Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _do_update_firmware_sum(self, task, **kwargs):
        """Update the firmware using Smart Update Manager (SUM).

        :param task: a TaskManager object.
        :raises: NodeCleaningFailure or InstanceDeployFailure, on failure to
            execute of clean or deploy step respectively.
        :returns: states.CLEANWAIT or states.DEPLOYWAIT to signify the step
            will be completed async for clean or deploy step respectively.
        node = task.node
        if node.provision_state == states.DEPLOYING:
            step = node.deploy_step
            step_type = 'deploy'
            step = node.clean_step
            step_type = 'clean'

        # The arguments are validated and sent to the ProliantHardwareManager
        # to perform SUM based firmware update clean step.

        url = kwargs['url']
        if urlparse.urlparse(url).scheme == 'swift':
            url = firmware_processor.get_swift_url(urlparse.urlparse(url))
            step['args']['url'] = url

        # Insert SPP ISO into virtual media CDROM
        ilo_common.attach_vmedia(node, 'CDROM', url)

        return agent_base.execute_step(task, step, step_type)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def update_firmware_sum(self, task, **kwargs):
        """Updates the firmware using Smart Update Manager (SUM).

        :param task: a TaskManager object.
        :raises: NodeCleaningFailure, on failure to execute step.
        node = task.node
        # The arguments are validated and sent to the ProliantHardwareManager
        # to perform SUM based firmware update clean step.
        firmware_processor.get_and_validate_firmware_image_info(kwargs, 'sum')

        url = kwargs['url']
        if urlparse.urlparse(url).scheme == 'swift':
            url = firmware_processor.get_swift_url(urlparse.urlparse(url))
            node.clean_step['args']['url'] = url

        step = node.clean_step
        return deploy_utils.agent_execute_clean_step(task, step)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_get_and_validate_firmware_image_info_sum(self):
     # | GIVEN |
     result = None
     firmware_image_info = {
         'url': self.any_url,
         'checksum': 'b64c8f7799cfbb553d384d34dc43fafe336cc889'
     # | WHEN | & | THEN |
     ret_val = ilo_fw_processor.get_and_validate_firmware_image_info(
         firmware_image_info, 'sum')
     self.assertEqual(result, ret_val)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def update_firmware_sum(self, task, **kwargs):
        """Updates the firmware using Smart Update Manager (SUM).

        :param task: a TaskManager object.
        :raises: NodeCleaningFailure, on failure to execute of clean step.
        node = task.node
        # The arguments are validated and sent to the ProliantHardwareManager
        # to perform SUM based firmware update clean step.
        firmware_processor.get_and_validate_firmware_image_info(kwargs, 'sum')

        url = kwargs['url']
        if urlparse.urlparse(url).scheme == 'swift':
            url = firmware_processor.get_swift_url(urlparse.urlparse(url))
            node.clean_step['args']['url'] = url

        # Insert SPP ISO into virtual media CDROM
        ilo_common.attach_vmedia(node, 'CDROM', url)

        step = node.clean_step
        return agent_base.execute_clean_step(task, step)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_get_and_validate_firmware_image_info(self):
     # | GIVEN |
     firmware_image_info = {
         'url': self.any_url,
         'checksum': 'b64c8f7799cfbb553d384d34dc43fafe336cc889',
         'component': 'BIOS'
     # | WHEN |
     url, checksum, component = (
     # | THEN |
     self.assertEqual(self.any_url, url)
     self.assertEqual('b64c8f7799cfbb553d384d34dc43fafe336cc889', checksum)
     self.assertEqual('bios', component)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def update_firmware(self, task, **kwargs):
        """Updates the firmware.

        :param task: a TaskManager object.
        :raises: InvalidParameterValue if update firmware mode is not 'ilo'.
                 Even applicable for invalid input cases.
        :raises: NodeCleaningFailure, on failure to execute step.
        node = task.node
        fw_location_objs_n_components = []
        firmware_images = kwargs['firmware_images']
        # Note(deray): Processing of firmware images happens here. As part
        # of processing checksum validation is also done for the firmware file.
        # Processing of firmware file essentially means downloading the file
        # on the conductor, validating the checksum of the downloaded content,
        # extracting the raw firmware file from its compact format, if it is,
        # and hosting the file on a web server or a swift store based on the
        # need of the baremetal server iLO firmware update method.
            for firmware_image_info in firmware_images:
                url, checksum, component = (
                        firmware_image_info, kwargs['firmware_update_mode']))
                    "Processing of firmware file: %(firmware_file)s on "
                    "node: %(node)s ... in progress", {
                        'firmware_file': url,
                        'node': node.uuid

                fw_processor = firmware_processor.FirmwareProcessor(url)
                fw_location_obj = fw_processor.process_fw_on(node, checksum)
                    (fw_location_obj, component))

