def getOptions():

    pixels = zeros('f', 4)  # 4 elements

    # First Dialog Box
    item = [
        "coralline", "tunicate", "red", "macro", "background", "more than one"
    gd = GenericDialog("Options")
    gd.addRadioButtonGroup("options", item, 3, 2, "coralline")
    button = gd.getNextRadioButton()

    # Second Dialog Box
    gd2 = GenericDialog("Multiple Options")
    items = ["coralline", "tunicate", "red", "macro", "garbage"]
    defaultVal = [False] * 5
    gd2.addCheckboxGroup(2, 3, items, defaultVal)
    gd2.addNumericField("coralline %", 0, 0)
    gd2.addNumericField("tunicate %", 0, 0)
    gd2.addNumericField("red %", 0, 0)
    gd2.addNumericField("macro %", 0, 0)
    gd2.addNumericField("background %", 0, 0)

    if gd.wasCanceled():
        return 0

    if button == "coralline":
        pixels[0] = 1
    elif button == "tunicate":
        pixels[1] = 1
    elif button == "red":
        pixels[2] = 1
    elif button == "macro":
        pixels[3] = 1
    elif button == "more than one":
        checklist = gd2.getCheckboxes()
        pixels[0] = int(
            checklist[0].state) * (float(gd2.getNextNumber()) / 100)
        pixels[1] = int(
            checklist[1].state) * (float(gd2.getNextNumber()) / 100)
        pixels[2] = int(
            checklist[2].state) * (float(gd2.getNextNumber()) / 100)
        pixels[3] = int(
            checklist[3].state) * (float(gd2.getNextNumber()) / 100)

    return pixels
Ejemplo n.º 2
def uScopeCalDialog(cal):
    ''' Pop up a dialog asking user to edit line settings etc.
    CalIdx, SetGlobalScale, AddScaleBar = uScopeCalDialog(cal) 
    `cal` should be the object containing `names`, `cals`, `units` attributes 
    as set in the "" file. 
    `CalIdx` is the list index to the chosen calibration.   
        Eg., if the options were  
            ['5x', '10x', '20x'] 
        and the user chose '10x', then  
            CalIdx = 1 
        Returns `None` if the user cancelled the dialog. 
    `SetGlobalScale` is a boolean (True/False) from a checkbox option, if the user wants this calibration set 'globally' to all open images. 
    `AddScaleBar` is also a boolean (True/False), for a checkbox option, if user would like to run "Scale Bar..." afterwards. 

    # The following inspired heavily by

    #print "uScopeCalDialog():"
    #print cal.names, [str(x) for x in cal.cals]

    gd = GenericDialog("Microscope Calibrations")
    gd.addMessage("Choose the calibration to load:")

    # generate text to display in list:
    # Radio Buttons:
    CalStr = []
    CalType_IsFunc = []

    for ii, name in enumerate(cal.names):
        if MC_DEBUG:
            print("item #%i: name=" % (ii), name, "\n\t type=", type(name))
        if isinstance(name, basestring):
            '''It's just a regular calibration setting'''
            CalStr.append(name + "      (%s" % cal.cals[ii] +
                          " pixels/%s)" % cal.units[ii])
            ''' Assume we'll be loading a custom function/class '''
        # get the name from the Class' .name attribute
        #end if(str)
    #end for(cal.names)
    '''if > 20 cals, use dropdown list, otherwise use radio buttons'''
    if len(cal.names) > 20:
        Radio = False
        # Drop-Down list:
        gd.addChoice("     Calibration:", CalStr,
                     CalStr[0])  # default = 1st (#0)

        Radio = True
        gd.addRadioButtonGroup("     Calibration:", CalStr, len(CalStr), 1,
        #addRadioButtonGroup(label, [String items],  rows,  columns,  String:defaultItem)
    #end if(cal>20)

    gd.addCheckbox("Apply Scale to all open images?", False)
    gd.addCheckbox("Add Scale Bar to this image?", False)
        "These calibrations can be altered by editing the file: \\n\tMicroscope Measurement Tools/...\n\"


    if gd.wasCanceled():
        return None, None, None  # return None's if user cancels

    if Radio:
        ChosenCal = gd.getNextRadioButton()
        # Find the index to the chosen radio button w/ [list].index():
        CalIdx = CalStr.index(ChosenCal)
        ChosenCal = gd.getNextChoiceIndex()
        CalIdx = ChosenCal  # the index to the choice

    SetGlobalScale = gd.getNextBoolean()
    AddScaleBar = gd.getNextBoolean()

    #if MC_DEBUG: print( ChosenCal,CalIdx, SetGlobalScale )
    #if MC_DEBUG: print( "end uScopeCalDialog()." )
    return CalIdx, SetGlobalScale, AddScaleBar
Ejemplo n.º 3
imageCount = 0
voxel_info = str()

gd = GenericDialog("Set ToTiff Options")
gd.addStringField("File extension to be processed", ".nd2")
gd.addRadioButtonGroup("Output", outDirChoices, 3, 1, outDirChoices[0])
gd.addRadioButtonGroup("Overwrite", overwriteChoices, 2, 1, overwriteChoices[0])
gd.addRadioButtonGroup("Save channels in different subfolders", channelSubfolderChoices, 1, 1,
gd.addCheckboxGroup(2, 1, mipChoices, [False, False], ["Do you want maximum intensity projections of your images?"])
if gd.wasCanceled():

fileExt = gd.getNextString()
outDirPref = gd.getNextRadioButton()
overwritePref = gd.getNextRadioButton()
channelSubfolderPref = gd.getNextRadioButton()
mipPrefTIFF = gd.getNextBoolean()
mipPrefJPG = gd.getNextBoolean()

if not fileExt.startswith('.'):
    fileExt = '.' + fileExt

inDir = IJ.getDirectory("Choose Directory Containing Input Files")
if inDir is None:
    exit('No input directory selected!')

