Ejemplo n.º 1
def __0_25_1(conf: GitConfigParser, repo: Repo, console: Console):
  Until v0.25.1 inclusive, bossman init changed the git config to add explicit push/fetch
  refspecs to force git pull/push to also fetch/push notes.

  This behaviour was changed in favour of an explicit pull and push as part of application
  logic when relevant (e.g. before bossman status/prerelease/release, before an after bossman apply).

  The change was largely motivated by the fact that adding the fetch/push refspecs to the config
  appears to break normal branch tracking, forcing an explicit `git push origin ref`, not great UX.
  Because notes are critical to bossman, it's also better not to rely on the user remembering to push
  after apply.
    notes_refspec = "+refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*"
    for section in conf.sections():
        if section.startswith("remote"):
            push_refspecs = conf.get_values(section, "push", [])
            if notes_refspec in push_refspecs:
                conf.remove_option(section, "push")
                push_refspecs = list(refspec for refspec in push_refspecs
                                     if refspec != notes_refspec)
                for refspec in push_refspecs:
                    conf.add_value(section, "push", refspec)
                console.print(r"[red]-[/] \[{}] push: {}".format(
                    section, notes_refspec))
            fetch_refspecs = conf.get_values(section, "fetch", [])
            if notes_refspec in fetch_refspecs:
                conf.remove_option(section, "fetch")
                fetch_refspecs = list(refspec for refspec in fetch_refspecs
                                      if refspec != notes_refspec)
                for refspec in fetch_refspecs:
                    conf.add_value(section, "fetch", refspec)
                console.print(r"[red]-[/] \[{}] fetch: {}".format(
                    section, notes_refspec))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def migrate(conf: GitConfigParser, repo: Repo, console: Console):
    if "bossman" not in conf.sections():
    console.print("Initializing git configuration [yellow]{}[/]...".format(
    conf_version = packaging.version.parse(
        conf.get_value("bossman", "version", "0.0.0"))
    for version, migration in MIGRATIONS.items():
        if conf_version <= packaging.version.parse(version):
            migration(conf, repo, console)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def predict_local_user(repo):
    config = GitConfigParser(

    writer = repo.config_writer()
    sections = config.sections()

    i = 0
    is_set = False
    while i < len(sections) and not is_set:
        sec = sections[i]

        if 'multi-user' in sec:
            # name = re.findall(r'"([^"]*)"', sec)[1]
            user = dict(config.items(sec))
            logging.debug("multi-user: %s", str(user))

            if 'url' in user and 'name' in user and 'email' in user:
                for remote in repo.remotes:
                    logging.debug("remote-url: %s", remote.url)
                    prog = re.compile(user['url'])

                    if prog.match(remote.url):
                            "%s found in remote url %s",
                            user['url'], remote.url

                            "Setting local user.name to %s",
                        writer.set_value('user', 'name', user['name'])

                            "Setting local user.email to %s",
                        writer.set_value('user', 'email', user['email'])

                        is_set = True
            elif 'url' not in user:
                logging.warning('url not set for %s', sec)
            elif 'name' not in user:
                logging.warning('name not set for %s', sec)
            elif 'email' not in user:
                logging.warning('email not set for %s', sec)

        i = i + 1

    return is_set
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _parse_gitmodules(dspath):
    gitmodule_path = opj(dspath, ".gitmodules")
    parser = GitConfigParser(gitmodule_path)
    mods = {}
    for sec in parser.sections():
        modpath = parser.get_value(sec, 'path', default=0)
        if not modpath or not sec.startswith('submodule '):
        modpath = normpath(opj(dspath, modpath))
        modprops = {'gitmodule_{}'.format(opt): parser.get_value(sec, opt)
                    for opt in parser.options(sec)
                    if not (opt.startswith('__') or opt == 'path')}
        modprops['gitmodule_name'] = sec[11:-1]
        mods[modpath] = modprops
    return mods
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_multi_line_config(self):
     file_obj = self._to_memcache(fixture_path("git_config_with_comments"))
     config = GitConfigParser(file_obj, read_only=False)
     ev = "ruby -e '\n"
     ev += "		system %(git), %(merge-file), %(--marker-size=%L), %(%A), %(%O), %(%B)\n"
     ev += "		b = File.read(%(%A))\n"
     ev += "		b.sub!(/^<+ .*\\nActiveRecord::Schema\\.define.:version => (\\d+). do\\n=+\\nActiveRecord::Schema\\."
     ev += "define.:version => (\\d+). do\\n>+ .*/) do\n"
     ev += "		  %(ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => #{[$1, $2].max}) do)\n"
     ev += "		end\n"
     ev += "		File.open(%(%A), %(w)) {|f| f.write(b)}\n"
     ev += "		exit 1 if b.include?(%(<)*%L)'"
     assert_equal(config.get('merge "railsschema"', 'driver'), ev)
     assert_equal(config.get('alias', 'lg'),
                  "log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset'"
                  " --abbrev-commit --date=relative")
     assert len(config.sections()) == 23
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_author() -> Actor:
    Get the name and email information in the user's .gitconfig.

