Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    properties = ImageProperties(imp)
    # Create a GenericDialog to configure renaming:
    gd = GenericDialog('Gatan Reamer')
    gd.addMessage('Modifying: %s' % (imp.getTitle(),))
    gd.addMessage('Recorded: %s' % (properties.date.toString(),))
    gd.addNumericField('Exposure time', properties.exposure, 4, field_width, 's')
    gd.addNumericField('Magnification:', properties.magnification, 0, field_width, 'x')
    mag_units = ('kx', 'x')
    gd.addChoice('Magnification unit:', mag_units, mag_units[0])
    gd.addMessage('The actual magnification is %.2f times larger.' % (properties.mag_factor,))
    gd.addCheckbox('Use actual magnification:', False)
    gd.addNumericField('Energy loss:', properties.energyloss, 1, field_width, 'eV')
    gd.addStringField('Date:', properties.date_string, field_width)
    gd.addStringField('original name:', properties.name, field_width_long)
    gd.addStringField('Filename format', default_format_str, field_width_long)

    if not gd.wasCanceled():
        # Edit the properties to consiter user choices:
        properties.exposure = gd.getNextNumber()
        mag = gd.getNextNumber()
        properties.mag_unit = gd.getNextChoice()
        if gd.getNextBoolean():
        properties.energyloss = gd.getNextNumber()
        properties.date_string = gd.getNextString()
        properties.name = gd.getNextString()
        format_str = gd.getNextString()
        # Chenge the title:
        imp.setTitle(format_str % properties.to_dict())
Ejemplo n.º 2
def getOptions():
    lowerThreshold = 80;
    upperThreshold = 255;
    stepNumber = 1
    stepThreshold = 5;
    #p3DOCThreshold = 70;
    #p3DOCSlice = 1;
    p3DOCmin = 100;
    p3DOCmax = 2658480;
    gd = GenericDialog( "Parameters" )
    gd.addMessage("Binary mask thresholds")
    gd.addNumericField("Lower Threshold", lowerThreshold, 0)  # show 2 decimals  
    gd.addNumericField("Upper threshold", upperThreshold, 0)  # show 2 decimals  
    gd.addNumericField("Step number", stepNumber, 0)  # show 2 decimals  
    gd.addNumericField("Step threshold", stepThreshold, 0)  # show 2 decimals      
    gd.addMessage("3D Object Counter parameters")
    #gd.addNumericField("threshold", p3DOCThreshold, 0)  # show 2 decimals  
    gd.addNumericField("min.", p3DOCmin, 0)  # show 2 decimals  
    gd.addNumericField("max.", p3DOCmax, 0)  # show 2 decimals  
    if gd.wasCanceled():  
    # Read out the options  
    lowerThreshold = gd.getNextNumber()
    upperThreshold = gd.getNextNumber()
    stepNumber = gd.getNextNumber()
    stepThreshold = gd.getNextNumber()
    #p3DOCThreshold = gd.getNextNumber()
    p3DOCmin = gd.getNextNumber()
    p3DOCmax = gd.getNextNumber()   
    return lowerThreshold, upperThreshold, stepNumber, stepThreshold, p3DOCmin, p3DOCmax      
Ejemplo n.º 3
def getSettings(img):
    """This function assesses (by returning a boolean value) if the filter can
    be applied to the image passed as argument. Will ask the user for new values
    if current parameters are undefined."""
    global xradius, yradius, zradius
    canProceed = True

