Ejemplo n.º 1
def run_mpi_sim(args, inputfile, usernamespace, optparams=None):
    Run mixed mode MPI/OpenMP simulation - MPI task farm for models with
    each model parallelised using either OpenMP (CPU) or CUDA (GPU)

        args (dict): Namespace with command line arguments
        inputfile (object): File object for the input file.
        usernamespace (dict): Namespace that can be accessed by user in any
                Python code blocks in input file.
        optparams (dict): Optional argument. For Taguchi optimisation it
                provides the parameters to optimise and their values.

    from mpi4py import MPI

    status = MPI.Status()
    hostname = MPI.Get_processor_name()

    # Set range for number of models to run
    modelstart = args.restart if args.restart else 1
    modelend = modelstart + args.n
    numbermodelruns = args.n

    # Command line flag used to indicate a spawned worker instance
    workerflag = '--mpi-worker'
    numworkers = args.mpi - 1

    # Master process #
    if workerflag not in sys.argv:
        # N.B Spawned worker flag (--mpi-worker) applied to sys.argv when MPI.Spawn is called

        # Get MPI communicator object either through argument or just get comm_world
        if hasattr(args, 'mpicomm'):
            comm = args.mpicomm
            comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        size = comm.Get_size()  # total number of processes
        rank = comm.Get_rank()  # rank of this process
        tsimstart = perf_counter()
        print('MPI master ({}, rank {}) on {} using {} workers\n'.format(
            comm.name, rank, hostname, numworkers))

        # Assemble a sys.argv replacement to pass to spawned worker
        # N.B This is required as sys.argv not available when gprMax is called via api()
        # Ignore mpicomm object if it exists as only strings can be passed via spawn
        myargv = []
        for key, value in vars(args).items():
            if value:
                if 'inputfile' in key:
                elif 'gpu' in key:
                    myargv.append('-' + key)
                    if not isinstance(value, list):
                elif 'mpicomm' in key:
                elif '_' in key:
                    key = key.replace('_', '-')
                    myargv.append('--' + key)
                    myargv.append('-' + key)

        # Create a list of work
        worklist = []
        for model in range(modelstart, modelend):
            workobj = dict()
            workobj['currentmodelrun'] = model
            if optparams:
                workobj['optparams'] = optparams
        # Add stop sentinels
        worklist += ([StopIteration] * numworkers)

        # Spawn workers
        newcomm = comm.Spawn(sys.executable,
                             args=['-m', 'gprMax'] + myargv + [workerflag],

        # Reply to whoever asks until done
        for work in worklist:
            newcomm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, status=status)
            newcomm.send(obj=work, dest=status.Get_source())

        # Shutdown communicators

        tsimend = perf_counter()
        simcompletestr = '\n=== Simulation completed in [HH:MM:SS]: {}'.format(
            datetime.timedelta(seconds=tsimend - tsimstart))
        print('{} {}\n'.format(
            '=' * (get_terminal_width() - 1 - len(simcompletestr))))

    # Worker process #
    elif workerflag in sys.argv:

        # Connect to parent to get communicator
            comm = MPI.Comm.Get_parent()
            rank = comm.Get_rank()
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                'MPI worker (rank {}) could not connect to parent')

        # Ask for work until stop sentinel
        for work in iter(lambda: comm.sendrecv(0, dest=0), StopIteration):
            currentmodelrun = work['currentmodelrun']

            # Get info and setup device ID for GPU(s)
            gpuinfo = ''
            if args.gpu is not None:
                # Set device ID for multiple GPUs
                if isinstance(args.gpu, list):
                    deviceID = (rank - 1) % len(args.gpu)
                    args.gpu = next(gpu for gpu in args.gpu
                                    if gpu.deviceID == deviceID)
                gpuinfo = ' using {} - {}, {} RAM '.format(
                    args.gpu.deviceID, args.gpu.name,

            # If Taguchi optimistaion, add specific value for each parameter to
            # optimise for each experiment to user accessible namespace
            if 'optparams' in work:
                tmp = {}
                tmp.update((key, value[currentmodelrun - 1])
                           for key, value in work['optparams'].items())
                modelusernamespace = usernamespace.copy()
                modelusernamespace.update({'optparams': tmp})
                modelusernamespace = usernamespace

            # Run the model
            print('MPI worker (rank {}) starting model {}/{}{} on {}\n'.format(
                rank, currentmodelrun, numbermodelruns, gpuinfo, hostname))
            run_model(args, currentmodelrun, modelend - 1, numbermodelruns,
                      inputfile, modelusernamespace)

        # Shutdown
from mpi4py import MPI
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import pandas as pd

# initialize MPI
size = comm.Get_size()
rank = comm.Get_rank() 
stat = MPI.Status()

# create dictionary to store date, rating, review_text values
ff_reviews = {'date':[], 'rating':[], 'review':[]}

# 584 pages of reviews = ~11680 total reviews
for n in range(584):
    if n % size == rank:
        if n == 0:
            end = ''
            end = '?start=' + str(n * 20)

        url = 'https://www.yelp.com/biz/founding-farmers-dc-washington-4' + end

        response = requests.get(url)

        html_soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text,'html.parser') 
        info = html_soup.find_all('div', {'class':'review-content'}) 
        for i in info:
            review_text = i.find('p', {'lang':'en'}).text.strip()
Ejemplo n.º 3
from mpi4py import MPI
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()
status = MPI.Status()

domains = open("domains.txt", "r").readlines()
workers = size - 1

if rank == 0:
    data = None

    while workers > 0:
        comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG, status=status)
        worker = status.Get_source()
        print("[Dispatch] contacted by worker %d" % worker)
        if domains:
            print("[Dispatch] gives work to worker %d." % worker)
            data = domains.pop().rstrip()
            comm.send(data, dest=worker, tag=1)
            print("[Dispatch] retires worker %d." % worker)
            comm.send(data, dest=worker, tag=9)
            workers -= 1

    data = None
    while True:
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def correct_beta_z0(self):
        # Send coordinate updates to neighbors for all nonzero coordinates in
        # z0
        msg_send, msg_recv = [0] * self.n_workers, [0] * self.n_workers
        for k0, *pt0 in zip(*self.z0.nonzero()):
            # Notify neighboring workers of the update if needed.
            pt_global = self.workers_segments.get_global_coordinate(
                self.rank, pt0)
            workers = self.workers_segments.get_touched_segments(
                pt=pt_global, radius=np.array(self.overlap) + 1)
            msg = np.array([k0, *pt_global, self.z0[(k0, *pt0)]], 'd')
            self.notify_neighbors(msg, workers)
            for i in workers:
                msg_send[i] += 1

        n_init_done = 0
        done_pt = set()
        no_msg, init_done = False, False
        mpi_status = MPI.Status()
        while not init_done:
            if n_init_done == self.n_workers:
                for i_worker in range(1, self.n_workers):
                init_done = True
            if not no_msg:
                if self.check_no_transitting_message(check_incoming=False):
                    if self.rank == 0:
                        n_init_done += 1
                    assert len(self.messages) == 0
                    no_msg = True

            if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Iprobe(status=mpi_status):
                tag = mpi_status.tag
                src = mpi_status.source
                if tag == constants.TAG_DICOD_INIT_DONE:
                    if self.rank == 0:
                        n_init_done += 1
                        init_done = True

                msg = np.empty(self.size_msg, 'd')
                MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv([msg, MPI.DOUBLE], source=src, tag=tag)

                if tag == constants.TAG_DICOD_UPDATE_BETA:
                    msg_recv[src] += 1
                    k0, *pt_global, dz = msg
                    k0 = int(k0)
                    pt_global = tuple([int(v) for v in pt_global])
                    pt0 = self.workers_segments.get_local_coordinate(
                        self.rank, pt_global)
                    pt_exist = self.workers_segments.is_contained_coordinate(
                        self.rank, pt0, inner=False)
                    if not pt_exist and (k0, *pt0) not in done_pt:
                        done_pt.add((k0, *pt0))

Ejemplo n.º 5
def run_mpi_sim(args, inputfile, usernamespace, optparams=None):
    Run mixed mode MPI/OpenMP simulation - MPI task farm for models with
    each model parallelised using either OpenMP (CPU) or CUDA (GPU)

        args (dict): Namespace with command line arguments
        inputfile (object): File object for the input file.
        usernamespace (dict): Namespace that can be accessed by user in any
                Python code blocks in input file.
        optparams (dict): Optional argument. For Taguchi optimisation it
                provides the parameters to optimise and their values.

    from mpi4py import MPI

    # Get name of processor/host
    name = MPI.Get_processor_name()

    # Set range for number of models to run
    modelstart = args.restart if args.restart else 1
    modelend = modelstart + args.n
    numbermodelruns = args.n

    # Number of workers and command line flag to indicate a spawned worker
    worker = '--mpi-worker'
    numberworkers = args.mpi - 1

    # Master process
    if worker not in sys.argv:

        tsimstart = perf_counter()

        print('MPI master rank (PID {}) on {} using {} workers'.format(
            os.getpid(), name, numberworkers))

        # Create a list of work
        worklist = []
        for model in range(modelstart, modelend):
            workobj = dict()
            workobj['currentmodelrun'] = model
            if optparams:
                workobj['optparams'] = optparams
        # Add stop sentinels
        worklist += ([StopIteration] * numberworkers)

        # Spawn workers
        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Spawn(
            args=['-m', 'gprMax', '-n', str(args.n)] + sys.argv[1::] +

        # Reply to whoever asks until done
        status = MPI.Status()
        for work in worklist:
            comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, status=status)
            comm.send(obj=work, dest=status.Get_source())

        # Shutdown

        tsimend = perf_counter()
        simcompletestr = '\n=== Simulation completed in [HH:MM:SS]: {}'.format(
            datetime.timedelta(seconds=tsimend - tsimstart))
        print('{} {}\n'.format(
            '=' * (get_terminal_width() - 1 - len(simcompletestr))))

    # Worker process
    elif worker in sys.argv:

        # Connect to parent
            comm = MPI.Comm.Get_parent()  # get MPI communicator object
            rank = comm.Get_rank()  # rank of this process
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Could not connect to parent')

        # Ask for work until stop sentinel
        for work in iter(lambda: comm.sendrecv(0, dest=0), StopIteration):
            currentmodelrun = work['currentmodelrun']

            # Get info and setup device ID for GPU(s)
            gpuinfo = ''
            if args.gpu is not None:
                # Set device ID for multiple GPUs
                if isinstance(args.gpu, list):
                    deviceID = (rank - 1) % len(args.gpu)
                    args.gpu = next(gpu for gpu in args.gpu
                                    if gpu.deviceID == deviceID)
                gpuinfo = ' using {} - {}, {} RAM '.format(
                    args.gpu.deviceID, args.gpu.name,

            print('MPI worker rank {} (PID {}) starting model {}/{}{} on {}'.
                  format(rank, os.getpid(), currentmodelrun, numbermodelruns,
                         gpuinfo, name))

            # If Taguchi optimistaion, add specific value for each parameter to
            # optimise for each experiment to user accessible namespace
            if 'optparams' in work:
                tmp = {}
                tmp.update((key, value[currentmodelrun - 1])
                           for key, value in work['optparams'].items())
                modelusernamespace = usernamespace.copy()
                modelusernamespace.update({'optparams': tmp})
                modelusernamespace = usernamespace

            # Run the model
            run_model(args, currentmodelrun, modelend - 1, numbermodelruns,
                      inputfile, modelusernamespace)

        # Shutdown
Ejemplo n.º 6
MPI multiprocessing.
import logging
import os

    from mpi4py import MPI
    mpi_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    mpi_rank = mpi_comm.Get_rank()
    mpi_status = MPI.Status()

    use_multiprocessing = mpi_comm.Get_size() >= 2
    use_multiprocessing = False

global_multiproc_dict = {}
mpi_master = 0

class MPILogFile(MPI.File):
    def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.Write_shared(*args, **kwargs)

class MPIFileHandler(logging.FileHandler):
    "MPI file class for logging process communication."

    def __init__(self,
Ejemplo n.º 7
def wrapper_explore(graph: DiGraph, source_nodes: List[Any],
                    target_nodes: List[Any], lmax: int, simple_paths: bool):
    """Calculate the effect of sources nodes over multiple target nodes on a directed graph.

