Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    """Main program.
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
    parser.add_argument('--force', action='store_true',
                      help='Run calib processes even if files already exist?')
    parser.add_argument('--ccds', help='Set ccds.fits file to load')

    parser.add_argument('--expnum', type=int, help='Cut to a single exposure')
    parser.add_argument('--extname', '--ccdname', help='Cut to a single extension/CCD name')

    parser.add_argument('--no-astrom', dest='astrom', action='store_false',
                      help='Do not compute astrometric calibs')
    parser.add_argument('--no-psf', dest='psfex', action='store_false',
                      help='Do not compute PsfEx calibs')
    parser.add_argument('--no-sky', dest='sky', action='store_false',
                      help='Do not compute sky models')
    parser.add_argument('--run-se', action='store_true', help='Run SourceExtractor')

    parser.add_argument('--splinesky', action='store_true', help='Spline sky, not constant')
    opt = parser.parse_args()

    D = Decals()
    if opt.ccds is not None:
        T = fits_table(opt.ccds)
        print('Read', len(T), 'from', opt.ccds)
        T = D.get_ccds()
        #print len(T), 'CCDs'

    if len(opt.args) == 0:
        if opt.expnum is not None:
            T.cut(T.expnum == opt.expnum)
            print('Cut to', len(T), 'with expnum =', opt.expnum)
        if opt.extname is not None:
            T.cut(np.array([(t.strip() == opt.extname) for t in T.ccdname]))
            print('Cut to', len(T), 'with extname =', opt.extname)

        opt.args = range(len(T))

    for a in opt.args:
        i = int(a)
        t = T[i]

        im = D.get_image_object(t)
        print('Running', im.calname)

        kwargs = dict(pvastrom=opt.astrom, psfex=opt.psfex, sky=opt.sky)
        if opt.force:
        if opt.run_se:
        if opt.splinesky:

        run_calibs((im, kwargs))
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    """Main program.
    import argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="This script is used to produce lists of CCDs or bricks, for production purposes (building qdo queue, eg).")
    parser.add_argument('--calibs', action='store_true',
                      help='Output CCDs that need to be calibrated.')

    parser.add_argument('--nper', type=int, default=None,
                      help='Batch N calibs per line')

    parser.add_argument('--forced', action='store_true',
                      help='Output forced-photometry commands')

    parser.add_argument('--lsb', action='store_true',
                      help='Output Low-Surface-Brightness commands')

    parser.add_argument('--touching', action='store_true',
                      help='Cut to only CCDs touching selected bricks')

    parser.add_argument('--check', action='store_true',
                      help='Check which calibrations actually need to run.')
    parser.add_argument('--check-coadd', action='store_true',
                      help='Check which caoadds actually need to run.')
    parser.add_argument('--out', help='Output filename for calibs, default %(default)s',
    parser.add_argument('--command', action='store_true',
                      help='Write out full command-line to run calib')

    parser.add_argument('--maxdec', type=float, help='Maximum Dec to run')
    parser.add_argument('--mindec', type=float, help='Minimum Dec to run')

    parser.add_argument('--region', help='Region to select')

    parser.add_argument('--bricks', help='Set bricks.fits file to load')
    parser.add_argument('--ccds', help='Set ccds.fits file to load')

    parser.add_argument('--delete-sky', action='store_true',
                      help='Delete any existing sky calibration files')
    parser.add_argument('--delete-pvastrom', action='store_true',
                      help='Delete any existing PV WCS calibration files')

    parser.add_argument('--write-ccds', help='Write CCDs list as FITS table?')

    opt = parser.parse_args()

    decals = Decals()
    if opt.bricks is not None:
        B = fits_table(opt.bricks)
        log('Read', len(B), 'from', opt.bricks)
        B = decals.get_bricks()

    if opt.ccds is not None:
        T = fits_table(opt.ccds)
        log('Read', len(T), 'from', opt.ccds)
        T = decals.get_ccds()
        log(len(T), 'CCDs')
    T.index = np.arange(len(T))

    # I,J,d,counts = match_radec(B.ra, B.dec, T.ra, T.dec, 0.2, nearest=True, count=True)
    # plt.clf()
    # plt.hist(counts, counts.max()+1)
    # plt.savefig('bricks.png')
    # B.cut(I[counts >= 9])
    # plt.clf()
    # plt.plot(B.ra, B.dec, 'b.')
    # #plt.scatter(B.ra[I], B.dec[I], c=counts)
    # plt.savefig('bricks2.png')

    # DES Stripe82
    #rlo,rhi = 350.,360.
    # rlo,rhi = 300., 10.
    # dlo,dhi = -6., 4.
    # TINY bit
    #rlo,rhi = 350.,351.1
    #dlo,dhi = 0., 1.1

    # EDR+
    # 860 bricks
    # ~10,000 CCDs
    #rlo,rhi = 239,246
    #dlo,dhi =   5, 13

    # DR1
    #rlo,rhi = 0, 360
    # part 1
    #dlo,dhi = 25, 40
    # part 2
    #dlo,dhi = 20,25
    # part 3
    #dlo,dhi = 15,20
    # part 4
    #dlo,dhi = 10,15
    # part 5
    #dlo,dhi = 5,10
    # the rest
    #dlo,dhi = -11, 5
    #dlo,dhi = 15,25.5

    dlo,dhi = -15, 40
    rlo,rhi = 0, 360

    # Arjun says 3x3 coverage area is roughly
    # RA=240-252 DEC=6-12 (but not completely rectangular)

    # COSMOS
    #rlo,rhi = 148.9, 151.2
    #dlo,dhi = 0.9, 3.5

    # A nice well-behaved region (EDR2/3)
    # rlo,rhi = 243.6, 244.6
    # dlo,dhi = 8.1, 8.6

    # 56 bricks, ~725 CCDs
    #B.cut((B.ra > 240) * (B.ra < 242) * (B.dec > 5) * (B.dec < 7))
    # 240 bricks, ~3000 CCDs
    #B.cut((B.ra > 240) * (B.ra < 244) * (B.dec > 5) * (B.dec < 9))
    # 535 bricks, ~7000 CCDs
    #B.cut((B.ra > 240) * (B.ra < 245) * (B.dec > 5) * (B.dec < 12))

    if opt.region in ['test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4']:
        nm = dict(test1='2446p115', # weird stuff around bright star
                  test2='1183p292', # faint sources around bright galaxy
                  test3='3503p005', # DES
                  test4='1163p277', # Pollux

        B.cut(np.flatnonzero(np.array([s == nm for s in B.brickname])))
        log('Cut to', len(B), 'bricks')
        log(B.ra, B.dec)
        dlo,dhi = -90,90
        rlo,rhi = 0, 360

    elif opt.region == 'badsky':
        # A handful of exposures in DR2 with inconsistent sky estimates.
        #C = decals.get_ccds()
        #log(len(C), 'CCDs')
        #C.cut((C.expnum >= 257400) * (C.expnum < 257500))
        T.cut(np.array([e in [257460, 257461, 257462, 257463, 257464,
                              257465, 257466, 257467, 257469, 257472,
                              257483, 257496]
                        for e in T.expnum]))
        log(len(T), 'CCDs with bad sky')
        # CCD radius
        radius = np.hypot(2048, 4096) / 2. * 0.262 / 3600.
        # Brick radius
        radius += np.hypot(0.25, 0.25)/2.
        I,J,d = match_radec(B.ra, B.dec, T.ra, T.dec, radius * 1.05)
        keep = np.zeros(len(B), bool)
        keep[I] = True
        log('Cut to', len(B), 'bricks near CCDs with bad sky')

    elif opt.region == 'badsky2':
        # UGH, missed this one in original 'badsky' definition.
        T.cut(T.expnum == 257466)
        log(len(T), 'CCDs with bad sky')
        # CCD radius
        radius = np.hypot(2048, 4096) / 2. * 0.262 / 3600.
        # Brick radius
        radius += np.hypot(0.25, 0.25)/2.
        I,J,d = match_radec(B.ra, B.dec, T.ra, T.dec, radius * 1.05)
        keep = np.zeros(len(B), bool)
        keep[I] = True
        log('Cut to', len(B), 'bricks near CCDs with bad sky')

    elif opt.region == 'edr':
        # EDR:
        # 535 bricks, ~7000 CCDs
        rlo,rhi = 240,245
        dlo,dhi =   5, 12

    elif opt.region == 'edr-south':
        rlo,rhi = 240,245
        dlo,dhi =   5, 10

    elif opt.region == 'cosmos1':
        # 16 bricks in the core of the COSMOS field.
        rlo,rhi = 149.75, 150.75
        dlo,dhi = 1.6, 2.6

    elif opt.region == 'pristine':
        # Stream?
        rlo,rhi = 240,250
        dlo,dhi = 10,15

    elif opt.region == 'des':
        dlo, dhi = -6., 4.
        rlo, rhi = 317., 7.