    if not img:
        IJ.error("No images open.")
        canProceed = False

    # Get new values if at least one of the parameters is 'null'
    if canProceed and None in (xradius, yradius, zradius):
        gd = GenericDialog("Median Filter")
        gd.addNumericField("X radius:", 2.0, 1)
        gd.addNumericField("Y radius:", 2.0, 1)
        gd.addNumericField("Z radius:", 2.0, 1)
        if gd.wasCanceled():
            canProceed = False
            xradius = gd.getNextNumber()
            yradius = gd.getNextNumber()
            zradius = gd.getNextNumber()
    return canProceed
def getOptions(imp):
  gd = GenericDialog("Correct 3D Drift Options")
  channels = []
  for ch in range(1, imp.getNChannels()+1 ):
  methods = ["phase_correlation","center_of_mass"]
  gd.addChoice("Channel for registration:", channels, channels[0])
  gd.addChoice("Method for registration:", methods, methods[1])
  gd.addNumericField("Background value:", 0, 0)
  gd.addCheckbox("Multi_time_scale computation for enhanced detection of slow drifts?", False)
  gd.addCheckbox("Sub_pixel drift correction (possibly needed for slow drifts)?", False)
  gd.addCheckbox("Edge_enhance images for possibly improved drift detection?", False)
  gd.addCheckbox("Use virtualstack for saving the results to disk to save RAM?", False)
  gd.addCheckbox("Drift correct only data inside ROI?", False)
  gd.addCheckbox("Only compute drift vectors?", False)
  gd.addMessage("If you put a ROI, drift will only be computed in this region;\n the ROI will be moved along with the drift to follow your structure of interest.")
  gd.addSlider("z_min of ROI", 1, imp.getNSlices(), 1)
  gd.addSlider("z_max of ROI", 1, imp.getNSlices(), imp.getNSlices())
  if gd.wasCanceled():
  channel = gd.getNextChoiceIndex() + 1  # zero-based
  method = gd.getNextChoiceIndex() + 1  # zero-based
  bg_value = gd.getNextNumber()
  multi_time_scale = gd.getNextBoolean()
  subpixel = gd.getNextBoolean()
  process = gd.getNextBoolean()
  virtual = gd.getNextBoolean()
  only_roi = gd.getNextBoolean()
  only_compute = gd.getNextBoolean()
  roi_z_min = int(gd.getNextNumber())
  roi_z_max = int(gd.getNextNumber())
  return channel, method, bg_value, virtual, multi_time_scale, subpixel, process, only_roi, only_compute, roi_z_min, roi_z_max
Ejemplo n.º 5
def getOptions():  
    gd = GenericDialog("Options") 
    gd.addMessage("Filter Parameters")  
    gd.addNumericField("Smoothing Parameter", 0.1, 2)  # show 2 decimals
    gd.addNumericField("Patch radius", 2 , 1)
    gd.addNumericField("Search volume radius", 3 , 1)  
    if gd.wasCanceled():  
        print "User canceled dialog!"  
    # Read out the options    
    beta = gd.getNextNumber()
    patchradius = gd.getNextNumber()
    searchradius = gd.getNextNumber()     
    return beta, patchradius, searchradius  
Ejemplo n.º 6
def getOptions(options, image):
	if 'channel' not in options:
		channels = []
		for ch in range(1, image.getNChannels() + 1):
			channels.append("Channel " + "%i" % ch)
		dialog = GenericDialog("Select deconvolution parameters")
		dialog.addChoice("Channel to process", channels, None)
		dialog.addNumericField("Regularization parameter", 0.01, 2)
		dialog.addNumericField("Number of iterations", 50, 0)
		if dialog.wasCanceled():
		options['channel'] = dialog.getNextChoiceIndex()
		options['regparam'] = dialog.getNextNumber()
		options['iterations'] = dialog.getNextNumber()
	return options
Ejemplo n.º 7
def getRefIdDialog():  
  gd = GenericDialog("Reference Image")
  gd.addMessage("Preparing Turboreg(Rigidbody)\nSpecify image for reference")
  gd.addNumericField("Channel (C):", 2, 0)
  gd.addNumericField("Slice (Z):", 1, 0)
  gd.addNumericField("Frame (T):", 1, 0)
  gd.addMessage("Note: All fields start with 1 (not 0)")
  if gd.wasCanceled():
    print "User canceled dialog!"  
  # Read out the options  
  c = int(gd.getNextNumber())
  z = int(gd.getNextNumber())
  t = int(gd.getNextNumber())
  refId = [c,z,t]
  return refId
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_options():
    """Ask user for input values."""
    dlg = GenericDialog("Options for Boxed Heatmap")
    dlg.addMessage("Boxed Heatmap settings")
    dlg.addMessage("Specify box size:")
    dlg.addNumericField("Width", 32, 0)
    dlg.addNumericField("Height", 32, 0)
    if dlg.wasCanceled():
        print "User canceled dialog."
        return  None
    # Read out the options
    boxw = int(dlg.getNextNumber())
    boxh = int(dlg.getNextNumber())
    return boxw, boxh
Ejemplo n.º 9
def optionsDialog():
	gd = GenericDialog('bPrairie2tif options')

	# label, value, digits
	gd.addNumericField('Median Filter Pixel Size (0 for no filtering)', globalOptions['medianFilter'], 0)
	gd.addCheckbox('Convert to 8 bit', globalOptions['convertToEightBit'])
	if gd.wasCanceled():
		return None

	globalOptions['medianFilter'] = gd.getNextNumber()
	globalOptions['convertToEightBit'] = gd.getNextBoolean()

	return 1
def get_parameters(p, num_data_sets):
  gd = GenericDialog("Correct 3D Drift Options")

  gd.addMessage("Found "+str(num_data_sets)+" data sets")
  gd.addStringField("analyse", "all");

  gd.addMessage("Image analysis parameters:")
  for k in p.keys():
    gd.addNumericField(k, p[k], 2);
  if gd.wasCanceled():

  to_be_analyzed = gd.getNextString()
  for k in p.keys():
    p[k] = gd.getNextNumber()
  return to_be_analyzed, p
def getOptions():
	global numberOfChannels
	global replaceExisting

	gd = GenericDialog("Options")
	gd.addNumericField("Number of channel", 2, 0) # show 0 decimals
	gd.addCheckbox("Replace Destination .tif files", 0)

	if gd.wasCanceled():
		print "User cancelled dialog."
		return -1
	#read out options
	numberOfChannels = gd.getNextNumber()
	replaceExisting = gd.getNextBoolean()

	return 1 #int(numberOfChannels)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def getOptions(imp):
  gd = GenericDialog("Correct 3D Drift Options")
  channels = []
  for ch in range(1, imp.getNChannels()+1 ):
  gd.addChoice("Channel for registration:", channels, channels[0])
  gd.addCheckbox("Multi_time_scale computation for enhanced detection of slow drifts?", False)
  gd.addCheckbox("Sub_pixel drift correction (possibly needed for slow drifts)?", False)
  gd.addCheckbox("Edge_enhance images for possibly improved drift detection?", False)
  gd.addCheckbox("Use virtualstack for saving the results to disk to save RAM?", False)
  gd.addMessage("If you put a ROI, drift will only be computed in this region;\n the ROI will be moved along with the drift to follow your structure of interest.")
  if gd.wasCanceled():
  channel = gd.getNextChoiceIndex() + 1  # zero-based
  multi_time_scale = gd.getNextBoolean()
  subpixel = gd.getNextBoolean()
  process = gd.getNextBoolean()
  virtual = gd.getNextBoolean()
  dt = gd.getNextNumber()
  return channel, virtual, multi_time_scale, subpixel, process
def get_parameters(p, keys, num_data_sets):
  gd = GenericDialog("Please enter parameters")

