Ejemplo n.º 1
def classify_temp_header(string):
    import functions
    if functions.is_number(string):
        number = float(string)
        return (1, number)

    elif string[0:1] == 'T' and string[-3:] == '(C)' and functions.is_number(
        number = int(string[1:-3])
        return (2, number)

    elif string[0:1] == 'T' and functions.is_number(string[1:]):
        number = int(string[1:])
        return (2, number)

    elif len(string) >= 4:
        if string[0:4] == 'TEMP' and functions.is_number(string[4:]):
            number = int(string[4:])
            return (2, number)
        elif string[0:5] == 'Temp ' and functions.is_number(string[5:]):
            number = int(string[5:])
            return (2, number)
            return (0, 0)
        return (0, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def seq1(update, context):
    if not functions.is_number(update.message.text):
        update.message.reply_text("Пожалуйста, введите первый член в правильном формате: число")
        return 1
    for_seq["a1/b1"] = float(update.message.text)
    if for_seq["f"]:
        update.message.reply_text("А теперь введите разность вашей арифметической прогрессии(число)")
        update.message.reply_text("А теперь введите знаменатель вашей геометрической прогрессии(число)")
    return 2
Ejemplo n.º 3
def cnt_sis2(update, context):
    if not functions.is_number(update.message.text):
        update.message.reply_text("Введите, пожалйста, систему счисления в правильном формате: целое число от 2 до 10")
        return 2
    if int(update.message.text) != float(update.message.text):
        update.message.reply_text("Введите, пожалйста, систему счисления в правильном формате: целое число от 2 до 10")
        return 2
    if not (1 < int(update.message.text) < 11):
        update.message.reply_text("Введите, пожалйста, систему счисления в правильном формате: целое число от 2 до 10")
        return 2
    for_cnt_sis["sis1"] = int(update.message.text)
    update.message.reply_text("А теперь введите в какую систему счисления вы хотите его перевести")
    return 3
Ejemplo n.º 4
def cnt_sis1(update, context):
    if not functions.is_number(update.message.text):
        update.message.reply_text("Введите, пожалйста, в правильном формате: любое целое положительное число")
        return 1
    if int(update.message.text) != float(update.message.text):
        update.message.reply_text("Введите, пожалйста, в правильном формате: любое целое положительное число")
        return 1
    if int(update.message.text) < 0:
        update.message.reply_text("Введите, пожалйста, в правильном формате: любое целое положительное число")
        return 1
    for_cnt_sis["num"] = int(update.message.text)
    update.message.reply_text("Теперь введите в какой системе считсления оно находится(целое число от 2 до 10)")
    return 2
Ejemplo n.º 5
def cnt_sis3(update, context):
    if not functions.is_number(update.message.text):
        update.message.reply_text("Введите, пожалйста систему счисления в правильном формате: целое число от 2 до 10")
        return 3
    if int(update.message.text) != float(update.message.text):
        update.message.reply_text("Введите, пожалйста систему счисления в правильном формате: целое число от 2 до 10")
        return 3
    if not (1 < int(update.message.text) < 11):
        update.message.reply_text("Введите, пожалйста систему счисления в правильном формате: целое число от 2 до 10")
        return 3
    for_cnt_sis["sis2"] = int(update.message.text)
    update.message.reply_text(str(for_cnt_sis["num"]) + " в " + str(for_cnt_sis["sis1"]) +
                              "ой системе счисления равно " + functions.perevod(for_cnt_sis) + " в " +
                              str(for_cnt_sis["sis2"]) + "ой системе счисления")
    return ConversationHandler.END
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def convertCell(self, cell, is_math = False):
     """ convert cell string to latex format
         first tokenize string by spaces
         if is_math = true, add $ $ around numbers
     new_cell = cell
     if (is_math):
         # separate the cell into a list using space
         new_cell_list = new_cell.split(' ')
         # check each element; if number, add $$ around
         for index in range(len(new_cell_list)):
             if (functions.is_number(new_cell_list[index])):
                 new_cell_list[index] = '$' + new_cell_list[index] + '$'
         new_cell = ' '.join(new_cell_list)
     return new_cell
Ejemplo n.º 7
def seq2(update, context):
    if not functions.is_number(update.message.text):
        if for_seq["f"]:
            update.message.reply_text("Пожалуйста, введите разность вашей арифметической прогрессии "
                                      "в правильном формате: число")
            update.message.reply_text("Пожалуйста, введите знаменатель вашей геометрической прогрессии "
                                      "в правильном формате: число")
        return 2
    for_seq["d/q"] = float(update.message.text)
    if for_seq["f"]:
        update.message.reply_text("Ну и осталось ввести количесво членов в вашей фриметической прогрессии. "
                                  "Введите его(это должно быть целое неотрицательное число)")
        update.message.reply_text("Ну и осталось ввести количество членов в вашей геометрической прогрессии."
                                  "Введите его(это должно быть целое неотрицательное число)")
    return 3
Ejemplo n.º 8
def seq3(update, context):
    if not functions.is_number(update.message.text):
        update.message.reply_text("Пожалуйста, введите количество членов в правильном формате: "
                                  "целое неотрицательное ЧИСЛО")
    if int(update.message.text) != float(update.message.text):
        update.message.reply_text("Пожалуйста, введите количество членов в правильном формате: "
                                  "ЦЕЛОЕ неотрицательное число")
    if int(update.message.text) < 0:
        update.message.reply_text("Пожалуйста, введите количество членов в правильном формате: "
                                  "целое НЕОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНОЕ число")
    for_seq["n"] = int(update.message.text)
    if for_seq["f"]:
        update.message.reply_text("Сумма первых " + str(for_seq["n"]) + " членов вашей арифметической прогресии равна "
                                  + str(functions.sequences(for_seq)))
        update.message.reply_text("Сумма первых " + str(for_seq["n"]) + " членов вашей геометрической прогресии равна "
                                  + str(functions.sequences(for_seq)))
    return ConversationHandler.END
Ejemplo n.º 9
def process_dates(date_string, buoy_name, file_ext_name):
    import functions

