def calculate_goal_success(self, epoch_range): if os.path.isfile('batch_succeed.txt'): pass else: with open('batch_succeed.txt', 'w+') as f: pass sucess_rate_epoch, sucess_rate_epoch_std = [], [] error_in_dist = (self.error_in_dist**2 * 2)**0.5 # euclidean distance for epoch in epoch_range: dist_from_goal_per_agent = torch.tensor(Plot.extract_data( epoch, dir=self.dir + os.sep, calculate_dist='ON'), dtype=torch.float) sucess_rate_batch = torch.sum( dist_from_goal_per_agent <= error_in_dist, dim=1) / dist_from_goal_per_agent.shape[1] idx_of_batches_suceeded = (sucess_rate_batch == 1).nonzero() with open('batch_succeed.txt', 'a+') as f: f.write( 'In Epoch {0} the Total num of batches whos agent succeeded is: {1}\n' .format(epoch, idx_of_batches_suceeded.shape[0])) f.write('The batchs whos agents succeeded are:/n') for batch in idx_of_batches_suceeded: f.write(str(batch.item())) f.write(',') f.write('\n') sucess_rate_batch = sucess_rate_batch.type(torch.FloatTensor) sucess_rate_epoch += [torch.mean(sucess_rate_batch)] sucess_rate_epoch_std += [torch.std(sucess_rate_batch)] Plot.create_sucees_reate_plot(sucess_rate_epoch, sucess_rate_epoch_std, epoch_range)
class CollectOutputAndTarget(Callback): def __init__(self): super(CollectOutputAndTarget, self).__init__() self.inputs = [] # collect x_input batches self.targets = [] # collect y_true batches self.outputs = [] # collect y_pred batches # the shape of these 2 variables will change according to batch shape # to handle the "last batch", specify `validate_shape=False` self.var_x_input = tf.Variable(0., validate_shape=False) self.var_y_true = tf.Variable(0., validate_shape=False) self.var_y_pred = tf.Variable(0., validate_shape=False) self.train_plotObj = Plot('train', title='Train Predictions') def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs=None): # evaluate the variables and save them into lists x_input = K.eval(self.var_x_input) y_true = K.eval(self.var_y_true) y_pred = K.eval(self.var_y_pred) # print(y_true) # print(y_pred) # print(mat2uint8(y_true)) # print(mat2uint8(y_pred)) if showImages: self.train_plotObj.showTrainResults(x_input[0, :, :, :], y_true[0, :, :, 0], y_pred[0, :, :, 0])
def __init__(self): super(CollectOutputAndTarget, self).__init__() self.inputs = [] # collect x_input batches self.targets = [] # collect y_true batches self.outputs = [] # collect y_pred batches # the shape of these 2 variables will change according to batch shape # to handle the "last batch", specify `validate_shape=False` self.var_x_input = tf.Variable(0., validate_shape=False) self.var_y_true = tf.Variable(0., validate_shape=False) self.var_y_pred = tf.Variable(0., validate_shape=False) self.train_plotObj = Plot('train', title='Train Predictions')
def calculate(self, epoch_range, batch_range): for epoch in epoch_range: utterance = Plot.extract_data(epoch, dir=self.dir, calculate_utternace='ON') total_iterations = utterance.shape[1] for batch in batch_range: for iteration in range(total_iterations): self.counter += 1 cur_utter = utterance[batch, iteration, :, :] for j in range(cur_utter.shape[0]): for i in range(cur_utter.shape[1]): if cur_utter[j, i] >= threshold: self.utterance_stat[i] += 1 self.utterance_stat = np.true_divide(self.utterance_stat, self.counter) print(self.utterance_stat)
def __init__(self, config, num_agents, num_landmarks, folder_dir): super(GameModule, self).__init__() self.batch_size = config.batch_size # scalar: num games in this batch self.using_utterances = config.use_utterances # bool: whether current batch allows utterances self.using_cuda = config.use_cuda self.num_agents = num_agents # scalar: number of agents in this batch self.num_landmarks = num_landmarks # scalar: number of landmarks in this batch self.num_entities = self.num_agents + self.num_landmarks # type: int self.world_dim = config.world_dim self.time_horizon = config.time_horizon self.num_epochs = config.num_epochs self.folder_dir = folder_dir if self.using_cuda: self.Tensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor else: self.Tensor = torch.FloatTensor locations = torch.rand(self.batch_size, self.num_entities, 2) * config.world_dim self.colors = (torch.rand(self.batch_size, self.num_entities, 1) * config.num_colors).floor() self.shapes = (torch.rand(self.batch_size, self.num_entities, 1) * config.num_shapes).floor() goal_agents = self.Tensor(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, 1) goal_entities = (torch.rand(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, 1) * self.num_landmarks).floor().long() + self.num_agents