Ejemplo n.º 1
 def testCartcomm(self):
     comm = self.COMM
     size = comm.Get_size()
     rank = comm.Get_rank()
     for ndim in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5):
         dims = [0] * ndim
         dims = MPI.Compute_dims(size, [0] * ndim)
         periods = [True] * len(dims)
         topo = comm.Create_cart(dims, periods=periods)
         self.assertTrue(topo.topology, MPI.CART)
         self.assertEqual(topo.dim, len(dims))
         self.assertEqual(topo.ndim, len(dims))
         coordinates = topo.coords
         self.assertEqual(coordinates, topo.Get_coords(topo.rank))
         neighbors = []
         for i in range(ndim):
             for d in (-1, +1):
                 coord = list(coordinates)
                 coord[i] = (coord[i] + d) % dims[i]
                 neigh = topo.Get_cart_rank(coord)
                 self.assertEqual(coord, topo.Get_coords(neigh))
                 source, dest = topo.Shift(i, d)
                 self.assertEqual(neigh, dest)
         self.assertEqual(topo.indegree, len(neighbors))
         self.assertEqual(topo.outdegree, len(neighbors))
         self.assertEqual(topo.inedges, neighbors)
         self.assertEqual(topo.outedges, neighbors)
         inedges, outedges = topo.inoutedges
         self.assertEqual(inedges, neighbors)
         self.assertEqual(outedges, neighbors)
         if ndim == 1:
         for i in range(ndim):
             rem_dims = [1] * ndim
             rem_dims[i] = 0
             sub = topo.Sub(rem_dims)
             if sub != MPI.COMM_NULL:
                 self.assertEqual(sub.dim, ndim - 1)
                 dims = topo.dims
                 del dims[i]
                 self.assertEqual(sub.dims, dims)
     if size > 1: return
     if MPI.VERSION < 2: return
     topo = comm.Create_cart([])
     self.assertEqual(topo.dim, 0)
     self.assertEqual(topo.dims, [])
     self.assertEqual(topo.periods, [])
     self.assertEqual(topo.coords, [])
     rank = topo.Get_cart_rank([])
     self.assertEqual(rank, 0)
     inedges, outedges = topo.inoutedges
     self.assertEqual(inedges, [])
     self.assertEqual(outedges, [])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test1():
    dims = MPI.Compute_dims(MPISIZE, 3)
    if MPIRANK == 0 and DEBUG:
        print("DIM", dims)
    cc = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Create_cart(dims, (1, 1, 1), True)
    top = cc.Get_topo()[2]

    N = 64
    dtype = ctypes.c_double

    grid_size = (N, N, N)
    rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=3857293)
    orig = np.array(rng.uniform(0., 100., size=grid_size), dtype=dtype)

    np0 = int(math.floor(grid_size[0] / dims[0]))
    np1 = int(math.floor(grid_size[1] / dims[1]))
    np2 = int(math.floor(grid_size[2] / dims[2]))

    s0 = top[0] * np0
    s1 = top[1] * np1
    s2 = top[2] * np2

    e0 = (top[0] + 1) * np0 if top[0] < dims[0] - 1 else N
    e1 = (top[1] + 1) * np1 if top[1] < dims[1] - 1 else N
    e2 = (top[2] + 1) * np2 if top[2] < dims[2] - 1 else N

    works_size = (e0 - s0 + 2, e1 - s1 + 2, e2 - s2 + 2)

    he = pygcl.HaloExchange3D(cc, works_size)

    a = np.zeros(shape=list(works_size) + [1], dtype=dtype)
    a[1:-1:, 1:-1:, 1:-1, 0] = orig[s0:e0:, s1:e1:, s2:e2:]

    # shell should be zero and interior should be the copied data
    for iz in range(works_size[0]):
        for iy in range(works_size[1]):
            for ix in range(works_size[2]):
                # if shell
                if (iz == 0 or iz == works_size[2]-1) and \
                        (iy == 0 or iy == works_size[1]-1) and \
                        (ix == 0 or ix == works_size[0]-1):
                    assert a[iz, iy, ix, 0] == 0

    for iz in range(1, works_size[0] - 1):
        for iy in range(1, works_size[1] - 1):
            for ix in range(1, works_size[2] - 1):
                assert a[iz, iy, ix, 0] == orig[iz + s0 - 1, iy + s1 - 1,
                                                ix + s2 - 1]

    # exchange

    # interior should be unchanged, outer shell should be halo
    for iz in range(works_size[0]):
        for iy in range(works_size[1]):
            for ix in range(works_size[2]):
                assert a[iz, iy, ix, 0] == orig[(iz+s0-1) % grid_size[0],
                                                (iy+s1-1) % grid_size[1],
                                                (ix+s2-1) % grid_size[2]], \
                    "{} {} {}".format(iz, iy, ix)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, shape, dimensions, input_comm=None):
        self._glb_shape = shape
        self._dimensions = dimensions
        self._input_comm = (input_comm or MPI.COMM_WORLD).Clone()