    date_functions_d = {1: datefunc1, 3: datefunc3, 5: datefunc5}

    import re
    date_cpts = re.split('[:/ ]', date_string)
    bad_cpts = [cpt for cpt in date_cpts if not functions.is_number(cpt)]

    if len(bad_cpts) > 0:
        return None

        ncpts = len(date_cpts)

        use_function = date_functions_d[ncpts]

        processed_date = use_function(date_cpts, buoy_name, file_ext_name)
        return processed_date
Ejemplo n.º 10
def task():
    args = request.get_json(silent=True)
    if args is None:
        args = request.form.to_dict()
        if len(args) == 0:
            args = request.args.to_dict()
            if len(args) == 0:
                return jsonify({"error": "No arguments in request"})
    if len(args) > 1:
        return jsonify({"error": "Got more then 1 argument"})
    number = list(args.values())[0]

    if functions.is_number(number) == False:
        return jsonify(
            {"error": "The argument does not match the task conditions"})
        number = int(number)

            "Number": number
        }, {
            "Number": number - 1
    except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as e:
        print("\ncreate index error: " + str(e.details))
    except pymongo.errors.BulkWriteError as e:
        print("\nBULKerror: " + str(e.details))
        if e.details["writeErrors"][0]["keyValue"]["Number"] != number - 1:
            log = strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) + " " + str(
                number) + " Number has already been received\n"
            return jsonify({
                "Number '" + str(number) + "' has already been received"

    return jsonify({"response": str(number + 1)})
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def read(self,full_file,key):
        '''Reads IMB temperature data from a given file into the given
           temperature series'''
        import csv
        import data_series as ds
        import functions
        max_zlist = len(key.value_index)                
        fileh = open(full_file)
        rows = csv.reader(fileh)
        for row in rows:
            if len(row)>0:
                date_string = row[key.date_index]
                date = ds.process_dates(date_string,self.name,self.fen)
                if date is not None:
                    temp_list = []
                    for index in key.value_index:
                        if index >= len(row):
                            temp_value = self.mdi
                            temp_string = row[index]
                            if len(temp_string) != 0 and \
                                temp_value = float(temp_string)
                                temp_value = self.mdi
                    if len(temp_list) != max_zlist:
                        print('Number of temp instances does not match key for date ', date)
                        return 0
                    if temp_list.count(self.mdi) != len(temp_list):
                        self.profile_set[date] = temp_list

Ejemplo n.º 12
def buoylist(year=0):
    '''Returns list of all IMB labels'''
    import subprocess
    import functions
    import filepaths

    command = ['ls', filepaths.filepaths()['source_dir']]
    output = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
    str_output = output.decode('utf-8')
    str_output = str_output.split('\n')

    if year != 0:
        restrict_output = [
            buoyname for buoyname in str_output if str(year) in buoyname
        restrict_output = [
            buoyname for buoyname in str_output
            if len(buoyname) == 5 and functions.is_number(buoyname[0:4])

    return restrict_output
Ejemplo n.º 13
async def api_search_products(*, search_item, shift_type, specify_filter,
                              order_by, deli_free, love_baby, lowest_price,
                              highest_price, deli_location, turn_type,
    error_msg = None
    products = []
    keywordlist = ['UNIQLO', 'SUPERME', 'NIKE', 'ADIDAS', 'APPLE', 'HUAWEI']
    producttypelist = ['shoes', 'clothes', 'electronic']
    page_num = None
    new_curr_page = 1

    if search_item not in keywordlist and search_item not in producttypelist and search_item != 'all':
        error_msg = 'Please input limited search conditions'
        if order_by == 'None' or order_by == '':
            order_by = 'product_sales_qty desc'
        where_clause = ''
        '''if search_item == 'all':
            parameter_list = [['UNIQLO'], ['APPLE'], ['NIKE'], ['SUPERME'], ['HUAWEI'], ['ADIDAS']]
            backup_parameter_list = [['UNIQLO'], ['APPLE'], ['NIKE'], ['SUPERME'], ['HUAWEI'], ['ADIDAS']]
            where_clause = where_clause + 'keyword=?'
            if shift_type == 'tmall':
                where_clause = where_clause + ' and istmall=?'
                for k in range(6):
            if deli_free != '':
                where_clause = where_clause + ' and title like ?'
                for k in range(6):
                    parameter_list[k].extend(['%' + deli_free + '%'])
                    backup_parameter_list[k].extend(['%' + deli_free + '%'])
            if love_baby != '':
                where_clause = where_clause + ' and (iconkey1 = ? or iconkey2 = ? or iconkey3 = ? or iconkey4 = ? or iconkey5 = ?)'
                for k in range(6):
            if lowest_price != '':
                if not is_number(lowest_price):
                    error_msg = 'Please input price only include the number!'
                    return dict(products=products, error_msg=error_msg)
                    lowest_price = float(lowest_price)
                where_clause = where_clause + ' and product_price_float >= ?'
                for k in range(6):
            if highest_price != '':
                if not is_number(highest_price):
                    error_msg = 'Please input price only include the number!'
                    return dict(products=products, error_msg=error_msg)
                    highest_price = float(highest_price)
                where_clause = where_clause + ' and product_price_float <= ?'
                for k in range(6):
            if deli_location != '':
                where_clause = where_clause + ' and shopaddress like ?'
                for k in range(6):
                    parameter_list[k].extend(['%' + deli_location + '%'])
                    backup_parameter_list[k].extend(['%' + deli_location + '%'])
            for i in range(4):
                if not operator.eq(parameter_list,backup_parameter_list):  # judgment whether the parameter_list changed as the limit parameter can join in
                    parameter_list = copy.deepcopy(backup_parameter_list)  # must use deep copy because both the two  ram address ref to one value
                for j in range(6):
                    products_temp = await TaobaoProducts.findAll(where_clause, parameter_list[j],
                                                                 orderBy=order_by, limit=(2 * i, 2))
                    products = products + products_temp

