def classify_temp_header(string): import functions if functions.is_number(string): number = float(string) return (1, number) elif string[0:1] == 'T' and string[-3:] == '(C)' and functions.is_number( string[1:-3]): number = int(string[1:-3]) return (2, number) elif string[0:1] == 'T' and functions.is_number(string[1:]): number = int(string[1:]) return (2, number) elif len(string) >= 4: if string[0:4] == 'TEMP' and functions.is_number(string[4:]): number = int(string[4:]) return (2, number) elif string[0:5] == 'Temp ' and functions.is_number(string[5:]): number = int(string[5:]) return (2, number) else: return (0, 0) else: return (0, 0)
def seq1(update, context): if not functions.is_number(update.message.text): update.message.reply_text("Пожалуйста, введите первый член в правильном формате: число") return 1 for_seq["a1/b1"] = float(update.message.text) if for_seq["f"]: update.message.reply_text("А теперь введите разность вашей арифметической прогрессии(число)") else: update.message.reply_text("А теперь введите знаменатель вашей геометрической прогрессии(число)") return 2
def cnt_sis2(update, context): if not functions.is_number(update.message.text): update.message.reply_text("Введите, пожалйста, систему счисления в правильном формате: целое число от 2 до 10") return 2 if int(update.message.text) != float(update.message.text): update.message.reply_text("Введите, пожалйста, систему счисления в правильном формате: целое число от 2 до 10") return 2 if not (1 < int(update.message.text) < 11): update.message.reply_text("Введите, пожалйста, систему счисления в правильном формате: целое число от 2 до 10") return 2 for_cnt_sis["sis1"] = int(update.message.text) update.message.reply_text("А теперь введите в какую систему счисления вы хотите его перевести") return 3
def cnt_sis1(update, context): if not functions.is_number(update.message.text): update.message.reply_text("Введите, пожалйста, в правильном формате: любое целое положительное число") return 1 if int(update.message.text) != float(update.message.text): update.message.reply_text("Введите, пожалйста, в правильном формате: любое целое положительное число") return 1 if int(update.message.text) < 0: update.message.reply_text("Введите, пожалйста, в правильном формате: любое целое положительное число") return 1 for_cnt_sis["num"] = int(update.message.text) update.message.reply_text("Теперь введите в какой системе считсления оно находится(целое число от 2 до 10)") return 2
def cnt_sis3(update, context): if not functions.is_number(update.message.text): update.message.reply_text("Введите, пожалйста систему счисления в правильном формате: целое число от 2 до 10") return 3 if int(update.message.text) != float(update.message.text): update.message.reply_text("Введите, пожалйста систему счисления в правильном формате: целое число от 2 до 10") return 3 if not (1 < int(update.message.text) < 11): update.message.reply_text("Введите, пожалйста систему счисления в правильном формате: целое число от 2 до 10") return 3 for_cnt_sis["sis2"] = int(update.message.text) update.message.reply_text(str(for_cnt_sis["num"]) + " в " + str(for_cnt_sis["sis1"]) + "ой системе счисления равно " + functions.perevod(for_cnt_sis) + " в " + str(for_cnt_sis["sis2"]) + "ой системе счисления") return ConversationHandler.END
def convertCell(self, cell, is_math = False): """ convert cell string to latex format first tokenize string by spaces if is_math = true, add $ $ around numbers TESTED """ new_cell = cell if (is_math): # separate the cell into a list using space new_cell_list = new_cell.split(' ') # check each element; if number, add $$ around for index in range(len(new_cell_list)): if (functions.is_number(new_cell_list[index])): new_cell_list[index] = '$' + new_cell_list[index] + '$' new_cell = ' '.join(new_cell_list) return new_cell
def seq2(update, context): if not functions.is_number(update.message.text): if for_seq["f"]: update.message.reply_text("Пожалуйста, введите разность вашей арифметической прогрессии " "в правильном формате: число") else: update.message.reply_text("Пожалуйста, введите знаменатель вашей геометрической прогрессии " "в правильном формате: число") return 2 for_seq["d/q"] = float(update.message.text) if for_seq["f"]: update.message.reply_text("Ну и осталось ввести количесво членов в вашей фриметической прогрессии. " "Введите его(это должно быть целое неотрицательное число)") else: update.message.reply_text("Ну и осталось ввести количество членов в вашей геометрической прогрессии." "Введите его(это должно быть целое неотрицательное число)") return 3
def seq3(update, context): if not functions.is_number(update.message.text): update.message.reply_text("Пожалуйста, введите количество членов в правильном формате: " "целое неотрицательное ЧИСЛО") if int(update.message.text) != float(update.message.text): update.message.reply_text("Пожалуйста, введите количество членов в правильном формате: " "ЦЕЛОЕ неотрицательное число") if int(update.message.text) < 0: update.message.reply_text("Пожалуйста, введите количество членов в правильном формате: " "целое НЕОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНОЕ число") for_seq["n"] = int(update.message.text) if for_seq["f"]: update.message.reply_text("Сумма первых " + str(for_seq["n"]) + " членов вашей арифметической прогресии равна " + str(functions.sequences(for_seq))) else: update.message.reply_text("Сумма первых " + str(for_seq["n"]) + " членов вашей геометрической прогресии равна " + str(functions.sequences(for_seq))) return ConversationHandler.END
