class Game: """ The actual game and rendering related functions """ _refresh_time = 1 / FRAME_RATE # DECLARING EVERYTHING def __init__(self): coloroma_init(autoreset=False) self.__score = 0 self.__last_level_score = 0 self.__ticks = 0 self.__level_ticks = 0 self.__level = 1 self.__lives_used = 0 self.__paddle = Paddle() self.__bricks_broken = 0 self.__balls = [Ball(paddle=self.__paddle)] self.__cnt_active_balls = 0 self.__cnt_active_bricks = 100 self.__game_status = GAME_END self.__powerups = [] self.__kb = KBHit() self.__explode_ids = [x for x in range(8, 14)] self.__explode_nbrs_ids = [7, 14, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33] self.__brick_structure_y_fall = 0 self.__fall_bricks = 0 self.__bullets = [] self.__ufo = Ufo() self.__ufo_bombs = [] self.__ufo_bricks = [] self.__map_position_to_bricks = [] clear_terminal_screen() self._draw_bricks() self._loop() # DRAW THE OBJECT IN GIVEN RANGE def _draw_obj(self, coord, obj): y1 = 0 for y in range(coord[1], coord[1] + coord[3]): x1 = 0 for x in range(coord[0], coord[0] + coord[2]): # (x, y) wrt frame (x1, y1) wrt obj if 0 <= x < FRAME_WIDTH and 0 <= y < FRAME_HEIGHT: self.__frame[y][x] = obj[y1][x1] x1 += 1 y1 += 1 # TOP INFO BAR def _top_info_print(self): s = f"SCORE:{self.__score} "[:13] s += f"LIVES REMAINING:{LIVES - self.__lives_used} "[:24] s += f"TIME: {self.__level_ticks//10} "[:14] s += f"LEVEL: {self.__level} " if self.__paddle.check_have_bullet_powerup(): # (self.__ticks - self.__paddle.get_powerup_start_time())//10 >= POWERUP_LIFE # (X - S) // 10 = POWERUP_LIFE # X = S + 10*POWERUP_LIFE # ANSWER = X - NOW. x = self.__paddle.get_powerup_start_time() + 10 * POWERUP_LIFE s += f"POWERUP TIME LEFT: {x - self.__ticks} " if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL: s += f"UFO HEALTH: {self.__ufo.get_health()} " s += f"Press q to quit." else: s += f"Press q to quit." self.__frame[1][2:2 + len(s)] = [ Style.BRIGHT + Fore.WHITE + Back.LIGHTBLACK_EX + x for x in s ] # DRAW THE BRICK STRUCTURE def _draw_bricks(self): self.__bricks = [] y = BRICK_STRUCTURE_Y if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL: y += 7 dummy_row = [ "X" for i in range(len(BRICK_STRUCTURE[self.__level - 1][0]) + 2) ] self.__map_position_to_bricks = [dummy_row] for i, row in enumerate(BRICK_STRUCTURE[self.__level - 1]): x = BRICK_STRUCTURE_X row_bricks = ["X"] for j, brick_type in enumerate(row): if brick_type == " ": row_bricks.append("X") x += BRICK_WIDTH continue if int(brick_type) == WEAK_BRICK_ID: self.__bricks.append(WeakBrick(x, y, i + 1, j + 1)) elif int(brick_type) == NORMAL_BRICK_ID: self.__bricks.append(NormalBrick(x, y, i + 1, j + 1)) elif int(brick_type) == STRONG_BRICK_ID: self.__bricks.append(StrongBrick(x, y, i + 1, j + 1)) elif int(brick_type) == UNBREAKABLE_BRICK_ID: self.__bricks.append(UnbreakableBrick(x, y, i + 1, j + 1)) elif int(brick_type) == EXPLODING_BRICK_ID: self.__bricks.append(ExplodingBrick(x, y, i + 1, j + 1)) elif int(brick_type) == RAINBOW_BRICK_ID: self.__bricks.append(RainbowBrick(x, y, i + 1, j + 1)) row_bricks.append(self.__bricks[-1]) x += BRICK_WIDTH row_bricks.append("X") self.__map_position_to_bricks.append(row_bricks) y += BRICK_HEIGHT self.__map_position_to_bricks.append(dummy_row) # print(len(self.__map_position_to_bricks), len(self.__map_position_to_bricks[0]), len(B)) # input() # HOLD SCREEN. BETWEEN LIFE LOSTS def _draw_hold_screen(self, message=""): self.__frame = np.array([[ Style.BRIGHT + Fore.WHITE + Back.LIGHTBLACK_EX + " " for _ in range(FRAME_WIDTH) ] for _ in range(FRAME_HEIGHT)]) self._top_info_print() s = message + " Press ENTER to continue." self.__frame[FRAME_HEIGHT // 2][50:50 + len(s)] = [x for x in s] sra = str(Style.RESET_ALL) # get the grid string grid_str = "\n".join( [sra + " " * 4 + "".join(row) + sra for row in self.__frame]) # displaying the grid os.write(1, str.encode(grid_str)) # DRAW ONE FRAME def _draw(self): # drawing the grid self.