Ejemplo n.º 1
 def fromstring(root_func, s, genomelog='', generation=-1, index=-1):
     Constructor from a string s such as 'f.root().parallel(y)\ng.chunk(y)' (same format as returned by str() method).
     if '\\n' in s:
         raise ValueError('Bad newline character in %r'%s)
     #print 'Schedule.fromstring', root_func, s
     all_funcs = halide.all_funcs(root_func)
     root_func = root_func
     #print 'Schedule.fromstring', repr(s)
     #print s.strip().split('\n')
     d = {}
     for line in s.strip().split('\n'):
         line = line.strip()
         if len(line) == 0:
         if not '.' in line:
             raise ValueError(s)
         dot = line.index('.')
         name = line[:dot]
         d[name] = FragmentList.fromstring(all_funcs[name], line)
     ans = {}
     def callback(f, parent):
         name = f.name()
         if name not in d:
             ans[name] = FragmentList.fromstring(f, '')
             ans[name] = d[name]
     halide.visit_funcs(root_func, callback)
     return Schedule(root_func, ans, genomelog, generation, index)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def fromstring(root_func, s, genomelog='', generation=-1, index=-1):
        Constructor from a string s such as 'f.root().parallel(y)\ng.chunk(y)' (same format as returned by str() method).
        if '\\n' in s:
            raise ValueError('Bad newline character in %r' % s)
        #print 'Schedule.fromstring', root_func, s
        all_funcs = halide.all_funcs(root_func)
        root_func = root_func
        #print 'Schedule.fromstring', repr(s)
        #print s.strip().split('\n')
        d = {}
        for line in s.strip().split('\n'):
            line = line.strip()
            if len(line) == 0:
            if not '.' in line:
                raise ValueError(s)
            dot = line.index('.')
            name = line[:dot]
            d[name] = FragmentList.fromstring(all_funcs[name], line)

        ans = {}

        def callback(f, parent):
            name = f.name()
            if name not in d:
                ans[name] = FragmentList.fromstring(f, '')
                ans[name] = d[name]

        halide.visit_funcs(root_func, callback)
        return Schedule(root_func, ans, genomelog, generation, index)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def caller_vars(root_func, func):
    "Given a root Func and current function return list of variables of the caller."
    func_name = func.name()
    for (name, g) in halide.all_funcs(root_func).items():
        rhs_names = [x.name() for x in g.rhs().funcs()]
        if func_name in rhs_names:
            return func_lhs_var_names(g)
    return []
Ejemplo n.º 4
def caller_vars(root_func, func):
    "Given a root Func and current function return list of variables of the caller."
    func_name = func.name()
    for (name, g) in halide.all_funcs(root_func).items():
        rhs_names = [x.name() for x in g.rhs().funcs()]
        if func_name in rhs_names:
            return func_lhs_var_names(g)
    return []
Ejemplo n.º 5
def autotune(func, test, scope):
    Autotunes func, using test(func) as a testing function that returns a time in seconds.
    sys.argv = [sys.argv[0], 'dirname']
    info = {}
    cfg = HalideConfigAccessor()
    func_d = halide.all_funcs(func)
    hl = HalideHighLevelConfig(info, [(key, halide.func_varlist(value)) for (key, value) in func_d.items()])
    hl.randomize(cfg, 1)

    sgatuner.main(tester_lambda=lambda *a: HalideCandidateTester(hl, *a, test_func=test, func_d=func_d, func=func, scope=scope), pop_lambda=lambda *a: HalidePopulation(hl, *a),
                  hlconfig_lambda=lambda: hl, config_lambda=lambda: cfg)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def autotune(func, test, scope):
    Autotunes func, using test(func) as a testing function that returns a time in seconds.
    sys.argv = [sys.argv[0], 'dirname']
    info = {}
    cfg = HalideConfigAccessor()
    func_d = halide.all_funcs(func)
    hl = HalideHighLevelConfig(info, [(key, halide.func_varlist(value)) for (key, value) in func_d.items()])
    hl.randomize(cfg, 1)

    sgatuner.main(tester_lambda=lambda *a: HalideCandidateTester(hl, *a, test_func=test, func_d=func_d, func=func, scope=scope), pop_lambda=lambda *a: HalidePopulation(hl, *a),
                  hlconfig_lambda=lambda: hl, config_lambda=lambda: cfg)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def crossover(a, b, constraints):
    "Cross over two schedules, using 2 point crossover."
    a0 = a
    b0 = b
    while True:
        a = constraints.constrain(copy.copy(a0))
        b = constraints.constrain(copy.copy(b0))
        funcL = halide.all_funcs(a.root_func, True)
        names = [x[0] for x in funcL]
        assert a.root_func is b.root_func
        aset = set(a.d.keys())
        bset = set(b.d.keys())
        assert aset == bset, (aset, bset)  #== set(names)
        names = [x for x in names if x in aset]

        if random.randrange(2) == 0:
            (a, b) = (b, a)

        d = {}
        i1 = random.randrange(len(names))
        i2 = random.randrange(len(names))
        (i1, i2) = (min(i1, i2), max(i1, i2))
        if i1 == 0 and i2 == len(names) - 1:
            i2 -= 1
        for i in range(len(names)):
            if i1 <= i <= i2:
                d[names[i]] = copy.copy(a.d[names[i]])
                d[names[i]] = copy.copy(b.d[names[i]])

        ans = Schedule(a.root_func, d)

            )  # Apply schedule to determine if crossover invalidated new variables that were referenced
        except (NameError, halide.ScheduleError):

        return ans
Ejemplo n.º 8
def crossover(a, b, constraints):
    "Cross over two schedules, using 2 point crossover."
    a0 = a
    b0 = b
    while True:
        a = constraints.constrain(copy.copy(a0))
        b = constraints.constrain(copy.copy(b0))
        funcL = halide.all_funcs(a.root_func, True)
        names = [x[0] for x in funcL]
        assert a.root_func is b.root_func
        aset = set(a.d.keys())
        bset = set(b.d.keys())
        assert aset == bset, (aset, bset) #== set(names)
        names = [x for x in names if x in aset]
        if random.randrange(2) == 0:
            (a, b) = (b, a)

        d = {}
        i1 = random.randrange(len(names))
        i2 = random.randrange(len(names))
        (i1, i2) = (min(i1, i2), max(i1, i2))
        if i1 == 0 and i2 == len(names)-1:
            i2 -= 1
        for i in range(len(names)):
            if i1 <= i <= i2:
                d[names[i]] = copy.copy(a.d[names[i]])
                d[names[i]] = copy.copy(b.d[names[i]])
        ans = Schedule(a.root_func, d)
            ans.apply(constraints)       # Apply schedule to determine if crossover invalidated new variables that were referenced
        except (NameError, halide.ScheduleError):

        return ans
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_bounds(root_func, scope):
    Returns map of func name => list of bounds for each dim, with -1 indicating unbounded. Does not do bound inference.
    bounds = {}
    varlist = {}
    for (name, f) in halide.all_funcs(root_func).items():
        varlist[name] = halide.func_varlist(f)
        bounds[name] = [-1] * len(varlist[name])
    if 'tune_constraints' in scope:
        constraints = autotune.Schedule.fromstring(root_func, scope['tune_constraints'])
        return bounds
    for (name, L) in constraints.d.items():
        for x in L:
            if isinstance(x, autotune.FragmentBound):
                    i = varlist[name].index(x.var)
                except IndexError:
                    raise ValueError('could not find var %s to bound in func %s (varlist is %r)' % (x.var, name, varlist[name]))
                bounds[name][i] = x.size
    print 'bounds is:', bounds
    return bounds