Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_next_session(message):
    email = message['email']
    loudness = message['loudness']
    conf = parse_config()
    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(conf['db'])
        """insert into sessions(calibrated_rms_value) values(%s);""",
    cursor.execute("""select LASTVAL();""")
    # xxx convert to fetchone
    session_id = cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
        """select count(*) from users u, sentences s, user_sentence_session us  where s.id = us.sentence_id and u.id = us.user_id and u.email = %s;""",
    total_completed = cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
        """select u.session_count from users u where u.email = %s;""", [email])
    sentences_per_session = cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
    response = {
        "code": "session",
        "session_id": session_id,
        "completed": total_completed,
        "sentences_per_session": sentences_per_session
    print("response = ", response)
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 2
def login_post():
    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(app.hvb_conf["db"])
    email = request.form["email"]
    password = request.form["password"]
    cursor.execute("""select email, password, compendium from users where email = %s; """, [email])
    user = cursor.fetchall()

    if len(user) == 0:
        print("hvb.login: ERROR: email not known")
        return render_template("login.html")

    elif len(user) > 1:
        print("hvb.login: ERROR: email associated with multiple accounts")

    password = user[0][1]
    compendium = user[0][2]
    salted_password = hashlib.sha512(request.form["password"] + compendium).hexdigest()
    if password != salted_password:
        print("hvb.login: ERROR: password equality test failed")
        session["email"] = None
        error = "Invalid credentials"
        return render_template("login.html")

    session["email"] = email
    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
    #    flash("You were successfully logged in")
    return redirect(url_for("record"))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def update_opacity(message):
    email = message['email']
    css_id = message['css_id']
    opacity = message['opacity']
    conf = parse_config()
    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(conf['db'])
    cursor.execute("""update user_grid_opacity ugo SET increments = increments + 1, opacity = %s from users u, grid g where u.email = %s and ugo.user_id = u.id and ugo.grid_id = g.id and g.css_id = %s;""", [opacity, email, css_id])
    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def update_opacity(message):
    email = message['email']
    css_id = message['css_id']
    opacity = message['opacity']
    conf = parse_config()
    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(conf['db'])
        """update user_grid_opacity ugo SET increments = increments + 1, opacity = %s from users u, grid g where u.email = %s and ugo.user_id = u.id and ugo.grid_id = g.id and g.css_id = %s;""",
        [opacity, email, css_id])
    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def update_session_count(message):
    email = message['email']
    count = message['count']
    conf = parse_config()
    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(conf['db'])
#    '''update users set password=%(password)s,compendium=%(compendium)s where email=%(email)s''', form_data)
    print("setting the session count to ", count, " of user email = ", email)
    cursor.execute("""update users set session_count=%s where email = %s;""", [count, email])
    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 6
def update_session_count(message):
    email = message['email']
    count = message['count']
    conf = parse_config()
    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(conf['db'])
    #    '''update users set password=%(password)s,compendium=%(compendium)s where email=%(email)s''', form_data)
    print("setting the session count to ", count, " of user email = ", email)
    cursor.execute("""update users set session_count=%s where email = %s;""",
                   [count, email])
    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 7
def update_sentences_completed(message):
    email = message['email']
    sentence_id = message['id']
    session_id = message['session_id']
    loudness = message['loudness']
    rms_value = message['rms_value']
    uri = 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/human-voice-bank'+'/'+email+'/'+message['uri']

    conf = parse_config()
    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(conf['db'])
    make_sentence_update(cursor, email, sentence_id, session_id, loudness, rms_value, uri)
    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_opacity(message):
    email = message['email']
    conf = parse_config()
    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(conf['db'])
    cursor.execute("""select g.css_id, ugo.opacity, ugo.increments, ugo.instances from users u, grid g, user_grid_opacity ugo where u.email = %s and u.id = ugo.user_id and g.id = ugo.grid_id;""", [email]);
    raw_data = cursor.fetchall()
    opacity_array = []
    for datum in raw_data:
        opacity_array.append({'id': datum[0], 'opacity': datum[1], 'increments': datum[2], 'instances': datum[3]})