  gd.addMessage("Found "+str(num_data_sets)+" data sets")
  gd.addStringField("analyse", "all");

  gd.addMessage("Image analysis parameters:")
  gd.addMessage("Please note: the threshold values are inclusive!\nThus, to exlude pixels with value 255 the upper threshold needs to be 254")
  for k in keys:
    gd.addNumericField(k, p[k], 2);
  if gd.wasCanceled():

  to_be_analyzed = gd.getNextString()
  for k in keys:
    p[k] = gd.getNextNumber()
Ejemplo n.º 14
from ij.gui import GenericDialog
from ij import IJ

theImage = IJ.getImage()

gd = GenericDialog("Set grid size")
gd.addNumericField("Number of rows:",10,0)
gd.addNumericField("Number of columns:",10,0)
if (gd.wasOKed()):
	IJ.run("Colors...","foreground=cyan background=cyan selection=yellow")
	numRows = gd.getNextNumber()
	numCols = gd.getNextNumber()
	colDim = theImage.getWidth() / (numCols)
	rowDim = theImage.getHeight() / (numRows)
	rowStarts = range(rowDim,theImage.getHeight()-numRows,rowDim)
	colStarts = range(colDim,theImage.getWidth()-numCols,colDim)
	rowCenters = list(rowStarts)
	colCenters = list(colStarts)
	for i in range(0,len(rowCenters)):
		rowCenters[i] = rowCenters[i] + rowDim - rowDim/8
	for i in range(0,len(colCenters)):
		colCenters[i] = colCenters[i] + colDim/2

	for i in rowStarts:
	for i in colStarts:
def getPixel():  # Get pixel size from user with dialog box. could return python dict or make custom class? Note user can return a NaN if doesnt enter numeric
	gd = GenericDialog("Pixel")
	gd.addNumericField("Pixel size desired (mm)", 6.4, 1) # default is 1 decimal
	Pixel_size = gd.getNextNumber()	#6.4 # ENTER mm, remember tolerance is +/-30%
	return Pixel_size
Ejemplo n.º 16
def run(title):
    gd = GenericDialog("Record Window")
    gd.addMessage("Maximum number of frames to record.\nZero means infinite, interrupt with ESC key.")
    gd.addNumericField("Max. frames:", 50, 0)
    gd.addNumericField("Milisecond interval:", 300, 0)
    gd.addSlider("Start in (seconds):", 0, 20, 5)
    frames = []
    titles = []
    for f in Frame.getFrames():
        if f.isEnabled() and f.isVisible():
    gd.addChoice("Window:", titles, titles[0])
    gd.addCheckbox("To file", False)
    if gd.wasCanceled():
    n_frames = int(gd.getNextNumber())
    interval = gd.getNextNumber() / 1000.0  # in seconds
    frame = frames[gd.getNextChoiceIndex()]
    delay = int(gd.getNextNumber())
    tofile = gd.getNextBoolean()

    dir = None
    if tofile:
        dc = DirectoryChooser("Directory to store image frames")
        dir = dc.getDirectory()
        if dir is None:
            return  # dialog canceled

    snaps = []
    borders = None
    executors = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1)
        while delay > 0:
            IJ.showStatus("Starting in " + str(delay) + "s.")
            time.sleep(1)  # one second
            delay -= 1

        IJ.showStatus("Capturing frame borders...")
        bounds = frame.getBounds()
        robot = Robot()
        time.sleep(0.5)  # half a second
        borders = robot.createScreenCapture(bounds)

        IJ.showStatus("Recording " + frame.getTitle())

        # Set box to the inside borders of the frame
        insets = frame.getInsets()
        box = bounds.clone()
        box.x = insets.left
        box.y = insets.top
        box.width -= insets.left + insets.right
        box.height -= insets.top + insets.bottom

        start = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000.0  # in seconds
        last = start
        intervals = []
        real_interval = 0
        i = 1
        fus = None
        if tofile:
            fus = []

            # 0 n_frames means continuous acquisition
        while 0 == n_frames or (len(snaps) < n_frames and last - start < n_frames * interval):
            now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000.0  # in seconds
            real_interval = now - last
            if real_interval >= interval:
                last = now
                img = snapshot(frame, box)
                if tofile:
                    fus.append(executors.submit(Saver(i, dir, bounds, borders, img, insets)))  # will flush img
                    i += 1
                time.sleep(interval / 5)
                # interrupt capturing:
            if IJ.escapePressed():
                IJ.showStatus("Recording user-interrupted")

                # debug:
                # print "insets:", insets
                # print "bounds:", bounds
                # print "box:", box
                # print "snap dimensions:", snaps[0].getWidth(), snaps[0].getHeight()

                # Create stack
        stack = None
        if tofile:
            for fu in snaps:
                fu.get()  # wait on all
            stack = VirtualStack(bounds.width, bounds.height, None, dir)
            files = File(dir).list(TifFilter())
            for f in files:
            stack = ImageStack(bounds.width, bounds.height, None)
            t = 0
            for snap, real_interval in zip(snaps, intervals):
                bi = BufferedImage(bounds.width, bounds.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB)
                g = bi.createGraphics()
                g.drawImage(borders, 0, 0, None)
                g.drawImage(snap, insets.left, insets.top, None)
                stack.addSlice(str(IJ.d2s(t, 3)), ImagePlus("", bi).getProcessor())
                t += real_interval


        ImagePlus(frame.getTitle() + " recording", stack).show()
        IJ.showStatus("Done recording " + frame.getTitle())
    except Exception, e:
        print "Some error ocurred:"
        print e.printStackTrace()
        if borders is not None:
        for snap in snaps:

