Ejemplo n.º 1
def testOrient3Model():
    env = Environment()
    calibrator = ScaleAndOffsetCalibrator(env, 1000, 1 / 100, 10)
    for i in range(3):
        imu = Orient3IMU()
        cal = calibrator.calibrate(imu)
        sim = Simulation(environment=env)
        traj = RandomTrajectory()
        imu.simulation = sim
        imu.trajectory = traj
        sim.time = imu.trajectory.startTime
        BasicIMUBehaviour(imu, 1 / 256, calibration=cal, initialTime=sim.time)
        t = imu.accelerometer.calibratedMeasurements.timestamps
        r = traj.rotation(t)
        a = r.rotateFrame(
            traj.acceleration(t) - env.gravitationalField(traj.position(t), t))
        m = r.rotateFrame(env.magneticField(traj.position(t), t))
        w = r.rotateFrame(traj.rotationalVelocity(t))
        g = env.gravitationalField.nominalMagnitude
        a_within_5g = abs(a) < 5 * g
        for i in range(3):
            yield assert_array_almost_equal, \
                np.array([a[i ,a_within_5g[i]]]), \
                    [i, a_within_5g[i]]]), -2
        yield assert_array_almost_equal, m, \
                imu.magnetometer.calibratedMeasurements(t), 0
        yield assert_array_almost_equal, w, \
                imu.gyroscope.calibratedMeasurements(t), 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
def testOrient3Model():
    env = Environment()
    calibrator = ScaleAndOffsetCalibrator(env, 1000, 1/100, 10)
    for i in range(3):
        imu = Orient3IMU()
        cal = calibrator.calibrate(imu)
        sim = Simulation(environment=env)
        traj = RandomTrajectory()
        imu.simulation = sim
        imu.trajectory = traj
        sim.time = imu.trajectory.startTime
        BasicIMUBehaviour(imu, 1/256, calibration=cal, initialTime=sim.time)
        t = imu.accelerometer.calibratedMeasurements.timestamps
        r = traj.rotation(t)
        a = r.rotateFrame(traj.acceleration(t) -
                env.gravitationalField(traj.position(t), t))
        m = r.rotateFrame(env.magneticField(traj.position(t), t))
        w = r.rotateFrame(traj.rotationalVelocity(t))
        g = env.gravitationalField.nominalMagnitude
        a_within_5g = abs(a) < 5*g
        for i in range(3):
            yield assert_array_almost_equal, \
                np.array([a[i ,a_within_5g[i]]]), \
                    [i, a_within_5g[i]]]), -2
        yield assert_array_almost_equal, m, \
                imu.magnetometer.calibratedMeasurements(t), 0
        yield assert_array_almost_equal, w, \
                imu.gyroscope.calibratedMeasurements(t), 0
def checkSystemSimulation(filterClass):
    sim = Simulation()
    env = sim.environment
    samplingPeriod = 1.0 / 100
    calibrator = ScaleAndOffsetCalibrator(env, 1000, samplingPeriod, 20)
    simModel = SplinedBodyModel(loadBVHFile(testMotion, conversionFactor=0.01))
    sim.time = simModel.startTime
    slotTime = 0.001
    schedule = Schedule(slotTime, slotTime, range(len(list(simModel.joints))))

    def setupIMU(id, joint):
        platform = MagicIMU()
        calibration = calibrator.calibrate(platform)
        platform.simulation = sim
        platform.trajectory = joint
        filter = filterClass(
            **filterParameters.get(filterClass, {}))

        def handleSample(behaviour):
            rotation = filter.rotation.latestValue
            packet = DataPacket(id, [('rotation', rotation)])

        behaviour = BasicIMUBehaviour(platform,
        behaviour.mac = SlaveMAC(platform.radio, behaviour.timerMux, schedule,
        return behaviour

    imus = [setupIMU(i, joint) for i, joint in enumerate(simModel.joints)]

    basestation = IdealBasestation(sim, StaticTrajectory())
    recModel = SampledBodyModel.structureCopy(simModel)
    reconstructor = BodyModelReconstructor(recModel, initialTime=sim.time)

    def handleFrame(packets):
        for packet in packets:
            packet['jointName'] = recModel.jointNames[packet.source]
        reconstructor.handleData(packets, schedule.framePeriod)

