def game_round(self,position): # set round speed and guess speed = 1./(1+position) guess = -1 stop = False # turn on GPIO pins for i in pinList[position:]: GPIO.setup(i, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(i, GPIO.HIGH) # turn on correct guesses for i in pinList[0:position]: GPIO.output(i, GPIO.LOW) #start kbhit kb = KBHit() # start loop while True: for i in pinList[position:]: GPIO.output(i, GPIO.LOW) # check keypress if kb.kbhit(): c = kb.getch() if ord(c) != 27: stop = True guess = pinList.index(i)-1 break time.sleep(speed) # check keypress if stop: break pinList.reverse() for i in pinList[0:len(pinList)-position]: GPIO.output(i,GPIO.HIGH) if kb.kbhit(): c = kb.getch() if ord(c) != 27: stop = True guess = len(pinList)-(pinList.index(i)+1) pinList.reverse() time.sleep(speed) if stop: break pinList.reverse() # check results print guess print position return (guess == position)
def game_round(self, position): # set round speed and guess speed = 1. / (1 + position) guess = -1 stop = False # turn on GPIO pins for i in pinList[position:]: GPIO.setup(i, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(i, GPIO.HIGH) # turn on correct guesses for i in pinList[0:position]: GPIO.output(i, GPIO.LOW) #start kbhit kb = KBHit() # start loop while True: for i in pinList[position:]: GPIO.output(i, GPIO.LOW) # check keypress if kb.kbhit(): c = kb.getch() if ord(c) != 27: stop = True guess = pinList.index(i) - 1 break time.sleep(speed) # check keypress if stop: break pinList.reverse() for i in pinList[0:len(pinList) - position]: GPIO.output(i, GPIO.HIGH) if kb.kbhit(): c = kb.getch() if ord(c) != 27: stop = True guess = len(pinList) - (pinList.index(i) + 1) pinList.reverse() time.sleep(speed) if stop: break pinList.reverse() # check results print guess print position return (guess == position)
def run(self): """Run the CPU.""" self._running = True old_time = time() kb = KBHit() while self._running: # trigger timer interrupt every second (approx) new_time = time() if new_time - old_time > 1: self.interrupt(TIMER_INTERRUPT) old_time = new_time # trigger keyboard interrupt on keypress if kb.kbhit(): c = kb.getch() if ord(c[0]) == 27: # ESC self._running = False break self.ram_write(KEY_BUFFER, ord(c[0])) self.interrupt(KEYBOARD_INTERRUPT) self.check_interrupts() # process instruction at program counter self.IR = self.ram_read(self.PC) if self.IR & ALU_MASK: self.alu(ALU[self.IR], self.OP_A, self.OP_B) else: OPCODES[self.IR](self) # adjust program counter if necessary if not self.IR & 0b10000: self.PC += (1 + (self.IR >> 6)) kb.set_normal_term()
def main(self): kb = KBHit() # needed for windows to handle keyboard interrupt print('Hit ESC to exit') try: #time.sleep(1) #self.request_port_mapping() time.sleep(0.5) self.set_pin_mode(13, AsipClient.OUTPUT) time.sleep(0.5) self.set_pin_mode(2, AsipClient.INPUT_PULLUP) time.sleep(0.5) except Exception as e: sys.stdout.write("Exception: caught {} in setting pin mode".format(e)) while True: if kb.kbhit(): c = kb.getch() if ord(c) == 27: # ESC kb.set_normal_term() break try: self.digital_write(13, 1) time.sleep(1.25) self.digital_write(13, 0) time.sleep(1.25) except Exception as e: sys.stdout.write("Exception: caught {} in digital_write".format(e))
def main(self): if == 'nt': kb = KBHit() # needed for windows to handle keyboard interrupt sys.stdout.write('Hit ESC to exit\n') try: time.sleep(0.5) self.asip.set_pin_mode(13, self.asip.OUTPUT) time.sleep(0.5) except Exception as e: sys.stdout.write("Exception caught while setting pin mode: {}\n".format(e)) self.thread_killer() sys.exit(1) while True: if == 'nt': if kb.kbhit(): c = kb.getch() if ord(c) == 27: # ESC kb.set_normal_term() break try: self.asip.digital_write(13, self.asip.HIGH) time.sleep(1.25) self.asip.digital_write(13, self.asip.LOW) time.sleep(1.25) except (KeyboardInterrupt, Exception) as e: sys.stdout.write("Caught exception in main loop: {}\n".format(e)) self.thread_killer() sys.exit()
def main(self): kb = KBHit() # needed for windows to handle keyboard interrupt print('Hit ESC to exit') try: #time.sleep(1) #self.request_port_mapping() time.sleep(0.5) self.set_pin_mode(13, AsipClient.OUTPUT) time.sleep(0.5) self.set_pin_mode(2, AsipClient.INPUT_PULLUP) time.sleep(0.5) except Exception as e: sys.stdout.write( "Exception: caught {} in setting pin mode".format(e)) while True: if kb.kbhit(): c = kb.getch() if ord(c) == 27: # ESC kb.set_normal_term() break try: self.digital_write(13, 1) time.sleep(1.25) self.digital_write(13, 0) time.sleep(1.25) except Exception as e: sys.stdout.write( "Exception: caught {} in digital_write".format(e))
def main(self): if == 'nt': kb = KBHit() # needed for windows to handle keyboard interrupt sys.stdout.write('Hit ESC to exit\n') try: time.sleep(0.5) self.asip.set_pin_mode(13, self.asip.OUTPUT) time.sleep(0.5) except Exception as e: sys.stdout.write( "Exception caught while setting pin mode: {}\n".format(e)) self.thread_killer() sys.exit(1) while True: if == 'nt': if kb.kbhit(): c = kb.getch() if ord(c) == 27: # ESC kb.set_normal_term() break try: self.asip.digital_write(13, self.asip.HIGH) time.sleep(1.25) self.asip.digital_write(13, self.asip.LOW) time.sleep(1.25) except (KeyboardInterrupt, Exception) as e: sys.stdout.write( "Caught exception in main loop: {}\n".format(e)) self.thread_killer() sys.exit()
def waitForInput(running_flag, threads): kb = KBHit() while True: if kb.kbhit(): c = kb.getch() if ord(c) == 27: # ESC break e.sleep(0.1) kb.set_normal_term() socket.stop()
def talker(): lista_threads= [] pub = rospy.Publisher('ipcam', String) rospy.init_node('ipcam', anonymous=True) #rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz kbhit = KBHit() print "Press i to move up the camera\n" \ "Press k to move down the camera\n" \ "Press j to move right the camera\n" \ "Press l to move left the camera\n" \ "Press q to home position the camera\n" \ "Press s to get another snapshot\n" \ "Press v to get video\n\n" try: while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if kbhit.kbhit(): print "Press i to move up the camera\n" \ "Press k to move down the camera\n" \ "Press j to move right the camera\n" \ "Press l to move left the camera\n" \ "Press q to home position the camera\n" \ "Press s to get another snapshot\n" \ "Press v to get video\n\n" char = kbhit.getch() if char == 's': thread=threading.Thread(target=getImage, args=(False,)) thread.start() time.sleep(1) lista_threads.append(thread) elif char == 'v': thread=threading.Thread(target=getImage, args=(True,)) thread.start() time.sleep(1) lista_threads.append(thread) else: rospy.loginfo(char) pub.publish(char) char = "" time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: for each in lista_threads: while each.isAlive(): pass
class GameLoop(): def __init__(self): self.cross_platform = CrossplatformFunctions() self.cross_platform.resize_screen() self.keyboard = KBHit() = DeepSpace() self.blue_racer = BlueRacer(39, 60, '#', self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.loop.run_until_complete(self.start()) @asyncio.coroutine def start(self): while True: self.frame() yield from asyncio.sleep(FPS) def frame(self): #self.blue_racer.move(randint(-1, 1), randint(-1, 1)) if self.keyboard.kbhit(): self.blue_racer_move() self.print_space() def blue_racer_move(self): key = self.keyboard.getch() if ord(key) == 51: self.blue_racer.move(0, 1) elif ord(key) == 49: self.blue_racer.move(0, -1) def print_space(self): self.cross_platform.clear_screen() s = '' for row in r = ''.join(row) + '\n' s += r print(s) print('x: ', self.blue_racer.x, len( print('y: ', self.blue_racer.y)
