Ejemplo n.º 1
     def get_node_properties( self, node_name ):
          Heckle Glossary Function
          gets all the properties of one node
          #hwlist = heckle_list_hardware(session, name=node_name)  #Use if it worked...
          #return hwlist['properties']
#          logger.debug("HICCUP: get_node_properties    &&&&&&&&&&&&")
          props = []
          hwlist = heckle_list_hardware( self.session )
          for element in hwlist:
               if node_name in element['nodes']:
                    props = element['properties']
          props.update(heckle_list_node(self.session, name=node_name)[0])
          return props
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def get_node_properties( self, node_name ):
     Heckle Glossary Function
     gets all the properties of one node
     #hwlist = list_hardware(session, name=node_name)  #Use if it worked...
     #return hwlist['properties']
     logstr = "HICCUP:get_node_properties:"
     #          LOGGER.debug("HICCUP:get_node_properties    &&&&&&&&&&&&")
     if node_name in self.node_list:
         properties = heckle_list_node( session=self.session, name=node_name )[0]
         properties.update( heckle_list_hardware( session=self.session, name=properties['hardware'] )[0] )
         properties['mac'] = properties['mac'].replace('-',':')
         properties['mac'] = ( properties['mac'].upper() )
         return properties
         raise Exception( logstr + "No node %s recognized" % node_name )
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def get_glossary( self ):
      Heckle Glossary Function
      gets a basic glossary of all the hardware_criteria
      gets list of all nodes, all hardware
      nodelist = self.list_all_nodes()
      hwlist = heckle_list_hardware(self.session)
      propdict = {}
      for name in nodelist:
           for element in hwlist:
                if name in element['nodes']:
                     for prop in element['properties']:
                          val = element['properties'][prop][0]
                          if prop not in propdict.keys():
                          if val not in propdict[prop]:
                               propdict[prop].append( val )
      return propdict