def test_has_edge_undirected(self): """Tests the has_edge method for an undirected graph. """ undirected = Graph(graph = { 'A' : ['B'], 'B' : ['A'] }) self.assertTrue(undirected.has_edge('A', 'B'), 'There is an edge between A and B.') self.assertTrue(undirected.has_edge('B', 'A'), 'There is an edge between B and A.')
def task_3(sequence_length, phase_filtering): polyharmonic_sequence = generate_polyharmonic_sequence(sequence_length) direct_transformer = DirectFourierTransformer(polyharmonic_sequence) amplitude_spectrum = direct_transformer.get_amplitude_spectrum() phase_spectrum = [ x if amplitude_spectrum[i] > phase_filtering else 0 for i, x in enumerate(direct_transformer.get_phase_spectrum()) ] restored_sequence = InverseFourierTransformer( amplitude_spectrum, phase_spectrum).restore_polyharmonic(True) restored_sequence_without_phases \ = InverseFourierTransformer(amplitude_spectrum, phase_spectrum).restore_polyharmonic(False) drawer = GraphDrawer() drawer.add_plot( Graph(range(sequence_length), polyharmonic_sequence, "Original sequence")) drawer.add_stem( Graph(range(sequence_length), amplitude_spectrum, "Amplitude spectrum")) drawer.add_stem( Graph(range(sequence_length), phase_spectrum, "Phase spectrum")) drawer.add_plot( Graph(range(sequence_length), restored_sequence, "Restored sequence")) drawer.add_plot( Graph(range(sequence_length), restored_sequence_without_phases, "Restored sequence w/o phase spectrum")) drawer.draw()
def run(data): servers = Graph(data, Transformer, " - ", ": ", oriented=True) res = {} out = "" for node in servers.nodes: if not out: out = node best = float("inf") for neighbour in servers.nodes[node].neighbours(): if neighbour in res.keys(): continue path, cost = servers.dijkstra(node, neighbour) if cost < best: best = cost res[node] = path total = 0 to_unpack = len(res) while to_unpack: key = out[-1] direction = res[key].pop() total += servers.vertex_cost(key, direction) out = out + " - " + direction to_unpack -= 1 print(out + ": " + str(total))
def test_has_edge_directed(self): """Tests the has_edge method for a directed graph. """ directed = Graph(graph = { 'C' : ['D'], 'D' : [] }, is_directed = True) self.assertTrue(directed.has_edge('C', 'D'), 'There is an edge from C to D.') self.assertFalse(directed.has_edge('D', 'C'), 'There is no edge from D to C.')
def assessment_page(): """ This is the assessment category page. This method is used to generate the graphs and talbes that display on the page. """ graph = Graph() # assessment_count = graph.assessment_count() # assessment_avgtone = graph.assessment_avgtone() maine_html_table = graph.table_generator("main_nummen_assessment", "assessment") student_html_table = graph.table_generator("student_nummen_assessment", "assessment") US_html_table = graph.table_generator("US_nummen_assessment", "assessment") FL_html_table = graph.table_generator("FL_nummen_assessment", "assessment") return render_template( 'assessment.html', maine_html_table=maine_html_table, student_html_table=student_html_table, US_html_table=US_html_table, FL_html_table=FL_html_table, # assessment_avgtone=assessment_avgtone, # assessment_count=assessment_count )
def build_graph(code): graph = Graph() blocks = [b["name"] for b in code["blocks"]] edges = [(b["name"], e) for b in code["blocks"] for e in b["next_block"]] graph.add_nodes(*blocks) graph.add_edges(*edges) return graph
def curri_page(): """ This is the curriculum category page. This method is used to generate the graphs and tables that display on this page. """ # The Graph class is instantiated and assigned to the graph variable. graph = Graph() # CA_distplot = graph.curri_distplot("ca_avgtone_curri_topstates", "California") # TX_distplot = graph.curri_distplot("tx_avgtone_curri_topstates", "Texas") # MA_distplot = graph.curri_distplot("ma_avgtone_curri_topstates", "Massachusetts") # NY_distplot = graph.curri_distplot("ny_avgtone_curri_topstates", "New York") CA_html_table = graph.table_generator("ca_curri_topstates", "curriculum") TX_html_table = graph.table_generator("tx_curri_topstates", "curriculum") MA_html_table = graph.table_generator("ma_curri_topstates", "curriculum") NY_html_table = graph.table_generator("ny_curri_topstates", "curriculum") return render_template( 'curriculum.html', # CA_distplot=CA_distplot, # TX_distplot=TX_distplot, # MA_distplot=MA_distplot, # NY_distplot=NY_distplot, CA_html_table=CA_html_table, TX_html_table=TX_html_table, MA_html_table=MA_html_table, NY_html_table=NY_html_table)
def test_has_edge_no_connexion(self): """Tests the has_edge method for a graph without connexion. """ graph = Graph(graph = {'Z' : []}) self.assertFalse(graph.has_edge('Z', 'A'), 'There is no edge between Z to A.') self.assertFalse(graph.has_edge('Z', None), 'There is no edge between Z and a None vertex.')
