def _make(self, hp, global_step=None): ts = NS() ts.global_step = global_step ts.x = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, name="x") ts.seq = self.model.make_training_graph(x=ts.x, length=self.segment_length) ts.final_state = ts.seq.final_state ts.loss = ts.seq.loss ts.error = ts.seq.error ts.learning_rate = tf.Variable(hp.initial_learning_rate, dtype=tf.float32, trainable=False, name="learning_rate") ts.decay_op = tf.assign(ts.learning_rate, ts.learning_rate * hp.decay_rate) ts.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(ts.learning_rate) ts.params = tf.trainable_variables() print[ for param in ts.params] ts.gradients = tf.gradients( ts.loss, ts.params, # secret memory-conserving sauce aggregation_method=tf.AggregationMethod.EXPERIMENTAL_TREE) loose_params = [ param for param, gradient in util.equizip(ts.params, ts.gradients) if gradient is None ] if loose_params: raise ValueError("loose parameters: %s" % " ".join( for param in loose_params)) # tensorflow fails miserably to compute gradient for these for reg_var in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES): ts.gradients[ts.params.index(reg_var)] += ( hp.weight_decay * tf.gradients(tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(reg_var**2)), [reg_var])[0]) ts.clipped_gradients, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm( ts.gradients, hp.clip_norm) ts.training_op = ts.optimizer.apply_gradients( util.equizip(ts.clipped_gradients, ts.params), global_step=ts.global_step) ts.summaries = [ tf.summary.scalar("loss_train", ts.loss), tf.summary.scalar("error_train", ts.error), tf.summary.scalar("learning_rate", ts.learning_rate) ] for parameter, gradient in util.equizip(ts.params, ts.gradients): ts.summaries.append( tf.summary.scalar("meanlogabs_%s" %, tfutil.meanlogabs(parameter))) ts.summaries.append( tf.summary.scalar("meanlogabsgrad_%s" %, tfutil.meanlogabs(gradient))) return ts
def test_equizip(self): self.assertRaises( ValueError, lambda: list(util.equizip(range(2), range(3), range(5)))) self.assertRaises( ValueError, lambda: list(util.equizip(range(5), range(3), range(5)))) self.assertEqual([(2, 0), (1, 1), (0, 2)], list(util.equizip(reversed(range(3)), range(3))))
def to_examples(segmented_examples): segments_by_example = [[[ comparablearray(list(s.strip()), dtype="|S1") ] for s in e.split("|")] for e in segmented_examples] examples_by_segment = list( map(list, util.equizip(*segments_by_example))) return examples_by_segment
def main(argv): primer_paths = argv[1:] assert FLAGS.model_ckpt model_dir = os.path.dirname(FLAGS.model_ckpt) if not FLAGS.model_hyperparameters: FLAGS.model_hyperparameters = os.path.join(model_dir, "hyperparameters.yaml") if not FLAGS.base_output_path: FLAGS.base_output_path = model_dir + "/" hp = hyperparameters.load(FLAGS.model_hyperparameters) assert primer_paths dataset = datasets.construct(FLAGS.data_type, paths=primer_paths, frequency=hp.sampling_frequency, bit_depth=hp.bit_depth) primers = dataset.examples primers = preprocess_primers(primers, hp=hp) model = models.construct(hp) sampler = sampling.Sampler(model, hp=hp) saver = tf.train.Saver() session = tf.Session() saver.restore(session, FLAGS.model_ckpt) sample_length = hp.sampling_frequency * FLAGS.sample_duration xhat =, length=sample_length, temperature=FLAGS.temperature, session=session, hp=hp) x, = util.examples_as_arrays(primers) for i, (p, s) in enumerate(util.equizip(x, xhat)): output_path = FLAGS.base_output_path + "temp_%s_%i" % ( FLAGS.temperature, i) print output_path dataset.dump(output_path, [np.concatenate([p, s], axis=0)]) output_path = FLAGS.base_output_path + "samples.npz" print "writing raw sample data to %s" % output_path np.savez_compressed(output_path, x=x, xhat=xhat)
def test_segmented_batches(self): length = np.random.randint(2, 100) segment_length = np.random.randint(1, length) example_count = np.random.randint(2, 100) batch_size = np.random.randint(1, example_count) feature_shapes = [ np.random.randint(1, 10, size=np.random.randint(1, 4)) for _ in range(np.random.randint(1, 4)) ] examples = [[ np.random.rand(length, *shape) for shape in feature_shapes ] for _ in range(example_count)] for batch in util.batches(examples, batch_size, augment=False): for segment in util.segments(examples, segment_length): self.assertEqual(batch_size, len(batch)) for features in segment: self.assertEqual(len(feature_shapes), len(features)) for feature, feature_shape in util.equizip( features, feature_shapes): self.assertLessEqual(len(feature), segment_length) self.assertEqual(tuple(feature_shape), feature.shape[1:])
def make_transition_graph(state, transition, x=None, context=None, temperature=1.0, hp=None): """Make the graph that processes a single sequence element. Args: state: `_make_sequence_graph` loop state. transition: Model transition function mapping (xchunk, model_state, context) to (output, new_model_state). x: Sequence of integer (categorical) inputs. Axes [time, batch]. context: Optional Tensor denoting context, shaped [batch, ?]. temperature: Softmax temperature to use for sampling. hp: Model hyperparameters. Returns: Updated loop state. """ state = NS.Copy(state) xchunk = _get_flat_chunk(state.xhats if x is None else x, state.i * hp.chunk_size, hp.chunk_size, depth=hp.data_dim) embedding = tfutil.layers([xchunk], sizes=hp.io_sizes, use_bn=hp.use_bn) h, state.model = transition(embedding, state.model, context=context) # predict the next chunk exhats = [] with tf.variable_scope("xhat") as scope: for j in range(hp.chunk_size): if j > 0: scope.reuse_variables() xchunk = _get_flat_chunk(state.xhats if x is None else x, state.i * hp.chunk_size + j, hp.chunk_size, depth=hp.data_dim) embedding = tfutil.layers([h, xchunk], sizes=hp.io_sizes, use_bn=hp.use_bn) exhat = tfutil.project(embedding, output_dim=hp.data_dim) exhats.append(exhat) state.xhats = state.xhats.write((state.i + 1) * hp.chunk_size + j, tfutil.sample(exhat, temperature)) if x is not None: targets = tf.unpack(_get_1hot_chunk(x, (state.i + 1) * hp.chunk_size, hp.chunk_size, depth=hp.data_dim), num=hp.chunk_size, axis=1) state.losses = _put_chunk(state.losses, state.i * hp.chunk_size, [ tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(exhat, target) for exhat, target in util.equizip(exhats, targets) ]) state.errors = _put_chunk(state.errors, state.i * hp.chunk_size, [ tf.not_equal(tf.nn.top_k(exhat)[1], tf.nn.top_k(target)[1]) for exhat, target in util.equizip(exhats, targets) ]) state.exhats = _put_chunk(state.exhats, state.i * hp.chunk_size, exhats) state.i += 1 return state