        parameter = []
        first_spe_filter, second_spe_filter = analysis_specify_filter(
        if search_item in keywordlist:
            where_clause = where_clause + 'keyword=?'
        elif search_item in producttypelist:
            where_clause = where_clause + 'product_type=?'
        if shift_type == 'tmall':
            where_clause = where_clause + (' and istmall=?' if
                                           where_clause != '' else 'istmall=?')
        if first_spe_filter != '':
            where_clause = where_clause + (
                ' and title like ?' if where_clause != '' else 'title like ?')
            parameter.extend(['%' + first_spe_filter + '%'])
        if second_spe_filter != '':
            where_clause = where_clause + (
                ' and title like ?' if where_clause != '' else 'title like ?')
            parameter.extend(['%' + second_spe_filter + '%'])
        if deli_free != '':
            where_clause = where_clause + (
                ' and title like ?' if where_clause != '' else 'title like ?')
            parameter.extend(['%' + deli_free + '%'])
        if love_baby != '':
            where_clause = where_clause + (
                ' and (iconkey1 = ? or iconkey2 = ? or iconkey3 = ? or iconkey4 = ? or iconkey5 = ?)'
                if where_clause != '' else
                '(iconkey1 = ? or iconkey2 = ? or iconkey3 = ? or iconkey4 = ? or iconkey5 = ?)'
                'icon-fest-gongyibaobei', 'icon-fest-gongyibaobei',
                'icon-fest-gongyibaobei', 'icon-fest-gongyibaobei',
        if lowest_price != '':
            if not is_number(lowest_price):
                error_msg = 'Please input price only include the number!'
                return dict(products=products, error_msg=error_msg)
                lowest_price = float(lowest_price)
            where_clause = where_clause + (' and product_price_float >= ?'
                                           if where_clause != '' else
                                           'product_price_float >= ?')
        if highest_price != '':
            if not is_number(highest_price):
                error_msg = 'Please input price only include the number!'
                return dict(products=products, error_msg=error_msg)
                highest_price = float(highest_price)
            where_clause = where_clause + (' and product_price_float <= ?'
                                           if where_clause != '' else
                                           'product_price_float <= ?')
        if deli_location != '':
            where_clause = where_clause + (' and shopaddress like ?'
                                           if where_clause != '' else
                                           'shopaddress like ?')
            parameter.extend(['%' + deli_location + '%'])
        total_num = await TaobaoProducts.findNumber('count(id)', where_clause,
        page_num = total_num // 48 + (1 if total_num % 48 > 0 else 0)
        if turn_type != '':
            if turn_type == '1':
                new_curr_page = 1
            elif turn_type == '2':
                new_curr_page = 2
            elif turn_type == '3':
                new_curr_page = 3
            elif turn_type == 'last':
                new_curr_page = page_num
                int_curr_page = int(curr_page)
                if turn_type == 'pre':
                    new_curr_page = int_curr_page - 1
                    new_curr_page = int_curr_page + 1
        products = await TaobaoProducts.findAll(
            limit=(48 * (new_curr_page - 1), 48))
    return dict(products=products,
Ejemplo n.º 14
def calc_RV(RV_out,file_name):
    ### Find the columns related
    related = []
    file_name = string.split(file_name,".")[0]
    for i in range(len(RV_out)):
        row_name = RV_out[i][1]
        row_name = string.split(row_name,".")[0]
        row_name = string.split(row_name,"normspec_")[1]
        #print file_name,row_name
        if file_name == row_name:

    RV_table = []
    for i in range(len(related)):
        print related[i]
        JD = related[i][3]
        stellar_height = related[i][5]
        vhelio = related[i][7]
        vhelio_err = related[i][8]
        aperture = int(related[i][4]) - 1
        print aperture_weights,aperture

        flux_weight = aperture_weights[aperture]

        if functions.is_number(stellar_height) and functions.is_number(JD) and functions.is_number(vhelio) and functions.is_number(vhelio_err):
            if stellar_height > 0.20 and abs(vhelio) < 500: ### NORMAL
            #if stellar_height > 0.0: ### Manual

    if RV_table == []:
        print "Lowering ccf_height threshold"
        ### Lower the bar on ccf_height
        for i in range(len(related)):
            print related[i]
            JD = related[i][3]
            stellar_height = related[i][5]
            vhelio = related[i][7]
            vhelio_err = related[i][8]
            aperture = int(related[i][4]) - 1
            flux_weight = aperture_weights[aperture]

            if functions.is_number(stellar_height) and functions.is_number(JD) and functions.is_number(vhelio) and functions.is_number(vhelio_err):
                if stellar_height > 0.01 and abs(vhelio) < 500: ### NORMAL
                #if stellar_height > 0.0: ### Manual

    if RV_table == []:
        ### If it still doesn't work, return INDEF
        return ["INDEF","INDEF","INDEF","INDEF"]


        ### Use (fxcor telluric error + telluric height + stellar error +
        ### stellar height) * (1/flux_weight) as weights
        ### For final velocity calculations