def process_dates(date_string, buoy_name, file_ext_name): import functions date_functions_d = {1: datefunc1, 3: datefunc3, 5: datefunc5} import re date_cpts = re.split('[:/ ]', date_string) bad_cpts = [cpt for cpt in date_cpts if not functions.is_number(cpt)] if len(bad_cpts) > 0: return None else: ncpts = len(date_cpts) use_function = date_functions_d[ncpts] processed_date = use_function(date_cpts, buoy_name, file_ext_name) return processed_date
def task(): args = request.get_json(silent=True) print(args) if args is None: args = request.form.to_dict() if len(args) == 0: args = request.args.to_dict() if len(args) == 0: return jsonify({"error": "No arguments in request"}) if len(args) > 1: return jsonify({"error": "Got more then 1 argument"}) number = list(args.values())[0] if functions.is_number(number) == False: return jsonify( {"error": "The argument does not match the task conditions"}) else: number = int(number) try: db.Numbers.insert_many([{ "Number": number }, { "Number": number - 1 }], ordered=True) except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as e: print("\ncreate index error: " + str(e.details)) except pymongo.errors.BulkWriteError as e: print("\nBULKerror: " + str(e.details)) if e.details["writeErrors"][0]["keyValue"]["Number"] != number - 1: log = strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) + " " + str( number) + " Number has already been received\n" print(log) return jsonify({ "error": "Number '" + str(number) + "' has already been received" }) return jsonify({"response": str(number + 1)})
def read(self,full_file,key): '''Reads IMB temperature data from a given file into the given temperature series''' import csv import data_series as ds import functions max_zlist = len(key.value_index) fileh = open(full_file) rows = csv.reader(fileh) for row in rows: if len(row)>0: date_string = row[key.date_index] date = ds.process_dates(date_string,,self.fen) if date is not None: temp_list = [] for index in key.value_index: if index >= len(row): temp_value = self.mdi else: temp_string = row[index] if len(temp_string) != 0 and \ functions.is_number(temp_string): temp_value = float(temp_string) else: temp_value = self.mdi temp_list.append(temp_value) if len(temp_list) != max_zlist: print('Number of temp instances does not match key for date ', date) return 0 if temp_list.count(self.mdi) != len(temp_list): self.profile_set[date] = temp_list fileh.close()
def buoylist(year=0): '''Returns list of all IMB labels''' import subprocess import functions import filepaths command = ['ls', filepaths.filepaths()['source_dir']] output = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] str_output = output.decode('utf-8') str_output = str_output.split('\n') if year != 0: restrict_output = [ buoyname for buoyname in str_output if str(year) in buoyname ] else: restrict_output = [ buoyname for buoyname in str_output if len(buoyname) == 5 and functions.is_number(buoyname[0:4]) ] return restrict_output
async def api_search_products(*, search_item, shift_type, specify_filter, order_by, deli_free, love_baby, lowest_price, highest_price, deli_location, turn_type, curr_page): error_msg = None products = [] keywordlist = ['UNIQLO', 'SUPERME', 'NIKE', 'ADIDAS', 'APPLE', 'HUAWEI'] producttypelist = ['shoes', 'clothes', 'electronic'] page_num = None new_curr_page = 1 if search_item not in keywordlist and search_item not in producttypelist and search_item != 'all': error_msg = 'Please input limited search conditions' else: if order_by == 'None' or order_by == '': order_by = 'product_sales_qty desc' where_clause = '' '''if search_item == 'all': parameter_list = [['UNIQLO'], ['APPLE'], ['NIKE'], ['SUPERME'], ['HUAWEI'], ['ADIDAS']] backup_parameter_list = [['UNIQLO'], ['APPLE'], ['NIKE'], ['SUPERME'], ['HUAWEI'], ['ADIDAS']] where_clause = where_clause + 'keyword=?' if shift_type == 'tmall': where_clause = where_clause + ' and istmall=?' for k in range(6): parameter_list[k].extend('1') backup_parameter_list[k].extend('1') if deli_free != '': where_clause = where_clause + ' and title like ?' for k in range(6): parameter_list[k].extend(['%' + deli_free + '%']) backup_parameter_list[k].extend(['%' + deli_free + '%']) if love_baby != '': where_clause = where_clause + ' and (iconkey1 = ? or iconkey2 = ? or iconkey3 = ? or iconkey4 = ? or iconkey5 = ?)' for k in range(6): parameter_list[k].extend(['icon-fest-gongyibaobei','icon-fest-gongyibaobei','icon-fest-gongyibaobei','icon-fest-gongyibaobei','icon-fest-gongyibaobei']) backup_parameter_list[k].extend(['icon-fest-gongyibaobei','icon-fest-gongyibaobei','icon-fest-gongyibaobei','icon-fest-gongyibaobei','icon-fest-gongyibaobei']) if