Ejemplo n.º 1
    def inform(self, df):
        # print("Calculating Strategy for " + str(self.tickerName) + " at " + str(timeStamp) + "...")
        ### TO-DO: Develop strategies to calculate

        ## Inform Analyser to do the interval Analysis first
        ## This is before the pseudotrades to ensure no clashes

        #1. Calculate ATR for potential trade
        atr = atrcalc.ATRcalc(df)
        indi = ind.Indicator()

        Results = indi.beginCalc(df, self.tickerName, atr)

        for i in Results:
            if Results[i] != 0:
                self.analyser.PseudoTrade(df, i, Results[i], atr)

            ### for testing
            # self.analyser.PseudoTrade(df,i, Results[i], atr)
        ### END TO-DO
        # print("Calculated Strategy for " + str(self.tickerName) + " at " + str(timeStamp))
        self.comparator.compare(Results, atr)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def macdTRIX(self, df, pattern, patterntype):
        df = df.dropna()
        #1. Calculate ATR for potential trade
        atr = atrcalc.ATRcalc(df)

        ##b. MACD
        macdInput = df.head(34)
        macdInput = macdInput.iloc[::-1]
        MACDclose = macdInput['close'].values
        macd, macdsignal, macdhist = MACDFIX(MACDclose, signalperiod=9)
        # print("MACD\n", macd[-1])
        # print("Signal\n", macdsignal[-1])

        ##c. DelayedMACD
        delayedmacdInput = df.iloc[1:].head(34)
        delayedmacdInput = delayedmacdInput.iloc[::-1]
        delayedMACDclose = delayedmacdInput['close'].values
        delayedmacd, delayedmacdsignal, delayedmacdhist = MACDFIX(
            delayedMACDclose, signalperiod=9)

        trixInput = df.head(60)
        trixInput = df.iloc[::-1]
        trixOutput = TRIX(trixInput['close'].values, timeperiod=20)

        # print("EMA\n", ema[-1])

        ##d. current price action
        priceaction = df.head(1)
        pricehigh = priceaction['high'].values[0]
        pricelow = priceaction['low'].values[0]
        priceclose = priceaction['close'].values[0]
        # print("pricehigh\n", pricehigh)
        # print("pricelow\n", pricelow)

        if delayedmacd[-1] < delayedmacdsignal[-1] and macd[-1] > macdsignal[
                -1] and trixOutput[-1] < 0:
            position = 1
        elif delayedmacd[-1] > delayedmacdsignal[-1] and macd[-1] < macdsignal[
                -1] and trixOutput[-1] > 0:
            position = -1
            position = 0
        amount = 50
        if position == 1:
            stoploss = priceclose - 1.05 * atr
            takeprofit = priceclose + 1.45 * atr
            # amount = priceclose / (priceclose - stoploss)
            if (priceclose - stoploss) * amount < 0.1:
                position = 0
                amount = 0
                stoploss = 0
                takeprofit = 0
        elif position == -1:
            stoploss = priceclose + 1.05 * atr
            takeprofit = priceclose - 1.45 * atr
            # amount = priceclose / (stoploss - priceclose)
            if (stoploss - priceclose) * amount < 0.1:
                position = 0
                amount = 0
                stoploss = 0
                takeprofit = 0
            stoploss = 0
            takeprofit = 0
            amount = 0

        ##For test
        # position = 1
        if position * pattern > 0:
            confidence = abs(pattern)
        elif position * pattern < 0:
            confidence = abs(1 / pattern)
        elif position == 0:
            confidence = 0
            confidence = 1

        # ##FOR TEST
        # position = 1
        return [position, amount, priceclose, stoploss, takeprofit, confidence]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def trix200(self, df, pattern, patterntype):
        df = df.dropna()

        #1. Calculate ATR for potential trade
        atr = atrcalc.ATRcalc(df)

        trixInput = df.head(60)
        trixInput = trixInput.iloc[::-1]
        trixOutput = TRIX(trixInput['close'].values, timeperiod=14)