        JD = array(transpose(RV_table)[0])
        vhelio = array(transpose(RV_table)[1])
        vhelio_err = array(transpose(RV_table)[2])
        stellar_height = array(transpose(RV_table)[3])
        flux_weights = array(transpose(RV_table)[4])

        fxcor_err = average(vhelio_err)

        if JD == []:
            return ["INDEF","INDEF","INDEF"]
        if len(JD) == 1:
            return JD[0],vhelio[0],vhelio_err[0],stellar_height[0]
        if len(JD) == 2:
            velocity = vhelio
            weights = (1/flux_weights) * (vhelio_err / sum(vhelio_err) + (1/stellar_height) / sum(1/stellar_height))
            return JD[0],waverage(velocity,weights),average(vhelio_err),average(stellar_height)
        if len(JD) >= 3:
            v_list = []
            err_list = []
            stellar_height_list = []
            flux_weights_list = []
            for i in range(len(vhelio)):
                if (abs(vhelio[i] - median(vhelio)) < 10.0) and (vhelio_err[i] < 10.0):

            if len(v_list) == 0:
                v_list = []
                err_list = []
                stellar_height_list = []
                flux_weights_list = []
                for i in range(len(vhelio)):
                    if (abs(vhelio[i] - median(vhelio)) < 50.0) and (vhelio_err[i] < 50.0):

            err_list = array(err_list)
            stellar_height_list = array(stellar_height_list)
            flux_weights_list = array(flux_weights_list)

            poisson_factor = (1/flux_weights_list) * (err_list/sum(err_list) +(1/stellar_height_list)/sum(1/stellar_height_list))
            poisson_factor = 1 / poisson_factor
            poisson_factor = poisson_factor / max(poisson_factor)
            poisson_factor = sqrt(sum(poisson_factor)/nstandards)

            v_err = std(v_list)
            velocity = waverage(v_list,(1/flux_weights_list) * (err_list/sum(err_list) + (1/stellar_height_list)/sum(1/stellar_height_list)))
            error = sqrt(waverage(err_list,1/flux_weights_list)**2 + v_err**2)/poisson_factor 
            return JD[0],velocity,error,average(stellar_height_list)
Ejemplo n.º 15
        logging.debug("waiting on values of variables...")
        for var in variables_name:
            x = input('- ' + var + ' >: ')

            if x == '':


        if len(variables) < len(variables_name):
            logging.debug("procedure is aborted")
            print("Adding procedure is aborted")

            while functions.is_number(variables[1]) == False:
                print("Value of quantity is not a number!\nPleas fix it")
                variables[1] = input(">: ")

            while functions.is_number(variables[3]) == False:
                print("Value of price is not a number!\nPleas fix it")
                variables[3] = input(">: ")

            if functions.is_in_list(variables[0], items) == True:
                    "Item is already in warehouse!\nIf you want change item status use 'update item ...'"

