def harvest_and_save_blindern(from_string, to_string): stnr_met_blind = 18700 # Blindern (met) from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(from_string, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(to_string, "%Y-%m-%d") #elems_blind = gws.getElementsFromTimeserieTypeStation(stnr_met_blind, 2, output='csv') rr = gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind, 'RR', from_date, to_date, 0, output='raw list') rr = we.millimeter_from_meter(rr) rr_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(rr, from_date, to_date) tam = gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind, 'TAM', from_date, to_date, 0, output='raw list') tam_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(tam, from_date, to_date) nnm = gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind, 'NNM', from_date, to_date, 0, output='raw list') nnm_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(nnm, from_date, to_date) file_name = '{2}RR TAM NNM Blindern 18700 {0} to {1}.txt'.format(from_string, to_string, env.data_path) WSYS = "github/Ice-modelling/" OPER = "Ragnar Ekker" DCHA = ['RR [mm/day] on Blindern 18700 from', 'TAM [C] daily avg on Blindern 18700 from', 'NNM [%/100] daily avg on Blindern 18700 from'] mfd.write_vardat2(file_name, [rr, tam, nnm], WSYS, OPER, DCHA) return
def doAREMCAnalyssis(stnr, startDate, endDate): """ Preforms a Ragnar Ekker variant of Monte Carlo (or whatever). This metod runs an analysis of several conbinations of gammadistributions for precipitation and temperature affect on cloudcover. Results are written to a sqllite database for further study. :param stnr: eKlima station where there is cloudcover for testing method. :param startDate: simulations and referance data from this data :param endDate: simulations and referance data to this data :return: """ wsTemp = getMetData(stnr, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') wsPrec = getMetData(stnr, 'RR', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') wsCC = getMetData(stnr, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') temp, date = strip_metadata(wsTemp, get_dates=True) prec = strip_metadata(wsPrec, False) clouds = strip_metadata(wsCC, False) loggdate = period = '{0} to {1}'.format(startDate,endDate) cs = [1] # cloudshift the observed data one day forward psh = [2.8, 3.0, 3.3] # prec gamma shapefactor psc = [2.0] # prec gamma scalefactor pdb = [0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7] # prec days back pap = [0.3, 0.4, 0.5] # prec amplitude factor tsh = [4.3, 4.5, 4.8, 5.0] # temp gamma shapefactor tsc = [1.0] # temp gamma scalefactor tdb = [4.8, 5.0, 5.5] # temp days back tap = [0.02, 0.03, 0.05] # temp amplitude factor estimateSimulations = len(cs)*len(psh)*len(psc)*len(pdb)*len(pap)*len(tsh)*len(tsc)*len(tdb)*len(tap) doneSimulations = 0 for a in cs: cloudsShifted = __shiftClouds(clouds, a) for b in psh: for c in psc: for d in pdb: for e in pap: for f in tsh: for g in tsc: for h in tdb: for i in tap: estClouds = dgc.cc_gamma_prec_and_temp_change(prec, temp, [b, c, d, e], [f, g, h, i]) # What is the root mean square of estimatet vs observed clouds? rms = np.sqrt(((np.array(estClouds) - np.array(cloudsShifted)) ** 2).mean()) __writeRMC2database(database_location, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, rms, loggdate, stnr, period) doneSimulations = doneSimulations + 1 print('beregning {0} av {1}'.format(doneSimulations, estimateSimulations)) return
def runOrovannMET(startDate, endDate): location_name = 'Otrøvatnet v/Nystuen 971 moh' wsTemp = gws.getMetData(54710, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') wsSno = gws.getMetData(54710, 'SA', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') date = [] snotot = [] temp = [] for e in wsTemp: date.append(e.Date) temp.append(e.Value) for e in wsSno: snotot.append(e.Value) sno = dp.delta_snow_from_total_snow(snotot) #observed_ice_filename = '{0}Otroevann observasjoner {1}-{2}.csv'.format(data_path, startDate.year, endDate.year) #observed_ice = importColumns(observed_ice_filename) observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(location_name, startDate, endDate) if len(observed_ice) == 0: icecover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno) else: icecover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno) # Need datetime objects from now on from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d") plot_filename = '{0}Ortovann MET {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year) pts.plot_ice_cover(icecover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
def runOrovannMET(startDate, endDate): location_name = "Otrøvatnet v/Nystuen 971 moh" wsTemp = gws.getMetData(54710, "TAM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list") wsSno = gws.getMetData(54710, "SA", startDate, endDate, 0, "list") date = [] snotot = [] temp = [] for e in wsTemp: date.append(e.Date) temp.append(e.Value) for e in wsSno: snotot.append(e.Value) sno = dp.delta_snow_from_total_snow(snotot) # observed_ice_filename = '{0}Otroevann observasjoner {1}-{2}.csv'.format(data_path, startDate.year, endDate.year) # observed_ice = importColumns(observed_ice_filename) observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(location_name, startDate, endDate) if len(observed_ice) == 0: icecover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno) else: icecover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno) # Need datetime objects from now on from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d") plot_filename = "{0}Ortovann MET {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year) pts.plot_ice_cover(icecover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
def harvest_and_save_nordnesfjelet(from_string, to_string): stnr = 91500 # Nordnesfjellet (met) from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(from_string, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(to_string, "%Y-%m-%d") #elems_blind = gws.getElementsFromTimeserieTypeStation(stnr, 2, output='csv') qli = gws.getMetData(stnr, 'QLI', from_date, to_date, 2, output='raw list') qli_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(qli, from_date, to_date, time_step=60*60) ta = gws.getMetData(stnr, 'ta', from_date, to_date, 2, output='raw list') ta_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(ta, from_date, to_date, time_step=3600) rr_1 = gws.getMetData(stnr, 'rr_1', from_date, to_date, 2, output='raw list') rr_1 = we.millimeter_from_meter(rr_1) rr_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(rr_1, from_date, to_date, time_step=3600) file_name = '{2}QLI TA RR Nordnesfjellet 91500 {0} to {1}.txt'.format(from_string, to_string, env.data_path) WSYS = "github/Ice-modelling/" OPER = "Ragnar Ekker" DCHA = ['QLI [Wh/m2] avg pr hr on Nordnesfjellet 91500 from', 'TA [C] avg pr hr on Nordnesfjellet 91500 from', 'RR_1 [mm/hr] on Nordnesfjellet 91500 from'] mfd.write_vardat2(file_name, [qli, ta, rr_1], WSYS, OPER, DCHA) return
