Ejemplo n.º 1
def harvest_and_save_blindern(from_string, to_string):

    stnr_met_blind = 18700          # Blindern (met)
    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(from_string, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(to_string, "%Y-%m-%d")
    #elems_blind = gws.getElementsFromTimeserieTypeStation(stnr_met_blind, 2, output='csv')

    rr = gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind, 'RR', from_date, to_date, 0, output='raw list')
    rr = we.millimeter_from_meter(rr)
    rr_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(rr, from_date, to_date)

    tam = gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind, 'TAM', from_date, to_date, 0, output='raw list')
    tam_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(tam, from_date, to_date)

    nnm = gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind, 'NNM', from_date, to_date, 0, output='raw list')
    nnm_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(nnm, from_date, to_date)

    file_name = '{2}RR TAM NNM Blindern 18700 {0} to {1}.txt'.format(from_string, to_string, env.data_path)

    WSYS = "github/Ice-modelling/rundataharvester.py"
    OPER = "Ragnar Ekker"
    DCHA = ['RR  [mm/day]          on Blindern 18700 from eklima.met.no',
            'TAM [C]     daily avg on Blindern 18700 from eklima.met.no',
            'NNM [%/100] daily avg on Blindern 18700 from eklima.met.no']

    mfd.write_vardat2(file_name, [rr, tam, nnm], WSYS, OPER, DCHA)

Ejemplo n.º 2
def doAREMCAnalyssis(stnr, startDate, endDate):
    Preforms a Ragnar Ekker variant of Monte Carlo (or whatever). This metod runs an analysis of several conbinations
    of gammadistributions for precipitation and temperature affect on cloudcover. Results are written to a sqllite
    database for further study.

    :param stnr:        eKlima station where there is cloudcover for testing method.
    :param startDate:   simulations and referance data from this data
    :param endDate:     simulations and referance data to this data

    wsTemp = getMetData(stnr, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsPrec = getMetData(stnr, 'RR', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsCC = getMetData(stnr, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')

    temp, date = strip_metadata(wsTemp, get_dates=True)
    prec = strip_metadata(wsPrec, False)
    clouds = strip_metadata(wsCC, False)

    loggdate = datetime.datetime.now()
    period = '{0} to {1}'.format(startDate,endDate)

    cs = [1]        # cloudshift the observed data one day forward

    psh = [2.8, 3.0, 3.3]          # prec gamma shapefactor
    psc = [2.0]                    # prec gamma scalefactor
    pdb = [0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7]     # prec days back
    pap = [0.3, 0.4, 0.5]          # prec amplitude factor

    tsh = [4.3, 4.5, 4.8, 5.0]     # temp gamma shapefactor
    tsc = [1.0]                    # temp gamma scalefactor
    tdb = [4.8, 5.0, 5.5]          # temp days back
    tap = [0.02, 0.03, 0.05]       # temp amplitude factor

    estimateSimulations = len(cs)*len(psh)*len(psc)*len(pdb)*len(pap)*len(tsh)*len(tsc)*len(tdb)*len(tap)
    doneSimulations = 0

    for a in cs:
        cloudsShifted = __shiftClouds(clouds, a)
        for b in psh:
            for c in psc:
                for d in pdb:
                    for e in pap:
                        for f in tsh:
                            for g in tsc:
                                for h in tdb:
                                    for i in tap:

                                        estClouds = dgc.cc_gamma_prec_and_temp_change(prec, temp, [b, c, d, e], [f, g, h, i])

                                        # What is the root mean square of estimatet vs observed clouds?
                                        rms = np.sqrt(((np.array(estClouds) - np.array(cloudsShifted)) ** 2).mean())

                                        __writeRMC2database(database_location, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, rms, loggdate, stnr, period)

                                        doneSimulations = doneSimulations + 1
                                        print('beregning {0} av {1}'.format(doneSimulations, estimateSimulations))

Ejemplo n.º 3
def runOrovannMET(startDate, endDate):

    location_name = 'Otrøvatnet v/Nystuen 971 moh'
    wsTemp = gws.getMetData(54710, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsSno  = gws.getMetData(54710, 'SA',  startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')

    date = []
    snotot = []
    temp = []

    for e in wsTemp:
    for e in wsSno:

    sno = dp.delta_snow_from_total_snow(snotot)

    #observed_ice_filename = '{0}Otroevann observasjoner {1}-{2}.csv'.format(data_path, startDate.year, endDate.year)
    #observed_ice = importColumns(observed_ice_filename)
    observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(location_name, startDate, endDate)

    if len(observed_ice) == 0:
        icecover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno)
        icecover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno)

    # Need datetime objects from now on
    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d")

    plot_filename = '{0}Ortovann MET {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year)
    pts.plot_ice_cover(icecover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def runOrovannMET(startDate, endDate):

    location_name = "Otrøvatnet v/Nystuen 971 moh"
    wsTemp = gws.getMetData(54710, "TAM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list")
    wsSno = gws.getMetData(54710, "SA", startDate, endDate, 0, "list")

    date = []
    snotot = []
    temp = []

    for e in wsTemp:
    for e in wsSno:

    sno = dp.delta_snow_from_total_snow(snotot)

    # observed_ice_filename = '{0}Otroevann observasjoner {1}-{2}.csv'.format(data_path, startDate.year, endDate.year)
    # observed_ice = importColumns(observed_ice_filename)
    observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(location_name, startDate, endDate)

    if len(observed_ice) == 0:
        icecover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno)
        icecover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno)

    # Need datetime objects from now on
    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d")

    plot_filename = "{0}Ortovann MET {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year)
    pts.plot_ice_cover(icecover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def doAREMCAnalyssis(stnr, startDate, endDate):
    Preforms a Ragnar Ekker variant of Monte Carlo (or whatever). This metod runs an analysis of several conbinations
    of gammadistributions for precipitation and temperature affect on cloudcover. Results are written to a sqllite
    database for further study.

    :param stnr:        eKlima station where there is cloudcover for testing method.
    :param startDate:   simulations and referance data from this data
    :param endDate:     simulations and referance data to this data

    wsTemp = getMetData(stnr, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsPrec = getMetData(stnr, 'RR', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsCC = getMetData(stnr, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')

    temp, date = strip_metadata(wsTemp, get_dates=True)
    prec = strip_metadata(wsPrec, False)
    clouds = strip_metadata(wsCC, False)

    loggdate = datetime.datetime.now()
    period = '{0} to {1}'.format(startDate,endDate)

    cs = [1]        # cloudshift the observed data one day forward

    psh = [2.8, 3.0, 3.3]          # prec gamma shapefactor
    psc = [2.0]                    # prec gamma scalefactor
    pdb = [0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7]     # prec days back
    pap = [0.3, 0.4, 0.5]          # prec amplitude factor

    tsh = [4.3, 4.5, 4.8, 5.0]     # temp gamma shapefactor
    tsc = [1.0]                    # temp gamma scalefactor
    tdb = [4.8, 5.0, 5.5]          # temp days back
    tap = [0.02, 0.03, 0.05]       # temp amplitude factor

    estimateSimulations = len(cs)*len(psh)*len(psc)*len(pdb)*len(pap)*len(tsh)*len(tsc)*len(tdb)*len(tap)
    doneSimulations = 0

    for a in cs:
        cloudsShifted = __shiftClouds(clouds, a)
        for b in psh:
            for c in psc:
                for d in pdb:
                    for e in pap:
                        for f in tsh:
                            for g in tsc:
                                for h in tdb:
                                    for i in tap:

                                        estClouds = dgc.cc_gamma_prec_and_temp_change(prec, temp, [b, c, d, e], [f, g, h, i])

                                        # What is the root mean square of estimatet vs observed clouds?
                                        rms = np.sqrt(((np.array(estClouds) - np.array(cloudsShifted)) ** 2).mean())

