Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __find_param__(self, paramSetString):
        """find the parameters of the template
    paramSetString is the c++ string which define the parameters set
    __find_param__ returns a list of itk classes, itkCType, and/or numbers
    which correspond to the parameters described in paramSetString.
    The parameters MUST have been registered before calling this method,
    or __find_param__ will return a string and not the wanted object, and
    will display a warning. Registration order is important.
    This method is not static only to be able to display the template name
    in the warning
        # split the string in a list of parameters
        paramStrings = []
        inner = 0
        part = paramSetString.split(",")
        for elt in part:
            if inner == 0:
                paramStrings[-1] += "," + elt
            inner += elt.count("<") - elt.count(">")

        # convert all string parameters into classes (if possible)
        parameters = []
        for param in paramStrings:
            # the parameter need to be normalized several time below
            # do it once here
            param = param.strip()
            paramNorm = normalizeName(param)

            if itkTemplate.__templates__.has_key(paramNorm):
                # the parameter is registered.
                # just get the really class form the dictionary
                param = itkTemplate.__templates__[paramNorm]

            elif itkCType.GetCType(param):
                # the parameter is a c type
                # just get the itkCtype instance
                param = itkCType.GetCType(param)

            elif paramNorm.isdigit():
                # the parameter is a number
                # convert the string to a number !
                param = int(param)

                # unable to convert the parameter
                # use it without changes, but display a warning message, to incite
                # developer to fix the problem
                print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: Unknown parameter '%s' in template '%s'" % (
                    param, self.__name__)


        return parameters
Ejemplo n.º 2
def ctype(s):
    """Return the c type corresponding to the string passed in parameter

    The string can contain some extra spaces.
    see also itkCType
    from itkTypes import itkCType
    ret = itkCType.GetCType(" ".join(s.split()))
    if ret is None:
        raise KeyError("Unrecognized C type '%s'" % s)
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def loadItkImage(self, filename):
        base = itk.ImageIOFactory.CreateImageIO(filename, itk.ImageIOFactory.ReadMode)

        componentType = base.GetComponentType()
        itkctype = itkCType.GetCType("float")
        imageType = itk.Image[itkctype, base.GetNumberOfDimensions()]

        reader = itk.ImageFileReader[imageType].New()

        self.itkImage = reader.GetOutput()
        self.itkPixelType = itkctype
        self.dimensions = base.GetNumberOfDimensions()