    :param graph: directed graph
    :param source_nodes: iterable with sources nodes (usually drugs)
    :param target_nodes: iterable with target nodes (usually diseases)
    :param lmax: maximum length of the path allowed
    :param simple_paths: if true, only simple paths are calculated
    :return: effect of the source node on each target node
    _check_generic_input(graph, source_nodes, target_nodes)

    results_by_source: List = []
    time_cache = defaultdict(dict)

    # Store history of the visited path for the given node
    previous_history = {}
    # Cycle History:
    # [0] Dict to store pre-calculated cycles
    # [1] Dict to store number of cycles from source to target
    cycle_history = [{}, {}]

    # Path count to all targets, by source
    count_by_source = {}
    cycles_by_source = {}

    # Get the reduced version of the graph and the node2id mapping
    reduced_graph, node2id = generate_reduced_graph(graph, target_nodes)

    # Initialize MPI environment and variables, if found
    number_of_processes = 1
    process_id = 0
        from mpi4py import MPI
        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        process_id = comm.Get_rank()
        number_of_processes = comm.Get_size()
    except ImportError:

    _target_nodes = [node2id[target_node] for target_node in target_nodes]
    _source_nodes = [source_node for source_node in source_nodes]
    if process_id > 0 or number_of_processes == 1:

        source_index = 0
        if process_id > 0:
            source_node = comm.recv(source=0, tag=process_id)
            source_node = _source_nodes[source_index]

        work_done = 0
        while source_node != -1:
            # Get node identifiers
            _source_node = node2id[source_node]

            exe_t_0 = time.time()

            # Calculate all paths between source and target
            _, count = compute_all_paths_multitarget_dict(

            # Cache time needed
            exe_t_f = time.time()
            time_cache[source_node] = exe_t_f - exe_t_0

            count_by_source[source_node] = count
            cycles_by_source[source_node] = cycle_history[1]
            cycle_history[1] = {}
            if process_id > 0:
                comm.send(process_id, dest=0, tag=0)
                source_node = comm.recv(source=0, tag=process_id)
                source_index += 1
                if source_index >= len(_source_nodes):
                    source_node = -1
                    source_node = _source_nodes[source_index]
            work_done += 1

        # process_id = 0 and number_of_processes > 1
        free_workers = [worker for worker in range(1, number_of_processes)]
        status = MPI.Status()  # Get MPI status object
        for source_index, source_node in tqdm(enumerate(source_nodes),
            if free_workers:
                worker = free_workers.pop(0)
                comm.send(source_node, dest=worker, tag=worker)

                # Wait until a worker finishes
                worker = comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=0, status=status)
                req = comm.isend(source_node, dest=worker, tag=worker)

        # Wait until all workers have finished their work
        while len(free_workers) < number_of_processes - 1:
            worker = comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=0, status=status)

        # After all source nodes are processed, notify workers that there's no more work.
        for worker in range(1, number_of_processes):
            code = -1
            comm.send(code, dest=worker, tag=worker)

    # Master (process_id == 0) receives partial results from other processes
    if process_id == 0 and number_of_processes > 1:
        # print(f'Results from master: {len(count_by_source)}')
            f'Waiting to receive partial results from {number_of_processes - 1} other processes.'
        status = MPI.Status()  # Get MPI status object

        for i in range(number_of_processes - 1):
            partial_results = comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE,
            source = status.Get_source()
            print(f'Received {len(partial_results)} from process {source}.')

        # Order results by source id. This is only to make validation easier
        # for source_node in source_nodes:
        #     results_by_source.append(recv_results[source_node])

    elif number_of_processes > 1:
        print(f'[{process_id}] Sending results to master.')
        results = [count_by_source, cycles_by_source]
        comm.send(results, dest=0, tag=process_id)

    if process_id == 0:
        for target_index, target_node in enumerate(target_nodes):
            # target_id = node2id[target_node]
            for source_node in source_nodes:
                if source_node not in count_by_source:
                relative_activation, relative_inhibition, paths_to_target = count_by_source[

                # number_of_cycles = 0
                # if source_node in cycles_by_source:
                #     if target_id in cycles_by_source[source_node]:
                #         number_of_cycles = cycles_by_source[source_node][target_id]

                if not paths_to_target:

                        # number_of_cycles=number_of_cycles,
    if not results_by_source:
            'There are no paths between the sources and any targets')

    return results_by_source, time_cache
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def reduceToPrevious(self, context, reducer, func, dataList, *args,
        """!Reduction where work goes to the same target as before

        Work is distributed so that each slave handles the same
        indices in the dataList as when 'map' was called.
        This allows the right data to go to the right cache.

        It is assumed that the dataList is the same length as when it was
        passed to 'map'.

        The 'func' signature should be func(cache, data, *args, **kwargs).

        The 'reducer' signature should be reducer(old, new). If the 'reducer'
        is None, then we will return the full list of results

        @param context: Namespace for cache
        @param reducer: function for master to run to reduce slave results; or None
        @param func: function for slaves to run; must be picklable
        @param dataList: List of data to distribute to slaves; must be picklable
        @param args: List of constant arguments
        @param kwargs: Dict of constant arguments
        @return reduced result (if reducer is non-None) or list of results
            from applying 'func' to dataList
        if context is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "context must be set to map to same nodes as previous context")
        tags = Tags("result", "work")
        num = len(dataList)
        if self.size == 1 or num <= 1:
            # Can do everything here
            return self._reduceQueue(context, reducer, func,
                                     list(zip(range(num), dataList)), *args,
        if self.size == num:
            # We're shooting ourselves in the foot using dynamic distribution
            return self.reduceNoBalance(context, reducer, func, dataList,
                                        *args, **kwargs)


        # Send function
        self.comm.broadcast((tags, func, args, kwargs, context),

        requestList = self.comm.gather(None, root=self.root)
        self.log("listen", requestList)
        initial = [
            dataList[index] if (index is not None and index >= 0) else None
            for index in requestList
        self.log("scatter jobs", initial)
        self.comm.scatter(initial, root=self.root)
        pending = min(num, self.size - 1)

        if reducer is None:
            output = [None] * num
            thread = ReductionThread(reducer)

        while pending > 0:
            status = mpi.Status()
            index, result, nextIndex = self.comm.recv(status=status,
            source = status.source
            self.log("gather from slave", source)
            if reducer is None:
                output[index] = result

            if nextIndex >= 0:
                job = dataList[nextIndex]
                self.log("send job to slave", source)
                self.comm.send(job, source, tag=tags.work)
                pending -= 1

            self.log("waiting on", pending)

        if reducer is not None:
            output = thread.join()

        return output
def boss():
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    status = MPI.Status()
    num_workers = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()

    # Collect information on available CFS forecasts
    # TODO: extend this for the full years
    begin_date = tools.string_to_date(str(config['historic_years_begin']) +
    end_date = tools.string_to_date(str(config['historic_years_end']) + '1231',

    # CFS has forecasts every 6 hours
    date_range_6h = pd.date_range(begin_date, end_date,

    cfs = cfs_tools.cfs_ftp_info()

    # Check which ones are available. After 2011 they are available every day,
    # every 6 hours. But reforecasts from 1982-2010 are only every 5th day
    date_range_6h = [d for d in date_range_6h if cfs.forecast_available(d)]

    # Each job consists of a file to download along with it's associated
    # initial time
    job_list = []
    for d in date_range_6h:
        download_url = cfs.forecast_url_from_timestamp(forecast_time=d,
        job_list.append({'download_url': download_url, 'forecast_date': d})


    num_jobs = len(job_list)

    #Dole out the first round of jobs to all workers
    for i in range(1, num_workers):
        job_info = job_list.pop()
        comm.send(obj=job_info, dest=i, tag=work_tag)

    #While there are new jobs to assign.
    #Collect results and assign new jobs as others are finished.
    results = []
    while len(job_list) > 0:
        next_job_info = job_list.pop()
        job_result = comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE,
        num_finished_jobs = len(results)
        print('completed: ' +str(num_finished_jobs)+'/'+str(num_jobs) +' , ' + \
              str(job_result['forecast_date']) + ' ' + str(job_result) + ' ' + \

        comm.send(obj=next_job_info, dest=status.Get_source(), tag=work_tag)

    #Collect last jobs
    for i in range(1, num_workers):
        job_result = comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG)

    #Shut down all workers
    for i in range(1, num_workers):
        comm.send(obj=None, dest=i, tag=stop_tag)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def reduce(self, context, reducer, func, dataList, *args, **kwargs):
        """!Scatter work to slaves and reduce the results

        Work is distributed dynamically, so that slaves that finish
        quickly will receive more work.

        Each slave applies the function to the data they're provided.
        The slaves may optionally be passed a cache instance, which
        they can use to store data for subsequent executions (to ensure
        subsequent data is distributed in the same pattern as before,
        use the 'mapToPrevious' method).  The cache also contains
        data that has been stored on the slaves.

        The 'func' signature should be func(cache, data, *args, **kwargs)
        if 'context' is non-None; otherwise func(data, *args, **kwargs).

        The 'reducer' signature should be reducer(old, new). If the 'reducer'
        is None, then we will return the full list of results

        @param context: Namespace for cache
        @param reducer: function for master to run to reduce slave results; or None
        @param func: function for slaves to run; must be picklable
        @param dataList: List of data to distribute to slaves; must be picklable
        @param args: List of constant arguments
        @param kwargs: Dict of constant arguments
        @return reduced result (if reducer is non-None) or list of results
            from applying 'func' to dataList
        tags = Tags("request", "work")
        num = len(dataList)
        if self.size == 1 or num <= 1:
            return self._reduceQueue(context, reducer, func,
                                     list(zip(list(range(num)), dataList)),
                                     *args, **kwargs)
        if self.size == num:
            # We're shooting ourselves in the foot using dynamic distribution
            return self.reduceNoBalance(context, reducer, func, dataList,
                                        *args, **kwargs)


        # Send function
        self.comm.broadcast((tags, func, reducer, args, kwargs, context),

        # Parcel out first set of data
        queue = list(zip(range(num), dataList))  # index, data
        output = [None] * num if reducer is None else None
        initial = [
            None if i == self.rank else queue.pop(0) if queue else NoOp()
            for i in range(self.size)
        pending = min(num, self.size - 1)
        self.log("scatter initial jobs")
        self.comm.scatter(initial, root=self.rank)

        while queue or pending > 0:
            status = mpi.Status()
            report = self.comm.recv(status=status,
            source = status.source
            self.log("gather from slave", source)
            if reducer is None:
                index, result = report
                output[index] = result

            if queue:
                job = queue.pop(0)
                self.log("send job to slave", job[0], source)
                job = NoOp()
                pending -= 1
            self.comm.send(job, source, tag=tags.work)

        if reducer is not None:
            results = self.comm.gather(None, root=self.root)
            output = None
            for rank in range(self.size):
                if rank == self.root:
                output = reducer(
                    results[rank]) if output is not None else results[rank]

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def reduceNoBalance(self, context, reducer, func, dataList, *args,
        """!Scatter work to slaves and reduce the results

        Work is distributed statically, so there is no load balancing.

        Each slave applies the function to the data they're provided.
        The slaves may optionally be passed a cache instance, which
        they can store data in for subsequent executions (to ensure
        subsequent data is distributed in the same pattern as before,
        use the 'mapToPrevious' method).  The cache also contains
        data that has been stored on the slaves.

        The 'func' signature should be func(cache, data, *args, **kwargs)
        if 'context' is true; otherwise func(data, *args, **kwargs).

        The 'reducer' signature should be reducer(old, new). If the 'reducer'
        is None, then we will return the full list of results

        @param context: Namespace for cache
        @param reducer: function for master to run to reduce slave results; or None
        @param func: function for slaves to run; must be picklable
        @param dataList: List of data to distribute to slaves; must be picklable
        @param args: List of constant arguments
        @param kwargs: Dict of constant arguments
        @return reduced result (if reducer is non-None) or list of results
            from applying 'func' to dataList
        tags = Tags("result", "work")
        num = len(dataList)
        if self.size == 1 or num <= 1:
            return self._reduceQueue(context, reducer, func,
                                     list(zip(range(num), dataList)), *args,


        # Send function
        self.comm.broadcast((tags, func, args, kwargs, context),

        # Divide up the jobs
        # Try to give root the least to do, so it also has time to manage
        queue = list(zip(range(num), dataList))  # index, data
        if num < self.size:
            distribution = [[queue[i]] for i in range(num)]
            distribution.insert(self.rank, [])
            for i in range(num, self.size - 1):
        elif num % self.size == 0:
            numEach = num // self.size
            distribution = [
                queue[i * numEach:(i + 1) * numEach] for i in range(self.size)
            numEach = num // self.size
            distribution = [
                queue[i * numEach:(i + 1) * numEach] for i in range(self.size)
            for i in range(numEach * self.size, num):
                distribution[(self.rank + 1) % self.size].append
            distribution = list([] for i in range(self.size))
            for i, job in enumerate(queue, self.rank + 1):
                distribution[i % self.size].append(job)

        # Distribute jobs
        for source in range(self.size):
            if source == self.rank:
            self.log("send jobs to ", source)
            self.comm.send(distribution[source], source, tag=tags.work)

        # Execute our own jobs
        output = [None] * num if reducer is None else None

        def ingestResults(output, nodeResults, distList):
            if reducer is None:
                for i, result in enumerate(nodeResults):
                    index = distList[i][0]
                    output[index] = result
                return output
            if output is None:
                output = nodeResults.pop(0)
            for result in nodeResults:
                output = reducer(output, result)
            return output

        ourResults = self._processQueue(context, func, distribution[self.rank],
                                        *args, **kwargs)
        output = ingestResults(output, ourResults, distribution[self.rank])

        # Collect results
        pending = self.size - 1
        while pending > 0:
            status = mpi.Status()
            slaveResults = self.comm.recv(status=status,
            source = status.source
            self.log("gather from slave", source)
            output = ingestResults(output, slaveResults, distribution[source])
            pending -= 1

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def backward_signal_kill(self, g, communicator, req_send_check, cur_step):
        mod_avail_index = len(self.full_modules) - 1
        channel_index = self._init_channel_index - 2
        mod_counters_ = [0] * len(self.full_modules)