    :return: the git author information as an :py:class:`~git.util.Actor`
    info = {}

    gitconfig = GitConfigParser(os.path.expanduser('~/.gitconfig'))
    sections = gitconfig.sections()
    assert 'user' in sections, 'No "user" field in .gitconfig'
    user_items = gitconfig.items('user')

    for tup in user_items:
        info[tup[0]] = tup[1]
    assert 'name' in info and 'email' in info, 'Incomplete information (name and/or email) in .gitconfig'

    return Actor(name=info['name'], email=info['email'])
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_base(self):
        path_repo = fixture_path("git_config")
        path_global = fixture_path("git_config_global")
        r_config = GitConfigParser([path_repo, path_global], read_only=True)
        assert r_config.read_only
        num_sections = 0
        num_options = 0

        # test reader methods
        assert r_config._is_initialized is False
        for section in r_config.sections():
            num_sections += 1
            for option in r_config.options(section):
                num_options += 1
                val = r_config.get(section, option)
                val_typed = r_config.get_value(section, option)
                assert isinstance(val_typed, (
                ) + string_types)
                assert val
                assert "\n" not in option
                assert "\n" not in val

                # writing must fail
                with self.assertRaises(IOError):
                    r_config.set(section, option, None)
                with self.assertRaises(IOError):
                    r_config.remove_option(section, option)
            # END for each option
            with self.assertRaises(IOError):
        # END for each section
        assert num_sections and num_options
        assert r_config._is_initialized is True

        # get value which doesnt exist, with default
        default = "my default value"
        assert r_config.get_value("doesnt", "exist", default) == default

        # it raises if there is no default though
        with self.assertRaises(cp.NoSectionError):
            r_config.get_value("doesnt", "exist")
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_base(self):
        path_repo = fixture_path("git_config")
        path_global = fixture_path("git_config_global")
        r_config = GitConfigParser([path_repo, path_global], read_only=True)
        assert r_config.read_only
        num_sections = 0
        num_options = 0

        # test reader methods
        assert r_config._is_initialized is False
        for section in r_config.sections():
            num_sections += 1
            for option in r_config.options(section):
                num_options += 1
                val = r_config.get(section, option)
                val_typed = r_config.get_value(section, option)
                assert isinstance(val_typed, (bool, int, float, ) + string_types)
                assert val
                assert "\n" not in option
                assert "\n" not in val

                # writing must fail
                with self.assertRaises(IOError):
                    r_config.set(section, option, None)
                with self.assertRaises(IOError):
                    r_config.remove_option(section, option)
            # END for each option
            with self.assertRaises(IOError):
        # END for each section
        assert num_sections and num_options
        assert r_config._is_initialized is True

        # get value which doesnt exist, with default
        default = "my default value"
        assert r_config.get_value("doesnt", "exist", default) == default

        # it raises if there is no default though
        with self.assertRaises(cp.NoSectionError):
            r_config.get_value("doesnt", "exist")
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _parse_gitmodules(dspath):
    gitmodule_path = opj(dspath, ".gitmodules")
    parser = GitConfigParser(gitmodule_path)
    mods = {}
    for sec in parser.sections():
            modpath = parser.get(sec, 'path')
        except Exception:
            lgr.debug("Failed to get '%s.path', skipping section", sec)
        if not modpath or not sec.startswith('submodule '):
        modpath = normpath(opj(dspath, modpath))
        modprops = {'gitmodule_{}'.format(opt): parser.get_value(sec, opt)
                    for opt in parser.options(sec)
                    if not (opt.startswith('__') or opt == 'path')}
        modprops['gitmodule_name'] = sec[11:-1]
        mods[modpath] = modprops
    # make sure we let go of any resources held be the parser
    # we cannot rely on __del__
    return mods
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _parse_gitmodules(dspath):
    gitmodule_path = opj(dspath, ".gitmodules")
    parser = GitConfigParser(gitmodule_path)
    mods = {}
    for sec in parser.sections():
            modpath = parser.get(sec, 'path')
        except Exception:
            lgr.debug("Failed to get '%s.path', skipping section", sec)
        if not modpath or not sec.startswith('submodule '):
        modpath = normpath(opj(dspath, modpath))
        modprops = {'gitmodule_{}'.format(opt): parser.get_value(sec, opt)
                    for opt in parser.options(sec)
                    if not (opt.startswith('__') or opt == 'path')}
        modprops['gitmodule_name'] = sec[11:-1]
        mods[modpath] = modprops
    # make sure we let go of any resources held be the parser
    # we cannot rely on __del__
    return mods