        T.cut(np.flatnonzero(np.array(['CPDES82' in fn for fn in T.cpimage])))
        log('Cut to', len(T), 'CCDs with "CPDES82" in filename')

    elif opt.region == 'subdes':
        rlo,rhi = 320., 360.
        dlo,dhi = -1.25, 1.25

    elif opt.region == 'northwest':
        rlo,rhi = 240,360
        dlo,dhi = 20,40
    elif opt.region == 'north':
        rlo,rhi = 120,240
        dlo,dhi = 20,40
    elif opt.region == 'northeast':
        rlo,rhi = 0,120
        dlo,dhi = 20,40
    elif opt.region == 'southwest':
        rlo,rhi = 240,360
        dlo,dhi = -20,0
    elif opt.region == 'south':
        rlo,rhi = 120,240
        dlo,dhi = -20,0
    elif opt.region == 'southeast':
        rlo,rhi = 0,120
        dlo,dhi = -20,0
    elif opt.region == 'midwest':
        rlo,rhi = 240,360
        dlo,dhi = 0,20
    elif opt.region == 'middle':
        rlo,rhi = 120,240
        dlo,dhi = 0,20
    elif opt.region == 'mideast':
        rlo,rhi = 0,120
        dlo,dhi = 0,20

    elif opt.region == 'grz':
        # Bricks with grz coverage.
        # Be sure to use  --bricks decals-bricks-in-dr1.fits
        # which has_[grz] columns.
        B.cut((B.has_g == 1) * (B.has_r == 1) * (B.has_z == 1))
        log('Cut to', len(B), 'bricks with grz coverage')

    elif opt.region == 'nogrz':
        # Bricks without grz coverage.
        # Be sure to use  --bricks decals-bricks-in-dr1.fits
        # which has_[grz] columns.
        B.cut(np.logical_not((B.has_g == 1) * (B.has_r == 1) * (B.has_z == 1)))
        log('Cut to', len(B), 'bricks withOUT grz coverage')
    elif opt.region == 'deep2':
        rlo,rhi = 250,260
        dlo,dhi = 30,35

    elif opt.region == 'virgo':
        rlo,rhi = 185,190
        dlo,dhi =  10, 15

    elif opt.region == 'virgo2':
        rlo,rhi = 182,192
        dlo,dhi =   8, 18

    elif opt.region == 'lsb':
        rlo,rhi = 147.2, 147.8
        dlo,dhi = -0.4, 0.4

    if opt.mindec is not None:
        dlo = opt.mindec
    if opt.maxdec is not None:
        dhi = opt.maxdec

    if rlo < rhi:
        B.cut((B.ra >= rlo) * (B.ra <= rhi) *
              (B.dec >= dlo) * (B.dec <= dhi))
    else: # RA wrap
        B.cut(np.logical_or(B.ra >= rlo, B.ra <= rhi) *
              (B.dec >= dlo) * (B.dec <= dhi))
    log(len(B), 'bricks in range')

    I,J,d = match_radec(B.ra, B.dec, T.ra, T.dec, 0.25)
    keep = np.zeros(len(B), bool)
    for i in I:
        keep[i] = True
    log('Cut to', len(B), 'bricks near CCDs')

    if opt.touching:
        keep = np.zeros(len(T), bool)
        for j in J:
            keep[j] = True
        log('Cut to', len(T), 'CCDs near bricks')

    # Aside -- how many near DR1=1 CCDs?
    if False:
        T2 = D.get_ccds()
        log(len(T2), 'CCDs')
        T2.cut(T2.dr1 == 1)
        log(len(T2), 'CCDs marked DR1=1')
        log(len(B), 'bricks in range')
        I,J,d = match_radec(B.ra, B.dec, T2.ra, T2.dec, 0.25)
        keep = np.zeros(len(B), bool)
        for i in I:
            keep[i] = True
        B2 = B[keep]
        log('Total of', len(B2), 'bricks near CCDs with DR1=1')
        for band in 'grz':
            Tb = T2[T2.filter == band]
            log(len(Tb), 'in filter', band)
            I,J,d = match_radec(B2.ra, B2.dec, Tb.ra, Tb.dec, 0.25)
            good = np.zeros(len(B2), np.uint8)
            for i in I:
                good[i] = 1
            B2.set('has_' + band, good)


    # sort by dec decreasing

    for b in B:
        if opt.check:
            fn = 'dr1n/tractor/%s/tractor-%s.fits' % (b.brickname[:3], b.brickname)
            if os.path.exists(fn):
                print('Exists:', fn, file=sys.stderr)
        if opt.check_coadd:
            fn = 'dr1b/coadd/%s/%s/decals-%s-image.jpg' % (b.brickname[:3], b.brickname, b.brickname)
            if os.path.exists(fn):
                print('Exists:', fn, file=sys.stderr)


    if not (opt.calibs or opt.forced or opt.lsb):

    bands = 'grz'
    log('Filters:', np.unique(T.filter))
    T.cut(np.flatnonzero(np.array([f in bands for f in T.filter])))
    log('Cut to', len(T), 'CCDs in filters', bands)

    if opt.touching:
        allI = set()
        for b in B:
            wcs = wcs_for_brick(b)
            I = ccds_touching_wcs(wcs, T)
            log(len(I), 'CCDs for brick', b.brickid, 'RA,Dec (%.2f, %.2f)' % (b.ra, b.dec))
            if len(I) == 0:
        allI = list(allI)
        allI = np.arange(len(T))

    if opt.write_ccds:
        log('Wrote', opt.write_ccds)

    ## Be careful here -- T has been cut; we want to write out T.index.
    ## 'allI' contains indices into T.

    if opt.forced:
        log('Writing forced-photometry commands to', opt.out)
        f = open(opt.out,'w')
        log('Total of', len(allI), 'CCDs')
        for j,i in enumerate(allI):
            expstr = '%08i' % T.expnum[i]
            #outdir = os.path.join('forced', expstr[:5], expstr)
            outfn = os.path.join('forced', expstr[:5], expstr,
                                 'decam-%s-%s-forced.fits' %
                                 (expstr, T.ccdname[i]))
            imgfn = os.path.join(decals.decals_dir, 'images',
            if (not os.path.exists(imgfn) and
                imgfn.endswith('.fz') and
                imgfn = imgfn[:-3]

            f.write('python legacypipe/forced-photom-decam.py %s %i DR1 %s\n' %
                    (imgfn, T.cpimage_hdu[i], outfn))

        log('Wrote', opt.out)

    if opt.lsb:
        log('Writing LSB commands to', opt.out)
        f = open(opt.out,'w')
        log('Total of', len(allI), 'CCDs')
        for j,i in enumerate(allI):
            exp = T.expnum[i]
            ext = T.ccdname[i].strip()
            outfn = 'lsb/lsb-%s-%s.fits' % (exp, ext)
            f.write('python projects/desi/lsb.py --expnum %i --extname %s --out %s -F -n > lsb/lsb-%s-%s.log 2>&1\n' % (exp, ext, outfn, exp, ext))
        log('Wrote', opt.out)

    log('Writing calibs to', opt.out)
    f = open(opt.out,'w')
    log('Total of', len(allI), 'CCDs')

    batch = []

    def write_batch(f, batch, cmd):
        if opt.command:
            s = '; '.join(batch)
            s = ' '.join(batch)
        f.write(s + '\n')

    for j,i in enumerate(allI):

        if opt.delete_sky or opt.delete_pvastrom:
            log(j+1, 'of', len(allI))
            im = decals.get_image_object(T[i])
            if opt.delete_sky and os.path.exists(im.skyfn):
                log('  deleting:', im.skyfn)
            if opt.delete_pvastrom and os.path.exists(im.pvwcsfn):
                log('  deleting:', im.pvwcsfn)

        if opt.check:
            log(j+1, 'of', len(allI))
            im = decals.get_image_object(T[i])
            if not im.run_calibs(im, just_check=True):
                log('Calibs for', im.expnum, im.ccdname, im.calname, 'already done')

        if opt.command:
            s = ('python legacypipe/run-calib.py --expnum %i --ccdname %s' %
                 (T.expnum[i], T.ccdname[i]))
            s = '%i' % T.index[i]

        if not opt.nper:
            f.write(s + '\n')
            if len(batch) >= opt.nper:
                write_batch(f, batch, opt.command)
                batch = []

        if opt.check:

    if len(batch):
        write_batch(f, batch, opt.command)

    log('Wrote', opt.out)
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    decals = Decals()
    ccds = decals.get_ccds()
    print(len(ccds), 'CCDs')

    expnums = np.unique(ccds.expnum)
    print(len(expnums), 'unique exposures')

    for expnum in expnums:

        expnumstr = '%08i' % expnum
        skyoutfn = os.path.join('splinesky', expnumstr[:5],
                                'decam-%s.fits' % expnumstr)
        psfoutfn = os.path.join('psfex', expnumstr[:5],
                                'decam-%s.fits' % expnumstr)

        if os.path.exists(skyoutfn) and os.path.exists(psfoutfn):
            print('Exposure', expnum, 'is done already')