    opacity = {"code": "set-opacity", 'opacity-array': opacity_array}
    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
    return opacity
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_next_sentence(message):
    email = message['email']
    if 'count' in message:
        count = int(message['count'])
        if count > 100:
            count = 100
        count = 25

    conf = parse_config()
    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(conf['db'])
    next_block = get_next_block(cursor, email, count)
    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
    return next_block
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_next_sentence(message):
    email = message['email']
    if 'count' in message:
        count = int(message['count'])
        if count > 100:
            count = 100
        count = 25

    conf = parse_config()
    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(conf['db'])
    next_block = get_next_block(cursor, email, count)
    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
    return next_block
Ejemplo n.º 11
def update_sentences_completed(message):
    email = message['email']
    sentence_id = message['id']
    session_id = message['session_id']
    loudness = message['loudness']
    rms_value = message['rms_value']
    uri = 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/human-voice-bank' + '/' + email + '/' + message[

    conf = parse_config()
    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(conf['db'])
    make_sentence_update(cursor, email, sentence_id, session_id, loudness,
                         rms_value, uri)
    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def password_reset():
    form_data = request.form.to_dict()
    print("form data = ", form_data)
    if not ("email" in session) or session["email"] != form_data["email"]:

    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(app.hvb_conf["db"])
    salt = uuid.uuid4().hex
    form_data["password"] = hashlib.sha512(str(form_data["password"]) + str(salt)).hexdigest()
    form_data["compendium"] = salt
        """update users set password=%(password)s,compendium=%(compendium)s where email=%(email)s""", form_data
    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
    return render_template("record.html")
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_next_session(message):
    email = message['email']
    loudness = message['loudness']
    conf = parse_config()
    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(conf['db'])
    cursor.execute("""insert into sessions(calibrated_rms_value) values(%s);""", [loudness])
    cursor.execute("""select LASTVAL();""")
    # xxx convert to fetchone
    session_id = cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
    cursor.execute("""select count(*) from users u, sentences s, user_sentence_session us  where s.id = us.sentence_id and u.id = us.user_id and u.email = %s;""", [email]);
    total_completed = cursor.fetchall()[0][0];
    cursor.execute("""select u.session_count from users u where u.email = %s;""", [email])
    sentences_per_session = cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
    response =  {"code": "session", "session_id": session_id, "completed": total_completed, "sentences_per_session": sentences_per_session}
    print("response = ", response)
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 14
def initiate_reset(email):
    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(app.hvb_conf["db"])
    cursor.execute("""select id, email, compendium from users where email = %s; """, [email])
    user = cursor.fetchall()
    if len(user) == 0:
        print("hvb.initiate_reset: email not known")
        return abort(400)

    elif len(user) > 1:
        print("hvb.login: ERROR: email associated with multiple accounts")

    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)

    id = user[0][0]
    email = user[0][1]
    geo = user[0][2]
    reset_password(str(id) + geo, email)
    return ""
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_opacity(message):
    email = message['email']
    conf = parse_config()
    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(conf['db'])
        """select g.css_id, ugo.opacity, ugo.increments, ugo.instances from users u, grid g, user_grid_opacity ugo where u.email = %s and u.id = ugo.user_id and g.id = ugo.grid_id;""",
    raw_data = cursor.fetchall()
    opacity_array = []
    for datum in raw_data:
            'id': datum[0],
            'opacity': datum[1],
            'increments': datum[2],
            'instances': datum[3]

    opacity = {"code": "set-opacity", 'opacity-array': opacity_array}
    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
    return opacity
Ejemplo n.º 16
def registration1_post():
    if not ("email" in session):
        return redirect("/", code=302)