    MasterMAC(basestation.radio, TimerMultiplexer(basestation.timer), schedule,
    for simJoint, recJoint in zip(simModel.joints, recModel.joints):
        times = simJoint.rotationKeyFrames.timestamps
                                      recJoint.rotation(times), 0.9)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def checkSystemSimulation(filterClass):
    sim = Simulation()
    env = sim.environment
    samplingPeriod = 1.0/100
    calibrator = ScaleAndOffsetCalibrator(env, 1000, samplingPeriod, 20)
    simModel = SplinedBodyModel(loadBVHFile(testMotion, conversionFactor=0.01))
    sim.time = simModel.startTime
    slotTime = 0.001
    schedule = Schedule(slotTime, slotTime, range(len(list(simModel.joints))))

    def setupIMU(id, joint):
        platform = MagicIMU()
        calibration = calibrator.calibrate(platform)
        platform.simulation = sim
        platform.trajectory = joint
        filter = filterClass(initialRotation=joint.rotation(simModel.startTime),
                **filterParameters.get(filterClass, {}))
        def handleSample(behaviour):
            rotation = filter.rotation.latestValue
            packet = DataPacket(id, [('rotation', rotation)])
        behaviour = BasicIMUBehaviour(platform, samplingPeriod, calibration,
                filter, handleSample, initialTime=sim.time)
        behaviour.mac = SlaveMAC(platform.radio, behaviour.timerMux,
                schedule, id)
        return behaviour

    imus = [setupIMU(i, joint) for i, joint in enumerate(simModel.joints)]

    basestation = IdealBasestation(sim, StaticTrajectory())
    recModel = SampledBodyModel.structureCopy(simModel)
    reconstructor = BodyModelReconstructor(recModel, initialTime=sim.time)

    def handleFrame(packets):
        for packet in packets:
            packet['jointName'] = recModel.jointNames[packet.source]
        reconstructor.handleData(packets, schedule.framePeriod)

    MasterMAC(basestation.radio, TimerMultiplexer(basestation.timer),
            schedule, handleFrame)
    for simJoint, recJoint in zip(simModel.joints, recModel.joints):
        times = simJoint.rotationKeyFrames.timestamps
            recJoint.rotation(times), 0.9)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def calibrate(self, imu):
     calibration = {}
     position = vectors.vector(0, 0, 0)
     expected = {}
     measured = {}
     for sensor in imu.sensors:
         expected[sensor] = []
         measured[sensor] = []
     for trajectory in self.testTrajectories():
         sim = Simulation(environment=self.environment)
         sim.time = 0
         imu.simulation = sim
         imu.trajectory = trajectory
         BasicIMUBehaviour(imu, self.samplingPeriod)
         sim.run(self.samplingPeriod * self.samples, printProgress=False)
         t = sensor.rawMeasurements.timestamps
         for sensor in imu.sensors:
     for sensor in imu.sensors:
         calibration[sensor] = ScaleAndOffsetCalibration.fromMeasurements(
             np.hstack(expected[sensor]), np.hstack(measured[sensor]))
     return calibration
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def calibrate(self, imu):
     calibration = {}
     position = vectors.vector(0,0,0)
     expected = {}
     measured = {}
     for sensor in imu.sensors:
         expected[sensor] = []
         measured[sensor] = []
     for trajectory in self.testTrajectories():
         sim = Simulation(environment=self.environment)
         sim.time = 0
         imu.simulation = sim
         imu.trajectory = trajectory
         BasicIMUBehaviour(imu, self.samplingPeriod)
         sim.run(self.samplingPeriod * self.samples,
         t = sensor.rawMeasurements.timestamps
         for sensor in imu.sensors:
     for sensor in imu.sensors:
         calibration[sensor] = ScaleAndOffsetCalibration.fromMeasurements(
             np.hstack(expected[sensor]), np.hstack(measured[sensor]))
     return calibration
Ejemplo n.º 7
def testDistLinAccSimulation():
    sim = Simulation()
    samplingPeriod = 1.0 / 100
    calibrator = ScaleAndOffsetCalibrator(sim.environment, 1000, samplingPeriod, 20)
    bvhFile = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "walk.bvh")
    sampledModel = loadBVHFile(bvhFile, conversionFactor=0.01)
    posTimes = sampledModel.positionKeyFrames.timestamps
    sampledModel.positionKeyFrames = TimeSeries(posTimes, np.zeros((3, len(posTimes))))
    simModel = SplinedBodyModel(sampledModel)
    joints = list(simModel.joints)
    sim.time = simModel.startTime
    k = 128
    slotTime = 0.001
    txSlots = range(2, len(joints)) + [0, 1]
    auxRxSlots = range(1, len(joints))
    auxTxSlots = [joints.index(j.parent) for j in joints[1:]]
    schedule = InterSlaveSchedule(slotTime, slotTime, txSlots, auxTxSlots, auxRxSlots)