        # `Compute_dims` sets the dimension sizes to be as close to each other
        # as possible, using an appropriate divisibility algorithm. Thus, in 3D:
        # * topology[0] >= topology[1] >= topology[2]
        # * topology[0] * topology[1] * topology[2] == self._input_comm.size
        topology = MPI.Compute_dims(self._input_comm.size, len(shape))
        # At this point MPI's dimension 0 corresponds to the rightmost element
        # in `topology`. This is in reverse to `shape`'s ordering. Hence, we
        # now restore consistency
        self._topology = tuple(reversed(topology))

        if self._input_comm is not input_comm:
            # By default, Devito arranges processes into a cartesian topology.
            # MPI works with numbered dimensions and follows the C row-major
            # numbering of the ranks, i.e. in a 2x3 Cartesian topology (0,0)
            # maps to rank 0, (0,1) maps to rank 1, (0,2) maps to rank 2, (1,0)
            # maps to rank 3, and so on.
            self._comm = self._input_comm.Create_cart(self._topology)
            self._comm = input_comm

        # Perform domain decomposition
        self._glb_numbs = [
            np.array_split(range(i), j) for i, j in zip(shape, self._topology)
    def __init__(self, rankinfo):
        '''Find out the best distribution of the lattice amonst the ranks of the
        communicator passed inside "rankinfo", create the topology, and
        save information about the neighbours of present rank.

        rankinfo : a rankinfo instance describing current communicator

        dims : dimensions of the cartesian MPI rank grid (not lattice!)
        topology : the new cartesian topology communicator
        shifts : a dict of dicts of which rank to talk to when going
                 along "X", "Y", or "Z" direcion in "up" or "down"

        self.dims=MPI.Compute_dims(self.me.size, self.me.ndim)
                                                 periods=self.me.periods, reorder=True)
        left,right = self.topology.Shift(0,1)
        front,back = self.topology.Shift(1,1)
        up,down = self.topology.Shift(2,1)
        self.shifts={"X": {"up": up, "down": down},
                     "Y": {"up": back, "down": front},
                     "Z": {"up": right, "down": left}}
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __new__(cls, comm, dims=None, reorder=True):
        assert not comm.Is_inter()
        if comm.Get_topology() == MPI.CART:
            assert comm.Get_dim() > 0
            assert dims is None
            cartcomm = comm
            if dims is None:
                dims = [0]
            elif np.ndim(dims) > 0:
                assert len(dims) > 0
                dims = [max(0, d) for d in dims]
                assert dims > 0
                dims = [0] * dims
            dims = MPI.Compute_dims(comm.Get_size(), dims)
            cartcomm = comm.Create_cart(dims, reorder=reorder)

        dim = cartcomm.Get_dim()
        subcomm = [None] * dim
        remdims = [False] * dim
        for i in range(dim):
            remdims[i] = True
            subcomm[i] = cartcomm.Sub(remdims)
            remdims[i] = False

        if cartcomm != comm:

        return super(Subcomm, cls).__new__(cls, subcomm)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def testCartMap(self):
     comm = self.COMM
     size = comm.Get_size()
     for ndim in (1,2,3,4,5):
         for periods in (None, True, False):
             dims = MPI.Compute_dims(size, [0]*ndim)
             topo = comm.Create_cart(dims, periods, reorder=True)
             rank = comm.Cart_map(dims, periods)
             self.assertEqual(topo.Get_rank(), rank)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def compute_dims(nprocs, ndim):
    # We don't do anything clever here. In fact, we do something very basic --
    # we just try to distribute `nprocs` evenly over the number of dimensions,
    # and if we can't we fallback to whatever MPI.Compute_dims gives...
    v = pow(nprocs, 1 / ndim)
    if not v.is_integer():
        # Since pow(64, 1/3) == 3.999..4
        v = int(ceil(v))
        if not v**ndim == nprocs:
            # Fallback
            return MPI.Compute_dims(nprocs, ndim)
        v = int(v)
    return tuple(v for _ in range(ndim))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def createCart(parent):
    """Create a 2-d Cartesian communicator from parent communicator"""

    dims = MPI.Compute_dims(parent.size, 2)

    comm = parent.Create_cart(dims, periods=[True, False])
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    coords = comm.Get_coords(rank)
    upx = comm.Shift(0, 1)
    upy = comm.Shift(1, 1)

