def check_mentions(self): mention_str = "/u/" + self.username.lower() for comment in self.reddit.inbox.unread(limit=100): if comment.subreddit.display_name.lower() in self.enabled_subs: textbody = comment.body.lower() lines = textbody.split('\n') reply = "" for text in lines: if mention_str in text: text = text.replace(mention_str, '').strip() if text.startswith("gif"): text = text.replace("gif", '').strip() rep = gifs.gif(text) if "no matches" != rep: split = rep.split(',') link = split[-1] text = ','.join(split[:-1]) reply = reply + "[%s](%s)" % (text, link) reply = reply + "\n*****\n" else: reply = reply + "[Sorry, I couldn't find a matching gif.](\n*****\n" if len(reply) > 0: reply = reply + "^^computer-dude ^^bot ^^made ^^by ^^[/u\/efitz11](/user/efitz11) ^^--- " reply = reply + "[^^more ^^info ^^on ^^computer-dude](" comment.reply(reply) comment.mark_read()
def check_mentions(self): mention_str = "/u/"+self.username.lower() for comment in self.reddit.inbox.unread(limit=100): sub = comment.subreddit.display_name.lower() if sub in self.all_subs: textbody = comment.body.lower() lines = textbody.split('\n') reply = "" for text in lines: if mention_str in text: text = text.replace(mention_str,'').strip() if text.startswith("gif"): text = text.replace("gif",'').strip() rep = gifs.gif(text) if "no matches" != rep: split = rep.split(',') link = split[-1] text = ','.join(split[:-1]) reply = reply + "[%s](%s)" % (text,link) reply = reply + "\n*****\n" else: reply = reply + "[Sorry, I couldn't find a matching gif.](\n*****\n" if len(reply) > 0: if sub in self.banned_subs: user = reply = "Sorry, I am banned in the subreddit you asked me in (f**k the mods), but here is your gif:\n\n" + reply print("attempting to send reply:") self.reddit.redditor(user).message("your gif request", reply) else: reply = reply + "^^computer-dude ^^bot ^^made ^^by ^^[/u\/efitz11](/user/efitz11) ^^--- " reply = reply + "[^^more ^^info ^^on ^^computer-dude](" comment.reply(reply) comment.mark_read()
async def gif(ctx, *name: str): """returns a nationals gif matching the search query""" # await ctx.send(gifs.fuzzygif(' '.join(name))) await ctx.send(gifs.gif(' '.join(name)))
async def gif(*name: str): """returns a nationals gif matching the search query""" # await bot.say(gifs.fuzzygif(' '.join(name))) await bot.say(gifs.gif(' '.join(name)))
# Funciones de busqueda prolog.assertz('conectado(Pos1,Pos2) :- conecta(Pos1,Pos2)') prolog.assertz('conectado(Pos1,Pos2) :- conecta(Pos2,Pos1)') prolog.assertz('miembro(X,[X|_])') prolog.assertz('miembro(X,[_|Y]) :- miembro(X,Y)') prolog.assertz('sol :- camino([inicio],Sol),write(Sol)') prolog.assertz('camino([fin|RestoDelCamino],[fin|RestoDelCamino])') prolog.assertz('camino([PosActual|RestoDelCamino],Sol) :- conectado(PosActual,PosSiguiente),\+ miembro(PosSiguiente,RestoDelCamino), camino([PosSiguiente,PosActual|RestoDelCamino],Sol)') # Realizar busqueda camino = [] for inf in prolog.query("camino([inicio],Sol)"): for j in inf["Sol"]: camino += [j] break camino.reverse() camino[0] = "inicio" camino[-1] = "fin" return camino camino = inicializar() #camino = ['inicio', 2, 3, 4, 10, 16, 22, 21, 15, 14, 20, 26, 27, 28, 34, 33, 32, 'fin'] gi = gif(map) gi.mover(camino) root = tk.Tk() lbl = ImageLabel(root) lbl.pack(side="bottom", fill="both", expand="yes") lbl.load('resources/movie.gif') root.mainloop()