                                        __writeRMC2database(database_location, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, rms, loggdate, stnr, period)

                                        doneSimulations = doneSimulations + 1
                                        print('beregning {0} av {1}'.format(doneSimulations, estimateSimulations))

Ejemplo n.º 6
def harvest_and_save_nordnesfjelet(from_string, to_string):

    stnr = 91500          # Nordnesfjellet (met)
    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(from_string, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(to_string, "%Y-%m-%d")
    #elems_blind = gws.getElementsFromTimeserieTypeStation(stnr, 2, output='csv')

    qli = gws.getMetData(stnr, 'QLI', from_date, to_date, 2, output='raw list')
    qli_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(qli, from_date, to_date, time_step=60*60)

    ta = gws.getMetData(stnr, 'ta', from_date, to_date, 2, output='raw list')
    ta_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(ta, from_date, to_date, time_step=3600)

    rr_1 = gws.getMetData(stnr, 'rr_1', from_date, to_date, 2, output='raw list')
    rr_1 = we.millimeter_from_meter(rr_1)
    rr_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(rr_1, from_date, to_date, time_step=3600)

    file_name = '{2}QLI TA RR Nordnesfjellet 91500 {0} to {1}.txt'.format(from_string, to_string, env.data_path)

    WSYS = "github/Ice-modelling/rundataharvester.py"
    OPER = "Ragnar Ekker"
    DCHA = ['QLI  [Wh/m2] avg pr hr on Nordnesfjellet 91500 from eklima.met.no',
            'TA   [C]     avg pr hr on Nordnesfjellet 91500 from eklima.met.no',
            'RR_1 [mm/hr]           on Nordnesfjellet 91500 from eklima.met.no']

    mfd.write_vardat2(file_name, [qli, ta, rr_1], WSYS, OPER, DCHA)

Ejemplo n.º 7
def runSemsvannEB(startDate, endDate):
    # TODO: get coordinates from the ObsLocation in regObs
    location_name = "Semsvannet v/Lo 145 moh"

    wsTemp = gws.getMetData(19710, "TAM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list")
    wsSno = gws.getMetData(19710, "SA", startDate, endDate, 0, "list")
    wsPrec = gws.getMetData(19710, "RR", startDate, endDate, 0, "list")
    wsWind = gws.getMetData(18700, "FFM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list")
    wsCC = gws.getMetData(18700, "NNM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list")

    utm33_y = 6644410
    utm33_x = 243940

    temp, date = we.strip_metadata(wsTemp, get_dates=True)
    sno_tot = we.strip_metadata(wsSno)
    prec_snow = dp.delta_snow_from_total_snow(sno_tot)
    prec = we.strip_metadata(wsPrec)
    wind = we.strip_metadata(wsWind)
    cloud_cover = we.strip_metadata(wsCC)
    rel_hum = [const.rel_hum_air] * len(date)
    pressure_atm = [const.pressure_atm] * len(date)

    observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(location_name, startDate, endDate)

    ice_cover, energy_balance = calculate_ice_cover_eb(

    # Need datetime objects from now on
    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d")

    plot_filename = "{0}Semsvann EB {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year)
    # pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, sno_tot, plot_filename)
    plot_filename = "{0}Semsvann MET with EB {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def runOrovannEB(startDate, endDate):

    location_name = "Otrøvatnet v/Nystuen 971 moh"
    wsTemp = gws.getMetData(54710, "TAM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list")
    wsSno = gws.getMetData(54710, "SA", startDate, endDate, 0, "list")
    wsPrec = gws.getMetData(54710, "RR", startDate, endDate, 0, "list")

    utm33_y = 6802070
    utm33_x = 130513

    temp, date = we.strip_metadata(wsTemp, get_dates=True)
    sno_tot = we.strip_metadata(wsSno)
    prec_snow = dp.delta_snow_from_total_snow(sno_tot)
    prec = we.strip_metadata(wsPrec)
    cloud_cover = dp.clouds_from_precipitation(prec)
    wind = [const.avg_wind_const] * len(date)
    rel_hum = [const.rel_hum_air] * len(date)
    pressure_atm = [const.pressure_atm] * len(date)

    # available_elements = gws.getElementsFromTimeserieTypeStation(54710, 0, 'csv')
    observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(location_name, startDate, endDate)

    ice_cover, energy_balance = calculate_ice_cover_eb(

    # Need datetime objects from now on
    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d")

    plot_filename = "{0}Ortovann MET EB {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year)
    # pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, sno_tot, plot_filename)
    plot_filename = "{0}Ortovann MET with EB {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def __test_clouds_from_short_wave():

    import getWSklima as gws
    import weather as we

    date_list = [dt.date.today() - dt.timedelta(days=x) for x in range(0, 365)]
    date_list = [
        dt.datetime.combine(d, dt.datetime.min.time()) for d in date_list

    # test Nordnesfjellet i Troms
    station_id = 91500
    short_wave_id = 'QSI'
    long_wave_id = 'QLI'
    temperature_id = 'TA'
    timeseries_type = 2
    utm_e = 711075
    utm_n = 7727719

    short_wave = gws.getMetData(station_id, short_wave_id, date_list[0],
                                date_list[-1], timeseries_type)
    long_wave = gws.getMetData(station_id, long_wave_id, date_list[0],
                               date_list[-1], timeseries_type)
    temperature = gws.getMetData(station_id, temperature_id, date_list[0],
                                 date_list[-1], timeseries_type)

    short_wave = we.fix_data_quick(short_wave)
    long_wave = we.fix_data_quick(long_wave)
    temperature_daily = we.fix_data_quick(temperature)

    short_wave_daily = we.make_daily_average(short_wave)
    short_wave_daily = we.multiply_constant(
        24 * 3600 / 1000)  # Wh/m2 * 3600 s/h * kJ/1000J (energy) over 24hrs
    long_wave_daily = we.make_daily_average(long_wave)
    long_wave_daily = we.multiply_constant(long_wave_daily, 24 * 3600 / 1000)
    temperature_daily = we.make_daily_average(temperature)

    Short_wave_list = we.strip_metadata(short_wave_daily)
    I_clear_sky_list = [
        irradiance_clear_sky(utm_e, utm_n, d) for d in date_list
    Cloud_cover = clouds_from_short_wave(utm_e, utm_n, Short_wave_list,

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    plt.plot(date_list, Short_wave_list)
    plt.plot(date_list, I_clear_sky_list)
    plt.plot(date_list, Cloud_cover)
    plt.ylim(0, 50000)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def runStorvannetHammerfest(startDate, endDate):

    LocationNames = ['Storvannet, 7 moh']
    x = 821340
    y = 7862497

    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d")

    cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, 'tm', from_date, to_date)
    cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, 'fsw', from_date, to_date)
    cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, 'sd', from_date, to_date)
    wsCC = gws.getMetData(95350, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')  # BANAK - østover innerst i fjorden

    temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True)
    sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False)
    snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False)
    cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False)

    observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationNames, startDate, endDate)

    if len(observed_ice) == 0:
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc)
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc)

    plot_filename = '{0}StorvannetHammerfest {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4])
    pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def runBaklidammen(startDate, endDate):

    LocationNames = ['Baklidammen 200 moh']
    x = 266550
    y = 7040812

    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d")

    cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, 'tm', from_date, to_date)
    cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, 'fsw', from_date, to_date)
    cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, 'sd', from_date, to_date)
    wsCC = gws.getMetData(68860, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')  # TRONDHEIM - VOLL

    temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True)
    sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False)
    snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False)
    cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False)

    observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationNames, startDate, endDate)

    if len(observed_ice) == 0:
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc)
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc)

    plot_filename = '{0}Baklidammen {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4])
    pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def runGiljastolsvatnet(startDate, endDate):

    LocationNames = ['Giljastølsvatnet 412 moh', 'Giljastølvatnet sør 412 moh']
    x = -1904
    y = 6553573