if outDirPref == outDirChoices[2]:
    outDir = inDir
Ejemplo n.º 4
overwriteList = []
startTime = time.time()
imageCount = 0

gd = GenericDialog("Set Options")
gd.addStringField("String to identify your input images", "_deconv")
gd.addRadioButtonGroup("Output", outDirChoices, 3, 1, outDirChoices[0])
gd.addRadioButtonGroup("Threshold Settings", thresholdChoices, 3, 1, thresholdChoices[0])
gd.addRadioButtonGroup("Overwrite", overwriteChoices, 2, 1, overwriteChoices[0])
gd.addCheckboxGroup(2, 1, mipChoices, [False, False], ["Do you want maximum intensity projections of your images?"])
if gd.wasCanceled():

fileID = gd.getNextString()
outDirPref = gd.getNextRadioButton()
thresholdPref = gd.getNextRadioButton()
overwritePref = gd.getNextRadioButton()
mipPrefTIFF = gd.getNextBoolean()
mipPrefJPG = gd.getNextBoolean()

inDir = IJ.getDirectory("Choose Directory Containing Input Files")
if inDir is None:
    exit('No input directory selected!')

if outDirPref == outDirChoices[2]:
    outDir = inDir
    outDir = IJ.getDirectory("Choose Directory For Output")
    if outDir is None:
Ejemplo n.º 5
imTitles = WindowManager.getImageTitles()
nTitles = len(imTitles)

d = GenericDialog("Measure")
d.addChoice("Mask", imTitles, "-")
d.addChoice("470 image", imTitles, "-")
d.addChoice("410 image", imTitles, "-")
d.addRadioButtonGroup("Binning", ["4x4", "2x2"], 1, 2, "4x4")

imgMask = WindowManager.getImage(d.getNextChoice())
img470 = WindowManager.getImage(d.getNextChoice())
img410 = WindowManager.getImage(d.getNextChoice())

binning = d.getNextRadioButton()

PARENT_DIR = img410.getOriginalFileInfo().directory

# setup data collection object
dataTable = ResultsTable()

table = ResultsTable()
roiManager = RoiManager(True) # Boolean => Don't Display

# Measure Median 410 and 470
addValues(dataTable, 'Median 410', getMedians(img410))
addValues(dataTable, 'Median 470', getMedians(img470))
def uScopeCalDialog(cal):
    ''' Pop up a dialog asking user to choose from the calibration names etc.
    CalIdx, SetGlobalScale, AddScaleBar = uScopeCalDialog(cal)
    `cal` should be the object containing `names`, `cals`, `units` attributes
    as set in the "" file.
    `CalIdx` is the list index to the chosen calibration.  
        Eg., if the options were 
            ['5x', '10x', '20x']
        and the user chose '10x', then 
            CalIdx = 1
        Returns `None` if the user cancelled the dialog.
    `SetGlobalScale` is a boolean (True/False) from a checkbox option, if the user wants this calibration set 'globally' to all open images.
    `AddScaleBar` is also a boolean (True/False), for a checkbox option, if user would like to run "Scale Bar..." afterwards.
    # The following inspired heavily by
    #print "uScopeCalDialog():"
    #print cal.names, [str(x) for x in cal.cals]
    gd = GenericDialog("Microscope Calibrations")
    gd.addMessage("Choose the calibration to load:")
    # generate text to display in list:
    # Radio Buttons:
    CalStr = []
    CalType_IsFunc = []
    for ii, name in enumerate(cal.names):
        if mc_DEBUG: print( "item #%i: name=" % (ii), name, "\n\t type=", type(name)  )
        if isinstance(name, basestring):
            '''It's just a regular calibration setting'''
            CalStr.append(  name + "      (%s"%cal.cals[ii] + " pixels/%s)"%cal.units[ii]  )
            ''' Assume we'll be loading a custom function/class '''
            CalStr.append(  )    # get the name from the Class' .name attribute
        #end if(str)
    #end for(cal.names)

    '''if > 20 cals, use dropdown list, otherwise use radio buttons'''
    if len(cal.names) > 20:
        # Drop-Down list:
        gd.addChoice("     Calibration:", CalStr, CalStr[0]   )   # default = 1st (#0)
        gd.addRadioButtonGroup("     Calibration:", CalStr, len(CalStr), 1, CalStr[0])
        #addRadioButtonGroup(label, [String items],  rows,  columns,  String:defaultItem)
    #end if(cal>20)
    gd.addCheckbox("Apply Scale to all open images?", False)
    gd.addCheckbox("Add Scale Bar to this image?", False)
    gd.addMessage("These calibrations can be altered by editing the file: \\n\tMicroscope Measurement Tools/...\n\")
    if gd.wasCanceled():
        return  None, None, None  # return None's if user cancels
    if Radio:
        ChosenCal = gd.getNextRadioButton()
        # Find the index to the chosen radio button w/ [list].index():
        CalIdx = CalStr.index(  ChosenCal )
        ChosenCal = gd.getNextChoiceIndex()
        CalIdx = ChosenCal  # the index to the choice
    SetGlobalScale = gd.getNextBoolean()
    AddScaleBar = gd.getNextBoolean()
    #if mc_DEBUG: print( ChosenCal,CalIdx, SetGlobalScale )
    #if mc_DEBUG: print( "end uScopeCalDialog()." )
    return CalIdx, SetGlobalScale, AddScaleBar