    def setupIMU(id, joint):
        offset = randomPosition((-0.1, 0.1))
        platform = IdealIMU()
        calibration = calibrator.calibrate(platform)
        platform.simulation = sim
        platform.trajectory = OffsetTrajectory(joint, offset)
        filter = DistLinAccelCF(samplingPeriod, platform.trajectory.rotation(simModel.startTime), k, joint, offset)

        def updateChildren():
            for child in filter.children:
                childID = joints.index(child)
                childAccel = filter.childAcceleration(child.positionOffset, samplingPeriod)
                if childAccel is not None:
                    auxPacket = AuxPacket(id, childID, [("linearAcceleration", childAccel)])

        def handlePacket(packet):
            filter.handleLinearAcceleration(packet["linearAcceleration"], samplingPeriod)

        def handleSample(behaviour):
            rotation = filter.rotation.latestValue
            packet = DataPacket(id, [("rotation", rotation)])
            if not filter.joint.hasParent:

        behaviour = BasicIMUBehaviour(platform, samplingPeriod, calibration, filter, handleSample, initialTime=sim.time)
        mac = InterSlaveMAC(platform.radio, behaviour.timerMux, schedule, id, handlePacket)

    imus = [setupIMU(i, joint) for i, joint in enumerate(joints)]

    basestation = IdealBasestation(sim, StaticTrajectory())
    recModel = SampledBodyModel.structureCopy(simModel)
    reconstructor = BodyModelReconstructor(recModel, initialTime=sim.time)

    def handleFrame(packets):
        for packet in packets:
            packet["jointName"] = recModel.jointNames[packet.source]
        reconstructor.handleData(packets, schedule.framePeriod)

    basestation.radio.channel = schedule.dataChannel
    MasterMAC(basestation.radio, TimerMultiplexer(basestation.timer), schedule, handleFrame)