            elif functions.confirm_choice() == True:
                logging.debug(f"adding {variables[0]}\n")
                x = functions.add_item(variables[0], variables[1],
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def styleText(self, start, end):
        Overloaded method for styling text.
            Very slow if done in Python!
            Using the Cython version is better.
            The fastest would probably be adding the lexer directly into
            the QScintilla source. Maybe never :-)
        #Style in pure Python, VERY SLOW!
        editor = self.editor()
        if editor is None:
        #Initialize the styling
        #Scintilla works with bytes, so we have to adjust the start and end boundaries
        text = bytearray(editor.text().lower(), "utf-8")[start:end].decode("utf-8")
        #Loop optimizations
        setStyling      = self.setStyling
        basic_kw_list   = self.basic_keyword_list
        user_kw_list    = self.user_keyword_list
        def_kw_list     = self.def_keyword_list
        top_kw_list     = self.top_keyword_list
        unsafe_kw_list  = self.unsafe_keyword_list
        operator_list   = self.operator_list
        keyword_operator_list = self.keyword_operator_list
        type_kw_list    = self.type_keyword_list
        DEF     = self.styles["Default"]
        B_KWD   = self.styles["BasicKeyword"]
        T_KWD   = self.styles["TopKeyword"]
        COM     = self.styles["Comment"]
        STR     = self.styles["String"]
        L_STR   = self.styles["LongString"]
        NUM     = self.styles["Number"]
        MAC     = self.styles["Pragma"]
        OPE     = self.styles["Operator"]
        UNS     = self.styles["Unsafe"]
        TYP     = self.styles["Type"]
        D_COM   = self.styles["DocumentationComment"]
        DEFIN   = self.styles["Definition"]
        CLS     = self.styles["Class"]
        KOP     = self.styles["KeywordOperator"]
        CHAR    = self.styles["CharLiteral"]
        OF      = self.styles["CaseOf"]
        U_KWD   = self.styles["UserKeyword"]
        M_COM   = self.styles["MultilineComment"]
        M_DOC   = self.styles["MultilineDocumentation"]
        #Initialize various states and split the text into tokens
        commenting          = False
        doc_commenting      = False
        multi_doc_commenting= False
        new_commenting      = False
        stringing           = False
        long_stringing      = False
        char_literal        = False
        pragmaing           = False
        case_of             = False
        cls_descrition      = False
        tokens = [(token, len(bytearray(token, "utf-8"))) for token in self.splitter.findall(text)]
        #Check if there is a style(comment, string, ...) stretching on from the previous line
        if start != 0:
            previous_style = editor.SendScintilla(editor.SCI_GETSTYLEAT, start - 1)
            if previous_style == L_STR:
                long_stringing = True
            elif previous_style == MAC:
                pragmaing = True
            elif previous_style == M_COM:
                new_commenting = True
            elif previous_style == M_DOC:
                multi_doc_commenting = True
        #Style the tokens accordingly
        for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
#                print(str(token) + "  " + str(i))
            if commenting == True:
                #Continuation of comment
                setStyling(token[1], COM)
                #Check if comment ends
                if "\n" in token[0]:
                    commenting = False
            elif doc_commenting == True:
                #Continuation of comment
                setStyling(token[1], D_COM)
                #Check if comment ends
                if "\n" in token[0]:
                    doc_commenting = False
            elif new_commenting == True:
                #Continuation of comment
                setStyling(token[1], M_COM)
                #Check if comment ends
                if "#" in token[0] and "]" in tokens[i-1][0]:
                    new_commenting = False
            elif multi_doc_commenting == True:
                #Continuation of comment
                setStyling(token[1], M_DOC)
                #Check if comment ends
                if "#" in token[0] and "#" in tokens[i-1][0] and "]" in tokens[i-2][0]:
                    multi_doc_commenting = False
            elif stringing == True:
                #Continuation of a string
                setStyling(token[1], STR)
                #Check if string ends
                if token[0] == "\"" and (tokens[i-1][0] != "\\") or "\n" in token[0]:
                    stringing = False
            elif long_stringing == True:
                #Continuation of a string
                setStyling(token[1], L_STR)
                #Check if string ends
                if token[0] == "\"\"\"":
                    long_stringing = False
            elif char_literal == True:
                #Check if string ends
                if ("\n" in token[0] or 
                    " " in token[0] or
                    "(" in token[0] or
                    ")" in token[0] or
                    "," in token[0] or
                    token[0] in operator_list):
                    #Do not color the separator
                    setStyling(token[1], DEF)
                    char_literal = False
                elif token[0] == "'":
                    #Continuation of a character
                    setStyling(token[1], CHAR)
                    char_literal = False
                    setStyling(token[1], CHAR)
            elif pragmaing == True:
                #Continuation of a string
                setStyling(token[1], MAC)
                #Check if string ends
                if token[0] == ".}":
                    pragmaing = False
            elif case_of == True:
                #'Case of' parameter
                if token[0] == ":" or "\n" in token[0]:
                    setStyling(token[1], DEF)
                    case_of = False
                    setStyling(token[1], OF)
            elif cls_descrition == True:
                #Class/namespace description
                if token[0] == ":" or "\n" in token[0]:
                    setStyling(token[1], DEF)
                    cls_descrition = False
                    setStyling(token[1], CLS)
            elif token[0] == "\"\"\"":
                #Start of a multi line (long) string
                setStyling(token[1], L_STR)
                long_stringing = True
            elif token[0] == "{.":
                #Start of a multi line (long) string
                setStyling(token[1], MAC)
                pragmaing = True
            elif token[0] == "\"":
                #Start of a string
                setStyling(token[1], STR)
                stringing = True
            elif token[0] == "'":
                #Start of a string
                setStyling(token[1], CHAR)
                char_literal = True
            elif token[0] in basic_kw_list:
                #Basic keyword
                setStyling(token[1], B_KWD)
                    if ((token[0] == "of" and "\n" in tokens[i-2][0]) or
                        ((token[0] == "of" and "\n" in tokens[i-1][0]))):
                        #Start of a CASE
                        case_of = True
                except IndexError:
                    case_of = False
            elif token[0] in user_kw_list:
                #User keyword
                setStyling(token[1], U_KWD)
            elif token[0] in top_kw_list:
                #Top keyword
                setStyling(token[1], T_KWD)
            elif token[0] in unsafe_kw_list:
                #Unsafe/danger keyword
                setStyling(token[1], UNS)
            elif token[0] in operator_list:
                setStyling(token[1], OPE)
            elif token[0] in keyword_operator_list:
                setStyling(token[1], KOP)
            elif token[0] in type_kw_list:
                setStyling(token[1], TYP)
            elif token[0] == "#":
                #Start of a comment or documentation comment
                if len(tokens) > i+2 and tokens[i+1][0] == "#" and tokens[i+2][0] == "[":
                    setStyling(token[1], M_DOC)
                    multi_doc_commenting = True
                elif len(tokens) > i+1 and tokens[i+1][0] == "#":
                    setStyling(token[1], D_COM)
                    doc_commenting = True
                elif len(tokens) > i+1 and tokens[i+1][0] == "[":