        C = ccds[ccds.expnum == expnum]
        print(len(C), 'CCDs in expnum', expnum)

        psfex = []
        psfhdrvals = []

        splinesky = []
        skyhdrvals = []

        for ccd in C:
            im = decals.get_image_object(ccd)

            fn = im.splineskyfn
            if os.path.exists(fn):
                T = fits_table(fn)
                # print(fn)
                # T.about()
                hdr = fitsio.read_header(fn)
                    [hdr[k] for k in ['SKY', 'LEGPIPEV', 'PLVER']] +
                    [expnum, ccd.ccdname])
                print('File not found:', fn)

            fn = im.psffn
            if os.path.exists(fn):
                T = fits_table(fn)
                hdr = fitsio.read_header(fn, ext=1)

                keys = [

                if hdr['POLNAXIS'] == 0:
                    # No polynomials.  Fake it.
                    T.polgrp1 = np.array([0])
                    T.polgrp2 = np.array([0])
                    T.polname1 = np.array(['fake'])
                    T.polname2 = np.array(['fake'])
                    T.polzero1 = np.array([0])
                    T.polzero2 = np.array([0])
                    T.polscal1 = np.array([1])
                    T.polscal2 = np.array([1])
                    T.poldeg1 = np.array([0])
                    T.poldeg2 = np.array([0])
                        'POLGRP1', 'POLNAME1', 'POLZERO1', 'POLSCAL1',
                        'POLGRP2', 'POLNAME2', 'POLZERO2', 'POLSCAL2',

                for k in keys:
                    T.set(k.lower(), np.array([hdr[k]]))

                hdr = fitsio.read_header(fn)
                    [hdr.get(k, '')
                     for k in ['LEGPIPEV', 'PLVER']] + [expnum, ccd.ccdname])
                print('File not found:', fn)

        if len(psfex):
            padded = pad_arrays([p.psf_mask[0] for p in psfex])
            cols = psfex[0].columns()
            T = merge_tables(psfex, columns=cols)
            T.psf_mask = np.concatenate([[p] for p in padded])
            T.legpipev = np.array([h[0] for h in psfhdrvals])
            T.plver = np.array([h[1] for h in psfhdrvals])
            T.expnum = np.array([h[2] for h in psfhdrvals])
            T.ccdname = np.array([h[3] for h in psfhdrvals])
            fn = psfoutfn
            trymakedirs(fn, dir=True)
            print('Wrote', fn)

        if len(splinesky):
            T = fits_table()
            T.gridw = np.array([t.gridvals[0].shape[1] for t in splinesky])
            T.gridh = np.array([t.gridvals[0].shape[0] for t in splinesky])

            padded = pad_arrays([t.gridvals[0] for t in splinesky])
            T.gridvals = np.concatenate([[p] for p in padded])
            padded = pad_arrays([t.xgrid[0] for t in splinesky])
            T.xgrid = np.concatenate([[p] for p in padded])
            padded = pad_arrays([t.xgrid[0] for t in splinesky])
            T.ygrid = np.concatenate([[p] for p in padded])

            cols = splinesky[0].columns()
            print('Columns:', cols)
            for c in ['gridvals', 'xgrid', 'ygrid']:

            T.add_columns_from(merge_tables(splinesky, columns=cols))
            T.skyclass = np.array([h[0] for h in skyhdrvals])
            T.legpipev = np.array([h[1] for h in skyhdrvals])
            T.plver = np.array([h[2] for h in skyhdrvals])
            T.expnum = np.array([h[3] for h in skyhdrvals])
            T.ccdname = np.array([h[4] for h in skyhdrvals])
            fn = skyoutfn
            trymakedirs(fn, dir=True)
            print('Wrote', fn)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main(outfn='ccds-annotated.fits', ccds=None):
    decals = Decals()
    if ccds is None:
        ccds = decals.get_ccds()

    # File from the "observing" svn repo:
    # https://desi.lbl.gov/svn/decam/code/observing/trunk
    tiles = fits_table('decam-tiles_obstatus.fits')

    #ccds.cut(np.array([name in ['N15', 'N16', 'N21', 'N9']
    #                   for name in ccds.ccdname]) *
    #                   ccds.expnum == 229683)

    I = decals.photometric_ccds(ccds)
    ccds.photometric = np.zeros(len(ccds), bool)
    ccds.photometric[I] = True

    I = decals.apply_blacklist(ccds)
    ccds.blacklist_ok = np.zeros(len(ccds), bool)
    ccds.blacklist_ok[I] = True

    ccds.good_region = np.empty((len(ccds), 4), np.int16)
    ccds.good_region[:,:] = -1

    ccds.ra0  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.dec0 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.ra1  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.dec1 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.ra2  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.dec2 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.ra3  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.dec3 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)

    ccds.dra  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.ddec = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.ra_center  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.dec_center = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)

    ccds.sig1 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    ccds.meansky = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.stdsky  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.maxsky  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.minsky  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    ccds.pixscale_mean = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.pixscale_std  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.pixscale_max  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.pixscale_min  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    ccds.psfnorm_mean = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psfnorm_std  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.galnorm_mean = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.galnorm_std  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    gaussgalnorm = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    # 2nd moments
    ccds.psf_mx2 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psf_my2 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psf_mxy = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psf_a = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psf_b = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psf_theta = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psf_ell   = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    ccds.humidity = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.outtemp  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    ccds.tileid   = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.int32)
    ccds.tilepass = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.uint8)
    ccds.tileebv  = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    plvers = []

    for iccd,ccd in enumerate(ccds):
        im = decals.get_image_object(ccd)
        print('Reading CCD %i of %i:' % (iccd+1, len(ccds)), im)

        X = im.get_good_image_subregion()
        for i,x in enumerate(X):
            if x is not None:
                ccds.good_region[iccd,i] = x

        W,H = ccd.width, ccd.height

        psf = None
        wcs = None
        sky = None
            tim = im.get_tractor_image(pixPsf=True, splinesky=True,
                                       subsky=False, pixels=False)
            import traceback

        if tim is None:

        psf = tim.psf
        wcs = tim.wcs.wcs
        sky = tim.sky
        hdr = tim.primhdr

        # print('Got PSF', psf)
        # print('Got sky', type(sky))
        # print('Got WCS', wcs)

        ccds.humidity[iccd] = hdr.get('HUMIDITY')
        ccds.outtemp[iccd]  = hdr.get('OUTTEMP')

        ccds.sig1[iccd] = tim.sig1

        obj = hdr.get('OBJECT')
        # parse 'DECaLS_15150_r'
        words = obj.split('_')
        tile = None
        if len(words) == 3 and words[0] == 'DECaLS':
                tileid = int(words[1])
                tile = tiles[tileid - 1]
                if tile.tileid != tileid:
                    I = np.flatnonzero(tile.tileid == tileid)
                    tile = tiles[I[0]]

        if tile is not None:
            ccds.tileid  [iccd] = tile.tileid
            ccds.tilepass[iccd] = tile.get('pass')
            ccds.tileebv [iccd] = tile.ebv_med

        # Instantiate PSF on a grid
        S = 32
        xx = np.linspace(1+S, W-S, 5)
        yy = np.linspace(1+S, H-S, 5)
        xx,yy = np.meshgrid(xx, yy)
        psfnorms = []
        galnorms = []
        for x,y in zip(xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()):
            p = im.psf_norm(tim, x=x, y=y)
            g = im.galaxy_norm(tim, x=x, y=y)
        ccds.psfnorm_mean[iccd] = np.mean(psfnorms)
        ccds.psfnorm_std [iccd] = np.std (psfnorms)
        ccds.galnorm_mean[iccd] = np.mean(galnorms)
        ccds.galnorm_std [iccd] = np.std (galnorms)

        # PSF in center of field
        cx,cy = (W+1)/2., (H+1)/2.
        p = psf.getPointSourcePatch(cx, cy).patch
        ph,pw = p.shape
        px,py = np.meshgrid(np.arange(pw), np.arange(ph))
        psum = np.sum(p)
        # print('psum', psum)
        p /= psum
        # centroids
        cenx = np.sum(p * px)
        ceny = np.sum(p * py)
        # print('cenx,ceny', cenx,ceny)
        # second moments
        x2 = np.sum(p * (px - cenx)**2)
        y2 = np.sum(p * (py - ceny)**2)
        xy = np.sum(p * (px - cenx)*(py - ceny))
        # semi-major/minor axes and position angle
        theta = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(2 * xy, x2 - y2) / 2.)
        theta = np.abs(theta) * np.sign(xy)
        s = np.sqrt(((x2 - y2)/2.)**2 + xy**2)
        a = np.sqrt((x2 + y2) / 2. + s)
        b = np.sqrt((x2 + y2) / 2. - s)
        ell = 1. - b/a

        # print('PSF second moments', x2, y2, xy)
        # print('PSF position angle', theta)
        # print('PSF semi-axes', a, b)
        # print('PSF ellipticity', ell)

        ccds.psf_mx2[iccd] = x2
        ccds.psf_my2[iccd] = y2
        ccds.psf_mxy[iccd] = xy
        ccds.psf_a[iccd] = a
        ccds.psf_b[iccd] = b
        ccds.psf_theta[iccd] = theta
        ccds.psf_ell  [iccd] = ell

        # Galaxy norm using Gaussian approximation of PSF.
        realpsf = tim.psf
        tim.psf = im.read_psf_model(0, 0, gaussPsf=True,
        gaussgalnorm[iccd] = im.galaxy_norm(tim, x=cx, y=cy)
        tim.psf = realpsf
        # Sky
        mod = np.zeros((ccd.height, ccd.width), np.float32)
        ccds.meansky[iccd] = np.mean(mod)
        ccds.stdsky[iccd]  = np.std(mod)
        ccds.maxsky[iccd]  = mod.max()
        ccds.minsky[iccd]  = mod.min()

        # WCS
        ccds.ra0[iccd],ccds.dec0[iccd] = wcs.pixelxy2radec(1, 1)
        ccds.ra1[iccd],ccds.dec1[iccd] = wcs.pixelxy2radec(1, H)
        ccds.ra2[iccd],ccds.dec2[iccd] = wcs.pixelxy2radec(W, H)
        ccds.ra3[iccd],ccds.dec3[iccd] = wcs.pixelxy2radec(W, 1)

        midx, midy = (W+1)/2., (H+1)/2.
        rc,dc  = wcs.pixelxy2radec(midx, midy)
        ra,dec = wcs.pixelxy2radec([1,W,midx,midx], [midy,midy,1,H])
        ccds.dra [iccd] = max(degrees_between(ra, dc+np.zeros_like(ra),
                                              rc, dc))
        ccds.ddec[iccd] = max(degrees_between(rc+np.zeros_like(dec), dec,
                                              rc, dc))
        ccds.ra_center [iccd] = rc
        ccds.dec_center[iccd] = dc