def runSemsvannEB(startDate, endDate): # TODO: get coordinates from the ObsLocation in regObs location_name = "Semsvannet v/Lo 145 moh" wsTemp = gws.getMetData(19710, "TAM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list") wsSno = gws.getMetData(19710, "SA", startDate, endDate, 0, "list") wsPrec = gws.getMetData(19710, "RR", startDate, endDate, 0, "list") wsWind = gws.getMetData(18700, "FFM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list") wsCC = gws.getMetData(18700, "NNM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list") utm33_y = 6644410 utm33_x = 243940 temp, date = we.strip_metadata(wsTemp, get_dates=True) sno_tot = we.strip_metadata(wsSno) prec_snow = dp.delta_snow_from_total_snow(sno_tot) prec = we.strip_metadata(wsPrec) wind = we.strip_metadata(wsWind) cloud_cover = we.strip_metadata(wsCC) rel_hum = [const.rel_hum_air] * len(date) pressure_atm = [const.pressure_atm] * len(date) observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(location_name, startDate, endDate) ice_cover, energy_balance = calculate_ice_cover_eb( utm33_x, utm33_y, date, temp, prec, prec_snow, cloud_cover=cloud_cover, wind=wind, rel_hum=rel_hum, pressure_atm=pressure_atm, inn_column=copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), ) # Need datetime objects from now on from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d") plot_filename = "{0}Semsvann EB {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year) # pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, sno_tot, plot_filename) plot_filename = "{0}Semsvann MET with EB {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year) pts.plot_ice_cover_eb( ice_cover, energy_balance, observed_ice, date, temp, sno_tot, plot_filename, prec=prec, wind=wind, clouds=cloud_cover, )
def runOrovannEB(startDate, endDate): location_name = "Otrøvatnet v/Nystuen 971 moh" wsTemp = gws.getMetData(54710, "TAM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list") wsSno = gws.getMetData(54710, "SA", startDate, endDate, 0, "list") wsPrec = gws.getMetData(54710, "RR", startDate, endDate, 0, "list") utm33_y = 6802070 utm33_x = 130513 temp, date = we.strip_metadata(wsTemp, get_dates=True) sno_tot = we.strip_metadata(wsSno) prec_snow = dp.delta_snow_from_total_snow(sno_tot) prec = we.strip_metadata(wsPrec) cloud_cover = dp.clouds_from_precipitation(prec) wind = [const.avg_wind_const] * len(date) rel_hum = [const.rel_hum_air] * len(date) pressure_atm = [const.pressure_atm] * len(date) # available_elements = gws.getElementsFromTimeserieTypeStation(54710, 0, 'csv') observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(location_name, startDate, endDate) ice_cover, energy_balance = calculate_ice_cover_eb( utm33_x, utm33_y, date, temp, prec, prec_snow, cloud_cover, wind, rel_hum=rel_hum, pressure_atm=pressure_atm, inn_column=copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), ) # Need datetime objects from now on from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d") plot_filename = "{0}Ortovann MET EB {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year) # pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, sno_tot, plot_filename) plot_filename = "{0}Ortovann MET with EB {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year) pts.plot_ice_cover_eb( ice_cover, energy_balance, observed_ice, date, temp, sno_tot, plot_filename, prec=prec, wind=wind, clouds=cloud_cover, )
def __test_clouds_from_short_wave(): import getWSklima as gws import weather as we date_list = [ - dt.timedelta(days=x) for x in range(0, 365)] date_list = [ dt.datetime.combine(d, dt.datetime.min.time()) for d in date_list ] date_list.reverse() # test Nordnesfjellet i Troms station_id = 91500 short_wave_id = 'QSI' long_wave_id = 'QLI' temperature_id = 'TA' timeseries_type = 2 utm_e = 711075 utm_n = 7727719 short_wave = gws.getMetData(station_id, short_wave_id, date_list[0], date_list[-1], timeseries_type) long_wave = gws.getMetData(station_id, long_wave_id, date_list[0], date_list[-1], timeseries_type) temperature = gws.getMetData(station_id, temperature_id, date_list[0], date_list[-1], timeseries_type) short_wave = we.fix_data_quick(short_wave) long_wave = we.fix_data_quick(long_wave) temperature_daily = we.fix_data_quick(temperature) short_wave_daily = we.make_daily_average(short_wave) short_wave_daily = we.multiply_constant( short_wave_daily, 24 * 3600 / 1000) # Wh/m2 * 3600 s/h * kJ/1000J (energy) over 24hrs long_wave_daily = we.make_daily_average(long_wave) long_wave_daily = we.multiply_constant(long_wave_daily, 24 * 3600 / 1000) temperature_daily = we.make_daily_average(temperature) Short_wave_list = we.strip_metadata(short_wave_daily) I_clear_sky_list = [ irradiance_clear_sky(utm_e, utm_n, d) for d in date_list ] Cloud_cover = clouds_from_short_wave(utm_e, utm_n, Short_wave_list, date_list) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(date_list, Short_wave_list) plt.plot(date_list, I_clear_sky_list) plt.plot(date_list, Cloud_cover) plt.ylim(0, 50000)
def runStorvannetHammerfest(startDate, endDate): LocationNames = ['Storvannet, 7 moh'] x = 821340 y = 7862497 from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d") cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, 'tm', from_date, to_date) cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, 'fsw', from_date, to_date) cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, 'sd', from_date, to_date) wsCC = gws.getMetData(95350, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') # BANAK - østover innerst i fjorden temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True) sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False) snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False) cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False) observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationNames, startDate, endDate) if len(observed_ice) == 0: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc) else: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc) plot_filename = '{0}StorvannetHammerfest {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4]) pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
