Ejemplo n.º 1
class GameModule(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, config, num_agents, num_landmarks, folder_dir):
        super(GameModule, self).__init__()

        self.batch_size = config.batch_size  # scalar: num games in this batch
        self.using_utterances = config.use_utterances  # bool: whether current batch allows utterances
        self.using_cuda = config.use_cuda
        self.num_agents = num_agents  # scalar: number of agents in this batch
        self.num_landmarks = num_landmarks  # scalar: number of landmarks in this batch
        self.num_entities = self.num_agents + self.num_landmarks  # type: int
        self.world_dim = config.world_dim
        self.time_horizon = config.time_horizon
        self.num_epochs = config.num_epochs
        self.folder_dir = folder_dir
        if self.using_cuda:
            self.Tensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor
            self.Tensor = torch.FloatTensor

        locations = torch.rand(self.batch_size, self.num_entities,
                               2) * config.world_dim
        self.colors = (torch.rand(self.batch_size, self.num_entities, 1) *
        self.shapes = (torch.rand(self.batch_size, self.num_entities, 1) *

        goal_agents = self.Tensor(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, 1)
        goal_entities = (torch.rand(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, 1) *
                         self.num_landmarks).floor().long() + self.num_agents
        goal_locations = self.Tensor(self.batch_size, self.num_agents, 2)

        if self.using_cuda:
            locations = locations.cuda()
            self.colors = self.colors.cuda()
            self.shapes = self.shapes.cuda()
            goal_entities = goal_entities.cuda()

        # [batch_size, num_entities, 2]
        self.locations = Variable(locations)
        # [batch_size, num_entities, 2]
        self.physical = Variable(
            torch.cat((self.colors, self.shapes), 2).float())

        for b in range(self.batch_size):
            goal_agents[b, :, 0] = torch.randperm(self.num_agents)

        for b in range(self.batch_size):
            goal_locations[b] = self.locations.data[b][

        # [batch_size, num_agents, 3]
        self.goals = Variable(torch.cat((goal_locations, goal_agents), 2))
        goal_agents = Variable(goal_agents)

        if self.using_cuda:
            self.memories = {
                    torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents,
                                self.num_entities, config.memory_size).cuda()),
                    torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents,
            self.memories = {
                    torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents,
                                self.num_entities, config.memory_size)),
                    torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents,

        if self.using_utterances:
            if self.using_cuda:
                self.utterances = Variable(
                    torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents,
                self.memories["utterance"] = Variable(
                    torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents,
                                self.num_agents, config.memory_size).cuda())
                self.utterances = Variable(
                    torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents,
                self.memories["utterance"] = Variable(
                    torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.num_agents,
                                self.num_agents, config.memory_size))

        agent_baselines = self.locations[:, :self.num_agents, :]
        goals_by_landmark = torch.cat(
            (goal_entities.type(torch.FloatTensor), goal_agents), 2).float()

        sort_idxs = torch.sort(self.goals[:, :, 2])[1]
        self.sorted_goals = Variable(self.Tensor(self.goals.size()))
        # TODO: Bad for loop?
        for b in range(self.batch_size):
            self.sorted_goals[b] = self.goals[b][sort_idxs[b]]
        self.sorted_goals = self.sorted_goals[:, :, :2]

        # [batch_size, num_agents, num_entities, 2]
        self.observations = self.locations.unsqueeze(
            1) - agent_baselines.unsqueeze(2)

        new_obs = self.goals[:, :, :2] - agent_baselines

        # [batch_size, num_agents, 2] [batch_size, num_agents, 1]
        self.observed_goals = torch.cat((new_obs, goal_agents), dim=2)

        self.plots_matrix = Plot(self.batch_size, self.time_horizon,
                                 self.num_entities, locations.shape[2],
                                 self.world_dim, self.num_agents,
                                 goals_by_landmark, self.folder_dir)
        self.plots_matrix.save_plot_matrix("start", locations, self.colors,

    Updates game state given all movements and utterances and returns accrued cost
        - movements: [batch_size, num_agents, config.movement_size]
        - utterances: [batch_size, num_agents, config.utterance_size]
        - goal_predictions: [batch_size, num_agents, num_agents, config.goal_size]
        - scalar: total cost of all games in the batch

    def forward(self, movements, goal_predictions, utterances, t):
        self.locations = self.locations + movements
        self.plots_matrix.save_plot_matrix(t, self.locations, self.colors,
                                           self.shapes)  ####
        agent_baselines = self.locations[:, :self.num_agents]
        self.observations = self.locations.unsqueeze(
            1) - agent_baselines.unsqueeze(2)
        new_obs = self.goals[:, :, :2] - agent_baselines
        goal_agents = self.goals[:, :, 2].unsqueeze(2)
        self.observed_goals = torch.cat((new_obs, goal_agents), dim=2)
        if self.using_utterances:
            self.utterances = utterances
            self.plots_matrix.save_utterance_matrix(utterances, t)  ####

            return self.compute_cost(movements, goal_predictions, utterances)
            return self.compute_cost(movements, goal_predictions)

    def compute_cost(self, movements, goal_predictions, utterances=None):
        physical_cost = self.compute_physical_cost()
        movement_cost = self.compute_movement_cost(movements)
        goal_pred_cost = self.compute_goal_pred_cost(goal_predictions)
        return physical_cost + goal_pred_cost + movement_cost

    Computes the total cost agents get from being near their goals
    agent locations are stored as [batch_size, num_agents + num_landmarks, entity_embed_size]

    def compute_physical_cost(self):
        return 2 * torch.sum(
                        self.locations[:, :self.num_agents, :] -
                        self.sorted_goals, 2), -1)))

    Computes the total cost agents get from predicting others' goals
    goal_predictions: [batch_size, num_agents, num_agents, goal_size]
    goal_predictions[., a_i, a_j, :] = a_i's prediction of a_j's goal with location relative to a_i
    We want:
        real_goal_locations[., a_i, a_j, :] = a_j's goal with location relative to a_i
    We have:
        goals[., a_j, :] = a_j's goal with absolute location
        observed_goals[., a_j, :] = a_j's goal with location relative to a_j
    Which means we want to build an observed_goals-like tensor but relative to each agent
        real_goal_locations[., a_i, a_j, :] = goals[., a_j, :] - locations[a_i]


    def compute_goal_pred_cost(self, goal_predictions):
        relative_goal_locs = self.goals.unsqueeze(
            1)[:, :, :, :2] - self.locations.unsqueeze(
                2)[:, :self.num_agents, :, :]
        goal_agents = self.goals.unsqueeze(1)[:, :, :, 2:].expand_as(
            relative_goal_locs)[:, :, :, -1:]
        relative_goals = torch.cat((relative_goal_locs, goal_agents), dim=3)
        return torch.sum(
                torch.sum(torch.pow(goal_predictions - relative_goals, 2),

    Computes the total cost agents get from moving

    def compute_movement_cost(self, movements):
        return torch.sum(torch.sqrt(torch.sum(torch.pow(movements, 2), -1)))

        #dist, dist_per_agent = game.get_avg_agent_to_goal_distance() #add to tensorboard

    def get_avg_agent_to_goal_distance(self):
        dist_from_goal = self.locations[:, :self.
                                        num_agents, :] - self.sorted_goals
        euclidean_distance_per_batch = torch.sqrt(
            torch.sum(torch.pow(dist_from_goal, 2), -1))
        return torch.sum(
            euclidean_distance_per_batch), euclidean_distance_per_batch