    for simJoint, recJoint in zip(joints, recModel.joints):
        times = simJoint.rotationKeyFrames.timestamps
        assert_quaternions_correlated(simJoint.rotation(times), recJoint.rotation(times), 0.85)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def testAgainstReality():
    dir = path.dirname(__file__)
    filebase = path.join(dir, "swing")
    refbase = path.join(dir, "stand")
    magbases = [path.join(dir, f) for f in ['magsweep1', 'magsweep2']]
    maglookup = {'Upper Leg IMU': '66', 'Orient 8': '8', 'Orient 43': '43'}
    magSamples = 2000
    refTime = 1.0
    posStdDev = 0.0005
    rotStdDev = 0.004
    ref3D = SplinedMarkerCapture(loadQualisysTSVFile(refbase + "_3D.tsv"),
    ref6D = SplinedMarkerCapture(loadQualisysTSVFile(refbase + "_6D.tsv"),
    capture3D = SplinedMarkerCapture(loadQualisysTSVFile(filebase + "_3D.tsv"),
    captureSD = SensorDataCapture.load(filebase + ".sdc")
    hip, thigh, knee, shin, ankle = \
            ['Hip', 'Thigh', 'Knee Hinge', 'Shin', 'Ankle']
    jointNames = ['Upper Leg', 'Lower Leg', 'Foot']
    jointAbbrevs = ['femur', 'tibia', 'foot']
    orientIDs = ['66', '43', '8']
    jointMarkerNames = [hip, knee, ankle]
    refMarkerNames = [[thigh, knee], [shin, ankle], []]
    imuMarkerNames = \
            [[j + ' IMU - ' + str(i) for i in range(1,4)] for j in jointNames]
    jointMarkerSets = lambda c: [
        list(map(c.marker, jointMarkerNames)),
        [list(map(c.marker, r)) for r in refMarkerNames],
        [list(map(c.marker, i)) for i in imuMarkerNames]
    imuMarkerSets = lambda c: [[
        c.marker(i[0]) for i in imuMarkerNames
    ], [list(map(c.marker, i[1:])) for i in imuMarkerNames]]
    jointRefTrajectories = [
        MultiMarkerTrajectory(j, r + i, refTime=refTime)
        for j, r, i in zip(*(jointMarkerSets(ref3D)))
    jointTrajectories = [
        MultiMarkerTrajectory(j, r + i, refVectors=m.refVectors) \
            for j, r, i, m in \
                zip(*(jointMarkerSets(capture3D) + [jointRefTrajectories]))]
    imuRefTrajectories = [
        MultiMarkerTrajectory(p, r, refTime=refTime)
        for p, r in zip(*(imuMarkerSets(ref3D)))
    imuVecTrajectories = [
        MultiMarkerTrajectory(p, r, refVectors=m.refVectors)
        for p, r, m in zip(*(imuMarkerSets(capture3D) + [imuRefTrajectories]))
    imuRefMarkers = [ref6D.marker(j + ' IMU') for j in jointNames]
    imuOffsets = [
        i.position(refTime) - j.position(refTime)
        for i, j in zip(imuRefTrajectories, jointRefTrajectories)
    imuRotations = [
        t.rotation(refTime).conjugate * m.rotation(refTime)
        for t, m in zip(imuRefTrajectories, imuRefMarkers)
    imuTrajectories = [
        OffsetTrajectory(v, o, r)
        for v, o, r in zip(imuVecTrajectories, imuOffsets, imuRotations)
    imuData = [captureSD.device(i) for i in orientIDs]
    joints = []
    for i in range(len(jointNames)):
        name = jointNames[i]
        traj = jointTrajectories[i]
        if i == 0:
            model = SampledBodyModel(name)
            model.positionKeyFrames = traj.posMarker.positionKeyFrames
            joint = model
            parent = joints[-1]
            refTraj = jointRefTrajectories[i]
            parentRefTraj = jointRefTrajectories[i - 1]
            pos = refTraj.position(refTime)
            parentPos = parentRefTraj.position(refTime)
            joint = SampledJoint(joints[-1], name, offset=(pos - parentPos))
        joint.rotationKeyFrames = traj.rotationKeyFrames
    model = SplinedBodyModel(model)
    joints = model.joints
    imuJointTrajectories = [
        OffsetTrajectory(j, o, r)
        for j, o, r in zip(joints, imuOffsets, imuRotations)
    positionSets = []
    valueSets = []
    for magbase in magbases:
        orient = SensorDataCapture.load(magbase + '.sdc')
        optical = loadQualisysTSVFile(magbase + '_6D.tsv')
        for marker in optical.markers:
            device = orient.device(maglookup[marker.id])
            magData = device.sensorData('magnetometer').values
    positions = np.hstack(positionSets)
    values = np.hstack(valueSets)
    valid = ~np.any(np.isnan(positions), axis=0) & ~np.any(np.isnan(values),
    dev = values - np.median(values[:, valid], axis=1).reshape((3, 1))
    step = np.shape(values[:, valid])[1] // magSamples
    posSamples = positions[:, valid][:, ::step]
    valSamples = values[:, valid][:, ::step]
    environment = Environment()
    environment.magneticField = \
            NaturalNeighbourInterpolatedField(posSamples, valSamples)
    sim = Simulation(environment=environment)
    sim.time = model.startTime
    distortIMUs = []
    dt = 1 / capture3D.sampled.frameRate
    for traj in imuJointTrajectories:
        platform = IdealIMU(sim, traj)
        distortIMUs.append(BasicIMUBehaviour(platform, dt))
    for imu in range(3):
        for sensorName in ['accelerometer', 'magnetometer', 'gyroscope']:
            sim = getattr(distortIMUs[imu].imu, sensorName).rawMeasurements
            true = imuData[imu].sensorData(sensorName)(sim.timestamps +
            yield assert_vectors_correlated, sim.values, true, 0.8
Ejemplo n.º 9
def testDistLinAccSimulation():
    sim = Simulation()
    samplingPeriod = 1.0/100
    calibrator = ScaleAndOffsetCalibrator(sim.environment, 1000,
            samplingPeriod, 20)
    bvhFile = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'walk.bvh')
    sampledModel = loadBVHFile(bvhFile, conversionFactor=0.01)
    posTimes = sampledModel.positionKeyFrames.timestamps
    sampledModel.positionKeyFrames = TimeSeries(
            posTimes, np.zeros((3,len(posTimes))))
    simModel = SplinedBodyModel(sampledModel)
    joints = list(simModel.joints)
    sim.time = simModel.startTime
    k = 128
    slotTime = 0.001
    txSlots = list(range(2, len(joints))) + [0,1]
    auxRxSlots = range(1, len(joints))
    auxTxSlots = [joints.index(j.parent) for j in joints[1:]]
    schedule = InterSlaveSchedule(slotTime, slotTime, txSlots,
            auxTxSlots, auxRxSlots)

