def update_canvas(self): """ Updates canvas """ httplog = os.path.join(self.options.folder, self.options.log_filename) try: t1 = os.path.getsize(httplog) except: self.canvas.after(1000, self.update_canvas) return try: fp = open(httplog, 'r') data = - self.t0) fp.close() value = self.p0[1:] + [10 + 90.0 / math.sqrt(1 + data.count('\n'))] self.p0 = value for i in xrange(len(self.p0) - 1): c = self.canvas.coords(self.q0[i]) self.canvas.coords(self.q0[i], (c[0], self.p0[i], c[2], self.p0[i + 1])) self.t0 = t1 except BaseException: self.t0 = time.time() self.t0 = t1 self.p0 = [100] * 400 self.q0 = [self.canvas.create_line(i, 100, i + 1, 100, fill='green') for i in xrange(len(self.p0) - 1)] self.canvas.after(1000, self.update_canvas)
def update_canvas(self): """ Updates canvas """ httplog = os.path.join(self.options.folder, self.options.log_filename) try: t1 = os.path.getsize(httplog) except: self.canvas.after(1000, self.update_canvas) return try: fp = open(httplog, 'r') data = - self.t0) fp.close() value = self.p0[1:] + [10 + 90.0 / math.sqrt(1 + data.count('\n'))] self.p0 = value for i in xrange(len(self.p0) - 1): c = self.canvas.coords(self.q0[i]) self.canvas.coords(self.q0[i], (c[0], self.p0[i], c[2], self.p0[i + 1])) self.t0 = t1 except BaseException: self.t0 = time.time() self.t0 = t1 self.p0 = [100] * 400 self.q0 = [ self.canvas.create_line(i, 100, i + 1, 100, fill='green') for i in xrange(len(self.p0) - 1) ] self.canvas.after(1000, self.update_canvas)
def update_canvas(self): """ Updates canvas """ httplog = os.path.join(self.options.folder, self.options.log_filename) canvas = self.canvas try: t1 = os.path.getsize(httplog) except OSError: canvas.after(1000, self.update_canvas) return points = 400 try: pvalues = self.p0[1:] with open(httplog, 'r') as fp: data = - self.t0) self.p0 = pvalues + [10 + 90.0 / math.sqrt(1 + data.count('\n'))] for i in xrange(points - 1): c = canvas.coords(self.q0[i]) canvas.coords(self.q0[i], (c[0], self.p0[i], c[2], self.p0[i + 1])) self.t0 = t1 except AttributeError: self.t0 = time.time() self.t0 = t1 self.p0 = [100] * points self.q0 = [canvas.create_line(i, 100, i + 1, 100, fill='green') for i in xrange(points - 1)] canvas.after(1000, self.update_canvas)
def compare(a, b): """ Compares two strings and not vulnerable to timing attacks """ if HAVE_COMPARE_DIGEST: return hmac.compare_digest(a, b) result = len(a) ^ len(b) for i in xrange(len(b)): result |= ord(a[i % len(a)]) ^ ord(b[i]) return result == 0
def compare(a, b): """ Compares two strings and not vulnerable to timing attacks """ if HAVE_COMPARE_DIGEST: return hmac.compare_digest(a, b) result = len(a) ^ len(b) for i in xrange(len(b)): result |= ord(a[i%len(a)]) ^ ord(b[i]) return result == 0
def fast_urandom16(urandom=[], locker=threading.RLock()): """ This is 4x faster than calling os.urandom(16) and prevents the "too many files open" issue with concurrent access to os.urandom() """ try: return urandom.pop() except IndexError: try: locker.acquire() ur = os.urandom(16 * 1024) urandom += [ur[i:i + 16] for i in xrange(16, 1024 * 16, 16)] return ur[0:16] finally: locker.release()
def highlight( code, language, link='/examples/globals/vars/', counter=1, styles=None, highlight_line=None, context_lines=None, attributes=None, ): styles = styles or {} attributes = attributes or {} code_style = styles.get('CODE', None) or ''' font-size: 11px; font-family: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,monospace; background-color: transparent; margin: 0; padding: 5px; border: none; overflow: auto; white-space: pre !important; ''' linenumbers_style = styles.get('LINENUMBERS', None) or ''' font-size: 11px; font-family: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,monospace; background-color: transparent; margin: 0; padding: 5px; border: none; color: #A0A0A0; ''' linehighlight_style = styles.get('LINEHIGHLIGHT', None) or \ 'background-color: #EBDDE2;' if language and language.upper() in [ 'PYTHON', 'C', 'CPP', 'HTML', 'WEB2PY' ]: code = Highlighter(language, link, styles).highlight(code) else: code = local_html_escape(code, quote=False) lines = code.split('\n') if counter is None: linenumbers = [''] * len(lines) elif isinstance(counter, str): linenumbers = [local_html_escape(counter, quote=False)] * len(lines) else: linenumbers = [str(i + counter) + '.' for i in xrange(len(lines))] if highlight_line: if counter and not isinstance(counter, str): lineno = highlight_line - counter else: lineno = highlight_line if lineno < len(lines): lines[lineno] = '<span style="%s">%s</span>' % ( linehighlight_style, lines[lineno]) linenumbers[lineno] = '<span style="%s">%s</span>' % ( linehighlight_style, linenumbers[lineno]) if context_lines: if lineno + context_lines < len(lines): delslice = slice(lineno + context_lines + 1, len(lines)) del lines[delslice] del linenumbers[delslice] if lineno - context_lines > 0: delslice = slice(0, lineno - context_lines) del lines[delslice] del linenumbers[delslice] code = '<br/>'.join(lines) numbers = '<br/>'.join(linenumbers) items = attributes.items() fa = ' '.join([ key[1:].lower() for (key, value) in items if key[:1] == '_' and value is None ] + [ '%s="%s"' % (key[1:].lower(), str(value).replace('"', "'")) for (key, value) in attributes.items() if key[:1] == '_' and value ]) if fa: fa = ' ' + fa return '<table%s><tr style="vertical-align:top;">' \ '<td style="min-width:40px; text-align: right;"><pre style="%s">%s</pre></td>' \ '<td><pre style="%s">%s</pre></td></tr></table>' % (fa, linenumbers_style, numbers, code_style, code)
def highlight( code, language, link='/examples/globals/vars/', counter=1, styles=None, highlight_line=None, context_lines=None, attributes=None, ): styles = styles or {} attributes = attributes or {} if 'CODE' not in styles: code_style = """ font-size: 11px; font-family: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,monospace; background-color: transparent; margin: 0; padding: 5px; border: none; overflow: auto; white-space: pre !important;\n""" else: code_style = styles['CODE'] if 'LINENUMBERS' not in styles: linenumbers_style = """ font-size: 11px; font-family: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,monospace; background-color: transparent; margin: 0; padding: 5px; border: none; color: #A0A0A0;\n""" else: linenumbers_style = styles['LINENUMBERS'] if 'LINEHIGHLIGHT' not in styles: linehighlight_style = "background-color: #EBDDE2;" else: linehighlight_style = styles['LINEHIGHLIGHT'] if language and language.upper() in ['PYTHON', 'C', 'CPP', 'HTML', 'WEB2PY']: code = Highlighter(language, link, styles).highlight(code) else: code = local_html_escape(code, quote=False) lines = code.split('\n') if counter is None: linenumbers = [''] * len(lines) elif isinstance(counter, str): linenumbers = [local_html_escape(counter, quote=False)] * len(lines) else: linenumbers = [str(i + counter) + '.' for i in xrange(len(lines))] if highlight_line: if counter and not isinstance(counter, str): lineno = highlight_line - counter else: lineno = highlight_line if lineno < len(lines): lines[lineno] = '<div style="%s">%s</div>' % ( linehighlight_style, lines[lineno]) linenumbers[lineno] = '<div style="%s">%s</div>' % ( linehighlight_style, linenumbers[lineno]) if context_lines: if lineno + context_lines < len(lines): del lines[lineno + context_lines:] del linenumbers[lineno + context_lines:] if lineno - context_lines > 0: del lines[0:lineno - context_lines] del linenumbers[0:lineno - context_lines] code = '<br/>'.join(lines) numbers = '<br/>'.join(linenumbers) items = attributes.items() fa = ' '.join([key[1:].lower() for (key, value) in items if key[:1] == '_' and value is None] + ['%s="%s"' % (key[1:].lower(), str(value).replace('"', "'")) for (key, value) in attributes.items() if key[:1] == '_' and value]) if fa: fa = ' ' + fa return '<table%s><tr style="vertical-align:top;">' \ '<td style="min-width:40px; text-align: right;"><pre style="%s">%s</pre></td>' \ '<td><pre style="%s">%s</pre></td></tr></table>' % (fa, linenumbers_style, numbers, code_style, code)