        # Compute scale change across the chip
        # how many pixels to step
        step = 10
        xx = np.linspace(1+step, W-step, 5)
        yy = np.linspace(1+step, H-step, 5)
        xx,yy = np.meshgrid(xx, yy)
        pixscale = []
        for x,y in zip(xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()):
            sx = [x-step, x-step, x+step, x+step, x-step]
            sy = [y-step, y+step, y+step, y-step, y-step]
            sr,sd = wcs.pixelxy2radec(sx, sy)
            rc,dc = wcs.pixelxy2radec(x, y)
            # project around a tiny little TAN WCS at (x,y), with 1" pixels
            locwcs = Tan(rc, dc, 0., 0., 1./3600, 0., 0., 1./3600, 1., 1.)
            ok,lx,ly = locwcs.radec2pixelxy(sr, sd)
            #print('local x,y:', lx, ly)
            A = polygon_area((lx, ly))
            pixscale.append(np.sqrt(A / (2*step)**2))
        # print('Pixel scales:', pixscale)
        ccds.pixscale_mean[iccd] = np.mean(pixscale)
        ccds.pixscale_min[iccd] = min(pixscale)
        ccds.pixscale_max[iccd] = max(pixscale)
        ccds.pixscale_std[iccd] = np.std(pixscale)

    ccds.plver = np.array(plvers)

    sfd = tractor.sfd.SFDMap()
    allbands = 'ugrizY'
    filts = ['%s %s' % ('DES', f) for f in allbands]
    wisebands = ['WISE W1', 'WISE W2', 'WISE W3', 'WISE W4']
    ebv,ext = sfd.extinction(filts + wisebands, ccds.ra_center,
                             ccds.dec_center, get_ebv=True)
    ext = ext.astype(np.float32)
    ccds.ebv = ebv.astype(np.float32)
    ccds.decam_extinction = ext[:,:len(allbands)]
    ccds.wise_extinction = ext[:,len(allbands):]

    # Depth
    detsig1 = ccds.sig1 / ccds.psfnorm_mean
    depth = 5. * detsig1
    # that's flux in nanomaggies -- convert to mag
    ccds.psfdepth = -2.5 * (np.log10(depth) - 9)

    detsig1 = ccds.sig1 / ccds.galnorm_mean
    depth = 5. * detsig1
    # that's flux in nanomaggies -- convert to mag
    ccds.galdepth = -2.5 * (np.log10(depth) - 9)

    # Depth using Gaussian FWHM.
    psf_sigma = ccds.fwhm / 2.35
    gnorm = 1./(2. * np.sqrt(np.pi) * psf_sigma)
    detsig1 = ccds.sig1 / gnorm
    depth = 5. * detsig1
    # that's flux in nanomaggies -- convert to mag
    ccds.gausspsfdepth = -2.5 * (np.log10(depth) - 9)

    # Gaussian galaxy depth
    detsig1 = ccds.sig1 / gaussgalnorm
    depth = 5. * detsig1
    # that's flux in nanomaggies -- convert to mag
    ccds.gaussgaldepth = -2.5 * (np.log10(depth) - 9)

Ejemplo n.º 5
        import traceback

if __name__ == '__main__':

    TT = [fits_table('ccds-annotated/ccds-annotated-%03i.fits' % i) for i in range(515)]
    T = merge_tables(TT)

    import sys

    decals = Decals()
    ccds = decals.get_ccds()
    from astrometry.util.multiproc import *
    #mp = multiproc(8)
    mp = multiproc(4)
    N = 1000
    args = []
    i = 0
    while len(ccds):
        c = ccds[:N]
        ccds = ccds[N:]
        args.append((i, c))
        i += 1
    print('Split CCDs file into', len(args), 'pieces')
    print('sizes:', [len(c) for i,c in args])
    mp.map(_bounce_main, args)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def main():
    """Main program.
    import argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        "This script is used to produce lists of CCDs or bricks, for production purposes (building qdo queue, eg)."
                        help='Output CCDs that need to be calibrated.')

                        help='Batch N calibs per line')

                        help='Output forced-photometry commands')

                        help='Output Low-Surface-Brightness commands')

                        help='Cut to only CCDs touching selected bricks')

                        help='Check which calibrations actually need to run.')
                        help='Check which caoadds actually need to run.')
                        help='Output filename for calibs, default %(default)s',
                        help='Write out full command-line to run calib')

    parser.add_argument('--maxdec', type=float, help='Maximum Dec to run')
    parser.add_argument('--mindec', type=float, help='Minimum Dec to run')

    parser.add_argument('--region', help='Region to select')

    parser.add_argument('--bricks', help='Set bricks.fits file to load')
    parser.add_argument('--ccds', help='Set ccds.fits file to load')

                        help='Delete any existing sky calibration files')
                        help='Delete any existing PV WCS calibration files')

    parser.add_argument('--write-ccds', help='Write CCDs list as FITS table?')

    opt = parser.parse_args()

    decals = Decals()
    if opt.bricks is not None:
        B = fits_table(opt.bricks)
        log('Read', len(B), 'from', opt.bricks)
        B = decals.get_bricks()

    if opt.ccds is not None:
        T = fits_table(opt.ccds)
        log('Read', len(T), 'from', opt.ccds)
        T = decals.get_ccds()
        log(len(T), 'CCDs')
    T.index = np.arange(len(T))

    # I,J,d,counts = match_radec(B.ra, B.dec, T.ra, T.dec, 0.2, nearest=True, count=True)
    # plt.clf()
    # plt.hist(counts, counts.max()+1)
    # plt.savefig('bricks.png')
    # B.cut(I[counts >= 9])
    # plt.clf()
    # plt.plot(B.ra, B.dec, 'b.')
    # #plt.scatter(B.ra[I], B.dec[I], c=counts)
    # plt.savefig('bricks2.png')

    # DES Stripe82
    #rlo,rhi = 350.,360.
    # rlo,rhi = 300., 10.
    # dlo,dhi = -6., 4.
    # TINY bit
    #rlo,rhi = 350.,351.1
    #dlo,dhi = 0., 1.1

    # EDR+
    # 860 bricks
    # ~10,000 CCDs
    #rlo,rhi = 239,246
    #dlo,dhi =   5, 13

    # DR1
    #rlo,rhi = 0, 360
    # part 1
    #dlo,dhi = 25, 40
    # part 2
    #dlo,dhi = 20,25
    # part 3
    #dlo,dhi = 15,20
    # part 4
    #dlo,dhi = 10,15
    # part 5
    #dlo,dhi = 5,10
    # the rest
    #dlo,dhi = -11, 5
    #dlo,dhi = 15,25.5

    dlo, dhi = -15, 40
    rlo, rhi = 0, 360

    # Arjun says 3x3 coverage area is roughly
    # RA=240-252 DEC=6-12 (but not completely rectangular)

    # COSMOS
    #rlo,rhi = 148.9, 151.2
    #dlo,dhi = 0.9, 3.5

    # A nice well-behaved region (EDR2/3)
    # rlo,rhi = 243.6, 244.6
    # dlo,dhi = 8.1, 8.6

    # 56 bricks, ~725 CCDs
    #B.cut((B.ra > 240) * (B.ra < 242) * (B.dec > 5) * (B.dec < 7))
    # 240 bricks, ~3000 CCDs
    #B.cut((B.ra > 240) * (B.ra < 244) * (B.dec > 5) * (B.dec < 9))
    # 535 bricks, ~7000 CCDs
    #B.cut((B.ra > 240) * (B.ra < 245) * (B.dec > 5) * (B.dec < 12))

    if opt.region in ['test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4']:
        nm = dict(
            test1='2446p115',  # weird stuff around bright star
            test2='1183p292',  # faint sources around bright galaxy
            test3='3503p005',  # DES
            test4='1163p277',  # Pollux

        B.cut(np.flatnonzero(np.array([s == nm for s in B.brickname])))
        log('Cut to', len(B), 'bricks')
        log(B.ra, B.dec)
        dlo, dhi = -90, 90
        rlo, rhi = 0, 360

    elif opt.region == 'badsky':
        # A handful of exposures in DR2 with inconsistent sky estimates.
        #C = decals.get_ccds()
        #log(len(C), 'CCDs')
        #C.cut((C.expnum >= 257400) * (C.expnum < 257500))
                e in [
                    257460, 257461, 257462, 257463, 257464, 257465, 257466,
                    257467, 257469, 257472, 257483, 257496
                ] for e in T.expnum
        log(len(T), 'CCDs with bad sky')
        # CCD radius
        radius = np.hypot(2048, 4096) / 2. * 0.262 / 3600.
        # Brick radius
        radius += np.hypot(0.25, 0.25) / 2.
        I, J, d = match_radec(B.ra, B.dec, T.ra, T.dec, radius * 1.05)
        keep = np.zeros(len(B), bool)
        keep[I] = True
        log('Cut to', len(B), 'bricks near CCDs with bad sky')

    elif opt.region == 'badsky2':
        # UGH, missed this one in original 'badsky' definition.
        T.cut(T.expnum == 257466)
        log(len(T), 'CCDs with bad sky')
        # CCD radius
        radius = np.hypot(2048, 4096) / 2. * 0.262 / 3600.
        # Brick radius
        radius += np.hypot(0.25, 0.25) / 2.
        I, J, d = match_radec(B.ra, B.dec, T.ra, T.dec, radius * 1.05)
        keep = np.zeros(len(B), bool)
        keep[I] = True
        log('Cut to', len(B), 'bricks near CCDs with bad sky')

    elif opt.region == 'edr':
        # EDR:
        # 535 bricks, ~7000 CCDs
        rlo, rhi = 240, 245
        dlo, dhi = 5, 12

    elif opt.region == 'edr-south':
        rlo, rhi = 240, 245
        dlo, dhi = 5, 10

    elif opt.region == 'cosmos1':
        # 16 bricks in the core of the COSMOS field.
        rlo, rhi = 149.75, 150.75
        dlo, dhi = 1.6, 2.6

    elif opt.region == 'pristine':
        # Stream?
        rlo, rhi = 240, 250
        dlo, dhi = 10, 15

    elif opt.region == 'des':
        dlo, dhi = -6., 4.
        rlo, rhi = 317., 7.