def runBaklidammen(startDate, endDate): LocationNames = ['Baklidammen 200 moh'] x = 266550 y = 7040812 from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d") cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, 'tm', from_date, to_date) cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, 'fsw', from_date, to_date) cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, 'sd', from_date, to_date) wsCC = gws.getMetData(68860, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') # TRONDHEIM - VOLL temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True) sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False) snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False) cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False) observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationNames, startDate, endDate) if len(observed_ice) == 0: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc) else: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc) plot_filename = '{0}Baklidammen {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4]) pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
def runGiljastolsvatnet(startDate, endDate): LocationNames = ['Giljastølsvatnet 412 moh', 'Giljastølvatnet sør 412 moh'] x = -1904 y = 6553573 from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d") #cs_temp = gcsd.getStationdata('189.3.0','17.1', from_date, to_date) cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, 'tm', from_date, to_date) cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, 'fsw', from_date, to_date) cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, 'sd', from_date, to_date) wsCC = gws.getMetData(43010, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') # Eik - Hove. Ligger lenger sør men er litt inn i landet. #wsCC = getMetData(43010, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') # Sola (44560) er et alternativ temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True) sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False) snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False) cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False) observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationNames, startDate, endDate) if len(observed_ice) == 0: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc) else: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc) plot_filename = '{0}Giljastolsvatnet {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4]) pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
def runSkoddebergvatnet(startDate, endDate): LocationName = 'Skoddebergvatnet - nord 101 moh' # Skoddebergvatnet - sør 101 moh from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d") #cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata('189.3.0','17.1', from_date, to_date) cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata(593273, 7612469, 'tm', from_date, to_date) cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(593273, 7612469, 'fsw', from_date, to_date) cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(593273, 7612469, 'sd', from_date, to_date) wsCC = gws.getMetData(87640, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') # Harstad Stadion temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True) sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False) snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False) cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False) observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationName, startDate, endDate) if len(observed_ice) == 0: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc) else: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc) plot_filename = '{0}Skoddebergvatnet {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4]) pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
def runHakkloa(startDate, endDate): LocationName = 'Hakkloa nord 372 moh' from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d") cs_temp = gcsd.getStationdata('6.24.4','17.1', from_date, to_date, timeseries_type=0) cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(260150, 6671135, 'fsw', from_date, to_date, timeseries_type=0) cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(260150, 6671135, 'sd', from_date, to_date, timeseries_type=0) wsCC = gws.getMetData(18700, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True) sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False) snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False) cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False) observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationName, startDate, endDate) if len(observed_ice) == 0: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc) else: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc) plot_filename = '{0}Hakkloa {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4]) pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
def runBaklidammen(startDate, endDate): LocationNames = ["Baklidammen 200 moh"] x = 266550 y = 7040812 from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d") cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, "tm", from_date, to_date) cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, "fsw", from_date, to_date) cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, "sd", from_date, to_date) wsCC = gws.getMetData(68860, "NNM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list") # TRONDHEIM - VOLL temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True) sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False) snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False) cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False) observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationNames, startDate, endDate) if len(observed_ice) == 0: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc) else: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc) plot_filename = "{0}Baklidammen {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4]) pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