                    setStyling(token[1], M_COM)
                    new_commenting = True
                    setStyling(token[1], COM)
                    commenting = True
            elif (i > 1) and (("\n" in tokens[i-2][0]) or ("  " in tokens[i-2][0])) and (tokens[i-1][0] == "of"):
                #Case of statement
                case_of = True
                setStyling(token[1], OF)
            elif functions.is_number(token[0][0]):
                #Check only the first character, because Nim has those weird constants e.g.: 12u8, ...)
                setStyling(token[1], NUM)
            elif ((i > 1) and (tokens[i-2][0] in user_kw_list) and token[0][0].isalpha()):
                #Class-like definition
                setStyling(token[1], CLS)
                cls_descrition = True
            elif (((i > 1) and (tokens[i-2][0] in def_kw_list and tokens[i-1][0] != "(") and token[0][0].isalpha()) or
                    ((i > 2) and (tokens[i-3][0] in def_kw_list and tokens[i-1][0] == '`') and token[0][0].isalpha())):
                #Proc-like definition
                setStyling(token[1], DEFIN)
                setStyling(token[1], DEF)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def styleText(self, start, end):
     Overloaded method for styling text.
         Very slow if done in Python!
         Using the Cython version is better.
         The fastest would probably be adding the lexer directly into
         the QScintilla source. Maybe never :-)
     #Get the global cython flag
     if lexers.cython_lexers_found == True:
         #Cython module found
         lexers.cython_lexers.style_oberon(start, end, self, self.editor())
         #Style in pure Python, VERY SLOW!
         editor = self.editor()
         if editor is None:
         #Initialize the styling
         #Scintilla works with bytes, so we have to adjust the start and end boundaries
         text = bytearray(editor.text(), "utf-8")[start:end].decode("utf-8")
         #Loop optimizations
         setStyling = self.setStyling
         kw_list = self.keyword_list
         types_list = self.types_list
         DEF = self.styles["Default"]
         KWD = self.styles["Keyword"]
         COM = self.styles["Comment"]
         STR = self.styles["String"]
         PRO = self.styles["Procedure"]
         MOD = self.styles["Module"]
         NUM = self.styles["Number"]
         TYP = self.styles["Type"]
         #Initialize comment state and split the text into tokens
         commenting = False
         stringing = False
         tokens = [(token, len(bytearray(token, "utf-8")))
                   for token in self.splitter.findall(text)]
         #Check if there is a style(comment, string, ...) stretching on from the previous line
         if start != 0:
             previous_style = editor.SendScintilla(editor.SCI_GETSTYLEAT,
                                                   start - 1)
             if previous_style == COM:
                 commenting = True
         #Style the tokens accordingly
         for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
             if commenting == True:
                 #Continuation of comment
                 setStyling(token[1], COM)
                 #Check if comment ends
                 if token[0] == "*)":
                     commenting = False
             elif stringing == True:
                 #Continuation of a string
                 setStyling(token[1], STR)
                 #Check if string ends
                 if token[0] == "\"" or "\n" in token[0]:
                     stringing = False
             elif token[0] == "\"":
                 #Start of a string
                 setStyling(token[1], STR)
                 stringing = True
             elif token[0] in kw_list:
                 setStyling(token[1], KWD)
             elif token[0] in types_list:
                 setStyling(token[1], TYP)
             elif token[0] == "(*":
                 #Start of a comment
                 setStyling(token[1], COM)
                 commenting = True
             elif i > 1 and tokens[i - 2][0] == "PROCEDURE":
                 #Procedure name
                 setStyling(token[1], PRO)
             elif i > 1 and tokens[i - 2][0] == "MODULE":
                 #Module name (beginning)
                 setStyling(token[1], MOD)
             elif (i > 1 and tokens[i - 2][0]
                   == "END") and (len(tokens) - 1 >= i + 1):
                 #Module or procedure name (name)
                 if ";" in tokens[i + 1][0]:
                     #Procedure end
                     setStyling(token[1], PRO)
                 elif "." in tokens[i + 1][0]:
                     #Module end
                     setStyling(token[1], MOD)
                     setStyling(token[1], DEF)
             elif functions.is_number(token[0]):
                 setStyling(token[1], NUM)
                 setStyling(token[1], DEF)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def styleText(self, start, end):
     Overloaded method for styling text.
         Very slow if done in Python!
         Using the Cython version is better.
         The fastest would probably be adding the lexer directly into
         the QScintilla source. Maybe never :-)
     #Get the global cython flag
     if lexers.cython_lexers_found == True:
         #Cython module found
         lexers.cython_lexers.style_ada(start, end, self, self.editor())
         #Style in pure Python, VERY SLOW!
         editor = self.editor()
         if editor is None:
         #Initialize the procedure/package counter
         pp_counter = []
         #Initialize the styling
         #Scintilla works with bytes, so we have to adjust the start and end boundaries
         text = bytearray(editor.text().lower(), "utf-8").decode("utf-8")
         #Loop optimizations
         setStyling = self.setStyling
         kw_list = self.keyword_list
         DEF = self.styles["Default"]
         KWD = self.styles["Keyword"]
         COM = self.styles["Comment"]
         STR = self.styles["String"]
         PRO = self.styles["Procedure"]
         NUM = self.styles["Number"]
         PAC = self.styles["Package"]
         #            TYP = self.styles["Type"]
         #Initialize comment state and split the text into tokens
         commenting = False
         stringing = False
         tokens = [(token, len(bytearray(token, "utf-8")))
                   for token in self.splitter.findall(text)]
         #Style the tokens accordingly
         for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
             if commenting == True:
                 #Continuation of comment
                 setStyling(token[1], COM)
                 #Check if comment ends
                 if "\n" in token[0]:
                     commenting = False
             elif stringing == True:
                 #Continuation of a string
                 setStyling(token[1], STR)
                 #Check if string ends
                 if token[0] == "\"" or "\n" in token[0]:
                     stringing = False
             elif token[0] == "\"":
                 #Start of a string
                 setStyling(token[1], STR)
                 stringing = True
             elif token[0] in kw_list:
                 setStyling(token[1], KWD)
             elif token[0] == "--":
                 #Start of a comment
                 setStyling(token[1], COM)
                 commenting = True
             elif i > 1 and tokens[i - 2][0] == "procedure":
                 #Procedure name
                 setStyling(token[1], PRO)
                 #Mark the procedure
                 if tokens[i + 1][0] != ";":
             elif i > 1 and (tokens[i - 2][0] == "package"
                             or tokens[i - 2][0] == "body"):
                 #Package name
                 setStyling(token[1], PAC)
                 #Mark the package
             elif (i > 1 and tokens[i - 2][0]
                   == "end") and (len(tokens) - 1 >= i + 1):
                 #Package or procedure name end
                 if len(pp_counter) > 0:
                     if pp_counter.pop() == "PACKAGE":
                         setStyling(token[1], PAC)
                         setStyling(token[1], PRO)
                     setStyling(token[1], DEF)
             elif functions.is_number(token[0]):
                 setStyling(token[1], NUM)
                 setStyling(token[1], DEF)
import functions as tf
from timer import Timer
from settings import Settings