goal_locations = self.Tensor(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, 2) if self.using_cuda: locations = locations.cuda() self.colors = self.colors.cuda() self.shapes = self.shapes.cuda() goal_entities = goal_entities.cuda() # [batch_size, num_entities, 2] self.locations = Variable(locations) # [batch_size, num_entities, 2] self.physical = Variable(, self.shapes), 2).float()) for b in range(self.batch_size): goal_agents[b, :, 0] = torch.randperm(self.num_agents) for b in range(self.batch_size): goal_locations[b] =[b][ goal_entities[b].squeeze()] # [batch_size, num_agents, 3] self.goals = Variable(, goal_agents), 2)) goal_agents = Variable(goal_agents) if self.using_cuda: self.memories = { "physical": Variable( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, self.num_entities, config.memory_size).cuda()), "action": Variable( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, config.memory_size).cuda()) } else: self.memories = { "physical": Variable( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, self.num_entities, config.memory_size)), "action": Variable( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, config.memory_size)) } if self.using_utterances: if self.using_cuda: self.utterances = Variable( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, config.vocab_size).cuda()) self.memories["utterance"] = Variable( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, self.num_agents, config.memory_size).cuda()) else: self.utterances = Variable( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, config.vocab_size)) self.memories["utterance"] = Variable( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, self.num_agents, config.memory_size)) agent_baselines = self.locations[:, :self.num_agents, :] goals_by_landmark = (goal_entities.type(torch.FloatTensor), goal_agents), 2).float() sort_idxs = torch.sort(self.goals[:, :, 2])[1] self.sorted_goals = Variable(self.Tensor(self.goals.size())) # TODO: Bad for loop? for b in range(self.batch_size): self.sorted_goals[b] = self.goals[b][sort_idxs[b]] self.sorted_goals = self.sorted_goals[:, :, :2] # [batch_size, num_agents, num_entities, 2] self.observations = self.locations.unsqueeze( 1) - agent_baselines.unsqueeze(2) new_obs = self.goals[:, :, :2] - agent_baselines # [batch_size, num_agents, 2] [batch_size, num_agents, 1] self.observed_goals =, goal_agents), dim=2) self.plots_matrix = Plot(self.batch_size, self.time_horizon, self.num_entities, locations.shape[2], self.world_dim, self.num_agents, goals_by_landmark, self.folder_dir) self.plots_matrix.save_plot_matrix("start", locations, self.colors, self.shapes)
class GameModule(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config, num_agents, num_landmarks, folder_dir): super(GameModule, self).__init__() self.batch_size = config.batch_size # scalar: num games in this batch self.using_utterances = config.use_utterances # bool: whether current batch allows utterances self.using_cuda = config.use_cuda self.num_agents = num_agents # scalar: number of agents in this batch self.num_landmarks = num_landmarks # scalar: number of landmarks in this batch self.num_entities = self.num_agents + self.num_landmarks # type: int self.world_dim = config.world_dim self.time_horizon = config.time_horizon self.num_epochs = config.num_epochs self.folder_dir = folder_dir if self.using_cuda: self.Tensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor else: self.Tensor = torch.FloatTensor locations = torch.rand(self.batch_size, self.num_entities, 2) * config.world_dim self.colors = (torch.rand(self.batch_size, self.num_entities, 1) * config.num_colors).floor() self.shapes = (torch.rand(self.batch_size, self.num_entities, 1) * config.num_shapes).floor() goal_agents = self.Tensor(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, 1) goal_entities = (torch.rand(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, 1) * self.num_landmarks).floor().long() + self.num_agents goal_locations = self.Tensor(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, 2) if self.using_cuda: locations = locations.cuda() self.colors = self.colors.cuda() self.shapes = self.shapes.cuda() goal_entities = goal_entities.cuda() # [batch_size, num_entities, 2] self.locations = Variable(locations) # [batch_size, num_entities, 2] self.physical = Variable(, self.shapes), 2).float()) for b in range(self.batch_size): goal_agents[b, :, 0] = torch.randperm(self.num_agents) for b in range(self.batch_size): goal_locations[b] =[b][ goal_entities[b].squeeze()] # [batch_size, num_agents, 3] self.goals = Variable(, goal_agents), 2)) goal_agents = Variable(goal_agents) if self.using_cuda: self.memories = { "physical": Variable( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, self.num_entities, config.memory_size).cuda()), "action": Variable( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, config.memory_size).cuda()) } else: self.memories = { "physical": Variable( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, self.num_entities, config.memory_size)), "action": Variable( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, config.memory_size)) } if self.using_utterances: if self.using_cuda: self.utterances = Variable( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, config.vocab_size).cuda()) self.memories["utterance"] = Variable( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, self.num_agents, config.memory_size).cuda()) else: self.utterances = Variable( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, config.vocab_size)) self.memories["utterance"] = Variable( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, self.num_agents, config.memory_size)) agent_baselines = self.locations[:, :self.num_agents, :] goals_by_landmark = (goal_entities.type(torch.FloatTensor), goal_agents), 2).float() sort_idxs = torch.sort(self.goals[:, :, 2])[1] self.sorted_goals = Variable(self.Tensor(self.goals.size())) # TODO: Bad for loop? for b in range(self.batch_size): self.sorted_goals[b] = self.goals[b][sort_idxs[b]] self.sorted_goals = self.sorted_goals[:, :, :2] # [batch_size, num_agents, num_entities, 2] self.observations = self.locations.unsqueeze( 1) - agent_baselines.unsqueeze(2) new_obs = self.goals[:, :, :2] - agent_baselines # [batch_size, num_agents, 2] [batch_size, num_agents, 1] self.observed_goals =, goal_agents), dim=2) self.plots_matrix = Plot(self.batch_size, self.time_horizon, self.num_entities, locations.shape[2], self.world_dim, self.num_agents, goals_by_landmark, self.folder_dir) self.plots_matrix.save_plot_matrix("start", locations, self.colors, self.shapes) """ Updates game state given all movements and utterances and returns accrued cost - movements: [batch_size, num_agents, config.movement_size] - utterances: [batch_size, num_agents, config.utterance_size] - goal_predictions: [batch_size, num_agents, num_agents, config.goal_size] Returns: - scalar: total cost of all games in the batch """ def forward(self, movements, goal_predictions, utterances, t): self.locations = self.locations + movements self.plots_matrix.save_plot_matrix(t, self.locations, self.colors, self.shapes) #### agent_baselines = self.locations[:, :self.num_agents] self.observations = self.locations.unsqueeze( 1) - agent_baselines.unsqueeze(2) new_obs = self.goals[:, :, :2] - agent_baselines goal_agents = self.goals[:, :, 2].unsqueeze(2) self.observed_goals =, goal_agents), dim=2) if self.using_utterances: self.utterances = utterances self.plots_matrix.save_utterance_matrix(utterances, t) #### return self.compute_cost(movements, goal_predictions, utterances) else: return self.compute_cost(movements, goal_predictions) def compute_cost(self, movements, goal_predictions, utterances=None): physical_cost = self.compute_physical_cost() movement_cost = self.compute_movement_cost(movements) goal_pred_cost = self.compute_goal_pred_cost(goal_predictions) return physical_cost + goal_pred_cost + movement_cost """ Computes the total cost agents get from being near their goals agent locations are stored as [batch_size, num_agents + num_landmarks, entity_embed_size] """ def compute_physical_cost(self): return 2 * torch.sum( torch.sqrt( torch.sum( torch.pow( self.locations[:, :self.num_agents, :] - self.sorted_goals, 2), -1))) """ Computes the total cost agents get from predicting others' goals goal_predictions: [batch_size, num_agents, num_agents, goal_size] goal_predictions[., a_i, a_j, :] = a_i's prediction of a_j's goal with location relative to a_i We want: real_goal_locations[., a_i, a_j, :] = a_j's goal with location relative to a_i We have: goals[., a_j, :] = a_j's goal with absolute location observed_goals[., a_j, :] = a_j's goal with location relative to a_j Which means we want to build an observed_goals-like tensor but relative to each agent real_goal_locations[., a_i, a_j, :] = goals[., a_j, :] - locations[a_i] """ def compute_goal_pred_cost(self, goal_predictions): relative_goal_locs = self.goals.unsqueeze( 1)[:, :, :, :2] - self.locations.unsqueeze( 2)[:, :self.num_agents, :, :] goal_agents = self.goals.unsqueeze(1)[:, :, :, 2:].expand_as( relative_goal_locs)[:, :, :, -1:] relative_goals =, goal_agents), dim=3) return torch.sum( torch.sqrt( torch.sum(torch.pow(goal_predictions - relative_goals, 2), -1))) """ Computes the total cost agents get from moving """ def compute_movement_cost(self, movements): return torch.sum(torch.sqrt(torch.sum(torch.pow(movements, 2), -1))) #dist, dist_per_agent = game.get_avg_agent_to_goal_distance() #add to tensorboard def get_avg_agent_to_goal_distance(self): dist_from_goal = self.locations[:, :self. num_agents, :] - self.sorted_goals euclidean_distance_per_batch = torch.sqrt( torch.sum(torch.pow(dist_from_goal, 2), -1)) return torch.sum( euclidean_distance_per_batch), euclidean_distance_per_batch
