Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_read_write(self):
        # writer must create the exact same file as the one read before
        for filename in ("git_config", "git_config_global"):
            file_obj = self._to_memcache(fixture_path(filename))
            w_config = GitConfigParser(file_obj, read_only=False)
            w_config.read()  # enforce reading
            assert w_config._sections
            w_config.write()  # enforce writing

            # we stripped lines when reading, so the results differ
            assert file_obj.getvalue()

            # creating an additional config writer must fail due to exclusive access

            # should still have a lock and be able to make changes
            assert w_config._lock._has_lock()

            # changes should be written right away
            sname = "my_section"
            oname = "mykey"
            val = "myvalue"
            assert w_config.has_section(sname)
            w_config.set(sname, oname, val)
            assert w_config.has_option(sname, oname)
            assert w_config.get(sname, oname) == val

            sname_new = "new_section"
            oname_new = "new_key"
            ival = 10
            w_config.set_value(sname_new, oname_new, ival)
            assert w_config.get_value(sname_new, oname_new) == ival

            r_config = GitConfigParser(file_obj, read_only=True)
            assert r_config.has_section(sname)
            assert r_config.has_option(sname, oname)
            assert r_config.get(sname, oname) == val
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_base(self):
        path_repo = fixture_path("git_config")
        path_global = fixture_path("git_config_global")
        r_config = GitConfigParser([path_repo, path_global], read_only=True)
        assert r_config.read_only
        num_sections = 0
        num_options = 0

        # test reader methods
        assert r_config._is_initialized is False
        for section in r_config.sections():
            num_sections += 1
            for option in r_config.options(section):
                num_options += 1
                val = r_config.get(section, option)
                val_typed = r_config.get_value(section, option)
                assert isinstance(val_typed, (
                ) + string_types)
                assert val
                assert "\n" not in option
                assert "\n" not in val

                # writing must fail
                with self.assertRaises(IOError):
                    r_config.set(section, option, None)
                with self.assertRaises(IOError):
                    r_config.remove_option(section, option)
            # END for each option
            with self.assertRaises(IOError):
        # END for each section
        assert num_sections and num_options
        assert r_config._is_initialized is True

        # get value which doesnt exist, with default
        default = "my default value"
        assert r_config.get_value("doesnt", "exist", default) == default

        # it raises if there is no default though
        with self.assertRaises(cp.NoSectionError):
            r_config.get_value("doesnt", "exist")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_read_write(self):
        # writer must create the exact same file as the one read before
        for filename in ("git_config", "git_config_global"):
            file_obj = self._to_memcache(fixture_path(filename))
            w_config = GitConfigParser(file_obj, read_only=False)
            w_config.read()                 # enforce reading
            assert w_config._sections
            w_config.write()                # enforce writing

            # we stripped lines when reading, so the results differ
            assert file_obj.getvalue()
            self.assertEqual(file_obj.getvalue(), self._to_memcache(fixture_path(filename)).getvalue())

            # creating an additional config writer must fail due to exclusive access
            self.failUnlessRaises(IOError, GitConfigParser, file_obj, read_only=False)

            # should still have a lock and be able to make changes
            assert w_config._lock._has_lock()

            # changes should be written right away
            sname = "my_section"
            oname = "mykey"
            val = "myvalue"
            assert w_config.has_section(sname)
            w_config.set(sname, oname, val)
            assert w_config.has_option(sname, oname)
            assert w_config.get(sname, oname) == val

            sname_new = "new_section"
            oname_new = "new_key"
            ival = 10
            w_config.set_value(sname_new, oname_new, ival)
            assert w_config.get_value(sname_new, oname_new) == ival

            r_config = GitConfigParser(file_obj, read_only=True)
            assert r_config.has_section(sname)
            assert r_config.has_option(sname, oname)
            assert r_config.get(sname, oname) == val
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_base(self):
        path_repo = fixture_path("git_config")
        path_global = fixture_path("git_config_global")
        r_config = GitConfigParser([path_repo, path_global], read_only=True)
        assert r_config.read_only
        num_sections = 0
        num_options = 0

        # test reader methods
        assert r_config._is_initialized is False
        for section in r_config.sections():
            num_sections += 1
            for option in r_config.options(section):
                num_options += 1
                val = r_config.get(section, option)
                val_typed = r_config.get_value(section, option)
                assert isinstance(val_typed, (bool, int, float, ) + string_types)
                assert val
                assert "\n" not in option
                assert "\n" not in val

                # writing must fail
                with self.assertRaises(IOError):
                    r_config.set(section, option, None)
                with self.assertRaises(IOError):
                    r_config.remove_option(section, option)
            # END for each option
            with self.assertRaises(IOError):
        # END for each section
        assert num_sections and num_options
        assert r_config._is_initialized is True

        # get value which doesnt exist, with default
        default = "my default value"
        assert r_config.get_value("doesnt", "exist", default) == default

        # it raises if there is no default though
        with self.assertRaises(cp.NoSectionError):
            r_config.get_value("doesnt", "exist")