        # should kill flag
        should_kill = False

        for i, output in reversed(list(enumerate(self.output))):
            ############################ killing process on workers #####################################
            for _ in range(100):
                status = MPI.Status()
                communicator.Iprobe(0, 77, status)
                if status.Get_source() == 0:
                    print("Worker {}, Cur Step: {} I'm the straggler, killing myself!".format(communicator.Get_rank(),
                    tmp = communicator.recv(source=0, tag=77)
                    should_kill = True
            if should_kill:
                channel_index = -5
            if i == (len(self.output) - 1):
                # for last node, use g
                # get gradient here after some sanity checks:
                tmp_grad = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].weight.grad
                if not pd.isnull(tmp_grad):
                    grads = tmp_grad.data.numpy().astype(np.float64)
                    req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88 + channel_index)
                    # update counters
                    mod_avail_index -= 1
                    channel_index -= 1
                if output.size() == self.input[i + 1].grad.size():
                    output.backward(self.input[i + 1].grad.data)
                    tmp_grad_output = self.input[i + 1].grad.view(output.size())

                # since in resnet we do not use bias weight for conv layer
                if pd.isnull(self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].bias):
                    tmp_grad_weight = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].weight.grad

                    if not pd.isnull(tmp_grad_weight):
                        grads = tmp_grad_weight.data.numpy().astype(np.float64)
                        req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88 + channel_index)
                        channel_index -= 1
                        mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] = 2
                        # update counters
                        mod_avail_index -= 1
                    tmp_grad_weight = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].weight.grad
                    tmp_grad_bias = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].bias.grad

                    if not pd.isnull(tmp_grad_weight) and not pd.isnull(tmp_grad_bias):
                        # we always send bias first
                        if mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] == 0:
                            grads = tmp_grad_bias.data.numpy().astype(np.float64)
                            req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88 + channel_index)
                            channel_index -= 1
                            mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] += 1
                        elif mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] == 1:
                            grads = tmp_grad_weight.data.numpy().astype(np.float64)
                            req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88 + channel_index)
                            channel_index -= 1
                            mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] += 1
                            # update counters
                            mod_avail_index -= 1
        # handle the remaining gradients here to send to parameter server
        while channel_index >= 0:
            if pd.isnull(self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].bias):
                tmp_grad_weight = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].weight.grad
                grads = tmp_grad_weight.data.numpy().astype(np.float64)
                req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88 + channel_index)
                channel_index -= 1
                mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] = 2
                # update counters
                mod_avail_index -= 1
                tmp_grad_weight = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].weight.grad
                tmp_grad_bias = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].bias.grad
                # we always send bias first
                if mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] == 0:
                    grads = tmp_grad_bias.data.numpy().astype(np.float64)
                    req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88 + channel_index)
                    channel_index -= 1
                    mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] += 1
                elif mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] == 1:
                    grads = tmp_grad_weight.data.numpy().astype(np.float64)
                    req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88 + channel_index)
                    channel_index -= 1
                    mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] += 1
                    # update counters
                    mod_avail_index -= 1
        if channel_index == -1:
            killed = False
        elif channel_index == -5:
            killed = True
        return req_send_check, killed
def controller(lower, upper):

    #Set up the basic MPI stuff
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    nproc = comm.Get_size()
    rank = comm.Get_rank()

    #Setup values for array of flags
    length = upper - lower
    flags = numpy.zeros(length)
    #Offset of last dispatched value
    current_val = 0

    #Number of in-flight work packets
    inflight = 0

    precheck_num = 0
    #How many primes to process
    precheck_to = 20

    #Arrays holding data per worker:
    #Value last sent to worker
    vals_in_use = numpy.zeros(nproc - 1)

    #Workers stats - how many processed in how long
    processed = numpy.zeros(nproc - 1)
    start_time = numpy.zeros(nproc - 1)
    cum_time = numpy.zeros(nproc - 1)
    end_time = numpy.zeros(nproc - 1)

    #Some things need to have the correct type BEFORE the MPI calls
    info = MPI.Status()
    request = MPI.Request()
    while True:

        #Use non-blocking commands although this variant could just as well use blocking
        #and not post the recieve until after it did the pre-check

        # Unlike normal MPI, irecv here takes a buffer size only and
        # the actual result is returned by the wait
        # First param is buffer size in bytes.
        request = comm.irecv(4, source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG)

        #Do some work before waiting
        if precheck_num < precheck_to:
            precheck_flags(lower, length, flags, precheck_num)
            precheck_num = precheck_num + 1

        result = request.wait(status=info)

        if info.tag > 0:
            # Capture stats
            end_time[info.source - 1] = time.time()
            cum_time[info.source - 1] = cum_time[info.source - 1] + (
                end_time[info.source - 1] - start_time[info.source - 1])
            processed[info.source - 1] = processed[info.source - 1] + 1
            offset = vals_in_use[info.source - 1] - lower
            #Store result
            #Cheat - if prime mark as 2, (True + 1), else as composite, 1 (False+1)
            flags[int(offset)] = result + 1
            inflight = inflight - 1

        if current_val < length:
            #If there is still work to do, reply with next package

            #Skip any values that have already been checked i.e. are 1 or 2
            #The precheck_flags routine may mark some things as composite
            while flags[current_val] != 0 and current_val < length:
                current_val = current_val + 1

            vals_in_use[info.source - 1] = lower + current_val
            #print("Dispatching ", lower+current_val)

            start_time[info.source - 1] = time.time()
            current_val = current_val + 1
            comm.send(vals_in_use[info.source - 1], dest=info.source, tag=1)
            inflight = inflight + 1
            #No more work, shut down the worker
            comm.send(1, dest=info.source, tag=0)

        if inflight == 0:
            #Nothing is in flight, all done

    #Summarize findings
    for i in range(0, nproc - 1):
        print("Worker ", i, " processed ", int(processed[i - 1]),
              " packets in ", cum_time[i - 1], "s")

    #Total the number of elements marked prime (==2) and divide by 2 to get number
    print("Found ", int(numpy.sum(flags[flags == 2]) / 2), " primes")
Ejemplo n.º 14
def run_mpi_alt_sim(args, inputfile, usernamespace, optparams=None):
    Alternate MPI implementation that avoids using the spawn mechanism.

    Run mixed mode MPI/OpenMP simulation - MPI task farm for models with
    each model parallelised using either OpenMP (CPU) or CUDA (GPU)

        args (dict): Namespace with command line arguments
        inputfile (object): File object for the input file.
        usernamespace (dict): Namespace that can be accessed by user in any
                Python code blocks in input file.
        optparams (dict): Optional argument. For Taguchi optimisation it
                provides the parameters to optimise and their values.

    from mpi4py import MPI

    # Define MPI message tags
    tags = Enum('tags', {'READY': 0, 'DONE': 1, 'EXIT': 2, 'START': 3})

    # Initializations and preliminaries
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    size = comm.Get_size()  # total number of processes
    rank = comm.Get_rank()  # rank of this process
    status = MPI.Status()  # get MPI status object
    hostname = MPI.Get_processor_name()  # get name of processor/host

    # Set range for number of models to run
    modelstart = args.restart if args.restart else 1
    modelend = modelstart + args.n
    numbermodelruns = args.n
    currentmodelrun = modelstart  # can use -task argument to start numbering from something other than 1
    numworkers = size - 1

    # Master process #
    if rank == 0:
        tsimstart = perf_counter()
        print('MPI master (rank {}, PID {}) on {} using {} workers\n'.format(
            rank, os.getpid(), hostname, numworkers))

        closedworkers = 0
        while closedworkers < numworkers:
            data = comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE,
            source = status.Get_source()
            tag = status.Get_tag()

            # Worker is ready, so send it a task
            if tag == tags.READY.value:
                if currentmodelrun < modelend:
                    currentmodelrun += 1
                    comm.send(None, dest=source, tag=tags.EXIT.value)

            # Worker has completed a task
            elif tag == tags.DONE.value:

            # Worker has completed all tasks
            elif tag == tags.EXIT.value:
                closedworkers += 1

        # Shutdown communicator

        tsimend = perf_counter()
        simcompletestr = '\n=== Simulation completed in [HH:MM:SS]: {}'.format(
            datetime.timedelta(seconds=tsimend - tsimstart))
        print('{} {}\n'.format(
            '=' * (get_terminal_width() - 1 - len(simcompletestr))))

    # Worker process #
        while True:
            comm.send(None, dest=0, tag=tags.READY.value)
            # Receive a model number to run from the master
            currentmodelrun = comm.recv(source=0,
            tag = status.Get_tag()

            # Run a model
            if tag == tags.START.value:

                # Get info and setup device ID for GPU(s)
                gpuinfo = ''
                if args.gpu is not None:
                    # Set device ID for multiple GPUs
                    if isinstance(args.gpu, list):
                        deviceID = (rank - 1) % len(args.gpu)
                        args.gpu = next(gpu for gpu in args.gpu
                                        if gpu.deviceID == deviceID)
                    gpuinfo = ' using {} - {}, {}'.format(
                        args.gpu.deviceID, args.gpu.name,

                # If Taguchi optimistaion, add specific value for each parameter
                # to optimise for each experiment to user accessible namespace
                if optparams:
                    tmp = {}
                    tmp.update((key, value[currentmodelrun - 1])
                               for key, value in optparams.items())
                    modelusernamespace = usernamespace.copy()
                    modelusernamespace.update({'optparams': tmp})
                    modelusernamespace = usernamespace

                # Run the model
                print('MPI worker (rank {}) starting model {}/{}{} on {}\n'.
                      format(rank, currentmodelrun, numbermodelruns, gpuinfo,
                run_model(args, currentmodelrun, modelend - 1, numbermodelruns,
                          inputfile, modelusernamespace)
                comm.send(None, dest=0, tag=tags.DONE.value)

            # Break out of loop when work receives exit message
            elif tag == tags.EXIT.value:

        comm.send(None, dest=0, tag=tags.EXIT.value)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def __MPI_MAIN__(parser):
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    stat = MPI.Status()
    nproc = comm.Get_size()
    # Parent processor
    if rank == 0:
        print('STARTING RANK 0')
        # Profile code execution.
        prog_start_time = time.time()

        parse_args = parser.parse_args()
        # Initialize parameter values
        inputs_cfg = parse_args.inputs_cfg

        # Construct list of calls to run from shell.
        hotpotato = set_defaults(read_config(inputs_cfg))

        # Create output directory if non-existent.
        if not os.path.isdir(hotpotato['OUTPUT_DIR']):
        # Load information on single pulse candidates.
        metadata, cand_DMs, cand_sigma, cand_dedisp_times, cand_dedisp_samples, cand_downfact, select_indices = filter_spcands(
        if len(select_indices) == 0:
                'No single pulse candidates fit the user-supplied selection criteria. Quitting program'

        # Read header of filterbank file.
        hdr = Header(hotpotato['DATA_DIR'] + '/' + hotpotato['fil_file'],
                     file_type='filterbank')  # Returns a Header object
        tot_time_samples = hdr.ntsamples  # Total no. of time samples in entire dynamic spectrum.
        t_samp = hdr.t_samp  # Sampling time (s)
        chan_bw = hdr.chan_bw  # Channel bandwidth (MHz)
        nchans = hdr.nchans  # No. of channels
        npol = hdr.npol  # No. of polarizations
        n_bytes = hdr.primary['nbits'] / 8.0  # No. of bytes per data sample
        hdr_size = hdr.primary['hdr_size']  # Header size (bytes)
        # Set up frequency array. Frequencies in GHz.
        freqs_GHz = (hdr.fch1 + np.arange(nchans) * chan_bw) * 1e-3

        # Flip frequency axis if chan_bw<0.
        if (chan_bw < 0):
            print('Channel bandwidth is negative.')
            freqs_GHz = np.flip(freqs_GHz)
            print('Frequencies rearranged in ascending order.')
        # Chop bandpass edges.
        hotpotato['ind_band_low'] = np.where(
            freqs_GHz >= hotpotato['freq_band_low'])[0][0]
        hotpotato['ind_band_high'] = np.where(
            freqs_GHz <= hotpotato['freq_band_high'])[0][-1] + 1
        # Clip bandpass edges.
        freqs_GHz = freqs_GHz[

        # Load median bandpass, if pre-computed.
        if hotpotato['bandpass_method'] == 'file':
            print('Loading median bandpass from %s' %
            hotpotato['median_bp'] = np.load(
                hotpotato['BANDPASS_DIR'] + '/' + hotpotato['bandpass_npz'],
                allow_pickle=True)['Median bandpass']
            hotpotato['median_bp'] = hotpotato['median_bp'][
            print('Median bandpass loaded.')
        elif hotpotato['bandpass_method'] not in ['file', 'compute']:
            print('Unrecognized bandpass computation method.')

        # Load rfifind mask.
        print('Reading rfifind mask: %s' % (hotpotato['rfimask']))
        nint, int_times, ptsperint, mask_zap_chans, mask_zap_ints, mask_zap_chans_per_int = read_rfimask(
            hotpotato['RFIMASK_DIR'] + '/' + hotpotato['rfimask'])
        mask_zap_chans, mask_zap_chans_per_int = modify_zapchans_bandpass(
            mask_zap_chans, mask_zap_chans_per_int, hotpotato['ind_band_low'],

        if nproc == 1:
            f = open(hotpotato['DATA_DIR'] + '/' + hotpotato['fil_file'], 'rb')
            for i in range(len(select_indices)):
                cand_index = select_indices[i]
                downfact = cand_downfact[cand_index]
                myexecute(cand_index, cand_DMs, cand_sigma, cand_dedisp_times,
                          downfact, metadata, int_times, mask_zap_chans,
                          mask_zap_chans_per_int, freqs_GHz, tot_time_samples,
                          t_samp, chan_bw, npol, nchans, n_bytes, hdr_size,
                          hotpotato, f, rank)
            # Distribute candidates evenly among child processors.
            indices_dist_list = np.array_split(select_indices, nproc - 1)

            # Send data to child processors.
            for indx in range(1, nproc):
                comm.send((indices_dist_list[indx - 1], cand_DMs, cand_sigma,
                           cand_dedisp_times, cand_downfact, metadata,
                           int_times, mask_zap_chans, mask_zap_chans_per_int,
                           freqs_GHz, tot_time_samples, t_samp, chan_bw, npol,
                           nchans, n_bytes, hdr_size, hotpotato),
            )  # Wait for all child processors to receive sent call.
            # Receive Data from child processors after execution.