    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d")

    #cs_temp = gcsd.getStationdata('189.3.0','17.1', from_date, to_date)
    cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, 'tm', from_date, to_date)
    cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, 'fsw', from_date, to_date)
    cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, 'sd', from_date, to_date)
    wsCC = gws.getMetData(43010, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')  # Eik - Hove. Ligger lenger sør men er litt inn i landet.
    #wsCC = getMetData(43010, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') # Sola (44560) er et alternativ

    temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True)
    sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False)
    snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False)
    cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False)

    observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationNames, startDate, endDate)

    if len(observed_ice) == 0:
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc)
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc)

    plot_filename = '{0}Giljastolsvatnet {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4])
    pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def runSkoddebergvatnet(startDate, endDate):

    LocationName = 'Skoddebergvatnet - nord 101 moh'
    # Skoddebergvatnet - sør 101 moh
    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d")

    #cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata('189.3.0','17.1', from_date, to_date)
    cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata(593273, 7612469, 'tm', from_date, to_date)
    cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(593273, 7612469, 'fsw', from_date, to_date)
    cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(593273, 7612469, 'sd', from_date, to_date)
    wsCC = gws.getMetData(87640, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')  # Harstad Stadion

    temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True)
    sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False)
    snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False)
    cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False)

    observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationName, startDate, endDate)

    if len(observed_ice) == 0:
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc)
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc)

    plot_filename = '{0}Skoddebergvatnet {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4])
    pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def runHakkloa(startDate, endDate):

    LocationName = 'Hakkloa nord 372 moh'
    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d")

    cs_temp = gcsd.getStationdata('6.24.4','17.1', from_date, to_date, timeseries_type=0)
    cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(260150, 6671135, 'fsw', from_date, to_date, timeseries_type=0)
    cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(260150, 6671135, 'sd', from_date, to_date, timeseries_type=0)
    wsCC = gws.getMetData(18700, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')

    temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True)
    sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False)
    snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False)
    cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False)

    observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationName, startDate, endDate)

    if len(observed_ice) == 0:
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc)
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc)

    plot_filename = '{0}Hakkloa {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4])
    pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def runBaklidammen(startDate, endDate):

    LocationNames = ["Baklidammen 200 moh"]
    x = 266550
    y = 7040812

    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d")

    cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, "tm", from_date, to_date)
    cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, "fsw", from_date, to_date)
    cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, "sd", from_date, to_date)
    wsCC = gws.getMetData(68860, "NNM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list")  # TRONDHEIM - VOLL

    temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True)
    sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False)
    snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False)
    cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False)

    observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationNames, startDate, endDate)

    if len(observed_ice) == 0:
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc)
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc)

    plot_filename = "{0}Baklidammen {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4])
    pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def runGiljastolsvatnet(startDate, endDate):

    LocationNames = ["Giljastølsvatnet 412 moh", "Giljastølvatnet sør 412 moh"]
    x = -1904
    y = 6553573

    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d")

    # cs_temp = gcsd.getStationdata('189.3.0','17.1', from_date, to_date)
    cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, "tm", from_date, to_date)
    cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, "fsw", from_date, to_date)
    cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, "sd", from_date, to_date)
    wsCC = gws.getMetData(
        43010, "NNM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list"
    )  # Eik - Hove. Ligger lenger sør men er litt inn i landet.
    # wsCC = getMetData(43010, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') # Sola (44560) er et alternativ

    temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True)
    sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False)
    snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False)
    cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False)

    observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationNames, startDate, endDate)

    if len(observed_ice) == 0:
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc)
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc)

    plot_filename = "{0}Giljastolsvatnet {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4])
    pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def runHakkloa(startDate, endDate):

    LocationName = "Hakkloa nord 372 moh"
    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d")

    cs_temp = gcsd.getStationdata("6.24.4", "17.1", from_date, to_date, timeseries_type=0)
    cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(260150, 6671135, "fsw", from_date, to_date, timeseries_type=0)
    cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(260150, 6671135, "sd", from_date, to_date, timeseries_type=0)
    wsCC = gws.getMetData(18700, "NNM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list")

    temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True)
    sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False)
    snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False)
    cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False)

    observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationName, startDate, endDate)

    if len(observed_ice) == 0:
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc)
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc)

    plot_filename = "{0}Hakkloa {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4])
    pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def runSkoddebergvatnet(startDate, endDate):

    LocationName = "Skoddebergvatnet - nord 101 moh"
    # Skoddebergvatnet - sør 101 moh
    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d")

    # cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata('189.3.0','17.1', from_date, to_date)
    cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata(593273, 7612469, "tm", from_date, to_date)
    cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(593273, 7612469, "fsw", from_date, to_date)
    cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(593273, 7612469, "sd", from_date, to_date)
    wsCC = gws.getMetData(87640, "NNM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list")  # Harstad Stadion

    temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True)
    sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False)
    snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False)
    cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False)

    observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationName, startDate, endDate)

    if len(observed_ice) == 0:
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc)
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc)

    plot_filename = "{0}Skoddebergvatnet {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4])
    pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def runStorvannetHammerfest(startDate, endDate):

    LocationNames = ["Storvannet, 7 moh"]
    x = 821340
    y = 7862497

    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d")

    cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, "tm", from_date, to_date)
    cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, "fsw", from_date, to_date)
    cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, "sd", from_date, to_date)
    wsCC = gws.getMetData(95350, "NNM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list")  # BANAK - østover innerst i fjorden

    temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True)
    sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False)
    snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False)
    cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False)

    observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationNames, startDate, endDate)

    if len(observed_ice) == 0:
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc)
        ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc)

    plot_filename = "{0}StorvannetHammerfest {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4])
    pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def harvest_and_save_blindern(from_string, to_string):

    stnr_met_blind = 18700  # Blindern (met)
    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(from_string, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(to_string, "%Y-%m-%d")
    #elems_blind = gws.getElementsFromTimeserieTypeStation(stnr_met_blind, 2, output='csv')

    rr = gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind,
                        output='raw list')
    rr = we.millimeter_from_meter(rr)
    rr_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(rr, from_date, to_date)

    tam = gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind,
                         output='raw list')
    tam_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(tam, from_date, to_date)

    nnm = gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind,
                         output='raw list')
    nnm_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(nnm, from_date, to_date)

    file_name = '{2}RR TAM NNM Blindern 18700 {0} to {1}.txt'.format(
        from_string, to_string, env.data_path)

    WSYS = "github/Ice-modelling/rundataharvester.py"
    OPER = "Ragnar Ekker"
    DCHA = [
        'RR  [mm/day]          on Blindern 18700 from eklima.met.no',
        'TAM [C]     daily avg on Blindern 18700 from eklima.met.no',
        'NNM [%/100] daily avg on Blindern 18700 from eklima.met.no'

    mfd.write_vardat2(file_name, [rr, tam, nnm], WSYS, OPER, DCHA)

Ejemplo n.º 21
def harvest_and_save_nordnesfjelet(from_string, to_string):

    stnr = 91500  # Nordnesfjellet (met)
    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(from_string, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(to_string, "%Y-%m-%d")
    #elems_blind = gws.getElementsFromTimeserieTypeStation(stnr, 2, output='csv')

    qli = gws.getMetData(stnr, 'QLI', from_date, to_date, 2, output='raw list')
    qli_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(qli,
                                                    time_step=60 * 60)

    ta = gws.getMetData(stnr, 'ta', from_date, to_date, 2, output='raw list')
    ta_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(ta,

    rr_1 = gws.getMetData(stnr,
                          output='raw list')
    rr_1 = we.millimeter_from_meter(rr_1)
    rr_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(rr_1,

    file_name = '{2}QLI TA RR Nordnesfjellet 91500 {0} to {1}.txt'.format(
        from_string, to_string, env.data_path)