        T.cut(np.flatnonzero(np.array(['CPDES82' in fn for fn in T.cpimage])))
        log('Cut to', len(T), 'CCDs with "CPDES82" in filename')

    elif opt.region == 'subdes':
        rlo, rhi = 320., 360.
        dlo, dhi = -1.25, 1.25

    elif opt.region == 'northwest':
        rlo, rhi = 240, 360
        dlo, dhi = 20, 40
    elif opt.region == 'north':
        rlo, rhi = 120, 240
        dlo, dhi = 20, 40
    elif opt.region == 'northeast':
        rlo, rhi = 0, 120
        dlo, dhi = 20, 40
    elif opt.region == 'southwest':
        rlo, rhi = 240, 360
        dlo, dhi = -20, 0
    elif opt.region == 'south':
        rlo, rhi = 120, 240
        dlo, dhi = -20, 0
    elif opt.region == 'southeast':
        rlo, rhi = 0, 120
        dlo, dhi = -20, 0
    elif opt.region == 'midwest':
        rlo, rhi = 240, 360
        dlo, dhi = 0, 20
    elif opt.region == 'middle':
        rlo, rhi = 120, 240
        dlo, dhi = 0, 20
    elif opt.region == 'mideast':
        rlo, rhi = 0, 120
        dlo, dhi = 0, 20

    elif opt.region == 'grz':
        # Bricks with grz coverage.
        # Be sure to use  --bricks decals-bricks-in-dr1.fits
        # which has_[grz] columns.
        B.cut((B.has_g == 1) * (B.has_r == 1) * (B.has_z == 1))
        log('Cut to', len(B), 'bricks with grz coverage')

    elif opt.region == 'nogrz':
        # Bricks without grz coverage.
        # Be sure to use  --bricks decals-bricks-in-dr1.fits
        # which has_[grz] columns.
        B.cut(np.logical_not((B.has_g == 1) * (B.has_r == 1) * (B.has_z == 1)))
        log('Cut to', len(B), 'bricks withOUT grz coverage')
    elif opt.region == 'deep2':
        rlo, rhi = 250, 260
        dlo, dhi = 30, 35

    elif opt.region == 'virgo':
        rlo, rhi = 185, 190
        dlo, dhi = 10, 15

    elif opt.region == 'virgo2':
        rlo, rhi = 182, 192
        dlo, dhi = 8, 18

    elif opt.region == 'lsb':
        rlo, rhi = 147.2, 147.8
        dlo, dhi = -0.4, 0.4

    if opt.mindec is not None:
        dlo = opt.mindec
    if opt.maxdec is not None:
        dhi = opt.maxdec

    if rlo < rhi:
        B.cut((B.ra >= rlo) * (B.ra <= rhi) * (B.dec >= dlo) * (B.dec <= dhi))
    else:  # RA wrap
            np.logical_or(B.ra >= rlo, B.ra <= rhi) * (B.dec >= dlo) *
            (B.dec <= dhi))
    log(len(B), 'bricks in range')

    I, J, d = match_radec(B.ra, B.dec, T.ra, T.dec, 0.25)
    keep = np.zeros(len(B), bool)
    for i in I:
        keep[i] = True
    log('Cut to', len(B), 'bricks near CCDs')

    if opt.touching:
        keep = np.zeros(len(T), bool)
        for j in J:
            keep[j] = True
        log('Cut to', len(T), 'CCDs near bricks')

    # Aside -- how many near DR1=1 CCDs?
    if False:
        T2 = D.get_ccds()
        log(len(T2), 'CCDs')
        T2.cut(T2.dr1 == 1)
        log(len(T2), 'CCDs marked DR1=1')
        log(len(B), 'bricks in range')
        I, J, d = match_radec(B.ra, B.dec, T2.ra, T2.dec, 0.25)
        keep = np.zeros(len(B), bool)
        for i in I:
            keep[i] = True
        B2 = B[keep]
        log('Total of', len(B2), 'bricks near CCDs with DR1=1')
        for band in 'grz':
            Tb = T2[T2.filter == band]
            log(len(Tb), 'in filter', band)
            I, J, d = match_radec(B2.ra, B2.dec, Tb.ra, Tb.dec, 0.25)
            good = np.zeros(len(B2), np.uint8)
            for i in I:
                good[i] = 1
            B2.set('has_' + band, good)


    # sort by dec decreasing

    for b in B:
        if opt.check:
            fn = 'dr1n/tractor/%s/tractor-%s.fits' % (b.brickname[:3],
            if os.path.exists(fn):
                print('Exists:', fn, file=sys.stderr)
        if opt.check_coadd:
            fn = 'dr1b/coadd/%s/%s/decals-%s-image.jpg' % (
                b.brickname[:3], b.brickname, b.brickname)
            if os.path.exists(fn):
                print('Exists:', fn, file=sys.stderr)


    if not (opt.calibs or opt.forced or opt.lsb):

    bands = 'grz'
    log('Filters:', np.unique(T.filter))
    T.cut(np.flatnonzero(np.array([f in bands for f in T.filter])))
    log('Cut to', len(T), 'CCDs in filters', bands)

    if opt.touching:
        allI = set()
        for b in B:
            wcs = wcs_for_brick(b)
            I = ccds_touching_wcs(wcs, T)
            log(len(I), 'CCDs for brick', b.brickid,
                'RA,Dec (%.2f, %.2f)' % (b.ra, b.dec))
            if len(I) == 0:
        allI = list(allI)
        allI = np.arange(len(T))

    if opt.write_ccds:
        log('Wrote', opt.write_ccds)

    ## Be careful here -- T has been cut; we want to write out T.index.
    ## 'allI' contains indices into T.

    if opt.forced:
        log('Writing forced-photometry commands to', opt.out)
        f = open(opt.out, 'w')
        log('Total of', len(allI), 'CCDs')
        for j, i in enumerate(allI):
            expstr = '%08i' % T.expnum[i]
            #outdir = os.path.join('forced', expstr[:5], expstr)
            outfn = os.path.join(
                'forced', expstr[:5], expstr,
                'decam-%s-%s-forced.fits' % (expstr, T.ccdname[i]))
            imgfn = os.path.join(decals.decals_dir, 'images',
            if (not os.path.exists(imgfn) and imgfn.endswith('.fz')
                    and os.path.exists(imgfn[:-3])):
                imgfn = imgfn[:-3]

            f.write('python legacypipe/forced-photom-decam.py %s %i DR1 %s\n' %
                    (imgfn, T.cpimage_hdu[i], outfn))

        log('Wrote', opt.out)

    if opt.lsb:
        log('Writing LSB commands to', opt.out)
        f = open(opt.out, 'w')
        log('Total of', len(allI), 'CCDs')
        for j, i in enumerate(allI):
            exp = T.expnum[i]
            ext = T.ccdname[i].strip()
            outfn = 'lsb/lsb-%s-%s.fits' % (exp, ext)
                'python projects/desi/lsb.py --expnum %i --extname %s --out %s -F -n > lsb/lsb-%s-%s.log 2>&1\n'
                % (exp, ext, outfn, exp, ext))
        log('Wrote', opt.out)

    log('Writing calibs to', opt.out)
    f = open(opt.out, 'w')
    log('Total of', len(allI), 'CCDs')

    batch = []

    def write_batch(f, batch, cmd):
        if opt.command:
            s = '; '.join(batch)
            s = ' '.join(batch)
        f.write(s + '\n')

    for j, i in enumerate(allI):

        if opt.delete_sky or opt.delete_pvastrom:
            log(j + 1, 'of', len(allI))
            im = decals.get_image_object(T[i])
            if opt.delete_sky and os.path.exists(im.skyfn):
                log('  deleting:', im.skyfn)
            if opt.delete_pvastrom and os.path.exists(im.pvwcsfn):
                log('  deleting:', im.pvwcsfn)

        if opt.check:
            log(j + 1, 'of', len(allI))
            im = decals.get_image_object(T[i])
            if not im.run_calibs(im, just_check=True):
                log('Calibs for', im.expnum, im.ccdname, im.calname,
                    'already done')

        if opt.command:
            s = ('python legacypipe/run-calib.py --expnum %i --ccdname %s' %
                 (T.expnum[i], T.ccdname[i]))
            s = '%i' % T.index[i]

        if not opt.nper:
            f.write(s + '\n')
            if len(batch) >= opt.nper:
                write_batch(f, batch, opt.command)
                batch = []

        if opt.check:

    if len(batch):
        write_batch(f, batch, opt.command)

    log('Wrote', opt.out)
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main(outfn='ccds-annotated.fits', ccds=None):
    decals = Decals()
    if ccds is None:
        ccds = decals.get_ccds()

    # File from the "observing" svn repo:
    # https://desi.lbl.gov/svn/decam/code/observing/trunk
    tiles = fits_table('decam-tiles_obstatus.fits')

    #ccds.cut(np.array([name in ['N15', 'N16', 'N21', 'N9']
    #                   for name in ccds.ccdname]) *
    #                   ccds.expnum == 229683)