__frame = np.array([[ Style.BRIGHT + Fore.WHITE + Back.LIGHTBLACK_EX + " " for _ in range(FRAME_WIDTH) ] for _ in range(FRAME_HEIGHT)]) self.__bricks_broken = 0 # TOP INFO BAR self._top_info_print() # PADDLE self._draw_obj(self.__paddle.get_box(), self.__paddle.get_obj()) # UFO if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL: if self.__ufo.check_active(): self._draw_obj(self.__ufo.get_box(), self.__ufo.get_obj()) # UFO BRICKS for ufo_brick in self.__ufo_bricks: if not ufo_brick.check_active(): continue self._draw_obj(ufo_brick.get_box(), ufo_brick.get_obj()) # BRICKS for brick in self.__bricks: if brick.check_active(): self._draw_obj(brick.get_box(), brick.get_obj()) else: self.__bricks_broken += 1 #BULLETS for bullet in self.__bullets: if bullet.check_active(): self._draw_obj(bullet.get_box(), bullet.get_obj()) #BOMBS for bomb in self.__ufo_bombs: if bomb.check_active(): self._draw_obj(bomb.get_box(), bomb.get_obj()) # BALLS for ball in self.__balls: if ball.check_active(): self._draw_obj(ball.get_box(), ball.get_obj()) # POWERUPS for powerup in self.__powerups: if powerup.check_active(): self._draw_obj(powerup.get_box(), powerup.get_obj()) sra = str(Style.RESET_ALL) grid_str = "\n".join( [sra + " " * 4 + "".join(row) + sra for row in self.__frame]) os.write(1, str.encode(grid_str)) # TAKE INPUT FROM KBHIT def _get_input(self): c = "" if self.__kb.kbhit(): c = self.__kb.getch() self.__kb.flush() return c # HANDLE THE INPUT TAKEN def _handle_input(self, key): key = key.lower() if key == 'q': self.Quit() if key in "ad": if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL: self.__paddle.handle_key_press(key, self.__ufo) for idx, brick in enumerate(self.__ufo_bricks): brick.set_x(self.__ufo.get_x() + idx * BRICK_WIDTH) else: self.__paddle.handle_key_press(key) if key in " ad": for ball in self.__balls: ball.handle_key_press(self.__paddle, key) if key == 'l': self.change_level() # DIVIDE THE BALL INTO TWO def divide_ball(self, ball): new_ball = Ball() x, y = ball.get_position() vx, vy = ball.get_velocity() if vx != 0: new_ball.set_velocity(vx * -1, vy) else: new_ball.set_velocity(-1, vy) new_ball.set_position(x, y) new_ball.set_state(BALL_RELEASED) return new_ball # DIFFRENT COLLISIONS def _ball_and_wall(self): for ball in self.__balls: if ball.check_active(): ball.check_wall_collission() def _ball_and_paddle(self): for ball in self.__balls: if ball.check_active(): if ball.check_paddle_collission( self.__paddle) and self.__fall_bricks: self.__brick_structure_y_fall += 1 if self.__brick_structure_y_fall + BRICK_STRUCTURE_Y + len( BRICK_STRUCTURE[self.__level - 1]) * BRICK_HEIGHT == PADDLE_Y: self.Quit() def _bomb_and_paddle(self): for bomb in self.__ufo_bombs: if bomb.check_active(): if bomb.check_paddle_collission(self.__paddle): self.__cnt_active_balls = 0 def _ball_and_ufo(self): for ball in self.__balls: if ball.check_active(): if ball.check_ufo_collission(self.__ufo): self.Quit() def _powerup_and_paddle(self): for powerup in self.__powerups: if not powerup.check_active(): continue if check_intersection(powerup, self.__paddle): if powerup.get_type() == POWERUP_EXPAND_PADDLE: self.__paddle.change_width(INC_PADDLE_WIDTH) elif powerup.get_type() == POWERUP_SHRINK_PADDLE: self.__paddle.change_width(-1 * SHRINK_PADDLE_WIDTH) elif powerup.get_type() == POWERUP_FAST_BALL: for ball in self.__balls: ball.inc_speed(2) elif powerup.get_type() == POWERUP_BALL_MULITIPLIER: new_balls = [] for ball in self.__balls: if ball.check_active(): new_balls.append(self.divide_ball(ball)) for new_ball in new_balls: self.__balls.append(new_ball) elif powerup.get_type() == POWERUP_THRU_BALL: for ball in self.__balls: ball.set_type(THRU_BALL) elif powerup.get_type() == POWERUP_GRAB_BALL: for ball in self.__balls: ball.set_grabbable() elif powerup.get_type() == POWERUP_SHOOTING_BULLET: self.__paddle.set_have_bullet_powerup(1) self.__paddle.set_powerup_start_time(self.__ticks) elif powerup.get_type() == POWERUP_FIREBALL: for ball in self.