def main(): # Import the utilities helper module import argparse sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")) import utilities # Parse arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--proportional_gain", type=float, help="proportional gain used in control loop", default=2.0) args = utilities.parseConnectionArguments(parser) # Create connection to the device and get the router with utilities.DeviceConnection.createTcpConnection(args) as router: with utilities.DeviceConnection.createUdpConnection( args) as router_real_time: kbhit = KBHit() example = GripperLowLevelExample(router, router_real_time, args.proportional_gain) print( "Press keys '0' to '9' to change gripper position. Press ESC to quit." ) while True: if kbhit.kbhit(): ch = kbhit.getch() if ord(ch) == 27: break elif ch >= '0' and ch <= '9': target_position = (float(ch) + 1) * 10.0 print("Going to position %i" % (target_position)) example.Goto(target_position) print("Target reached") time.sleep(0.2) example.Cleanup()
def console_run(program_file: str, autorun_file: Optional[str] = None, init_str: str = ''): vm = Virtual8080() = AltairWithTerminal() with open(program_file, 'rb') as pf: program = vm.load(program) if autorun_file is not None: init_buffer = init_str with open(autorun_file, 'r') as af: for line in af.readlines(): init_buffer += line.replace('\n', '\r') = init_buffer.encode(encoding='ascii') kb = KBHit() try: vm.halted = False while not vm.halted: ch = if ch != -1 and ch != 13: print(bytes([ch]).decode(encoding='ascii'), end='', flush=True) = -1 if kb.kbhit(): ch = ord(kb.getch()) if ch == 10: += bytes([13, 0]) elif ch == 27: # Break on ESC += bytes([3]) else: += bytes([ch]) vm.step() finally: kb.set_normal_term()
prevLoss = 0.0 maxModel = None stop = False for args in itertools.product(nb_hiddens, drop1s, drop2s, drop3s, nb_filters, nb_pools, nb_rows, nb_columns): print("Model: ", args) hist, model = get_model_and_score(X_train, Y_train, *args) # most recent loss hist.history["loss"][-1] r, rmse, _ = assess_model(model, X_validate, Y_validate) print("Model r: ", r) print("Model rmse: ", rmse) if abs(r[0]) > prevLoss: prevLoss = abs(r[0]) maxModel = model while kb.kbhit(): try: if "q" in kb.getch(): print("quiting due to user pressing q") stop = True except UnicodeDecodeError: pass if stop: break del X_train X_test = np.array(X_test) Y_test_norm = np.array(list(map(normalize_bpm, Y_test))) r, rmse, preds = assess_model(maxModel, X_test, Y_test_norm) predicted_bpm = np.array(list(map(unnormalize_bpm, preds)))
class Hotkey: def __init__(self, keys: str, mode: str = 'hotkey', window=None): self.mode = mode self.window = window self.shot_job = None self.battle_job = self.visit_room_job = self.cork_shop_job = self.monitor_job = Job( ) self.kb = KBHit() self.positions = [Position(_id) for _id in range(1, 10)] self.keys = [ f'z+{i}' for i in (list(range(1, 10)) if mode == 'hotkey' else []) + list(keys) ] self.add_hotkey() def __user_command(self, key): while self.kb.kbhit(): self.kb.getch() if '1' <= key <= '9': self.positions[int(key) - 1].record(self.monitor_job.is_alive()) elif self.monitor_job.is_alive(): pass else: self.__call(key) def __call(self, key: str): method_name = f'_Hotkey__cmd_{key}' getattr(self, method_name)() def __cmd_r(self): if self.process_idle(): self.battle_job = Job(target=battle, args=(fake_window, )) self.battle_job.start() elif self.battle_job.is_pausing(): self.battle_job.resume() def __cmd_v(self): if self.process_idle(): self.visit_room_job = Job(target=visit_friend_room, args=(fake_window, )) self.visit_room_job.start() elif self.visit_room_job.is_pausing(): self.visit_room_job.resume() def __cmd_e(self): if self.process_idle(): self.cork_shop_job = Job(target=cork_shop_exchange, args=(fake_window, )) self.cork_shop_job.start() elif self.cork_shop_job.is_pausing(): self.cork_shop_job.resume() def __cmd_i(self): kirafan.screenshot() def __cmd_s(self): if self.mode == 'gui': if self.window['_button_Start_'].GetText() == 'Stop': self.window.write_event_value('_button_Start_', None) elif self.window['_button_Visit Room_'].GetText() == 'Stop Visit': self.window.write_event_value('_button_Visit Room_', None) elif self.window['_button_Cork Shop_'].GetText( ) == 'Stop Exchange': self.window.write_event_value('_button_Cork Shop_', None) elif not self.process_idle():'press stop now!, Please wait for a while') self.safe_exit() def __cmd_l(self): uData.reload() adb.reload() kirafan.reload()'kirafan-bot: reload configuration finish')'kirafan-bot: region = {list(kirafan.region)}')'kirafan-bot: adb use = {uData.setting["adb"]["use"]}') f'kirafan-bot: quest setting = \x1b[41m{kirafan.quest_name}\x1b[0m' ) def __cmd_k(self): uData.adb_mode_switch() adb.reload() kirafan.adb_mode_switch()'kirafan-bot: region = {list(kirafan.region)}') f'kirafan-bot: adb use = \x1b[35m{uData.setting["adb"]["use"]}\x1b[0m' ) tuple_files = kirafan.miss_icon_files() if tuple_files: print('miss icon files:') for tuple_file in tuple_files: print(f' {tuple_file[1]}') print('you can press hotkey "z+c" to add a miss icon file') def __cmd_m(self): if not self.monitor_job.is_alive(): self.monitor_job = Job(target=monitor_mode) self.monitor_job.start() def __cmd_p(self): for position in self.positions: print(position, end='') def __cmd_t(self): print('') adb.set_update_cv2_IM_cache_flag() kirafan.objects_found_all_print() kirafan.icons_found_all_print() print('') def __cmd_c(self): if self.shot_job and self.shot_job.is_alive(): return tuple_files = kirafan.miss_icon_files() if tuple_files: print('miss icon files:') for i, tuple_file in enumerate(tuple_files): print(f' {i}.{tuple_file[0]}') sleep(0.1) if self.kb.kbhit(): self.kb.getch() number = input('select a number which you want to save icon: ') if number.isnumeric() and 0 <= int(number) < len(tuple_files): self.shot_job = Job(target=self.tutorial_screenshot, args=[tuple_files[int(number)]]) self.shot_job.start() else: print('invaild input:', number) else: print('No miss icon file') def __cmd_o(self): kirafan.stop_once = not kirafan.stop_once f'({str(kirafan.stop_once):>5}) kirafan-bot stop after current battle is completed' ) def __cmd_x(self): old = uData.setting['game_region'][:2] new = game_region() if old != new: uData.save_location(*new) self.__cmd_l() def add_hotkey(self): for key in self.keys: keyboard.add_hotkey(key, self.__user_command, args=[key[-1]]) def remove_all_hotkey(self): for key in self.keys: keyboard.remove_hotkey(key) def tutorial_screenshot(self, tuple_f: Tuple[str, str]): """ tuple_f = (fname, fpath) """ print(f'Missing {tuple_f[0]} picture') print( f'move mouse to the {tuple_f[0]} top left corner, then press hotkey "z+3"' ) keyboard.wait('z+3') print( f'move mouse to the {tuple_f[0]} bottom right corner, then press hotkey "z+4"' ) keyboard.wait('z+4') Shot(tuple_f[0], tuple_f[1], self.positions[2].coord, self.positions[3].coord).screenshot() def wait(self, hotkey: str): return keyboard.wait(hotkey) def process_idle(self) -> bool: return not (self.battle_job.is_alive() or self.visit_room_job.is_alive() or self.cork_shop_job.is_alive()) def safe_exit(self): if self.battle_job.is_alive(): self.battle_job.stop() self.battle_job.join() if self.monitor_job.is_alive(): self.monitor_job.stop() self.monitor_job.join() if self.visit_room_job.is_alive(): self.visit_room_job.stop() self.visit_room_job.join() if self.cork_shop_job.is_alive(): self.cork_shop_job.stop() self.cork_shop_job.join() sleep(0.1) while self.kb.kbhit(): self.kb.getch() print('goodbye!')