    def setupIMU(id, joint):
        offset = randomPosition((-0.1, 0.1))
        platform = IdealIMU()
        calibration = calibrator.calibrate(platform)
        platform.simulation = sim
        platform.trajectory = OffsetTrajectory(joint, offset)
        filter = DistLinAccelCF(samplingPeriod,
                k, joint, offset)

        def updateChildren():
            for child in filter.children:
                childID = joints.index(child)
                childAccel = filter.childAcceleration(child.positionOffset, samplingPeriod)
                if childAccel is not None:
                    auxPacket = AuxPacket(id, childID,
                            [('linearAcceleration', childAccel)])

        def handlePacket(packet):
            filter.handleLinearAcceleration(packet['linearAcceleration'], samplingPeriod)

        def handleSample(behaviour):
            rotation = filter.rotation.latestValue
            packet = DataPacket(id, [('rotation', rotation)])
            if not filter.joint.hasParent:

        behaviour = BasicIMUBehaviour(platform, samplingPeriod, calibration,
                filter, handleSample, initialTime=sim.time)
        mac = InterSlaveMAC(platform.radio, behaviour.timerMux, schedule,
                id, handlePacket)

    imus = [setupIMU(i, joint) for i, joint in enumerate(joints)]

    basestation = IdealBasestation(sim, StaticTrajectory())
    recModel = SampledBodyModel.structureCopy(simModel)
    reconstructor = BodyModelReconstructor(recModel, initialTime=sim.time)

    def handleFrame(packets):
        for packet in packets:
            packet['jointName'] = recModel.jointNames[packet.source]
        reconstructor.handleData(packets, schedule.framePeriod)

    basestation.radio.channel = schedule.dataChannel
    MasterMAC(basestation.radio, TimerMultiplexer(basestation.timer),
            schedule, handleFrame)


    for simJoint, recJoint in zip(joints, recModel.joints):
        times = simJoint.rotationKeyFrames.timestamps
            recJoint.rotation(times), 0.85)
Ejemplo n.º 10
trajectory = StaticTrajectory()
#wconst = np.array([0, 1, 0]).reshape(3,1)
#trajectory = StaticContinuousRotationTrajectory(wconst)

imu = MPU9250IMU(simulation=sim, trajectory=trajectory)