        ##c. 200EMA
        emaInput = df.head(200)
        emaInput = emaInput.iloc[::-1]
        EMAclose = emaInput['close'].values
        ema = EMA(EMAclose, timeperiod=200)

        # print("EMA\n", ema[-1])

        ##d. current price action
        priceaction = df.head(1)
        pricehigh = priceaction['high'].values[0]
        pricelow = priceaction['low'].values[0]
        priceclose = priceaction['close'].values[0]
        # print("pricehigh\n", pricehigh)
        # print("pricelow\n", pricelow)

        if trixOutput[-2] < 0 and trixOutput[-1] > 0:
            crossover = 1
        elif trixOutput[-2] > 0 and trixOutput[-1] < 0:
            crossover = -1
            crossover = 0

        if pricelow > ema[-1]: marketEMA = 1
        elif pricehigh < ema[-1]: marketEMA = -1
        else: marketEMA = 0

        if marketEMA == 1 and crossover > 0: position = 1
        elif marketEMA == -1 and crossover < 0: position = -1
        else: position = 0
        amount = 50
        if position == 1:
            stoploss = priceclose - 1.05 * atr
            takeprofit = priceclose + 1.45 * atr
            # amount = priceclose / (priceclose - stoploss)
            if (priceclose - stoploss) * amount < 0.1:
                position = 0
                amount = 0
                stoploss = 0
                takeprofit = 0
        elif position == -1:
            stoploss = priceclose + 1.05 * atr
            takeprofit = priceclose - 1.45 * atr
            # amount = priceclose / (stoploss - priceclose)
            if (stoploss - priceclose) * amount < 0.1:
                position = 0
                amount = 0
                stoploss = 0
                takeprofit = 0
            stoploss = 0
            takeprofit = 0
            amount = 0

        if position * pattern > 0:
            confidence = abs(pattern)
        elif position * pattern < 0:
            confidence = abs(1 / pattern)
        elif position == 0:
            confidence = 0
            confidence = 1

        # ##FOR TEST
        # position = 1
        return [position, amount, priceclose, stoploss, takeprofit, confidence]
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def macd200(self, df, pattern, patterntype):
        #1. Calculate ATR for potential trade
        atr = atrcalc.ATRcalc(df)
        # df = pd.read_csv('./database/AAPL.csv')
        df = df.dropna()

        ###1. Getting Parameters

        ##b. MACD
        macdInput = df.head(34)
        macdInput = macdInput.iloc[::-1]
        MACDclose = macdInput['close'].values
        macd, macdsignal, macdhist = MACDFIX(MACDclose, signalperiod=9)
        # print("MACD\n", macd[-1])
        # print("Signal\n", macdsignal[-1])

        ##c. DelayedMACD
        delayedmacdInput = df.iloc[1:].head(34)
        delayedmacdInput = delayedmacdInput.iloc[::-1]
        delayedMACDclose = delayedmacdInput['close'].values
        delayedmacd, delayedmacdsignal, delayedmacdhist = MACDFIX(
            delayedMACDclose, signalperiod=9)

        ##c. 200EMA
        emaInput = df.head(200)
        emaInput = emaInput.iloc[::-1]
        EMAclose = emaInput['close'].values
        ema = EMA(EMAclose, timeperiod=200)

        # print("EMA\n", ema[-1])

        ##d. current price action
        priceaction = df.head(1)
        pricehigh = priceaction['high'].values[0]
        pricelow = priceaction['low'].values[0]
        priceclose = priceaction['close'].values[0]
        # print("pricehigh\n", pricehigh)
        # print("pricelow\n", pricelow)