def test(): # Local Variables num_test_images = None # ----------------------------------------- # Network Testing Model - Importing Graph # ----------------------------------------- # Loads the dataset and restores a specified trained model. data = Dataloader() # Searches dataset images filenames if SELECTED_EVALUATION_SUBSET == 'test': _, _, _, _, num_test_images = data.get_test_data( test_split=args.test_split, test_file_path=args.test_file_path) elif SELECTED_EVALUATION_SUBSET == 'train': data.test_image_filenames, data.test_depth_filenames, _, _, num_test_images = data.get_train_data( ) model = Test(data) with tf.Session() as sess: print('\n[Test] Loading the model...') load_model(saver=tf.train.Saver(), sess=sess) # ============== # Testing Loop # ============== if args.debug: num_test_images = 5 # Only for testing! # TODO: Criar uma classe de test assim como fiz para train e valid, e declarar este objeto dentro dela if args.show_test_results: test_plot_obj = Plot(args.mode, title='Test Predictions') print("[Test] Generating Predictions...") pred_list, gt_list = [], [] timer = -time.time() for i in tqdm(range(num_test_images)): timer2 = -time.time() # Evalute the network for the given image # data.test_depth_filenames = [] # Only for testing the following condition!!! # FIXME: Atualmente, o código não dá suporte para esta situação if data.test_depth_filenames: # It's not empty feed_test = { model.tf_image_key: data.test_image_filenames[i], model.tf_depth_key: data.test_depth_filenames[i] } _, depth, depth_resized =, feed_test) else: feed_test = {model.tf_image_key: data.test_image_filenames[i]} _, image, image_resized, pred, pred_up = model.image_op + model.pred_op, feed_test) # Clips Predictions at 50, 80 meters try: pred_50, pred_80 = [model.tf_pred_50, model.tf_pred_80], feed_test) except AttributeError: pred_50 = np.zeros((model.batch_size, ) + model.output_size.get_size()) pred_80 = np.zeros((model.batch_size, ) + model.output_size.get_size()) # Fill arrays for later on metrics evaluation if args.eval_tool == 'monodepth': pred_list.append(pred_up[0, :, :, 0]) gt_list.append(depth[:, :, 0]) # Saves the predictions and ground truth depth images as uint16 PNG Images if SAVE_TEST_DISPARITIES or args.eval_tool == 'monodepth' or args.eval_tool == 'kitti_depth': # Convert the Predictions Images from float32 to uint16 # print(data.test_image_filenames[i]) imsave_as_uint16_png( settings.output_tmp_pred_dir + 'pred' + str(i) + '.png', pred_up[0]) imsave_as_uint16_png( settings.output_tmp_gt_dir + 'gt' + str(i) + '.png', depth) timer2 += time.time() # Show Results if args.show_test_results: # TODO: Fazer um lista the 'images_to_display' e dar append das imagens na lista test_plot_obj.show_test_results( image=image, depth=depth[:, :, 0], image_resized=image_resized, depth_resized=depth_resized[:, :, 0], pred=pred[0, :, :, 0], pred_up=pred_up[0, :, :, 0], pred_50=pred_50[0, :, :, 0], pred_80=pred_80[0, :, :, 0], i=i + 1) # input("Continue...") # Testing Finished. timer += time.time() print("Time elapsed: {} s\n".format(timer)) # ========= # Results # ========= # Calculates Metrics if args.eval_tool: if data.test_depth_filenames: print( "[Test/Metrics] Calculating Metrics based on Test Predictions..." ) print('args.test_split:', args.test_split) print('args.test_file_path:', args.test_file_path) print('dataset_path:', data.dataset.dataset_path) print() # Invokes Evaluation Tools if args.eval_tool == 'monodepth': pred_depths, gt_depths = metrics.generate_depth_maps( pred_list, gt_list, data.dataset.dataset_path) metrics.evaluation_tool_monodepth(pred_depths, gt_depths) elif args.eval_tool == 'kitti_depth': metrics.evaluation_tool_kitti_depth(num_test_images) else: print( "[Test/Metrics] It's not possible to calculate metrics. There are no corresponding labels for generated predictions!" ) else: print("[Test/Metrics] Metrics calculation wasn't requested!")