def topsort(G: Graph) -> List[str]: """ Topologically sort the graph """ i = 0 visited = set() ft = {v: None for v in G.get_vertices()} # finishing time def DFS(u): nonlocal i, visited, ft visited.add(u) for v in G[u]: if v not in visited: DFS(v) ft[u] = i i += 1 for u in G.get_vertices(): if u not in visited: DFS(u) return sorted(ft, key=ft.get, reverse=True)
def charter_schools_page(): """ This is the charter school category page. This method is used to generate the graphs and tables that display on the page. """ graph = Graph() # This line can be used to generate the avgtone/nummention line plot again if needed. # I left it commented out because there are a lot of data points and it takes a long time # to load. # lineplot_url = graph.charter_lineplot() # top10_us_url = graph.buzzwords_graph("keyword_count") # I used the highest number of mentions from 2014-2015 to create this table top_20_20142015 = graph.table_generator("charter_schools_20142015", "charter-school") # I used the lowest number of mentions from 2014-2015 to create this table top_20_20152016 = graph.table_generator("charter_schools_20152016", "charter-school") # I used the lowest number of mentions from 2014-2015 to create this table top_20_2017pres = graph.table_generator("charter_schools_2017pres", "charter-school") return render_template( 'charter-schools.html', # top10_us_url=top10_us_url, # # lineplot_url=lineplot_url, top_20_20142015=top_20_20142015, top_20_20152016=top_20_20152016, top_20_2017pres=top_20_2017pres)
def test_add_edge_not_valid_vertex(self): """Tests the add_edge method in a graph with a non-existing vertex. """ graph = Graph(graph = { 'A' : [] }) graph.add_edge('A', 'B') self.assertFalse(graph.has_edge('A', 'B'), 'No edge between A and non-existing B.')
def setUp(self): n6 = Node(6) n5 = Node(5, [n6]) n4 = Node(4, [n6]) n3 = Node(3, [n4, n5]) n2 = Node(2, [n4]) n1 = Node(1, [n2, n3]) self.g = Graph([n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6])
def test_get_nodes(): graph = Graph() graph.add_node('coffee') graph.add_node('muffin') Vertex('loner') expected = 2 actual = len(graph.get_nodes()) assert actual == expected
def test_remove_unexisting_edge(self): """Tests the remove_edge method in a graph without edge between two vertex """ graph = Graph(graph = { 'A' : [], 'B' : [] }) self.assertFalse(graph.has_edge('A', 'B'), 'There is no edge between A and B.') graph.remove_edge('A', 'B') self.assertFalse(graph.has_edge('A', 'B'), 'Nothing changed.')
def test_add_vertex(self): """Tests the add_vertex method with an empty graph. """ graph = Graph() self.assertFalse(graph.contains_vertex('A'), 'The graph does not contain A yet.') graph.add_vertex('A') self.assertTrue(graph.contains_vertex('A'), 'The graph now contains A.')
def test_contains_vertex(self): """Tests the contains_vertex method with a single vertex. """ data = { 'A' : [] } graph = Graph(graph=data) self.assertTrue(graph.contains_vertex('A'), 'The graph contains A.') self.assertFalse(graph.contains_vertex('B'), 'The graph does not contain B.')