    out = "Rank{:2d} coords{:2d} {:2d} upx(src,dst) {} upy(src,dst) {}\n"\
                         .format(rank, coords[0], coords[1], upx, upy)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def testCreateDarray(self):
     for dtype in datatypes:
         for ndim in range(1, 3+1):
             for size in (4, 8, 9, 27):
                 for rank in (0, size-1):
                     for dist in [MPI.DISTRIBUTE_BLOCK, MPI.DISTRIBUTE_CYCLIC]:
                         for order in [MPI.ORDER_C, MPI.ORDER_F]:
                             gsizes = [size]*ndim
                             distribs = [dist]*ndim
                             dargs = [MPI.DISTRIBUTE_DFLT_DARG]*ndim
                             psizes = MPI.Compute_dims(size, [0]*ndim)
                             factory = MPI.Datatype.Create_darray
                             args = size, rank, gsizes, distribs, dargs, psizes, order
                             self.check_datatype(dtype, factory, *args)
def main():
    dim = 3
    proc_sizes = tuple(MPI.Compute_dims(SIZE, dim))
    # see lists.mcs.anl.gov/pipermail/petsc-dev/2016-April/018903.html
    # manually distribute the unkowns to the processors
    # mpiexec -n 3
    if SIZE > 1:
        if 1:
            ownership_ranges = (
                np.array([3, 4, 5], dtype='i4'),
                np.array([1], dtype='i4'),
                np.array([1], dtype='i4')
            ownership_ranges = (
                # proc 0
                (3, 4, 5),
                # proc 1
                # proc 2
        ownership_ranges = ((3,), (4,), (5,))
    sizes = np.array((
        sum(ownership_ranges[2])), dtype='i4'
    dm = PETSc.DMDA().create(dim=dim, sizes=sizes, proc_sizes=proc_sizes,
                             stencil_width=1, dof=1, comm=PETSc.COMM_WORLD, setup=True)
    assert dm.getComm().Get_rank() == RANK
    assert dm.getComm().Get_size() == SIZE
    print(f'create problem with {sizes.prod()} unknowns split into dim={dim} (sizes={sizes}) split accross {SIZE} procs with distribution {proc_sizes}')
    vec_l = dm.createLocalVector()
    vec_g = dm.createGlobalVector()
    initialise_values(dm, vec_l, vec_g)
    result_l, result_g = find_max_grad(dm, vec_l, vec_g)
    PETSc.Sys.syncPrint(f'Rank {RANK} had max gradient {result_l} while the global was {result_g}.')
    if RANK == 0:
        if testme(result_g, dm.getComm()):
            print('Result is correct.')
            print('Result is incorrect!')
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, dim, period, comm=mpi.COMM_WORLD):
        self.dim = dim

        self.comm = comm
        # if npx, npy and npz are all set to the default value (1)
        # then Compute_dims performs the splitting of the domain
        if self.npx == self.npy == self.npz == 1:
            size = comm.Get_size()
            split = mpi.Compute_dims(size, self.dim)
            split = (self.npx, self.npy, self.npz)

        self.split = np.asarray(split[:self.dim])
        self.cartcomm = comm.Create_cart(self.split, period)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, comm, discretization):
        # set comm
        self._comm = comm

        # get size & rank
        self._size = comm.Get_size()
        self._rank = comm.Get_rank()

        # compute a distribution of processes per coordinate direction
        self._dims = [0, 0]
        self._dims = MPI.Compute_dims(self._size, self._dims)

        # create two-dimensional non-periodic Cartesian topology
        self._periods = [False, False]
        self._comm_cart = self._comm.Create_cart(self._dims,

        # get rank's coordinates in the topology
        self._coords = self._comm_cart.Get_coords(self._rank)

        # get rank's south/north/west/east neighbors
        self._neigh_west, self._neigh_east = self._comm_cart.Shift(0, 1)
        self._neigh_south, self._neigh_north = self._comm_cart.Shift(1, 1)

        # global domain discretization size
        self._global_nx = discretization.nx
        self._global_ny = discretization.ny

        # global start/end index in (sub)domain discretization
        chunkx = discretization.nx // self._dims[0]
        self._global_startx = chunkx * self._coords[0]
        if self._coords[0] == self._dims[0] - 1:
            self._global_endx = discretization.nx
            self._global_endx = self._global_startx + chunkx
        chunky = discretization.ny // self._dims[1]
        self._global_starty = chunky * self._coords[1]
        if self._coords[1] == self._dims[1] - 1:
            self._global_endy = discretization.ny
            self._global_endy = self._global_starty + chunky

        # local (sub)domain discretization size
        self._local_nx = self._global_endx - self._global_startx
        self._local_ny = self._global_endy - self._global_starty
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self, comm, idir, odir, N, ndims, decomp, periodic):

        self.idir = idir  # users should be able to change directories at will
        self.odir = odir  # users should be able to change directories at will

        self._ndims = ndims
        self._subarrays = dict()
        init_comm = comm

        if np.iterable(N):
            if len(N) == 1:
                self._nx = np.array(list(N)*ndims, dtype=int)
            elif len(N) == ndims:
                self._nx = np.array(N, dtype=int)
                raise IndexError("The length of N must be either 1 or ndims")
            self._nx = np.array([N]*ndims, dtype=int)

        if decomp is None:
            self._decomp = 1
        elif decomp in [1, 2, 3] and decomp <= ndims:
            self._decomp = decomp
            raise IndexError("decomp must be 1, 2, 3 or None")

        if periodic is None:
            self._periodic = tuple([True]*ndims)
        elif len(periodic) == ndims:
            self._periodic = tuple(periodic)
            raise IndexError("Either len(periodic) must be ndims or "
                             "periodic must be None")

        dims = MPI.Compute_dims(init_comm.size, self._decomp)

        assert np.all(np.mod(self._nx, dims) == 0)