    WSYS = "github/Ice-modelling/rundataharvester.py"
    OPER = "Ragnar Ekker"
    DCHA = [
        'QLI  [Wh/m2] avg pr hr on Nordnesfjellet 91500 from eklima.met.no',
        'TA   [C]     avg pr hr on Nordnesfjellet 91500 from eklima.met.no',
        'RR_1 [mm/hr]           on Nordnesfjellet 91500 from eklima.met.no'

    mfd.write_vardat2(file_name, [qli, ta, rr_1], WSYS, OPER, DCHA)

Ejemplo n.º 22
def __test_clouds_from_short_wave():

    import getWSklima as gws
    import weather as we

    date_list = [dt.date.today() - dt.timedelta(days=x) for x in range(0, 365)]
    date_list = [dt.datetime.combine(d, dt.datetime.min.time()) for d in date_list]

    # test Nordnesfjellet i Troms
    station_id = 91500
    short_wave_id = 'QSI'
    long_wave_id = 'QLI'
    temperature_id = 'TA'
    timeseries_type = 2
    utm_e = 711075
    utm_n = 7727719

    short_wave = gws.getMetData(station_id, short_wave_id, date_list[0], date_list[-1], timeseries_type)
    long_wave = gws.getMetData(station_id, long_wave_id, date_list[0], date_list[-1], timeseries_type)
    temperature = gws.getMetData(station_id, temperature_id, date_list[0], date_list[-1], timeseries_type)

    short_wave = we.fix_data_quick(short_wave)
    long_wave = we.fix_data_quick(long_wave)
    temperature_daily = we.fix_data_quick(temperature)

    short_wave_daily = we.make_daily_average(short_wave)
    short_wave_daily = we.multiply_constant(short_wave_daily, 24 * 3600 / 1000)  # Wh/m2 * 3600 s/h * kJ/1000J (energy) over 24hrs
    long_wave_daily = we.make_daily_average(long_wave)
    long_wave_daily = we.multiply_constant(long_wave_daily, 24 * 3600 / 1000)
    temperature_daily = we.make_daily_average(temperature)

    Short_wave_list = we.strip_metadata(short_wave_daily)
    I_clear_sky_list = [irradiance_clear_sky(utm_e, utm_n, d) for d in date_list]
    Cloud_cover = clouds_from_short_wave(utm_e, utm_n, Short_wave_list, date_list)

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    plt.plot(date_list, Short_wave_list)
    plt.plot(date_list, I_clear_sky_list)
    plt.plot(date_list, Cloud_cover)
    plt.ylim(0, 50000)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def runSemsvannEB(startDate, endDate):
    # TODO: get coordinates from the ObsLocation in regObs
    location_name = 'Semsvannet v/Lo 145 moh'

    wsTemp = gws.getMetData(19710, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsSno = gws.getMetData(19710, 'SA', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsPrec = gws.getMetData(19710, 'RR', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsWind = gws.getMetData(18700, 'FFM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsCC = gws.getMetData(18700, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')

    utm33_y = 6644410
    utm33_x = 243940

    temp, date = we.strip_metadata(wsTemp, get_dates=True)
    sno_tot = we.strip_metadata(wsSno)
    prec_snow = dp.delta_snow_from_total_snow(sno_tot)
    prec = we.strip_metadata(wsPrec)
    wind = we.strip_metadata(wsWind)
    cloud_cover = we.strip_metadata(wsCC)
    rel_hum = [const.rel_hum_air] * len(date)
    pressure_atm = [const.pressure_atm] * len(date)

    observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(location_name, startDate, endDate)

    ice_cover, energy_balance = calculate_ice_cover_eb(
        utm33_x, utm33_y, date,
        temp, prec, prec_snow, cloud_cover=cloud_cover, wind=wind, rel_hum=rel_hum, pressure_atm=pressure_atm,

    # Need datetime objects from now on
    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d")

    plot_filename = '{0}Semsvann EB {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year)
    # pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, sno_tot, plot_filename)
    plot_filename = '{0}Semsvann MET with EB {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year)
    pts.plot_ice_cover_eb(ice_cover, energy_balance, observed_ice, date, temp, sno_tot, plot_filename, prec=prec, wind=wind, clouds=cloud_cover)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def runSemsvann(startDate, endDate):

    LocationName = "Semsvannet v/Lo 145 moh"

    wsTemp = gws.getMetData(19710, "TAM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list")
    wsSno = gws.getMetData(19710, "SA", startDate, endDate, 0, "list")
    wsCC = gws.getMetData(18700, "NNM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list")

    temp, date = we.strip_metadata(wsTemp, True)
    snotot = we.strip_metadata(wsSno, False)
    cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False)

    sno = dp.delta_snow_from_total_snow(snotot)

    # observed_ice_filename = '{0}Semsvann observasjoner {1}-{2}.csv'.format(data_path, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4])
    # observed_ice = importColumns(observed_ice_filename)
    observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationName, startDate, endDate)
    if len(observed_ice) == 0:
        icecover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc)
        icecover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc)

    plot_filename = "{0}Semsvann {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4])
    pts.plot_ice_cover(icecover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def runOrovannEB(startDate, endDate):

    location_name = 'Otrøvatnet v/Nystuen 971 moh'
    wsTemp = gws.getMetData(54710, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsSno  = gws.getMetData(54710, 'SA',  startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsPrec = gws.getMetData(54710, 'RR',  startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')

    utm33_y = 6802070
    utm33_x = 130513

    temp, date = we.strip_metadata(wsTemp, get_dates=True)
    sno_tot = we.strip_metadata(wsSno)
    prec_snow = dp.delta_snow_from_total_snow(sno_tot)
    prec = we.strip_metadata(wsPrec)
    cloud_cover = dp.clouds_from_precipitation(prec)
    wind = [const.avg_wind_const] * len(date)
    rel_hum = [const.rel_hum_air] * len(date)
    pressure_atm = [const.pressure_atm] * len(date)

    # available_elements = gws.getElementsFromTimeserieTypeStation(54710, 0, 'csv')
    observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(location_name, startDate, endDate)

    ice_cover, energy_balance = calculate_ice_cover_eb(
        utm33_x, utm33_y, date, temp, prec, prec_snow, cloud_cover, wind, rel_hum=rel_hum, pressure_atm=pressure_atm,

    # Need datetime objects from now on
    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d")

    plot_filename = '{0}Ortovann MET EB {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year)
    # pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, sno_tot, plot_filename)
    plot_filename = '{0}Ortovann MET with EB {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year)
    pts.plot_ice_cover_eb(ice_cover, energy_balance, observed_ice, date, temp, sno_tot, plot_filename,
                       prec=prec, wind=wind, clouds=cloud_cover)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def runSemsvann(startDate, endDate):

    LocationName = 'Semsvannet v/Lo 145 moh'

    wsTemp = gws.getMetData(19710, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsSno = gws.getMetData(19710, 'SA', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsCC = gws.getMetData(18700, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')

    temp, date = we.strip_metadata(wsTemp, True)
    snotot = we.strip_metadata(wsSno, False)
    cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False)

    sno = dp.delta_snow_from_total_snow(snotot)

    #observed_ice_filename = '{0}Semsvann observasjoner {1}-{2}.csv'.format(data_path, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4])
    #observed_ice = importColumns(observed_ice_filename)
    observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationName, startDate, endDate)
    if len(observed_ice) == 0:
        icecover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc)
        icecover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc)

    plot_filename = '{0}Semsvann {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4])
    pts.plot_ice_cover(icecover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def correlateCloudsAndTemp(stnr, startDate, endDate):

    This was an attempt to check different functions of temperature and how well they correlate with an observed
    cloudcover. It turned out all different functions represent different signals so a cross correlation test and
    finding wich has the highest number whont work because the correlation number wil be different from function to