        ###2. Analysing using the data provided

        ##macd-signal crossover type
        ## -1 means negative crossover
        ## 1 means positive crossover
        ## 0 means both
        if delayedmacd[-1] < delayedmacdsignal[-1] and macd[-1] > macdsignal[
            crossover = 1
        elif delayedmacd[-1] > delayedmacdsignal[-1] and macd[-1] < macdsignal[
            crossover = -1
            crossover = 0
        ##market-ema type
        ## 1 means low > 200EMA
        ## -1 means high < 200EMA
        ## 0 means otherwise

        if pricelow > ema[-1]: marketEMA = 1
        elif pricehigh < ema[-1]: marketEMA = -1
        else: marketEMA = 0

        if marketEMA == 1 and crossover > 0 and macd[-1] < 0: position = 1
        elif marketEMA == -1 and crossover < 0 and macd[-1] > 0: position = -1
        else: position = 0
        amount = 50
        if position == 1:
            stoploss = priceclose - 1.05 * atr
            takeprofit = priceclose + 1.45 * atr
            # amount = priceclose / (priceclose - stoploss)
            if (priceclose - stoploss) * amount < 0.1:
                position = 0
                amount = 0
                stoploss = 0
                takeprofit = 0
        elif position == -1:
            stoploss = priceclose + 1.05 * atr
            takeprofit = priceclose - 1.45 * atr
            # amount = priceclose / (stoploss - priceclose)
            if (stoploss - priceclose) * amount < 0.1:
                position = 0
                amount = 0
                stoploss = 0
                takeprofit = 0
            stoploss = 0
            takeprofit = 0
            amount = 0

        ##For test
        # position = 1

        if position * pattern > 0:
            confidence = abs(pattern)
        elif position * pattern < 0:
            confidence = abs(1 / pattern)
        elif position == 0:
            confidence = 0
            confidence = 1

        # ##FOR TEST
        # position = 1
        return [position, amount, priceclose, stoploss, takeprofit, confidence]
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def SMA200(self, df, pattern, patterntype):
        df = df.dropna()

        ###1. Getting Parameters
        ##a. current price action
        priceaction = df.head(1)
        pricehigh = priceaction['high'].values[0]
        pricelow = priceaction['low'].values[0]
        priceclose = priceaction['close'].values[0]

        ##b. previous price action
        prevaction = df.iloc[1:].head(1)
        prevhigh = prevaction['high'].values[0]
        prevlow = prevaction['low'].values[0]
        prevclose = prevaction['close'].values[0]

        ##d. current SMAs
        smaCurrentInput = df.head(20)
        sma20Current = SMA(smaCurrentInput['close'].values, timeperiod=20)
        smaCurrentInput = smaCurrentInput.head(10)
        sma10Current = SMA(smaCurrentInput['close'].values, timeperiod=10)

        ##e. previous SMAs
        smaPreviousInput = df.iloc[1:].head(20)
        sma20Previous = SMA(smaPreviousInput['close'].values, timeperiod=20)
        smaPreviousInput = smaPreviousInput.head(10)
        sma10Previous = SMA(smaPreviousInput['close'].values, timeperiod=10)

        ##f. 200EMA
        emaInput = df.head(200)
        emaInput = emaInput.iloc[::-1]
        EMAclose = emaInput['close'].values
        ema = EMA(EMAclose, timeperiod=200)

        ##trade conditions

        if sma10Previous[-1] < sma20Previous[-1] and sma10Current[
                -1] > sma20Current[-1]:
            crossover = 1
        elif sma10Previous[-1] > sma20Previous[-1] and sma10Current[
                -1] < sma20Current[-1]:
            crossover = -1
            crossover = 0

        ## 200EMA filtering false signal
        if pricelow > ema[-1]: marketEMA = 1
        elif pricehigh < ema[-1]: marketEMA = -1
        else: marketEMA = 0

        if crossover == 1 and marketEMA == 1:
            position = 1
        elif crossover == -1 and marketEMA == -1:
            position = -1
            position = 0

        atr = atrcalc.ATRcalc(df)
        amount = 50
        if position == 1:
            stoploss = priceclose - 1.05 * atr
            takeprofit = priceclose + 1.45 * atr
            # amount = priceclose / (priceclose - stoploss)
            if (priceclose - stoploss) * amount < 0.1:
                position = 0
                amount = 0
                stoploss = 0
                takeprofit = 0
        elif position == -1:
            stoploss = priceclose + 1.05 * atr
            takeprofit = priceclose - 1.45 * atr
            # amount = priceclose / (stoploss - priceclose)
            if (stoploss - priceclose) * amount < 0.1:
                position = 0
                amount = 0
                stoploss = 0
                takeprofit = 0
            stoploss = 0
            takeprofit = 0
            amount = 0

        if position * pattern > 0:
            confidence = abs(pattern)
        elif position * pattern < 0:
            confidence = abs(1 / pattern)
        elif position == 0:
            confidence = 0
            confidence = 1
        # ##FOR TEST
        # position = 1
        return [position, amount, priceclose, stoploss, takeprofit, confidence]
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def bbands200(self, df, pattern, patterntype):
        df = df.dropna()