lowest_price != '': if not is_number(lowest_price): error_msg = 'Please input price only include the number!' return dict(products=products, error_msg=error_msg) else: lowest_price = float(lowest_price) where_clause = where_clause + ' and product_price_float >= ?' for k in range(6): parameter_list[k].extend([lowest_price]) backup_parameter_list[k].extend([lowest_price]) if highest_price != '': if not is_number(highest_price): error_msg = 'Please input price only include the number!' return dict(products=products, error_msg=error_msg) else: highest_price = float(highest_price) where_clause = where_clause + ' and product_price_float <= ?' for k in range(6): parameter_list[k].extend([highest_price]) backup_parameter_list[k].extend([highest_price]) if deli_location != '': where_clause = where_clause + ' and shopaddress like ?' for k in range(6): parameter_list[k].extend(['%' + deli_location + '%']) backup_parameter_list[k].extend(['%' + deli_location + '%']) for i in range(4): if not operator.eq(parameter_list,backup_parameter_list): # judgment whether the parameter_list changed as the limit parameter can join in parameter_list = copy.deepcopy(backup_parameter_list) # must use deep copy because both the two ram address ref to one value for j in range(6): products_temp = await TaobaoProducts.findAll(where_clause, parameter_list[j], orderBy=order_by, limit=(2 * i, 2)) products = products + products_temp else:''' parameter = [] first_spe_filter, second_spe_filter = analysis_specify_filter( specify_filter) if search_item in keywordlist: where_clause = where_clause + 'keyword=?' parameter.extend([search_item]) elif search_item in producttypelist: where_clause = where_clause + 'product_type=?' parameter.extend([search_item]) else: pass if shift_type == 'tmall': where_clause = where_clause + (' and istmall=?' if where_clause != '' else 'istmall=?') parameter.extend('1') if first_spe_filter != '': where_clause = where_clause + ( ' and title like ?' if where_clause != '' else 'title like ?') parameter.extend(['%' + first_spe_filter + '%']) if second_spe_filter != '': where_clause = where_clause + ( ' and title like ?' if where_clause != '' else 'title like ?') parameter.extend(['%' + second_spe_filter + '%']) if deli_free != '': where_clause = where_clause + ( ' and title like ?' if where_clause != '' else 'title like ?') parameter.extend(['%' + deli_free + '%']) if love_baby != '': where_clause = where_clause + ( ' and (iconkey1 = ? or iconkey2 = ? or iconkey3 = ? or iconkey4 = ? or iconkey5 = ?)' if where_clause != '' else '(iconkey1 = ? or iconkey2 = ? or iconkey3 = ? or iconkey4 = ? or iconkey5 = ?)' ) parameter.extend([ 'icon-fest-gongyibaobei', 'icon-fest-gongyibaobei', 'icon-fest-gongyibaobei', 'icon-fest-gongyibaobei', 'icon-fest-gongyibaobei' ]) if lowest_price != '': if not is_number(lowest_price): error_msg = 'Please input price only include the number!' return dict(products=products, error_msg=error_msg) else: lowest_price = float(lowest_price) where_clause = where_clause + (' and product_price_float >= ?' if where_clause != '' else 'product_price_float >= ?') parameter.extend([lowest_price]) if highest_price != '': if not is_number(highest_price): error_msg = 'Please input price only include the number!' return dict(products=products, error_msg=error_msg) else: highest_price = float(highest_price) where_clause = where_clause + (' and product_price_float <= ?' if where_clause != '' else 'product_price_float <= ?') parameter.extend([highest_price]) if deli_location != '': where_clause = where_clause + (' and shopaddress like ?' if where_clause != '' else 'shopaddress like ?') parameter.extend(['%' + deli_location + '%']) total_num = await TaobaoProducts.findNumber('count(id)', where_clause, parameter) page_num = total_num // 48 + (1 if total_num % 48 > 0 else 0) if turn_type != '': if turn_type == '1': new_curr_page = 1 elif turn_type == '2': new_curr_page = 2 elif turn_type == '3': new_curr_page = 3 elif turn_type == 'last': new_curr_page = page_num else: int_curr_page = int(curr_page) if turn_type == 'pre': new_curr_page = int_curr_page - 1 else: new_curr_page = int_curr_page + 1 products = await TaobaoProducts.findAll( where_clause, parameter, orderBy=order_by, limit=(48 * (new_curr_page - 1), 48)) return dict(products=products, error_msg=error_msg, page_num=page_num, curr_page=new_curr_page)