def test_remove_edge_undirected(self): """Tests the remove_edge method in an undirected graph. """ graph = Graph(graph = { 'A' : ['B'], 'B' : ['A'] }) self.assertTrue(graph.has_edge('A', 'B'), 'There is an edge between A and B.') graph.remove_edge('A', 'B') self.assertFalse(graph.has_edge('A', 'B'), 'No more edge between A and B.')
def __init__(self): Graph.__init__(self) # stop to cluster matching self.stop_to_cluster = {} # cluster's name to node id matching self.cluster_id = {}
def test_remove_unexisting_edge_with_unexisting_vertex(self): """Tests the remove_edge method in a graph between an existing vertex and a non-existing one. """ graph = Graph(graph = { 'A' : [] }) self.assertFalse(graph.has_edge('A', 'C'), 'There cannot be edge between A and C.') graph.remove_edge('A', 'C') self.assertFalse(graph.has_edge('A', 'C'), 'Nothing changed.')
def test_degree(self): """Tests the degree methods in a graph. """ graph = Graph(graph = { 'A' : ['B', 'C'], 'B' : ['A'], 'C' : [] }) self.assertEqual(graph.interior_degree('A'), 1, 'There is 1 edge coming to A.') self.assertEqual(graph.exterior_degree('A'), 2, 'There are 2 edges extending from A.') self.assertEqual('A'), 3, 'There are 3 edges from and to A.')
def test_add_edge_interloper_start(): graph = Graph() start = Vertex('start') end = graph.add_node('end') with pytest.raises(KeyError): graph.add_edge(start, end)
def run(data): people = Graph(data, Person, " - ") groups = people.get_groups_a2() # hax groups groups = hax_one_member_grp(people.nodes, groups) for group in sorted(groups): print(", ".join(g for g in group))
def test_circular_layout(self): G = Graph.from_edge_pairs([], num_vertices=4) expected = np.array([[1,0],[0,1],[-1,0],[0,-1]]) assert_array_almost_equal(G.layout_circle(), expected) # edge cases for nv in (0, 1): G = Graph.from_edge_pairs([], num_vertices=nv) X = G.layout_circle() self.assertEqual(X.shape, (nv, 2))
def knightsGraph(board_size=8): g = Graph() for row in range(board_size): for col in range(board_size): currPos = getNormalizedPos(row, col, board_size) newPos = getPossiblePositions(row, col, board_size) for pos in newPos: g.addEdge(currPos, pos) return g
def test__graph_get_community_labels_sparse_graph(): login, passwd = get_login_password() from vkwrapper import Vk from graphs import Graph v = Vk(cache=FileCache(), login=login, password=passwd) g = Graph(v, "148907612") g.get_community_labels()
def test_it_can_topo_sort_a_graph(self): n5 = Node(105) n3 = Node(103, [n5]) n4 = Node(104) n2 = Node(102, [n3, n4, n5]) n1 = Node(101, [n2, n4]) g = Graph([n1, n2, n3, n4, n5]) topoSorted = g.topo_sort() r = g.min_path(topoSorted) self.assertEqual(r, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
def read_edge_list_graph(infile): """Parse an edge-list formatted graph from `infile`.""" num_vertices = int(infile.readline()) graph = Graph(range(num_vertices)) for line in infile: source, target = line.split(' ') graph.add_edge(int(source), int(target)) return graph
def test_graph_get_community_labels(): login, passwd = get_login_password() from vkwrapper import Vk from graphs import Graph v = Vk(cache=FileCache(), login=login, password=passwd) g = Graph(v, "238696131") g.get_community_labels()
def test_add_edge_undirected(self): """Tests the add_edge method for an undirected graph. """ graph = Graph(graph = { 'A' : [], 'B' : [] }) self.assertFalse(graph.has_edge('A', 'B'), 'There is no edge between A and B.') graph.add_edge('A', 'B') self.assertTrue(graph.has_edge('A', 'B'), 'There is now an edge between A and B.')
