Ejemplo n.º 1
def _save_example(mlflow_model: Model, input_example: ModelInputExample, path: str):
    Save example to a file on the given path and updates passed Model with example metadata.

    The metadata is a dictionary with the following fields:
      - 'artifact_path': example path relative to the model directory.
      - 'type': Type of example. Currently the only supported value is 'dataframe'
      - 'pandas_orient': Determines the json encoding for dataframe examples in terms of pandas
                         orient convention. Defaults to 'split'.
    :param mlflow_model: Model metadata that will get updated with the example metadata.
    :param path: Where to store the example file. Should be model the model directory.
    example = _Example(input_example)
    mlflow_model.saved_input_example_info = example.info
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _save_example(mlflow_model: Model, input_example: ModelInputExample, path: str):
    Save example to a file on the given path and updates passed Model with example metadata.

    The metadata is a dictionary with the following fields:
      - 'artifact_path': example path relative to the model directory.
      - 'type': Type of example. Currently the supported values are 'dataframe' and 'ndarray'
      -  One of the following metadata based on the `type`:
            - 'pandas_orient': Used to store dataframes. Determines the json encoding for dataframe
                               examples in terms of pandas orient convention. Defaults to 'split'.
            - 'format: Used to store tensors. Determines the standard used to store a tensor input
                       example. MLflow uses a JSON-formatted string representation of TF serving
    :param mlflow_model: Model metadata that will get updated with the example metadata.
    :param path: Where to store the example file. Should be model the model directory.
    example = _Example(input_example)
    mlflow_model.saved_input_example_info = example.info