    I = decals.photometric_ccds(ccds)
    ccds.photometric = np.zeros(len(ccds), bool)
    ccds.photometric[I] = True

    I = decals.apply_blacklist(ccds)
    ccds.blacklist_ok = np.zeros(len(ccds), bool)
    ccds.blacklist_ok[I] = True

    ccds.good_region = np.empty((len(ccds), 4), np.int16)
    ccds.good_region[:, :] = -1

    ccds.ra0 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.dec0 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.ra1 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.dec1 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.ra2 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.dec2 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.ra3 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.dec3 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)

    ccds.dra = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.ddec = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.ra_center = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)
    ccds.dec_center = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float64)

    ccds.sig1 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    ccds.meansky = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.stdsky = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.maxsky = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.minsky = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    ccds.pixscale_mean = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.pixscale_std = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.pixscale_max = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.pixscale_min = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    ccds.psfnorm_mean = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psfnorm_std = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.galnorm_mean = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.galnorm_std = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    gaussgalnorm = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    # 2nd moments
    ccds.psf_mx2 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psf_my2 = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psf_mxy = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psf_a = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psf_b = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psf_theta = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.psf_ell = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    ccds.humidity = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)
    ccds.outtemp = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    ccds.tileid = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.int32)
    ccds.tilepass = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.uint8)
    ccds.tileebv = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32)

    plvers = []

    for iccd, ccd in enumerate(ccds):
        im = decals.get_image_object(ccd)
        print('Reading CCD %i of %i:' % (iccd + 1, len(ccds)), im)

        X = im.get_good_image_subregion()
        for i, x in enumerate(X):
            if x is not None:
                ccds.good_region[iccd, i] = x

        W, H = ccd.width, ccd.height

        psf = None
        wcs = None
        sky = None
            tim = im.get_tractor_image(pixPsf=True,
            import traceback

        if tim is None:

        psf = tim.psf
        wcs = tim.wcs.wcs
        sky = tim.sky
        hdr = tim.primhdr

        # print('Got PSF', psf)
        # print('Got sky', type(sky))
        # print('Got WCS', wcs)

        ccds.humidity[iccd] = hdr.get('HUMIDITY')
        ccds.outtemp[iccd] = hdr.get('OUTTEMP')

        ccds.sig1[iccd] = tim.sig1

        obj = hdr.get('OBJECT')
        # parse 'DECaLS_15150_r'
        words = obj.split('_')
        tile = None
        if len(words) == 3 and words[0] == 'DECaLS':
                tileid = int(words[1])
                tile = tiles[tileid - 1]
                if tile.tileid != tileid:
                    I = np.flatnonzero(tile.tileid == tileid)
                    tile = tiles[I[0]]

        if tile is not None:
            ccds.tileid[iccd] = tile.tileid
            ccds.tilepass[iccd] = tile.get('pass')
            ccds.tileebv[iccd] = tile.ebv_med

        # Instantiate PSF on a grid
        S = 32
        xx = np.linspace(1 + S, W - S, 5)
        yy = np.linspace(1 + S, H - S, 5)
        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xx, yy)
        psfnorms = []
        galnorms = []
        for x, y in zip(xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()):
            p = im.psf_norm(tim, x=x, y=y)
            g = im.galaxy_norm(tim, x=x, y=y)
        ccds.psfnorm_mean[iccd] = np.mean(psfnorms)
        ccds.psfnorm_std[iccd] = np.std(psfnorms)
        ccds.galnorm_mean[iccd] = np.mean(galnorms)
        ccds.galnorm_std[iccd] = np.std(galnorms)

        # PSF in center of field
        cx, cy = (W + 1) / 2., (H + 1) / 2.
        p = psf.getPointSourcePatch(cx, cy).patch
        ph, pw = p.shape
        px, py = np.meshgrid(np.arange(pw), np.arange(ph))
        psum = np.sum(p)
        # print('psum', psum)
        p /= psum
        # centroids
        cenx = np.sum(p * px)
        ceny = np.sum(p * py)
        # print('cenx,ceny', cenx,ceny)
        # second moments
        x2 = np.sum(p * (px - cenx)**2)
        y2 = np.sum(p * (py - ceny)**2)
        xy = np.sum(p * (px - cenx) * (py - ceny))
        # semi-major/minor axes and position angle
        theta = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(2 * xy, x2 - y2) / 2.)
        theta = np.abs(theta) * np.sign(xy)
        s = np.sqrt(((x2 - y2) / 2.)**2 + xy**2)
        a = np.sqrt((x2 + y2) / 2. + s)
        b = np.sqrt((x2 + y2) / 2. - s)
        ell = 1. - b / a

        # print('PSF second moments', x2, y2, xy)
        # print('PSF position angle', theta)
        # print('PSF semi-axes', a, b)
        # print('PSF ellipticity', ell)

        ccds.psf_mx2[iccd] = x2
        ccds.psf_my2[iccd] = y2
        ccds.psf_mxy[iccd] = xy
        ccds.psf_a[iccd] = a
        ccds.psf_b[iccd] = b
        ccds.psf_theta[iccd] = theta
        ccds.psf_ell[iccd] = ell

        # Galaxy norm using Gaussian approximation of PSF.
        realpsf = tim.psf
        tim.psf = im.read_psf_model(0,
        gaussgalnorm[iccd] = im.galaxy_norm(tim, x=cx, y=cy)
        tim.psf = realpsf

        # Sky
        mod = np.zeros((ccd.height, ccd.width), np.float32)
        ccds.meansky[iccd] = np.mean(mod)
        ccds.stdsky[iccd] = np.std(mod)
        ccds.maxsky[iccd] = mod.max()
        ccds.minsky[iccd] = mod.min()

        # WCS
        ccds.ra0[iccd], ccds.dec0[iccd] = wcs.pixelxy2radec(1, 1)
        ccds.ra1[iccd], ccds.dec1[iccd] = wcs.pixelxy2radec(1, H)
        ccds.ra2[iccd], ccds.dec2[iccd] = wcs.pixelxy2radec(W, H)
        ccds.ra3[iccd], ccds.dec3[iccd] = wcs.pixelxy2radec(W, 1)

        midx, midy = (W + 1) / 2., (H + 1) / 2.
        rc, dc = wcs.pixelxy2radec(midx, midy)
        ra, dec = wcs.pixelxy2radec([1, W, midx, midx], [midy, midy, 1, H])
        ccds.dra[iccd] = max(
            degrees_between(ra, dc + np.zeros_like(ra), rc, dc))
        ccds.ddec[iccd] = max(
            degrees_between(rc + np.zeros_like(dec), dec, rc, dc))
        ccds.ra_center[iccd] = rc
        ccds.dec_center[iccd] = dc

        # Compute scale change across the chip
        # how many pixels to step
        step = 10
        xx = np.linspace(1 + step, W - step, 5)
        yy = np.linspace(1 + step, H - step, 5)
        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xx, yy)
        pixscale = []
        for x, y in zip(xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()):
            sx = [x - step, x - step, x + step, x + step, x - step]
            sy = [y - step, y + step, y + step, y - step, y - step]
            sr, sd = wcs.pixelxy2radec(sx, sy)
            rc, dc = wcs.pixelxy2radec(x, y)
            # project around a tiny little TAN WCS at (x,y), with 1" pixels
            locwcs = Tan(rc, dc, 0., 0., 1. / 3600, 0., 0., 1. / 3600, 1., 1.)
            ok, lx, ly = locwcs.radec2pixelxy(sr, sd)
            #print('local x,y:', lx, ly)
            A = polygon_area((lx, ly))
            pixscale.append(np.sqrt(A / (2 * step)**2))
        # print('Pixel scales:', pixscale)
        ccds.pixscale_mean[iccd] = np.mean(pixscale)
        ccds.pixscale_min[iccd] = min(pixscale)
        ccds.pixscale_max[iccd] = max(pixscale)
        ccds.pixscale_std[iccd] = np.std(pixscale)

    ccds.plver = np.array(plvers)

    sfd = tractor.sfd.SFDMap()
    allbands = 'ugrizY'
    filts = ['%s %s' % ('DES', f) for f in allbands]
    wisebands = ['WISE W1', 'WISE W2', 'WISE W3', 'WISE W4']
    ebv, ext = sfd.extinction(filts + wisebands,
    ext = ext.astype(np.float32)
    ccds.ebv = ebv.astype(np.float32)
    ccds.decam_extinction = ext[:, :len(allbands)]
    ccds.wise_extinction = ext[:, len(allbands):]

    # Depth
    detsig1 = ccds.sig1 / ccds.psfnorm_mean
    depth = 5. * detsig1
    # that's flux in nanomaggies -- convert to mag
    ccds.psfdepth = -2.5 * (np.log10(depth) - 9)

    detsig1 = ccds.sig1 / ccds.galnorm_mean
    depth = 5. * detsig1
    # that's flux in nanomaggies -- convert to mag
    ccds.galdepth = -2.5 * (np.log10(depth) - 9)

    # Depth using Gaussian FWHM.
    psf_sigma = ccds.fwhm / 2.35
    gnorm = 1. / (2. * np.sqrt(np.pi) * psf_sigma)
    detsig1 = ccds.sig1 / gnorm
    depth = 5. * detsig1
    # that's flux in nanomaggies -- convert to mag
    ccds.gausspsfdepth = -2.5 * (np.log10(depth) - 9)

    # Gaussian galaxy depth
    detsig1 = ccds.sig1 / gaussgalnorm
    depth = 5. * detsig1
    # that's flux in nanomaggies -- convert to mag
    ccds.gaussgaldepth = -2.5 * (np.log10(depth) - 9)