def main(): # Decorative purpose. init() # Nope, this is not the real password XD. mydb = mysql.connector.connect( host="localhost", user="******", passwd="00000000", # Original for was : # passwd='0000', database="OTOG", ) myCursor = mydb.cursor(buffered=True) # for keybord interupt. print(ogogi + "Grader started. Waiting for submission...") kb = KBHit() while True: # Looking for keyboard interupt. if kb.kbhit(): if kb.getch() == ":": # Do functions. print(ogogi + "Keyboard interupted. Entering command mode.") kb.set_normal_term() # Command mode while True: cmd, args = # Shutdown signal if cmd == abb.INCMD["SHUTDOWN"]: # Good-bye message print(ogogi + "Bye") exit(0) elif cmd == abb.INCMD["RELOAD"]: # Reload modules in args for e in args: if e == "grader": print( abb.error + "'grader' itself cannot be reloaded. Please restart the program manually." ) try: importlib.reload(importlib.import_module(e)) except: print(abb.error + "'" + e + "' cannot be reloaded.") elif cmd == abb.INCMD["EXIT"]: break kb.set_kbhit_term() print(ogogi + "Command mode exited. Continue waiting for submission.") myCursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Result WHERE status = 0 ORDER BY time") submission = myCursor.fetchone() if submission != None: print(abb.bold + Fore.GREEN + "\t--> recieved.\n" + Style.RESET_ALL) print( str("[ %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S ]")) + " -----------------------------" ) myCursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM Problem WHERE id_Prob = " + str(submission[3]) ) probInfo = myCursor.fetchone() # Submit result sql = "UPDATE Result SET result = %s, score = %s, timeuse = %s, status = 1, errmsg = %s WHERE idResult = %s" val = onRecieved(submission, probInfo, mydb) myCursor.execute(sql, val) print("---------------------------------------------------") print("\n" + ogogi + "Finished grading session. Waiting for the next one.") mydb.commit() time.sleep(config.gradingInterval)
class GraspExecuter(object): def __init__(self): self._moveit_wrapper = MoveitWrapper() self._moveit_wrapper.init_moveit_commander() rospy.init_node('grasp_player') self._moveit_wrapper.setup() self._kin = boris_kinematics(root_link="left_arm_base_link") self._boris = BorisRobot(moveit_wrapper=self._moveit_wrapper) self._scene = self._moveit_wrapper.scene() self._planning_frame = self._moveit_wrapper.robot().get_planning_frame( ) self._tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() self._listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self._tf_buffer) self._br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() self._scene.remove_world_object("table") self.add_table() self._solution = None self._grasp_waypoints = [] self._pre_grasp_plan = None self._pre_grasp_plan2 = None self._grasp_arm_joint_path = None self._grasp_hand_joint_path = None self._post_grasp_plan = None self._grasp_service_client = GraspServiceClient() self._boris.set_control_mode(mode="joint_impedance", limb_name="left_arm") self._arm_traj_generator = MinJerkTrajHelper() self._hand_traj_generator = MinJerkTrajHelper() self._pre_grasp_traj_generator = MinJerkTrajHelper() self._post_grasp_traj_generator = MinJerkTrajHelper() self._scan_waypoints = np.load( "/home/earruda/Projects/boris_ws/src/boris-robot/boris_tools/scripts/scan_waypoints2.npy" ) self._kbhit = KBHit() def scan_object(self): command = "rosservice call /grasp_service/acquire_cloud" self._boris.set_vel_accel_scaling("left_arm", 0.45, 0.45) for waypoint in self._scan_waypoints: # goto self._boris.goto_with_moveit("left_arm", waypoint) # scan process = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = process.communicate() print output if rospy.is_shutdown(): break self._boris.set_vel_accel_scaling("left_arm", 0.25, 0.25) def remove_collision_object(self, name): self._scene.remove_world_object(name) rospy.sleep(0.5) def add_table(self): self.remove_collision_object("table") p = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped() p.header.frame_id = self._planning_frame p.pose.position.x = 0.55 p.pose.position.y = 0 p.pose.position.z = -0.37 #-0.34 p.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 self._scene.add_box("table", p, (0.87, 1.77, 0.04)) rospy.sleep(2) def add_object_guard(self, grasp_solution): self.remove_collision_object("guard") # print "Got solution: ", grasp_solution cloud_centroid = grasp_solution['cloud_centroid'] min_pt = grasp_solution['cloud_min_pt'] max_pt = grasp_solution['cloud_max_pt'] p = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped() p.header.frame_id = self._planning_frame p.pose.position.x = cloud_centroid[0] p.pose.position.y = cloud_centroid[1] p.pose.position.z = cloud_centroid[2] p.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 self._scene.add_box("guard", p, (max_pt[0] - min_pt[0], max_pt[1] - min_pt[1], max_pt[2] - min_pt[2])) rospy.sleep(0.1) def get_solution(self): self._solution = self._grasp_service_client.get_grasp_solution() self.add_table() self.add_object_guard(self._solution) self._grasp_waypoints = solution2carthesian_path( self._solution, self._tf_buffer) group = self._moveit_wrapper.get_group("left_hand_arm") group.set_goal_joint_tolerance(0.001) # default 0.0001 group.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.01) # default 0.0001 group.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.001) # default 0.001 #self._grasp_waypoints[0].position.z += 0.15 dx = self._grasp_waypoints[1].position.x - self._grasp_waypoints[ 0].position.x dy = self._grasp_waypoints[1].position.y - self._grasp_waypoints[ 0].position.y dz = self._grasp_waypoints[1].position.z - self._grasp_waypoints[ 0].position.z dir_vec = np.array([dx, dy, dz]) dist = np.linalg.norm(dir_vec) dir_vec /= dist dir_vec *= 0.0 #0.05 target = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() for n_tries in range(50): rand_offset_x = np.random.randn() * np.sqrt(0.0001) rand_offset_y = np.random.randn() * np.sqrt(0.0001) rand_offset_z = np.maximum( 0.15 + np.random.randn() * np.sqrt(0.0001), 0.10) target.position.x = self._grasp_waypoints[0].position.x - dir_vec[ 0] + rand_offset_x target.position.y = self._grasp_waypoints[0].position.y - dir_vec[ 1] + rand_offset_y print rand_offset_x, rand_offset_y, rand_offset_z target.position.z = self._grasp_waypoints[ 0].position.z + rand_offset_z target.orientation = self._grasp_waypoints[0].orientation self._pre_grasp_plan = self._boris.get_moveit_cartesian_plan( "left_hand_arm", target) is_executable = len( self._pre_grasp_plan.joint_trajectory.points) > 0 if is_executable: break # if is_executablediag_add: # # current_angles = self._boris.angles("left_arm") # # joint_positions = self._pre_grasp_plan.joint_trajectory.points[-1].positions # # self._moveit_wrapper.set_start_state("left_hand_arm", self._boris.joint_names("left_arm"), joint_positions) # # rospy.sleep(1.0) # self._grasp_arm_joint_path, fraction = self._boris.compute_cartesian_path_moveit("left_hand_arm",self._grasp_waypoints[:3]) # # Set back to current # # self._moveit_wrapper.set_start_state("left_hand_arm", self._boris.joint_names("left_arm"), current_angles) # is_executable = fraction >= 0.85 if is_executable: self._pre_grasp_pose = msg2Transform3(self._grasp_waypoints[0]) print "Hand joints %d ", len( self._pre_grasp_plan.joint_trajectory.points) self._pre_grasp_traj_generator.set_waypoints( self._pre_grasp_plan.joint_trajectory) rospy.loginfo( "Pre grasp plan length %d" % (len(self._pre_grasp_plan.joint_trajectory.points), )) rospy.loginfo("Pre grasp plan total time %f" % (self._pre_grasp_plan.joint_trajectory.points[-1]. time_from_start.to_sec(), )) # state = self._moveit_wrapper.robot().get_current_state() # print "Robot state" # print state #group = self._moveit_wrapper.get_group("left_hand_arm") return is_executable def update_step(self, step, time_steps, incr): step = step + incr if step >= len(time_steps): step = len(time_steps) - 1 elif step < 0: step = 0 return step def goto_pregrasp(self): self._boris.execute_moveit_plan("left_hand_arm", self._pre_grasp_plan) def