        self._comm = init_comm.Create_cart(dims, self._periodic)
        self._nnx = self._nx//dims
        self._ixs = self._nnx*self.comm.coords
        self._ixe = self._ixs+self._nnx
def main():
    dm = PETSc.DMDA().create(dim=len(dims), ownership_ranges=(numpy.array([3]), numpy.array([4]), numpy.array([5])),
                             stencil_width = 1, dof = 1, comm = PETSc.COMM_WORLD, setup = True)
    initialise_values(dm, vec_l, vec_g)
    result_l, result_g = find_max_grad(dm, vec_l, vec_g)
    PETSc.Sys.syncPrint("Rank {rank} had max gradient {maxgrad_l} while the global was {maxgrad_g}."
    if (dm.getComm().getRank() == 0):
        if (testme(result_g, dm.getComm())):
            print("Result is correct.")
            print("Result is incorrect!")
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_comm_dims(procs, dist):
    """ Get dimensions of cartesian grid as determined by specified

    procs: int
        Size/number of processes in communicator
    dist : str
        Specified distribution of data among processes.
        Default value 'b' : Block
        Supported types:
            'b' : Block
            'r' : Replicated

    comm_dims : list, None
        Dimensions of cartesian grid
    if is_Replicated(dist):
        return None
    return MPI.Compute_dims(procs, distribution_to_dimensions(dist, procs))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test2():

    width = 2

    dims = MPI.Compute_dims(MPISIZE, 3)
    if MPIRANK == 0 and DEBUG:
        print("DIM", dims)
    cc = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Create_cart(dims, (1, 1, 1), True)
    top = cc.Get_topo()[2]

    N = 64
    M = 2
    dtype = ctypes.c_double

    grid_size = (2 * N, N, N)
    rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=3857293)
    orig = np.array(rng.uniform(0., 100., size=list(grid_size) + [M]),

    np0 = int(math.floor(grid_size[0] / dims[0]))
    np1 = int(math.floor(grid_size[1] / dims[1]))
    np2 = int(math.floor(grid_size[2] / dims[2]))

    s0 = top[0] * np0
    s1 = top[1] * np1
    s2 = top[2] * np2

    e0 = (top[0] + 1) * np0 if top[0] < dims[0] - 1 else grid_size[0]
    e1 = (top[1] + 1) * np1 if top[1] < dims[1] - 1 else grid_size[1]
    e2 = (top[2] + 1) * np2 if top[2] < dims[2] - 1 else grid_size[2]

    works_size = (e0 - s0 + 2 * width, e1 - s1 + 2 * width,
                  e2 - s2 + 2 * width)

    he = pygcl.HaloExchange3D(cc, works_size, (width, width, width))

    a = np.zeros(shape=list(works_size) + [M], dtype=dtype)
    a[width:-1*width:, width:-1*width:, width:-1*width, :] = \
        orig[s0:e0:, s1:e1:, s2:e2:, :]

    # shell should be zero and interior should be the copied data
    for iz in range(width, works_size[0] - width):
        for iy in range(width, works_size[1] - width):
            for ix in range(width, works_size[2] - width):
                assert np.all(a[iz, iy, ix, :] == orig[iz + s0 - width,
                                                       iy + s1 - width,
                                                       ix + s2 - width, :])

    if DEBUG:
        for rx in range(MPISIZE):
            if MPIRANK == rx:
                print("--", MPIRANK)
                print(a[:, :, :, 0])

    # exchange

    if DEBUG:
        for rx in range(MPISIZE):
            if MPIRANK == rx:
                print("--", MPIRANK)
                print('boundary', he.boundary_cells)
                print('halo', he.halo_cells)
                print(s0, e0, s1, e1, s2, e2)
                print(a[:, :, :, 0])

    # interior should be unchanged, outer shell should be halo
    for iz in range(works_size[0]):
        for iy in range(works_size[1]):
            for ix in range(works_size[2]):
                assert np.all(a[iz, iy, ix, :] == orig[(iz+s0-width) % grid_size[0],
                                                (iy+s1-width) % grid_size[1],
                                                (ix+s2-width) % grid_size[2], :]),\
                    "{} {} {}".format(iz, iy, ix)
import mpi4py.MPI as mpi

comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD
size = comm.Get_size()
rank = comm.Get_rank()

ndim = 2
dims = mpi.Compute_dims(size, [0] * ndim)

topo = comm.Create_cart(dims, periods=False)

    f'Process {rank}: coordinate = {topo.coords}, neighbor = {topo.outedges}')

recvbuf = topo.neighbor_alltoall([rank] * 4)
print(rank, "->", recvbuf)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_mpifft():
    from itertools import product