timer = Timer()
timer_settings = Settings()


while True:

    user_input = input('\nMenu: ')

    # Shutdown mode
    if tf.is_time(user_input) or tf.is_number(user_input):
        timer.start(user_input, '-s')

    # Reboot Mode
    elif user_input.lower() in timer_settings.reboot_commands:
        user_input = input('\nReboot mode: ')
        if tf.is_number(user_input) or tf.is_time(user_input):
            timer.start(user_input, '-r')

    # Print remaining time
    elif user_input.lower() in timer_settings.r_time_commands:
Ejemplo n.º 20
#region = "*"
#region = "a5700-6100"
region = "a5250-6815"

os.system("cat fxcor_stellar.txt")

### Now calculate RV
data = functions.read_ascii("fxcor_stellar.txt")
data = functions.read_table(data)

rv = []
rverr = []
for i in data:
    if functions.is_number(i[3]):
        hjd = i[3]+50000

    if functions.is_number(i[12]):
        if abs(i[12]) < 500 and abs(i[13]) < 500:
RV = median(rv)
RV_err = median(rverr)

print "!!!!!!!!!!!"
print "RV",RV,"RVERR",RV_err

### Update database
import mysql_insert
Ejemplo n.º 21
        type = "E(B-V)",\
        apertures = "*",\
        override = 1,\
        uncorrect = 0,\
        mode = "al")

    ### Create .dat file out of fits file redden_name
    os.system("rm " + redden_name + ".dat")

    iraf.wspectext(redden_name + "[*,1,1]", redden_name + ".dat")

    spectrum = functions.read_ascii(redden_name + ".dat")
    spectrum = functions.read_table(spectrum)
    temp = []
    for i in spectrum:
        if len(i) == 2:
            if functions.is_number(i[0]):
    spectrum = temp
    spectrum = spectrum[1:len(spectrum)-2]

    output_spectrum = open(redden_name + ".dat","w")

    os.system("mv " + redden_name + ".dat deredden")
    os.system("mv " + redden_name + " deredden")

    redden = redden + redden_step
def main(sc):
    Read GDELT data from S3, select columns, join tables,
    and perform calculations with grouped themes and document

    #Obtain taxonomy dictionary and broadcast to the workers
    tax_file = os.environ['TAX_LIST_FILE']
    tax_list = f.read_tax_file(tax_file)
    rdd_tax_list = sc.broadcast(tax_list)

    #Obtain list of top 500 themes used for filtering
    theme_file = os.environ['THEME_LIST_FILE']
    theme_list = f.read_theme_file(theme_file)
    rdd_theme_list = sc.broadcast(theme_list)

    #Obtainb list of top new src used for filtering
    src_file = os.environ['SRC_LIST_FILE']
    src_list = f.read_src_file(src_file)
    rdd_src_list = sc.broadcast(src_list)

    #Read "mentions" table from GDELT S3 bucket. Transform into RDD
    mentionRDD = sc.textFile('s3a://gdelt-open-data/v2/mentions/*.mentions.csv')
    mentionRDD = mentionRDD.map(lambda x: x.encode("utf", "ignore"))
    mentionRDD = mentionRDD.map(lambda x : x.split('\t'))
    mentionRDD = mentionRDD.filter(lambda x: len(x)==16)
    mentionRDD = mentionRDD.filter(lambda x: f.is_not_empty([x[2], x[5], x[13]]))
    mentionRDD = mentionRDD.filter(lambda x: f.is_number(x[13])) 
    mentionRowRDD = mentionRDD.map(lambda x : Row(
                                        mention_id = x[5],
                                        mention_doc_tone = float(x[13]),
                                        mention_time_date = f.transform_to_timestamptz_daily(x[2])
    #Read 'GKG" table from GDELT S3 bucket. Transform into RDD
    gkgRDD = sc.textFile('s3a://gdelt-open-data/v2/gkg/YEARMONTH*0000.gkg.csv')
    gkgRDD = gkgRDD.map(lambda x: x.encode("utf", "ignore"))
    gkgRDD = gkgRDD.map(lambda x: x.split('\t'))
    gkgRDD = gkgRDD.filter(lambda x: len(x)==27)   
    gkgRDD = gkgRDD.filter(lambda x: f.is_not_empty([x[3], x[4], x[7]]))
    gkgRowRDD = gkgRDD.map(lambda x : Row(src_common_name = x[3],
                                        doc_id = x[4],
                                        themes = f.clean_taxonomy(x[7].split(';')[:-1], rdd_tax_list)

    sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)

    #Transform RDDs to dataframes
    mentionDF = sqlContext.createDataFrame(mentionRowRDD)
    gkgDF     = sqlContext.createDataFrame(gkgRowRDD)

    df1 = mentionDF.alias('df1')
    df2 = gkgDF.alias('df2')

    #Themes and tones information are stored in two different tables
    joinedDF = df1.join(df2, df1.mention_id == df2.doc_id, "inner").select('df1.*'
                                                , 'df2.src_common_name','df2.themes').repartition(2000)