plan_grasp(self): self.remove_collision_object("guard") self.remove_collision_object("table") # self._pre_grasp_plan2, fraction2 = self._boris.compute_cartesian_path_moveit("left_hand_arm",[self._grasp_waypoints[:1]]) self._grasp_arm_joint_path, fraction = self._boris.compute_cartesian_path_moveit( "left_hand_arm", self._grasp_waypoints[:3], eef_step=0.01, jump_threshold=50.0) # Set back to current # self._moveit_wrapper.set_start_state("left_hand_arm", self._boris.joint_names("left_arm"), current_angles) is_executable = fraction >= 0.95 ## try to plan final goal in case cartesian path if not is_executable: rospy.logwarn( "Failed to plan cartesian path passing through all waypoints. Trying last one only." ) self._grasp_arm_joint_path = self._boris.get_moveit_cartesian_plan( "left_hand_arm", self._grasp_waypoints[2]) is_executable = len( self._grasp_arm_joint_path.joint_trajectory.points) > 0 if not is_executable: rospy.logwarn( "Grasp not executable, maybe try again or try new grasp") else: self._grasp_arm_joint_path = self._grasp_arm_joint_path.joint_trajectory self._arm_traj_generator.set_waypoints(self._grasp_arm_joint_path) rospy.loginfo("Grasp path length %d" % (len(self._grasp_arm_joint_path.points), )) rospy.loginfo("Grasp path total time %f" % (self._grasp_arm_joint_path.points[-1]. time_from_start.to_sec(), )) total_time = self._grasp_arm_joint_path.points[ -1].time_from_start.to_sec() self._grasp_hand_joint_path = solution2hand_joint_path( self._solution, self._boris, total_time) print "Trajectory hand ", len( self._solution['joint_trajectory'][0]) self._hand_traj_generator.set_waypoints( self._grasp_hand_joint_path) rospy.loginfo("Hand path length %d" % (len(self._grasp_hand_joint_path.points), )) rospy.loginfo("Hand path total time %f" % (self._grasp_hand_joint_path.points[-1]. time_from_start.to_sec(), )) return is_executable def plan_post_grasp(self): self.remove_collision_object("guard") self.remove_collision_object("table") self._grasp_waypoints[3].position.z += 0.08 self._post_grasp_plan = self._boris.get_moveit_cartesian_plan( "left_hand_arm", self._grasp_waypoints[3]) # Set back to current # self._moveit_wrapper.set_start_state("left_hand_arm", self._boris.joint_names("left_arm"), current_angles) is_executable = len(self._post_grasp_plan.joint_trajectory.points) > 0 if not is_executable: rospy.logwarn( "Grasp not executable, maybe try again or try new grasp") else: self._post_grasp_plan = self._post_grasp_plan.joint_trajectory self._post_grasp_traj_generator.set_waypoints( self._post_grasp_plan) rospy.loginfo("Grasp path length %d" % (len(self._post_grasp_plan.points), )) rospy.loginfo( "Grasp path total time %f" % (self._post_grasp_plan.points[-1].time_from_start.to_sec(), )) return is_executable def execute_pre_grasp(self): rospy.loginfo("Pre Grasp Execution!!") key = None time_steps = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 600) step = 0 def exec_step(step): joint_goal = self._pre_grasp_traj_generator.get_point_t( time_steps[step]) print "CurrArmState:", self._boris.angles('left_arm') print "ArmGoal[%.2f]: " % ( time_steps[step], ), joint_goal.time_from_start.to_sec( ), " step=", step, " pos: ", joint_goal.positions cmd = self._boris.cmd_joint_angles(angles=joint_goal.positions, execute=True) # self._boris.goto_joint_angles('left_hand',hand_goal.positions) loop_rate = rospy.Rate(30.0) play_forward = False play_backward = False while not rospy.is_shutdown() and key != 'q': if self._kbhit.kbhit(): key = self._kbhit.getch() if key == '.': rospy.loginfo("Step %d" % (step, )) step = self.update_step(step, time_steps, 1) exec_step(step) if key == ',': step = self.update_step(step, time_steps, -1) exec_step(step) rospy.loginfo("Step %d" % (step, )) if key == ']': play_forward = True play_backward = False rospy.loginfo("Playing forward") elif key == '[': play_forward = False play_backward = True rospy.loginfo("Playing backward") elif key == 'p' and (play_forward or play_backward): play_forward = False play_backward = False rospy.loginfo("Halt open loop playing") if play_forward: step = self.update_step(step, time_steps, 1) exec_step(step) rospy.loginfo("Step %d" % (step, )) elif play_backward: step = self.update_step(step, time_steps, -1) exec_step(step) rospy.loginfo("Step %d" % (step, )) loop_rate.sleep() rospy.loginfo("Leaving Pre Grasp Execution!!") def execute_grasp(self): rospy.loginfo("Grasp Execution!!") key = None rospy.loginfo("Grasp path length %d" % (len(self._grasp_arm_joint_path.points), )) rospy.loginfo( "Grasp path total time %f" % (self._grasp_arm_joint_path.points[-1].time_from_start.to_sec(), )) time_steps = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 300) time_steps_arm = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 100) step = 0 step_arm = 0 def step_grasp(step, arm_step): joint_goal = self._arm_traj_generator.get_point_t( time_steps_arm[arm_step]) hand_goal = self._hand_traj_generator.get_point_t(time_steps[step]) print "HandGoal: ", hand_goal.time_from_start.to_sec( ), " step=", step, " pos: ", hand_goal.positions print "CurrArmState:", self._boris.angles('left_arm') print "ArmGoal: ", hand_goal.time_from_start.to_sec( ), " step=", step, " pos: ", joint_goal.positions cmd = self._boris.cmd_joint_angles(angles=joint_goal.positions, execute=True) self._boris.goto_joint_angles('left_hand', hand_goal.positions, hand_goal.time_from_start.to_sec()) loop_rate = rospy.Rate(30.0) play_forward = False play_backward = False while not rospy.is_shutdown() and key != 'q': key = None if self._kbhit.kbhit(): key = self._kbhit.getch() if key == '.': step = self.update_step(step, time_steps, 1) step_arm = self.update_step(step_arm, time_steps_arm, 1) rospy.loginfo("Step %d" % (step, )) step_grasp(step, step_arm) if key == ',': step = self.update_step(step, time_steps, -1) step_arm = self.update_step(step_arm, time_steps_arm, -1) rospy.loginfo("Step %d" % (step, )) step_grasp(step, step_arm) wrench = self._boris.wrench() force = np.array([ wrench.wrench.force.x, wrench.wrench.force.y, wrench.wrench.force.z ]) # If force is larger than 5 we stop force_norm = np.linalg.norm(force) if force_norm >= 15.0: key = '[' rospy.logwarn("External forces too high %.3f" % (force_norm, )) # else: # rospy.loginfo("External forces %.3f"%(force_norm,)) if key == ']': play_forward = True play_backward = False rospy.loginfo("Playing forward") elif key == '[': play_forward = False play_backward = True rospy.loginfo("Playing backward") elif key == 'p' and (play_forward or play_backward): play_forward = False play_backward = False rospy.loginfo("Halt open loop playing") elif key == 'c': self._boris.goto_joint_angles('left_hand', [1.0], 0.01) elif key == 'o': self._boris.goto_joint_angles('left_hand', [0.0], 0.01) if play_forward: step = self.update_step(step, time_steps, 1) step_arm = self.update_step(step_arm, time_steps_arm, 1) step_grasp(step, step_arm) rospy.loginfo("Step %d" % (step, )) elif play_backward: step = self.update_step(step, time_steps, -1) step_arm = self.update_step(step_arm, time_steps_arm, -1) step_grasp(step, step_arm) rospy.loginfo("Step %d" % (step, )) loop_rate.sleep() rospy.loginfo("Leaving Grasp Execution!!") def step_execution(self, step, time_steps, trajectory_generator, command_func): joint_goal = trajectory_generator.get_point_t(time_steps[step]) command_func(joint_goal.positions) def execute_post_grasp(self): rospy.loginfo("Post Grasp Execution!!") key = None time_steps = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 200) #time_steps_arm = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,100) step = 0 loop_rate = rospy.Rate(30.0) play_forward = False play_backward = False while not rospy.is_shutdown() and key != 'q': key = None if self._kbhit.kbhit(): key = self._kbhit.getch() if key == '.': step = self.update_step(step, time_steps, 1) rospy.loginfo("Step %d" % (step, )) self.step_execution(step, time_steps, self._post_grasp_traj_generator, self._boris.cmd_joint_angles) if key == ',': step = self.update_step(step, time_steps, -1) rospy.loginfo("Step %d" % (step, )) self.step_execution(step, time_steps, self._post_grasp_traj_generator, self._boris.cmd_joint_angles) if key == ']': play_forward = True play_backward = False rospy.loginfo("Playing forward") elif key == '[': play_forward = False play_backward = True rospy.loginfo("Playing backward") elif key == 'p' and (play_forward or play_backward): play_forward = False play_backward = False rospy.loginfo("Halt open loop playing") if play_forward: step = self.update_step(step, time_steps, 1) self.step_execution(step, time_steps, self._post_grasp_traj_generator, self._boris.cmd_joint_angles) rospy.loginfo("Step %d" % (step, )) elif play_backward: step = self.update_step(step, time_steps, -1) self.step_execution(step, time_steps, self._post_grasp_traj_generator, self._boris.cmd_joint_angles) rospy.loginfo("Step %d" % (step, )) loop_rate.sleep() rospy.loginfo("Leaving Post Grasp Execution!!") def run(self): rospy.loginfo("Running!!") loop_rate = rospy.Rate(30) has_solution = False has_plan = False has_post_grasp_plan = False while not rospy.is_shutdown(): key = self._kbhit.getch() if key == "0": has_solution = self.get_solution() rospy.loginfo("Queried solution %s" % (has_solution, )) elif key == "1" and has_solution: #self.goto_pregrasp() self.execute_pre_grasp() elif key == "2" and has_solution: if has_plan: self.execute_grasp() else: rospy.logwarn( "No grasp plan has been generated. Press 9 to attempt to generate one." ) elif key == "3" and has_solution: if has_post_grasp_plan: self.execute_post_grasp() else: rospy.logwarn( "No post-grasp plan has been generated. Press 8 to attempt to generate one." ) elif key == "9": has_plan = self.plan_grasp() elif key == "8": has_post_grasp_plan = self.plan_post_grasp() elif key == "r": self.remove_collision_object("table") self.remove_collision_object("guard") elif key == "t": self.add_table() elif key == "g" and has_solution: self.add_object_guard(self._solution) elif key == "e": self.remove_collision_object("guard") elif key == "s": self.scan_object() elif not has_solution: rospy.logwarn("No grasp solution. Press 0.") loop_rate.sleep()
pub_port = "5555" sub_port = "5556" topic = "10001" topicfilter = "10001" context = zmq.Context() pub_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB) pub_socket.bind("tcp://*:%s" % pub_port) sub_socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB) sub_socket.connect("tcp://localhost:%s" % sub_port) sub_socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, topicfilter) while True: while not mode_toggle: print "Receiving:" if kb.getch() == 'r': msg = sub_socket.recv() print 'B: ' + msg time.sleep(1) mode_toggle = not mode_toggle break if kb.getch() == 'q': mode_toggle = not mode_toggle break while mode_toggle: print "Sending:" if kb.getch() == 'z': message = raw_input('>: ') pub_socket.send("%s %s" % (topic, message)) mode_toggle = not mode_toggle
developer_mode = False fruits = [] snake = create_snake(width, height) create_apple(width, height, fruits, snake) direction = (1, 0) print(field_to_text(width, height, snake, fruits) + '\n') p = time.time() kb = KBHit() while True: c = time.time() time_delta = 0.001 if developer_mode else 0.1 if c - p < time_delta: time.sleep(time_delta - (c - p)) p = time.time() if kb.kbhit(): c = kb.getch() if ord(c) == 27: # ESC break elif ord(c) in directions_codes: direction = directions_codes[ord(c)] elif developer_mode: direction = (0, 0) if not update_screen(width, height, snake, fruits, direction): break elif not developer_mode: if not update_screen(width, height, snake, fruits, direction): break
def run(self): kb = KBHit() selectedData = [] dataToAverage = [] print('Hit ESC to exit') while True: if kb.kbhit(): c = kb.getch() if ord(c) == 27: # ESC kb.set_normal_term() print "Quitting!" os._exit(0) now = time.time() due = now - self.parent.offset search_from = self.parent.index - 1 if search_from == - 1: search_from = self.parent.buffer_size - 1 timestamp = 0 nextTimestamp = 0 self.waitForNewData = 0.5 self.parent.mutex.acquire() lastjvalue = 0 dataArray = [] for theid in range(self.parent.channel_count): data = self.parent.outbuffers[int(theid)][self.parent.index] for i in range(search_from, search_from - self.parent.buffer_size, -1): j = i if i >= 0 else i + self.parent.buffer_size timestamp = self.parent.timestamp_buffer[j] if timestamp is not None and timestamp <= due: data = self.parent.outbuffers[int(theid)][j] lastjvalue = j if(j<self.parent.buffer_size-2): nextTimestamp = self.parent.timestamp_buffer[j+1] else: nextTimestamp = self.parent.timestamp_buffer[0] break if data is not None: dataArray.append(data) #print "data array: ", dataArray for f in config.streams: stream = f['stream'] if len(dataArray) > stream: #print "stream = ", stream, dataArray[stream] if 'scale' in f: dataArray[stream] = self.format.scale(dataArray[stream], f['scale']) if 'type' in f and f['type'] == int: #msgString += str(int(dataArray[stream])) selectedData.append(int(dataArray[stream])) else: #msgString += str(dataArray[stream]) selectedData.append(dataArray[stream]) if len(selectedData) == len(config.streams) : self.sendMessage(selectedData) selectedData = [] if timestamp is not None and nextTimestamp is not None: waitTime = nextTimestamp - timestamp if waitTime > 0: time.sleep(waitTime) else: print "timing out waiting for new data - time < 0" time.sleep(self.waitForNewData) else: print "timing out waiting for new data - time or nextTime is None" time.sleep(self.waitForNewData) self.parent.mutex.release()
## Main Control Loop ## ####################### kb = KBHit() waypoint_speed = 0.0 while not abort_flag: # If there is a goal pending, set it on the arm and clear the flag arm.update() arm.send() t = time() char = None if kb.kbhit(): char = kb.getch() if char == '.': waypoint_speed += 0.1 if waypoint_speed > 1.0: waypoint_speed = 1.0 elif char == ',': waypoint_speed -= 0.1 if waypoint_speed < -1.0: waypoint_speed = -1.0 # Check for quit if char is not None and ord(char) == 27: # Esc abort_flag = True break
def main(): random.seed(time.time()) # Initialise colorama init() # Clear screen print(chr(27) + '[2j') print('\033c') print('\x1bc') # Get terminal size (ncols, nlines) = shutil.get_terminal_size() # Initialise screen screen = Window(0, 1, ncols, nlines - 1, f"{config.bkgd} ") # Initialise keyboard kb = KBHit() # Create and draw the paddle paddle = Paddle(((ncols - 1) - config.paddle["dim"][0]) // 2, nlines - 4, screen) last_update = 0 start = time.time() score = 0 lives = 3 curr_level = 1 # List to store shooters shooters = [None, None] while curr_level <= 3: # Create and draw bricks boss = None if curr_level == 1: bricks, powerups = levels.level_one(screen) elif curr_level == 2: bricks, powerups = levels.level_two(screen) elif curr_level == 3: bricks, powerups = levels.level_three(screen) boss = Boss(ncols // 2, 5, screen) else: sys.exit() if lives == 0: break while lives: # Reset paddle location paddle.x = ((ncols - 1) - config.paddle["dim"][0]) // 2 paddle.powerup = None # Create and draw the ball balls = [ Ball(random.randrange(paddle.x, paddle.x + paddle.width), nlines - 5, list(config.ball["speed"]), 1, screen) ] # List to store bullets bullets = [] shoot_paddle = [0] # List to store bombs bombs = [] tick = 0 while len(balls): if (time.time() - last_update > config.tick_interval): tick += 1 for i in range(ncols): print(f"{Cursor.POS(1+i, 1)}{Back.BLACK} ", end='') statusline = f"{Cursor.POS(1, 1)}Level: {curr_level} " statusline += f"Score: {score} " statusline += f"Time: {int(time.time() - start)} " statusline += f"Lives: {lives} " statusline += f"Shoot Paddle: {int(shoot_paddle[0] * config.tick_interval)} " if boss: statusline += "Boss Health: [" for i in range(0,, 10): statusline += "•" for i in range(0, 100 -, 10): statusline += " " statusline += "]" print(statusline, end='') last_update = time.time() change_level = False direction = 0 if kb.kbhit(): c = kb.getch() if ord(c) == 