Ejemplo n.º 8
if __name__ == '__main__':

    TT = [
        fits_table('ccds-annotated/ccds-annotated-%03i.fits' % i)
        for i in range(515)
    T = merge_tables(TT)

    import sys

    decals = Decals()
    ccds = decals.get_ccds()
    from astrometry.util.multiproc import *
    #mp = multiproc(8)
    mp = multiproc(4)
    N = 1000
    args = []
    i = 0
    while len(ccds):
        c = ccds[:N]
        ccds = ccds[N:]
        args.append((i, c))
        i += 1
    print('Split CCDs file into', len(args), 'pieces')
    print('sizes:', [len(c) for i, c in args])
    mp.map(_bounce_main, args)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def main():
    import optparse

    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
    parser.add_option('--zoom', '-z', type=int, action='append', default=[],
                      help='Add zoom level; default 13')
    parser.add_option('--threads', type=int, default=1, help='Number of threads')
    parser.add_option('--y0', type=int, default=0, help='Start row')
    parser.add_option('--y1', type=int, default=None, help='End row (non-inclusive)')

    parser.add_option('--x0', type=int, default=None)
    parser.add_option('--x1', type=int, default=None)

    parser.add_option('-x', type=int)
    parser.add_option('-y', type=int)

    parser.add_option('--mindec', type=float, default=None, help='Minimum Dec to run')
    parser.add_option('--maxdec', type=float, default=None, help='Maximum Dec to run')

    parser.add_option('--minra', type=float, default=0.,   help='Minimum RA to run')
    parser.add_option('--maxra', type=float, default=360., help='Maximum RA to run')

    parser.add_option('--near', action='store_true', help='Only run tiles near bricks')

    parser.add_option('--near-ccds', action='store_true', help='Only run tiles near CCDs')

    parser.add_option('--queue', action='store_true', default=False,
                      help='Print qdo commands')

    parser.add_option('--all', action='store_true', help='Render all tiles')

    parser.add_option('--ignore', action='store_true', help='Ignore cached tile files',

    parser.add_option('--top', action='store_true', help='Top levels of the pyramid')

    parser.add_option('--kind', default='image')
    parser.add_option('--scale', action='store_true', help='Scale images?')
    parser.add_option('--coadd', action='store_true', help='Create SDSS coadd images?')
    parser.add_option('--grass', action='store_true', help='progress plot')

    opt,args = parser.parse_args()

    if len(opt.zoom) == 0:
        opt.zoom = [13]

    mp = multiproc(opt.threads)

    if opt.kind == 'sdss':
        if opt.maxdec is None:
            opt.maxdec = 90
        if opt.mindec is None:
            opt.mindec = -25
    elif opt.kind in ['halpha', 'unwise-neo1']:
        if opt.maxdec is None:
            opt.maxdec = 90
        if opt.mindec is None:
            opt.mindec = -90
        if opt.maxdec is None:
            opt.maxdec = 40
        if opt.mindec is None:
            opt.mindec = -20

    if opt.top:
        top_levels(mp, opt)

    from legacypipe.common import Decals
    decals = Decals()

    if opt.near:
        if opt.kind == 'sdss':
            B = fits_table(os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, 'bricks-sdssco.fits'))
            B = decals.get_bricks()
        print len(B), 'bricks'

    if opt.scale:
        opt.near_ccds = True

    if opt.near_ccds:
        if opt.kind == 'sdss':
            C = fits_table(os.path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, 'sdss', 'window_flist.fits'),
                           columns=['rerun','ra','dec', 'run', 'camcol', 'field', 'score'])
            C.cut(C.rerun == '301')
            C.cut(C.score >= 0.6)
            # SDSS field size
            radius = 1.01 * np.hypot(10., 14.)/2. / 60.
            ccdsize = radius
            print len(C), 'SDSS fields'

            C = decals.get_ccds()
            print len(C), 'CCDs'
            ccdsize = 0.2

    if opt.x is not None:
        opt.x0 = opt.x
        opt.x1 = opt.x + 1
    if opt.y is not None:
        opt.y0 = opt.y
        opt.y1 = opt.y + 1

    if opt.coadd and opt.kind == 'sdss':
        from legacypipe.common import wcs_for_brick
        from map.views import trymakedirs

        B = decals.get_bricks()
        print len(B), 'bricks'
        B.cut((B.dec >= opt.mindec) * (B.dec < opt.maxdec))
        print len(B), 'in Dec range'
        B.cut((B.ra  >= opt.minra)  * (B.ra  < opt.maxra))
        print len(B), 'in RA range'

        if opt.queue:
            # ~ square-degree tiles
            # RA slices
            rr = np.arange(opt.minra , opt.maxra +1)
            dd = np.arange(opt.mindec, opt.maxdec+1)
            for rlo,rhi in zip(rr, rr[1:]):
                for dlo,dhi in zip(dd, dd[1:]):
                    print 'time python render-tiles.py --kind sdss --coadd --minra %f --maxra %f --mindec %f --maxdec %f' % (rlo, rhi, dlo, dhi)

        if opt.grass:
            basedir = settings.DATA_DIR
            codir = os.path.join(basedir, 'coadd', 'sdssco')
            rr,dd = [],[]
            exist = []
            for i,b in enumerate(B):
                print 'Brick', b.brickname,
                fn = os.path.join(codir, b.brickname[:3], 'sdssco-%s-%s.fits' % (b.brickname, 'r'))
                print '-->', fn,
                if not os.path.exists(fn):
                print 'found'

            exist = np.array(exist)

            import pylab as plt
            plt.plot(rr, dd, 'k.')
            plt.title('SDSS coadd tiles')

        basedir = settings.DATA_DIR
        codir = os.path.join(basedir, 'coadd', 'sdssco')
        for b in B:
            print 'Brick', b.brickname
            wcs = wcs_for_brick(b, W=2400, H=2400, pixscale=0.396)
            bands = 'gri'
            dirnm = os.path.join(codir, b.brickname[:3])
            fns = [os.path.join(dirnm, 'sdssco-%s-%s.fits' % (b.brickname, band))
                   for band in bands]

            hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR()
            hdr['SURVEY'] = 'SDSS'

            if all([os.path.exists(fn) for fn in fns]):
                print 'Already exist'
            ims = map_sdss(req, 1, 0, 0, 0, get_images=True, wcs=wcs, ignoreCached=True,
            if ims is None:
                print 'No overlap'
            trymakedirs(os.path.join(dirnm, 'xxx'))
            for fn,band,im in zip(fns,bands, ims):
                fitsio.write(fn, im, header=hdr, clobber=True)
                print 'Wrote', fn

            # Also write scaled versions
            dirnm = os.path.join(basedir, 'scaled', 'sdssco')
            scalepat = os.path.join(dirnm, '%(scale)i%(band)s', '%(brickname).3s', 'sdssco-%(brickname)s-%(band)s.fits')
            for im,band in zip(ims,bands):
                scalekwargs = dict(band=band, brick=b.brickid, brickname=b.brickname)
                imwcs = wcs
                for scale in range(1, 7):
                    print 'Writing scale level', scale
                    im,imwcs,sfn = get_scaled(scalepat, scalekwargs, scale, None,
                                              wcs=imwcs, img=im, return_data=True)

    if opt.scale:
        if opt.kind == 'sdss':
            C.cut((C.dec >= opt.mindec) * (C.dec < opt.maxdec))
            print len(C), 'in Dec range'
            C.cut((C.ra  >= opt.minra)  * (C.ra  < opt.maxra))
            print len(C), 'in RA range'

            from astrometry.sdss import AsTransWrapper, DR9
            sdss = DR9(basedir=settings.SDSS_DIR)
            if settings.SDSS_PHOTOOBJS:
            basedir = settings.DATA_DIR
            scaledir = 'sdss'
            dirnm = os.path.join(basedir, 'scaled', scaledir)
            for im in C:
                from map.views import _read_sip_wcs
                #if im.rerun != '301':
                #    continue
                for band in 'gri':
                    scalepat = os.path.join(dirnm, '%(scale)i%(band)s', '%(rerun)s', '%(run)i', '%(camcol)i', 'sdss-%(run)i-%(camcol)i-%(field)i-%(band)s.fits')
                    tmpsuff = '.tmp%08i' % np.random.randint(100000000)
                    basefn = sdss.retrieve('frame', im.run, im.camcol, field=im.field,
                                           band=band, rerun=im.rerun, tempsuffix=tmpsuff)
                    fnargs = dict(band=band, rerun=im.rerun, run=im.run,
                                  camcol=im.camcol, field=im.field)

                    scaled = 1
                    fn = get_scaled(scalepat, fnargs, scaled, basefn,
                                    read_base_wcs=read_astrans, read_wcs=_read_sip_wcs)
                    print 'get_scaled:', fn

            return 0


    for zoom in opt.zoom:
        N = 2**zoom
        if opt.y1 is None:
            y1 = N
            y1 = opt.y1

        if opt.x0 is None:
            opt.x0 = 0
        x1 = opt.x1
        if x1 is None:
            x1 = N

        # Find grid of Ra,Dec tile centers and select the ones near DECaLS bricks.
        rr,dd = [],[]
        yy = np.arange(opt.y0, y1)
        xx = np.arange(opt.x0, x1)

        if opt.grass:
            import pylab as plt
            tileexists = np.zeros((len(yy),len(xx)), bool)


            basedir = settings.DATA_DIR
            ver = tileversions[opt.kind][-1]
            tiledir = os.path.join(basedir, 'tiles', opt.kind, '%i'%ver, '%i'%zoom)
            for dirpath,dirnames,filenames in os.walk(tiledir):
                # change walk order
                if len(filenames) == 0:
                print 'Dirpath', dirpath
                #print 'Dirnames', dirnames
                #print 'Filenames', filenames