    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    dims = (2, 3, 4,)
    sizes = (12, 13)
    assert MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() < 8, "due to sizes"
    types = ''
    for t in 'fdg':
        if fftw.get_fftw_lib(t):
            types += t+t.upper()

    grids = {2: (None,),
             3: ((-1,), None),
             4: ((-1,), None)}

    for typecode in types:
        for dim in dims:
            for shape in product(*([sizes]*dim)):

                if dim < 3:
                    n = min(shape)
                    if typecode in 'fdg':
                        n //= 2
                        n += 1
                    if n < comm.size:
                for grid in grids[dim]:
                    padding = False
                    for collapse in (True, False):
                        for backend in backends:
                            transforms = None
                            if dim < 3:
                                allaxes = [None, (-1,), (-2,),
                                           (-1, -2,), (-2, -1),
                                           (-1, 0), (0, -1),
                                           ((0,), (1,))]
                            elif dim < 4:
                                allaxes = [None, ((0,), (1, 2)),
                                           ((0,), (-2, -1))]
                            elif dim > 3:
                                allaxes = [None, ((0,), (1,), (2,), (3,)),
                                           ((0,), (1, 2, 3)),
                                           ((0,), (1,), (2, 3))]
                                dctn = functools.partial(fftw.dctn, type=3)
                                idctn = functools.partial(fftw.idctn, type=3)

                                if not typecode in 'FDG':
                                    if backend == 'pyfftw':
                                        transforms = {(3,): (pyfftw.builders.rfftn, pyfftw.builders.irfftn),
                                                      (2, 3): (pyfftw.builders.rfftn, pyfftw.builders.irfftn),
                                                      (1, 2, 3): (pyfftw.builders.rfftn, pyfftw.builders.irfftn),
                                                      (0, 1, 2, 3): (pyfftw.builders.rfftn, pyfftw.builders.irfftn)}
                                        transforms = {(3,): (dctn, idctn),
                                                      (2, 3): (dctn, idctn),
                                                      (1, 2, 3): (dctn, idctn),
                                                      (0, 1, 2, 3): (dctn, idctn)}
                            for axes in allaxes:
                                # Test also the slab is number interface
                                _grid = grid
                                if grid is not None:
                                    ax = -1
                                    if axes is not None:
                                        ax = axes[-1] if isinstance(axes[-1], int) else axes[-1][-1]
                                    _slab = (ax+1) % len(shape)
                                    _grid = [1]*(_slab+1)
                                    _grid[_slab] = 0
                                _comm = comm
                                # Test also the comm is Subcomm interfaces
                                # For PFFT the Subcomm needs to be as long as shape
                                if len(shape) > 2 and axes is None and grid is None:
                                    _dims = [0] * len(shape)
                                    _dims[-1] = 1 # distribute all but last axis (axes is None)
                                    _comm = comm
                                    if random_true_or_false(comm) == 1:
                                        # then test Subcomm with a MPI.CART argument
                                        _dims = MPI.Compute_dims(comm.Get_size(), _dims)
                                        _comm = comm.Create_cart(_dims)
                                        _dims = None
                                    _comm = Subcomm(_comm, _dims)
                                #print(typecode, shape, axes, collapse, _grid)
                                fft = PFFT(_comm, shape, axes=axes, dtype=typecode,
                                           padding=padding, grid=_grid, collapse=collapse,
                                           backend=backend, transforms=transforms)

                                #if comm.rank == 0:
                                #    grid_ = [c.size for c in fft.subcomm]
                                #    print('grid:{} shape:{} typecode:{} backend:{} axes:{}'
                                #          .format(grid_, shape, typecode, backend, axes))

                                assert fft.dtype(True) == fft.forward.output_array.dtype
                                assert fft.dtype(False) == fft.forward.input_array.dtype
                                assert len(fft.axes) == len(fft.xfftn)
                                assert len(fft.axes) == len(fft.transfer) + 1
                                assert (fft.forward.input_pencil.subshape ==
                                assert (fft.forward.output_pencil.subshape ==
                                assert (fft.backward.input_pencil.subshape ==
                                assert (fft.backward.output_pencil.subshape ==
                                assert np.alltrue(np.array(fft.global_shape(True)) == np.array(fft.forward.output_pencil.shape))
                                assert np.alltrue(np.array(fft.global_shape(False)) == np.array(fft.forward.input_pencil.shape))
                                ax = -1 if axes is None else axes[-1] if isinstance(axes[-1], int) else axes[-1][-1]
                                assert fft.forward.input_pencil.substart[ax] == 0
                                assert fft.backward.output_pencil.substart[ax] == 0
                                ax = 0 if axes is None else axes[0] if isinstance(axes[0], int) else axes[0][0]
                                assert fft.forward.output_pencil.substart[ax] == 0
                                assert fft.backward.input_pencil.substart[ax] == 0
                                assert fft.dimensions == len(shape)

                                U = random_like(fft.forward.input_array)

                                if random_true_or_false(comm) == 1:
                                    F = fft.forward(U)
                                    V = fft.backward(F)
                                    assert allclose(V, U)
                                    fft.forward.input_array[...] = U
                                    V = fft.backward.output_array
                                    assert allclose(V, U)


                    padding = [1.5]*len(shape)
                    for backend in backends:
                        if dim < 3:
                            allaxes = [None, (-1,), (-2,),
                                       (-1, -2,), (-2, -1),
                                       (-1, 0), (0, -1),
                                       ((0,), (1,))]
                        elif dim < 4:
                            allaxes = [None, ((0,), (1,), (2,)),
                                       ((0,), (-2,), (-1,))]
                        elif dim > 3:
                            allaxes = [None, (0, 1, -2, -1),
                                       ((0,), (1,), (2,), (3,))]