def plot_metrics(directory_metrics, parts_directory_plot_metrics, legend): print "\t\t[ Plotting metrics... ]" for metric in metrics: for i in range(0, 2): d = directory_metrics + "/" + parts[i] + "/" + metric + "_" + parts[i] print "\tPlotting %s ..." % d if not os.path.isdir(d): print "[%s directory not found]" % d else: xlog = False ylog = False if metric in metrics_log: xlog = True ylog = True ######################## # PLOT DISTRIBUTION ######################## data_distribution = {} with open(d + "/" + metric + "_" + parts[i] + "", 'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.replace("\n", "").split() data_distribution[modules.extra.num(line[0])] = modules.extra.num(line[1]) title = "" xlabel = metric ylabel = "" plot_file = parts_directory_plot_metrics[i] + "/" + xlabel + "_distribution" plot_parameters = dict(marker="o", markersize=11, linewidth=0, alpha=0.5, color=colorset[0]) if data_distribution: P = Plot(plot_file, title, xlabel, ylabel, xlog, ylog, [legend]) P.plot_single(data_distribution, plot_parameters) else: print "[Impossible to plot because no distribution data]" ######################## ######################## # PLOT CDF ######################## data_reverse_cdf = {} with open(d + "/" + metric + "_" + parts[i] + "", 'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.replace("\n", "").split() data_reverse_cdf[modules.extra.num(line[0])] = modules.extra.num(line[1]) title = "" xlabel = metric ylabel = "" plot_file = parts_directory_plot_metrics[i] + "/" + xlabel + "_reverse_cdf" plot_parameters = dict(linestyle="-", marker="s", markersize=8, linewidth=2.5, markeredgecolor=colorset[0], color=colorset[0]) if data_reverse_cdf: P = Plot(plot_file, title, xlabel, ylabel, False, False, [legend], formatter=True) P.plot_single(data_reverse_cdf, plot_parameters) else: print "[Impossible to plot because no reverse CDF data]"
def plot_correlations(directory_correlations, parts_directory_plot_correlations, legend): print "\t\t[ Plotting correlations... ]" for correlation in correlations: metrics = correlation.split("-") for i in range(0, 2): correlation = metrics[0] + "_" + parts[i] + "-" + metrics[1] + "_" + parts[i] d = directory_correlations + "/" + parts[i] + "/" + correlation if not os.path.isdir(d): print "[%s directory not found]" % d else: xlog = False ylog = False if metrics[0] in metrics_log: xlog = True if metrics[1] in metrics_log: ylog = True print "\tPlotting %s ..." % d list_plot_parameters = [] list_data = [] ######################## # SCATTER POINTS ######################## data_scatter = {} with open(d + "/" + correlation + "", 'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.replace("\n", "").split() data_scatter[modules.extra.num(line[0])] = modules.extra.num(line[1]) highest = max(data_scatter.values()) list_plot_parameters.append(dict(marker="o", markersize=3, linewidth=0, alpha=0.5, color=colorset[0])) list_data.append(data_scatter) ######################## # CURVE FITTING (AVG) ######################## data_avg_curve = {} with open(d + "/" + correlation + "", 'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.replace("\n", "").split() data_avg_curve[modules.extra.num(line[0])] = modules.extra.num(line[1]) list_plot_parameters.append(dict(linestyle="--", marker="s", markersize=8, linewidth=2.5, color=colorset[1])) list_data.append(data_avg_curve) '''data_linear = {} with open(d + "/" + correlation + "", 'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.replace("\n", "").split() if line[0] in nodes or not nodes: data_linear[num(line[0])] = num(line[1]) list_plot_parameters.append(dict(linestyle="-", marker="o", markersize=6, linewidth=1.5, alpha=0.75)) list_data.append(data_linear)''' '''data_fitting_curve = {} with open(d + "/" + correlation + "", 'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.replace("\n", "").split() if line[0] in nodes or not nodes: data_fitting_curve[num(line[0])] = num(line[1]) list_plot_parameters.append(dict(linestyle="-", marker="o", markersize=6, linewidth=1.5, alpha=0.75)) list_data.append(data_fitting_curve)''' title = "" xlabel = metrics[0] ylabel = metrics[1] plot_file = parts_directory_plot_correlations[i] + "/" + correlation try: P = Plot(plot_file, title, xlabel, ylabel, True, True, [legend], ylimit=[0, highest]) P.plot_multiple(list_data, list_plot_parameters) except Exception, e: print "Error during plotting process : %s" % e