    :param stnr:
    :param startDate:
    :param endDate:

    SELECT * FROM corrCCandTemp
    where loggdate = '2015-02-09 15:57:44.287000'
    order by crossCorr desc


    wsTemp = getMetData(stnr, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsCC = getMetData(stnr, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')

    temp = strip_metadata(wsTemp, False)
    clouds = strip_metadata(wsCC, False)

    oneMinusClouds = [1-cc for cc in clouds]
    dTemp = dpz.delta_temperature_from_temperature(temp)
    abs_dTemp = map(abs, dTemp)
    #sum = [cc + mcc for cc, mcc in zip(clouds,oneMinusClouds)]

    loggdate = datetime.datetime.now()
    period = '{0} to {1}'.format(startDate,endDate)

    tempOffset = [0] #range(-5,6,1)
    dTempOffset = [0] #range(-3,4,1)
    ccShift = range(-4,5,1)
    sign_temp_dependant = [False]
    sign_dTemp_dependant = [False]
    useOneMinusClouds = [False]  # one minus cloudcover

    estimateSimulations = len(tempOffset)*len(dTempOffset) * len(ccShift) * len(sign_temp_dependant) * len(sign_dTemp_dependant) * len(useOneMinusClouds)
    doneSimulations = 0

    for cs in ccShift:
        for to in tempOffset:
            for dto in dTempOffset:
                for depdT in sign_dTemp_dependant:
                    for depT in sign_temp_dependant:
                        for omc in useOneMinusClouds:

                            sign_dTemp = 0
                            sign_temp = 0
                            ccwithoffset = 0

                            # if dTempExpression is not dependant of the signs of temp and dTemp the expression is reduced
                            # to only the abolute value of dTemp
                            if depdT == True:
                                sign_dTemp = __getSign(dTemp, dto)
                                sign_dTemp = [1.]*len(temp)

                            if depT == True:
                                sign_temp = __getSign(temp, to)
                                sign_temp = [1.]*len(temp)

                            # are we looking at cloud cover or clear skies? Does it matter?
                            if omc == True: # this option would be fraction og clear skies
                                ccwithoffset = __shiftClouds(oneMinusClouds, cs)
                                ccwithoffset = __shiftClouds(clouds, cs)

                            dTempExpression = [sdt*adt*st for sdt,adt,st in zip(sign_dTemp,abs_dTemp,sign_temp)]
                            crossCorr = np.correlate(dTempExpression, ccwithoffset)

                            a = 1
                            __writeCorrelation2database(database_location,  cs, to, dto, depdT, depT, omc, crossCorr[0], loggdate, period, stnr)

                            doneSimulations = doneSimulations + 1
                            print('beregning {0} av {1}'.format(doneSimulations, estimateSimulations))

Ejemplo n.º 28
def harvest_for_mylake_hakkloa(from_string, to_string):
    """Method gathers meteorological parameters needed to run myLake on Hakkloa and saves them to a
    formatted file as needed to run myLake. For columns needed se MyLakeInput class.

    :param from_string:     {string}    from date to acquire data
    :param to_string:       {string}    to date to acquire data

    HydraII parameters:
        Wind                15
        Temperature         17
        Relative humidity    2

    utm33_x = 259942  # Hakloa (buoy)
    utm33_y = 6671218  # Hakloa (buoy)
    stnr_met_blind = 18700  # Blindern (met)
    stnr_met_bjorn = 18500  # Bjørnholt (met)
    stnr_nve = '6.24.4'  # Hakloa (NVE)

    hydraii_temperature = '{0} Hakkloa temperatur 20110101-20151009.txt'.format(
    hydraii_wind = '{0} Hakkloa vind 20110101-20151009.txt'.format(
    hydraii_relative_humidity = '{0} Hakkloa relativ fuktighet 20110101-20151009.txt'.format(

    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(from_string, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(to_string, "%Y-%m-%d")
    data = MyLakeInput(from_date, to_date)
    data.output_file_path = '{0}HAK_input'.format(env.data_path)
    data.output_header = 'MyLake model input data for Hakkloa from Hakkloa (NVE), Bjørnholt (met) and Blindern (met) stations'

        we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date,
                                    'Global_rad', None))
        gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind, 'NNM', from_date, to_date, 0))
        gfd.read_hydra_time_value(stnr_nve, '17.1', hydraii_temperature,
                                  from_date, to_date))
        gfd.read_hydra_time_value(stnr_nve, '2.1', hydraii_relative_humidity,
                                  from_date, to_date))
        gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind, 'POM', from_date, to_date, 0))
        gfd.read_hydra_time_value(stnr_nve, '15.1', hydraii_wind, from_date,
            gws.getMetData(stnr_met_bjorn, 'RR', from_date, to_date, 0)))

    # Inflow is water shed area * precipitation
    Inflow = []
    precipitation = data.Precipitation  # precipitation in [mm]
    water_shed_area = 6.49 * 10**6  # [m2]
    for p in precipitation:
        value = p.Value / 1000 * water_shed_area
        Inflow.append(we.WeatherElement('Hakkloa', p.Date, 'Inflow', value))

    # Inflow temperature is assumed air temp but never below 0C and if snow always 0C
    snow = gcs.getGriddata(utm33_x, utm33_y, 'sd', from_date, to_date)
    temperature = data.Air_temp


    Inflow_T = []
    for i in range(0, len(snow), 1):
        date = temperature[i].Date
        value = max(0., temperature[i].Value)  # water never below 0C
        if snow[i].Value > 0. and value > 0.:  # if snow, water never over 0C
            value = 0.
        Inflow_T.append(we.WeatherElement('Hakkloa', date, 'Inflow_T', value))

        we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_C',
        we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_S',
        we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_TP',
        we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date,
                                    'Inflow_DOP', 7.))
        we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date,
                                    'Inflow_Chla', .1))
        we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date,
                                    'Inflow_DOC', 3000.))

    return data
Ejemplo n.º 29
def testCloudMaker(stnr, startDate, endDate, method):
    """Gets data from a eKlima station and smooths the data depending on which method we wish to test.
    We find the nash-sutcliffe to observations of clouds. And we plot and save the result to Plots folder.

    :param stnr:        eKlima station where there is cloud cover for testing method.
    :param startDate:   simulations and reference data from this data
    :param endDate:     simulations and reference data to this data
    :param method:      specify which method to be tested

    Available methods to test:

    wsTemp = getMetData(stnr, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsPrec = getMetData(stnr, 'RR', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsCC = getMetData(stnr, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')

    temp, date = strip_metadata(wsTemp, get_dates=True)
    prec = strip_metadata(wsPrec)
    clouds = strip_metadata(wsCC)

    dayShift = 1
    clouds = __shiftClouds(clouds, dayShift)

    if method == 'ccFromRandomThomas':
        estClouds = dpz.clouds_from_precipitation(prec, method='Random Thomas')
        gammaFigtext = 'No gamma smoothing and dayshift = {0}'.format(dayShift)
    elif method == 'ccFromPrec':
        estClouds = dpz.clouds_from_precipitation(prec, method='Binary')
        gammaFigtext = 'No gamma smoothing and dayshift = {0}'.format(dayShift)
    elif method == 'ccFromAveragePrec':
        estClouds = dpz.clouds_from_precipitation(prec, method='Average')
        gammaFigtext = 'No gamma smoothing and dayshift = {0}'.format(dayShift)
    elif method == 'ccFromPrecAndAveragePrec':
        estClouds = dpz.clouds_from_precipitation(prec, method='Binary and average')
        gammaFigtext = ''.format()
    elif method == 'ccFromAverageObsCc':
        estClouds = [sum(clouds)/float(len(clouds))] * len(clouds)
        gammaFigtext = ''.format()
    elif method == 'ccGammaPrec':
        gammaPrec = [2.8, 2., 0.3, 0.4]
        estClouds = dpz.clouds_from_precipitation(prec, method='Binary')
        estClouds = dgc.cc_gamma_smoothing(estClouds, gammaPrec)
        gammaFigtext = "gamma smoothing prec = {0} and dayshift = {1}".format(gammaPrec, dayShift)
    elif method == 'ccGammaTempChange':
        gammaTemp = [4.8, 1., 5., 0.03]
        estClouds = dgc.cc_gamma_temp(temp, gammaTemp)
        gammaFigtext = "gamma smoothing temp = {0} and dayshift = {1}".format(gammaTemp, dayShift)
    elif method == 'ccGammaPrecAndTempChange':
        gammaPrec = [2.8, 2., 0.3, 0.4]
        gammaTemp = [4.8, 1., 5., 0.03]
        estClouds = dgc.cc_gamma_prec_and_temp_change(prec, temp, gammaPrec, gammaTemp)
        gammaFigtext = "prec = {0} and temp = {1} and dayshift = {2}".format(gammaPrec, gammaTemp, dayShift)

    fileName = "{3} {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7], method)

