources = int(source_ratio * len(routers))
    sources = ['src_%d' % i for i in range(n_sources)]
    deg = nx.degree(topology)

    # Attach sources based on their degree purely, but they may end up quite clustered
    routers = sorted(routers, key=lambda k: deg[k], reverse=True)
    for i in range(len(sources)):
        topology.add_edge(sources[i], routers[i], delay=ext_delay, type='external')

    # Here let's try attach them via cluster
#     clusters = compute_clusters(topology, n_sources, distance=None, n_iter=1000)
#     source_attachments = [max(cluster, key=lambda k: deg[k]) for cluster in clusters]
#     for i in range(len(sources)):
#         topology.add_edge(sources[i], source_attachments[i], delay=ext_delay, type='external')

    # attach artificial receiver nodes to ICR candidates
    receivers = ['rec_%d' % i for i in range(len(routers))]
    for i in range(len(routers)):
        topology.add_edge(receivers[i], routers[i], delay=0, type='internal')
    # Set weights to latency values
    for u, v in topology.edges_iter():
        topology.edge[u][v]['weight'] = topology.edge[u][v]['delay']
    # Deploy stacks on nodes
    topology.graph['icr_candidates'] = set(routers)
    for v in sources:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'source')
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver')
    for v in routers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router')
    return IcnTopology(topology)
Ejemplo n.º 35
def topology_wide(network_cache=0.05, n_contents=100000, seed=None):
    Return a scenario based on GARR topology
    network_cache : float
        Size of network cache (sum of all caches) normalized by size of content
    n_contents : int
        Size of content population
    seed : int, optional
        The seed used for random number generation
    topology : fnss.Topology
        The topology object
    topology = fnss.parse_topology_zoo(
        path.join(TOPOLOGY_RESOURCES_DIR, 'WideJpn.graphml')).to_undirected()
    # sources are nodes representing neighbouring AS's
    sources = [9, 8, 11, 13, 12, 15, 14, 17, 16, 19, 18]
    # receivers are internal nodes with degree = 1
    receivers = [27, 28, 3, 5, 4, 7]
    # caches are all remaining nodes --> 27 caches
    caches = [n for n in topology.nodes() if n not in receivers + sources]
    # set weights and delays on all links
    fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1.0)
    fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, INTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms')
    # randomly allocate contents to sources
    content_placement = uniform_content_placement(topology,
                                                  range(1, n_contents + 1),
    for v in sources:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'source',
                       {'contents': content_placement[v]})
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver', {})
    # label links as internal or external
    for u, v in topology.edges():
        if u in sources or v in sources:
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'external'
            # this prevents sources to be used to route traffic
            fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1000.0, [(u, v)])
            fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, EXTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms',
                                     [(u, v)])
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'internal'
    cache_placement = uniform_cache_placement(topology,
                                              network_cache * n_contents,
    for node, size in cache_placement.iteritems():
        fnss.add_stack(topology, node, 'cache', {'size': size})
    return topology
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def setup_method(self):
     # 0 -- 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5
     self.topo = fnss.line_topology(6)
     fnss.add_stack(self.topo, 0, 'receiver')
     fnss.add_stack(self.topo, 5, 'source')
     self.topo.graph['icr_candidates'] = {1, 2, 3, 4}
     for i in self.topo.graph['icr_candidates']:
         fnss.add_stack(self.topo, i, 'router')
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def setup_method(self):
     # 0 -- 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5
     self.topo = fnss.line_topology(6)
     fnss.add_stack(self.topo, 0, "receiver")
     fnss.add_stack(self.topo, 5, "source")
     self.topo.graph["icr_candidates"] = {1, 2, 3, 4}
     for i in self.topo.graph["icr_candidates"]:
         fnss.add_stack(self.topo, i, "router")
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def setup_method(self):
     # 0 -- 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4
     #           |
     #           5
     self.topo = fnss.line_topology(5)
     fnss.add_stack(self.topo, 0, 'receiver')
     fnss.add_stack(self.topo, 4, 'source')
     self.topo.add_edge(2, 5)
     self.topo.graph['icr_candidates'] = {1, 2, 3, 5}
     for i in self.topo.graph['icr_candidates']:
         fnss.add_stack(self.topo, i, 'router')
Ejemplo n.º 39
 def setup_method(self):
     # 0 -- 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4
     #           |
     #           5
     self.topo = fnss.line_topology(5)
     fnss.add_stack(self.topo, 0, "receiver")
     fnss.add_stack(self.topo, 4, "source")
     self.topo.add_edge(2, 5)
     self.topo.graph["icr_candidates"] = {1, 2, 3, 5}
     for i in self.topo.graph["icr_candidates"]:
         fnss.add_stack(self.topo, i, "router")
Ejemplo n.º 40
def topology_geant(**kwargs):
    """Return a scenario based on GEANT topology

    seed : int, optional
        The seed used for random number generation

    topology : fnss.Topology
        The topology object
    # 240 nodes in the main component
    topology = fnss.parse_topology_zoo(
    topology = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(topology))[0]
    deg = nx.degree(topology)
    receivers = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] == 1]  # 8 nodes
    icr_candidates = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] > 2]  # 19 nodes
    # attach sources to topology
    source_attachments = [v for v in topology.nodes()
                          if deg[v] == 2]  # 13 nodes
    sources = []
    for v in source_attachments:
        u = v + 1000  # node ID of source
        topology.add_edge(v, u)
    routers = [v for v in topology.nodes() if v not in sources + receivers]
    # add stacks to nodes
    topology.graph['icr_candidates'] = set(icr_candidates)
    for v in sources:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'source')
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver')
    for v in routers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router')
    # set weights and delays on all links
    fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1.0)
    fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, INTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms')
    # label links as internal or external
    for u, v in topology.edges_iter():
        if u in sources or v in sources:
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'external'
            # this prevents sources to be used to route traffic
            fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1000.0, [(u, v)])
            fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, EXTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms',
                                     [(u, v)])
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'internal'
    return IcnTopology(topology)
Ejemplo n.º 41
def topology_path(network_cache=0.05, n_contents=100000, n=3, seed=None):
    Return a scenario based on path topology
    network_cache : float
        Size of network cache (sum of all caches) normalized by size of content
    n_contents : int
        Size of content population
    seed : int, optional
        The seed used for random number generation
    topology : fnss.Topology
        The topology object
    # 240 nodes in the main component
    topology = fnss.line_topology(n)
    receivers = [0]
    caches = range(1, n - 1)
    sources = [n - 1]
    # randomly allocate contents to sources
    content_placement = uniform_content_placement(topology,
                                                  range(1, n_contents + 1),
    for v in sources:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'source',
                       {'contents': content_placement[v]})
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver', {})
    # set weights and delays on all links
    fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1.0)
    fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, INTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms')
    # label links as internal or external
    for u, v in topology.edges_iter():
        if u in sources or v in sources:
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'external'
            fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, EXTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms',
                                     [(u, v)])
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'internal'
    cache_placement = uniform_cache_placement(topology,
                                              network_cache * n_contents,
    for node, size in cache_placement.iteritems():
        fnss.add_stack(topology, node, 'cache', {'size': size})
    return topology