__balls: ball.set_fire() else: continue powerup.deactivate() def _update(self): # ball moved self.__cnt_active_balls = 0 for ball in self.__balls: if ball.check_active(): ball.update() self.__cnt_active_balls += 1 # Powerup moved powerup_remove = [] for id, powerup in enumerate(self.__powerups): if powerup.check_active(): powerup.update() else: powerup_remove.append(id) for id in sorted(powerup_remove, reverse=True): del self.__powerups[id] # Bullet moved bullet_remove = [] for id, bullet in enumerate(self.__bullets): if bullet.check_active(): bullet.update() else: bullet_remove.append(id) for id in sorted(bullet_remove, reverse=True): del self.__bullets[id] # Bomb moved bomb_remove = [] for id, bomb in enumerate(self.__ufo_bombs): if bomb.check_active(): bomb.update() else: bomb_remove.append(id) for id in sorted(bomb_remove, reverse=True): del self.__ufo_bombs[id] # Bullet powerup done if self.__paddle.check_have_bullet_powerup( ) and (self.__ticks - self.__paddle.get_powerup_start_time()) // 10 >= POWERUP_LIFE: self.__paddle.set_have_bullet_powerup(0) # Generate Bullet if self.__paddle.check_have_bullet_powerup() and self.__ticks % 8 == 0: x, y = self.__paddle.get_position() self.__bullets.append(Bullet(x + PADDLE_WIDTH // 2, y, -1)) # Generate Bomb if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL and self.__ufo.can_drop_bomb(): u_x, u_y, u_width, u_height = self.__ufo.get_box() self.__ufo_bombs.append(Bomb(u_x + u_width // 2, u_y + u_height)) # ball and wall collissins self._ball_and_wall() # ball and paddle collissions self._ball_and_paddle() # bomb and paddle if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL: self._bomb_and_paddle() # powerup and paddle collissions self._powerup_and_paddle() # ufo bricks and ball if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL: for brick in self.__ufo_bricks: if not brick.check_active(): continue for ball in self.__balls: if not ball.check_active(): continue is_destroyed = brick.handle_collission(ball) # ufo and ball if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL: got_critical = True if self.__ufo.check_critical(): got_critical = False self._ball_and_ufo() if not self.__ufo.check_critical(): got_critical = False if got_critical: u_x, u_y, u_width, u_height = self.__ufo.get_box() for i in range(UFO_WIDTH // BRICK_WIDTH): b_x = u_x + i * BRICK_WIDTH b_y = u_y + u_height self.__ufo_bricks.append(WeakBrick(b_x, b_y)) for powerup in self.__powerups: if powerup.check_active(): powerup.check_wall_collission() for brick in self.__bricks: if brick.check_active(): for bullet in self.__bullets: if bullet.check_active(): vx, vy = bullet.get_velocity() is_destroyed = brick.handle_collission_bullet(bullet) if not is_destroyed: continue if is_destroyed and == EXPLODING_BRICK_ID: os.system('aplay -q ./sounds/explosions.wav&') for i in self.__explode_ids: if self.__bricks[i].check_active(): self.__bricks[i].destroy() for i in self.__explode_nbrs_ids: if self.__bricks[i].check_active(): self.__bricks[i].destroy() if is_destroyed and random.random( ) > POWERUP_PROBABILITY: # generate power_up (x, y, _, _) = brick.get_box() powerup_type = random.randint(0, 7) self.__powerups.append( PowerUp(x, y, vx, vy, powerup_type)) self.__cnt_active_bricks = 0 for brick in self.__bricks: if brick.check_active(): if brick.get_type() != UNBREAKABLE_BRICK_ID: self.__cnt_active_bricks += 1 for ball in self.__balls: if ball.check_active(): vx, vy = ball.get_velocity() is_destroyed = brick.handle_collission( ball, self.__map_position_to_bricks) if is_destroyed and == EXPLODING_BRICK_ID: for i in self.__explode_ids: if self.__bricks[i].check_active(): self.__bricks[i].destroy() for i in self.__explode_nbrs_ids: if self.__bricks[i].check_active(): self.__bricks[i].destroy() if is_destroyed and random.random( ) > POWERUP_PROBABILITY: # generate power_up (x, y, _, _) = brick.get_box() powerup_type = random.randint(0, 7) # powerup_type = POWERUP_FIREBALL self.