    # What is the root mean square of estimatet vs observed clouds?
    # rms = np.sqrt(((np.array(estClouds) - np.array(clouds)) ** 2).mean())

    # Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient from
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nash%E2%80%93Sutcliffe_model_efficiency_coefficient
    numerator = 0
    denominator = 0
    mean_clouds = sum(clouds)/float(len(clouds))
    for i in range(0, len(clouds), 1):
        numerator += (clouds[i] - estClouds[i])**2
        denominator += (clouds[i] - mean_clouds)**2
    nash_sutcliffe = 1 - numerator/denominator

    # Figure dimensions
    fsize = (16, 10)

    # plot total snowdepth on land
    plt.bar(date, prec, width=1, color="0.4")

    # plot the estimated cloud cover
    for i in range(0, len(estClouds) - 1, 1):
        if estClouds[i] > 0:
            plt.hlines(max(prec) * 1.2, date[i], date[i + 1], lw=45, color=str(-(estClouds[i] - 1.)))
        elif estClouds[i] == None:
            plt.hlines(max(prec) * 1.2, date[i], date[i + 1], lw=45, color="pink")
            plt.hlines(max(prec) * 1.2, date[i], date[i + 1], lw=45, color=str(-(estClouds[i] - 1.)))

    # plot cloud cover from met
    for i in range(0, len(clouds) - 1, 1):
        if clouds[i] > 0:
            plt.hlines(max(prec) * 1.1, date[i], date[i + 1], lw=45, color=str(-(clouds[i] - 1.)))
        elif clouds[i] == None:
            plt.hlines(max(prec) * 1.1, date[i], date[i + 1], lw=45, color="pink")
            plt.hlines(max(prec) * 1.1, date[i], date[i + 1], lw=45, color=str(-(clouds[i] - 1.)))

    # this plots temperature on separate right side axis
    temp_pluss = []
    temp_minus = []
    for i in range(0, len(temp), 1):
        if temp[i] >= 0:
    plt.plot(date, temp, "black")
    plt.plot(date, temp_pluss, "red")
    plt.plot(date, temp_minus, "blue")

    # title and text fields
    plt.title("{3} {0} {1} {2}".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7], method))
    plt.text(date[len(date)/2], min(temp)*1.2, 'gamma smoothing [shape, scale, days back, amplification]')
    plt.text(date[len(date)/2], min(temp)*1.3, gammaFigtext)

    # this is a scatter plot of modelled and estimated cloud cover
    xfrac = 0.15
    yfrac = (float(fsize[0])/float(fsize[1])) * xfrac
    xpos = 0.95-xfrac
    ypos = 0.42-yfrac
    a = plt.axes([xpos, ypos, xfrac, yfrac])
    a.scatter(clouds, estClouds)
    plt.setp(a, xticks=[0, 0.5, 1], yticks=[0, 0.5, 1])

    plt.text(0.0, 0.1, 'na_su = {0}'.format(round(nash_sutcliffe, 2)), color='yellow', bbox={'facecolor':'black'})

    plt.savefig("{0}{1}".format(plot_folder, fileName))

    return nash_sutcliffe
Ejemplo n.º 30
def harvest_for_mylake_hakkloa(from_string, to_string):
    """Method gathers meteorological parameters needed to run myLake on Hakkloa and saves them to a
    formatted file as needed to run myLake. For columns needed se MyLakeInput class.

    :param from_string:     {string}    from date to acquire data
    :param to_string:       {string}    to date to acquire data

    HydraII parameters:
        Wind                15
        Temperature         17
        Relative humidity    2

    utm33_x = 259942                # Hakloa (buoy)
    utm33_y = 6671218               # Hakloa (buoy)
    stnr_met_blind = 18700          # Blindern (met)
    stnr_met_bjorn = 18500          # Bjørnholt (met)
    stnr_nve = '6.24.4'             # Hakloa (NVE)

    hydraii_temperature = '{0} Hakkloa temperatur 20110101-20151009.txt'.format(env.data_path)
    hydraii_wind = '{0} Hakkloa vind 20110101-20151009.txt'.format(env.data_path)
    hydraii_relative_humidity = '{0} Hakkloa relativ fuktighet 20110101-20151009.txt'.format(env.data_path)

    from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(from_string, "%Y-%m-%d")
    to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(to_string, "%Y-%m-%d")
    data = MyLakeInput(from_date, to_date)
    data.output_file_path = '{0}HAK_input'.format(env.data_path)
    data.output_header = 'MyLake model input data for Hakkloa from Hakkloa (NVE), Bjørnholt (met) and Blindern (met) stations'

    data.add_Global_rad(we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Global_rad', None))
    data.add_Cloud_cov(gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind, 'NNM', from_date, to_date, 0))
    data.add_Air_temp(gfd.read_hydra_time_value(stnr_nve, '17.1', hydraii_temperature, from_date, to_date))
    data.add_Relat_hum(gfd.read_hydra_time_value(stnr_nve, '2.1', hydraii_relative_humidity, from_date, to_date))
    data.add_Air_press(gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind, 'POM', from_date, to_date, 0))
    data.add_Wind_speed(gfd.read_hydra_time_value(stnr_nve, '15.1', hydraii_wind, from_date, to_date))
    data.add_Precipitation(we.millimeter_from_meter(gws.getMetData(stnr_met_bjorn, 'RR', from_date, to_date, 0)))

    # Inflow is water shed area * precipitation
    Inflow = []
    precipitation = data.Precipitation # precipitation in [mm]
    water_shed_area = 6.49 * 10**6 # [m2]
    for p in precipitation:
        value =  p.Value/1000*water_shed_area
        Inflow.append(we.WeatherElement('Hakkloa', p.Date, 'Inflow', value))

    # Inflow temperature is assumed air temp but never below 0C and if snow always 0C
    snow = gcs.getGriddata(utm33_x, utm33_y, 'sd', from_date, to_date)
    temperature = data.Air_temp


    Inflow_T = []
    for i in range(0, len(snow), 1):
        date = temperature[i].Date
        value = max(0., temperature[i].Value)       # water never below 0C
        if snow[i].Value > 0. and value > 0.:       # if snow, water never over 0C
            value = 0.
        Inflow_T.append(we.WeatherElement('Hakkloa', date, 'Inflow_T', value))

    data.add_Inflow_C(we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_C', .5))
    data.add_Inflow_S(we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_S', .01))
    data.add_Inflow_TP(we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_TP', 44.))
    data.add_Inflow_DOP(we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_DOP', 7.))
    data.add_Inflow_Chla(we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_Chla', .1))
    data.add_Inflow_DOC(we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_DOC', 3000.))

    return data
Ejemplo n.º 31
def correlateCloudsAndTemp(stnr, startDate, endDate):