                # check for symlinks
                if False:
                    fns = []
                    for fn in filenames:
                        fullfn = os.path.join(tiledir, dirpath, fn)
                        if os.path.isfile(fullfn) and not os.path.islink(fullfn):
                    print len(fns), 'of', len(filenames), 'are files (not symlinks)'
                    filenames = fns

                x = os.path.basename(dirpath)
                x = int(x)
                #print 'x', x

                yy = [int(fn.replace('.jpg','')) for fn in filenames]
                #print 'yy', yy
                print len(yy), 'tiles'
                for y in yy:
                    tileexists[y - opt.y0, x - opt.x0] = True
            plt.imshow(tileexists, interpolation='nearest', origin='upper',
                       vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='gray')
            fn = 'exist-%s-z%02i' % (opt.kind, zoom)
            fitsio.write(fn+'.fits', tileexists, clobber=True)
            print 'Wrote', fn+'.png and', fn+'.fits'


        if not opt.all:
            for y in yy:
                wcs,W,H,zoomscale,zoom,x,y = get_tile_wcs(zoom, 0, y)
                r,d = wcs.get_center()
            for x in xx:
                wcs,W,H,zoomscale,zoom,x,y = get_tile_wcs(zoom, x, 0)
                r,d = wcs.get_center()
            dd = np.array(dd)
            rr = np.array(rr)
            if len(dd) > 1:
                tilesize = max(np.abs(np.diff(dd)))
                print 'Tile size:', tilesize
                if opt.near_ccds or opt.near:
                        wcs,W,H,zoomscale,zoom,x,y = get_tile_wcs(zoom, 0, opt.y0+1)
                        r2,d2 = wcs.get_center()
                        wcs,W,H,zoomscale,zoom,x,y = get_tile_wcs(zoom, 0, opt.y0-1)
                        r2,d2 = wcs.get_center()
                    tilesize = np.abs(dd[0] - d2)
                    print 'Tile size:', tilesize
                    tilesize = 180.
            I = np.flatnonzero((dd >= opt.mindec) * (dd <= opt.maxdec))
            print 'Keeping', len(I), 'Dec points between', opt.mindec, 'and', opt.maxdec
            dd = dd[I]
            yy = yy[I]
            I = np.flatnonzero((rr >= opt.minra) * (rr <= opt.maxra))
            print 'Keeping', len(I), 'RA points between', opt.minra, 'and', opt.maxra
            rr = rr[I]
            xx = xx[I]
            print len(rr), 'RA points x', len(dd), 'Dec points'
            print 'x tile range:', xx.min(), xx.max(), 'y tile range:', yy.min(), yy.max()

        for iy,y in enumerate(yy):
            print 'Y row', y

            if opt.near:
                d = dd[iy]
                I,J,dist = match_radec(rr, d+np.zeros_like(rr), B.ra, B.dec, 0.25 + tilesize, nearest=True)
                if len(I) == 0:
                    print 'No matches to bricks'
                keep = np.zeros(len(rr), bool)
                keep[I] = True
                print 'Keeping', sum(keep), 'tiles in row', y, 'Dec', d
                x = xx[keep]
            elif opt.near_ccds:
                d = dd[iy]
                print 'RA range of tiles:', rr.min(), rr.max()
                print 'Dec of tile row:', d
                I,J,dist = match_radec(rr, d+np.zeros_like(rr), C.ra, C.dec, ccdsize + tilesize, nearest=True)
                if len(I) == 0:
                    print 'No matches to CCDs'
                keep = np.zeros(len(rr), bool)
                keep[I] = True
                print 'Keeping', sum(keep), 'tiles in row', y, 'Dec', d
                x = xx[keep]
                x = xx

            if opt.queue:
                cmd = 'python -u render-tiles.py --zoom %i --y0 %i --y1 %i --kind %s' % (zoom, y, y+1, opt.kind)
                if opt.near_ccds:
                    cmd += ' --near-ccds'
                if opt.all:
                    cmd += ' --all'
                if opt.ignore:
                    cmd += ' --ignore'
                print cmd

            # if opt.grass:
            #     for xi in x:
            #         basedir = settings.DATA_DIR
            #         ver = tileversions[opt.kind][-1]
            #         tilefn = os.path.join(basedir, 'tiles', opt.kind,
            #                               '%i/%i/%i/%i.jpg' % (ver, zoom, xi, y))
            #         print 'Checking for', tilefn
            #         if os.path.exists(tilefn):
            #             print 'EXISTS'
            #             tileexists[yi-opt.y0, xi-opt.x0]
            #     continue

            args = []
            for xi in x:
                args.append((opt.kind,zoom,xi,y, opt.ignore))
            print 'Rendering', len(args), 'tiles in row y =', y
            mp.map(_bounce_one_tile, args, chunksize=min(100, max(1, len(args)/opt.threads)))
            print 'Rendered', len(args), 'tiles'
Ejemplo n.º 10
def main():
    decals = Decals()
    ccds = decals.get_ccds()
    print(len(ccds), 'CCDs')

    expnums = np.unique(ccds.expnum)
    print(len(expnums), 'unique exposures')

    for expnum in expnums:

        expnumstr = '%08i' % expnum
        skyoutfn = os.path.join('splinesky', expnumstr[:5], 'decam-%s.fits' % expnumstr)
        psfoutfn = os.path.join('psfex', expnumstr[:5], 'decam-%s.fits' % expnumstr)

        if os.path.exists(skyoutfn) and os.path.exists(psfoutfn):
            print('Exposure', expnum, 'is done already')

        C = ccds[ccds.expnum == expnum]
        print(len(C), 'CCDs in expnum', expnum)

        psfex = []
        psfhdrvals = []

        splinesky = []
        skyhdrvals = []

        for ccd in C:
            im = decals.get_image_object(ccd)

            fn = im.splineskyfn
            if os.path.exists(fn):
                T = fits_table(fn)
                # print(fn)
                # T.about()
                hdr = fitsio.read_header(fn)
                skyhdrvals.append([hdr[k] for k in [
                            'SKY', 'LEGPIPEV', 'PLVER']] + [expnum, ccd.ccdname])
                print('File not found:', fn)

            fn = im.psffn
            if os.path.exists(fn):
                T = fits_table(fn)
                hdr = fitsio.read_header(fn, ext=1)

                keys = ['LOADED', 'ACCEPTED', 'CHI2', 'POLNAXIS', 
                        'POLNGRP', 'PSF_FWHM', 'PSF_SAMP', 'PSFNAXIS',
                        'PSFAXIS1', 'PSFAXIS2', 'PSFAXIS3',]

                if hdr['POLNAXIS'] == 0:
                    # No polynomials.  Fake it.
                    T.polgrp1 = np.array([0])
                    T.polgrp2 = np.array([0])
                    T.polname1 = np.array(['fake'])
                    T.polname2 = np.array(['fake'])
                    T.polzero1 = np.array([0])
                    T.polzero2 = np.array([0])
                    T.polscal1 = np.array([1])
                    T.polscal2 = np.array([1])
                    T.poldeg1 = np.array([0])
                    T.poldeg2 = np.array([0])
                            'POLGRP1', 'POLNAME1', 'POLZERO1', 'POLSCAL1',
                            'POLGRP2', 'POLNAME2', 'POLZERO2', 'POLSCAL2',

                for k in keys:
                    T.set(k.lower(), np.array([hdr[k]]))
                hdr = fitsio.read_header(fn)
                psfhdrvals.append([hdr.get(k,'') for k in [
                    'LEGPIPEV', 'PLVER']] + [expnum, ccd.ccdname])
                print('File not found:', fn)

        if len(psfex):
            padded = pad_arrays([p.psf_mask[0] for p in psfex])
            cols = psfex[0].columns()
            T = merge_tables(psfex, columns=cols)
            T.psf_mask = np.concatenate([[p] for p in padded])
            T.legpipev = np.array([h[0] for h in psfhdrvals])
            T.plver    = np.array([h[1] for h in psfhdrvals])
            T.expnum   = np.array([h[2] for h in psfhdrvals])
            T.ccdname  = np.array([h[3] for h in psfhdrvals])
            fn = psfoutfn
            trymakedirs(fn, dir=True)
            print('Wrote', fn)

        if len(splinesky):
            T = fits_table()
            T.gridw = np.array([t.gridvals[0].shape[1] for t in splinesky])
            T.gridh = np.array([t.gridvals[0].shape[0] for t in splinesky])

            padded = pad_arrays([t.gridvals[0] for t in splinesky])
            T.gridvals = np.concatenate([[p] for p in padded])
            padded = pad_arrays([t.xgrid[0] for t in splinesky])
            T.xgrid = np.concatenate([[p] for p in padded])
            padded = pad_arrays([t.xgrid[0] for t in splinesky])
            T.ygrid = np.concatenate([[p] for p in padded])
            cols = splinesky[0].columns()
            print('Columns:', cols)
            for c in ['gridvals', 'xgrid', 'ygrid']:

            T.add_columns_from(merge_tables(splinesky, columns=cols))
            T.skyclass = np.array([h[0] for h in skyhdrvals])
            T.legpipev = np.array([h[1] for h in skyhdrvals])
            T.plver    = np.array([h[2] for h in skyhdrvals])
            T.expnum   = np.array([h[3] for h in skyhdrvals])
            T.ccdname  = np.array([h[4] for h in skyhdrvals])
            fn = skyoutfn
            trymakedirs(fn, dir=True)
            print('Wrote', fn)