        # Calculate total run time for the code.
        prog_end_time = time.time()
        run_time = (prog_end_time - prog_start_time) / 60.0
        print('Code run time = %.5f minutes' % (run_time))
        print('FINISHING RANK 0')
        # Recieve data from parent processor.
        indx_vals, cand_DMs, cand_sigma, cand_dedisp_times, cand_downfact, metadata, int_times, mask_zap_chans, mask_zap_chans_per_int, freqs_GHz, tot_time_samples, t_samp, chan_bw, npol, nchans, n_bytes, hdr_size, hotpotato = comm.recv(
            source=0, tag=rank)
        print('STARTING RANK: ', rank)
        f = open(hotpotato['DATA_DIR'] + '/' + hotpotato['fil_file'], 'rb')
        for i in range(len(indx_vals)):
            cand_index = indx_vals[i]
            downfact = cand_downfact[cand_index]
            myexecute(cand_index, cand_DMs, cand_sigma, cand_dedisp_times,
                      downfact, metadata, int_times, mask_zap_chans,
                      mask_zap_chans_per_int, freqs_GHz, tot_time_samples,
                      t_samp, chan_bw, npol, nchans, n_bytes, hdr_size,
                      hotpotato, f, rank)
        print('FINISHING RANK: ', rank)
Ejemplo n.º 16
if len(sys.argv)==1:
    print("tamanho do vetor")
if rank==0:
    for i in range(escravos):
        if (i==escravos-1):
    status=MPI.Status()#pega o tamanho do vetor
    tamsubvet=status.Get_elements(MPI.INT)##converte o numero de posicoes do vetor pra int
    print("[%d] recebeu:"%(rank),vet)   
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def _master_loop(self):
        log_debug(logger, "Master loop started")
        t_start = time.time()
        slices = numpy.zeros(self.comm.size, 'i')
        closed = numpy.zeros(self.comm.size, 'i')
        self._i = 0
        while True:

            # Transfer data and metadata for numpy arrays that do not need to be pickled
            t0 = time.time()
            status = MPI.Status()
            l = self.comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=0, status=status)
            source = status.Get_source()
            t1 = time.time()
            t_wait = t1 - t0
            if source == 0:
                logger.warning('Received write package from master process! Skipping writing.')

            if l == "close":
                closed[source] = 1
                if closed.sum() == self.comm.size-1:

                t0 = time.time()
                # Transfer data without pickling
                self._transfer_numpy_arrays(l, source=source)

                t1 = time.time()
                t_recv = t1 - t0

                if "write_slice" in l:
                    t0 = time.time()

                    # WRITE SLICE TO FILE
                    log_debug(logger, "Write slice to file")
                    self._write_slice_master(l["write_slice"], i=self._i)#slices[source]*(self.comm.size-1)+source-1)
                    self._i += 1
                    slices[source] += 1
                    # --
                    t1 = time.time()
                    t_write = t1 - t0

                    log_info(logger, "Writing rate %.1f Hz; slice %i (writing %.4f sec; waiting %.4f sec, receiving %.4f sec)" % (slices.sum()/(time.time()-t_start),self._i-1,t_write,t_wait,t_recv))

                if "write_solo" in l:

                    # WRITE SOLO TO FILE
                    log_debug(logger, "Write solo to file")
                    # --
        log_debug(logger, "Master writer is closing.")
        self._resize_stacks(self._i_max + 1)
        log_debug(logger, "File %s closed." % self._filename)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def _master(self):
        """Master node's operation.

        Assigning tasks to workers and collecting results from them


        results: list of tuple (voxel_id, accuracy)
            the accuracy numbers of all voxels, in accuracy descending order
            the length of array equals the number of voxels
        logger.info('Master at rank %d starts to allocate tasks',
        results = []
        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        size = comm.Get_size()
        sending_voxels = self.voxel_unit if self.voxel_unit < self.num_voxels \
            else self.num_voxels
        current_task = (0, sending_voxels)
        status = MPI.Status()
        # using_size is used when the number of tasks
        # is smaller than the number of workers
        using_size = size
        for i in range(0, size):
            if i == self.master_rank:
            if current_task[1] == 0:
                using_size = i
            logger.debug('master starts to send a task to worker %d' % i)
            comm.send(current_task, dest=i, tag=self._WORKTAG)
            next_start = current_task[0] + current_task[1]
            sending_voxels = self.voxel_unit \
                if self.voxel_unit < self.num_voxels - next_start \
                else self.num_voxels - next_start
            current_task = (next_start, sending_voxels)

        while using_size == size:
            if current_task[1] == 0:
            result = comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE,
            results += result
            next_start = current_task[0] + current_task[1]
            sending_voxels = self.voxel_unit \
                if self.voxel_unit < self.num_voxels - next_start \
                else self.num_voxels - next_start
            current_task = (next_start, sending_voxels)

        for i in range(0, using_size):
            if i == self.master_rank:
            result = comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG)
            results += result

        for i in range(0, size):
            if i == self.master_rank:
            comm.send(None, dest=i, tag=self._TERMINATETAG)

        return results
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def start(self):
        """ Start the Manager process.

        The worker loops on this:

        1. If the last message sent was older than heartbeat period we send a heartbeat

        TODO: Move task receiving to a thread

        logger.debug("Manager synced with workers")

        self._kill_event = threading.Event()
        self._task_puller_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.pull_tasks,
        self._result_pusher_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.push_results,

        start = None

        result_counter = 0
        task_recv_counter = 0
        task_sent_counter = 0

        logger.info("Loop start")
        while not self._kill_event.is_set():

            # In this block we attempt to probe MPI for a set amount of time,
            # and if we have exhausted all available MPI events, we move on
            # to the next block. The timer and counter trigger balance
            # fairness and responsiveness.
            timer = time.time() + 0.05
            counter = min(10, comm.size)
            while time.time() < timer:
                info = MPI.Status()

                if counter > 10:
                    logger.debug("Hit max mpi events per round")

                if not self.comm.Iprobe(status=info):
                    logger.debug("Timer expired, processed {} mpi events".format(counter))
                    tag = info.Get_tag()
                    logger.info("Message with tag {} received".format(tag))

                    counter += 1
                    if tag == RESULT_TAG:
                        result = self.recv_result_from_workers()
                        result_counter += 1

                    elif tag == TASK_REQUEST_TAG:
                        worker_rank = self.recv_task_request_from_workers()

                        logger.error("Unknown tag {} - ignoring this message and continuing".format(tag))

            available_worker_cnt = self.ready_worker_queue.qsize()
            available_task_cnt = self.pending_task_queue.qsize()
            logger.debug("[MAIN] Ready workers: {} Ready tasks: {}".format(available_worker_cnt,
            this_round = min(available_worker_cnt, available_task_cnt)
            for i in range(this_round):
                worker_rank = self.ready_worker_queue.get()
                task = self.pending_task_queue.get()
                comm.send(task, dest=worker_rank, tag=worker_rank)
                task_sent_counter += 1
                logger.debug("Assigning worker:{} task:{}".format(worker_rank, task['task_id']))

            if not start:
                start = time.time()

            logger.debug("Tasks recvd:{} Tasks dispatched:{} Results recvd:{}".format(
                task_recv_counter, task_sent_counter, result_counter))
            # print("[{}] Received: {}".format(self.identity, msg))
            # time.sleep(random.randint(4,10)/10)



        delta = time.time() - start
        logger.info("mpi_worker_pool ran for {} seconds".format(delta))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def proc_work(rank):
    status = MPI.Status()
    bcast_msg = None
    bcast_msg = MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(bcast_msg, root=RANK_COORD)    
    n_datasets = bcast_msg
    print "".join(["WORKER ", str(rank), ": Received broadcast msg"])
    base_start_yr = str(esd.cfg.start_date_baseline.year)
    base_end_yr = str(esd.cfg.end_date_baseline.year)
    train_start_yr = str(esd.cfg.start_date_train_downscale.year)
    train_end_yr = str(esd.cfg.end_date_train_downscale.year)
    ds_start_yr = str(esd.cfg.start_date_downscale.year)
    ds_end_yr = str(esd.cfg.end_date_downscale.year)

    downscale_wins =  [('1976','2005'), ('2006','2039'), ('2040','2069'), ('2070','2099')]
    fpath_tair_obsc = os.path.join(esd.cfg.path_aphrodite_resample,
    fpath_prcp_obsc = os.path.join(esd.cfg.path_aphrodite_resample,

    tair_d = TairDownscale(esd.cfg.fpath_aphrodite_tair, fpath_tair_obsc,
                           base_start_yr, base_end_yr,
                           train_start_yr, train_end_yr, downscale_wins)
    prcp_d = PrcpDownscale(esd.cfg.fpath_aphrodite_prcp, fpath_prcp_obsc,
                           base_start_yr, base_end_yr, train_start_yr, train_end_yr,
                           ds_start_yr, ds_end_yr)
    downscalers = {'tas': tair_d, 'pr': prcp_d}
    while 1:
        fpath_cmip5 = MPI.COMM_WORLD.recv(source=RANK_COORD,
                                          tag=MPI.ANY_TAG, status=status)

        if status.tag == TAG_STOPWORK:
            MPI.COMM_WORLD.send([None]*3, dest=RANK_WRITE, tag=TAG_STOPWORK)
            print "".join(["WORKER ", str(rank), ": Finished"]) 
            return 0
            print "WORKER %d: Processing %s..."%(rank, fpath_cmip5)
            ds = xr.open_dataset(fpath_cmip5, decode_cf=False)
            vname = ds.data_vars.keys()[0]
            ds = xr.decode_cf(ds)
            da = ds[vname].load()
            da_ds = downscalers[vname].downscale(da)
            # Add metadata and create dataset
            da_ds.attrs = da.attrs
            ds_out = da_ds.to_dataset(name=vname)
            ds_out.attrs = ds.attrs
            ds_out.attrs['comment'] = NC_COMMENT_ATTR

            subdir = os.path.split(os.path.split(fpath_cmip5)[0])[-1]
            fname = os.path.basename(fpath_cmip5)
            MPI.COMM_WORLD.send((subdir, fname, ds_out), dest=RANK_WRITE, tag=TAG_DOWORK)
            MPI.COMM_WORLD.send(rank, dest=RANK_COORD, tag=TAG_DOWORK)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def do_steps(self, n_steps, non_block=True, when_update=10):
        Steps through generations

        :param n_steps: number of generations through which to step
        :param non_block: boolean to determine blocking or non
        :param when_update: how often each rank updates in non blocking
        t_0 = time.time()
        if non_block:
            # totalAge to hold rank:age, averageAge and target_age to
            # hold when to stop, when_update for when to send/receive data
            total_age = {}
            average_age = self.age
            target_age = self.age + n_steps
            while average_age < target_age:
                if self.isle.solution_island.age % when_update == 0:
                    if self.comm_rank == 0:
                        # update the age in totalAge for self
                        # while there is data from any rank, receive until
                        # last, and add the data to totalAge
                        # TODO (gbomarito) could get flooded and never exit loop
                        status = MPI.Status()
                        while self.comm.iprobe(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=2,
                            data = self.comm.recv(source=status.Get_source(),
                        average_age = (sum(total_age.values())) / self.comm.size
                        # send average to all other ranks if time to stop
                        if average_age >= n_steps:
                            scount = 1
                            while scount < self.comm_size:
                                self.comm.send(average_age, dest=scount, tag=0)
                                scount += 1
                    # for every other rank, store rank:age, and send it off to 0
                        data = {self.comm_rank:self.isle.solution_island.age}
                        req = self.comm.isend(data, dest=0, tag=2)
                # if there is a message from 0 to stop, update averageAge
                if self.comm_rank != 0:
                    if self.comm.iprobe(source=0, tag=0):
                        average_age = self.comm.recv(source=0, tag=0)
                # print_pareto(isle.solution_island.pareto_front, "front.png")
            for _ in range(n_steps):
        t_1 = time.time()
        LOGGER.info("%2d >\tage: %d\ttime: %.1fs\tbest fitness: %s",
                    t_1 - t_0,

        if non_block:
            # perform message cleanup before moving on
            if self.comm_rank == 0:
                status = MPI.Status()
                while self.comm.iprobe(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=2,
                    data = self.comm.recv(source=status.Get_source(), tag=2)

        if np.isnan(self.isle.solution_island.pareto_front[0].fitness[0]):
            for i in self.isle.solution_island.pop:
            for indv in self.isle.solution_island.pareto_front:
                LOGGER.error("pareto > %s  %s",
                             str(indv.fitness), indv.latexstring())
        self.age += n_steps
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def setUp(self):
     self.REQUESTS = [MPI.Request() for i in range(5)]
     self.STATUSES = [MPI.Status() for i in range(5)]
Ejemplo n.º 23
def hashCheck(granule_list):