def allMoves(bdSize): ktGraph = Graph() for row in range(bdSize): for col in range(bdSize): nodeId = posToNodeId(row, col, bdSize) newPositions = genAllMoves(row, col, bdSize) for e in newPositions: nid = posToNodeId(e[0], e[1], bdSize) ktGraph.addEdge(nodeId, nid) return ktGraph
def roadsAndLibraries(n, c_lib, c_road, cities): # Complete this function if not n: return 0 if c_lib <= c_road: return n * c_lib graph = Graph() # for _n in range(n): # graph.addVertex(Vertex(str(_n+1))) for edge in cities: try: graph.addVertex(Vertex(str(edge[0]))) except KeyError: pass try: graph.addVertex(Vertex(str(edge[1]))) except KeyError: pass graph.createEdge(str(edge[0]), str(edge[1])) print subgraphs = graph.listSubGraphs() print subgraphs libraries = len(subgraphs) + (n - roads = 0 for g in subgraphs: roads += len(g) - 1 return (libraries * c_lib) + (roads * c_road)
def setUp(self): pairs = np.array([[0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 2], [3, 4]]) adj = [[0, 1, 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 3, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 4], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] self.graphs = [ Graph.from_edge_pairs(pairs), Graph.from_edge_pairs(pairs, symmetric=True), Graph.from_adj_matrix(adj), Graph.from_adj_matrix(csr_matrix(adj)), ] self.coords = np.random.random((5, 3))
def knight_graph(board_size): # Build the graph graph = Graph() for row in range(board_size): for col in range(board_size): node_id = pos_to_node_id(row, col, board_size) new_positions = generate_legal_moves(row, col, board_size) for e in new_positions: nid = pos_to_node_id(e[0], e[1], board_size) graph.add_edge(node_id, nid) return graph
def test_kernelize(self): graphs = [ Graph.from_edge_pairs(PAIRS), Graph.from_adj_matrix(ADJ), Graph.from_adj_matrix(coo_matrix(ADJ)), Graph.from_adj_matrix(csr_matrix(ADJ)), ] for G in graphs: for kernel in ('none', 'binary'): K = G.kernelize(kernel) assert_array_equal(K.matrix('dense'), ADJ) self.assertRaises(ValueError, G.kernelize, 'foobar')
def test_greedy_coloring(self): pairs = np.array([[0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 0], [1, 2], [2, 0], [2, 1], [3, 4], [4, 3]]) adj = [[0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]] test_cases = [ Graph.from_edge_pairs(pairs), Graph.from_adj_matrix(adj), Graph.from_adj_matrix(coo_matrix(adj)), ] for G in test_cases: assert_array_equal([1, 2, 3, 1, 2], G.color_greedy())
def test_remove_connected_vertex(self): """Tests the remove_vertex method for a connected vertex. """ data = { 'A' : ['B'], 'B' : ['A'] } graph = Graph(graph=data) self.assertTrue('B' in graph.connected_vertex('A'), 'There is an edge between A and B.') self.assertTrue('A' in graph.connected_vertex('B'), 'There is an edge between A and B.') graph.remove_vertex('A') self.assertFalse('A' in graph.connected_vertex('B'), 'No more edge between A and B.')
def test_bicolor_spectral(self): pairs = np.array([[0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 0], [1, 2], [2, 0], [2, 1], [2, 3], [3, 2]]) adj = [[0, 1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0]] test_cases = [ Graph.from_edge_pairs(pairs), Graph.from_adj_matrix(adj), Graph.from_adj_matrix(coo_matrix(adj)), ] expected = np.array([1, 1, 0, 1], dtype=bool) for G in test_cases: assert_array_equal(expected, G.bicolor_spectral())
def knightGraph(bdSize): ktGraph = Graph() for row in range(bdSize): for col in range(bdSize): #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() nodeId = posToNodeId(row, col, bdSize) newPositions = genLegalMoves(row, col, bdSize) for e in newPositions: nid = posToNodeId(e[0], e[1], bdSize) ktGraph.addEdge(nodeId, nid) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() return ktGraph