def plot_metrics(main_directory, list_directories, directory_dest_metrics, main_directory_paired = "", list_directories_paired = []): print "\t\t[ Plotting metrics... ]" for metric in metrics: for j in range(0, 2): m = metric + "_" + parts[j] xlog = False ylog = False if metric in metrics_log: xlog = True ylog = True print "\tPlotting %s ..." % m xlabel = parts[j].title() + " " + metric ######################## # PLOT DISTRIBUTION ######################## list_plot_parameters = [] list_data = [] list_legend = [] i = 0 ci = 0 for directory in list_directories: data_distribution = {} with open(main_directory + "/" + directory + "/metrics/" + parts[j] + "/" + m + "/" + m + "", 'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.replace("\n", "").split() data_distribution[modules.extra.num(line[0])] = modules.extra.num(line[1]) list_data.append(data_distribution) if paired: list_plot_parameters.append(dict(marker=list_markers[i], markersize=12, linewidth=0, alpha=0.5, color=colorset_paired[ci])) else: list_plot_parameters.append(dict(marker=list_markers[i], markersize=12, linewidth=0, alpha=0.5, color=colorset[i])) list_legend.append(directory) if paired: data_distribution = {} with open(main_directory_paired + "/" + list_directories_paired[i] + "/metrics/" + parts[j] + "/" + m + "/" + m + "", 'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.replace("\n", "").split() data_distribution[modules.extra.num(line[0])] = modules.extra.num(line[1]) list_data.append(data_distribution) list_plot_parameters.append(dict(marker=list_markers[i], markersize=12, linewidth=0, alpha=0.5, color=colorset_paired[ci + 1])) list_legend.append(list_directories_paired[i]) i += 1 ci += 2 title = "" ylabel = "" plot_file = directory_dest_metrics + "/" + parts[j] + "/distribution_" + m P = Plot(plot_file, title, xlabel, ylabel, xlog, ylog, list_legend) P.plot_multiple(list_data, list_plot_parameters) ######################## ######################## # PLOT CDF ######################## list_plot_parameters = [] list_data = [] list_legend = [] i = 0 ci = 0 for directory in list_directories: data_reverse_cdf = {} with open(main_directory + "/" + directory + "/metrics/" + parts[j] + "/" + m + "/" + m + "", 'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.replace("\n", "").split() data_reverse_cdf[modules.extra.num(line[0])] = modules.extra.num(line[1]) list_data.append(data_reverse_cdf) if paired: list_plot_parameters.append(dict(linestyle="-", marker=list_markers[i], markersize=14, linewidth=2.5, alpha=0.5, markeredgecolor=colorset_paired[ci], color=colorset_paired[ci])) else: list_plot_parameters.append(dict(linestyle="-", marker=list_markers[i], markersize=14, linewidth=2.5, alpha=0.5, markeredgecolor=colorset[i], color=colorset[i])) list_legend.append(directory) if paired: data_reverse_cdf = {} with open(main_directory_paired + "/" + list_directories_paired[i] + "/metrics/" + parts[j] + "/" + m + "/" + m + "", 'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.replace("\n", "").split() data_reverse_cdf[modules.extra.num(line[0])] = modules.extra.num(line[1]) list_data.append(data_reverse_cdf) list_plot_parameters.append(dict(linestyle="-", marker=list_markers[i], markersize=14, linewidth=2.5, alpha=0.5, markeredgecolor=colorset_paired[ci + 1], color=colorset_paired[ci + 1])) list_legend.append(list_directories_paired[i]) i += 1 ci += 2 title = "" ylabel = "" plot_file = directory_dest_metrics + "/" + parts[j] + "/reverse_cdf_" + m P = Plot(plot_file, title, xlabel, ylabel, False, False, list_legend, formatter=True) P.plot_multiple(list_data, list_plot_parameters)
def plot_correlations(main_directory, list_directories, directory_dest_correlations, main_directory_paired = "", list_directories_paired = []): print "\t\t[ Plotting correlations... ]" for correlation in correlations: metrics = correlation.split("-") for j in range(0, 2): correlation = metrics[0] + "_" + parts[j] + "-" + metrics[1] + "_" + parts[j] xlog = False ylog = False if metrics[0] in metrics_log: xlog = True if metrics[1] in metrics_log: ylog = True print "\tPlotting %s ..." % correlation xlabel = parts[j].title() + " " + metrics[0] ylabel = parts[j].title() + " " + metrics[1] list_plot_parameters = [] list_data = [] list_data_avg_curve = [] list_plot_parameters_avg_curve = [] list_legend = [] highest = 0.0 i = 0 ci = 0 for directory in list_directories: maximum = 0.0 data_scatter = {} with open(main_directory + "/" + directory + "/correlations/" + parts[j] + "/" + correlation + "/" + correlation + "", 'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.replace("\n", "").split() data_scatter[modules.extra.num(line[0])] = modules.extra.num(line[1]) maximum = max(data_scatter.values()) if highest < maximum: highest = maximum if paired: list_plot_parameters.append(dict(marker=list_markers[i], markersize=8, linewidth=0, alpha=0.5, color=colorset_paired[ci])) else: list_plot_parameters.append(dict(marker=list_markers[i], markersize=8, linewidth=0, alpha=0.5, color=colorset[i])) list_data.append(data_scatter) data_avg_curve = {} with open(main_directory + "/" + directory + "/correlations/" + parts[j] + "/" + correlation + "/" + correlation + "", 'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.replace("\n", "").split() data_avg_curve[modules.extra.num(line[0])] = modules.extra.num(line[1]) if paired: list_plot_parameters_avg_curve.append(dict(linestyle="--", marker=list_markers[i], markersize=13, linewidth=2.5, color=colorset_paired[ci])) else: list_plot_parameters_avg_curve.append(dict(linestyle="--", marker=list_markers[i], markersize=13, linewidth=2.5, color=colorset[i])) if data_avg_curve: list_data_avg_curve.append(data_avg_curve) else: print "[Impossible to retrieve average curve data from '%s']" % directory list_legend.append(directory) if paired: maximum = 0.0 data_scatter = {} with open(main_directory_paired + "/" + list_directories_paired[i] + "/correlations/" + parts[j] + "/" + correlation + "/" + correlation + "", 'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.replace("\n", "").split() data_scatter[modules.extra.num(line[0])] = modules.extra.num(line[1]) maximum = max(data_scatter.values()) if highest < maximum: highest = maximum list_plot_parameters.append(dict(marker=list_markers[i], markersize=8, linewidth=0, alpha=0.5, color=colorset_paired[ci + 1])) list_data.append(data_scatter) data_avg_curve = {} with open(main_directory_paired + "/" + list_directories_paired[i] + "/correlations/" + parts[j] + "/" + correlation + "/" + correlation + "", 'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.replace("\n", "").split() data_avg_curve[modules.extra.num(line[0])] = modules.extra(line[1]) list_plot_parameters_avg_curve.append(dict(linestyle="--", marker=list_markers[i], markersize=13, linewidth=2.5, color=colorset_paired[ci + 1])) if data_avg_curve: list_data_avg_curve.append(data_avg_curve) else: print "[Impossible to retrieve average curve data from %s]" % list_directories_paired[i] list_legend.append(list_directories_paired[i]) i += 1 ci += 2 title = "" plot_file = directory_dest_correlations + "/" + parts[j] + "/" + correlation list_data.extend(list_data_avg_curve) list_plot_parameters.extend(list_plot_parameters_avg_curve) P = Plot(plot_file, title, xlabel, ylabel, xlog, ylog, list_legend, ylimit=[0, highest]) P.plot_multiple(list_data, list_plot_parameters)