# Set up a behaviour that runs on the
# simulated IMU
behaviour1 = BasicIMUBehaviour(imu=imu, samplingPeriod=dt)

# Set the time inside the simulation
sim.time = trajectory.startTime
# Run the simulation till the desired
# end time
simulation_length = 3600 * 3

t0 = time.time()
gdata = imu.gyroscope.rawMeasurements.values
savefilename = 'simulated_gyro.npy'
np.save(savefilename, gdata)
save_elapsed = time.time() - t0
print 'Saved {:d} samples to {}. Saving took {:.2f} seconds'.format(
    gdata.shape[1], savefilename, save_elapsed)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def testAgainstReality():
    dir = path.dirname(__file__)
    filebase = path.join(dir, "swing")
    refbase = path.join(dir, "stand")
    magbases = [path.join(dir, f) for f in ['magsweep1', 'magsweep2']]
    maglookup = {
        'Upper Leg IMU' : '66',
        'Orient 8' : '8',
        'Orient 43': '43'}
    magSamples = 2000
    refTime = 1.0
    posStdDev = 0.0005
    rotStdDev = 0.004
    ref3D = SplinedMarkerCapture(
        loadQualisysTSVFile(refbase + "_3D.tsv"), positionStdDev=posStdDev)
    ref6D = SplinedMarkerCapture(
        loadQualisysTSVFile(refbase + "_6D.tsv"), rotationStdDev=rotStdDev)
    capture3D = SplinedMarkerCapture(
        loadQualisysTSVFile(filebase + "_3D.tsv"), positionStdDev=posStdDev)
    captureSD = SensorDataCapture.load(filebase + ".sdc")
    hip, thigh, knee, shin, ankle = \
            ['Hip', 'Thigh', 'Knee Hinge', 'Shin', 'Ankle']
    jointNames = ['Upper Leg', 'Lower Leg', 'Foot']
    jointAbbrevs = ['femur', 'tibia', 'foot']
    orientIDs = ['66', '43', '8']
    jointMarkerNames = [hip, knee, ankle]
    refMarkerNames = [[thigh, knee], [shin, ankle], []]
    imuMarkerNames = \
            [[j + ' IMU - ' + str(i) for i in range(1,4)] for j in jointNames]
    jointMarkerSets = lambda c: [
        map(c.marker, jointMarkerNames),
        [map(c.marker, r) for r in refMarkerNames],
        [map(c.marker, i) for i in imuMarkerNames]]
    imuMarkerSets = lambda c: [
        [c.marker(i[0]) for i in imuMarkerNames],
        [map(c.marker,i[1:]) for i in imuMarkerNames]]
    jointRefTrajectories = [MultiMarkerTrajectory(j, r + i, refTime=refTime)
        for j, r, i in zip(*(jointMarkerSets(ref3D)))]
    jointTrajectories = [
        MultiMarkerTrajectory(j, r + i, refVectors=m.refVectors) \
            for j, r, i, m in \
                zip(*(jointMarkerSets(capture3D) + [jointRefTrajectories]))]
    imuRefTrajectories = [MultiMarkerTrajectory(p, r, refTime=refTime)
        for p, r in zip(*(imuMarkerSets(ref3D)))]
    imuVecTrajectories = [MultiMarkerTrajectory(p, r, refVectors=m.refVectors)
        for p, r, m in zip(*(imuMarkerSets(capture3D) + [imuRefTrajectories]))]
    imuRefMarkers = [ref6D.marker(j + ' IMU') for j in jointNames]
    imuOffsets = [i.position(refTime) - j.position(refTime)
        for i, j in zip(imuRefTrajectories, jointRefTrajectories)]
    imuRotations = [t.rotation(refTime).conjugate * m.rotation(refTime)
        for t, m in zip(imuRefTrajectories, imuRefMarkers)]
    imuTrajectories = [OffsetTrajectory(v, o, r)
        for v, o, r in zip(imuVecTrajectories, imuOffsets, imuRotations)]
    imuData = [captureSD.device(i) for i in orientIDs]
    joints = []
    for i in range(len(jointNames)):
        name = jointNames[i]
        traj = jointTrajectories[i]
        if i == 0:
            model = SampledBodyModel(name)
            model.positionKeyFrames = traj.posMarker.positionKeyFrames
            joint = model
            parent = joints[-1]
            refTraj = jointRefTrajectories[i]
            parentRefTraj = jointRefTrajectories[i - 1]
            pos = refTraj.position(refTime)
            parentPos = parentRefTraj.position(refTime)
            joint = SampledJoint(joints[-1],name, offset=(pos - parentPos))
        joint.rotationKeyFrames = traj.rotationKeyFrames
    model = SplinedBodyModel(model)
    joints = model.joints
    imuJointTrajectories = [OffsetTrajectory(j, o, r)
        for j, o, r in zip(joints, imuOffsets, imuRotations)]
    positionSets = []
    valueSets = []
    for magbase in magbases:
        orient = SensorDataCapture.load(magbase + '.sdc')
        optical = loadQualisysTSVFile(magbase + '_6D.tsv')
        for marker in optical.markers:
            device = orient.device(maglookup[marker.id])
            magData = device.sensorData('magnetometer').values
    positions = np.hstack(positionSets)
    values = np.hstack(valueSets)
    valid = ~np.any(np.isnan(positions),axis=0) & ~np.any(np.isnan(values),axis=0)
    dev = values - np.median(values[:,valid],axis=1).reshape((3,1))
    step = np.shape(values[:,valid])[1] / magSamples
    posSamples = positions[:,valid][:,::step]
    valSamples = values[:,valid][:,::step]
    environment = Environment()
    environment.magneticField = \
            NaturalNeighbourInterpolatedField(posSamples, valSamples)
    sim = Simulation(environment=environment)
    sim.time = model.startTime
    distortIMUs = []
    dt = 1/capture3D.sampled.frameRate
    for traj in imuJointTrajectories:
        platform = IdealIMU(sim, traj)
        distortIMUs.append(BasicIMUBehaviour(platform, dt))
    for imu in range(3):
        for sensorName in ['accelerometer', 'magnetometer', 'gyroscope']:
            sim = getattr(distortIMUs[imu].imu,sensorName).rawMeasurements
            true = imuData[imu].sensorData(sensorName)(sim.timestamps + model.startTime)
            yield assert_vectors_correlated, sim.values, true, 0.8
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: test2.py Proyecto: buguen/minf
    imu = IdealIMU()
    imu.simulation = sim
    imu.trajectory = joint