27: sys.exit(0) if c == 'a': direction = -1 elif c == 'd': direction = 1 elif c == ' ': # Activate balls for ball in balls: ball.paused = False elif c == '1' or c == '2' or c == '3': curr_level = int(c) if curr_level != 3 else 4 change_level = True break # Create new bullets if needed shoot_paddle[0] = max(0, shoot_paddle[0] - 1) if shoot_paddle[0] and shoot_paddle[0] % config.bullet[ "rate"] == 0: bullets.append( Bullet(max(paddle.x, 0), paddle.y, config.bullet["speed"], screen)) bullets.append( Bullet( min(paddle.x + paddle.width, screen.get_screen_size()[1] - 1), paddle.y, config.bullet["speed"], screen)) # Create bomb if needed if boss and tick % config.bomb["rate"] == 0: bombs.append( Bomb(boss.x + 5, boss.y + 3, config.bomb["speed"], screen)) # Create shooters if needed if shoot_paddle[0] and not shooters[0]: shooters[0] = Object(paddle.x, paddle.y - 1, 1, 1, config.paddle["color"], screen) if shoot_paddle[0] and not shooters[1]: shooters[1] = Object(paddle.x + paddle.width - 1, paddle.y - 1, 1, 1, config.paddle["color"], screen) # Create brick layer on boss level if health is 50 if boss and == 80 and not boss.done[0]: bricks.append([]) brick_count = screen.get_screen_size()[1] // \ (config.brick["dim"][0] + 5) for i in range(brick_count): bricks[1].append( Brick(i * (config.brick["dim"][0] + 5), 9, 1, screen)) boss.done[0] = True # Create brick layer on boss level if health is 20 if boss and == 20 and not boss.done[1]: brick_count = screen.get_screen_size()[1] // \ (config.brick["dim"][0] + 5) bricks.append([]) for i in range(brick_count): bricks[2].append( Brick(i * (config.brick["dim"][0] + 5), 13, 1, screen)) boss.done[1] = True # Clear screen screen.clear() # Move the paddle paddle.move(direction, balls) # Move the powerups to_delete = [] for powerup in powerups: object = None if powerup.type == "paddle": object = paddle elif powerup.type == "ball": object = balls else: object = shoot_paddle if not powerup.move(paddle, object, tick): to_delete.append(powerup) powerups = [ powerup for powerup in powerups if powerup not in to_delete ] # Move the ball to_delete = [] for ball in balls: delete, d_score = ball.move(bricks, paddle, boss) if not delete: to_delete.append(ball) score += d_score balls = [ball for ball in balls if ball not in to_delete] # Delete shooters if powerup is over if shoot_paddle[0] == 0: shooters = [None, None] # Move the bullets to_delete = [] for bullet in bullets: delete, d_score = bullet.move(bricks) if not delete: to_delete.append(bullet) score += d_score bullets = [ bullet for bullet in bullets if bullet not in to_delete ] # Move the bombs to_delete = [] lose_life = False for bomb in bombs: delete, lose_life = bomb.move(paddle) if not delete: to_delete.append(bomb) if lose_life: break if lose_life: break bombs = [bomb for bomb in bombs if bomb not in to_delete] # Move the boss if boss: boss.move(paddle.x + paddle.width // 2) # Move the shooter if shooters[0]: shooters[0].x = paddle.x if shooters[1]: shooters[1].x = paddle.x + paddle.width - 1 # Update bricks for layer in bricks: for brick in layer: brick.rainbow(tick) # Don't move bricks on boss level if curr_level < 3: brick.move(tick) if brick.y + brick.height > paddle.y: sys.exit() brick.update() # Update paddle paddle.update() # Update shooters for shooter in shooters: if shooter: shooter.update() # Update powerups for powerup in powerups: powerup.update() # Update ball for ball in balls: ball.update() # Update bullets for bullet in bullets: bullet.update() # Update bombs for bomb in bombs: bomb.update() # Boss update if boss: boss.update() screen.draw() # Check if all breackable bricks are broken on non boss levels if curr_level < 3: change_level = True for layer in bricks: for brick in layer: if brick._strength != 4: change_level = False break if not change_level: break else: if <= 0: change_level = True if change_level: curr_level += 1 break if change_level: break lives -= 1
nb_epoch=10, verbose=1, validation_data=(X_val, Y_val), callbacks=[early_stopping]) # most recent loss hist.history["loss"][-1] r, rmse, _ = learnLib.assess_2dmodel(model, X_val, Y_val) models[args] = r, rmse print("Model r: ", r) print("Model rmse: ", rmse) if rmse < prevLoss: prevLoss = rmse maxModel = model while kb.kbhit(): try: if "q" in kb.getch(): print("quiting due to user pressing q") stop = True except UnicodeDecodeError: pass if stop: break del X_val X_test, Y_test = ns.getTestData() X_test = X_test[:, :, :, 0:50] Y_test = repeat_n_times(Y_test, repeat_cnt)
class Game: """ The actual game and rendering related functions """ _refresh_time = 1 / FRAME_RATE # DECLARING EVERYTHING def __init__(self): coloroma_init(autoreset=False) self.__score = 0 self.__last_level_score = 0 self.__ticks = 0 self.__level_ticks = 0 self.__level = 1 self.__lives_used = 0 self.__paddle = Paddle() self.__bricks_broken = 0 self.__balls = [Ball(paddle=self.__paddle)] self.__cnt_active_balls = 0 self.__cnt_active_bricks = 100 self.__game_status = GAME_END self.__powerups = [] self.__kb = KBHit() self.__explode_ids = [x for x in range(8, 14)] self.__explode_nbrs_ids = [7, 14, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33] self.__brick_structure_y_fall = 0 self.__fall_bricks = 0 self.__bullets = [] self.__ufo = Ufo() self.__ufo_bombs = [] self.__ufo_bricks = [] self.__map_position_to_bricks = [] clear_terminal_screen() self._draw_bricks() self._loop() # DRAW THE OBJECT IN GIVEN RANGE def _draw_obj(self, coord, obj): y1 = 0 for y in range(coord[1], coord[1] + coord[3]): x1 = 0 for x in range(coord[0], coord[0] + coord[2]): # (x, y) wrt frame (x1, y1) wrt obj if 0 <= x < FRAME_WIDTH and 0 <= y < FRAME_HEIGHT: self.__frame[y][x] = obj[y1][x1] x1 += 1 y1 += 1 # TOP INFO BAR def _top_info_print(self): s = f"SCORE:{self.__score} "[:13] s += f"LIVES REMAINING:{LIVES - self.__lives_used} "[:24] s += f"TIME: {self.__level_ticks//10} "[:14] s += f"LEVEL: {self.__level} " if self.__paddle.check_have_bullet_powerup(): # (self.__ticks - self.__paddle.get_powerup_start_time())//10 >= POWERUP_LIFE # (X - S) // 10 = POWERUP_LIFE # X = S + 10*POWERUP_LIFE # ANSWER = X - NOW. x = self.__paddle.get_powerup_start_time() + 10 * POWERUP_LIFE s += f"POWERUP TIME LEFT: {x - self.__ticks} " if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL: s += f"UFO HEALTH: {self.__ufo.get_health()} " s += f"Press q to quit." else: s += f"Press q to quit." self.__frame[1][2:2 + len(s)] = [ Style.BRIGHT + Fore.WHITE + Back.LIGHTBLACK_EX + x for x in s ] # DRAW THE BRICK STRUCTURE def _draw_bricks(self): self.__bricks = [] y = BRICK_STRUCTURE_Y if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL: y += 7 dummy_row = [ "X" for i in range(len(BRICK_STRUCTURE[self.__level - 1][0]) + 2) ] self.__map_position_to_bricks = [dummy_row] for i, row in enumerate(BRICK_STRUCTURE[self.__level - 1]): x = BRICK_STRUCTURE_X row_bricks = ["X"] for j, brick_type in enumerate(row): if brick_type == " ": row_bricks.append("X") x += BRICK_WIDTH continue if int(brick_type) == WEAK_BRICK_ID: self.__bricks.append(WeakBrick(x, y, i + 1, j + 1)) elif int(brick_type) == NORMAL_BRICK_ID: self.__bricks.append(NormalBrick(x, y, i + 1, j + 1)) elif int(brick_type) == STRONG_BRICK_ID: self.__bricks.append(StrongBrick(x, y, i + 1, j + 1)) elif int(brick_type) == UNBREAKABLE_BRICK_ID: self.__bricks.append(UnbreakableBrick(x, y, i + 1, j + 1)) elif int(brick_type) == EXPLODING_BRICK_ID: self.__bricks.append(ExplodingBrick(x, y, i + 1, j + 1)) elif int(brick_type) == RAINBOW_BRICK_ID: self.__bricks.append(RainbowBrick(x, y, i + 1, j + 1)) row_bricks.append(self.__bricks[-1]) x += BRICK_WIDTH row_bricks.append("X") self.__map_position_to_bricks.append(row_bricks) y += BRICK_HEIGHT self.__map_position_to_bricks.append(dummy_row) # print(len(self.__map_position_to_bricks), len(self.__map_position_to_bricks[0]), len(B)) # input() # HOLD SCREEN. BETWEEN LIFE LOSTS def _draw_hold_screen(self, message=""): self.