        #1. Calculate ATR for potential trade
        atr = atrcalc.ATRcalc(df)

        ##b. get BBands
        bband = df.head(21)
        bband = bband.iloc[1:]
        bband = bband.iloc[::-1]
        bbandInput = bband['close'].values
        upperband, middleband, lowerband = BBANDS(bbandInput,

        ##c. 200EMA
        emaInput = df.head(200)
        emaInput = emaInput.iloc[::-1]
        EMAclose = emaInput['close'].values
        ema = EMA(EMAclose, timeperiod=200)

        ##d. current price action
        priceaction = df.head(1)
        pricehigh = priceaction['high'].values[0]
        pricelow = priceaction['low'].values[0]
        priceclose = priceaction['close'].values[0]

        if pricehigh > upperband[-1]: breakBand = -1
        elif pricelow < lowerband[-1]: breakBand = 1
        else: breakBand = 0

        if pricelow > ema[-1]: marketEMA = 1
        elif pricehigh < ema[-1]: marketEMA = -1
        else: marketEMA = 0

        if marketEMA == 1 and pattern > 0 and patterntype == -1 and breakBand == 1:
            position = 1
        elif marketEMA == -1 and pattern < 0 and patterntype == -1 and breakBand == -1:
            position = -1
            position = 0
        amount = 50
        if position == 1:
            stoploss = priceclose - 1.05 * atr
            takeprofit = priceclose + 1.45 * atr
            # amount = priceclose / (priceclose - stoploss)
            if (stoploss - priceclose) * amount < 0.1:
                position = 0
                amount = 0
                stoploss = 0
                takeprofit = 0

        elif position == -1:
            stoploss = priceclose + 1.05 * atr
            takeprofit = priceclose - 1.45 * atr
            # amount = priceclose / (stoploss - priceclose)
            if (stoploss - priceclose) * amount < 0.1:
                position = 0
                amount = 0
                stoploss = 0
                takeprofit = 0

            stoploss = 0
            takeprofit = 0
            amount = 0

        if position * pattern > 0:
            confidence = abs(pattern)
        elif position * pattern < 0:
            confidence = abs(1 / pattern)
        elif position == 0:
            confidence = 0
            confidence = 1

        # ##FOR TEST
        # position = 1
        return [position, amount, priceclose, stoploss, takeprofit, confidence]
Ejemplo n.º 7
import pandas as pd
import indicators.ATRcalc as atrcalc
import os
#1. Calculate ATR for potential trade
df = pd.read_csv('./database/AAPL/temp2.csv')
#1. Calculate ATR for potential trade
# df = pd.read_csv('./database/AAPL.csv')
df = df.dropna()

#1. Calculate ATR for potential trade
atr = atrcalc.ATRcalc(df)

## a. checkpatterns
cdlInput = df.head(20)
cdlInput = cdlInput.iloc[::-1]
aa = cdlInput['open'].values
ab = cdlInput['high'].values
ac = cdlInput['low'].values
ad = cdlInput['close'].values
outputI3C = CDLIDENTICAL3CROWS(aa, ab, ac, ad)
output3BC = CDL3BLACKCROWS(aa, ab, ac, ad)
output3WS = CDL3WHITESOLDIERS(aa, ab, ac, ad)
outputMS = CDLMORNINGSTAR(aa, ab, ac, ad)
outputES = CDLEVENINGSTAR(aa, ab, ac, ad)
output3LS = CDL3LINESTRIKE(aa, ab, ac, ad)
outputMDS = CDLMORNINGDOJISTAR(aa, ab, ac, ad)