    def handleSample(behaviour):

    behaviour = BasicIMUBehaviour(imu, samplingPeriod, sampleCallback=handleSample, initialTime=sim.time)
    return behaviour

joint = simModel.getJoint('rfoot')
#original_quaternions = joint.rotationKeyFrames
behaviour = setupIMU(1, joint)


# get the sensor reading from the IMU at each sample time.

accel = behaviour.imu.accelerometer.rawMeasurements
mag = behaviour.imu.magnetometer.rawMeasurements
gyro = behaviour.imu.gyroscope.rawMeasurements
sample_timestamps = accel.timestamps
accel_values = accel.values
mag_values = mag.values
gyro_values = gyro.values

# Apply the sensor readings to an orientation complimentary filter to compute the orientation of the IMU at each
# sample time
Ejemplo n.º 13
# Set up a behaviour that runs on the
# simulated Camera
behaviour_camera = DefaultCameraBehaviour(camera)

# Set up a behaviour that runs on the
# simulated IMU
dt = 1. / 200
behaviour_imu = BasicIMUBehaviour(imu, dt)

# Set the time inside the simulation
sim.time = trajectory.startTime

# Run the simulation till the desired
# end time
sim.run(trajectory.endTime - camera_model.readout)

PLOT = False
if PLOT:
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    t_camera = behaviour_camera.timestamps
    t_imu = imu.gyroscope.rawMeasurements.timestamps
    plt.axhline(1, color='k')
    plt.axhline(2, color='k')
    plt.plot(t_camera, 1 * np.ones_like(t_camera), 'o')
    plt.plot(trajectory.startTime + t_imu, 2 * np.ones_like(t_imu), 'x')
    plt.ylim(0, 3)
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    ts = np.linspace(trajectory.startTime, trajectory.endTime)
    plt.plot(ts, trajectory.position(ts).T)