__powerups.append( PowerUp(x, y, vx, vy, powerup_type)) for brick in self.__bricks: if brick.check_active(): brick.set_y_fall(self.__brick_structure_y_fall) if (self.__level_ticks // 10) == LEVEL_TIME[self.__level - 1]: self.__fall_bricks = 1 def _get_score(self): self.__score = max( 0, 100 * self.__bricks_broken - (self.__ticks // 100) * 10) if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL: self.__score += (max(0, 1000 * (UFO_HEALTH - self.__ufo.get_health()))) return self.__score + self.__last_level_score def refresh(self): self.__powerups = [] self.__paddle.set_default() self.__balls = [Ball(paddle=self.__paddle)] self.__bullets = [] def change_level(self): if self.__level == MAX_LEVEL: self.Quit() self.__level += 1 while True: print("\033[0;0H") self._draw_hold_screen(f"Moving to level {self.__level}.") last_key_pressed = self._get_input().lower() if last_key_pressed == "\n": print("\033[0;0H") break elif last_key_pressed == "q": self.Quit() break if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL: os.system('aplay -q ./sounds/ufo.wav& 2>/dev/null') self._draw_bricks() self.__brick_structure_y_fall = 0 self.__fall_bricks = 0 self.__level_ticks = 0 self.__last_level_score = self.__score self.refresh() # loop over frames def _loop(self): self.__game_status = GAME_START clear_terminal_screen() while self.__game_status == GAME_START: # 1. Clear Screen # 2. update positions and handle collisions # 3. update info # 4. draw # 5. handle input # clear screen and reposition cursor. print("\033[0;0H") self._update() if self.__cnt_active_bricks == 0 and self.__level != UFO_LEVEL: self.change_level() if self.__cnt_active_balls == 0: self.refresh() self.__lives_used += 1 self.__game_status = GAME_HOLD while self.__game_status == GAME_HOLD: print("\033[0;0H") self._draw_hold_screen("Life lost. Game Paused.") last_key_pressed = self._get_input().lower() if last_key_pressed == "\n": print("\033[0;0H") self.__game_status = GAME_START elif last_key_pressed == "q": self.Quit() break if LIVES - self.__lives_used == 0: self.Quit() break self._draw() last = time.time() last_key_pressed = self._get_input() self._handle_input(last_key_pressed) self.__score = self._get_score() self.__ticks += 1 self.__level_ticks += 1 while time.time() - last < self._refresh_time: pass def Quit(self): clear_terminal_screen() self.__game_status = GAME_END s = " " * 5 s = "GAME OVER!\n" s += f"SCORE:{self.__score}\n"[:13] s += f"LIVES USED:{self.__lives_used}\n"[:24] s += f"TIME: {self.__ticks//10}\n" os.write(1, str.encode(s)) os.system('setterm -cursor on') os._exit(0)
level = Easy() level.placeBricks() while True: level.screen.time += level.ball.waitTime time.sleep(level.ball.waitTime) if keyboard.kbhit(): inp = keyboard.getch() if inp == 'q': sys.exit() elif inp == 'a' or inp == 'd': level.paddle.move(inp) elif inp == ' ': level.ball.launch() elif inp == 't': break keyboard.flush() level.ball.move() if level.ball.gameOver == True: break os.system("clear") level.screen.display() print("Level 1") print("Score:", level.screen.score + score, " ", "Time elapsed:", int(level.screen.time)) print("Lives left:", lives - 1) score += level.screen.score # level 2 level = Moderate() level.placeBricks()
def main(): def setup_logging(): print("setup_logging") logging.basicConfig( format= "%(asctime)s [%(threadName)-12.12s] [%(levelname)-5.5s] %(message)s", handlers=[ logging.FileHandler("./zero_one.log"), logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ], level=logging.INFO) def destroy_logging(): print("destroy_logging") # Start the main program here print('Testing UI ...') setup_logging() st = 0 tick = 0 try: app_ui = ui.get_ui_instance() command = None app_ui.led_flash(ui.Led.LED_RED, 0.1) this_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) binary_path = os.path.join(this_directory, "fadecandy/bin/fcserver-osx") config_path = os.path.join(this_directory, "fadecandy/bin/test-rig_config.json") fcserver = display.FCServer(binary_path, config_path) print(fcserver) d1 = display.Display() print(d1) while command != ui.Commands.Quit: print('. ') time.sleep(0.1) command = app_ui.get_command() button = app_ui.get_button() if button != None: if button == Button.BUTTON_1: print('BUTTON_1') print('fcserver setup', fcserver.setup()) elif button == Button.BUTTON_2: print('BUTTON_2') fcserver.test() elif button == Button.BUTTON_3: print('BUTTON_3') raise ZeroOneException('Critical failure - user bored', 4) # if _ui.test_button(Button.BUTTON_3): # _ui.led_on(ui.Led.LED_AMBER) # else: # _ui.led_off(ui.Led.LED_AMBER) # tick = tick+1 # if tick > 20: # print('Queue:', _ui.get_button()) # tick = 0 if command == ui.Commands.Test: print('TEST') if st == 0: pass if st == 1: pass print(app_ui) st = st + 1 if st == 2: st = 0 app_ui.shutdown() # Flush the keyboard here # TODO : is this even needed anymore kb = KBHit() kb.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt as ex: print("Aborted") except ZeroOneException as ex: print("\n>>> EXCEPTION : {} <<<\n".format(ex.message)) logging.error(ex.message, exc_info=True) app_ui.display_exception(ex.error_code) finally: app_ui.shutdown() fcserver.shutdown() destroy_logging() print('Done!')
def main(argv): print('ZeroOneController running ...') # Set up the logging setup_logging()'ZeroOneController running ...') # Get the UI instance app_ui = ui.get_ui_instance() command = None app_ui.led_flash(ui.Led.LED_AMBER, 0.2) # Read the config file config_file = './config.ini' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hc:", ["config="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print(' --config <configfile>') raise ZeroOneException() for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-c', '--config'): config_file = arg this_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # Test the config file exists print('Using config from', config_file) # TODO : This should check absolute path # os.path.isabs() if os.path.exists(config_file) == False: raise ZeroOneException( "Config file {0} does not exist".format(config_file)) else: # TODO : This should catch the json.decoder.JSONDecodeError exception with open(config_file) as cf: data = json.load(cf) config_fadecandy = data['Fadecandy'] config_emulator = data['DisplayEmulator'] config_options = data['Options'] ide_mode = False if 'Ide_mode' in config_options: if config_options['Ide_mode'] != 0: ide_mode = True this_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # Now create a display object app_display = display.Display(config_fadecandy, config_emulator) app_display.setup() app_effects = effect.EffectController() image_cycler = effect.ImageCycler(config_options['ImagePath']) try: if ide_mode == True: image_filename = '/Users/colind/Documents/Projects/ZeroOne/ZeroOne/Controller/images/RGBW.png' print(image_filename) zo_image = ZO_Image() zo_image.load_from_file(image_filename) print(zo_image) # app_display.update_display(zo_image.test_image()) else: while command != ui.Commands.Quit: print('. ') time.sleep(0.05) # Check if we're running in the IDE mode or not if ide_mode == False: command = app_ui.get_command() button = app_ui.get_button() else: command, button = get_ide_mode_command_and_button() # Process the incoming commands if button != None: if button == Button.BUTTON_1: print('BUTTON_1') app_display.clear_display() elif button == Button.BUTTON_2: print('BUTTON_2') image_file = image_cycler.get_next_file() print('Processing ', image_file) img = ZO_Image() img.load_from_file(image_file) app_display.update_display(img.image) elif button == Button.BUTTON_3: print('BUTTON_3') try: kb = KBHit() kb.flush() except: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Exiting ...') except ZeroOneException as ex: print("\n>>> EXCEPTION : {} <<<\n".format(ex.message)) logging.error(ex.message, exc_info=True) app_ui.display_exception(ex.error_code) finally: app_ui.shutdown() app_display.shutdown()'Done!') destroy_logging() print('Done!')