def runGiljastolsvatnet(startDate, endDate): LocationNames = ["Giljastølsvatnet 412 moh", "Giljastølvatnet sør 412 moh"] x = -1904 y = 6553573 from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d") # cs_temp = gcsd.getStationdata('189.3.0','17.1', from_date, to_date) cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, "tm", from_date, to_date) cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, "fsw", from_date, to_date) cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, "sd", from_date, to_date) wsCC = gws.getMetData( 43010, "NNM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list" ) # Eik - Hove. Ligger lenger sør men er litt inn i landet. # wsCC = getMetData(43010, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') # Sola (44560) er et alternativ temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True) sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False) snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False) cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False) observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationNames, startDate, endDate) if len(observed_ice) == 0: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc) else: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc) plot_filename = "{0}Giljastolsvatnet {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4]) pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
def runHakkloa(startDate, endDate): LocationName = "Hakkloa nord 372 moh" from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d") cs_temp = gcsd.getStationdata("6.24.4", "17.1", from_date, to_date, timeseries_type=0) cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(260150, 6671135, "fsw", from_date, to_date, timeseries_type=0) cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(260150, 6671135, "sd", from_date, to_date, timeseries_type=0) wsCC = gws.getMetData(18700, "NNM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list") temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True) sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False) snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False) cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False) observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationName, startDate, endDate) if len(observed_ice) == 0: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc) else: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc) plot_filename = "{0}Hakkloa {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4]) pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
def runSkoddebergvatnet(startDate, endDate): LocationName = "Skoddebergvatnet - nord 101 moh" # Skoddebergvatnet - sør 101 moh from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d") # cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata('189.3.0','17.1', from_date, to_date) cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata(593273, 7612469, "tm", from_date, to_date) cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(593273, 7612469, "fsw", from_date, to_date) cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(593273, 7612469, "sd", from_date, to_date) wsCC = gws.getMetData(87640, "NNM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list") # Harstad Stadion temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True) sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False) snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False) cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False) observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationName, startDate, endDate) if len(observed_ice) == 0: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc) else: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc) plot_filename = "{0}Skoddebergvatnet {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4]) pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
def runStorvannetHammerfest(startDate, endDate): LocationNames = ["Storvannet, 7 moh"] x = 821340 y = 7862497 from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d") cs_temp = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, "tm", from_date, to_date) cs_sno = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, "fsw", from_date, to_date) cs_snotot = gcsd.getGriddata(x, y, "sd", from_date, to_date) wsCC = gws.getMetData(95350, "NNM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list") # BANAK - østover innerst i fjorden temp, date = we.strip_metadata(cs_temp, True) sno = we.strip_metadata(cs_sno, False) snotot = we.strip_metadata(cs_snotot, False) cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False) observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationNames, startDate, endDate) if len(observed_ice) == 0: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc) else: ice_cover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc) plot_filename = "{0}StorvannetHammerfest {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4]) pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
def harvest_and_save_blindern(from_string, to_string): stnr_met_blind = 18700 # Blindern (met) from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(from_string, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(to_string, "%Y-%m-%d") #elems_blind = gws.getElementsFromTimeserieTypeStation(stnr_met_blind, 2, output='csv') rr = gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind, 'RR', from_date, to_date, 0, output='raw list') rr = we.millimeter_from_meter(rr) rr_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(rr, from_date, to_date) tam = gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind, 'TAM', from_date, to_date, 0, output='raw list') tam_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(tam, from_date, to_date) nnm = gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind, 'NNM', from_date, to_date, 0, output='raw list') nnm_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(nnm, from_date, to_date) file_name = '{2}RR TAM NNM Blindern 18700 {0} to {1}.txt'.format( from_string, to_string, env.data_path) WSYS = "github/Ice-modelling/" OPER = "Ragnar Ekker" DCHA = [ 'RR [mm/day] on Blindern 18700 from', 'TAM [C] daily avg on Blindern 18700 from', 'NNM [%/100] daily avg on Blindern 18700 from' ] mfd.write_vardat2(file_name, [rr, tam, nnm], WSYS, OPER, DCHA) return