def calc_RV(RV_out,file_name): ### Find the columns related related = [] file_name = string.split(file_name,".")[0] for i in range(len(RV_out)): row_name = RV_out[i][1] row_name = string.split(row_name,".")[0] row_name = string.split(row_name,"normspec_")[1] #print file_name,row_name if file_name == row_name: related.append(RV_out[i]) RV_table = [] for i in range(len(related)): print related[i] JD = related[i][3] stellar_height = related[i][5] vhelio = related[i][7] vhelio_err = related[i][8] aperture = int(related[i][4]) - 1 print aperture_weights,aperture flux_weight = aperture_weights[aperture] if functions.is_number(stellar_height) and functions.is_number(JD) and functions.is_number(vhelio) and functions.is_number(vhelio_err): if stellar_height > 0.20 and abs(vhelio) < 500: ### NORMAL #if stellar_height > 0.0: ### Manual RV_table.append([JD,vhelio,vhelio_err,stellar_height,flux_weight]) if RV_table == []: print "Lowering ccf_height threshold" ### Lower the bar on ccf_height for i in range(len(related)): print related[i] JD = related[i][3] stellar_height = related[i][5] vhelio = related[i][7] vhelio_err = related[i][8] aperture = int(related[i][4]) - 1 flux_weight = aperture_weights[aperture] if functions.is_number(stellar_height) and functions.is_number(JD) and functions.is_number(vhelio) and functions.is_number(vhelio_err): if stellar_height > 0.01 and abs(vhelio) < 500: ### NORMAL #if stellar_height > 0.0: ### Manual RV_table.append([JD,vhelio,vhelio_err,stellar_height,flux_weight]) if RV_table == []: ### If it still doesn't work, return INDEF return ["INDEF","INDEF","INDEF","INDEF"] else: ### Use (fxcor telluric error + telluric height + stellar error + ### stellar height) * (1/flux_weight) as weights ### For final velocity calculations JD = array(transpose(RV_table)[0]) vhelio = array(transpose(RV_table)[1]) vhelio_err = array(transpose(RV_table)[2]) stellar_height = array(transpose(RV_table)[3]) flux_weights = array(transpose(RV_table)[4]) fxcor_err = average(vhelio_err) if JD == []: return ["INDEF","INDEF","INDEF"] if len(JD) == 1: return JD[0],vhelio[0],vhelio_err[0],stellar_height[0] if len(JD) == 2: velocity = vhelio weights = (1/flux_weights) * (vhelio_err / sum(vhelio_err) + (1/stellar_height) / sum(1/stellar_height)) return JD[0],waverage(velocity,weights),average(vhelio_err),average(stellar_height) if len(JD) >= 3: v_list = [] err_list = [] stellar_height_list = [] flux_weights_list = [] for i in range(len(vhelio)): if (abs(vhelio[i] - median(vhelio)) < 10.0) and (vhelio_err[i] < 10.0): v_list.append(vhelio[i]) err_list.append(vhelio_err[i]) stellar_height_list.append(stellar_height[i]) flux_weights_list.append(flux_weights[i]) if len(v_list) == 0: v_list = [] err_list = [] stellar_height_list = [] flux_weights_list = [] for i in range(len(vhelio)): if (abs(vhelio[i] - median(vhelio)) < 50.0) and (vhelio_err[i] < 50.0): v_list.append(vhelio[i]) err_list.append(vhelio_err[i]) stellar_height_list.append(stellar_height[i]) flux_weights_list.append(flux_weights[i]) err_list = array(err_list) stellar_height_list = array(stellar_height_list) flux_weights_list = array(flux_weights_list) poisson_factor = (1/flux_weights_list) * (err_list/sum(err_list) +(1/stellar_height_list)/sum(1/stellar_height_list)) poisson_factor = 1 / poisson_factor poisson_factor = poisson_factor / max(poisson_factor) poisson_factor = sqrt(sum(poisson_factor)/nstandards) v_err = std(v_list) velocity = waverage(v_list,(1/flux_weights_list) * (err_list/sum(err_list) + (1/stellar_height_list)/sum(1/stellar_height_list))) error = sqrt(waverage(err_list,1/flux_weights_list)**2 + v_err**2)/poisson_factor return JD[0],velocity,error,average(stellar_height_list)
logging.debug("waiting on values of variables...") for var in variables_name: x = input('- ' + var + ' >: ') if x == '': break else: variables.append(x) if len(variables) < len(variables_name): logging.debug("procedure is aborted") print("Adding procedure is aborted") else: while functions.is_number(variables[1]) == False: print("Value of quantity is not a number!\nPleas fix it") variables[1] = input(">: ") while functions.is_number(variables[3]) == False: print("Value of price is not a number!\nPleas fix it") variables[3] = input(">: ") if functions.is_in_list(variables[0], items) == True: print( "Item is already in warehouse!\nIf you want change item status use 'update item ...'" ) elif functions.confirm_choice() == True: logging.debug(f"adding {variables[0]}\n") x = functions.add_item(variables[0], variables[1],
def styleText(self, start, end): """ Overloaded method for styling text. NOTE: Very slow if done in Python! Using the Cython version is better. The fastest would probably be adding the lexer directly into the QScintilla source. Maybe never :-) """ #Style in pure Python, VERY SLOW! editor = self.editor() if editor is None: return #Initialize the styling self.startStyling(start) #Scintilla works with bytes, so we have to adjust the start and end boundaries text = bytearray(editor.text().lower(), "utf-8")[start:end].decode("utf-8") #Loop optimizations setStyling = self.setStyling basic_kw_list = self.basic_keyword_list user_kw_list = self.user_keyword_list def_kw_list = self.def_keyword_list top_kw_list = self.top_keyword_list unsafe_kw_list = self.unsafe_keyword_list operator_list = self.operator_list keyword_operator_list = self.keyword_operator_list type_kw_list = self.type_keyword_list DEF = self.styles["Default"] B_KWD = self.styles["BasicKeyword"] T_KWD = self.styles["TopKeyword"] COM = self.styles["Comment"] STR = self.styles["String"] L_STR = self.styles["LongString"] NUM = self.styles["Number"] MAC = self.styles["Pragma"] OPE = self.styles["Operator"] UNS = self.styles["Unsafe"] TYP = self.styles["Type"] D_COM = self.styles["DocumentationComment"] DEFIN = self.styles["Definition"] CLS = self.styles["Class"] KOP = self.styles["KeywordOperator"] CHAR = self.styles["CharLiteral"] OF = self.styles["CaseOf"] U_KWD = self.styles["UserKeyword"] M_COM = self.styles["MultilineComment"] M_DOC = self.styles["MultilineDocumentation"] #Initialize various states and split the text into tokens commenting = False doc_commenting = False multi_doc_commenting= False new_commenting = False stringing = False long_stringing = False char_literal = False pragmaing = False case_of = False cls_descrition = False tokens = [(token, len(bytearray(token, "utf-8"))) for token in self.splitter.findall(text)] #Check if there is a style(comment, string, ...) stretching on from the previous line if start != 0: previous_style = editor.SendScintilla(editor.SCI_GETSTYLEAT, start - 1) if previous_style == L_STR: long_stringing = True elif previous_style == MAC: pragmaing = True elif previous_style == M_COM: new_commenting = True elif previous_style == M_DOC: multi_doc_commenting = True #Style the tokens accordingly for i, token in enumerate(tokens): # print(str(token) + " " + str(i)) if commenting == True: #Continuation of comment setStyling(token[1], COM) #Check if comment ends if "\n" in token[0]: commenting = False elif doc_commenting == True: #Continuation of comment setStyling(token[1], D_COM) #Check if comment ends if "\n" in token[0]: doc_commenting = False elif new_commenting == True: #Continuation of comment setStyling(token[1], M_COM) #Check if comment ends if "#" in token[0] and "]" in tokens[i-1][0]: new_commenting = False elif multi_doc_commenting == True: #Continuation of comment setStyling(token[1], M_DOC) #Check if comment ends if "#" in token[0] and "#" in tokens[i-1][0] and "]" in tokens[i-2][0]: multi_doc_commenting = False elif stringing == True: #Continuation of a string setStyling(token[1], STR) #Check if string ends if token[0] == "\"" and (tokens[i-1][0] != "\\") or "\n" in token[0]: stringing = False elif long_stringing == True: #Continuation of a string setStyling(token[1], L_STR) #Check if string ends if token[0] == "\"\"\"": long_stringing = False elif char_literal == True: #Check if string ends if ("\n" in token[0] or " " in token[0] or "(" in token[0] or ")" in token[0] or "," in token[0] or token[0] in operator_list): #Do not color the separator setStyling(token[1], DEF) char_literal = False elif token[0] == "'": #Continuation of a character setStyling(token[1], CHAR) char_literal = False else: setStyling(token[1], CHAR) elif pragmaing == True: #Continuation of a string setStyling(token[1], MAC) #Check if string ends if token[0] == ".}": pragmaing = False elif case_of == True: #'Case of' parameter if token[0] == ":" or "\n" in token[0]: setStyling(token[1], DEF) case_of = False else: setStyling(token[1], OF) elif cls_descrition == True: #Class/namespace description if token[0] == ":" or "\n" in token[0]: setStyling(token[1], DEF) cls_descrition = False else: setStyling(token[1], CLS) elif token[0] == "\"\"\"": #Start of a multi line (long) string setStyling(token[1], L_STR) long_stringing = True elif token[0] == "{.": #Start of a multi line (long) string setStyling(token[1], MAC) pragmaing = True elif token[0] == "\"": #Start of a string setStyling(token[1], STR) stringing = True elif token[0] == "'": #Start of a string setStyling(token[1], CHAR) char_literal = True elif token[0] in basic_kw_list: #Basic keyword setStyling(token[1], B_KWD) try: if ((token[0] == "of" and "\n" in tokens[i-2][0]) or ((token[0] == "of" and "\n" in tokens[i-1][0]))): #Start of a CASE case_of = True except IndexError: case_of = False elif token[0] in user_kw_list: #User keyword setStyling(token[1], U_KWD) elif token[0] in top_kw_list: #Top keyword setStyling(token[1], T_KWD) elif token[0] in unsafe_kw_list: #Unsafe/danger keyword setStyling(token[1], UNS) elif token[0] in operator_list: #Operator setStyling(token[1], OPE) elif token[0] in keyword_operator_list: #Operator setStyling(token[1], KOP) elif token[0] in type_kw_list: #Operator setStyling(token[1], TYP) elif token[0] == "#": #Start of a comment or documentation comment if len(tokens) > i+2 and tokens[i+1][0] == "#" and tokens[i+2][0] == "[": setStyling(token[1], M_DOC) multi_doc_commenting = True elif len(tokens) > i+1 and tokens[i+1][0] == "#": setStyling(token[1], D_COM) doc_commenting = True elif len(tokens) > i+1 and tokens[i+1][0] == "[": setStyling(token[1], M_COM) new_commenting = True else: setStyling(token[1], COM) commenting = True elif (i > 1) and (("\n" in tokens[i-2][0]) or (" " in tokens[i-2][0])) and (tokens[i-1][0] == "of"): #Case of statement case_of = True setStyling(token[1], OF) elif functions.is_number(token[0][0]): #Number #Check only the first character, because Nim has those weird constants e.g.: 12u8, ...) setStyling(token[1], NUM) elif ((i > 1) and (tokens[i-2][0] in user_kw_list) and token[0][0].isalpha()): #Class-like definition setStyling(token[1], CLS) cls_descrition = True elif (((i > 1) and (tokens[i-2][0] in def_kw_list and tokens[i-1][0] != "(") and token[0][0].isalpha()) or ((i > 2) and (tokens[i-3][0] in def_kw_list and tokens[i-1][0] == '`') and token[0][0].isalpha())): #Proc-like definition setStyling(token[1], DEFIN) else: setStyling(token[1], DEF)