    # Now for the fun part. All of our files have been supposedly downloaded by Globus. We need to hash them
    # and compare them with the saved hash files. Split the files evenly amongst all the MPI ranks.
    # We use mpi_size - 1 because the master rank is not considered a slave.
    logger.info("Submitting the files for hashing.")
    hashing = []  # List of lines currently being hashed
    succeedHash = []  # List of lines that passed the hash check
    failedHash = []  # List of lines that failed the hash check

    numFiles = len(granule_list)

    # Make a copy of granule_list. We want to delete elements in the list as they're successfully processed.
    newGranuleList = granule_list[:]
    num_orig = len(newGranuleList)

    # We will send the files to the slaves one-by-one. We define some global tags for the master-slave communication
    # so that they can effectively converse with each other.
    while len(newGranuleList) > 0 or len(hashing) > 0:

        # Check for slaves that want a job
        stat = MPI.Status()  # Class that keeps track of MPI information

        # No more jobs to send. Only accept hash messages
        if len(newGranuleList) == 0:
            mpi_comm.probe(tag=MPI_SLAVE_HASH_COMPLETE, status=stat)

        # Else, accept messages from any tag

        # A slave wants a job and we have more jobs to send.
        if stat.Get_tag() == MPI_SLAVE_IDLE:
            granule = newGranuleList.pop()

            # Grab the orbit from the transferLine for logging purposes

            logger.debug("Sending slave {} hash job: {}.".format(
                stat.source, granule.orbit))

            # There have been issues with this script causing network congestion. NCSA suspects it is
            # the hashing that does it. If global variable is set to true
            if STAGGER_HASH_JOBS:

            mpi_comm.recv(source=stat.source, tag=MPI_SLAVE_IDLE)
            mpi_comm.send((mpi_rank_hash, granule), dest=stat.source)
            # Save this line in the hashing dict to keep track of what is currently being hashed

        # Slave has finished hashing a file. Check its status.
        elif stat.Get_tag() == MPI_SLAVE_HASH_COMPLETE:

            # worker will send back the granule it was given
            recvGranule = mpi_comm.recv(source=stat.source, tag=stat.Get_tag())

            if recvGranule.hash_status == MPI_SLAVE_HASH_FAIL:

                # Remove this line from the hashing list
                found_elem = 0
                for i in hashing:
                    if i.orbit == recvGranule.orbit:
                        found_elem = 1
                if found_elem == 0:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Failed to find proper element to remove in list.")

                # Append to the list of failed hashes

            elif recvGranule.hash_status == MPI_SLAVE_HASH_SUCCEED:
                # Remove this line from the hashing list
                found_elem = 0
                for i in hashing:
                    if i.orbit == recvGranule.orbit:
                        found_elem = 1
                if found_elem == 0:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Failed to find proper element to remove in list.")

                # Append to the list of successful hashes
                raise ValueError(
                    "Slave gave invalid number {} for hash status.".format(

    logger.info("{} hashes failed, {} hashes successful.".format(
        len(failedHash), len(succeedHash)))

    # Do a sanity check to make sure no files were lost in this process
    if num_orig != len(failedHash) + len(succeedHash):
        errMsg = "num_orig ({}) does not equal failed + succeed ({}) hashes!".format(
            len(failedHash) + len(succeedHash))
        raise ValueError(errMsg)

    return failedHash
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def setUp(self):
     self.REQUEST = MPI.Request()
     self.STATUS = MPI.Status()
Ejemplo n.º 25
def masterTask(Dataset, world):
    """ Define a Send Recv Send procedure on the master """

    from mpi4py import MPI
    from geobipy.src.base import MPI as myMPI

    # Set the total number of data points
    nPoints = Dataset.nPoints

    nFinished = 0
    nSent = 0
    #   continueRunning = np.empty(1, dtype=np.int32)
    #   rankRecv = np.zeros(3, dtype = np.float64)

    # Send out the first indices to the workers
    for iWorker in range(1, world.size):
        # Get a datapoint from the file.
        DataPoint = Dataset._readSingleDatapoint()

        # If DataPoint is None, then we reached the end of the file and no more points can be read in.
        if DataPoint is None:
            # Send the kill switch to the worker to shut down.
            # continueRunning[0] = 0 # Do not continue running
            continueRunning = False
            world.send(continueRunning, dest=iWorker)
            # continueRunning[0] = 1 # Yes, continue with the next point.
            continueRunning = True
            world.send(continueRunning, dest=iWorker)
            DataPoint.Isend(dest=iWorker, world=world)

        nSent += 1

    # Start a timer
    t0 = MPI.Wtime()

    myMPI.print("Initial data points sent. Master is now waiting for requests")

    # Now wait to send indices out to the workers as they finish until the entire data set is finished
    while nFinished < nPoints:
        # Wait for a worker to request the next data point
        status = MPI.Status()
        dummy = world.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE,
        requestingRank = status.Get_source()
        # requestingRank = np.int(rankRecv[0])
        # dataPointProcessed = rankRecv[1]

        nFinished += 1

        # Read the next data point from the file
        DataPoint = Dataset._readSingleDatapoint()

        # If DataPoint is None, then we reached the end of the file and no more points can be read in.
        if DataPoint is None:
            # Send the kill switch to the worker to shut down.
            # continueRunning[0] = 0 # Do not continue running
            continueRunning = False
            world.send(continueRunning, dest=requestingRank)
            # continueRunning[0] = 1 # Yes, continue with the next point.
            continueRunning = True
            world.send(continueRunning, dest=requestingRank)

        report = (nFinished % (world.size - 1)) == 0 or nFinished == nPoints

        if report:
            e = MPI.Wtime() - t0
            elapsed = str(timedelta(seconds=e))
            eta = str(timedelta(seconds=(nPoints / nFinished - 1) * e))
                "Remaining Points {}/{} || Elapsed Time: {} h:m:s || ETA {} h:m:s"
                .format(nPoints - nFinished, nPoints, elapsed, eta))
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def map(self, function, tasks, ntask=None, callback=None):
        Like the built-in :func:`map` function, apply a function to all
        of the values in a list and return the list of results.


        function : callable
            The function to apply to each element in the list.

        tasks :
            A list of tasks -- each element is passed to the input

        callback : callable (optional)
            A callback function to call on each result.

        from mpi4py import MPI

        if ntask is None:
            ntask = len(tasks)

        # If not the master just wait for instructions.
        if not self.is_master():

        if function is not self.function:
            if self.debug:
                print(f"Master replacing pool function with {function}.")

            self.function = function
            F = _function_wrapper(function)

            # Tell all the workers what function to use.
            requests = []
            for i in range(self.size):
                r = self.comm.isend(F, dest=i + 1)

            # Wait until all of the workers have responded. See:
            #       https://gist.github.com/4176241

        if (not self.loadbalance) or (ntask <= self.size):
            # Do not perform load-balancing - the default load-balancing
            # scheme emcee uses.

            # Send all the tasks off and wait for them to be received.
            # Again, see the bug in the above gist.
            requests = []
            for i, task in enumerate(tasks):
                worker = i % self.size + 1
                if self.debug:
                    print(f"Sent task {task} to worker {worker} with tag {i}.")
                r = self.comm.isend(task, dest=worker, tag=i)


            # Now wait for the answers.
            results = []
            for i in range(ntask):
                worker = i % self.size + 1
                if self.debug:
                    print(f"Master waiting for worker {worker} with tag {i}")
                result = self.comm.recv(source=worker, tag=i)

                if callback is not None:


            return results

            # Perform load-balancing. The order of the results are likely to
            # be different from the previous case.
            for i, task in enumerate(tasks[0:self.size]):
                worker = i + 1
                if self.debug:
                    print(f"Sent task {task} to worker {worker} with tag {i}.")
                # Send out the tasks asynchronously.
                self.comm.isend(task, dest=worker, tag=i)

            ntasks_dispatched = self.size
            results = [None] * ntask
            for itask in range(ntask):
                status = MPI.Status()
                # Receive input from workers.
                result = self.comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE,
                worker = status.source
                i = status.tag

                if callback is not None:

                results[i] = result
                if self.debug:
                    print(f"Master received from worker {worker} with tag {i}")

                # Now send the next task to this idle worker (if there are any
                # left).
                if ntasks_dispatched < ntask:
                    task = tasks[ntasks_dispatched]
                    i = ntasks_dispatched
                    if self.debug:
                            f"Sent task {task} to worker {worker} with tag {i}."
                    # Send out the tasks asynchronously.
                    self.comm.isend(task, dest=worker, tag=i)
                    ntasks_dispatched += 1

            return results
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def start_runs(self, execute_program_rule, n_procs, *args, **kwargs):

        if self.use_mpi:

            if self.get_rank(self.use_mpi) == 0:

                master_thread = MasterSlaveThread(self, execute_program_rule,
                                                  self.get_parameters(), *args,

                #seed slaves
                for proc in range(1, comm.size):
                    comm.send(self.get_parameters(), dest=proc, tag=proc)


                nodes_done = 0

                status = MPI.Status()
                while nodes_done != comm.size - 1:
                    success = comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE,

                    if success == self.node_finished:
                        nodes_done += 1
                    elif success != self.job_success:
                        self.stop(status.Get_source(), success)



                parameters = comm.recv(source=0, tag=comm.rank)

                while parameters is not None:
                    success = self.run_parameters(execute_program_rule,
                                                  parameters, comm.rank, *args,

                    comm.send(success, dest=0, tag=comm.rank)

                    parameters = comm.recv(source=0, tag=comm.rank)

                comm.send(self.node_finished, dest=0, tag=comm.rank)



            self.all_threads = []
            self.stopped = False

            for proc in range(n_procs):


                thread = Worker(self, execute_program_rule, proc, *args,


            for thread in self.all_threads:

            for thread in self.all_threads:
Ejemplo n.º 28
def enum(*sequential, **named):
    """Handy way to fake an enumerated type in Python
    enums = dict(zip(sequential, range(len(sequential))), **named)
    return type('Enum', (), enums)

# Define MPI message tags
tags = enum('READY', 'DONE', 'EXIT', 'START')

# Initializations and preliminaries
comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD  # get MPI communicator object
size = comm.size  # total number of processes
rank = comm.rank  # rank of this process
status = MPI.Status()  # get MPI status object

if rank == 0:
    # Master process executes code below
    tasks = range(2 * size)
    task_index = 0
    num_workers = size - 1
    closed_workers = 0
    print("Master starting with %d workers" % num_workers)
    while closed_workers < num_workers:
        data = comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG, status=status)
        source = status.Get_source()
        tag = status.Get_tag()
        if tag == tags.READY:
            # Worker is ready, so send it a task
            if task_index < len(tasks):
Ejemplo n.º 29
def alpso(dimensions, constraints, neqcons, xtype, x0, xmin, xmax, swarmsize,
          nhn, nhm, maxOutIter, maxInnIter, minInnIter, stopCriteria,
          stopIters, etol, itol, rtol, atol, dtol, prtOutIter, prtInnIter, r0,
          vinit, vmax, c1, c2, w1, w2, ns, nf, vcrazy, fileout, filename,
          logfile, hstfile, rseed, scale, nhs, objfunc):
    """Python Version of the Augmented Lagrangian Particle Swarm Optimizer
    Documentation last updated:  April. 29, 2008 - Ruben E. Perez


    # MPI Setup
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    nproc = comm.Get_size()
    myrank = comm.Get_rank()
    status = MPI.Status()
    if mpi4py.__version__[0] == '0':
        Barrier = comm.Barrier
        Send = comm.Send
        Recv = comm.Recv
        Bcast = comm.Bcast
    # elif mpi4py.__version__[0] == '1':
    else:  # version can be 1, 2, 3 .... or more
        Barrier = comm.barrier
        Send = comm.send
        Recv = comm.recv
        Bcast = comm.bcast

    master = 0
    slave_sent_tag = 1
    master_sent_tag = 2
    break_tag = 3

    if myrank != master:
        prtOutIter = 0
        prtInnIter = 0
        fileout = 0

    if x0 != []:
        if isinstance(x0, list):
            x0 = numpy.array(x0)
        elif not isinstance(x0, numpy.ndarray):
            if myrank == master:
                print("Warning: Initial x must be either list or numpy.array, "
                      "all initial positions randomly generated")

    if hstfile is not None:
        h_start = True
        h_start = False

    if logfile is not None:
        sto_hst = True
        sto_hst = False

    h_start = Bcast(h_start, root=0)