def harvest_and_save_nordnesfjelet(from_string, to_string): stnr = 91500 # Nordnesfjellet (met) from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(from_string, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(to_string, "%Y-%m-%d") #elems_blind = gws.getElementsFromTimeserieTypeStation(stnr, 2, output='csv') qli = gws.getMetData(stnr, 'QLI', from_date, to_date, 2, output='raw list') qli_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(qli, from_date, to_date, time_step=60 * 60) ta = gws.getMetData(stnr, 'ta', from_date, to_date, 2, output='raw list') ta_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(ta, from_date, to_date, time_step=3600) rr_1 = gws.getMetData(stnr, 'rr_1', from_date, to_date, 2, output='raw list') rr_1 = we.millimeter_from_meter(rr_1) rr_test_message = we.test_for_missing_elements(rr_1, from_date, to_date, time_step=3600) file_name = '{2}QLI TA RR Nordnesfjellet 91500 {0} to {1}.txt'.format( from_string, to_string, env.data_path) WSYS = "github/Ice-modelling/" OPER = "Ragnar Ekker" DCHA = [ 'QLI [Wh/m2] avg pr hr on Nordnesfjellet 91500 from', 'TA [C] avg pr hr on Nordnesfjellet 91500 from', 'RR_1 [mm/hr] on Nordnesfjellet 91500 from' ] mfd.write_vardat2(file_name, [qli, ta, rr_1], WSYS, OPER, DCHA) return
def __test_clouds_from_short_wave(): import getWSklima as gws import weather as we date_list = [ - dt.timedelta(days=x) for x in range(0, 365)] date_list = [dt.datetime.combine(d, dt.datetime.min.time()) for d in date_list] date_list.reverse() # test Nordnesfjellet i Troms station_id = 91500 short_wave_id = 'QSI' long_wave_id = 'QLI' temperature_id = 'TA' timeseries_type = 2 utm_e = 711075 utm_n = 7727719 short_wave = gws.getMetData(station_id, short_wave_id, date_list[0], date_list[-1], timeseries_type) long_wave = gws.getMetData(station_id, long_wave_id, date_list[0], date_list[-1], timeseries_type) temperature = gws.getMetData(station_id, temperature_id, date_list[0], date_list[-1], timeseries_type) short_wave = we.fix_data_quick(short_wave) long_wave = we.fix_data_quick(long_wave) temperature_daily = we.fix_data_quick(temperature) short_wave_daily = we.make_daily_average(short_wave) short_wave_daily = we.multiply_constant(short_wave_daily, 24 * 3600 / 1000) # Wh/m2 * 3600 s/h * kJ/1000J (energy) over 24hrs long_wave_daily = we.make_daily_average(long_wave) long_wave_daily = we.multiply_constant(long_wave_daily, 24 * 3600 / 1000) temperature_daily = we.make_daily_average(temperature) Short_wave_list = we.strip_metadata(short_wave_daily) I_clear_sky_list = [irradiance_clear_sky(utm_e, utm_n, d) for d in date_list] Cloud_cover = clouds_from_short_wave(utm_e, utm_n, Short_wave_list, date_list) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(date_list, Short_wave_list) plt.plot(date_list, I_clear_sky_list) plt.plot(date_list, Cloud_cover) plt.ylim(0, 50000)
def runSemsvannEB(startDate, endDate): # TODO: get coordinates from the ObsLocation in regObs location_name = 'Semsvannet v/Lo 145 moh' wsTemp = gws.getMetData(19710, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') wsSno = gws.getMetData(19710, 'SA', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') wsPrec = gws.getMetData(19710, 'RR', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') wsWind = gws.getMetData(18700, 'FFM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') wsCC = gws.getMetData(18700, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') utm33_y = 6644410 utm33_x = 243940 temp, date = we.strip_metadata(wsTemp, get_dates=True) sno_tot = we.strip_metadata(wsSno) prec_snow = dp.delta_snow_from_total_snow(sno_tot) prec = we.strip_metadata(wsPrec) wind = we.strip_metadata(wsWind) cloud_cover = we.strip_metadata(wsCC) rel_hum = [const.rel_hum_air] * len(date) pressure_atm = [const.pressure_atm] * len(date) observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(location_name, startDate, endDate) ice_cover, energy_balance = calculate_ice_cover_eb( utm33_x, utm33_y, date, temp, prec, prec_snow, cloud_cover=cloud_cover, wind=wind, rel_hum=rel_hum, pressure_atm=pressure_atm, inn_column=copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0])) # Need datetime objects from now on from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d") plot_filename = '{0}Semsvann EB {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year) # pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, sno_tot, plot_filename) plot_filename = '{0}Semsvann MET with EB {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year) pts.plot_ice_cover_eb(ice_cover, energy_balance, observed_ice, date, temp, sno_tot, plot_filename, prec=prec, wind=wind, clouds=cloud_cover)
def runSemsvann(startDate, endDate): LocationName = "Semsvannet v/Lo 145 moh" wsTemp = gws.getMetData(19710, "TAM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list") wsSno = gws.getMetData(19710, "SA", startDate, endDate, 0, "list") wsCC = gws.getMetData(18700, "NNM", startDate, endDate, 0, "list") temp, date = we.strip_metadata(wsTemp, True) snotot = we.strip_metadata(wsSno, False) cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False) sno = dp.delta_snow_from_total_snow(snotot) # observed_ice_filename = '{0}Semsvann observasjoner {1}-{2}.csv'.format(data_path, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4]) # observed_ice = importColumns(observed_ice_filename) observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationName, startDate, endDate) if len(observed_ice) == 0: icecover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc) else: icecover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc) plot_filename = "{0}Semsvann {1}-{2}.png".format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4]) pts.plot_ice_cover(icecover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
def runOrovannEB(startDate, endDate): location_name = 'Otrøvatnet v/Nystuen 971 moh' wsTemp = gws.getMetData(54710, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') wsSno = gws.getMetData(54710, 'SA', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') wsPrec = gws.getMetData(54710, 'RR', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') utm33_y = 6802070 utm33_x = 130513 temp, date = we.strip_metadata(wsTemp, get_dates=True) sno_tot = we.strip_metadata(wsSno) prec_snow = dp.delta_snow_from_total_snow(sno_tot) prec = we.strip_metadata(wsPrec) cloud_cover = dp.clouds_from_precipitation(prec) wind = [const.avg_wind_const] * len(date) rel_hum = [const.rel_hum_air] * len(date) pressure_atm = [const.pressure_atm] * len(date) # available_elements = gws.getElementsFromTimeserieTypeStation(54710, 0, 'csv') observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(location_name, startDate, endDate) ice_cover, energy_balance = calculate_ice_cover_eb( utm33_x, utm33_y, date, temp, prec, prec_snow, cloud_cover, wind, rel_hum=rel_hum, pressure_atm=pressure_atm, inn_column=copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0])) # Need datetime objects from now on from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, "%Y-%m-%d") plot_filename = '{0}Ortovann MET EB {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year) # pts.plot_ice_cover(ice_cover, observed_ice, date, temp, sno_tot, plot_filename) plot_filename = '{0}Ortovann MET with EB {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, from_date.year, to_date.year) pts.plot_ice_cover_eb(ice_cover, energy_balance, observed_ice, date, temp, sno_tot, plot_filename, prec=prec, wind=wind, clouds=cloud_cover)