## Main body of script
## Gets the channel to work on
opener = OpenDialog("Select parent LSM file...")
parentLSMFilePath = opener.getPath()
if (parentLSMFilePath is not None):
	stackInfo = parse_tile_info_file(parentLSMFilePath + "_tiles/tile_info.txt")
	channelTexts = map(lambda x: str(x), filter(lambda x:os.path.isfile(parentLSMFilePath+"_tiles/objects/C"+str(x)+"-tile_1.csv"),range(1,stackInfo[0]+1)))
	gd = GenericDialog("Specify parameters...")
	if gd.wasOKed():
		channel = int(gd.getNextChoice())
		pixelLimit = int(gd.getNextNumber())

		## Obtains global coordinate system for tiles
		scale_info = estimate_scale_multiplier(parentLSMFilePath+"_tiles/tile_1.ome.tif",parentLSMFilePath+"_tiles/resized/tile_1.tif")
		coords = read_tileconfig_file(parentLSMFilePath+"_tiles/resized/TileConfiguration.registered.txt")
		upscaled_coords = normalize_coords_in_dict(upscale_coords(coords,scale_info[0]))
		#print upscaled_coords

		## Parses each of the object files and converts coordinates to global coordinates
		objectDB = [[] for i in range(stackInfo[1])]
		filteredObjectDB = [[] for i in range(stackInfo[1])]
		duplicatedObjectDB = [[] for i in range(stackInfo[1])]
		uniqueDuplicatedObjectDB = [[] for i in range(stackInfo[1])]
		edgeOnlyObjectDB = [[] for i in range(stackInfo[1])]
		edgeContainedObjectDB = [[] for i in range(stackInfo[1])]
		containedMultipleObjectDB = [[] for i in range(stackInfo[1])]
Ejemplo n.º 18
def main():

    # start with the sequence parameters
    fieldNames = ["Number of views", "Number of projections for each view",
                  "Number of images for each projection (normally 1)",
                  "Number of flats in each set", "Number of darks in each set",
                  "Number of projections between each set of flats/darks"]
    fieldValues = []  # we start with zeros for the values

    # get user variables with imageJ dialog
    dialog = GenericDialog("Enter Scan Information")
    for i in range(6):
        dialog.addNumericField(fieldNames[i], 0, 0)
    dialog.addCheckbox("Two sets flats/darks between views?", False)
    if dialog.wasCanceled():
        return  # exit function
    for i in range(6):
    extra = dialog.getNextBoolean()
    # make sure that none of the fields was left blank
    errmsg = ""
    for i in range(len(fieldNames)):
        if fieldValues[i] == "":
            errmsg += ('"%s" is a required field.\n\n' % fieldNames[i])
        except ValueError:
            errmsg += ('"%s" has to be an integer value.\n\n' %
    if fieldValues[1] and fieldValues[5]:
        if int(fieldValues[1]) % int(fieldValues[5]) != 0:
            errmsg += ('Flat/Dark interval must divide evenly into projections\n\n')
    if errmsg != "":
        err_msg = GenericDialog("Error in Input")
        return  # exit
    if fieldValues is None:
        return  # exit function
    fieldValues = [int(i) for i in fieldValues]
    # get the first item of the sequence using an imageJ dialog
    openFile = OpenDialog(
        "Select the first file of the sequence to rename.", None)
    fileName = openFile.getFileName()
    if fileName is None:
        return  # exit function
    fileDir = openFile.getDirectory()
    first = fileDir + fileName
    path1, filename = os.path.split(first)
    basename = short(filename)
    # get directory for new files using imageJ dialog
    openOutDir = DirectoryChooser("Select directory for new files.")
    path2 = openOutDir.getDirectory()
    if path2 is None:
        return  # exit function
    new_seq, fd_seq = gen_seq(fieldValues[0], fieldValues[1], fieldValues[2],
                              fieldValues[3], fieldValues[4], fieldValues[5],
    result = rename(basename, new_seq, fd_seq, path1, path2, fieldValues[0])
    print result
Ejemplo n.º 19
    # save roi
    if rm.getCount() != 0:
        rm.runCommand('Save', os.path.join(result_path, 'Roi.zip'))


if __name__ in ['__builtin__','__main__']:
    # ask file path via dialog
    open_file_dialog = OpenDialog('Opend file')
    path = open_file_dialog.getPath()

    # ask parameter via dialog
    parameter_dialog = GenericDialog('Parameter setting')
    parameter_dialog.addNumericField('Frame number', 1000,0)
    parameter_dialog.addNumericField('Frame rate (frame/s)', 100, 1)
    parameter_dialog.addChoice('Are motor rotation direction and cell rotation direction on image same?', 
                               ['Same', 'Different'], 'Same')
    frame_number = int(parameter_dialog.getNextNumber())
    frame_rate = 100.0
    choice = parameter_dialog.getNextChoice()
    if choice == 'Same':
        CCW = 1
        CCW = -1
    tethered_cell(path, frame_number, frame_rate, CCW)
    IJ.log('analysis finished')
    dialog.addStringField( "Root directory for storing results", root )
    dialog.addCheckbox( "Render matrix to image at each iteration.", False )
    dialog.addNumericField( "Start.", 0, 0 )
    dialog.addNumericField( "Stop.", height, 0 )
    dialog.addNumericField( "Interval size.", 1000, 0 )
    dialog.addNumericField( "Overlap.", imgSource.getWidth()/2, 0 )
    dialog.addNumericField( "Range.", c, 0 )


    if dialog.wasCanceled():
        raise Exception( "dialog was canceled" )

    root     = dialog.getNextString()
    doRender = dialog.getNextBoolean()
    start    = dialog.getNextNumber()
    stop     = dialog.getNextNumber()
    interval = dialog.getNextNumber()
    overlap  = dialog.getNextNumber()
    c        = dialog.getNextNumber()
    step     = interval - overlap