__frame = np.array([[ Style.BRIGHT + Fore.WHITE + Back.LIGHTBLACK_EX + " " for _ in range(FRAME_WIDTH) ] for _ in range(FRAME_HEIGHT)]) self._top_info_print() s = message + " Press ENTER to continue." self.__frame[FRAME_HEIGHT // 2][50:50 + len(s)] = [x for x in s] sra = str(Style.RESET_ALL) # get the grid string grid_str = "\n".join( [sra + " " * 4 + "".join(row) + sra for row in self.__frame]) # displaying the grid os.write(1, str.encode(grid_str)) # DRAW ONE FRAME def _draw(self): # drawing the grid self.__frame = np.array([[ Style.BRIGHT + Fore.WHITE + Back.LIGHTBLACK_EX + " " for _ in range(FRAME_WIDTH) ] for _ in range(FRAME_HEIGHT)]) self.__bricks_broken = 0 # TOP INFO BAR self._top_info_print() # PADDLE self._draw_obj(self.__paddle.get_box(), self.__paddle.get_obj()) # UFO if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL: if self.__ufo.check_active(): self._draw_obj(self.__ufo.get_box(), self.__ufo.get_obj()) # UFO BRICKS for ufo_brick in self.__ufo_bricks: if not ufo_brick.check_active(): continue self._draw_obj(ufo_brick.get_box(), ufo_brick.get_obj()) # BRICKS for brick in self.__bricks: if brick.check_active(): self._draw_obj(brick.get_box(), brick.get_obj()) else: self.__bricks_broken += 1 #BULLETS for bullet in self.__bullets: if bullet.check_active(): self._draw_obj(bullet.get_box(), bullet.get_obj()) #BOMBS for bomb in self.__ufo_bombs: if bomb.check_active(): self._draw_obj(bomb.get_box(), bomb.get_obj()) # BALLS for ball in self.__balls: if ball.check_active(): self._draw_obj(ball.get_box(), ball.get_obj()) # POWERUPS for powerup in self.__powerups: if powerup.check_active(): self._draw_obj(powerup.get_box(), powerup.get_obj()) sra = str(Style.RESET_ALL) grid_str = "\n".join( [sra + " " * 4 + "".join(row) + sra for row in self.__frame]) os.write(1, str.encode(grid_str)) # TAKE INPUT FROM KBHIT def _get_input(self): c = "" if self.__kb.kbhit(): c = self.__kb.getch() self.__kb.flush() return c # HANDLE THE INPUT TAKEN def _handle_input(self, key): key = key.lower() if key == 'q': self.Quit() if key in "ad": if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL: self.__paddle.handle_key_press(key, self.__ufo) for idx, brick in enumerate(self.__ufo_bricks): brick.set_x(self.__ufo.get_x() + idx * BRICK_WIDTH) else: self.__paddle.handle_key_press(key) if key in " ad": for ball in self.__balls: ball.handle_key_press(self.__paddle, key) if key == 'l': self.change_level() # DIVIDE THE BALL INTO TWO def divide_ball(self, ball): new_ball = Ball() x, y = ball.get_position() vx, vy = ball.get_velocity() if vx != 0: new_ball.set_velocity(vx * -1, vy) else: new_ball.set_velocity(-1, vy) new_ball.set_position(x, y) new_ball.set_state(BALL_RELEASED) return new_ball # DIFFRENT COLLISIONS def _ball_and_wall(self): for ball in self.__balls: if ball.check_active(): ball.check_wall_collission() def _ball_and_paddle(self): for ball in self.__balls: if ball.check_active(): if ball.check_paddle_collission( self.__paddle) and self.__fall_bricks: self.__brick_structure_y_fall += 1 if self.__brick_structure_y_fall + BRICK_STRUCTURE_Y + len( BRICK_STRUCTURE[self.__level - 1]) * BRICK_HEIGHT == PADDLE_Y: self.Quit() def _bomb_and_paddle(self): for bomb in self.__ufo_bombs: if bomb.check_active(): if bomb.check_paddle_collission(self.__paddle): self.__cnt_active_balls = 0 def _ball_and_ufo(self): for ball in self.__balls: if ball.check_active(): if ball.check_ufo_collission(self.__ufo): self.Quit() def _powerup_and_paddle(self): for powerup in self.__powerups: if not powerup.check_active(): continue if check_intersection(powerup, self.__paddle): if powerup.get_type() == POWERUP_EXPAND_PADDLE: self.__paddle.change_width(INC_PADDLE_WIDTH) elif powerup.get_type() == POWERUP_SHRINK_PADDLE: self.__paddle.change_width(-1 * SHRINK_PADDLE_WIDTH) elif powerup.get_type() == POWERUP_FAST_BALL: for ball in self.__balls: ball.inc_speed(2) elif powerup.get_type() == POWERUP_BALL_MULITIPLIER: new_balls = [] for ball in self.__balls: if ball.check_active(): new_balls.append(self.divide_ball(ball)) for new_ball in new_balls: self.__balls.append(new_ball) elif powerup.get_type() == POWERUP_THRU_BALL: for ball in self.__balls: ball.set_type(THRU_BALL) elif powerup.get_type() == POWERUP_GRAB_BALL: for ball in self.__balls: ball.set_grabbable() elif powerup.get_type() == POWERUP_SHOOTING_BULLET: self.__paddle.set_have_bullet_powerup(1) self.__paddle.set_powerup_start_time(self.__ticks) elif powerup.get_type() == POWERUP_FIREBALL: for ball in self.__balls: ball.set_fire() else: continue powerup.deactivate() def _update(self): # ball moved self.__cnt_active_balls = 0 for ball in self.__balls: if ball.check_active(): ball.update() self.__cnt_active_balls += 1 # Powerup moved powerup_remove = [] for id, powerup in enumerate(self.__powerups): if powerup.check_active(): powerup.update() else: powerup_remove.append(id) for id in sorted(powerup_remove, reverse=True): del self.__powerups[id] # Bullet moved bullet_remove = [] for id, bullet in enumerate(self.__bullets): if bullet.check_active(): bullet.update() else: bullet_remove.append(id) for id in sorted(bullet_remove, reverse=True): del self.__bullets[id] # Bomb moved bomb_remove = [] for id, bomb in enumerate(self.__ufo_bombs): if bomb.check_active(): bomb.update() else: bomb_remove.append(id) for id in sorted(bomb_remove, reverse=True): del self.__ufo_bombs[id] # Bullet powerup done if self.__paddle.check_have_bullet_powerup( ) and (self.__ticks - self.__paddle.get_powerup_start_time()) // 10 >= POWERUP_LIFE: self.__paddle.set_have_bullet_powerup(0) # Generate Bullet if self.__paddle.check_have_bullet_powerup() and self.__ticks % 8 == 0: x, y = self.__paddle.get_position() self.__bullets.append(Bullet(x + PADDLE_WIDTH // 2, y, -1)) # Generate Bomb if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL and self.__ufo.can_drop_bomb(): u_x, u_y, u_width, u_height = self.__ufo.get_box() self.__ufo_bombs.append(Bomb(u_x + u_width // 2, u_y + u_height)) # ball and wall collissins self._ball_and_wall() # ball and paddle collissions self._ball_and_paddle() # bomb and paddle if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL: self._bomb_and_paddle() # powerup and paddle collissions self._powerup_and_paddle() # ufo bricks and ball if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL: for brick in self.__ufo_bricks: if not brick.check_active(): continue for ball in self.__balls: if not ball.check_active(): continue is_destroyed = brick.handle_collission(ball) # ufo and ball if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL: got_critical = True if self.__ufo.check_critical(): got_critical = False self._ball_and_ufo() if not self.__ufo.check_critical(): got_critical = False if got_critical: u_x, u_y, u_width, u_height = self.__ufo.get_box() for i in range(UFO_WIDTH // BRICK_WIDTH): b_x = u_x + i * BRICK_WIDTH b_y = u_y + u_height self.__ufo_bricks.append(WeakBrick(b_x, b_y)) for powerup in self.__powerups: if powerup.check_active(): powerup.check_wall_collission() for brick in self.__bricks: if brick.check_active(): for bullet in self.__bullets: if bullet.check_active(): vx, vy = bullet.get_velocity() is_destroyed = brick.handle_collission_bullet(bullet) if not is_destroyed: continue if is_destroyed and == EXPLODING_BRICK_ID: os.system('aplay -q ./sounds/explosions.wav&') for i in self.__explode_ids: if self.__bricks[i].check_active(): self.__bricks[i].destroy() for i in self.__explode_nbrs_ids: if self.__bricks[i].check_active(): self.__bricks[i].destroy() if is_destroyed and random.random( ) > POWERUP_PROBABILITY: # generate power_up (x, y, _, _) = brick.get_box() powerup_type = random.randint(0, 7) self.__powerups.append( PowerUp(x, y, vx, vy, powerup_type)) self.__cnt_active_bricks = 0 for brick in self.__bricks: if brick.check_active(): if brick.get_type() != UNBREAKABLE_BRICK_ID: self.__cnt_active_bricks += 1 for ball in self.__balls: if ball.check_active(): vx, vy = ball.get_velocity() is_destroyed = brick.handle_collission( ball, self.__map_position_to_bricks) if is_destroyed and == EXPLODING_BRICK_ID: for i in self.