    This was an attempt to check different functions of temperature and how well they correlate with an observed
    cloudcover. It turned out all different functions represent different signals so a cross correlation test and
    finding wich has the highest number whont work because the correlation number wil be different from function to

    :param stnr:
    :param startDate:
    :param endDate:

    SELECT * FROM corrCCandTemp
    where loggdate = '2015-02-09 15:57:44.287000'
    order by crossCorr desc


    wsTemp = getMetData(stnr, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsCC = getMetData(stnr, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')

    temp = strip_metadata(wsTemp, False)
    clouds = strip_metadata(wsCC, False)

    oneMinusClouds = [1-cc for cc in clouds]
    dTemp = dpz.delta_temperature_from_temperature(temp)
    abs_dTemp = map(abs, dTemp)
    #sum = [cc + mcc for cc, mcc in zip(clouds,oneMinusClouds)]

    loggdate = datetime.datetime.now()
    period = '{0} to {1}'.format(startDate,endDate)

    tempOffset = [0] #range(-5,6,1)
    dTempOffset = [0] #range(-3,4,1)
    ccShift = range(-4,5,1)
    sign_temp_dependant = [False]
    sign_dTemp_dependant = [False]
    useOneMinusClouds = [False]  # one minus cloudcover

    estimateSimulations = len(tempOffset)*len(dTempOffset) * len(ccShift) * len(sign_temp_dependant) * len(sign_dTemp_dependant) * len(useOneMinusClouds)
    doneSimulations = 0

    for cs in ccShift:
        for to in tempOffset:
            for dto in dTempOffset:
                for depdT in sign_dTemp_dependant:
                    for depT in sign_temp_dependant:
                        for omc in useOneMinusClouds:

                            sign_dTemp = 0
                            sign_temp = 0
                            ccwithoffset = 0

                            # if dTempExpression is not dependant of the signs of temp and dTemp the expression is reduced
                            # to only the abolute value of dTemp
                            if depdT == True:
                                sign_dTemp = __getSign(dTemp, dto)
                                sign_dTemp = [1.]*len(temp)

                            if depT == True:
                                sign_temp = __getSign(temp, to)
                                sign_temp = [1.]*len(temp)

                            # are we looking at cloud cover or clear skies? Does it matter?
                            if omc == True: # this option would be fraction og clear skies
                                ccwithoffset = __shiftClouds(oneMinusClouds, cs)
                                ccwithoffset = __shiftClouds(clouds, cs)

                            dTempExpression = [sdt*adt*st for sdt,adt,st in zip(sign_dTemp,abs_dTemp,sign_temp)]
                            crossCorr = np.correlate(dTempExpression, ccwithoffset)

                            a = 1
                            __writeCorrelation2database(database_location,  cs, to, dto, depdT, depT, omc, crossCorr[0], loggdate, period, stnr)

                            doneSimulations = doneSimulations + 1
                            print('beregning {0} av {1}'.format(doneSimulations, estimateSimulations))

Ejemplo n.º 32
def testCloudMaker(stnr, startDate, endDate, method):
    """Gets data from a eKlima station and smooths the data depending on which method we wish to test.
    We find the nash-sutcliffe to observations of clouds. And we plot and save the result to Plots folder.

    :param stnr:        eKlima station where there is cloud cover for testing method.
    :param startDate:   simulations and reference data from this data
    :param endDate:     simulations and reference data to this data
    :param method:      specify which method to be tested

    Available methods to test:

    wsTemp = getMetData(stnr, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsPrec = getMetData(stnr, 'RR', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsCC = getMetData(stnr, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')

    temp, date = strip_metadata(wsTemp, get_dates=True)
    prec = strip_metadata(wsPrec)
    clouds = strip_metadata(wsCC)

    dayShift = 1
    clouds = __shiftClouds(clouds, dayShift)

    if method == 'ccFromRandomThomas':
        estClouds = dpz.clouds_from_precipitation(prec, method='Random Thomas')
        gammaFigtext = 'No gamma smoothing and dayshift = {0}'.format(dayShift)
    elif method == 'ccFromPrec':
        estClouds = dpz.clouds_from_precipitation(prec, method='Binary')
        gammaFigtext = 'No gamma smoothing and dayshift = {0}'.format(dayShift)
    elif method == 'ccFromAveragePrec':
        estClouds = dpz.clouds_from_precipitation(prec, method='Average')
        gammaFigtext = 'No gamma smoothing and dayshift = {0}'.format(dayShift)
    elif method == 'ccFromPrecAndAveragePrec':
        estClouds = dpz.clouds_from_precipitation(prec, method='Binary and average')
        gammaFigtext = ''.format()
    elif method == 'ccFromAverageObsCc':
        estClouds = [sum(clouds)/float(len(clouds))] * len(clouds)
        gammaFigtext = ''.format()
    elif method == 'ccGammaPrec':
        gammaPrec = [2.8, 2., 0.3, 0.4]
        estClouds = dpz.clouds_from_precipitation(prec, method='Binary')
        estClouds = dgc.cc_gamma_smoothing(estClouds, gammaPrec)
        gammaFigtext = "gamma smoothing prec = {0} and dayshift = {1}".format(gammaPrec, dayShift)
    elif method == 'ccGammaTempChange':
        gammaTemp = [4.8, 1., 5., 0.03]
        estClouds = dgc.cc_gamma_temp(temp, gammaTemp)
        gammaFigtext = "gamma smoothing temp = {0} and dayshift = {1}".format(gammaTemp, dayShift)
    elif method == 'ccGammaPrecAndTempChange':
        gammaPrec = [2.8, 2., 0.3, 0.4]
        gammaTemp = [4.8, 1., 5., 0.03]
        estClouds = dgc.cc_gamma_prec_and_temp_change(prec, temp, gammaPrec, gammaTemp)
        gammaFigtext = "prec = {0} and temp = {1} and dayshift = {2}".format(gammaPrec, gammaTemp, dayShift)

    fileName = "{3} {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7], method)

    # What is the root mean square of estimatet vs observed clouds?
    # rms = np.sqrt(((np.array(estClouds) - np.array(clouds)) ** 2).mean())

    # Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient from
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nash%E2%80%93Sutcliffe_model_efficiency_coefficient
    numerator = 0
    denominator = 0
    mean_clouds = sum(clouds)/float(len(clouds))
    for i in range(0, len(clouds), 1):
        numerator += (clouds[i] - estClouds[i])**2
        denominator += (clouds[i] - mean_clouds)**2
    nash_sutcliffe = 1 - numerator/denominator

    # Figure dimensions
    fsize = (16, 10)

    # plot total snowdepth on land
    plt.bar(date, prec, width=1, color="0.4")

    # plot the estimated cloud cover
    for i in range(0, len(estClouds) - 1, 1):
        if estClouds[i] > 0:
            plt.hlines(max(prec) * 1.2, date[i], date[i + 1], lw=45, color=str(-(estClouds[i] - 1.)))
        elif estClouds[i] == None:
            plt.hlines(max(prec) * 1.2, date[i], date[i + 1], lw=45, color="pink")
            plt.hlines(max(prec) * 1.2, date[i], date[i + 1], lw=45, color=str(-(estClouds[i] - 1.)))

    # plot cloud cover from met
    for i in range(0, len(clouds) - 1, 1):
        if clouds[i] > 0:
            plt.hlines(max(prec) * 1.1, date[i], date[i + 1], lw=45, color=str(-(clouds[i] - 1.)))
        elif clouds[i] == None:
            plt.hlines(max(prec) * 1.1, date[i], date[i + 1], lw=45, color="pink")
            plt.hlines(max(prec) * 1.1, date[i], date[i + 1], lw=45, color=str(-(clouds[i] - 1.)))