def runSemsvann(startDate, endDate): LocationName = 'Semsvannet v/Lo 145 moh' wsTemp = gws.getMetData(19710, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') wsSno = gws.getMetData(19710, 'SA', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') wsCC = gws.getMetData(18700, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') temp, date = we.strip_metadata(wsTemp, True) snotot = we.strip_metadata(wsSno, False) cc = we.strip_metadata(wsCC, False) sno = dp.delta_snow_from_total_snow(snotot) #observed_ice_filename = '{0}Semsvann observasjoner {1}-{2}.csv'.format(data_path, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4]) #observed_ice = importColumns(observed_ice_filename) observed_ice = gro.get_all_season_ice(LocationName, startDate, endDate) if len(observed_ice) == 0: icecover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(ice.IceColumn(date[0], []), date, temp, sno, cc) else: icecover = calculate_ice_cover_air_temp(copy.deepcopy(observed_ice[0]), date, temp, sno, cc) plot_filename = '{0}Semsvann {1}-{2}.png'.format(plot_folder, startDate[0:4], endDate[0:4]) pts.plot_ice_cover(icecover, observed_ice, date, temp, snotot, plot_filename)
def correlateCloudsAndTemp(stnr, startDate, endDate): """ DEAD END This was an attempt to check different functions of temperature and how well they correlate with an observed cloudcover. It turned out all different functions represent different signals so a cross correlation test and finding wich has the highest number whont work because the correlation number wil be different from function to function. :param stnr: :param startDate: :param endDate: :return: SELECT * FROM corrCCandTemp where loggdate = '2015-02-09 15:57:44.287000' order by crossCorr desc """ wsTemp = getMetData(stnr, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') wsCC = getMetData(stnr, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') temp = strip_metadata(wsTemp, False) clouds = strip_metadata(wsCC, False) oneMinusClouds = [1-cc for cc in clouds] dTemp = dpz.delta_temperature_from_temperature(temp) abs_dTemp = map(abs, dTemp) #sum = [cc + mcc for cc, mcc in zip(clouds,oneMinusClouds)] loggdate = period = '{0} to {1}'.format(startDate,endDate) tempOffset = [0] #range(-5,6,1) dTempOffset = [0] #range(-3,4,1) ccShift = range(-4,5,1) sign_temp_dependant = [False] sign_dTemp_dependant = [False] useOneMinusClouds = [False] # one minus cloudcover estimateSimulations = len(tempOffset)*len(dTempOffset) * len(ccShift) * len(sign_temp_dependant) * len(sign_dTemp_dependant) * len(useOneMinusClouds) doneSimulations = 0 for cs in ccShift: for to in tempOffset: for dto in dTempOffset: for depdT in sign_dTemp_dependant: for depT in sign_temp_dependant: for omc in useOneMinusClouds: sign_dTemp = 0 sign_temp = 0 ccwithoffset = 0 # if dTempExpression is not dependant of the signs of temp and dTemp the expression is reduced # to only the abolute value of dTemp if depdT == True: sign_dTemp = __getSign(dTemp, dto) else: sign_dTemp = [1.]*len(temp) if depT == True: sign_temp = __getSign(temp, to) else: sign_temp = [1.]*len(temp) # are we looking at cloud cover or clear skies? Does it matter? if omc == True: # this option would be fraction og clear skies ccwithoffset = __shiftClouds(oneMinusClouds, cs) else: ccwithoffset = __shiftClouds(clouds, cs) dTempExpression = [sdt*adt*st for sdt,adt,st in zip(sign_dTemp,abs_dTemp,sign_temp)] crossCorr = np.correlate(dTempExpression, ccwithoffset) a = 1 __writeCorrelation2database(database_location, cs, to, dto, depdT, depT, omc, crossCorr[0], loggdate, period, stnr) doneSimulations = doneSimulations + 1 print('beregning {0} av {1}'.format(doneSimulations, estimateSimulations)) return
def harvest_for_mylake_hakkloa(from_string, to_string): """Method gathers meteorological parameters needed to run myLake on Hakkloa and saves them to a formatted file as needed to run myLake. For columns needed se MyLakeInput class. :param from_string: {string} from date to acquire data :param to_string: {string} to date to acquire data :return: HydraII parameters: Wind 15 Temperature 17 Relative humidity 2 """ utm33_x = 259942 # Hakloa (buoy) utm33_y = 6671218 # Hakloa (buoy) stnr_met_blind = 18700 # Blindern (met) stnr_met_bjorn = 18500 # Bjørnholt (met) stnr_nve = '6.24.4' # Hakloa (NVE) hydraii_temperature = '{0} Hakkloa temperatur 20110101-20151009.txt'.format( env.data_path) hydraii_wind = '{0} Hakkloa vind 20110101-20151009.txt'.format( env.data_path) hydraii_relative_humidity = '{0} Hakkloa relativ fuktighet 20110101-20151009.txt'.format( env.data_path) from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(from_string, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(to_string, "%Y-%m-%d") data = MyLakeInput(from_date, to_date) data.output_file_path = '{0}HAK_input'.format(env.data_path) data.output_header = 'MyLake model input data for Hakkloa from Hakkloa (NVE), Bjørnholt (met) and Blindern (met) stations' data.add_Global_rad( we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Global_rad', None)) data.add_Cloud_cov( gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind, 'NNM', from_date, to_date, 0)) data.add_Air_temp( gfd.read_hydra_time_value(stnr_nve, '17.1', hydraii_temperature, from_date, to_date)) data.add_Relat_hum( gfd.read_hydra_time_value(stnr_nve, '2.1', hydraii_relative_humidity, from_date, to_date)) data.add_Air_press( gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind, 'POM', from_date, to_date, 0)) data.add_Wind_speed( gfd.read_hydra_time_value(stnr_nve, '15.1', hydraii_wind, from_date, to_date)) data.add_Precipitation( we.millimeter_from_meter( gws.getMetData(stnr_met_bjorn, 'RR', from_date, to_date, 0))) # Inflow is water shed area * precipitation Inflow = [] precipitation = data.Precipitation # precipitation in [mm] water_shed_area = 6.49 * 10**6 # [m2] for p in precipitation: value = p.Value / 1000 * water_shed_area Inflow.append(we.WeatherElement('Hakkloa', p.Date, 'Inflow', value)) data.add_Inflow(Inflow) # Inflow temperature is assumed air temp but never below 0C and if snow always 0C snow = gcs.getGriddata(utm33_x, utm33_y, 