    ImageConverter( imgSource ).convertToGray32()
    stat    = FloatStatistics( imgSource.getProcessor() )
    normalizeBy = stat.max
    imgSource.getProcessor().multiply( 1.0 / normalizeBy )
    nThreads = 1
    serializeCorrelations = True
	val_high = rt.getValueAsDouble(1,0)
	val_bleed = rt.getValueAsDouble(1,1)
	val_low = rt.getValueAsDouble(1,2)
	val_zero = rt.getValueAsDouble(1,3)
	val_target = val_high - val_low
#	scale_target = val_target / val_bleed
	scale_target = val_target / (val_bleed - val_zero)
	print scale_target

	gd = GenericDialog("Scale factor")
	gd.addNumericField("Scale factor on subtraction:",scale_target,3)

	if (gd.wasCanceled()): 

	scale = gd.getNextNumber()

	tempImage = image2.duplicate()
	for i in range(tempImage.getNSlices()):
		ip = tempImage.getProcessor()
	ic = ImageCalculator()
	newImage = ic.run("Subtract create stack",image1,tempImage)
	IJ.error("No images are open.")
Ejemplo n.º 22
# User input directory
directory = IJ.getDirectory("Input_directory")

# Make dialog box, with channel, threshold and "subdirectory" inputs
gd = GenericDialog("Insert values")
gd.addStringField("1. channel (DAPI/Tub)", 'c1')
gd.addNumericField("1. channel lower threshold: ", 0, 0)
gd.addStringField("2. channel", 'c2')
gd.addNumericField("2. channel lower threshold: ", 0, 0)
gd.addChoice("Quantify by:", ["Tubulin area", "DAPI #"], '')

# Assign values from dialog
channel1, channel2 = gd.getNextString(), gd.getNextString()
lowth1, lowth2 = gd.getNextNumber(), gd.getNextNumber()

# Check if the chosen folder has subdirectories, or simply just a folder with pictures
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory, topdown=True):
    if dirs:
        data, sub = getfilesDIRS()
        data, sub = getfilesNoDIRS()

#If the chosen directory does not contain ORG files; output error
if len(data[0]) != 2:
    sys.exit("Channels should be written as ex 'c1'")

#Initialize quantification, according to previous choice
        print "\nwill not analyze file:",filename
        #print root
        print "\nanalyzing file:",filename
        imp = Opener().openImage(root, filename)
        analyse(imp, root, filename, thresholds)

if __name__ == '__main__':
  srcDir = DirectoryChooser("Choose directory").getDirectory()
  #od = OpenDialog("Click on one of the image files in the folder to be analysed", None	)
  #filename = od.getFileName()
  #foldername = od.getDirectory()
  #foldername = "Z:/Tischi/projects/CellZome/2015-04-27--3D_Tissue/data"
  gd = GenericDialog("3D Tissue analysis");
  gd.addNumericField("Threshold Ch1: ", 30, 0);
  gd.addNumericField("Threshold Ch2: ", 30, 0);
  gd.addNumericField("Threshold Ch3: ", 30, 0);
  #if (gd.wasCanceled()):
  #  return
  thresholds = []
  #foldername = "Z:/Tischi/projects/CellZome/2015-04-29--3D_Tissue/subset"
  if None != srcDir:
    print "\n\n\n\nfoldername = "+srcDir
    getFilesAndAnalyze(srcDir, thresholds)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def open_Octopus_file():

	# set up a file info structure
	fi = FileInfo()
	fi.fileFormat = fi.RAW
	fi.intelByteOrder = True
	fi.nImages = 1

	op = OpenDialog("Choose Octopus .dth file...", "")
	if not op.getDirectory(): return False

	# get the file extension
	file_extension = re.search('(\.[a-z][a-z][a-z])', op.getFileName()).group(1)
	if file_extension != ".dth":
		dlg = GenericDialog("Warning")
		dlg.addMessage("Please select an octopus .dth file")
		return False

	# now strip the filename into a stem and index
	file_parse = re.match('([a-zA-z0-9_]*_)([0-9]+)\.dth', op.getFileName())
	file_stem = file_parse.group(1)
	file_index = int( file_parse.group(2) )

	# ok now we need to parse the header info
	header = get_Octopus_header(op.getDirectory(), file_stem, file_index)
	fi.nImages  = len(header['N'])

	# check to see whether we have a bit depth, if not, assume 16-bit
	if 'Bit_Depth' in header:
		print header['Bit_Depth']
		bit_depth = int(header['Bit_Depth'][0])
		if bit_depth == 8: fi.fileType = FileInfo.GRAY8
		bit_depth = 16

	# will assume that all files have the same size
	fi.width = int( header['W'][0] )
	fi.height = int( header['H'][0] )
	file_timestamp = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", gmtime(float(header['Time'][0])) )

	# make a new imagestack to store the data
	stack = ImageStack(fi.width, fi.height)

	# finally, we need to make a list of files to import as sometimes we have
	# non contiguous file numbers
		files = os.listdir(op.getDirectory())
	except IOError:
		raise IOError( "No files exist in directory: " + op.getDirectory())

	filenums = []
	for f in files:
		# strip off the stem, and get the number
		targetfile = re.match(file_stem+'([0-9]+)\.dth', f)
		# only take thosefiles which match the formatting requirements
		if targetfile:
			filenums.append( int(targetfile.group(1)) )