def styleText(self, start, end): """ Overloaded method for styling text. NOTE: Very slow if done in Python! Using the Cython version is better. The fastest would probably be adding the lexer directly into the QScintilla source. Maybe never :-) """ #Get the global cython flag if lexers.cython_lexers_found == True: #Cython module found lexers.cython_lexers.style_oberon(start, end, self, self.editor()) else: #Style in pure Python, VERY SLOW! editor = self.editor() if editor is None: return #Initialize the styling self.startStyling(start) #Scintilla works with bytes, so we have to adjust the start and end boundaries text = bytearray(editor.text(), "utf-8")[start:end].decode("utf-8") #Loop optimizations setStyling = self.setStyling kw_list = self.keyword_list types_list = self.types_list DEF = self.styles["Default"] KWD = self.styles["Keyword"] COM = self.styles["Comment"] STR = self.styles["String"] PRO = self.styles["Procedure"] MOD = self.styles["Module"] NUM = self.styles["Number"] TYP = self.styles["Type"] #Initialize comment state and split the text into tokens commenting = False stringing = False tokens = [(token, len(bytearray(token, "utf-8"))) for token in self.splitter.findall(text)] #Check if there is a style(comment, string, ...) stretching on from the previous line if start != 0: previous_style = editor.SendScintilla(editor.SCI_GETSTYLEAT, start - 1) if previous_style == COM: commenting = True #Style the tokens accordingly for i, token in enumerate(tokens): if commenting == True: #Continuation of comment setStyling(token[1], COM) #Check if comment ends if token[0] == "*)": commenting = False elif stringing == True: #Continuation of a string setStyling(token[1], STR) #Check if string ends if token[0] == "\"" or "\n" in token[0]: stringing = False elif token[0] == "\"": #Start of a string setStyling(token[1], STR) stringing = True elif token[0] in kw_list: #Keyword setStyling(token[1], KWD) elif token[0] in types_list: #Keyword setStyling(token[1], TYP) elif token[0] == "(*": #Start of a comment setStyling(token[1], COM) commenting = True elif i > 1 and tokens[i - 2][0] == "PROCEDURE": #Procedure name setStyling(token[1], PRO) elif i > 1 and tokens[i - 2][0] == "MODULE": #Module name (beginning) setStyling(token[1], MOD) elif (i > 1 and tokens[i - 2][0] == "END") and (len(tokens) - 1 >= i + 1): #Module or procedure name (name) if ";" in tokens[i + 1][0]: #Procedure end setStyling(token[1], PRO) elif "." in tokens[i + 1][0]: #Module end setStyling(token[1], MOD) else: setStyling(token[1], DEF) elif functions.is_number(token[0]): #Number setStyling(token[1], NUM) else: setStyling(token[1], DEF)
def styleText(self, start, end): """ Overloaded method for styling text. NOTE: Very slow if done in Python! Using the Cython version is better. The fastest would probably be adding the lexer directly into the QScintilla source. Maybe never :-) """ #Get the global cython flag if lexers.cython_lexers_found == True: #Cython module found lexers.cython_lexers.style_ada(start, end, self, self.editor()) else: #Style in pure Python, VERY SLOW! editor = self.editor() if editor is None: return #Initialize the procedure/package counter pp_counter = [] #Initialize the styling self.startStyling(0) #Scintilla works with bytes, so we have to adjust the start and end boundaries text = bytearray(editor.text().lower(), "utf-8").decode("utf-8") #Loop optimizations setStyling = self.setStyling kw_list = self.keyword_list DEF = self.styles["Default"] KWD = self.styles["Keyword"] COM = self.styles["Comment"] STR = self.styles["String"] PRO = self.styles["Procedure"] NUM = self.styles["Number"] PAC = self.styles["Package"] # TYP = self.styles["Type"] #Initialize comment state and split the text into tokens commenting = False stringing = False tokens = [(token, len(bytearray(token, "utf-8"))) for token in self.splitter.findall(text)] #Style the tokens accordingly for i, token in enumerate(tokens): if commenting == True: #Continuation of comment setStyling(token[1], COM) #Check if comment ends if "\n" in token[0]: commenting = False elif stringing == True: #Continuation of a string setStyling(token[1], STR) #Check if string ends if token[0] == "\"" or "\n" in token[0]: stringing = False elif token[0] == "\"": #Start of a string setStyling(token[1], STR) stringing = True elif token[0] in kw_list: #Keyword setStyling(token[1], KWD) elif token[0] == "--": #Start of a comment setStyling(token[1], COM) commenting = True elif i > 1 and tokens[i - 2][0] == "procedure": #Procedure name setStyling(token[1], PRO) #Mark the procedure if tokens[i + 1][0] != ";": pp_counter.append("PROCEDURE") elif i > 1 and (tokens[i - 2][0] == "package" or tokens[i - 2][0] == "body"): #Package name setStyling(token[1], PAC) #Mark the package pp_counter.append("PACKAGE") elif (i > 1 and tokens[i - 2][0] == "end") and (len(tokens) - 1 >= i + 1): #Package or procedure name end if len(pp_counter) > 0: if pp_counter.pop() == "PACKAGE": setStyling(token[1], PAC) else: setStyling(token[1], PRO) else: setStyling(token[1], DEF) elif functions.is_number(token[0]): #Number setStyling(token[1], NUM) else: setStyling(token[1], DEF)