    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(app.hvb_conf["db"])

        form_data = request.form.to_dict()
        form_data["email"] = session["email"]
        print("HERE... formdata = ", form_data)
            """update users set height_inches=%(height_inches)s, height_feet=%(height_feet)s, accent=%(accent)s, stateprovince=%(stateprovince)s, stateprovince1=%(stateprovince1)s, country=%(country)s, country1=%(country1)s, voice_sound=%(voice_sound)s, first_language=%(first_language)s, second_language=%(second_language)s where email=%(email)s""",

    except KeyError as key_error:
        hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
        print("Key error = ", key_error)
        error = "Invalid credentials"
        print("Error = ", error)
        print("Key error: ")
        return "KeyError", 404

    except IntegrityError as integrityError:
        hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
        return "IntegrityError", 404

    except Exception as e:
        print("exection: ", e)
        return "Exception", 404

    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
    return "OK", 200  # redirect(url_for('record'))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def authorize_password_reset(userid, email):
    s = TimestampSigner(app.secret_key)
    user_email = s.unsign(email)
    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(app.hvb_conf["db"])
    cursor.execute("""select id, compendium from users where email = %s; """, [user_email])
    user = cursor.fetchall()
    if len(user) == 0:
        print("hvb.password_reset: email not known")
        return abort(400)

    elif len(user) > 1:
        print("hvb.login: ERROR: email associated with multiple accounts")

    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)

    id = user[0][0]
    compendium = user[0][1]
    session["email"] = user_email
    if str(id) + str(compendium) == str(s.unsign(userid)):
        return render_template("password-reset.html", email=user_email)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def load():
    conf = parse_config()
    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(conf["db"])
    cursor.execute("""select id, sentence, phonetic from sentences;""")
    sentence_tuples = cursor.fetchall()
    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
    sentence_meta_list = []
    phoneme_set = set([])
    for id, sentence, phonetic in sentence_tuples:
        sentence_meta = SentenceMeta(id, sentence, phonetic)
        parse_phonemes(sentence_meta, phoneme_set)

    phoneme_map = {}
    id = 0
    for phoneme in list(phoneme_set):
        phoneme_map[phoneme] = id
        id += 1

    f = open("phonemes-dml.sql", "w+")
    insert_phonemes(phoneme_map, f)
    insert_sentence_phoneme_join_table(phoneme_map, sentence_meta_list, f)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def registration_post():
    # XXX the insert below should fail if the email already exists, but we should note the failure and provide a message
    #     to the user and redirect them to the login/password reset page.
    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(app.hvb_conf["db"])
        form_data = request.form.to_dict()
        print("formdata = ", form_data)
        salt = uuid.uuid4().hex
        form_data["password"] = hashlib.sha512(str(form_data["password"]) + str(salt)).hexdigest()
        form_data["compendium"] = salt
            """insert into users (email, firstname, dob, gender, password, compendium) values (%(email)s, %(firstname)s, %(dob)s, %(gender)s, %(password)s, %(compendium)s);""",
        session["email"] = form_data["email"]
            """insert into user_grid_opacity(user_id, grid_id, opacity, increments, instances) select u.id, g.id, 0, 0, (select count(*) from phoneme_grid pg, sentence_phoneme sp where pg.grid_id = g.id and pg.phoneme_id = sp.phoneme_id) from users u, grid g where u.email = %s;""",

    except KeyError as key_error:
        hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
        print("Key error = ", key_error)
        error = "Invalid credentials"
        print("Error = ", error)
        print("Key error: ")
        return "KeyError", 404

    except IntegrityError as integrityError:
        hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
        return "IntegrityError", 404

    except Exception as e:
        print("exection: ", e)
        return "Exception", 404

    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
    return "OK", 200  # redirect(url_for('record'))
Ejemplo n.º 20

if __name__ == '__main__':
    conf = parse_config()
    conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(conf['db'])
    filename = conf['csv']
    print("Database connection established")
    execute_sql(conf['drop'], cursor, conn)
    print("Database dropped")
    execute_sql(conf['create'], cursor, conn)
    print("New schema created")
    #execute_sql(conf['vocalid'], cursor, conn)
    print("Creating sentences table.. ")
    create_sentences_table(filename, cursor, conn)
    print("Generating sentences table.. ")
    generate_sentence_metadata(conn, cursor, conf['phoneme_dml'])
    print("Executing phoneme dml")
    execute_sql(conf['phoneme_dml'], cursor, conn)
    print("Executing grid dml")
    execute_sql(conf['grid_dml'], cursor, conn)

    print("Generating phoneme grid table..")
    # XXX
    filename1 = 'sql/Phoneme_Unicode_Codes_and_HVB_locations_revised.csv'
    generate_phoneme_grid_mapping(conn, cursor, filename1, conf['grid_dml'])

    hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)