    # this plots temperature on separate right side axis
    temp_pluss = []
    temp_minus = []
    for i in range(0, len(temp), 1):
        if temp[i] >= 0:
    plt.plot(date, temp, "black")
    plt.plot(date, temp_pluss, "red")
    plt.plot(date, temp_minus, "blue")

    # title and text fields
    plt.title("{3} {0} {1} {2}".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7], method))
    plt.text(date[len(date)/2], min(temp)*1.2, 'gamma smoothing [shape, scale, days back, amplification]')
    plt.text(date[len(date)/2], min(temp)*1.3, gammaFigtext)

    # this is a scatter plot of modelled and estimated cloud cover
    xfrac = 0.15
    yfrac = (float(fsize[0])/float(fsize[1])) * xfrac
    xpos = 0.95-xfrac
    ypos = 0.42-yfrac
    a = plt.axes([xpos, ypos, xfrac, yfrac])
    a.scatter(clouds, estClouds)
    plt.setp(a, xticks=[0, 0.5, 1], yticks=[0, 0.5, 1])

    plt.text(0.0, 0.1, 'na_su = {0}'.format(round(nash_sutcliffe, 2)), color='yellow', bbox={'facecolor':'black'})

    plt.savefig("{0}{1}".format(plot_folder, fileName))

    return nash_sutcliffe
Ejemplo n.º 33
def makeSomeScatterPlots(stnr, startDate, endDate):

    import numpy as numpy
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde

    wsTemp = getMetData(stnr, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsPrec = getMetData(stnr, 'RR', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsCC = getMetData(stnr, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')

    temp, date = strip_metadata(wsTemp, get_dates=True)
    prec = strip_metadata(wsPrec, False)
    clouds = strip_metadata(wsCC, False)

    dTemp = dpz.delta_temperature_from_temperature(temp)
    abs_dTemp = map(abs, dTemp)

    method = 'dTemp_with_limit_vs_clouds'

    if method == 'dTemp_with_limit_vs_clouds':

        # Calibration params
        limit_temperature = [7]

        for limit_temp in limit_temperature:

            # Mask out positions in list where temps are above and below the threshhold temp
            temp_filter_high = []
            temp_filter_low = []
            for t in temp:
                if t >= limit_temp:

            # And make lists of dTemp_abs beloning to either high or low bands relative the threshhold temp
            dTemp_low_abs = [dt*tfl for dt,tfl in zip(abs_dTemp, temp_filter_low)]
            dTemp_high_abs = [dt*tfh for dt,tfh in zip(abs_dTemp, temp_filter_high)]

            fsize = (20, 20)

            #### Generate data
            x = [round(dtla,1) for dtla in dTemp_low_abs]
            y = [round(cc,2) for cc in clouds]

            # Calculate the point density
            xy = np.vstack([x,y])
            z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy)

            plt.subplot(2,2,1).scatter(x, y, c=z, s=100, edgecolor='')
            plt.title("dtemp vs clouds (temp < {3}C) {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7], limit_temp))

            ##### Generate data
            x = [round(dtha, 1) for dtha in dTemp_high_abs]
            y = clouds

            # Calculate the point density
            xy = np.vstack([x,y])
            z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy)

            plt.subplot(2,2,2).scatter(x, y, c=z, s=100, edgecolor='')
            plt.title("dtemp vs clouds (temp >= {3}C) {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7], limit_temp))


            fileName = "scatter dtemp vs clouds temp_limit{3} {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7], limit_temp)
            plt.savefig("{0}{1}".format(plot_folder, fileName))

    if method == 'dTemp_density':

        # Generate  data
        x = abs_dTemp
        y = clouds

        # Calculate the point density
        xy = np.vstack([x,y])
        z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy)

        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        ax.scatter(x, y, c=z, s=100, edgecolor='')

        plt.title("scatter dtemp_density clouds {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7]))
        fileName = "scatter dtemp_density {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7])

        plt.savefig("{0}{1}".format(plot_folder, fileName))

    if method == 'prec':

        fsize = (10, 10)

        plt.title("scatter prec clouds {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7]))
        fileName = "scatter prec clouds {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7])

       # Generate data
        x = prec
        y = clouds

        # Calculate the point density
        xy = np.vstack([x,y])
        z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy)

        plt.scatter(x, y, c=z, s=100, edgecolor='')

        # calc the trendline
        z = numpy.polyfit(prec, clouds, 1)
        p = numpy.poly1d(z)
        plt.plot(prec, p(prec) )

        # the line equation:
        line_equation = "clouds = %.6f*prec + %.6f"%(z[0],z[1])
        plt.text(0.0, -0.1, 'Line equation: {0}'.format(line_equation))

        plt.savefig("{0}{1}".format(plot_folder, fileName))

Ejemplo n.º 34
def makeSomeScatterPlots(stnr, startDate, endDate):

    import numpy as numpy
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde

    wsTemp = getMetData(stnr, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsPrec = getMetData(stnr, 'RR', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')
    wsCC = getMetData(stnr, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list')

    temp, date = strip_metadata(wsTemp, get_dates=True)
    prec = strip_metadata(wsPrec, False)
    clouds = strip_metadata(wsCC, False)

    dTemp = dpz.delta_temperature_from_temperature(temp)
    abs_dTemp = map(abs, dTemp)

    method = 'dTemp_with_limit_vs_clouds'

    if method == 'dTemp_with_limit_vs_clouds':

        # Calibration params
        limit_temperature = [7]

        for limit_temp in limit_temperature:

            # Mask out positions in list where temps are above and below the threshhold temp
            temp_filter_high = []
            temp_filter_low = []
            for t in temp:
                if t >= limit_temp:

            # And make lists of dTemp_abs beloning to either high or low bands relative the threshhold temp
            dTemp_low_abs = [dt*tfl for dt,tfl in zip(abs_dTemp, temp_filter_low)]
            dTemp_high_abs = [dt*tfh for dt,tfh in zip(abs_dTemp, temp_filter_high)]

            fsize = (20, 20)

            #### Generate data
            x = [round(dtla,1) for dtla in dTemp_low_abs]
            y = [round(cc,2) for cc in clouds]

            # Calculate the point density
            xy = np.vstack([x,y])
            z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy)

            plt.subplot(2,2,1).scatter(x, y, c=z, s=100, edgecolor='')
            plt.title("dtemp vs clouds (temp < {3}C) {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7], limit_temp))

            ##### Generate data
            x = [round(dtha, 1) for dtha in dTemp_high_abs]
            y = clouds

            # Calculate the point density
            xy = np.vstack([x,y])
            z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy)

            plt.subplot(2,2,2).scatter(x, y, c=z, s=100, edgecolor='')
            plt.title("dtemp vs clouds (temp >= {3}C) {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7], limit_temp))


            fileName = "scatter dtemp vs clouds temp_limit{3} {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7], limit_temp)
            plt.savefig("{0}{1}".format(plot_folder, fileName))

    if method == 'dTemp_density':

        # Generate  data
        x = abs_dTemp
        y = clouds

        # Calculate the point density
        xy = np.vstack([x,y])
        z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy)

        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        ax.scatter(x, y, c=z, s=100, edgecolor='')

        plt.title("scatter dtemp_density clouds {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7]))
        fileName = "scatter dtemp_density {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7])

        plt.savefig("{0}{1}".format(plot_folder, fileName))

    if method == 'prec':

        fsize = (10, 10)

        plt.title("scatter prec clouds {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7]))
        fileName = "scatter prec clouds {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7])

       # Generate data
        x = prec
        y = clouds

        # Calculate the point density
        xy = np.vstack([x,y])
        z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy)

        plt.scatter(x, y, c=z, s=100, edgecolor='')

        # calc the trendline
        z = numpy.polyfit(prec, clouds, 1)
        p = numpy.poly1d(z)
        plt.plot(prec, p(prec) )

        # the line equation:
        line_equation = "clouds = %.6f*prec + %.6f"%(z[0],z[1])
        plt.text(0.0, -0.1, 'Line equation: {0}'.format(line_equation))

        plt.savefig("{0}{1}".format(plot_folder, fileName))