'sd', from_date, to_date) temperature = data.Air_temp #mfd.write_weather_element_list(temperature) #mfd.write_weather_element_list(snow) #mfd.write_weather_element_list(data.Relat_hum) #mfd.write_weather_element_list(data.Wind_speed) Inflow_T = [] for i in range(0, len(snow), 1): date = temperature[i].Date value = max(0., temperature[i].Value) # water never below 0C if snow[i].Value > 0. and value > 0.: # if snow, water never over 0C value = 0. Inflow_T.append(we.WeatherElement('Hakkloa', date, 'Inflow_T', value)) data.add_Inflow_T(Inflow_T) data.add_Inflow_C( we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_C', .5)) data.add_Inflow_S( we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_S', .01)) data.add_Inflow_TP( we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_TP', 44.)) data.add_Inflow_DOP( we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_DOP', 7.)) data.add_Inflow_Chla( we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_Chla', .1)) data.add_Inflow_DOC( we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_DOC', 3000.)) return data
def testCloudMaker(stnr, startDate, endDate, method): """Gets data from a eKlima station and smooths the data depending on which method we wish to test. We find the nash-sutcliffe to observations of clouds. And we plot and save the result to Plots folder. :param stnr: eKlima station where there is cloud cover for testing method. :param startDate: simulations and reference data from this data :param endDate: simulations and reference data to this data :param method: specify which method to be tested :return: Available methods to test: cc_from_prec ccFromAveragePrec ccFromAverageObsCc ccGammaPrec ccGammaTemp ccGammaPrecAndTemp""" wsTemp = getMetData(stnr, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') wsPrec = getMetData(stnr, 'RR', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') wsCC = getMetData(stnr, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') temp, date = strip_metadata(wsTemp, get_dates=True) prec = strip_metadata(wsPrec) clouds = strip_metadata(wsCC) dayShift = 1 clouds = __shiftClouds(clouds, dayShift) if method == 'ccFromRandomThomas': estClouds = dpz.clouds_from_precipitation(prec, method='Random Thomas') gammaFigtext = 'No gamma smoothing and dayshift = {0}'.format(dayShift) elif method == 'ccFromPrec': estClouds = dpz.clouds_from_precipitation(prec, method='Binary') gammaFigtext = 'No gamma smoothing and dayshift = {0}'.format(dayShift) elif method == 'ccFromAveragePrec': estClouds = dpz.clouds_from_precipitation(prec, method='Average') gammaFigtext = 'No gamma smoothing and dayshift = {0}'.format(dayShift) elif method == 'ccFromPrecAndAveragePrec': estClouds = dpz.clouds_from_precipitation(prec, method='Binary and average') gammaFigtext = ''.format() elif method == 'ccFromAverageObsCc': estClouds = [sum(clouds)/float(len(clouds))] * len(clouds) gammaFigtext = ''.format() elif method == 'ccGammaPrec': gammaPrec = [2.8, 2., 0.3, 0.4] estClouds = dpz.clouds_from_precipitation(prec, method='Binary') estClouds = dgc.cc_gamma_smoothing(estClouds, gammaPrec) gammaFigtext = "gamma smoothing prec = {0} and dayshift = {1}".format(gammaPrec, dayShift) elif method == 'ccGammaTempChange': gammaTemp = [4.8, 1., 5., 0.03] estClouds = dgc.cc_gamma_temp(temp, gammaTemp) gammaFigtext = "gamma smoothing temp = {0} and dayshift = {1}".format(gammaTemp, dayShift) elif method == 'ccGammaPrecAndTempChange': gammaPrec = [2.8, 2., 0.3, 0.4] gammaTemp = [4.8, 1., 5., 0.03] estClouds = dgc.cc_gamma_prec_and_temp_change(prec, temp, gammaPrec, gammaTemp) gammaFigtext = "prec = {0} and temp = {1} and dayshift = {2}".format(gammaPrec, gammaTemp, dayShift) fileName = "{3} {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7], method) # What is the root mean square of estimatet vs observed clouds? # rms = np.sqrt(((np.array(estClouds) - np.array(clouds)) ** 2).mean()) # Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient from # numerator = 0 denominator = 0 mean_clouds = sum(clouds)/float(len(clouds)) for i in range(0, len(clouds), 1): numerator += (clouds[i] - estClouds[i])**2 denominator += (clouds[i] - mean_clouds)**2 nash_sutcliffe = 1 - numerator/denominator # Figure dimensions fsize = (16, 10) plt.figure(figsize=fsize) plt.clf() # plot total snowdepth on land, prec, width=1, color="0.4") # plot the estimated cloud cover for i in range(0, len(estClouds) - 1, 1): if estClouds[i] > 0: plt.hlines(max(prec) * 1.2, date[i], date[i + 1], lw=45, color=str(-(estClouds[i] - 1.))) elif estClouds[i] == None: plt.hlines(max(prec) * 1.2, date[i], date[i + 1], lw=45, color="pink") else: plt.hlines(max(prec) * 1.2, date[i], date[i + 1], lw=45, color=str(-(estClouds[i] - 1.))) # plot cloud cover from met for i in range(0, len(clouds) - 1, 1): if clouds[i] > 0: plt.hlines(max(prec) * 1.1, date[i], date[i + 1], lw=45, color=str(-(clouds[i] - 1.))) elif clouds[i] == None: plt.hlines(max(prec) * 1.1, date[i], date[i + 1], lw=45, color="pink") else: plt.hlines(max(prec) * 1.1, date[i], date[i + 1], lw=45, color=str(-(clouds[i] - 1.))) # this plots temperature on separate right side axis plt.twinx() temp_pluss = [] temp_minus = [] for i in range(0, len(temp), 1): if temp[i] >= 0: temp_pluss.append(temp[i]) temp_minus.append(np.nan) else: temp_minus.append(temp[i]) temp_pluss.append(np.nan) plt.plot(date, temp, "black") plt.plot(date, temp_pluss, "red") plt.plot(date, temp_minus, "blue") # title and text fields plt.title("{3} {0} {1} {2}".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7], method)) plt.text(date[len(date)/2], min(temp)*1.2, 'gamma smoothing [shape, scale, days back, amplification]') plt.text(date[len(date)/2], min(temp)*1.3, gammaFigtext) # this is a scatter plot of modelled and estimated cloud cover xfrac = 0.15 yfrac = (float(fsize[0])/float(fsize[1])) * xfrac xpos = 0.95-xfrac ypos = 0.42-yfrac a = plt.axes([xpos, ypos, xfrac, yfrac]) a.scatter(clouds, estClouds) plt.setp(a, xticks=[0, 0.5, 1], yticks=[0, 0.5, 1]) plt.text(0.0, 0.1, 'na_su = {0}'.format(round(nash_sutcliffe, 2)), color='yellow', bbox={'facecolor':'black'}) plt.savefig("{0}{1}".format(plot_folder, fileName)) return nash_sutcliffe