    # Set random number seed
    rand = random.Random()
    if rseed == {}:
        rseed = time.time()

    rseed = Bcast(rseed, root=0)

    if filename == '':
        filename = 'ALPSO.out'

    ofname = ''
    sfname = ''
    fntmp = filename.split('.')
    if len(fntmp) == 1:
        ofname += fntmp[0] + '_print.out'
        sfname += fntmp[0] + '_summary.out'
        if '/' not in fntmp[-1] and '\\' not in fntmp[-1]:
            ofname += filename[:filename.rfind('.')] + '_print.' + fntmp[-1]
            sfname += filename[:filename.rfind('.')] + '_summary.' + fntmp[-1]
            ofname += filename + '_print.out'
            sfname += filename + '_summary.out'

    header = ''
    header += ' ' * 37 + '======================\n'
    header += ' ' * 39 + ' ALPSO 1.1 (DPM)\n'
    header += ' ' * 37 + '======================\n\n'
    header += 'Parameters:\n'
    header += '-' * 97 + '\n'
    if maxInnIter != minInnIter:
        diI = 1
        diI = 0

    if x0 != []:
        if len(x0.shape) == 1:
            nxi = 1
            nxi = x0.shape[0]

        nxi = 0

    header += 'Swarmsize           :%9d' % swarmsize + \
              '    MaxOuterIters     :%9d' % maxOutIter + \
              '    Seed:%26.8f\n' % rseed
    header += 'Cognitive Parameter :%9.3f' % c1 + \
              '    MaxInnerIters     :%9d' % maxInnIter + \
              '    Scaling            :%11d\n' % scale
    header += 'Social Parameter    :%9.3f' % c2 + \
              '    MinInnerIters     :%9d' % minInnIter + \
              '    Stopping Criteria  :%11d\n' % stopCriteria
    header += 'Initial Weight      :%9.3f' % w1 + \
              '    DynInnerIters     :%9d' % diI + \
              '    Number of Failures :%11d\n' % ns
    header += 'Final Weight        :%9.3f' % w2 + \
              '    StoppingIters     :%9d' % stopIters + \
              '    Number of Successes:%11d\n\n' % nf

    header += 'Absolute Tolerance  : %1.2e' % atol + \
              '    Number Initial Pos:%9d' % nxi + \
              '    Neighbourhood Model:%11s\n' % nhm
    header += 'Relative Tolerance  : %1.2e' % rtol + \
              '    Initial Velocity  :%9d' % vinit + \
              '    Neighbourhood Size :%11d\n' % nhn
    header += 'Inequality Tolerance: %1.2e' % itol + \
              '    Maximum Velocity  :%9d' % vmax + \
              '    Selfless           :%11d\n' % nhs
    header += 'Equality Tolerance  : %1.2e' % etol + \
              '    Craziness Velocity: %1.2e' % vcrazy + \
              '    Fileout            :%11d\n' % fileout
    header += 'Global Distance     : %1.2e' % dtol + \
              '    Initial Penalty   :%9.2f' % r0 + \
              '    File Name          :%11s\n' % filename
    header += '-' * 97 + '\n\n'

    if (fileout == 1) or (fileout == 3):
        if os.path.isfile(ofname):

        ofile = open(ofname, 'w')

    if (fileout == 2) or (fileout == 3):
        if os.path.isfile(sfname):

        sfile = open(sfname, 'w')

    dt = 1.0
    vlimit = vmax
    vmax = numpy.ones(dimensions, float) * vmax
    if scale == 1:
        space_centre = numpy.zeros(dimensions, float)
        space_halflen = numpy.zeros(dimensions, float)
        for j in range(dimensions):
            space_centre[j] = (xmin[j] + xmax[j]) / 2.0
            space_halflen[j] = ((xmax[j] - xmin[j]) / 2.0)

        xmin = -numpy.ones(dimensions, float)
        xmax = numpy.ones(dimensions, float)
        for j in range(dimensions):
            vmax[j] = ((xmax[j] - xmin[j]) / 2.0) * vlimit

    # Initialize the positions and velocities for entire population
    x_k = numpy.zeros((swarmsize, dimensions), float)
    v_k = numpy.zeros((swarmsize, dimensions), float)
    discrete_i = []
    for i in range(swarmsize):
        for j in range(dimensions):
            x_k[i, j] = xmin[j] + rand.random() * (xmax[j] - xmin[j])
            if xtype[j] == 1:

            v_k[i, j] = (xmin[j] + rand.random() * (xmax[j] - xmin[j])) / dt

    if x0 != []:
        if len(x0.shape) == 1:
            if scale == 1:
                x_k[0, :] = (x0[:] - space_centre) / space_halflen
                x_k[0, :] = x0[:]

            if x0.shape[0] > swarmsize:
                if myrank == master:
                    print('Warning: %d initial positions specified '
                          'for %d particles, last %d positions ignored' %
                          (x0.shape[0], swarmsize, x0.shape[0] - swarmsize))

                x0 = x0[0:swarmsize, :]

            for i in range(x0.shape[0]):
                if scale == 1:
                    x_k[i, :] = (x0[i, :] - space_centre) / space_halflen
                    x_k[i, :] = x0[i, :]

    # Initialize Augmented Lagrange
    f = numpy.zeros(swarmsize, float)
    L = numpy.zeros(swarmsize, float)
    g = numpy.zeros([swarmsize, constraints], float)
    g_old = numpy.zeros([swarmsize, constraints], float)
    rp = numpy.ones(constraints, float) * r0
    lambda_val = numpy.zeros(constraints, float)
    lambda_old = numpy.zeros(constraints, float)
    tau = numpy.zeros([swarmsize, constraints], float)
    tau_new = numpy.zeros(constraints, float)
    tau_old = numpy.zeros(constraints, float)
    nfevals = 0
    if h_start:
        if myrank == master:
            [vals, hist_end] = hstfile.read([], ident=['obj', 'con'])
            if not hist_end:
                f = vals['obj'][0]
                g = vals['con'][0].reshape(g.shape)
                h_start = False

        h_start = Bcast(h_start, root=0)

    if not h_start:
        ## MPI Objective Function Evaluation
        if myrank == master:

            # Send first round of particles
            p_ind = 0
            for proc in range(1, nproc):
                if scale == 1:
                    xtmp = (x_k[p_ind, :] * space_halflen) + space_centre
                    xtmp = x_k[p_ind, :]

                for m in discrete_i:
                    xtmp[m] = floor(xtmp[m] + 0.5)

                sendbuf = [p_ind, xtmp]
                Send(sendbuf, proc, master_sent_tag)
                p_ind += 1

            p_ind -= 1
            # Master loop
            master_stop_flag = False
            while not master_stop_flag:
                recvbuf = Recv(None, MPI.ANY_SOURCE, slave_sent_tag, status)
                if status.tag is slave_sent_tag:
                    f[recvbuf[0]] = recvbuf[1]
                    g[recvbuf[0], :] = recvbuf[2][:]

                    if p_ind == (swarmsize + nproc - 3):
                        master_stop_flag = True

                    # Increment the particle index
                    p_ind += 1

                    # Send next particle
                    if p_ind < swarmsize:
                        if scale == 1:
                            xtmp = (x_k[p_ind, :] *
                                    space_halflen) + space_centre
                            xtmp = x_k[p_ind, :]

                        sendbuf = [p_ind, xtmp]
                        Send(sendbuf, status.source, master_sent_tag)

            # Send break command
            for proc in range(1, nproc):
                Send([-1], proc, break_tag)

            # Slave Evaluation Loop
            while 1:
                recvbuf = Recv(None, master, MPI.ANY_TAG, status)

                if status.tag == break_tag:
                elif status.tag == master_sent_tag:
                    [ff, gg] = objfunc(recvbuf[1])
                    # Send Results to Master
                    sendbuf = [recvbuf[0], ff, gg]
                    Send(sendbuf, master, slave_sent_tag)

        nfevals += swarmsize

    for i in range(swarmsize):
        # Augmented Lagrangian Value
        L[i] = f[i]
        if constraints > 0:

            # Equality Constraints
            for l in range(neqcons):
                tau[i, l] = g[i, l]

            # Inequality Constraints
            for l in range(neqcons, constraints):
                if rp[l] != 0:
                    if g[i, l] > -lambda_val[l] / (2 * rp[l]):
                        tau[i, l] = g[i, l]
                        tau[i, l] = -lambda_val[l] / (2 * rp[l])
                    tau[i, l] = g[i, l]

            for l in range(constraints):
                L[i] += lambda_val[l] * tau[i, l] + rp[l] * tau[i, l]**2

    # Initialize Particles Best
    best_x = numpy.zeros((swarmsize, dimensions))
    best_L = numpy.zeros(swarmsize, float)
    best_f = numpy.zeros(swarmsize, float)
    best_g = numpy.zeros([swarmsize, constraints], float)
    for i in range(swarmsize):
        for j in range(dimensions):
            best_x[i, j] = x_k[i, j]

        best_L[i] = L[i]
        best_f[i] = f[i]
        for l in range(constraints):
            best_g[i, l] = g[i, l]

    # Initialize Swarm Best
    swarm_i = L.argmin()
    swarm_i_old = 0
    swarm_x = numpy.zeros(dimensions, float)
    for j in range(dimensions):
        swarm_x[j] = x_k[swarm_i, j]

    swarm_L = L[swarm_i]
    swarm_L_old = L[0]
    swarm_f = f[swarm_i]
    swarm_f_old = f[0]
    swarm_g = numpy.zeros(constraints, float)
    swarm_g_old = numpy.zeros(constraints, float)
    for l in range(constraints):
        swarm_g[l] = g[swarm_i, l]
        swarm_g_old[l] = g[0, l]

    # Initialize Neighbourhood
    if (nhm == 'dlring') or (nhm == 'slring') or (nhm == 'wheel') or (
            nhm == 'spatial') or (nhm == 'sfrac'):

        nhps = []
        nhbest_L = numpy.ones(swarmsize) * inf
        nhbest_f = numpy.zeros(swarmsize)
        nhbest_x = numpy.zeros((swarmsize, dimensions))
        nhbest_i = numpy.zeros(swarmsize)

        if nhm == 'dlring':
            for i in range(swarmsize):
                if nhs == 0:

                for nb in range(1, (nhn / 2) + 1):
                    if i + nb >= swarmsize:
                        nhps[i].append(-1 + nb)
                        nhps[i].append(i + nb)

                    if i - nb < 0:
                        nhps[i].append(swarmsize + i - nb)
                        nhps[i].append(i - nb)

        elif nhm == 'slring':
            for i in range(swarmsize):
                if nhs == 0:

                for nb in range(1, (nhn / 2) + 1):
                    if i + nb >= swarmsize:
                        nhps[i].append(-1 + nb)
                        nhps[i].append(i + nb)

                    if i - (nb * 2) < 0:
                        nhps[i].append(swarmsize + i - (nb * 2))
                        nhps[i].append(i - (nb * 2))

        elif nhm == 'wheel':
            for i in range(1, swarmsize):

        elif nhm == 'spatial':
            pdist = numpy.ones((swarmsize, swarmsize)) * inf
            for i in range(swarmsize):
                for i2 in range(i + 1, swarmsize):
                    pdist[i, i2] = numpy.linalg.norm(x_k[i2, :] - x_k[i, :])

                for i2 in range(i):
                    pdist[i, i2] = pdist[i2, i]

            for i in range(swarmsize):
                for nb in range(nhn):
                    nhps[i].append(pdist[i, :].argmin())
                    pdist[i, nhps[i][nb]] = inf

                if nhs == 0:

        elif nhm == 'sfrac':
            pdist = numpy.zeros((swarmsize, swarmsize))
            d_max = numpy.zeros(swarmsize)
            frac = 0.6
            for i in range(swarmsize):
                for i2 in range(i + 1, swarmsize):
                    pdist[i, i2] = numpy.linalg.norm(x_k[i2, :] - x_k[i, :])

                for i2 in range(i):
                    pdist[i, i2] = pdist[i2, i]

            for i in range(swarmsize):
                d_max[i] = pdist[i, :].max()
                for i2 in range(swarmsize):
                    if i == i2:
                        if nhs == 1:

                        if (pdist[i, i2] / d_max[i] < frac):

        # Initialize Neighbourhood Best
        for i in range(swarmsize):
            for nbp in nhps[i]:
                if (L[nbp] < nhbest_L[i]):
                    nhbest_L[i] = L[nbp]
                    nhbest_f[i] = f[nbp]
                    nhbest_x[i, :] = x_k[nbp, :]
                    nhbest_i[i] = nbp

    # Initialize stopping criteria distances
    global_dist = 0
    for i in range(swarmsize):
        dist = 0
        for j in range(dimensions):
            dist += (x_k[i, j] - swarm_x[j])**2

        global_dist += dist**0.5

    # relative extent of the swarm
    global_distance_reference = global_dist / swarmsize

    global_distance = numpy.zeros(stopIters, float)
    global_L = numpy.zeros(stopIters, float)
    for k in range(stopIters):
        global_distance[k] = global_distance_reference
        global_L[k] = swarm_L

    # Store History
    if sto_hst:
        logfile.write(rseed, 'seed')
        if scale == 1:
            x_uns = numpy.zeros(x_k.shape)
            for i in range(swarmsize):
                x_uns[i, :] = (x_k[i, :] * space_halflen) + space_centre

            x_uns = x_k

        if discrete_i != []:
            for i in range(swarmsize):
                for m in discrete_i:
                    x_uns[i, m] = floor(x_uns[i, m] + 0.5)

        logfile.write(x_uns, 'x')
        logfile.write(f, 'obj')
        logfile.write(g, 'con')
        logfile.write(swarm_x, 'gbest_x')
        logfile.write(swarm_f, 'gbest_f')
        logfile.write(swarm_g, 'gbest_g')

    # Output to Summary File
    if (fileout == 2) or (fileout == 3):
        stext = ''
        stext += 'Global Best Particle:\n'
        stext += '-' * 94 + '\n'
        stext += '    Major   Minor   nFCon   Violation(L2)     Objective   Lagrangian   Rel Lagrangian   Global Dist\n'
        stext += '-' * 94 + '\n'

    # Outer optimization loop
    k_out = 0
    stop_main_flag = 0
    no_successes = 0
    no_failures = 0
    rho = 1.0
    vcr = 0.0
    while (k_out < maxOutIter) and (stop_main_flag == 0):

        k_out += 1

        # Update g_old Major Iteration
        for i in range(swarmsize):
            g_old[i, :] = g[i, :]

        # Inner optimization loop -
        # core ALPSO algorithm applied to the lagrangian function
        k_inn = 0
        stop_inner = 0
        while (k_inn < maxInnIter) and (stop_inner == 0):
            k_inn += 1