__explode_ids: if self.__bricks[i].check_active(): self.__bricks[i].destroy() for i in self.__explode_nbrs_ids: if self.__bricks[i].check_active(): self.__bricks[i].destroy() if is_destroyed and random.random( ) > POWERUP_PROBABILITY: # generate power_up (x, y, _, _) = brick.get_box() powerup_type = random.randint(0, 7) # powerup_type = POWERUP_FIREBALL self.__powerups.append( PowerUp(x, y, vx, vy, powerup_type)) for brick in self.__bricks: if brick.check_active(): brick.set_y_fall(self.__brick_structure_y_fall) if (self.__level_ticks // 10) == LEVEL_TIME[self.__level - 1]: self.__fall_bricks = 1 def _get_score(self): self.__score = max( 0, 100 * self.__bricks_broken - (self.__ticks // 100) * 10) if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL: self.__score += (max(0, 1000 * (UFO_HEALTH - self.__ufo.get_health()))) return self.__score + self.__last_level_score def refresh(self): self.__powerups = [] self.__paddle.set_default() self.__balls = [Ball(paddle=self.__paddle)] self.__bullets = [] def change_level(self): if self.__level == MAX_LEVEL: self.Quit() self.__level += 1 while True: print("\033[0;0H") self._draw_hold_screen(f"Moving to level {self.__level}.") last_key_pressed = self._get_input().lower() if last_key_pressed == "\n": print("\033[0;0H") break elif last_key_pressed == "q": self.Quit() break if self.__level == UFO_LEVEL: os.system('aplay -q ./sounds/ufo.wav& 2>/dev/null') self._draw_bricks() self.__brick_structure_y_fall = 0 self.__fall_bricks = 0 self.__level_ticks = 0 self.__last_level_score = self.__score self.refresh() # loop over frames def _loop(self): self.__game_status = GAME_START clear_terminal_screen() while self.__game_status == GAME_START: # 1. Clear Screen # 2. update positions and handle collisions # 3. update info # 4. draw # 5. handle input # clear screen and reposition cursor. print("\033[0;0H") self._update() if self.__cnt_active_bricks == 0 and self.__level != UFO_LEVEL: self.change_level() if self.__cnt_active_balls == 0: self.refresh() self.__lives_used += 1 self.__game_status = GAME_HOLD while self.__game_status == GAME_HOLD: print("\033[0;0H") self._draw_hold_screen("Life lost. Game Paused.") last_key_pressed = self._get_input().lower() if last_key_pressed == "\n": print("\033[0;0H") self.__game_status = GAME_START elif last_key_pressed == "q": self.Quit() break if LIVES - self.__lives_used == 0: self.Quit() break self._draw() last = time.time() last_key_pressed = self._get_input() self._handle_input(last_key_pressed) self.__score = self._get_score() self.__ticks += 1 self.__level_ticks += 1 while time.time() - last < self._refresh_time: pass def Quit(self): clear_terminal_screen() self.__game_status = GAME_END s = " " * 5 s = "GAME OVER!\n" s += f"SCORE:{self.__score}\n"[:13] s += f"LIVES USED:{self.__lives_used}\n"[:24] s += f"TIME: {self.__ticks//10}\n" os.write(1, str.encode(s)) os.system('setterm -cursor on') os._exit(0)
coins = sorted(coins,key = lambda x: x.get_pos()[0]) num_beams = 10 beams = [] beam_places_list = [np.array(range(board.get_bg_size()[0]+6,board.get_bg_size()[1]-board.get_window_size()[1],6)),np.array(range(din.get_ceil_ground()[1]+20,din.get_ceil_ground()[0]-10,6))] for i in range(num_beams): x = (int(np.random.choice(beam_places_list[0])),int(np.random.choice(beam_places_list[1]))) if x not in coins and x[0]: beams.append(Beam(x[0],x[1],np.random.choice([7,8,12]),np.random.choice([0,1,2]))) coins = sorted(coins,key = lambda x: x.get_pos()[0]) magnet = Magnet(np.random.randint(board.get_window_size()[0]+10,board.get_bg_size()[1]-board.get_window_size()[1])) dragon = Dragon(din,board) # board.set_current_pos(board.get_bg_size()[1] - board.get_window_size()[1]) kb.getch() while dragon.get_ended() == 0 and din.get_lives() > 0: board.update() if kb.kbhit(): c = kb.getch() if c == 'q': break if c == 'k': board.speed_up() if c == 'j': board.speed_down() din_ret = din.update(c) if c == 's': bullets.append(din_ret) else: din.update()
if pawns[8][i].get_shield_active() is True: if (now - pawns[8][i].get_timestamp()).seconds > 5: pawns[8][i].deactivate_shield() if pawns[8][i].get_dragon_active() is True: if (now - pawns[8][i].get_dragon_timestamp()).seconds > 5: pawns[8][i].deactivate_dragon() if pawns[8][i].get_dragon_active() is True: pawns[8][i].set_dragon_sprite(offsets[idx]) speed_boost += 0.005 speed_boost_times.append(now) pawns[8][i].set_position(np.array([GROUND_SIZE[0] - 12, 0])) if _KBHIT.kbhit(): inp = _KBHIT.getch().lower() if inp == 'q': break elif inp == 'e' and pawns[8][0].get_dragon_active() is False: pawns[9].append( Bullet([ pawns[8][0].get_position()[0], pawns[8][0].get_position()[1] + 2 ], ObjNumber, 0)) ObjNumber += 1 else: pawns[8][0].control(inp, offsets[i], GROUND_SIZE[0]) for i in range(len(pawns[5])): pawns[8][0] = pawns[5][i].on_trigger(pawns[8][0])
def run(self): kb = KBHit() selectedData = [] dataToAverage = [] print('Hit ESC to exit') while True: if kb.kbhit(): c = kb.getch() if ord(c) == 27: # ESC kb.set_normal_term() print "Quitting!" os._exit(0) now = time.time() due = now - self.parent.offset search_from = self.parent.index - 1 if search_from == -1: search_from = self.parent.buffer_size - 1 timestamp = 0 nextTimestamp = 0 self.waitForNewData = 0.5 self.parent.mutex.acquire() lastjvalue = 0 dataArray = [] for theid in range(self.parent.channel_count): data = self.parent.outbuffers[int(theid)][self.parent.index] for i in range(search_from, search_from - self.parent.buffer_size, -1): j = i if i >= 0 else i + self.parent.buffer_size timestamp = self.parent.timestamp_buffer[j] if timestamp is not None and timestamp <= due: data = self.parent.outbuffers[int(theid)][j] lastjvalue = j if (j < self.parent.buffer_size - 2): nextTimestamp = self.parent.timestamp_buffer[j + 1] else: nextTimestamp = self.parent.timestamp_buffer[0] break if data is not None: dataArray.append(data) #print "data array: ", dataArray for f in config.streams: stream = f['stream'] if len(dataArray) > stream: #print "stream = ", stream, dataArray[stream] if 'scale' in f: dataArray[stream] = self.format.scale( dataArray[stream], f['scale']) if 'type' in f and f['type'] == int: #msgString += str(int(dataArray[stream])) selectedData.append(int(dataArray[stream])) else: #msgString += str(dataArray[stream]) selectedData.append(dataArray[stream]) if len(selectedData) == len(config.streams): self.sendMessage(selectedData) selectedData = [] if timestamp is not None and nextTimestamp is not None: waitTime = nextTimestamp - timestamp if waitTime > 0: time.sleep(waitTime) else: print "timing out waiting for new data - time < 0" time.sleep(self.waitForNewData) else: print "timing out waiting for new data - time or nextTime is None" time.sleep(self.waitForNewData) self.parent.mutex.release()
direction = new_direction #m.move(direction, speed=70) else: #m.course_correct() pass dist = us_dist(15) if (dist < dist_to_stop): print("too close, stop") m.stop() break else: # we could not find the target - stop and wait m.stop # clear the stream in preparation for the next frame rawCapture.truncate(0) i = i+1 time.sleep(0.1) #allow the system some time - don't hog the CPU # if the `q` key was pressed, break from the loop if ch == ord('q'): break if (kb.kbhit()): c = kb.getch() if (c == 'q'): break if ( (time.clock() - tstart) > max_time_to_run): break print("fps: ", i / (time.time() - tstart), i, time.time() - tstart) m.stop() cv2.destroyAllWindows() print("out")
from levels import Level1, Moderate, Easy, Difficult, FinalLevel # os.system('afplay ' + 'barbie.mp3 &') keyboard = KBHit() lives = 5 score = 0 while lives > 0: # level 1 level = Easy() level.placeBricks() while True: level.screen.time += level.ball.waitTime time.sleep(level.ball.waitTime) if keyboard.kbhit(): inp = keyboard.getch() if inp == 'q': sys.exit() elif inp == 'a' or inp == 'd': level.paddle.move(inp) elif inp == ' ': level.ball.launch() elif inp == 't': break keyboard.flush() level.ball.move() if level.ball.gameOver == True: break os.system("clear") level.screen.display()