def harvest_for_mylake_hakkloa(from_string, to_string): """Method gathers meteorological parameters needed to run myLake on Hakkloa and saves them to a formatted file as needed to run myLake. For columns needed se MyLakeInput class. :param from_string: {string} from date to acquire data :param to_string: {string} to date to acquire data :return: HydraII parameters: Wind 15 Temperature 17 Relative humidity 2 """ utm33_x = 259942 # Hakloa (buoy) utm33_y = 6671218 # Hakloa (buoy) stnr_met_blind = 18700 # Blindern (met) stnr_met_bjorn = 18500 # Bjørnholt (met) stnr_nve = '6.24.4' # Hakloa (NVE) hydraii_temperature = '{0} Hakkloa temperatur 20110101-20151009.txt'.format(env.data_path) hydraii_wind = '{0} Hakkloa vind 20110101-20151009.txt'.format(env.data_path) hydraii_relative_humidity = '{0} Hakkloa relativ fuktighet 20110101-20151009.txt'.format(env.data_path) from_date = dt.datetime.strptime(from_string, "%Y-%m-%d") to_date = dt.datetime.strptime(to_string, "%Y-%m-%d") data = MyLakeInput(from_date, to_date) data.output_file_path = '{0}HAK_input'.format(env.data_path) data.output_header = 'MyLake model input data for Hakkloa from Hakkloa (NVE), Bjørnholt (met) and Blindern (met) stations' data.add_Global_rad(we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Global_rad', None)) data.add_Cloud_cov(gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind, 'NNM', from_date, to_date, 0)) data.add_Air_temp(gfd.read_hydra_time_value(stnr_nve, '17.1', hydraii_temperature, from_date, to_date)) data.add_Relat_hum(gfd.read_hydra_time_value(stnr_nve, '2.1', hydraii_relative_humidity, from_date, to_date)) data.add_Air_press(gws.getMetData(stnr_met_blind, 'POM', from_date, to_date, 0)) data.add_Wind_speed(gfd.read_hydra_time_value(stnr_nve, '15.1', hydraii_wind, from_date, to_date)) data.add_Precipitation(we.millimeter_from_meter(gws.getMetData(stnr_met_bjorn, 'RR', from_date, to_date, 0))) # Inflow is water shed area * precipitation Inflow = [] precipitation = data.Precipitation # precipitation in [mm] water_shed_area = 6.49 * 10**6 # [m2] for p in precipitation: value = p.Value/1000*water_shed_area Inflow.append(we.WeatherElement('Hakkloa', p.Date, 'Inflow', value)) data.add_Inflow(Inflow) # Inflow temperature is assumed air temp but never below 0C and if snow always 0C snow = gcs.getGriddata(utm33_x, utm33_y, 'sd', from_date, to_date) temperature = data.Air_temp #mfd.write_weather_element_list(temperature) #mfd.write_weather_element_list(snow) #mfd.write_weather_element_list(data.Relat_hum) #mfd.write_weather_element_list(data.Wind_speed) Inflow_T = [] for i in range(0, len(snow), 1): date = temperature[i].Date value = max(0., temperature[i].Value) # water never below 0C if snow[i].Value > 0. and value > 0.: # if snow, water never over 0C value = 0. Inflow_T.append(we.WeatherElement('Hakkloa', date, 'Inflow_T', value)) data.add_Inflow_T(Inflow_T) data.add_Inflow_C(we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_C', .5)) data.add_Inflow_S(we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_S', .01)) data.add_Inflow_TP(we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_TP', 44.)) data.add_Inflow_DOP(we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_DOP', 7.)) data.add_Inflow_Chla(we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_Chla', .1)) data.add_Inflow_DOC(we.constant_weather_element('Hakkloa', from_date, to_date, 'Inflow_DOC', 3000.)) return data
def makeSomeScatterPlots(stnr, startDate, endDate): import numpy as numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde wsTemp = getMetData(stnr, 'TAM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') wsPrec = getMetData(stnr, 'RR', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') wsCC = getMetData(stnr, 'NNM', startDate, endDate, 0, 'list') temp, date = strip_metadata(wsTemp, get_dates=True) prec = strip_metadata(wsPrec, False) clouds = strip_metadata(wsCC, False) dTemp = dpz.delta_temperature_from_temperature(temp) abs_dTemp = map(abs, dTemp) method = 'dTemp_with_limit_vs_clouds' if method == 'dTemp_with_limit_vs_clouds': # Calibration params limit_temperature = [7] for limit_temp in limit_temperature: # Mask out positions in list where temps are above and below the threshhold temp temp_filter_high = [] temp_filter_low = [] for t in temp: if t >= limit_temp: temp_filter_high.append(1.) temp_filter_low.append(0.) else: temp_filter_high.append(0.) temp_filter_low.append(1.) # And make lists of dTemp_abs beloning to either high or low bands relative the threshhold temp dTemp_low_abs = [dt*tfl for dt,tfl in zip(abs_dTemp, temp_filter_low)] dTemp_high_abs = [dt*tfh for dt,tfh in zip(abs_dTemp, temp_filter_high)] fsize = (20, 20) plt.figure(figsize=fsize) plt.clf() #### Generate data x = [round(dtla,1) for dtla in dTemp_low_abs] y = [round(cc,2) for cc in clouds] # Calculate the point density xy = np.vstack([x,y]) z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy) plt.subplot(2,2,1).scatter(x, y, c=z, s=100, edgecolor='') plt.title("dtemp vs clouds (temp < {3}C) {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7], limit_temp)) ##### Generate data x = [round(dtha, 1) for dtha in dTemp_high_abs] y = clouds # Calculate the point density xy = np.vstack([x,y]) z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy) plt.subplot(2,2,2).scatter(x, y, c=z, s=100, edgecolor='') plt.title("dtemp vs clouds (temp >= {3}C) {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7], limit_temp)) plt.subplot(2,2,3).hist(z) fileName = "scatter dtemp vs clouds temp_limit{3} {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7], limit_temp) plt.savefig("{0}{1}".format(plot_folder, fileName)) if method == 'dTemp_density': # Generate data x = abs_dTemp y = clouds # Calculate the point density xy = np.vstack([x,y]) z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.scatter(x, y, c=z, s=100, edgecolor='') plt.title("scatter dtemp_density clouds {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7])) fileName = "scatter dtemp_density {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7]) plt.savefig("{0}{1}".format(plot_folder, fileName)) if method == 'prec': fsize = (10, 10) plt.figure(figsize=fsize) plt.clf() plt.title("scatter prec clouds {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7])) fileName = "scatter prec clouds {0} {1} {2}.png".format(stnr, startDate[0:7], endDate[0:7]) # Generate data x = prec y = clouds # Calculate the point density xy = np.vstack([x,y]) z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy) plt.scatter(x, y, c=z, s=100, edgecolor='') # calc the trendline z = numpy.polyfit(prec, clouds, 1) p = numpy.poly1d(z) plt.plot(prec, p(prec) ) # the line equation: line_equation = "clouds = %.6f*prec + %.6f"%(z[0],z[1]) plt.text(0.0, -0.1, 'Line equation: {0}'.format(line_equation)) plt.savefig("{0}{1}".format(plot_folder, fileName)) return