            # calculating new search radius for the best particle
            # ("Guaranteed Convergence" method)
            if (swarm_i == swarm_i_old) and (swarm_L >= swarm_L_old):
                no_failures += 1
                no_successes = 0
            elif (swarm_i == swarm_i_old) and (swarm_L < swarm_L_old):
                no_successes += 1
                no_failures = 0
                no_successes = 0
                no_failures = 0

            if no_successes > ns:
                rho *= 2.0
                no_successes = 0
            elif no_failures > nf:
                rho *= 0.5
                no_failures = 0

            if rho < 10e-5:
                rho = 10e-5
            elif rho > 1.0:
                rho = 1.0

            # memorization for next outer iteration
            if k_inn == 1:
                swarm_i_old = swarm_i
                swarm_L_old = swarm_L
                swarm_f_old = swarm_f
                swarm_g_old[:] = swarm_g[:]

            # stopping criteria distances
            global_dist = 0
            for i in range(swarmsize):
                dist = 0
                for j in range(dimensions):
                    dist += (x_k[i, j] - swarm_x[j])**2

                global_dist += (dist)**0.5

                0] = global_dist / swarmsize  # relative extent of the swarm

            # Update inertia weight
            w = w2 + (
                (w2 - w1) / global_distance_reference) * global_distance[1]
            if w > w1:
                w = w1
            elif w < w2:
                w = w2

            # Swarm Update
            for i in range(swarmsize):
                # Update velocity vector
                if (nhm == 'dlring') or (nhm == 'slring') or \
                        (nhm == 'wheel') or (nhm == 'spatial') or \
                        (nhm == 'sfrac'):
                    lbest_x = nhbest_x[i, :]
                    lbest_x = swarm_x[:]

                for j in range(dimensions):
                    if i == swarm_i:
                        rr = rand.random()
                        v_k[i, j] = w * v_k[i, j] + -x_k[
                            i, j] + swarm_x[j] + rho * (1.0 - 2.0 * rr)
                        r1 = rand.random()
                        r2 = rand.random()
                        rc = rand.random()

                        v_k[i, j] = w * v_k[i, j] + c1 * r1 * (
                            best_x[i, j] - x_k[i, j]) / dt + c2 * r2 * (
                                lbest_x[j] - x_k[i, j]) / dt + vcr * (1.0 -
                                                                      2.0 * rc)

                    # Check for velocity vector out of range
                    if v_k[i, j] > vmax[j]:
                        v_k[i, j] = vmax[j]
                    elif v_k[i, j] < -vmax[j]:
                        v_k[i, j] = -vmax[j]

                    # positions update
                    x_k[i, j] += v_k[i, j] * dt
                    if xtype[j] == 1:
                        x_k[i, j] = floor(x_k[i, j] + 0.5)

                    # Check for positions out of range
                    if x_k[i, j] > xmax[j]:
                        x_k[i, j] = xmax[j]
                    elif x_k[i, j] < xmin[j]:
                        x_k[i, j] = xmin[j]

            if h_start:
                if myrank == master:
                    [vals, hist_end] = hstfile.read([], ident=['obj', 'con'])
                    if not hist_end:
                        f = vals['obj'][0]
                        g = vals['con'][0].reshape(g.shape)
                        h_start = False

                h_start = Bcast(h_start, root=0)

            if not h_start:
                # MPI Objective Function Evaluation
                if myrank == master:

                    # Send first round of particles
                    p_ind = 0
                    for proc in range(1, nproc):
                        if scale == 1:
                            xtmp = (x_k[p_ind, :] *
                                    space_halflen) + space_centre
                            xtmp = x_k[p_ind, :]

                        for m in discrete_i:
                            xtmp[m] = floor(xtmp[m] + 0.5)

                        sendbuf = [p_ind, xtmp]
                        Send(sendbuf, proc, master_sent_tag)
                        p_ind += 1

                    p_ind -= 1
                    # Master loop
                    master_stop_flag = False
                    while not master_stop_flag:
                        recvbuf = Recv(None, MPI.ANY_SOURCE, slave_sent_tag,
                        if status.tag is slave_sent_tag:
                            f[recvbuf[0]] = recvbuf[1]
                            g[recvbuf[0], :] = recvbuf[2][:]
                            if p_ind == (swarmsize + nproc - 3):
                                master_stop_flag = True

                            # Increment the particle index
                            p_ind += 1

                            # Send next particle
                            if p_ind < swarmsize:
                                if scale == 1:
                                    xtmp = (x_k[p_ind, :] *
                                            space_halflen) + space_centre
                                    xtmp = x_k[p_ind, :]

                                sendbuf = [p_ind, xtmp]
                                Send(sendbuf, status.source, master_sent_tag)

                    # Send break command
                    for proc in range(1, nproc):
                        Send([-1], proc, break_tag)
                    # Slave Evaluation Loop
                    while 1:
                        recvbuf = Recv(None, master, MPI.ANY_TAG, status)

                        if status.tag == break_tag:
                        elif status.tag == master_sent_tag:
                            [ff, gg] = objfunc(recvbuf[1])
                            # Send Results to Master
                            sendbuf = [recvbuf[0], ff, gg]
                            Send(sendbuf, master, slave_sent_tag)

                nfevals += swarmsize

            # Store History
            if sto_hst:
                if scale == 1:
                    x_uns = numpy.zeros(x_k.shape)
                    for i in range(swarmsize):
                        x_uns[i, :] = (x_k[i, :] *
                                       space_halflen) + space_centre

                    x_uns = x_k

                if discrete_i != []:
                    for i in range(swarmsize):
                        for m in discrete_i:
                            x_uns[i, m] = floor(x_uns[i, m] + 0.5)

                logfile.write(x_uns, 'x')
                logfile.write(f, 'obj')
                logfile.write(g, 'con')

            # Augmented Lagrange
            for i in range(swarmsize):

                # Lagrangian Value
                L[i] = f[i]
                if constraints > 0:

                    # Equality Constraints
                    for l in range(neqcons):
                        tau[i, l] = g[i, l]

                    # Inequality Constraints
                    for l in range(neqcons, constraints):
                        if rp[l] != 0:
                            if g[i, l] > -lambda_val[l] / (2 * rp[l]):
                                tau[i, l] = g[i, l]
                                tau[i, l] = -lambda_val[l] / (2 * rp[l])

                            tau[i, l] = g[i, l]

                    for l in range(constraints):
                        L[i] += lambda_val[l] * tau[i, l] + \
                                rp[l] * tau[i, l] ** 2

            # Particle Best Update
            for i in range(swarmsize):
                if L[i] < best_L[i]:
                    best_L[i] = L[i]
                    best_f[i] = f[i]
                    best_g[i, :] = g[i, :]
                    best_x[i, :] = x_k[i, :]

            # Swarm Best Update
            for i in range(swarmsize):
                if L[i] < swarm_L:
                    # update of the best particle and best position
                    swarm_i = i
                    swarm_x[:] = x_k[i, :]

                    # update of the best objective function value found
                    swarm_f = f[i]

                    # update of the best constraints values found
                    swarm_g[:] = g[i, :]

                    # update of the swarm best L
                    swarm_L = L[i]

            # Spatial Neighbourhood Update
            if (nhm == 'spatial') or (nhm == 'sfrac'):
                for i in range(swarmsize):
                    for i2 in range(i + 1, swarmsize):
                              i2] = numpy.linalg.norm(x_k[i2, :] - x_k[i, :])

                    for i2 in range(i):
                        pdist[i, i2] = pdist[i2, i]

                if nhm == 'spatial':
                    for i in range(swarmsize):
                        nhps[i] = []
                        for nb in range(nhn):
                            nhps[i].append(pdist[i, :].argmin())
                            pdist[i, nhps[i][nb]] = inf

                        if nhs == 0:

                    frac = ((3 * k_out) + 0.6 * maxOutIter) / maxOutIter
                    if frac >= 1.0:
                        nhm = 'gbest'
                        for i in range(swarmsize):
                            nhps[i] = []
                            d_max[i] = pdist[i, :].max()
                            for i2 in range(swarmsize):
                                if i == i2:
                                    if nhs == 1:
                                    if pdist[i, i2] / d_max[i] < frac:

            # Neighbourhood Best Update
            if (nhm == 'dlring') or (nhm == 'slring') or (nhm == 'wheel') or \
                    (nhm == 'spatial') or (nhm == 'sfrac'):
                for i in range(swarmsize):
                    for nbp in nhps[i]:
                        if L[nbp] < nhbest_L[i]:
                            nhbest_L[i] = L[nbp]
                            nhbest_f[i] = f[nbp]
                            nhbest_x[i, :] = x_k[nbp, :]
                            nhbest_i[i] = nbp

            # Print Inner
            if prtInnIter != 0 and numpy.mod(k_inn, prtInnIter) == 0:
                # output to screen
                print('%d Inner Iteration of %d Outer Iteration' %
                      (k_inn, k_out))

            if (fileout == 1) or (fileout == 3):
                # output to filename

            # Inner Loop Convergence
            if k_inn >= minInnIter:
                if myrank == master:
                    if swarm_L < swarm_L_old:
                        stop_inner = 1

                stop_inner = Bcast(stop_inner, root=0)

            # Store History
            if sto_hst:
                logfile.write(swarm_x, 'gbest_x')
                logfile.write(swarm_f, 'gbest_f')
                logfile.write(swarm_g, 'gbest_g')

        # Print Outer
        if myrank == master:
            if prtOutIter != 0 and numpy.mod(k_out, prtOutIter) == 0:
                # Output to screen
                print("=" * 80 + "\n")
                print("NUMBER OF ITERATIONS: %d\n" % k_out)
                print("NUMBER OF OBJECTIVE FUNCTION EVALUATIONS: %d\n" %
                print("OBJECTIVE FUNCTION VALUE:")
                print("\tF = %.16g\n" % (float(swarm_f)))
                if constraints > 0:
                    # Equality Constraints
                    print("EQUALITY CONSTRAINTS VALUES:")
                    for l in range(neqcons):
                        print("\tH(%d) = %g" % (l, swarm_g[l]))

                    # Inequality Constraints
                    print("\nINEQUALITY CONSTRAINTS VALUES:")
                    for l in range(neqcons, constraints):
                        print("\tG(%d) = %g" % (l, swarm_g[l]))

                print("\nLAGRANGIAN MULTIPLIERS VALUES:")
                for l in range(constraints):
                    print("\tL(%d) = %g" % (l, lambda_val[l]))

                print("\nBEST POSITION:")
                if scale == 1:
                    xtmp = (swarm_x[:] * space_halflen) + space_centre
                    xtmp = swarm_x[:]

                for m in discrete_i:
                    xtmp[m] = floor(xtmp[m] + 0.5)

                text = ''
                for j in range(dimensions):
                    text += ("\tP(%d) = %.16g\t" % (j, xtmp[j]))
                    if numpy.mod(j + 1, 3) == 0:
                        text += "\n"

                print("=" * 80 + "\n")

            if (fileout == 1) or (fileout == 3):
                # Output to filename
                ofile.write("\n" + "=" * 80 + "\n")
                ofile.write("\nNUMBER OF ITERATIONS: %d\n" % k_out)
                    "\nNUMBER OF OBJECTIVE FUNCTION EVALUATIONS: %d\n" %
                ofile.write("\nOBJECTIVE FUNCTION VALUE:\n")
                ofile.write("\tF = %.16g\n" % (float(swarm_f)))
                if constraints > 0:
                    # Equality Constraints
                    ofile.write("\nEQUALITY CONSTRAINTS VALUES:\n")
                    for l in range(neqcons):
                        ofile.write("\tH(%d) = %g\n" % (l, swarm_g[l]))

                    # Inequality Constraints
                    ofile.write("\nINEQUALITY CONSTRAINTS VALUES:\n")
                    for l in range(neqcons, constraints):
                        ofile.write("\tG(%d) = %g\n" % (l, swarm_g[l]))

                ofile.write("\nLAGRANGIAN MULTIPLIERS VALUES:\n")
                for l in range(constraints):
                    ofile.write("\tL(%d) = %g\n" % (l, lambda_val[l]))

                ofile.write("\nBEST POSITION:\n")
                if scale == 1:
                    xtmp = (swarm_x[:] * space_halflen) + space_centre
                    xtmp = swarm_x[:]

                for m in discrete_i:
                    xtmp[m] = floor(xtmp[m] + 0.5)

                text = ''
                for j in range(dimensions):
                    text += ("\tP(%d) = %.16g\t" % (j, xtmp[j]))
                    if numpy.mod(j + 1, 3) == 0:
                        text += "\n"

                ofile.write("\n" + "=" * 80 + "\n")

            # Store History
            if sto_hst and (minInnIter != maxInnIter):
                logfile.write(k_inn, 'ninner')

        if myrank == master:
            stop_con_num = 0
            infeas_con = []
            if constraints == 0:
                stop_constraints_flag = 1
                for l in range(neqcons):
                    if abs(swarm_g[l]) <= etol:
                        stop_con_num += 1

                for l in range(neqcons, constraints):
                    if swarm_g[l] < itol:
                        stop_con_num += 1

                if stop_con_num == constraints:
                    stop_constraints_flag = 1
                    stop_constraints_flag = 0