def dijkstra(G: Graph, s: str) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: L = {s} R = set([v for v in G.get_vertices() if v != s]) SD = {v: None for v in G.get_vertices()} # Shortest Distances parent = {v: v for v in G.get_vertices()} paths = {v: [] for v in G.get_vertices()} paths[s] = [s] dSoFar = [] dSoFarDict = {} i = 0 # Initialization dSoFarDict[s] = [0, i, s] heapq.heappush(dSoFar, [0, i, s]) i += 1 for v in G.get_vertices(): if v != s: dSoFarDict[v] = [inf, i, v] heapq.heappush(dSoFar, [inf, i, v]) i += 1 for _ in range(len(SD) - 1): # Extract min while dSoFar[0][2] is None: heapq.heappop(dSoFar) min_d = heapq.heappop(dSoFar) vprime = min_d[2] R.discard(vprime) L.add(vprime) SD[vprime] = min_d[0] # Decrement Key for z in G[vprime]: if z in R: newDistToZ = SD[vprime] + G.get_weight(vprime, z) if newDistToZ < dSoFarDict[z][0]: # decrease key dSoFarDict[z][2] = None entry = [newDistToZ, i, z] i += 1 dSoFarDict[z] = entry heapq.heappush(dSoFar, entry) # set parent parent[z] = vprime # record path paths[z] = paths[vprime] + [z] return paths
def incremental_neighbor_graph(X, precomputed=False, k=None, epsilon=None, weighting='none'): '''See neighbor_graph.''' assert ((k is not None) or (epsilon is not None)), "Must provide `k` or `epsilon`" assert (_issequence(k) ^ _issequence(epsilon) ), "Exactly one of `k` or `epsilon` must be a sequence." assert weighting in ('binary', 'none'), "Invalid weighting param: " + weighting is_weighted = weighting == 'none' if precomputed: D = X else: D = pairwise_distances(X, metric='euclidean') # pre-sort for efficiency order = np.argsort(D)[:, 1:] if k is None: k = D.shape[0] # generate the sequence of graphs # TODO: convert the core of these loops to Cython for speed W = np.zeros_like(D) I = np.arange(D.shape[0]) if _issequence(k): # varied k, fixed epsilon if epsilon is not None: D[D > epsilon] = 0 old_k = 0 for new_k in k: idx = order[:, old_k:new_k] dist = D[I, idx.T] W[I, idx.T] = dist if is_weighted else 1 yield Graph.from_adj_matrix(W) old_k = new_k else: # varied epsilon, fixed k idx = order[:, :k] dist = D[I, idx.T].T old_i = np.zeros(D.shape[0], dtype=int) for eps in epsilon: for i, row in enumerate(dist): oi = old_i[i] ni = oi + np.searchsorted(row[oi:], eps) rr = row[oi:ni] W[i, idx[i, oi:ni]] = rr if is_weighted else 1 old_i[i] = ni yield Graph.from_adj_matrix(W)
def setUp(self): pairs = np.array([[0,1],[0,2],[1,2],[3,4]]) adj = [[0,1,2,0,0], [0,0,3,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,4], [0,0,0,0,0]] self.graphs = [ Graph.from_edge_pairs(pairs), Graph.from_edge_pairs(pairs, symmetric=True), Graph.from_adj_matrix(adj), Graph.from_adj_matrix(csr_matrix(adj)), ] self.coords = np.random.random((5, 3))
def test_locality_preserving_projections(self): X = np.array([[1,2],[2,1],[3,1.5],[4,0.5],[5,1]]) G = Graph.from_adj_matrix([[0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1, 0]]) proj = G.locality_preserving_projections(X, num_dims=1) assert_array_almost_equal(proj, np.array([[-0.95479113],[0.29727749]])) # test case with bigger d than n X = np.hstack((X, X))[:3] G = Graph.from_adj_matrix(G.matrix()[:3,:3]) proj = G.locality_preserving_projections(X, num_dims=1) assert_array_almost_equal(proj, np.array([[0.9854859,0.1697574,0,0]]).T)
def test_bicolor_spectral(self): pairs = np.array([[0,1],[0,2],[1,0],[1,2],[2,0],[2,1],[2,3],[3,2]]) adj = [[0,1,1,0], [1,0,1,0], [1,1,0,1], [0,0,1,0]] test_cases = [ Graph.from_edge_pairs(pairs), Graph.from_adj_matrix(adj), Graph.from_adj_matrix(coo_matrix(adj)), ] expected = np.array([1,1,0,1], dtype=bool) for G in test_cases: assert_array_equal(expected, G.bicolor_spectral())