                        for axes in allaxes:

                            _grid = grid
                            if grid is not None:
                                ax = -1
                                if axes is not None:
                                    ax = axes[-1] if isinstance(axes[-1], int) else axes[-1][-1]
                                _slab = (ax+1) % len(shape)
                                _grid = [1]*(_slab+1)
                                _grid[_slab] = 0

                            fft = PFFT(comm, shape, axes=axes, dtype=typecode,
                                       padding=padding, grid=_grid, backend=backend)

                            #if comm.rank == 0:
                            #    grid = [c.size for c in fft.subcomm]
                            #    print('grid:{} shape:{} typecode:{} backend:{} axes:{}'
                            #          .format(grid, shape, typecode, backend, axes))

                            assert len(fft.axes) == len(fft.xfftn)
                            assert len(fft.axes) == len(fft.transfer) + 1
                            assert (fft.forward.input_pencil.subshape ==
                            assert (fft.forward.output_pencil.subshape ==
                            assert (fft.backward.input_pencil.subshape ==
                            assert (fft.backward.output_pencil.subshape ==
                            ax = -1 if axes is None else axes[-1] if isinstance(axes[-1], int) else axes[-1][-1]
                            assert fft.forward.input_pencil.substart[ax] == 0
                            assert fft.backward.output_pencil.substart[ax] == 0
                            ax = 0 if axes is None else axes[0] if isinstance(axes[0], int) else axes[0][0]
                            assert fft.forward.output_pencil.substart[ax] == 0
                            assert fft.backward.input_pencil.substart[ax] == 0

                            U = random_like(fft.forward.input_array)
                            F = fft.forward(U)

                            if random_true_or_false(comm) == 1:
                                Fc = F.copy()
                                V = fft.backward(F)
                                F = fft.forward(V)
                                assert allclose(F, Fc)
                                fft.backward.input_array[...] = F
                                V = fft.forward.output_array
                                assert allclose(F, V)

                                # Test normalization on backward transform instead of default
                                fft.backward.input_array[...] = F
                                V = fft.forward.output_array
                                assert allclose(F, V)

Ejemplo n.º 19
# Timers
timers = {"projection": 0, "loading": 0, "writing": 0, "total": 0}
timers["total"] = time.time()

# Setup
xmin = 0
xmax = 2 * np.pi
L = xmax - xmin

# MPI setup
minimize_communication = False
rank = comm.Get_rank()
nprocs = comm.Get_size()
if minimize_communication:
    dimensions = MPI.Compute_dims(nprocs, 3)
else:  # you won't have to sort data on merge
    dimensions = [1, 1, nprocs]
periodicity = (False, False, False)
grid = comm.Create_cart(dimensions, periodicity, reorder=True)
coords = grid.Get_coords(rank)

# Logging information
if rank == 0:
    pfx = "fv_{0:d}".format(args.res)
    logname = pfx + ".log"
        format="%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s",
        datefmt="%m-%d %H:%M",
Ejemplo n.º 20
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np

# mostly adapted from the unit tests of mpi4py github repo
rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()
ndims = 2
dims = [0] * ndims
dims = MPI.Compute_dims(size, dims)
periods = [True] * ndims
topo = comm.Create_cart(dims, periods=periods)
coords = topo.Get_coords(rank)
nw, ne = topo.Shift(0, 1)
ns, nn = topo.Shift(1, 1)
localgrid = np.array([[rank] * 8] * 8, dtype='i')
req = []

if rank == 1:
    print("BEFORE\n ---------------------")

bN = localgrid[:, -1].flatten()
bS = localgrid[:, 0].flatten()
bE = localgrid[-1, :].flatten()
bW = localgrid[0, :].flatten()
bufN = np.zeros_like(bN)
bufS = np.zeros_like(bS)
bufE = np.zeros_like(bE)
bufW = np.zeros_like(bW)
        format='%(filename)s:%(lineno)d - %(levelname)s:%(message)s')
    log = logging.getLogger("main")
    console = logging.StreamHandler()
    log = logging.getLogger("main")
log.info("Starting configuration.")

# MPI set up
log.info("Initialising mpi.cart_comm")
dims_list = [0, 0]
dims = MPI.Compute_dims(MPI.COMM_WORLD.size, dims_list)
periods = [1, 1]
reorder = True
mpi_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Create_cart(dims, periods=periods, reorder=reorder)
log.info("Initialisation of mpi.cart_comm complete")

# System, IBVP and Grid settings
log.info("Starting configuration.")

# How many systems?
num_of_grids = args.nsim

# How many grid points?
Nx = 50
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self, comm, odir, pid, ndims, decomp, periodic, L, N, method):

        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        # Unprocessed user-input instance properties
        self._pid = pid
        self._ndims = ndims
        self._config = "Unknown (Base Configuration)"
        self._odir = odir
        init_comm = comm