	# sort the file numbers
	sorted_filenums = sorted(filenums)

	# make a file stats string
	file_stats_str = file_stem + '\n' + str(fi.width) +'x' + str(fi.height) + 'x' + \
		str(len(sorted_filenums)) +' ('+str(bit_depth)+'-bit)\n' + file_timestamp

	# now open a dialog to let the user set options
	dlg = GenericDialog("Load Octopus Stream (v"+__version__+")")
	dlg.addStringField("Title: ", file_stem)
	dlg.addNumericField("Start: ", 1, 0);
	dlg.addNumericField("End: ", len(sorted_filenums), 0)
	dlg.addCheckbox("Open headers", True)
	dlg.addCheckbox("Contiguous stream?", False)
	dlg.addCheckbox("8-bit unsigned", bit_depth==8)

	# if we cancel the dialog, exit here
	if dlg.wasCanceled():

	# set some params
	file_title = dlg.getNextString()
	file_start = dlg.getNextNumber()
	file_end = dlg.getNextNumber()
	DISPLAY_HEADER = bool( dlg.getNextBoolean() )

	# check the ranges
	if file_start > file_end: 
		file_start, file_end = file_end, file_start
	if file_start < 1: 
		file_start = 1
	if file_end > len(sorted_filenums): 
		file_end = len(sorted_filenums) 

	# now set these to the actual file numbers in the stream
	file_start = sorted_filenums[int(file_start)-1]
	file_end = sorted_filenums[int(file_end)-1]

	files_to_open = [n for n in sorted_filenums if n>=file_start and n<=file_end]

	# if we've got too many, truncate the list
	if (len(files_to_open) * fi.nImages * fi.width * fi.height) > (MAX_FRAMES_TO_IMPORT*512*512):
		dlg = GenericDialog("Warning")
		dlg.addMessage("This may use a lot of memory. Continue?")
		if dlg.wasCanceled(): return False

	IJ.log( "Opening file: " + op.getDirectory() + op.getFileName() )
	IJ.log( file_stats_str + "\nFile range: " + str(files_to_open[0]) + \
		"-" + str(files_to_open[-1]) +"\n" )

	# make a results table for the metadata
	# NOTE: horrible looping at the moment, but works
		rt = ResultsTable()

	# ok now we can put the files together into the stack
	for i in files_to_open:

		# open the original .dat file and get the stack
		fi.fileName = get_Octopus_filename( op.getDirectory(), file_stem, i)
		if os.path.isfile( fi.fileName ):
			fo = FileOpener(fi)
			imp = fo.open(False).getStack() 
			# put the slices into the stack
			for im_slice in xrange( imp.getSize() ):
				ip = imp.getProcessor( im_slice+1 )
				if bit_depth == 8:
					bi = ip.getBufferedImage()
					bi = ip.get16BitBufferedImage() 
				stack.addSlice( file_title,  ip )

				header = get_Octopus_header(op.getDirectory(), file_stem, i)
				for n in xrange(len(header['N'])):
					for k in header.keys():
						rt.addValue(k, parse_header( header[k][n] ) )


	# done!
	output = ImagePlus('Octopus ('+file_stem+')', stack)

		rt.show("Octopus header metadata")

	return True
import os
import glob

dirChooser = DirectoryChooser("Choose directory of images to normalize...")
dirPath = dirChooser.getDirectory()
scaleXs = []
if dirPath is not None:
	if not os.path.exists(dirPath + "resized"):
		os.mkdir(dirPath + "resized")

	gd = GenericDialog("Settings...")
	gd.addNumericField("Final scale factor:",0.5,2)
	gd.addCheckbox("Convert multichannel to RGB:",True)
	if (gd.wasOKed()):
		common_scale = gd.getNextNumber()
		convert_to_rgb = gd.getNextBoolean()
		filecollection = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirPath, '*.tif'))
		if (len(filecollection) > 0):
			for path in filecollection:
				theImage = IJ.openImage(path)
				calibration = theImage.getCalibration()
			lc_scale = max(scaleXs)
			print lc_scale
			for path in filecollection:
				theImage = IJ.openImage(path)
				bname1 = os.path.basename(path)
				bname2 = os.path.splitext(bname1)[0]
				this_cal = theImage.getCalibration()
Ejemplo n.º 26
	gd = GenericDialog("Set Parameters...")
	gd.addNumericField("Sizing_ratio (Final disk space / Initial disk space):",0.25,2)
	gd.addMessage("Directory size: " + str(dirSizeMB) + "MB")
	gd.addMessage("Maximum memory: " + str(memFijiMB) + "MB")
	mem_recs = calculate_memory_recs(dirSize,memFiji)
	print mem_recs
	for i in range(0,len(mem_recs)):
		ratio_rec = float(mem_recs[i]) / dirSizeMB
		if (ratio_rec > 1):
			ratio_rec = 1
		print ratio_rec
		ratio_rec_str = "%.3f" % ratio_rec
		gd.addMessage(str(i+1)+"-channel: " + str(mem_recs[i]) + "MB; Ratio: " + ratio_rec_str)
	ratioRaw = gd.getNextNumber()
	ratio = math.sqrt(ratioRaw)