def test_greedy_coloring(self): pairs = np.array([[0,1],[0,2],[1,0],[1,2],[2,0],[2,1],[3,4],[4,3]]) adj = [[0,1,1,0,0], [1,0,1,0,0], [1,1,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,1], [0,0,0,1,0]] test_cases = [ Graph.from_edge_pairs(pairs), Graph.from_adj_matrix(adj), Graph.from_adj_matrix(coo_matrix(adj)), ] for G in test_cases: assert_array_equal([1,2,3,1,2], G.color_greedy())
def run(data): crossroads = Graph(data, Crossroad) start = "A" distances, predecessors = crossroads.bellman_ford(start) successors = invert_dict(predecessors) path = start + " - " + successors[start][0] while (path.count(" - ") + 1) != len(crossroads.nodes): path = path + " - " + successors[path[-1]][0] bonuses = 0 # get all bonuses for node in crossroads.nodes: if crossroads.nodes[node].has_bonus: bonuses += path.count(node) print(path + ":", (-distances[path[-1]]) + bonuses)
def run(data): start = "Vy" car = Graph(data, Transformer, " - ", ": ") endpoints = car.nodes.keys() res = {} for endpoint in endpoints: path, cost = car.dijkstra(start, endpoint) res[endpoint] = 0 - cost inverted = invert_dict(res) weights = sorted(inverted) for weight in reversed(weights): for endpoint in sorted(inverted[weight]): print("{}: {}".format(endpoint, weight))
def incremental_neighbor_graph(X, precomputed=False, k=None, epsilon=None, weighting='none'): '''See neighbor_graph.''' assert ((k is not None) or (epsilon is not None) ), "Must provide `k` or `epsilon`" assert (_issequence(k) ^ _issequence(epsilon) ), "Exactly one of `k` or `epsilon` must be a sequence." assert weighting in ('binary','none'), "Invalid weighting param: " + weighting is_weighted = weighting == 'none' if precomputed: D = X else: D = pairwise_distances(X, metric='euclidean') # pre-sort for efficiency order = np.argsort(D)[:,1:] if k is None: k = D.shape[0] # generate the sequence of graphs # TODO: convert the core of these loops to Cython for speed W = np.zeros_like(D) I = np.arange(D.shape[0]) if _issequence(k): # varied k, fixed epsilon if epsilon is not None: D[D > epsilon] = 0 old_k = 0 for new_k in k: idx = order[:, old_k:new_k] dist = D[I, idx.T] W[I, idx.T] = dist if is_weighted else 1 yield Graph.from_adj_matrix(W) old_k = new_k else: # varied epsilon, fixed k idx = order[:,:k] dist = D[I, idx.T].T old_i = np.zeros(D.shape[0], dtype=int) for eps in epsilon: for i, row in enumerate(dist): oi = old_i[i] ni = oi + np.searchsorted(row[oi:], eps) rr = row[oi:ni] W[i, idx[i,oi:ni]] = rr if is_weighted else 1 old_i[i] = ni yield Graph.from_adj_matrix(W)
def _slow_neighbor_graph(dist, k, epsilon, binary): num_pts = dist.shape[0] if k is not None: k = min(k+1, num_pts) nn, not_nn = _min_k_indices(dist, k, inv_ind=True) I = np.arange(num_pts) if epsilon is not None: mask = dist <= epsilon if k is not None: mask[I, not_nn.T] = False if binary: np.fill_diagonal(mask, False) W = mask.astype(float) else: W = np.where(mask, dist, 0) else: inv_mask = np.eye(num_pts, dtype=bool) inv_mask[I, not_nn.T] = True if binary: W = 1.0 - inv_mask else: W = np.where(inv_mask, 0, dist) # W = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(W) return Graph.from_adj_matrix(W)
def setUp(self): ii = np.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5]) jj = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 7]) adj = np.zeros((9,9), dtype=int) adj[ii,jj] = 1 adj[jj,ii] = 1 self.G = Graph.from_adj_matrix(adj)