        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        # Make analysis output directory
        if init_comm.rank == 0:
            except OSError as e:
                if not os.path.isdir(odir):
                    raise e
                    status = e
                if os.path.isdir(odir):
                    status = 0
            status = None

        status = init_comm.bcast(status)
        if status != 0:

        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        # Processed user-input instance properties
        if np.iterable(N):
            if len(N) == 1:
                self._nx = np.array(list(N) * ndims, dtype=np.int)
            elif len(N) == ndims:
                self._nx = np.array(N, dtype=np.int)
                raise IndexError("The length of N must be either 1 or ndims")
            self._nx = np.array([N] * ndims, dtype=np.int)

        if np.iterable(L):
            if len(L) == 1:
                self._L = np.array(list(L) * ndims)
            elif len(L) == ndims:
                self._L = np.array(L)
                raise IndexError("The length of L must be either 1 or ndims")
            self._L = np.array([L] * ndims, dtype=np.float)

        if decomp is None:
            self._decomp = 1
        elif decomp in [1, 2, 3] and decomp <= ndims:
            self._decomp = decomp
            raise IndexError("decomp must be 1, 2, 3 or None")

        if periodic is None:
            self._periodic = tuple([False] * ndims)
        elif len(periodic) == ndims:
            self._periodic = tuple(periodic)
            raise IndexError("Either len(periodic) must be ndims or "
                             "periodic must be None")

        if method == 'central_diff':
            self.deriv = self._centdiff_deriv
        elif method == 'spline_flux_diff':
            self.deriv = self._akima_deriv
        elif method == 'ignore':
            self.deriv = None
            if init_comm.rank == 0:
                print("mpiAnalyzer._baseAnalyzer.__init__(): "
                      "'method' argument not recognized!\n"
                      "Defaulting to Akima spline flux differencing.")
            self.deriv = self._akima_deriv

        self._dx = self._L / self._nx
        self._Nx = self._nx.prod()

        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        # MPI domain decomposition
        dims = MPI.Compute_dims(init_comm.size, self._decomp)
        dims.extend([1] * (ndims - self._decomp))

        assert np.all(np.mod(self._nx, dims) == 0)

        self._comm = init_comm.Create_cart(dims, self._periodic)
        self._nnx = self._nx // dims
        self._ixs = self._nnx * self.comm.coords
        self._ixe = self._ixs + self._nnx

        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        # other stuff (DO NOT count on these being permanent!)
        self.tol = 1.0e-6
        self.prefix = pid + '-'
        self.moments_file = '%s%s.moments' % (self.odir, self.prefix)
# Configuration of System
CFLs = [0.5 for i in range(num_of_grids)]
tau = 1

# Select diffop
#raxis_1D_diffop = fd.FD12()
raxis_1D_diffop = fd.FD14()

# Configuration of IBVP
maxIteration = 1000000

# MPI set up
log.info("Initialising mpi.cart_comm")
dims = MPI.Compute_dims(MPI.COMM_WORLD.size, [0]) 
periods = [0]
reorder = True
mpi_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Create_cart(dims, periods=periods, reorder=reorder)

log.info("Initialisation complete")

# Grid construction

# Grid point data      
raxis_gdp = [N*2**i for i in range(num_of_grids)]

# Determine the boundary data
ghost_points = (raxis_1D_diffop.ghost_points(),)
Ejemplo n.º 24
#!/usr/bin/env python
from mpi4py import MPI

# Example for creating a cartesian topology
# and identifying your neighbors

world_rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()

ndim = 2

dims = MPI.Compute_dims(size, [0] * ndim)
cart_comm = comm.Create_cart(dims, periods=[True, True], reorder=True)

new_rank = cart_comm.Get_rank()
if new_rank == 0:
    print("Cart dim: %s" % (dims))

for i in range(ndim):
    for d in (-1, +1):
        source, dest = cart_comm.Shift(i, d)
        if new_rank == 0:
            print("Dir %d, disp %d - Src %d - Dest %d" % (i, d, source, dest))

Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self, comm, shape, dtype=float, **options):
        self.comm = MPI.COMM_NULL
        self._comm1 = MPI.COMM_NULL
        self._comm2 = MPI.COMM_NULL
        self._subarrays1A = []
        self._subarrays1B = []
        self._subarrays2A = []
        self._subarrays2B = []
        self._fft1 = self._ifft1 = None
        self._fft2 = self._ifft2 = None
        self._fft3 = self._ifft3 = None

        assert isinstance(comm, MPI.Intracomm)
        self.comm = comm
        size = comm.Get_size()
        rank = comm.Get_rank()

        size1, size2 = MPI.Compute_dims(size, 2)
        self._comm1 = comm.Split(rank % size2)
        self._comm2 = comm.Split(rank // size2)
        rank1 = self._comm1.Get_rank()
        rank2 = self._comm2.Get_rank()