import functions as tf from timer import Timer from settings import Settings timer = Timer() timer_settings = Settings() print(timer_settings.welcome_message) while True: user_input = input('\nMenu: ') # Shutdown mode if tf.is_time(user_input) or tf.is_number(user_input): timer.start(user_input, '-s') # Reboot Mode elif user_input.lower() in timer_settings.reboot_commands: os.system('cls') print(timer_settings.reboot_menu) user_input = input('\nReboot mode: ') if tf.is_number(user_input) or tf.is_time(user_input): timer.start(user_input, '-r') tf.menu_return(2) else: tf.menu_return(0.5) # Print remaining time elif user_input.lower() in timer_settings.r_time_commands:
#region = "*" #region = "a5700-6100" region = "a5250-6815" normalise(file_name) run_fxcor("temp.fits","mdwarf_template_norm.fits",region,"fxcor_stellar",0,False) os.system("cat fxcor_stellar.txt") ### Now calculate RV data = functions.read_ascii("fxcor_stellar.txt") data = functions.read_table(data) rv = [] rverr = [] for i in data: if functions.is_number(i[3]): hjd = i[3]+50000 if functions.is_number(i[12]): if abs(i[12]) < 500 and abs(i[13]) < 500: rv.append(i[12]) rverr.append(i[13]) RV = median(rv) RV_err = median(rverr) print "!!!!!!!!!!!" print "RV",RV,"RVERR",RV_err ### Update database import mysql_insert
type = "E(B-V)",\ apertures = "*",\ override = 1,\ uncorrect = 0,\ mode = "al") ### Create .dat file out of fits file redden_name os.system("rm " + redden_name + ".dat") iraf.wspectext(redden_name + "[*,1,1]", redden_name + ".dat") spectrum = functions.read_ascii(redden_name + ".dat") spectrum = functions.read_table(spectrum) temp = [] for i in spectrum: if len(i) == 2: if functions.is_number(i[0]): temp.append(i) spectrum = temp spectrum = spectrum[1:len(spectrum)-2] output_spectrum = open(redden_name + ".dat","w") functions.write_table(spectrum,output_spectrum) output_spectrum.close() os.system("mv " + redden_name + ".dat deredden") os.system("mv " + redden_name + " deredden") redden = redden + redden_step
def main(sc): """ Read GDELT data from S3, select columns, join tables, and perform calculations with grouped themes and document times """ #Obtain taxonomy dictionary and broadcast to the workers tax_file = os.environ['TAX_LIST_FILE'] tax_list = f.read_tax_file(tax_file) rdd_tax_list = sc.broadcast(tax_list) #Obtain list of top 500 themes used for filtering theme_file = os.environ['THEME_LIST_FILE'] theme_list = f.read_theme_file(theme_file) rdd_theme_list = sc.broadcast(theme_list) #Obtainb list of top new src used for filtering src_file = os.environ['SRC_LIST_FILE'] src_list = f.read_src_file(src_file) rdd_src_list = sc.broadcast(src_list) #Read "mentions" table from GDELT S3 bucket. Transform into RDD mentionRDD = sc.textFile('s3a://gdelt-open-data/v2/mentions/*.mentions.csv') mentionRDD = x: x.encode("utf", "ignore")) mentionRDD = x : x.split('\t')) mentionRDD = mentionRDD.filter(lambda x: len(x)==16) mentionRDD = mentionRDD.filter(lambda x: f.is_not_empty([x[2], x[5], x[13]])) mentionRDD = mentionRDD.filter(lambda x: f.is_number(x[13])) mentionRowRDD = x : Row( mention_id = x[5], mention_doc_tone = float(x[13]), mention_time_date = f.transform_to_timestamptz_daily(x[2]) )) #Read 'GKG" table from GDELT S3 bucket. Transform into RDD gkgRDD = sc.textFile('s3a://gdelt-open-data/v2/gkg/YEARMONTH*0000.gkg.csv') gkgRDD = x: x.encode("utf", "ignore")) gkgRDD = x: x.split('\t')) gkgRDD = gkgRDD.filter(lambda x: len(x)==27) gkgRDD = gkgRDD.filter(lambda x: f.is_not_empty([x[3], x[4], x[7]])) gkgRowRDD = x : Row(src_common_name = x[3], doc_id = x[4], themes = f.clean_taxonomy(x[7].split(';')[:-1], rdd_tax_list) )) sqlContext = SQLContext(sc) #Transform RDDs to dataframes mentionDF = sqlContext.createDataFrame(mentionRowRDD) gkgDF = sqlContext.createDataFrame(gkgRowRDD) df1 = mentionDF.alias('df1') df2 = gkgDF.alias('df2') #Themes and tones information are stored in two different tables joinedDF = df1.join(df2, df1.mention_id == df2.doc_id, "inner").select('df1.