def test(args): print('[%s] Selected mode: Test' % appName) # Local Variables numSamples = None # ----------------------------------------- # Network Testing Model - Importing Graph # ----------------------------------------- # Loads the dataset and restores a specified trained model. data = Dataloader(args) # Searches dataset images filenames if TEST_EVALUATE_SUBSET == 0: _, _, _, _, numSamples = data.getTestData() elif TEST_EVALUATE_SUBSET == 1: data.test_image_filenames, data.test_depth_filenames, tf_test_image_filenames, tf_test_depth_filenames, numSamples = data.getTrainData( ) model = Test(args, data) with tf.Session() as sess: print('\n[network/Testing] Loading the model...') # Use to load from *.ckpt file saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, args.model_path) # Use to load from npy file # net.load(model_data_path, sess) # ============== # Testing Loop # ============== if args.show_test_results: test_plotObj = Plot(args.mode, title='Test Predictions') timer = -time.time() pred_list, gt_list = [], [] for i in range(numSamples): # for i in range(5): # Only for testing! timer2 = -time.time() # Evalute the network for the given image # data.test_depth_filenames = [] # Only for testing the following condition!!! # FIXME: Atualmente, o código não dá suporte para esta situação if data.test_depth_filenames: # It's not empty feed_test = { model.tf_image_key: data.test_image_filenames[i], model.tf_depth_key: data.test_depth_filenames[i] } _, depth, depth_resized =, feed_test) else: feed_test = {model.tf_image_key: data.test_image_filenames[i]} _, image, image_resized =, feed_test) pred, pred_up =, feed_test) # Clips Predictions at 50, 80 meters try: pred_50, pred_80 = [model.tf_pred_50, model.tf_pred_80], feed_test) except AttributeError: pred_50 = np.zeros((model.batch_size, ) + model.output_size.getSize()) pred_80 = np.zeros((model.batch_size, ) + model.output_size.getSize()) # Fill arrays for later on metrics evaluation pred_list.append(pred_up[0, :, :, 0]) gt_list.append(depth[:, :, 0]) # Saves the Test Predictions as uint16 PNG Images if SAVE_TEST_DISPARITIES: # Convert the Predictions Images from float32 to uint16 pred_up_uint16 = exposure.rescale_intensity(pred_up[0], out_range='float') pred_up_uint16 = img_as_uint(pred_up_uint16) depth_uint16 = exposure.rescale_intensity(depth, out_range='float') depth_uint16 = img_as_uint(depth_uint16) # Save PNG Images imageio.imsave("output/tmp/pred/pred" + str(i) + ".png", pred_up_uint16) imageio.imsave("output/tmp/gt/gt" + str(i) + ".png", depth_uint16) # Prints Testing Progress timer2 += time.time() print('step: %d/%d | t: %f | size(pred_list+gt_list): %d' % (i + 1, numSamples, timer2, total_size(pred_list) + total_size(gt_list))) # break # Test # Show Results if args.show_test_results: test_plotObj.showTestResults(image=image, depth=depth[:, :, 0], image_resized=image_resized, depth_resized=depth_resized[:, :, 0], pred=pred[0, :, :, 0], pred_up=pred_up[0, :, :, 0], pred_50=pred_50[0, :, :, 0], pred_80=pred_80[0, :, :, 0], i=i + 1) # input("Continue...") # Testing Finished. timer += time.time() print("\n[Network/Testing] Testing FINISHED! Time elapsed: %f s" % timer) # ========= # Results # ========= # Calculate Metrics if data.test_depth_filenames: print( "[Network/Testing] Calculating Metrics based on Testing Predictions..." ) pred_array = np.array(pred_list) gt_array = np.array(gt_list) # LainaMetrics.evaluate(pred_array, gt_array) # FIXME: # myMetrics.evaluate(pred_array, gt_array) # FIXME: MonodepthMetrics.evaluate(pred_array, gt_array) else: print( "[Network/Testing] It's not possible to calculate Metrics. There are no corresponding labels for Testing Predictions!" )