                    "Processing of firmware file: %(firmware_file)s on "
                    "node: %(node)s ... done", {
                        'firmware_file': url,
                        'node': node.uuid
        except exception.IronicException as ilo_exc:
            # delete all the files extracted so far from the extracted list
            # and re-raise the exception
            for fw_loc_obj_n_comp_tup in fw_location_objs_n_components:
                "Processing of firmware image: %(firmware_image)s "
                "on node: %(node)s ... failed", {
                    'firmware_image': firmware_image_info,
                    'node': node.uuid
            raise exception.NodeCleaningFailure(node=node.uuid, reason=ilo_exc)

        # Updating of firmware images happen here.
            for fw_location_obj, component in fw_location_objs_n_components:
                fw_location = fw_location_obj.fw_image_location
                    "Firmware update for %(firmware_file)s on "
                    "node: %(node)s ... in progress", {
                        'firmware_file': fw_location,
                        'node': node.uuid

                _execute_ilo_clean_step(node, 'update_firmware', fw_location,

                    "Firmware update for %(firmware_file)s on "
                    "node: %(node)s ... done", {
                        'firmware_file': fw_location,
                        'node': node.uuid
        except exception.NodeCleaningFailure:
            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
                    "Firmware update for %(firmware_file)s on "
                    "node: %(node)s failed.", {
                        'firmware_file': fw_location,
                        'node': node.uuid
            for fw_loc_obj_n_comp_tup in fw_location_objs_n_components:

            "All Firmware update operations completed successfully "
            "for node: %s.", node.uuid)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def update_firmware(self, task, **kwargs):
        """Updates the firmware.

        :param task: a TaskManager object.
        :raises: InvalidParameterValue if update firmware mode is not 'ilo'.
                 Even applicable for invalid input cases.
        :raises: NodeCleaningFailure, on failure to execute step.
        node = task.node
        fw_location_objs_n_components = []
        firmware_images = kwargs['firmware_images']
        # Note(deray): Processing of firmware images happens here. As part
        # of processing checksum validation is also done for the firmware file.
        # Processing of firmware file essentially means downloading the file
        # on the conductor, validating the checksum of the downloaded content,
        # extracting the raw firmware file from its compact format, if it is,
        # and hosting the file on a web server or a swift store based on the
        # need of the baremetal server iLO firmware update method.
            for firmware_image_info in firmware_images:
                url, checksum, component = (
                LOG.debug("Processing of firmware file: %(firmware_file)s on "
                          "node: %(node)s ... in progress",
                          {'firmware_file': url, 'node': node.uuid})

                fw_processor = firmware_processor.FirmwareProcessor(url)
                fw_location_obj = fw_processor.process_fw_on(node, checksum)
                    (fw_location_obj, component))

                LOG.debug("Processing of firmware file: %(firmware_file)s on "
                          "node: %(node)s ... done",
                          {'firmware_file': url, 'node': node.uuid})
        except exception.IronicException as ilo_exc:
            # delete all the files extracted so far from the extracted list
            # and re-raise the exception
            for fw_loc_obj_n_comp_tup in fw_location_objs_n_components:
            LOG.error("Processing of firmware image: %(firmware_image)s "
                      "on node: %(node)s ... failed",
                      {'firmware_image': firmware_image_info,
                       'node': node.uuid})
            raise exception.NodeCleaningFailure(node=node.uuid, reason=ilo_exc)

        # Updating of firmware images happen here.
            for fw_location_obj, component in fw_location_objs_n_components:
                fw_location = fw_location_obj.fw_image_location
                LOG.debug("Firmware update for %(firmware_file)s on "
                          "node: %(node)s ... in progress",
                          {'firmware_file': fw_location, 'node': node.uuid})

                    node, 'update_firmware', fw_location, component)

                LOG.debug("Firmware update for %(firmware_file)s on "
                          "node: %(node)s ... done",
                          {'firmware_file': fw_location, 'node': node.uuid})
        except exception.NodeCleaningFailure:
            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
                LOG.error("Firmware update for %(firmware_file)s on "
                          "node: %(node)s failed.",
                          {'firmware_file': fw_location, 'node': node.uuid})
            for fw_loc_obj_n_comp_tup in fw_location_objs_n_components:

        LOG.info("All Firmware update operations completed successfully "
                 "for node: %s.", node.uuid)