*' , 'df2.src_common_name','df2.themes').repartition(2000) #Each document could contain multiple themes. Explode on the themes and make a new column on filtered themes explodedDF ='mention_id' , 'mention_doc_tone' , 'mention_time_date' , 'src_common_name' , explode(joinedDF.themes).alias("theme")) \ .filter(col('theme').isin(*(rdd_theme_list.value))) hist_data_udf = udf(f.hist_data, ArrayType(IntegerType())) get_quantile_udf = udf(f.get_quantile, ArrayType(FloatType())) #Compute statistics for each theme at a time explodedDF.cache() #Over all sources testDF1 = explodedDF.groupBy('theme', 'mention_time_date').agg( count('*').alias('num_mentions'), avg('mention_doc_tone').alias('avg'), collect_list('mention_doc_tone').alias('tones') ) #For each source testDF2 = explodedDF.groupBy('theme', 'mention_time_date', 'src_common_name').agg( count('*').alias('num_mentions'), avg('mention_doc_tone').alias('avg'), collect_list('mention_doc_tone').alias('tones') ).repartition(2000) #Histogram and compute quantiles for tones histDF1 = testDF1.withColumn("bin_vals", hist_data_udf('tones')) \ .withColumn("quantiles", get_quantile_udf('tones')) histDF2 = testDF2.withColumn("bin_vals", hist_data_udf('tones')) \ .withColumn("quantiles", get_quantile_udf('tones')) finalDF1 ='theme', 'num_mentions', 'avg', 'quantiles', 'bin_vals', col('mention_time_date').alias('time')) #Filter sources finalDF2 ='theme', 'src_common_name', 'num_mentions', 'avg', 'quantiles', 'bin_vals', col('mention_time_date').alias('time')).filter(col('src_common_name').isin(*(rdd_src_list.value))) #Preparing to write to TimescaleDB #Fist write to group-by-src table db_properties = {} config = configparser.ConfigParser()"db_properties.ini") db_prop = config['postgresql'] db_url = db_prop['url'] db_properties['username'] = db_prop['username'] db_properties['password'] = db_prop['password'] db_properties['url'] = db_prop['url'] db_properties['driver'] = db_prop['driver'] #Write to table finalDF1.write.format("jdbc").options( url=db_properties['url'], dbtable='bubblebreaker_schema.tones_table_v3', user='******', password='******', stringtype="unspecified" ).mode('append').save() #Then write to per-src table"db_properties_src.ini") db_prop = config['postgresql'] db_url = db_prop['url'] db_properties['username'] = db_prop['username'] db_properties['password'] = db_prop['password'] db_properties['url'] = db_prop['url'] db_properties['driver'] = db_prop['driver'] #Write to table finalDF2.write.format("jdbc").options( url=db_properties['url'], dbtable='bubblebreaker_src_schema.tones_table_v2', user='******', password='******', stringtype="unspecified" ).mode('append').save()
def read(self, data_file, varname): '''Given an IMB source file, reads the data into a data series object''' import csv import linekey import functions key = linekey.get_linekey(data_file, [varname], vscale_vars = [ 'surface', 'interface', 'bottom', 'snow depth', 'ice thickness' ] if (key is None or key.value_index.count(-1) > 0): print('Could not find variable ' + varname) self.data_list = {} return None fileh = open(data_file) rows = csv.reader(fileh) for row in rows: if len(row) > 0: date_string = row[key.date_index] date = process_dates(date_string,, self.fen) if (date is not None): if key.value_index[0] < len(row): value_string = row[key.value_index[0]] if functions.is_number(value_string): value = float(value_string) if (key.lat_flip_ns[0] and key.lat_flip_ns[1] == key.value_index[0]): ns_value = row[key.lat_flip_ns[2]] if (ns_value == 'S'): value = 0. - value if (key.lon_flip_ew[0] and key.lon_flip_ew[1] == key.value_index[0]): ew_value = row[key.lon_flip_ew[2]] if (ew_value == 'W'): value = 0. - value if key.fliplon and varname == 'longitude': value = 0. - value if varname in vscale_vars: value = value * key.vertical_scale self.data_list[date] = value else: if varname in ['latitude', 'longitude']: first_part = value_string[:-2] second_part = value_string[-2:] if functions.is_number( first_part) and second_part.strip( ) in ['N', 'S', 'E', 'W']: value = float(first_part) if second_part.strip() in ['S', 'W']: value = 0. - value self.data_list[date] = value if len(self.data_list) > 0: self.type = 'irregular' fileh.close()
def signingIn(self, Dialog): uName = self.uNameLine.text() uPassword = self.uPasswordLine.text() ip = self.IPline.text() data.username = uName data.password = uPassword client.IP = ip if not client.known_user(uName, uPassword): self.infLabel.setText("Wrong login/password") return if len(data.username)!=0 and len(data.userid)!=0 and len(data.password)!=0 and len( client.IP)!=0 and functions.is_number(data.userid): print("start") try: data.userid = client.get_id(uName) data.balance = (client.get_balance(uName), "$") if self.size.currentText() == "Big": data.scale = [1.14, 1.2, 4.5, 1.4] data.scale_ = [2.1,1.5,4.3,3] functions.putPersonalData() mainWindow.runGUI() #print("singIn") except: print("Error while starting app") self.clearWin(Dialog) else: self.infLabel.setText("Error. Try Again!") return
### Find info from the fits header hdulist ="normspec_" + file_name) object_name = hdulist[0].header["OBJECT"] dateobs = hdulist[0].header["DATE-OBS"] mjd = hdulist[0].header["MJD-OBS"] exptime = hdulist[0].header["EXPTIME"] comment = hdulist[0].header["NOTES"] hdulist.close() ### Read info from text files in reduced/ RV_dat = functions.read_ascii("RV.dat") RV_dat = functions.read_table(RV_dat) for entry in RV_dat: if entry[0] == object_name and entry[1] == file_name: if functions.is_number(entry[2]): hjd = entry[2] + 50000 RV = entry[3] RV_err = entry[4] ccf_height = entry[5] ccf_log = functions.read_ascii("ccf_log.txt") ccf_log = functions.read_table(ccf_log) ccf_fwhm = 0 bis = 0 bis_err = 0 for entry in ccf_log: if entry[0] == file_name and entry[1] == object_name: ccf_fwhm = entry[3]