	if (gd.wasOKed()):		
		filecollection = glob.glob(os.path.join(sourceDir, '*.ome.tif'))
		numFiles = len(filecollection)
		count = 1
		for f in filecollection:
			bname1 = os.path.basename(f)
			bname2 = os.path.splitext(bname1)[0]
			bname3 = os.path.splitext(bname2)[0]
			print bname3
			params = "open=[" + f + "] color_mode=Default view=Hyperstack stack_order=XYCZT"
			IJ.run("Bio-Formats Importer",params)
			if Verbose:
				IJ.log('... ' + str(xpos) + ', ' + str(ypos) + ', ' + str(zpos))
			outimp.getStack().getProcessor(int(zpos)+1).putPixel(int(xpos), int(ypos), i+1)
	return outimp
Verbose = False
if IJ.isMacro():
    opt = getArgument()# ImageJ specific function Macro.getOptions()
    if len(opt) == 0:
        opt = OPT_PLACEHOLDER
    optA = opt.split()
    Number_of_Cluster = int(optA[0])
    Iteration = int(optA[1])
   gd =  GenericDialog("KMean Points Clustering", IJ.getInstance())
   gd.addNumericField("Expected Number of Clusters", 4, 0)
   gd.addNumericField("Iterations", 10, 0)
   Number_of_Cluster = int(gd.getNextNumber())
   Iteration = int(gd.getNextNumber())
imp = IJ.getImage()
outimp = core(imp)
IJ.run(outimp, "glasbey inverted", "")

Ejemplo n.º 28
def Options(sourceFolder):
	global gFileType
	global gGetNumChanFromScanImage
	global gNumChannels
	global gDoAlign
	global gAlignThisChannel
	global gDoCrop
	global gCropLeft
	global gCropTop
	global gCropWidth
	global gCropHeight
	global gAlignOnMiddleSlice
	global gAlignOnThisSlice
	global gRemoveCalibration
	global gLinearShift
	global gSave8bit

	tifNames = [file.name for file in File(sourceFolder).listFiles(Filter())]
	lsmNames = [file.name for file in File(sourceFolder).listFiles(Filter_LSM())]
	numTifs = len(tifNames)
	numLSM = len(lsmNames)

	gd = GenericDialog('Align Batch 7 Options')
	#gd.addStringField('Command: ', '')

	gd.addMessage('Source Folder: ' + sourceFolder)
	gd.addMessage('Number of .tif files: ' + str(numTifs))
	gd.addMessage('Number of .lsm files: ' + str(numLSM))
	gd.addChoice('File Type', ['tif','lsm'], gFileType)
	gd.addCheckboxGroup(1, 1, ['Get Number Of Channels From ScanImage 3.x or 4.x header'], [gGetNumChanFromScanImage], ['Channels'])
	gd.addNumericField('Otherwise, Assume All Stacks Have This Number Of Channels: ', gNumChannels, 0)

	print gLinearShift
	gd.addCheckboxGroup(1, 1, ['Remove Linear Calibration From ScanImage 4.x'], [gRemoveCalibration], ['ScanImage4'])
	gd.addNumericField('And offset (subtract) by this amount: ', gLinearShift, 0)
	gd.addMessage('20151110, this number = 2^15-512 = 32768-512 = 32256')
	gd.addCheckboxGroup(1, 1, ['Crop All Images (pixels)'], [gDoCrop], ['Crop'])
	gd.addNumericField('Left', gCropLeft, 0)
	gd.addNumericField('Top', gCropTop, 0)
	gd.addNumericField('Width', gCropWidth, 0)
	gd.addNumericField('Height', gCropHeight, 0)

	gd.addCheckboxGroup(1, 1, ['Run MultiStackReg'], [gDoAlign], ['MultStackReg'])
	gd.addNumericField('If 2 Channels Then Align On This Channel', gAlignThisChannel, 0)
	gd.addCheckboxGroup(1, 1, ['Start Alignment On Middle Slice'], [gAlignOnMiddleSlice], ['Align On Middle Slice'])
	gd.addNumericField('Otherwise, Start Alignment On This Slice', gAlignOnThisSlice, 0)

	gd.addCheckboxGroup(1, 1, ['Save 8-bit'], [gSave8bit], ['Save 8-bit (at end)'])
	#gd.addCheckbox('Save 8-bit', gSave8bit)

	if gd.wasCanceled():
		print 'Options Was Cancelled by user'
		return 0
		print 'Reading values'
		gFileType = gd.getNextChoice()
		gNumChannels = int(gd.getNextNumber())

		gLinearShift = int(gd.getNextNumber())

		gCropLeft = int(gd.getNextNumber())
		gCropTop = int(gd.getNextNumber())
		gCropWidth = int(gd.getNextNumber())
		gCropHeight = int(gd.getNextNumber())

		gAlignThisChannel = int(gd.getNextNumber())
		gAlignOnThisSlice = int(gd.getNextNumber())

		checks = gd.getCheckboxes()
		checkIdx = 0
		for check in checks:
			#print check.getState()
			if checkIdx==0:
				gGetNumChanFromScanImage = check.getState()
			if checkIdx==1:
				gRemoveCalibration = check.getState()
			if checkIdx==2:
				gDoCrop = check.getState()
			if checkIdx==3:
				gDoAlign = check.getState()
			if checkIdx==4:
				gAlignOnMiddleSlice = check.getState()