            # Test Position and Function convergence
            stop_criteria_flag = 0
            if stopCriteria == 1:

                # setting up the stopping criteria based on
                # distance and tolerance
                for k in range(stopIters - 1, 0, -1):
                    global_distance[k] = global_distance[k - 1]
                    global_L[k] = global_L[k - 1]

                global_dist = 0
                for i in range(swarmsize):
                    dist = 0
                    for j in range(dimensions):
                        dist += (x_k[i, j] - swarm_x[j])**2

                    global_dist += (dist)**0.5

                    0] = global_dist / swarmsize  # relative extent of the swarm

                global_L[0] = swarm_L

                if (abs(global_distance[0] - global_distance[stopIters - 1]) <=
                        dtol * abs(global_distance[stopIters - 1])
                        and abs(global_L[0] - global_L[stopIters - 1]) <=
                        rtol * abs(global_L[stopIters - 1])
                        or abs(global_L[0] - global_L[stopIters - 1]) <= atol):
                    stop_criteria_flag = 1
                    stop_criteria_flag = 0

            # Test Convergence
            if stop_constraints_flag == 1 and stop_criteria_flag == 1:
                stop_main_flag = 1
                stop_main_flag = 0

            # Output to Summary File
            if (fileout == 2) or (fileout == 3):
                cvss = 0.0
                for l in infeas_con:
                    cvss += swarm_g[l]**2

                cvL2 = cvss**0.5
                if stopCriteria == 1:
                    relL = (abs(global_L[0] - global_L[stopIters - 1]) /
                            abs(global_L[stopIters - 1]))
                    stext = ('%9d%8d%8d%15.4e%15f%13.4e%16.4e%14.4e\n' %
                             (k_out, k_inn, stop_con_num, cvL2, swarm_f,
                              swarm_L, relL, global_distance[0]))
                    stext = ('%9d%8d%8d%15.4e%15f%13.4e%16s%14s\n' %
                             (k_out, k_inn, stop_con_num, cvL2, swarm_f,
                              swarm_L, 'NA', 'NA'))


            # Update Augmented Lagrangian Terms
            if stop_main_flag == 0:

                if constraints > 0:
                    # Update new Tau
                    for l in range(neqcons):
                        tau_new[l] = swarm_g[l]

                    for l in range(neqcons, constraints):
                        if swarm_g[l] > -lambda_val[l] / (2 * rp[l]):
                            tau_new[l] = swarm_g[l]
                            tau_new[l] = -lambda_val[l] / (2 * rp[l])

                    # Update Lagrange Multiplier
                    for l in range(constraints):
                        lambda_old[l] = lambda_val[l]
                        lambda_val[l] += 2 * rp[l] * tau_new[l]
                        if abs(lambda_val[l]) < eps:
                            lambda_val[l] = 0.0

                    # Update Penalty Factor
                    for l in range(neqcons):
                        if (abs(swarm_g[l]) > abs(swarm_g_old[l])
                                and abs(swarm_g[l]) > etol):
                            rp[l] *= 2.0
                        elif abs(swarm_g[l]) <= etol:
                            rp[l] *= 0.5

                    for l in range(neqcons, constraints):
                        if swarm_g[l] > swarm_g_old[l] and swarm_g[l] > itol:
                            rp[l] *= 2.0
                        elif swarm_g[l] <= itol:
                            rp[l] *= 0.5

                    # Apply Lower Bounds on rp
                    for l in range(neqcons):
                        if rp[l] < 0.5 * (abs(lambda_val[l]) / etol)**0.5:
                            rp[l] = 0.5 * (abs(lambda_val[l]) / etol)**0.5

                    for l in range(neqcons, constraints):
                        if rp[l] < 0.5 * (abs(lambda_val[l]) / itol)**0.5:
                            rp[l] = 0.5 * (abs(lambda_val[l]) / itol)**0.5

                    for l in range(constraints):
                        if rp[l] < 1:
                            rp[l] = 1

                for i in range(swarmsize):
                    if constraints > 0:
                        # Update Tau
                        for l in range(neqcons):
                            tau[i, l] = g[i, l]

                        for l in range(neqcons, constraints):
                            if g[i, l] > -lambda_val[l] / (2 * rp[l]):
                                tau[i, l] = g[i, l]
                                tau[i, l] = -lambda_val[l] / (2 * rp[l])

                # set craziness velocity for next inner loop run
                vcr = (1 - k_out / maxOutIter) * vcrazy

                # update swarm with new Lagrangian function for next inner run
                for i in range(swarmsize):
                    L[i] = f[i]
                    if constraints > 0:
                        for l in range(constraints):
                            L[i] += lambda_val[l] * tau[i, l] + \
                                    rp[l] * tau[i, l] ** 2

                swarm_L = L[swarm_i]

                swarm_L_old = swarm_f_old
                if constraints > 0:

                    # Equality Constraints
                    for l in range(neqcons):
                        tau_old[l] = swarm_g_old[l]

                    # Inequality Constraints
                    for l in range(neqcons, constraints):
                        if rp[l] != 0:
                            if swarm_g_old[l] > -lambda_val[l] / (2 * rp[l]):
                                tau_old[l] = swarm_g_old[l]
                                tau_old[l] = -lambda_val[l] / (2 * rp[l])

                            tau_old[l] = swarm_g_old[l]

                    for l in range(constraints):
                        swarm_L_old += lambda_val[l] * tau_old[l] + rp[l] * \
                                                                        l] ** 2

                # reset swarm memory for next inner run
                for i in range(swarmsize):
                    best_L[i] = L[i]
                    best_f[i] = f[i]
                    best_g[i, :] = g[i, :]
                    best_x[i, :] = x_k[i, :]

        recv_buf = Bcast(stop_main_flag, root=0)
        stop_main_flag = recv_buf

    # Print Results
    if myrank == master:
        if prtOutIter != 0:
            # Output to screen
            print("=" * 80 + "\n")
            print("RANDOM SEED VALUE: %.8f\n" % rseed)
            print("NUMBER OF ITERATIONS: %d\n" % k_out)
            print("NUMBER OF OBJECTIVE FUNCTION EVALUATIONS: %d\n" % nfevals)
            print("OBJECTIVE FUNCTION VALUE:")
            print("\tF = %.16g\n" % (float(swarm_f)))
            if constraints > 0:
                # Equality Constraints
                print("EQUALITY CONSTRAINTS VALUES:")
                for l in range(neqcons):
                    print("\tH(%d) = %g" % (l, swarm_g[l]))

                # Inequality Constraints
                print("\nINEQUALITY CONSTRAINTS VALUES:")
                for l in range(neqcons, constraints):
                    print("\tG(%d) = %g" % (l, swarm_g[l]))

            for l in range(constraints):
                print("\tL(%d) = %g" % (l, float(lambda_val[l])))

            print("\nBEST POSITION:")
            if scale == 1:
                xtmp = (swarm_x[:] * space_halflen) + space_centre
                xtmp = swarm_x[:]

            for m in discrete_i:
                xtmp[m] = floor(xtmp[m] + 0.5)

            text = ''
            for j in range(dimensions):
                text += ("\tP(%d) = %.16g\t" % (j, xtmp[j]))
                if numpy.mod(j + 1, 3) == 0:
                    text += "\n"

            print("=" * 80 + "\n")

        if (fileout == 1) or (fileout == 3):

        if (fileout == 2) or (fileout == 3):
            # Output to Summary
            sfile.write("\n" + "=" * 97 + "\n")
            sfile.write("\nNUMBER OF ITERATIONS: %d\n" % k_out)
            sfile.write("\nNUMBER OF OBJECTIVE FUNCTION EVALUATIONS: %d\n" %
            sfile.write("\nOBJECTIVE FUNCTION VALUE:\n")
            sfile.write("\tF = %.16g\n" % (float(swarm_f)))
            if constraints > 0:
                # Equality Constraints
                sfile.write("\nEQUALITY CONSTRAINTS VALUES:\n")
                for l in range(neqcons):
                    sfile.write("\tH(%d) = %g\n" % (l, swarm_g[l]))

                # Inequality Constraints
                sfile.write("\nINEQUALITY CONSTRAINTS VALUES:\n")
                for l in range(neqcons, constraints):
                    sfile.write("\tG(%d) = %g\n" % (l, swarm_g[l]))

            sfile.write("\nLAGRANGIAN MULTIPLIERS VALUES:\n")
            for l in range(constraints):
                sfile.write("\tL(%d) = %g\n" % (l, float(lambda_val[l])))

            sfile.write("\nBEST POSITION:\n")
            if scale == 1:
                xtmp = (swarm_x[:] * space_halflen) + space_centre
                xtmp = swarm_x[:]

            for m in discrete_i:
                xtmp[m] = floor(xtmp[m] + 0.5)

            text = ''
            for j in range(dimensions):
                text += ("\tP(%d) = %.16g\t" % (j, xtmp[j]))
                if numpy.mod(j + 1, 3) == 0:
                    text += "\n"

            sfile.write("\n" + "=" * 97 + "\n")

    # Results
    if scale == 1:
        opt_x = (swarm_x * space_halflen) + space_centre
        opt_x = swarm_x

    for m in discrete_i:
        opt_x[m] = floor(opt_x[m] + 0.5)

    opt_f = swarm_f
    opt_g = swarm_g
    opt_lambda = lambda_val[:]

    opt_x = Bcast(opt_x, root=0)
    opt_f = Bcast(opt_f, root=0)
    opt_g = Bcast(opt_g, root=0)
    opt_lambda = Bcast(opt_lambda, root=0)

    return opt_x, opt_f, opt_g, opt_lambda, nfevals, '%.8f' % rseed
Ejemplo n.º 30
def main():
        main program
    # mpi attributes
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    stat = MPI.Status()
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    size = comm.Get_size()
    assert 1 < size, 'script must be run in parallel: `mpiexec -np N ...`'

    # init decomp object
    decomp = decodense.DecompCls(**PARAMS)

    # master
    if rank == 0:

        # write MPI parameters
        print('\n MPI global size = {:}\n'.format(size))

        # make output dir
        if not os.path.isdir(OUTPUT):
            restart = False
            restart = True
        # load in dataset
        data = sio.loadmat(INPUT)
        # number of slaves and tasks
        n_slaves = size - 1
        n_tasks = data['R'].shape[0]

        # start_idx
        if restart:
            res_el = np.load(OUTPUT + 'elec.npy')
            res_nuc = np.load(OUTPUT + 'nuc.npy')
            start_idx = np.argmax(res_el[:, 0] == 0.)
            res_el = np.zeros([n_tasks, N_ATOMS], dtype=np.float64)
            res_nuc = np.zeros([n_tasks, N_ATOMS], dtype=np.float64)
            start_idx = 0

        # loop over molecules in data set
        for mol_idx, mol_geo in enumerate(data['R'][start_idx:], start_idx):

            # probe for available slaves
            comm.Probe(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=1, status=stat)
            # receive slave results
            res = comm.recv(source=stat.source, tag=1)
            # retrieve results
            if res is not None:
                res_el[res['idx']] = res['prop_el']
                res_nuc[res['idx']] = res['prop_nuc']
                if res['idx'] % RST_FREQ == 0:
                    # save results
                    np.save(OUTPUT + 'elec', res_el)
                    np.save(OUTPUT + 'nuc', res_nuc)
                    # print status
                    prog = (res['idx'] + 1) / n_tasks
                    status = int(round(50 * prog))
                    remainder = (50 - status)
                    print(' STATUS:   [{:}]   ---  {:>6.2f} %'.format(
                        '#' * status + '-' * remainder, prog * 100.))

            # send mol_dict to slave
            comm.send({'idx': mol_idx, \
                       'struct': [[int(z), mol_geo[i]] for i, z in enumerate(data['Z'][mol_idx]) if 0. < z]}, \
                      dest=stat.source, tag=2)

        # done with all tasks
        while n_slaves > 0:

            # probe for available slaves
            comm.Probe(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=1, status=stat)
            # receive slave results
            res = comm.recv(source=stat.source, tag=1)
            # save results
            if res is not None:
                res_el[res['idx']] = res['prop_el']
                res_nuc[res['idx']] = res['prop_nuc']
                if res['idx'] % RST_FREQ == 0:
                    np.save(OUTPUT + 'elec', res_el)
                    np.save(OUTPUT + 'nuc', res_nuc)

            # send exit signal to slave
            comm.send(None, dest=stat.source, tag=2)
            # remove slave
            n_slaves -= 1

        # save final results
        np.save(OUTPUT + 'elec', res_el)
        np.save(OUTPUT + 'nuc', res_nuc)
        # print final status
        print(' STATUS:   [{:}]   ---  {:>6.2f} %'.format(
            '#' * 50 + '-' * 0, 100.))
        # write final info
        with open(OUTPUT + 'info.txt', 'w') as f_info:

    else:  # slaves

        # send availability to master
        comm.send(None, dest=0, tag=1)

        # receive work from master
        while True:

            # receive mol_dict
            mol_dict = comm.recv(source=0, tag=2)
            # perform task
            if mol_dict is not None:
                # init molecule
                mol = gto.M(verbose = 0, output = None, unit = UNIT, \
                            basis = PARAMS['basis'], atom = mol_dict['struct'])
                # decodense calc
                res = decodense.main(mol, decomp)
                # send results to master
                        'idx': mol_dict['idx'],
                        'prop_nuc': res['prop_nuc'],
                        'prop_el': res['prop_el']
                # exit

    # barrier