    #Each document could contain multiple themes. Explode on the themes and make a new column on filtered themes
    explodedDF = joinedDF.select('mention_id'
				, 'mention_doc_tone'
                                , 'mention_time_date'
				, 'src_common_name'
                                , explode(joinedDF.themes).alias("theme")) \

    hist_data_udf = udf(f.hist_data, ArrayType(IntegerType()))
    get_quantile_udf = udf(f.get_quantile, ArrayType(FloatType()))
    #Compute statistics for each theme at a time
    #Over all sources
    testDF1 = explodedDF.groupBy('theme', 'mention_time_date').agg(
    #For each source 
    testDF2 = explodedDF.groupBy('theme', 'mention_time_date', 'src_common_name').agg(
    #Histogram and compute quantiles for tones
    histDF1 = testDF1.withColumn("bin_vals", hist_data_udf('tones')) \
                   .withColumn("quantiles", get_quantile_udf('tones'))
    histDF2 = testDF2.withColumn("bin_vals", hist_data_udf('tones')) \
                   .withColumn("quantiles", get_quantile_udf('tones'))
    finalDF1 = histDF1.select('theme', 'num_mentions', 'avg', 'quantiles', 'bin_vals', col('mention_time_date').alias('time'))
    #Filter sources
    finalDF2 = histDF2.select('theme', 'src_common_name', 'num_mentions', 'avg', 'quantiles', 'bin_vals', 
    #Preparing to write to TimescaleDB
    #Fist write to group-by-src table
    db_properties = {}
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    db_prop = config['postgresql']
    db_url = db_prop['url']
    db_properties['username'] = db_prop['username']
    db_properties['password'] = db_prop['password']
    db_properties['url'] = db_prop['url']
    db_properties['driver'] = db_prop['driver']

    #Write to table
    #Then write to per-src table

    db_prop = config['postgresql']
    db_url = db_prop['url']
    db_properties['username'] = db_prop['username']
    db_properties['password'] = db_prop['password']
    db_properties['url'] = db_prop['url']
    db_properties['driver'] = db_prop['driver']

    #Write to table
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def read(self, data_file, varname):
        '''Given an IMB source file, reads the data into a data series object'''

        import csv
        import linekey
        import functions

        key = linekey.get_linekey(data_file, [varname], self.name)

        vscale_vars = [
            'surface', 'interface', 'bottom', 'snow depth', 'ice thickness'

        if (key is None or key.value_index.count(-1) > 0):
            print('Could not find variable ' + varname)
            self.data_list = {}
            return None

        fileh = open(data_file)
        rows = csv.reader(fileh)

        for row in rows:
            if len(row) > 0:
                date_string = row[key.date_index]
                date = process_dates(date_string, self.name, self.fen)

                if (date is not None):

                    if key.value_index[0] < len(row):
                        value_string = row[key.value_index[0]]
                        if functions.is_number(value_string):
                            value = float(value_string)

                            if (key.lat_flip_ns[0] and key.lat_flip_ns[1]
                                    == key.value_index[0]):
                                ns_value = row[key.lat_flip_ns[2]]
                                if (ns_value == 'S'):
                                    value = 0. - value

                            if (key.lon_flip_ew[0] and key.lon_flip_ew[1]
                                    == key.value_index[0]):
                                ew_value = row[key.lon_flip_ew[2]]
                                if (ew_value == 'W'):
                                    value = 0. - value

                            if key.fliplon and varname == 'longitude':
                                value = 0. - value

                            if varname in vscale_vars:
                                value = value * key.vertical_scale

                            self.data_list[date] = value

                            if varname in ['latitude', 'longitude']:

                                first_part = value_string[:-2]
                                second_part = value_string[-2:]
                                if functions.is_number(
                                        first_part) and second_part.strip(
                                        ) in ['N', 'S', 'E', 'W']:
                                    value = float(first_part)
                                    if second_part.strip() in ['S', 'W']:
                                        value = 0. - value
                                    self.data_list[date] = value

        if len(self.data_list) > 0:
            self.type = 'irregular'

Ejemplo n.º 24
    def signingIn(self, Dialog):

        uName = self.uNameLine.text()
        uPassword = self.uPasswordLine.text()
        ip = self.IPline.text()
        data.username = uName
        data.password = uPassword

        client.IP = ip
        if not client.known_user(uName, uPassword):
            self.infLabel.setText("Wrong login/password")

        if len(data.username)!=0 and len(data.userid)!=0 and len(data.password)!=0 and len( client.IP)!=0 and functions.is_number(data.userid):
                 data.userid = client.get_id(uName)
                 data.balance = (client.get_balance(uName), "$")
                 if self.size.currentText() == "Big":
                     data.scale = [1.14, 1.2, 4.5, 1.4]
                     data.scale_ = [2.1,1.5,4.3,3]

                print("Error while starting app")

            self.infLabel.setText("Error. Try Again!")

Ejemplo n.º 25
### Find info from the fits header
hdulist = pyfits.open(file_path_reduced+"normspec_" + file_name)
object_name = hdulist[0].header["OBJECT"]
dateobs = hdulist[0].header["DATE-OBS"]
mjd = hdulist[0].header["MJD-OBS"]
exptime = hdulist[0].header["EXPTIME"]
comment = hdulist[0].header["NOTES"]

### Read info from text files in reduced/
RV_dat = functions.read_ascii("RV.dat")
RV_dat = functions.read_table(RV_dat)

for entry in RV_dat:
    if entry[0] == object_name and entry[1] == file_name:
        if functions.is_number(entry[2]):
            hjd = entry[2] + 50000
            RV = entry[3]
            RV_err = entry[4]
            ccf_height = entry[5]

ccf_log = functions.read_ascii("ccf_log.txt")
ccf_log = functions.read_table(ccf_log)

ccf_fwhm = 0
bis = 0
bis_err = 0

for entry in ccf_log:
    if entry[0] == file_name and entry[1] == object_name:
        ccf_fwhm = entry[3]