Ejemplo n.º 21
def upload_audio(message):
        email = message['email']
        filename = message['filename']
        rms = message['rms']
        data = message['data']
        length = int(message['length'])

        pcm_data = []

        for i in range(0, length):

        sample_rate = message['sample_rate']
        data = float32_wav_file(pcm_data, sample_rate)

        # f = open("ws-"+filename, 'wb+')
        #    f.write(data)
        #    f.flush()
        #    f.close()

        conf = parse_config()

        conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(conf['db'])
        userid = ''
        dob = ''
        gender = ''
        platform = 'python-uploader'
        filename_column_field = ''
        full_path = str(email) + '/' + str(filename) + '-' + platform

            cursor.execute("""select u.id, u.dob, u.gender from users u where u.email = %s;""", [email])
            userdata = cursor.fetchone()
            print("u.id u.dob, u.gender = ", userdata)
            userid = userdata[0]
            dob = userdata[1]
            gender = userdata[2]
            sentence = filename.split('-')[0]
            cursor.execute("""select filename from sentences where sentence = %s;""", [sentence])
            filename_column_field = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            filename = str(email) + '/donor' + str(userid) + '-' + str(dob) + '-' + str(
            gender) + '-' + platform + '-' + filename_column_field + '-' + str(filename)

        except Exception as e:
            import sys
            import traceback

            print('TornadoWebsocketHandler: WARNING upload_audio exception generating wave file name with embedded data')
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
            traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, file=sys.stderr)

        full_path = filename

        hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
        print("fullpath = ", full_path)
        record.upload_wav_to_s3(parse_config(), data, full_path)
    except Exception as e:
        import sys
        import traceback

        print('TornadoWebsocketHandler: WARNING upload_audio exception generating wave file name with embedded data')
        exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
        traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, file=sys.stderr)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def upload_audio(message):
        email = message['email']
        filename = message['filename']
        rms = message['rms']
        data = message['data']
        length = int(message['length'])

        pcm_data = []

        for i in range(0, length):

        sample_rate = message['sample_rate']
        data = float32_wav_file(pcm_data, sample_rate)

        # f = open("ws-"+filename, 'wb+')
        #    f.write(data)
        #    f.flush()
        #    f.close()

        conf = parse_config()

        conn, cursor = hvb_connect_db(conf['db'])
        userid = ''
        dob = ''
        gender = ''
        platform = 'python-uploader'
        filename_column_field = ''
        full_path = str(email) + '/' + str(filename) + '-' + platform

                """select u.id, u.dob, u.gender from users u where u.email = %s;""",
            userdata = cursor.fetchone()
            print("u.id u.dob, u.gender = ", userdata)
            userid = userdata[0]
            dob = userdata[1]
            gender = userdata[2]
            sentence = filename.split('-')[0]
                """select filename from sentences where sentence = %s;""",
            filename_column_field = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            filename = str(email) + '/donor' + str(userid) + '-' + str(
                dob) + '-' + str(
                ) + '-' + platform + '-' + filename_column_field + '-' + str(

        except Exception as e:
            import sys
            import traceback

                'TornadoWebsocketHandler: WARNING upload_audio exception generating wave file name with embedded data'
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()

        full_path = filename

        hvb_close_db(conn, cursor)
        print("fullpath = ", full_path)
        record.upload_wav_to_s3(parse_config(), data, full_path)
    except Exception as e:
        import sys
        import traceback

            'TornadoWebsocketHandler: WARNING upload_audio exception generating wave file name with embedded data'
        exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()