        M, N, P = shape
        if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating):
            assert P % 2 == 0
            Q = P // 2 + 1
            Q = P
        assert M >= size1
        assert N >= size1
        assert N >= size2
        assert Q >= size2

        opts = dict(
        dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
        empty = pyfftw.empty_aligned
        fft1 = pyfftw.builders.fft
        ifft1 = pyfftw.builders.ifft
        fft2 = pyfftw.builders.fft
        ifft2 = pyfftw.builders.ifft
        if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating):
            fft3 = pyfftw.builders.rfft
            ifft3 = pyfftw.builders.irfft
            fft3 = pyfftw.builders.fft
            ifft3 = pyfftw.builders.ifft

        m = _subsize(M, size1, rank1)
        n = _subsize(N, size2, rank2)
        dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
        U = empty([m, n, P], dtype=dtype)
        self._fft3 = fft3(U, axis=2, **opts)
        ctype = self._fft3.output_array.dtype
        F = self._fft3.output_array
        self._ifft3 = ifft3(F, axis=2, **opts)
        self._ifft3.update_arrays(F, U)

        m = _subsize(M, size1, rank1)
        q = _subsize(Q, size2, rank2)
        U = empty([m, N, q], dtype=ctype)
        self._fft2 = fft2(U, axis=1, **opts)
        F = self._fft2.output_array
        self._ifft2 = ifft2(F, axis=1, **opts)
        self._ifft2.update_arrays(F, U)

        n = _subsize(N, size1, rank1)
        q = _subsize(Q, size2, rank2)
        U = empty([M, n, q], dtype=ctype)
        self._fft1 = fft1(U, axis=0, **opts)
        F = self._fft1.output_array
        self._ifft1 = ifft1(F, axis=0, **opts)
        self._ifft1.update_arrays(F, U)

        datatype = MPI._typedict[ctype.char]

        m = _subsize(M, size1, rank1)
        n = _subsize(N, size1, rank1)
        q = _subsize(Q, size2, rank2)
        self._subarrays1A = [
            datatype.Create_subarray([M, n, q], [l, n, q], [s, 0, 0]).Commit()
            for l, s in _distribution(M, size1)
        self._subarrays1B = [
            datatype.Create_subarray([m, N, q], [m, l, q], [0, s, 0]).Commit()
            for l, s in _distribution(N, size1)
        self._counts_displs1 = ([1] * size1, [0] * size1)

        m = _subsize(M, size1, rank1)
        n = _subsize(N, size2, rank2)
        q = _subsize(Q, size2, rank2)
        self._subarrays2A = [
            datatype.Create_subarray([m, N, q], [m, l, q], [0, s, 0]).Commit()
            for l, s in _distribution(N, size2)
        self._subarrays2B = [
            datatype.Create_subarray([m, n, Q], [m, n, l], [0, 0, s]).Commit()
            for l, s in _distribution(Q, size2)
        self._counts_displs2 = ([1] * size2, [0] * size2)
Ejemplo n.º 26
        sendbuf = np.copy(A[:, 1]).flatten()
        recvbuf = np.zeros(A.shape[0])
        comm.Send(sendbuf, neighbors_y[0], 2)
        comm.Recv(recvbuf, neighbors_y[0], 3)
        A[:, 0] = recvbuf
    if neighbors_y[1] >= 0:  # MPI_PROC_NULL?
        sendbuf = np.copy(A[:, -2]).flatten()
        recvbuf = np.zeros(A.shape[0])
        comm.Send(sendbuf, neighbors_y[1], 3)
        comm.Recv(recvbuf, neighbors_y[1], 2)
        A[:, -1] = recvbuf

nprocs = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()
dims = MPI.Compute_dims(nprocs, [0, 0])
comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Create_cart(dims)
me = comm.Get_rank()
coords = comm.Get_coords(me)
neighbors_x = comm.Shift(direction=0, disp=1)
neighbors_y = comm.Shift(direction=1, disp=1)

# Physics
lam = 1.0  # Thermal conductivity
cp_min = 1.0  # Minimal heat capacity
lx, ly = 10.0, 10.0  # Length of computational domain in dimension x and y

# Numerics
nx, ny = 128, 128  # Number of gridpoints in dimensions x and y
nt = 10000  # Number of time steps
nx_g = dims[0] * (
Ejemplo n.º 27
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np

# setup communicator and get # procs
nprocs = comm.Get_size()

# We are solving the Inhomogeneous 1D groundwater flow problem
# 0 = d/dx[k(x)dh/dx]
# from x = 0 to x = L, i.e. we are solving along a 1 dim grid
# To simplify the parallelization, we can use the Cartesian Conv. Function
# from MPI. For this example, we could figure this out ourselves pretty easily
# but when scaling up, this is really convenient
# get dimensions
dims = MPI.Compute_dims(nprocs, 1)
# setup grid
grid = comm.Create_cart(dims)
# now we want the gridded rank
rank = grid.Get_rank()

# the jacobi algorithm is needs the previous and next values
# grid.Shift(direction (dim), displacement)
# So shift along the zeroth axis, 1 unit in both directions
# Shift return -1 for values less than 0 or greater than nprocs
left, right = grid.Shift(0,1)

# grab the status to be used in sendrecv calls later
status = MPI.Status()

# setup problem parameters
h0 = 1.0 # GW head at x = 0