def get_node(self, key): """ Override parent's get_node function. (Supported to search by cluster name , key and instance) @param data The key @type data db.Key @type data int @type data basestring The key of cluster """ if isinstance(key, int): id = key else: if isinstance(key, basestring): # The name of the cluster if isinstance(key, unicode): cluster = str(key) else: cluster = key elif isinstance(key, db.Key): cluster = key().id_or_name() else: cluster = key.key().id_or_name() id = self.cluster_id[cluster] return Graph.get_node(self, id)
def sparse_regularized_graph(X, positive=False, sparsity_param=None, kmax=None): '''Sparse Regularized Graph Construction, commonly known as an l1-graph. positive : bool, optional When True, computes the Sparse Probability Graph (SPG). sparsity_param : float, optional Controls sparsity cost in the LASSO optimization. When None, uses cross-validation to find sparsity parameters. This is very slow, but it gets good results. kmax : int, optional When None, allow all points to be edges. Otherwise, restrict to kNN set. l1-graph: "Semi-supervised Learning by Sparse Representation" Yan & Wang, SDM 2009 SPG: "Nonnegative Sparse Coding for Discriminative Semi-supervised Learning" He et al., CVPR 2001 ''' clf, X = _l1_graph_setup(X, positive, sparsity_param) if kmax is None: W = _l1_graph_solve_full(clf, X) else: W = _l1_graph_solve_k(clf, X, kmax) return Graph.from_adj_matrix(W)
def manifold_spanning_graph(X, embed_dim, num_ccs=1, verbose=False): G = neighbor_graph(X, k=1, weighting='binary') G.symmetrize(method='max') G = grow_trees(X, G, embed_dim, verbose=verbose) CC_labels, angle_thresh = join_CCs(X, G, embed_dim, num_ccs=num_ccs, verbose=verbose) adj = G.matrix('dense') if num_ccs == 1: G = flesh_out(X, adj, embed_dim, CC_labels, angle_thresh=angle_thresh, min_shortcircuit=embed_dim+1, verbose=verbose) else: n, labels = G.connected_components(return_labels=True) for i in range(n): mask = labels==i if verbose: # pragma: no cover print('CC', i, 'has size', np.count_nonzero(mask)) idx = np.ix_(mask, mask) _, tmp_labels = np.unique(CC_labels[mask], return_inverse=True) adj[idx] = flesh_out(X[mask], adj[idx], embed_dim, tmp_labels, angle_thresh=angle_thresh, min_shortcircuit=embed_dim+1, verbose=verbose).matrix() G = Graph.from_adj_matrix(adj) return G
def permute_graph(G, order): '''Reorder the graph's vertices, returning a copy of the input graph. order : integer array-like, some permutation of range(G.num_vertices()). ''' adj = G.matrix(dense=True) adj = adj[np.ix_(order, order)] return Graph.from_adj_matrix(adj)
def _make_blob_graphs(self, k=11): pts = np.random.random(size=(20, 2)) pts[10:] += 2 labels = np.zeros(20) labels[10:] = 1 G_sparse = neighbor_graph(pts, k=k).symmetrize() G_dense = Graph.from_adj_matrix(G_sparse.matrix(dense=True)) return (G_sparse, G_dense), labels
def test_laplacian_eigenmaps(self): # Test a simple chain graph expected = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0., -0.5, -0.5]) W = np.zeros((5,5)) + np.diag(np.ones(4), k=1) + np.diag(np.ones(4), k=-1) G = Graph.from_adj_matrix(W) Y = G.laplacian_eigenmaps(num_dims=1) self.assertEqual(Y.shape, (5, 1)) assert_signless_array_almost_equal(Y[:,0], expected) # Test num_dims=None case Y = G.laplacian_eigenmaps() self.assertEqual(Y.shape, (5, 4)) assert_signless_array_almost_equal(Y[:,0], expected) # Test sparse case G = Graph.from_adj_matrix(csr_matrix(W)) Y = G.laplacian_eigenmaps(num_dims=1) self.assertEqual(Y.shape, (5, 1)) assert_signless_array_almost_equal(Y[:,0], expected)
def concat_trajectories(traj_lengths, directed=False): P = [] last_idx = 0 for tl in traj_lengths: P.append(last_idx + _traj_pair_idxs(tl)) last_idx += tl return Graph.from_edge_pairs(np.vstack(P), num_vertices=last_idx, symmetric=(not directed))