			if checkIdx==5:
				gSave8bit = check.getState()
			checkIdx += 1

		# print to fiji console
		bPrintLog('These are your global options:', 0)
		bPrintLog('gFileType=' + gFileType, 1)
		bPrintLog('gGetNumChanFromScanImage=' + str(gGetNumChanFromScanImage), 1)
		bPrintLog('gNumChannels=' + str(gNumChannels), 1)
		bPrintLog('gRemoveCalibration=' + str(gRemoveCalibration), 1)
		bPrintLog('gLinearShift=' + str(gLinearShift), 1)
		bPrintLog('gDoCrop=' + str(gDoCrop), 1)
		bPrintLog('gDoAlign=' + str(gDoAlign), 1)
		bPrintLog('gAlignThisChannel=' + str(gAlignThisChannel), 1)
		bPrintLog('gSave8bit=' + str(gSave8bit), 1)
		return 1
		IJ.run("Bio-Formats Importer", params);
		tileImage = WindowManager.getImage("tile_"+str(tiles[0])+".ome.tif")
		ind = 1
		tileDiskSize = os.path.getsize(imgDir+"tile_"+str(tiles[0])+".ome.tif")
		totalDiskSize = tileDiskSize * len(tiles)
		totalDiskSizeMB = totalDiskSize / 1048576
		sizeGD = GenericDialog("Warning")
		sizeGD.addMessage("Memory used by selected tiles is " + str(totalDiskSizeMB) + "MB. Continue?")
		sizeGD.addCheckbox("Compute overlap",False)
		sizeGD.addNumericField("Tile overlap percentage",10,0)
		sizeGD.addCheckbox("Write fused image sequence to disk",False)
		doComputeOverlap = sizeGD.getNextBoolean()
		overlapPctStr = str(sizeGD.getNextNumber())
		doWriteToDisk = sizeGD.getNextBoolean()
		if (doComputeOverlap):
			overlapText = "compute_overlap ignore_z_stage"
			overlapText = ""
		if (doWriteToDisk):
			outputPath = imgDir + "substitched"
			diskWriteText = "image_output=[Write to disk] output_directory=[" + outputPath + "]"
			diskWriteText = "image_output=[Fuse and display]"
		if (sizeGD.wasOKed()):
			for t in tiles:
				ind = ind + 1
			IJ.showStatus("Beginning stitch...")
Ejemplo n.º 30
# Take a snapshot after a delay specified in a dialog
# The plugin has to fork, which is done by:
# 1 - declaring a function to do the work, 'snasphot'
# 2 - invoking the function via thread.start_new_thread,
#     which runs it in a separate thread.

from ij import IJ
from ij.gui import GenericDialog
import thread
import time

def snapshot(delay):
   IJ.doCommand('Capture Screen')

gd = GenericDialog('Delay')
gd.addSlider('Delay (secs.): ', 0, 20, 5)

if not gd.wasCanceled():
	# the 'extra' comma signals tuple, a kind of list in python.
	thread.start_new_thread(snapshot, (int(gd.getNextNumber()),))
from ij import IJ
from ij.gui import GenericDialog
from ij import ImageStack
from ij import ImagePlus

theImage = IJ.getImage()

gd = GenericDialog("Expand stack...")
gd.addNumericField("Multiple (natural number):",4,0)

if (gd.wasOKed()):
	newStack = ImageStack(theImage.getWidth(),theImage.getHeight())
	multiple = int(gd.getNextNumber())

	for i in range(1,theImage.getNSlices()):
		ip = theImage.getProcessor()
		for j in range(multiple):
			newip = ip.duplicate()

	resultImage = ImagePlus("stack_exp",newStack)
	theDirectory = theOpenDialog.getDirectory()
	theFileName = theOpenDialog.getFileName()
	baseName = os.path.splitext(theFileName)[0]
	# Creates the output directory
	if not os.path.exists(theDirectory + baseName + "_resized"):
		os.mkdir(theDirectory + baseName + "_resized")

	# Asks for parameters
	gd = GenericDialog("Set Parameters...")
	gd.addNumericField("Start tile:",1,0)
	gd.addNumericField("Finish tile:",9,0)
	gd.addNumericField("Final disk space / Initial disk space:",0.25,2)
	gd.addNumericField("Step size (higher is faster but uses more memory):",10,0)
	startTile = int(gd.getNextNumber())
	finishTile = int(gd.getNextNumber())
	ratioRaw = gd.getNextNumber()
	ratio = math.sqrt(ratioRaw)
	stepSize = int(gd.getNextNumber())
	# Performs scaling
	if (gd.wasOKed()):
		anchorTiles = range(startTile,finishTile+1,stepSize)
		print anchorTiles
		for i in anchorTiles:
			if (i+stepSize-1 > finishTile):
				lastAnchorTile = finishTile
				lastAnchorTile = i+stepSize-1
from ij.plugin import ImageCalculator
from ij import WindowManager

theImage = IJ.getImage()
gd = GenericDialog("Options...")
channelText = [("Channel " + str(ch+1)) for ch in range(theImage.getNChannels())]
if gd.wasOKed():
	amplifyChannel = gd.getNextChoiceIndex() + 1
	refChannel = gd.getNextChoiceIndex() + 1
	ampFactor = gd.getNextNumber()
	doRemoveBleedthrough = gd.getNextBoolean()
	doCorrectRefraction = gd.getNextBoolean()
	chImages = ChannelSplitter.split(theImage)
	## After this step, the image to operate on is "nextStepImage"
	if doRemoveBleedthrough:
		params = ("bleeding_channel=" + str(refChannel) + " bloodied_channel=" + str(amplifyChannel) + " " +
				"allowable_saturation_percent=1.0 rsquare_threshold=0.50")
		IJ.run("Remove Bleedthrough (automatic)", params)
		unbledImage = WindowManager.getImage("Corrected_ch" + str(amplifyChannel))
		mergingImages = [unbledImage,chImages[refChannel-1].duplicate()]
		nextStepImage = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(mergingImages,True)
		for img in mergingImages: