Ejemplo n.º 1
def eval_result(labels, result_gen, cache_file):
    if path.exists(cache_file):
        print "Loading cached result..."
        with open(cache_file, "rb") as inf:
            lbl_clst = pickle.load(inf)
        print "Done."
        lbl_clst = result_gen()
        print "Saving result to cache..."
        with open(cache_file, "wb") as outf:
            pickle.dump(lbl_clst, outf)
        print "Done."
    all_langs = ["da", "de", "el", "en", "es", "fi", "fr", "it", "nl", "pt", "sv"]

    print "Constructing cost matrix..."
    nObj = len(labels)
    nLang = len(all_langs)
    G = [[0 for j in range(nLang)] for i in range(nLang)]
    for i in range(nLang):
        for j in range(nLang):
            G[i][j] = -sum([(lbl_clst[k] == i and labels[k] == all_langs[j]) for k in range(nObj)])
    print "Finding best mapping..."
    m = Munkres()
    idx = m.compute(G)
    print "Calculating accuracy..."
    total = 0
    for row, col in idx:
        total += G[row][col]
    accuracy = -total / float(nObj)
    print "Accuracy = %.4f" % accuracy
def __assign_labels_to_clusters__(assignment, labels, clusters, clusts_labels):
    cost_matrix = gen_assignment_cost_matrix(assignment, labels, clusters, clusts_labels)
    munkres = Munkres()
    assignment_list = munkres.compute(cost_matrix)
    # assignment_list = [(i,i) for i in xrange(len(clusters))] #for debugging
    assigned_clusts_labels = dict(assignment_list)  # dictionary {cluster_no: assigned_label_no}
    return assigned_clusts_labels
Ejemplo n.º 3
def match_rows_sign(X, Y):
    Permute the rows of _X_ to minimize error with Y, ignoring signs of the columns
    @params X numpy.array - input matrix
    @params Y numpy.array - comparison matrix
    @return numpy.array - X with permuted rows
    n, d = X.shape
    n_, d_ = Y.shape
    assert n == n_ and d == d_

    # Create a weight matrix to compare the two
    W = zeros((n, n))
    for i, j in it.product(xrange(n), xrange(n)):
        # Cost of 'assigning' j to i.
        W[i, j] = min(norm(X[j] - Y[i]), norm(X[j] + Y[i]))

    matching = Munkres().compute(W)
    _, rowp = zip(*matching)
    rowp = array(rowp)
    # Permute the rows of B according to Bi
    X_ = X[rowp]
    # Change signs to minimize loss
    for row in xrange(n):
        if norm(X_[row] + Y[row]) < norm(X_[row] - Y[row]):
            X_[row] *= -1

    return X_
Ejemplo n.º 4
def hun(costMatrix):

    # Check first, if costmatrix is not empty
    if costMatrix.shape==(0,0):
        return []

    # Create squared temporary matrix
    tmpMatrix = numpy.copy(costMatrix)
    tmpMatrix = makeSquareWithNegValues(tmpMatrix)
    sqCostMatrix = numpy.copy(tmpMatrix)

    # Solve ASP on the temporary matrix

    # Create resultin matrix that contains ones at matching
    # objects and remove all excluded matches
    binMatrix = numpy.zeros( tmpMatrix.shape,dtype=bool )
    for x,y in i:
        if tmpMatrix[x,y]==-1:

    return binMatrix
Ejemplo n.º 5
def similar(list_current,list_called):
	global P,total
	# comparing the length of two files to compare smaller length to bigger 
	if len(list_current)<len(list_called):
		# calling comparison function to compare both files line by line for similarity 
		similarity = comparison(list_current,list_called)
		# storing the lenght of smaller 
		P = len(list_current)
		point=[[0 for x in range(len(list_called))] for y in range(len(list_current))]
		# calling comparison function to compare both files line by line for similarity
		similarity = comparison(list_called,list_current)
		P = len(list_called)
		point=[[0 for x in range(len(list_current))] for y in range(len(list_called))]
	# calling functions of munkres to form maximum weighted bipartite matching graph
	graph_matrix = make_cost_matrix(similarity, lambda cost: 1.0 - cost)
	m = Munkres()
	indexes =m.compute(graph_matrix)
	total = 0
	for row, column in indexes:
		# forming list of points(lines) of similarity between two files
		value = similarity[row][column]
		if value>0.0:
			total += 1
	return point
Ejemplo n.º 6
def main(tutors, players):
  scores = []
  #create cross-scores
  for tutor in tutors:
    # create the score array for each tutor to every player
    scores.append([ getModFLF(tutor, player)*getBaseFLF(tutor,player) for player in players ])
  # print the matrix

  # find max
  maxscore = max(max(row) for row in scores)
  # turn the matrix into a min-problem
  for row in scores:
    for idx,col in enumerate(row):
      row[idx] = maxscore-col
  # using munkres (copy of tutorial)
  m = Munkres()
  indexes = m.compute(scores)

#  pretty_print(scores)
  total = 0
  print "[[Tutor ::: Player]]"
  for row, col in indexes:
    total += scores[row][col]
    print '{0} ::: {1}'.format(tutors[row],players[col])
  print 'total FLF: {0}'.format(maxscore*len(tutors)-total)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def fix_parameters(true, guess, weights):
    """Find a column permutation of guess parameters that matches true parameters most closely (i.e. min |A
    - B|_F) also apply this to weights"""

    # The rows of A and B form a weighted bipartite graph. The weights
    # are computed using the vector_matching algorithm.
    # We need to find their minimal matching.
    assert true.shape == guess.shape

    d, k = true.shape
    m = Munkres()

    # Create the weight matrix
    W = sc.zeros((k, k))
    for i in xrange(k):
        for j in xrange(k):
            # Best matching between A and B
            W[i, j] = norm(true.T[i] - guess.T[j])

    matching = m.compute(W)
    _, colp = zip(*matching)
    colp = array(colp)
    # Permute the rows of B according to Bi
    guess = guess[:, colp]
    weights = weights[colp]

    return weights, guess
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: align.py Proyecto: borgr/ucca
def align(sen1, sen2):
	"""finds the best mapping of words from one sentence to the other"""
	#find lengths
	sen1 = list(map(preprocess_word, sen1.split()))
	sen2 = list(map(preprocess_word, sen2.split()))
	lengthDif = len(sen1) - len(sen2)
	if lengthDif > 0:
		shorter = sen2
		longer = sen1
		shorter = sen1
		longer = sen2
		lengthDif = abs(lengthDif)
	shorter += ["emptyWord"] * lengthDif

	#create matrix	
	matrix = np.zeros((len(longer), len(longer)))
	for i in range(len(longer)):
		for j in range(len(longer) - lengthDif):
			matrix[i,j] = distance.levenshtein(longer[i], shorter[j])
	#compare with munkres
	m = Munkres()
	indexes = m.compute(matrix)
	print("mapping is:",[(shorter[i], longer[j]) for (i,j) in indexes])
Ejemplo n.º 9
def accuracy(labels_true, labels_pred):
    labels_true, labels_pred = check_clusterings(labels_true, labels_pred)
    n_samples = labels_true.shape[0]
    classes = np.unique(labels_true)
    clusters = np.unique(labels_pred)
    # Special limit cases: no clustering since the data is not split;
    # or trivial clustering where each document is assigned a unique cluster.
    # These are perfect matches hence return 1.0.
    if (classes.shape[0] == clusters.shape[0] == 1
            or classes.shape[0] == clusters.shape[0] == 0
            or classes.shape[0] == clusters.shape[0] == len(labels_true)):
        return 1.0
    # print "accuracy testing..."
    contingency = contingency_matrix(labels_true, labels_pred) #Type: <type 'numpy.ndarray'>:rows are clusters, cols are classes
    contingency = -contingency
    #print contingency
    contingency = contingency.tolist()
    m = Munkres() # Best mapping by using Kuhn-Munkres algorithm
    map_pairs = m.compute(contingency) #best match to find the minimum cost
    sum_value = 0
    for key,value in map_pairs:
        sum_value = sum_value + contingency[key][value]
    return float(-sum_value)/n_samples
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def find_ambiguous_mapping(self, res, aa,
     from munkres import Munkres
     from numpy import fabs, sum, delete
     total_costs = None
     mapping = []
     ambiguous_keys = []
     ambiguous_shifts = []
     res_shifts, res_keys = res.get_carbons(previous)
     aa_shifts, aa_keys = aa.get_carbons()
     for i, j in non_ambiguous_mapping:
         if j in aa_keys:
             k = list(aa_keys).index(j)
             aa_shifts = delete(aa_shifts, k)
             aa_keys = delete(aa_keys, k)
     for i, key in enumerate(res_keys):
         if self.ambiguous(key, previous):
     if len(aa_keys) > 0 and len(ambiguous_shifts) > 0:
         costs = fabs(subtract.outer(ambiguous_shifts, aa_shifts))
         munkres = Munkres()
         result = munkres.compute(costs * 1.)
         for i, j in result:
             mapping.append((ambiguous_keys[i], aa_keys[j]))
     return mapping
Ejemplo n.º 11
def match(img_location, features, cluster):
    img = cv2.imread(img_location)

    detector = cv2.FeatureDetector_create("SIFT")
    descriptor = cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create("SIFT")
    keypoints = detector.detect(img)
    keypoints = sorted(keypoints, key=lambda x: -x.response)
    keypoints, img_features = descriptor.compute(img, keypoints[0:5])
    img_features = img_features.tolist()

    m = Munkres()

    distance = {}
    for filename in cluster:
        distance[filename] = 0
        fea = features[filename]
        matrix = [[0 for i in range(5)] for j in range(5)]
        for i in range(5):
            for j in range(5):
                if matrix[j][i] != 0:
                    matrix[i][j] = matrix[j][i]
                    matrix[i][j] = np.linalg.norm( array(img_features[i]) - array(fea[j]) )
                    matrix[i][j] = 10000
        indexes = m.compute(matrix)
        for row, column in indexes:
            distance[filename] += matrix[row][column]

    results = sorted(cluster, key = lambda x: distance[x])
    # results = features.keys()
    return results, distance
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: utils.py Proyecto: kmwenja/ftm
def maximum_weight_bipartite(matrix):
    cost_matrix = make_cost_matrix(matrix, lambda cost: 100000 - cost)

    m = Munkres()
    indices = m.compute(cost_matrix)

    return indices
def loss1(usersPerCircle, usersPerCircleP):
  #psize: either the number of groundtruth, or the number of predicted circles (whichever is larger)
  psize = max(len(usersPerCircle),len(usersPerCircleP)) # Pad the matrix to be square
  # mm: matching matrix containing costs of matching groundtruth circles to predicted circles.
  #     mm[i][j] = cost of matching groundtruth circle i to predicted circle j
  mm = numpy.zeros((psize,psize))
  # mm2: copy of mm since the Munkres library destroys the data during computation
  mm2 = numpy.zeros((psize,psize))
  for i in range(psize):
    for j in range(psize):
      circleP = set() # Match to an empty circle (delete all users)
      circle = set() # Match to an empty circle (add all users)
      if (i < len(usersPerCircleP)):
        circleP = usersPerCircleP[i]
      if (j < len(usersPerCircle)):
        circle = usersPerCircle[j]
      nedits = len(circle.union(circleP)) - len(circle.intersection(circleP)) # Compute the edit distance between the two circles
      mm[i][j] = nedits
      mm2[i][j] = nedits

  if psize == 0:
    return 0 # Edge case in case there are no circles
    m = Munkres()
    #print mm2 # Print the pairwise cost matrix
    indices = m.compute(mm) # Compute the optimal alignment between predicted and groundtruth circles
    editCost = 0
    for row, column in indices:
      #print row,column # Print the optimal value selected by matching
      editCost += mm2[row][column]
    return int(editCost)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def get_suitability_score(customer_list, product_list):
        calculate the total maximum suitability score
        by using munkres algorithm and returns a detailed
        customer_product_enties & total suitability score
        suitability_scores = []
        customer_suitability_scores = []

        for customer in customer_list:
            for product in product_list:
            customer_suitability_scores = []

        customer_product_entries = []
        cost_matrix = make_cost_matrix(suitability_scores, lambda cost: 1e10 - cost)
        munkres = Munkres()
        indexes = munkres.compute(cost_matrix)
        total_suitability_score = 0
        for customer_index, product_index  in indexes:
            suitability_score = suitability_scores[customer_index][product_index]
            total_suitability_score += suitability_score
            suitability_score_entry = SuitabilityScoreEntry(customer_list[customer_index],product_list[product_index],suitability_score)

        return customer_product_entries,total_suitability_score
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def match(self, model_manager):
     individuals = model_manager.individuals
     groups = model_manager.groups
     pref_matrix = []
     individual_count = len(individuals)        
     row_index = -1
     individuals_by_row = {}
     groups_by_col = {}
     for individual_id, individual in individuals.iteritems():
         row_index += 1
         individuals_by_row[str(row_index)] = individual
         pref_matrix_row = []
         col_index = -1
         for group_id, group in groups.iteritems():
             group_pref_value = individual.get_group_pref_value(group.id)
             # we use group slots to control the max number of individuals per group.  one individual per slot
             # each slot represents a potential membership within a group within the preference matrix. 
             # the len(pref_matrix_group_slots[grounp.id]) == min(group.max_size, len(individuals))
             group_slot_size = min(group.max_size, individual_count)
             for s in range(group_slot_size):
                 # multiply value by negative 1 because munkres finds
                 # the assignment with minimum net value, 
                 # and we want to find the assignment with
                 # maximum net value
                 pref_matrix_row.append(group_pref_value * -1)
                 col_index += 1
                 groups_by_col[str(col_index)] = group      
     munkres = Munkres()
     optimal_match_indexes = munkres.compute(pref_matrix)
     assignments = [(individuals_by_row[str(row)], groups_by_col[str(col)]) for row, col in optimal_match_indexes]            
     return assignments
Ejemplo n.º 16
def do_matching(gsrEvents, warnings):
    matrix = []

    M = len(gsrEvents)
    N = len(warnings)
    for m in range(M):
        row = []
        gsr = gsrEvents[m]
        for n in range(N):
            warn = warnings[n]
            if match(gsr, warn):
                row.append(get_quality(gsr, warn))

    costMatrix = []
    #create the cost matrix
    for m in range(M):
        r = []
        gsr = gsrEvents[m]
        for n in range(N):
            warn = warnings[n]
            r.append(10 - matrix[m][n])

    m = Munkres()
    if M > 0 and N > 0:
        indexes = m.compute(costMatrix)
        return None, None

    return matrix, indexes
Ejemplo n.º 17
def Objmatch(objy,objx,ref,refc,L,W,im,length):
    global D_limit_s
    dmtx = np.zeros((L,W))
    cmtx = np.zeros((L,W))
    Wd = 0.5   #weight of distance
    Wc = 1-Wd  #weight of color
    for i in range(L):
        dmtx[i,:] =((objy - ref[i][0])**2+(objx - ref[i][1])**2).T
        cmtx[i,:] = Color_Dif(im,objx,objy,refc[i],length[i]) 

    dmtx = dmtx/diag # normalize the distance by divid diag
    dmtx[dmtx>D_limit_s] = 10**6    
    cmtx = cmtx*Wc + dmtx*Wd
    tmp = copy.deepcopy(cmtx)     
    m = Munkres()
    if L<=W:
        indexes = m.compute(cmtx)
    else:     # len(ori) > # live_blobs
        indexes = m.compute(cmtx.T)
        indexes = [(s[1],s[0]) for s in indexes]
    D_idx = []
    if vid_idx>=0:
        for i in range(len(indexes))[::-1]:
            if tmp[indexes[i][0],indexes[i][1]]>10**5:

    return indexes,D_idx  
Ejemplo n.º 18
def p345():
    A = [[  7, 53, 183, 439, 863, 497, 383, 563, 79, 973, 287, 63, 343, 169, 583],
        [627, 343, 773, 959, 943, 767, 473, 103, 699, 303, 957, 703, 583, 639, 913],
        [447, 283, 463, 29, 23, 487, 463, 993, 119, 883, 327, 493, 423, 159, 743],
        [217, 623, 3, 399, 853, 407, 103, 983, 89, 463, 290, 516, 212, 462, 350],
        [960, 376, 682, 962, 300, 780, 486, 502, 912, 800, 250, 346, 172, 812, 350],
        [870, 456, 192, 162, 593, 473, 915, 45, 989, 873, 823, 965, 425, 329, 803],
        [973, 965, 905, 919, 133, 673, 665, 235, 509, 613, 673, 815, 165, 992, 326],
        [322, 148, 972, 962, 286, 255, 941, 541, 265, 323, 925, 281, 601, 95, 973],
        [445, 721, 11, 525, 473, 65, 511, 164, 138, 672, 18, 428, 154, 448, 848],
        [414, 456, 310, 312, 798, 104, 566, 520, 302, 248, 694, 976, 430, 392, 198],
        [184, 829, 373, 181, 631, 101, 969, 613, 840, 740, 778, 458, 284, 760, 390],
        [821, 461, 843, 513, 17, 901, 711, 993, 293, 157, 274, 94, 192, 156, 574],
        [ 34, 124, 4, 878, 450, 476, 712, 914, 838, 669, 875, 299, 823, 329, 699],
        [815, 559, 813, 459, 522, 788, 168, 586, 966, 232, 308, 833, 251, 631, 107],
        [813, 883, 451, 509, 615, 77, 281, 613, 459, 205, 380, 274, 302, 35, 805]]

    for r in range(len(A)):
        for c in range(len(A[0])):
            A[r][c] *= -1

    from munkres import Munkres, print_matrix

    m = Munkres()
    indexes = m.compute(A)
    total = 0
    for row, column in indexes:
        value = A[row][column]
        total += value
    return -total
Ejemplo n.º 19
def match_rows(X, Y):
    Permute the rows of _X_ to minimize error with Y
    @params X numpy.array - input matrix
    @params Y numpy.array - comparison matrix
    @return numpy.array - X with permuted rows
    n, d = X.shape
    n_, d_ = Y.shape
    assert n == n_ and d == d_

    # Create a weight matrix to compare the two
    W = zeros((n, n))
    for i, j in it.product(xrange(n), xrange(n)):
        # Cost of 'assigning' j to i.
        W[i, j] = norm(X[j] - Y[i])

    matching = Munkres().compute(W)
    _, rowp = zip(*matching)
    rowp = array(rowp)
    # Permute the rows of B according to Bi
    X_ = X[rowp]

    return X_
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self, G1, G2, nattr='weight', eattr='weight', lamb = 0.5):
        G1, G2 = sorted([G1, G2], key=lambda x: len(x))
        csim = gs.tacsim_combined_in_C(G1, G2, node_attribute=nattr, edge_attribute=eattr, lamb=lamb)
        self.csim = csim / np.sqrt(((csim * csim).sum())) # to ensure valid structural distance
        self.g1 = G1
        self.g2 = G2

        m = Munkres()
        cdist = (1 - self.csim).tolist()
        self.matching = m.compute(cdist)

        nmap = {}
        def _gen_nnid(node):
            if node not in nmap:
                nmap[node] = len(nmap)
            return nmap[node]

        self.mesos = nx.DiGraph()
        for (e1_idx, e2_idx) in self.matching:
            e1 = G1.edges()[e1_idx]
            e2 = G2.edges()[e2_idx]
            ns = _gen_nnid(e1[0])
            nt = _gen_nnid(e1[1])
            self.mesos.add_edge(ns, nt)
            self.mesos.edge[ns][nt][eattr] = 0.5 * (G1.edge[e1[0]][e1[1]][eattr] + G2.edge[e2[0]][e2[1]][eattr])
            self.mesos.node[ns][nattr] = 0.5 * (G1.node[e1[0]][nattr] + G2.node[e2[0]][nattr])
            self.mesos.node[nt][nattr] = 0.5 * (G1.node[e1[1]][nattr] + G2.node[e2[1]][nattr])
def getFileSim(fileA,fileB,alpha,beta):  	#to find the similarity of two files
	File1=open(dirname+'/'+fileA, "r")
	File2=open(dirname+'/'+fileB, "r")
	if len(content1) > len(content2):
		content1,content2 = content2,content1
	for sen_A in content1:
		temp = []
		sen_A = sen_A.lower()
		for sen_B in content2:
			sen_B = sen_B.lower()
	for i in range(len(sim))		 #to make it a maximum cost problem
		for j in range(len(sim[i])):
			sim[i][j] = 1.0-sim[i][j]
	result_matrix=m.compute(sim)		#implementing hungarian 
	maxSimMatrix = []
	for row,column in result_matrix:
		if	sim[row][column]!=1.0:
			if flag==1:
			maxSimMatrix.append([row,column])	#storing which lines are matched
	if FileSim<beta:
		FileSim = 0
	return (FileSim, maxSimMatrix)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def closest_permuted_matrix( A, B ):
    """Find a _row_ permutation of B that matches A most closely (i.e. min |A
    - B|_F)"""

    # The rows of A and B form a weighted bipartite graph. The weights
    # are computed using the vector_matching algorithm.
    # We need to find their minimal matching.
    assert( A.shape == B.shape )

    n, _ = A.shape
    m = Munkres()

    # Create the weight matrix
    W = sc.zeros( (n, n) )
    for i in xrange( n ):
        for j in xrange( n ):
            # Best matching between A and B
            W[i, j] = norm(A[i] - B[j])

    matching = m.compute( W )
    _, rowp = zip(*matching)
    rowp = array( rowp )
    # Permute the rows of B according to Bi
    B_ = B[ rowp ]

    return B_
Ejemplo n.º 23
def assign_projects():
    projects = Project.query.join(Priority).order_by(Project.id).all()
    users = User.query.join(Priority).order_by(User.id).all()
    user_ids = [user.id for user in users]
    default_priority = len(projects) + 1
    matrix = []

    for project in projects:
        priority_query = db.session.query(User.id, Priority.priority).\
            outerjoin(Priority, db.and_(User.id == Priority.user_id,
                                        Priority.project_id == project.id)).\
        priorities = [user_priority_tuple.priority
                      if user_priority_tuple.priority is not None
                      else default_priority
                      for user_priority_tuple in priority_query]

    if len(matrix) != 0:
        db.session.query(Project).update({Project.assignee_id: None})
        m = Munkres()
        indexes = m.compute(matrix)
        for row, column in indexes:
            projects[row].assignee_id = user_ids[column]

    flash('Project assignments updated.')
    return redirect(url_for('show_index'))
Ejemplo n.º 24
def match_parameters(p, q, method="munkres", discard_misses=False):
    Match two sets of parameters.
    TODO: finish greedy
    logger.info("Matching with method %s" % method)
    assert p.shape[1] == q.shape[1], (
        "Shapes do not match (%s vs %s)" % (p.shape, q.shape)

    match_size = min(p.shape[0], q.shape[0])
    corrs = np.corrcoef(p, q)[match_size:, :match_size]
    corrs[np.isnan(corrs)] = 0

    if method == "munkres":
        m = Munkres()
        cl = 1 - np.abs(corrs)
        if (cl.shape[0] > cl.shape[1]):
            indices = m.compute(cl.T)
            indices = m.compute(cl)
            indices = [(i[1], i[0]) for i in indices]

    elif method == "greedy":
        q_idx = []
        raise NotImplementedError("Greedy not supported yet.")
        for c in range(q.shape[0]):
            idx = corrs[c, :].argmax()
            corrs[:,idx] = 0

        raise NotImplementedError("%s matching not supported" % method)

    return indices
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def evaluateFrame(self,X,Y, X_labels=None, Y_labels=None):
        """ Compute the OSPA metric between two sets of points. """
        # check for empty sets
        if numpy.size(X) == 0 and numpy.size(Y) == 0:
            return (0,0,0,0)
        elif numpy.size(X) == 0 or numpy.size(Y) == 0 :
            return (self.c,0,self.c, 0)
        # we assume that Y is the larger set
        m = numpy.size(X,0) 
        n = numpy.size(Y,0)
        switched = False
        if m > n:
            X,Y = Y,X
            m,n = n,m 
            switched = True       

        dists = self.calculateCostMatrix(X,Y)
        # Copy cost matrix for munkres module
        munkres_matrix = numpy.copy(dists)
        # Only run munkres on non-empty matrix
        if len(munkres_matrix) > 0:
            munkres = Munkres()
            indices = munkres.compute(munkres_matrix)
            indices = []
        # compute the OSPA metric
        total = 0 
        total_loc = 0
        for [i,j] in indices:
            total_loc += dists[i][j]**self.p
        # calculate cardinalization error
        err_cn = (float((self.c)**(self.p)*(n-m))/n)**(1/float(self.p))
        # calculate localization error
        err_loc = (float(total_loc)/n)**(1/float(self.p)) 

        # Not contained in version from github implemented 
        # acc. to paper "A Metric for Performance Evaluation of Multi-Target Tracking Algorithms"
        # Implementation of labeling error
        # Penalizes ID switches from frame to frame
        new_assignments = []
        for [i,j] in indices:
            if (switched):
                i,j = j,i
            new_assignments.append((X_labels[i], Y_labels[j]))
        wrong_labels =len(self.old_assignments) - len(set(new_assignments) & set(self.old_assignments))
        err_label = (float((float(self.a)**float(self.p))/n)*wrong_labels) **(1/float(self.p)) 
        # store current assignments of labels to track
        self.old_assignments = new_assignments
        #ospa_err = ( float(total_loc + (n-m)*self.c**self.p) / n)**(1/float(self.p))
        ospa_err = ( float(total_loc + self.a*wrong_labels + (n-m)*self.c**self.p) / n)**(1/float(self.p))
        ospa_tuple = (ospa_err,err_loc,err_cn, err_label) 


        return ospa_tuple
Ejemplo n.º 26
def hungarian_mapping(inames, cnames, target, base):
    Utilizes the hungarian/munkres matching algorithm to compute an initial
    mapping of inames to cnames. The base cost is the expected correct guesses
    if each object is matched to itself (i.e., a new object). Then the cost of
    each object-object match is evaluated by setting each individual object and
    computing the expected correct guesses.

    :param inames: the target component names
    :type inames: collection
    :param cnames: the base component names
    :type cnames: collection
    :param target: An instance or concept.av_counts object to be mapped to the
        base concept.
    :type target: :ref:`Instance<instance-rep>` or av_counts obj from concept
    :param base: A concept to map the target to
    :type base: TrestleNode
    :return: a mapping for renaming components in the instance.
    :rtype: frozenset

    cnames = list(cnames)
    inames = list(inames)

    cost_matrix = []
    for o in inames:
        row = []
        for c in cnames:
            nm = {}
            nm[o] = c
            cost = mapping_cost({o: c}, target, base)
        unmapped_cost = mapping_cost({}, target, base)
        for other_o in inames:
            if other_o == o:

    m = Munkres()
    indices = m.compute(cost_matrix)

    # comments for using scipy hungarian
    # indices = linear_sum_assignment(cost_matrix)

    mapping = {}

    # for i in range(len(indices[0])):
    #     row = indices[0][i]
    #     col = indices[1][i]

    for row, col in indices:
        if col >= len(cnames):
            mapping[inames[row]] = inames[row]
            mapping[inames[row]] = cnames[col]

    return frozenset(mapping.items())
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def _round(self, matrix):
     m = Munkres()
     lists = self.matrix_to_lists(matrix)
     indexes = m.compute(lists)
     matrix *= 0
     for row, column in indexes:
         matrix[row, column] = 1
     return matrix
def execute_munkres(matrix):
    m = Munkres()
    points = m.compute(matrix)
    result = 0
    for point in points:
        result += matrix[point[0]][point[1]]

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 29
def match_labels(contingency_table):
    """Attempt to match the labels between ground truth and prediction using
    Hungarian algorithm. Extra prediction labels are moved to the right most
    m = Munkres()
    ind = m.compute(cost_matrix(contingency_table.as_matrix()))
    return rearrange_columns(ind, contingency_table.copy())
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def allocate(self):
        from debate.models import AdjudicatorAllocation

        # remove trainees
        self.adjudicators = filter(lambda a: a.score > self.MIN_SCORE, self.adjudicators)

        # sort adjudicators and debates in descending score/importance
        self.adjudicators_sorted = list(self.adjudicators)
        self.adjudicators_sorted.sort(key=lambda a: a.score, reverse=True)
        self.debates_sorted = list(self.debates)
        self.debates_sorted.sort(key=lambda a: a.importance, reverse=True)

        n_adjudicators = len(self.adjudicators)
        n_debates = len(self.debates)

        n_solos = n_debates - (n_adjudicators - n_debates)/2

        # get adjudicators that can adjudicate solo
        chairs = self.adjudicators_sorted[:n_solos]
        #chairs = [a for a in self.adjudicators_sorted if a.score >
        #          self.CHAIR_CUTOFF]

        # get debates that will be judged by solo adjudicators
        chair_debates = self.debates_sorted[:len(chairs)]

        panel_debates = self.debates_sorted[len(chairs):]
        panellists = [a for a in self.adjudicators_sorted if a not in chairs]

        assert len(panel_debates) * 3 <= len(panellists)

        print "costing chairs"

        n = len(chairs)

        cost_matrix = [[0] * n for i in range(n)]

        for i, debate in enumerate(chair_debates):
            for j, adj in enumerate(chairs):
                cost_matrix[i][j] = self.calc_cost(debate, adj)

        print "optimizing"

        m = Munkres()
        indexes = m.compute(cost_matrix)

        total_cost = 0
        for r, c in indexes:
            total_cost += cost_matrix[r][c]

        print 'total cost for solos', total_cost
        print 'number of solo debates', n

        result = ((chair_debates[i], chairs[j]) for i, j in indexes if i <
        alloc = [AdjudicatorAllocation(d, c) for d, c in result]

        print [(a.debate, a.chair) for a in alloc]
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def hungarian(self, matrix):
        munkres = Munkres()

        cost_matrix = make_cost_matrix(matrix, lambda cost: 1 - cost)
        indexes = munkres.compute(cost_matrix)

        total = 0
        coord = []

        for row, column in indexes:
            value = matrix[row][column]
            total += value

            coord.append([row, column])

        return total, coord
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def __init__(self, seq_index, tt, length, cuda=True):
        Evaluating with the MotMetrics
        :param seq_index: the number of the sequence
        :param tt: train_test
        :param length: the number of frames which is used for training
        :param cuda: True - GPU, False - CPU

        # top index: 0 - correct matching, 1 - false matching, second index: 0 - min, 1 - max, 2 - total, 3 - counter
        self.ctau = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0]
                     for i in xrange(2)]  # get the threshold for matching cost

        self.seq_index = seq_index
        self.hungarian = Munkres()
        self.device = torch.device("cuda" if cuda else "cpu")
        self.tt = tt
        self.length = length
        self.missingCounter = 0

        print '     Loading the model...'

        self.out_dir = t_dir + 'motmetrics/'
        if not os.path.exists(self.out_dir):
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def record_alignment(self, similarities, mappings):
     if len(similarities) == 0:
     cost_matrix = get_cost_matrix(similarities, mappings)
     for gold_cluster_index, system_cluster_index in Munkres().compute(
         gold_cluster = self.get(
             'cluster', 'gold',
         system_cluster = self.get(
             'cluster', 'system',
         similarity = self.lookup_similarity(similarities,
         if similarity > 0:
                 'ID')] = {
                     'aligned_to': system_cluster.get('ID'),
                     'aligned_similarity': similarity
                 'ID')] = {
                     'aligned_to': gold_cluster.get('ID'),
                     'aligned_similarity': similarity
Ejemplo n.º 34
def order_items(items, trackinfo):
    """Orders the items based on how they match some canonical track
    information. Returns a list of Items whose length is equal to the
    length of ``trackinfo``. This always produces a result if the
    numbers of items is at most the number of TrackInfo objects
    (otherwise, returns None). In the case of a partial match, the
    returned list may contain None in some positions.
    # Make sure lengths match: If there is less items, it might just be that
    # there is some tracks missing.
    if len(items) > len(trackinfo):
        return None

    # Construct the cost matrix.
    costs = []
    for cur_item in items:
        row = []
        for i, canon_item in enumerate(trackinfo):
            row.append(track_distance(cur_item, canon_item, i+1))

    # Find a minimum-cost bipartite matching.
    matching = Munkres().compute(costs)

    # Order items based on the matching.
    ordered_items = [None]*len(trackinfo)
    for cur_idx, canon_idx in matching:
        ordered_items[canon_idx] = items[cur_idx]
    return ordered_items
def min_cost_perfect_bipartite_matching(G):
    n = len(G)
        from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment

        rows, cols = linear_sum_assignment(G)
        assert (rows == list(range(n))).all()
        return list(cols), _matching_cost(G, cols)
    except ImportError:

        from munkres import Munkres

        cols = [None] * n
        for row, col in Munkres().compute(G):
            cols[row] = col
        return cols, _matching_cost(G, cols)
    except ImportError:

    if n > 6:
        raise Exception("Install Python module 'munkres' or 'scipy >= 0.17.0'")

    # Otherwise just brute-force
    permutations = itertools.permutations(range(n))
    best = list(next(permutations))
    best_cost = _matching_cost(G, best)
    for p in permutations:
        cost = _matching_cost(G, p)
        if cost < best_cost:
            best, best_cost = list(p), cost
    return best, best_cost
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def findMovement(self, data, publisher):
        m = Munkres()

        print "processing new scan"

        convert_data = self.xyConvert(data)

        if not (len(self.filter_scans) < self.filter_size):
            print "starting filter"

            print "adding odom"
            odom_scan = self.addOdom()

            matches = [[] for ii in range(len(self.filter_scans[1]))]

            for ii in range(1, self.filter_size - 1):
                print "calculating cost mat"
                cost_mat = self.makeCostMatrix(self.filter_scans[0],
                print len(cost_mat)
                print "doing matching"
                #indexes = m.compute(cost_mat)
                row_ind, col_ind = linear_sum_assignment(cost_mat)

                print "done matching for scan: ", ii
                #for item in indexes:
                #   matches[item[0]].append(self.filter_scans[ii][item[1]])

                for jj, item in enumerate(row_ind):

            matched_scans = []

            print "processing"
            for item in matches:
                res = apply(zip, item)

            filtered_points = []

            print "computing avg and std"
            for item in matched_scans:
                x_avg = np.mean(item[0])
                x_std = np.std(item[0])
                y_avg = np.mean(item[1])
                y_std = np.std(item[1])

                if x_std > self.max_var and y_std > self.max_var:
                    filtered_points.append([x_avg, y_avg, 0])

            print filtered_points
            pc_cloud = PointCloud2()
            pc_cloud = pc2.create_cloud_xyz32(pc_cloud.header, filtered_points)
            print "ending filter"

            print "building filter"
Ejemplo n.º 37
def assign_items(items, tracks):
    """Given a list of Items and a list of TrackInfo objects, find the
    best mapping between them. Returns a mapping from Items to TrackInfo
    objects, a set of extra Items, and a set of extra TrackInfo
    objects. These "extra" objects occur when there is an unequal number
    of objects of the two types.
    # Construct the cost matrix.
    costs = []
    for item in items:
        row = []
        for i, track in enumerate(tracks):
            row.append(track_distance(item, track))

    # Find a minimum-cost bipartite matching.
    matching = Munkres().compute(costs)

    # Produce the output matching.
    mapping = dict((items[i], tracks[j]) for (i, j) in matching)
    extra_items = list(set(items) - set(mapping.keys()))
    extra_items.sort(key=lambda i: (i.disc, i.track, i.title))
    extra_tracks = list(set(tracks) - set(mapping.values()))
    extra_tracks.sort(key=lambda t: (t.index, t.title))
    return mapping, extra_items, extra_tracks
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        t = self.tournament
        self.min_score = t.pref('adj_min_score')
        self.max_score = t.pref('adj_max_score')
        self.min_voting_score = t.pref('adj_min_voting_score')
        self.conflict_penalty = t.pref('adj_conflict_penalty')
        self.history_penalty = t.pref('adj_history_penalty')
        self.no_panellists = t.pref('no_panellist_position')
        self.no_trainees = t.pref('no_trainee_position')
        self.duplicate_allocations = t.pref('duplicate_adjs')
        self.feedback_weight = self.round.feedback_weight
        self.extra_messages = ""  # Surfaced to users for non-error disclosures

        self.munkres = Munkres()
Ejemplo n.º 39
def order_items(items, trackinfo):
    """Orders the items based on how they match some canonical track
    information. This always produces a result if the numbers of tracks
    # Make sure lengths match.
    if len(items) != len(trackinfo):
        return None

    # Construct the cost matrix.
    costs = []
    for cur_item in items:
        row = []
        for i, canon_item in enumerate(trackinfo):
            row.append(track_distance(cur_item, canon_item, i + 1))

    # Find a minimum-cost bipartite matching.
    matching = Munkres().compute(costs)

    # Order items based on the matching.
    ordered_items = [None] * len(items)
    for cur_idx, canon_idx in matching:
        ordered_items[canon_idx] = items[cur_idx]
    return ordered_items
Ejemplo n.º 40
def run():
    hungarian_input_dict = convertToSquareMatrix(get_alg_members(settings.GID), get_alg_time_blocks(settings.GID), get_alg_leader_groups(settings.GID), "y_leaders")
    #return {'final_dict': hungarian_input_dict}
    count_matrix = hungarian_input_dict["ct_matrix"]
    m = Munkres()
    #return hungarian_input_dict
    indexes = m.compute(count_matrix)
    ret_dict = {
        'indexes': indexes,
        'member_matrix': hungarian_input_dict["mem_id_matrix"],
        'tb_map': hungarian_input_dict["tb_map"],
        'lg_map': hungarian_input_dict["lg_map"],
        'ct_matrix': count_matrix
    return ret_dict
Ejemplo n.º 41
def pnl(source_train, source_test, target_train, target_test, label1, label2, label3, class_num, classes):
    # 训练Source KNN分类器
    clf = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier()
    clf.fit(source_train, label1)
    source_predict = clf.predict(source_train)
    # 获得混淆矩阵
    cm = confusion_matrix(label1, source_predict, classes)
    source_predict = clf.predict(source_test)
    # 获得Semi-label
    semi_label = get_semi_label(cm, class_num)
    # Target数据KMeans聚类
    len2 = target_train.shape[0]
    target_cluster = KMeans(n_clusters=class_num).fit(target_train)
    target_predict = target_cluster.labels_
    target_predict = get_predict(target_predict, classes, len2)
    # 获取WLG
    wlg = get_wlg(class_num, len2, classes, semi_label, source_predict, target_predict)
    # 匈牙利算法
    munk = Munkres()
    indexes = munk.compute(wlg)

    # Labelling
    final_predict = target_cluster.labels_
    result = []
    for i in range(0, len2):
        cInd = final_predict[i]
    # 评价参数
    accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(label2, result)
    recall = metrics.recall_score(label2, result, average='macro')
    f1 = metrics.f1_score(label2, result, average='weighted')
    precision = metrics.precision_score(label2, result, average='weighted')
    print("PNL Labelling:", accuracy, recall, f1, precision)

    # Recognition
    len3 = target_test.shape[0]
    final_predict = target_cluster.predict(target_test)
    result = []
    for i in range(0, len3):
        cInd = final_predict[i]
    # 评价参数
    accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(label3, result)
    recall = metrics.recall_score(label3, result, average='macro')
    f1 = metrics.f1_score(label3, result, average='weighted')
    precision = metrics.precision_score(label3, result, average='weighted')
    print("PNL-Recognition:", accuracy, recall, f1, precision)
def performmultiparsing(S,L):
    '''Pass in the
    S=> part confidencemaps
    L=>PAF maps'''
    #Let Dj be the set of  candidate parts for multiple people for the jth part
    #building the D set
    D = np.zeros((S.shape[0],100, 2)) #(a,100,2) D must contain locations for the ath part, 100=max number of ath parts and 2 is the 2D dimension
    Dcounters = np.zeros(S.shape[0], np.uint8) #stores the number of points found for each part
    #speeding things up
    Snumpy = S.clone().detach().numpy()
    #cython implementation
    D, Dcounters = get_D_set_from_S_field(Snumpy, confidencemappartsthreshold)
    #building E Matrix holding E-values for each
    #candidate limb
    associations = {}
    for i, limb in enumerate(skeleton):
        partindexfrom, partindexto = limb[0]-1, limb[1]-1 #limb part indexes start from 1
        D1, D2 = D[partindexfrom], D[partindexto]
        Dcounters1, Dcounters2 = Dcounters[partindexfrom], Dcounters[partindexto]
        if ((Dcounters1 == 0) | (Dcounters2 == 0)):#if any has no-points, makes no sense look at this limb
        if (Dcounters1 != Dcounters2):
        EMtx = np.zeros((int(Dcounters1), int(Dcounters2)), dtype=float)
        Lpart = L[i]
        #filling EMtx
        for a in range(int(Dcounters1)):
            for b in range(int(Dcounters2)):
                dj1 = D1[a]
                dj2 = D2[b]
                if ((dj1[0] - dj2[0])== 0) & ((dj1[1] - dj2[1])==0):
                EMtx[a,b] = E(dj1, dj2, i, L)
        #negate values for maximization
        EMtx *= -1
        #once filled we need to find the best combination of a's and b's
        # by finding the max values of E for a and b combinations with the
        # constraint that a_i can only be connected to b_j and the same
        # rules for b values
        # Munkres or Hungarian Algorithm
        munkres = Munkres()
        indices = munkres.compute(EMtx)

        #storing index association
        associations[i] = indices
    #with this info we have enough info to rebuild the skeletons for all the people in the image
    return associations, D, Dcounters
Ejemplo n.º 43
def main(cmd, dataset, run, conf, make_videos):   
    if make_videos:
        from visualize_tracking import render_video
        from config import DatasetConfig
        from apply_mask import Masker
        mask = Masker(dataset)
        dc = DatasetConfig(dataset)
    config_path = "{rp}{ds}_{rn}/world_tracking_optimization.pklz".format(rp=runs_path, ds=dataset, rn=run)
    if isfile(config_path):
        config = load(config_path)
        #raise(ValueError("No world tracking optimized configuration exists at {}".format(config_path)))
        config = WorldTrackingConfig(default_config)
    calib = Calibration(dataset)    
    munkres = Munkres()
    ts = Timestamps(dataset)
    start_stop = None
    if cmd == "findvids":
        from glob import glob
        vidnames = glob('{dsp}{ds}/videos/*.mkv'.format(dsp=datasets_path, ds=dataset))
        vidnames = [right_remove(x.split('/')[-1], '.mkv') for x in vidnames]
        outfolder = '{}{}_{}/tracks_world/'.format(runs_path, dataset, run)
        vidnames = [cmd]
        outfolder = './'
        start_stop = (0,500)
    for v in vidnames:
        out_path = "{of}{v}_tracks.pklz".format(of=outfolder, v=v)
        print_flush("Loading data...")
        det_path = "{rp}{ds}_{rn}/detections_world/{v}_world.csv".format(rp=runs_path, ds=dataset, rn=run, v=v)
        detections3D = pd.read_csv(det_path)
        klt_path = det_path.replace('.csv', '_klt.pklz')
        klts = load(klt_path)
        tracks = make_tracks(dataset, v, detections3D, klts, munkres, ts, calib, config, start_stop=start_stop)
        print_flush("Saving tracks...")
        save(tracks, out_path)
        if make_videos:

            vidpath = "{dsp}{ds}/videos/{v}.mkv".format(dsp=datasets_path, ds=dataset, v=v)
            print_flush("Rendering video...")
            render_video(tracks, vidpath, out_path.replace('.pklz','.mp4'), calib=calib, mask=mask, fps=dc.get('video_fps'))

Ejemplo n.º 44
def main(cmd, dataset, run, conf, make_videos):   
    from pathlib import Path
    if make_videos:
        from visualize_tracking import render_video
        from config import DatasetConfig
        from apply_mask import Masker
        mask = Masker(dataset)
        dc = DatasetConfig(dataset)
    config_path = runs_path / "{}_{}".format(dataset,run) / "world_tracking_optimization.pklz"
    if config_path.is_file():
        config = load(config_path)
        #raise(ValueError("No world tracking optimized configuration exists at {}".format(config_path)))
        config = WorldTrackingConfig(default_config)
    calib = Calibration(dataset)    
    munkres = Munkres()
    ts = Timestamps(dataset)
    start_stop = None
    if cmd == "findvids":
        vidnames = (datasets_path / dataset / "videos").glob('*.mkv')
        vidnames = [x.stem for x in vidnames]
        outfolder = runs_path / "{}_{}".format(dataset,run) / "tracks_world"
        vidnames = [cmd]
        outfolder = Path('./')
        start_stop = (0,500)
    for v in vidnames:
        out_path = outfolder / (v+'_tracks.pklz')   
        print_flush("Loading data...")
        det_path = runs_path / "{}_{}".format(dataset,run) / "detections_world" / (v+'_world.csv')
        detections3D = pd.read_csv(det_path)
        klt_path = det_path.with_name(det_path.stem + '_klt.pklz')
        klts = load(klt_path)
        tracks = make_tracks(dataset, v, detections3D, klts, munkres, ts, calib, config, start_stop=start_stop)
        print_flush("Saving tracks...")
        save(tracks, out_path)
        if make_videos:            
            vidpath = datasets_path / dataset / "videos" / (v+'.mkv')
            print_flush("Rendering video...")
            render_video(tracks, vidpath, out_path.with_suffix('.mp4'), calib=calib, mask=mask, fps=dc.get('video_fps'))

Ejemplo n.º 45
 def cleanup(self):
     nX = self.X.nodes()
     nY = self.Y.nodes()
     C = np.empty([nX, nY])
     for i in range(nX):
         for j in range(nY):
             C[i, j] = 1.0 - self.M[i, j]
     m = Munkres()
     indexmatch = m.compute(C)
     self.f = [indexmatch[i][1] for i in range(len(indexmatch))]
     self.f = self.f[0:nX]
     if (self.swapped):
         g = []
         for i in range(nY):
             g[f[i]] = i
         self.f = g
Ejemplo n.º 46
def mycorrelation(x, y, method='Pearson'):
    """Evaluate correlation
         x: data to be sorted
         y: target data
         corr_sort: correlation matrix between x and y (after sorting)
         sort_idx: sorting index
         x_sort: x after sorting
         method: correlation method ('Pearson' or 'Spearman')

    # print("Calculating correlation...")

    x = x.copy()
    y = y.copy()
    dim = x.shape[0]

    # Calculate correlation -----------------------------------
    if method == 'Pearson':
        corr = np.corrcoef(y, x)
        corr = corr[0:dim, dim:]
    elif method == 'Spearman':
        corr, pvalue = sp.stats.spearmanr(y.T, x.T)
        corr = corr[0:dim, dim:]

    # Sort ----------------------------------------------------

    munk = Munkres()
    indexes = munk.compute(-np.absolute(corr))

    sort_idx = np.zeros(dim)
    x_sort = np.zeros(x.shape)
    for i in range(dim):
        sort_idx[i] = indexes[i][1]
        x_sort[i, :] = x[indexes[i][1], :]

    # Re-calculate correlation --------------------------------
    if method == 'Pearson':
        corr_sort = np.corrcoef(y, x_sort)
        corr_sort = corr_sort[0:dim, dim:]
    elif method == 'Spearman':
        corr_sort, pvalue = sp.stats.spearmanr(y.T, x_sort.T)
        corr_sort = corr_sort[0:dim, dim:]

    return corr_sort, sort_idx, x_sort
Ejemplo n.º 47
def pnl():
    # 获取数据
    features, labels, classes, class_num = get_data()

    # 划分训练集和测试集
    # source选取right knee, target选取necklace
    source_train, source_test, target_test, target_train, label_train, label_test, test_len, train_len = data_devide(
        features, labels, 0.5, 1, 0)

    # 训练Source KNN分类器
    clf = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier()
    clf.fit(source_train, label_train)

    # 获取source单独训练正确率
    source_predict = clf.predict(source_test)
    source_cluster_accuracy = get_accuracy(label_test, source_predict, test_len)
    print("Source KNN预测正确率", source_cluster_accuracy)

    # 获得混淆矩阵
    cm = confusion_matrix(label_test, source_predict, classes)
    # print("Source KNN混淆矩阵:\n", cm)

    # 获得Semi-label
    semi_label = get_semi_label(cm, class_num)

    # Target数据KMeans聚类
    target_cluster = KMeans(n_clusters=17).fit(target_test)
    target_predict = target_cluster.labels_
    target_predict = get_predict(target_predict, classes, test_len)

    # 获取WLG
    wlg = get_wlg(class_num, test_len, classes, semi_label, source_predict, target_predict)

    # 匈牙利算法
    munk = Munkres()
    indexes = munk.compute(wlg)
    result = []
    for i in range(0, test_len):
        ci = target_predict[i]
        cInd = classes.index(ci)

    final_accuracy = get_accuracy(label_test, result, test_len)
    print("PNL Target labelling正确率:", final_accuracy)
    tcm = confusion_matrix(label_test, target_predict, classes)
    return wlg, tcm
Ejemplo n.º 48
def solveGAP(M, t):
    w = deepcopy(M)
    m = w.tolist()
    # for i in range(len(m)):
    # for j in range(len(m[i])):
    # if m[i][j] == 1e9:
    # m[i][j] = DISALLOWED

    algo = Munkres()
    indexes = []
        indexes = algo.compute(m)
        print('Error in solveGAP')
        return []
    return indexes
    def trackObjects(self, objects):
        # if no object found, skip the rest of processing
        if len(objects) == 0:

        # If any object is registred in the db, assign registerd ID to the most similar object in the current image
        if len(self.objectDB) > 0:
            # Create a matix of cosine distance
            cos_sim_matrix = [[
                distance.cosine(objects[j].feature, self.objectDB[i].feature)
                for j in range(len(objects))
            ] for i in range(len(self.objectDB))]
            # solve feature matching problem by Hungarian assignment algorithm
            hangarian = Munkres()
            combination = hangarian.compute(cos_sim_matrix)

            # assign ID to the object pairs based on assignment matrix
            for dbIdx, objIdx in combination:
                if distance.cosine(objects[objIdx].feature,
                                   ) < self.similarityThreshold:
                    objects[objIdx].id = self.objectDB[
                        dbIdx].id  # assign an ID
                    self.objectDB[dbIdx].feature = objects[
                        objIdx].feature  # update the feature vector in DB with the latest vector (to make tracking easier)
                    self.objectDB[dbIdx].time = time.monotonic(
                    )  # update last found time
                    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = objects[objIdx].pos
                        (xmin + xmax) // 2, (ymin + ymax) // 2
                    ])  # record position history as trajectory
                    objects[objIdx].trajectory = self.objectDB[

        # Register the new objects which has no ID yet
        for obj in objects:
            if obj.id == -1:  # no similar objects is registred in feature_db
                obj.id = self.objectid
                self.objectDB.append(obj)  # register a new feature to the db
                self.objectDB[-1].time = time.monotonic()
                xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = obj.pos
                self.objectDB[-1].trajectory = [[
                    (xmin + xmax) // 2, (ymin + ymax) // 2
                ]]  # position history for trajectory line
                obj.trajectory = self.objectDB[-1].trajectory
                self.objectid += 1
Ejemplo n.º 50
def lsa_solve_munkres(costs):
    """Solves the LSA problem using the Munkres library."""
    from munkres import Munkres

    m = Munkres()
    # The munkres package may hang if the problem is not feasible.
    # Therefore, add expensive edges instead of using munkres.DISALLOWED.
    finite_costs = add_expensive_edges(costs)
    # Ensure that matrix is square.
    finite_costs = _zero_pad_to_square(finite_costs)
    indices = np.array(m.compute(finite_costs), dtype=int)
    # Exclude extra matches from extension to square matrix.
    indices = indices[(indices[:, 0] < costs.shape[0])
                      & (indices[:, 1] < costs.shape[1])]
    rids, cids = indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1]
    rids, cids = _exclude_missing_edges(costs, rids, cids)
    return rids, cids
    def hungarian_matching(self,
        n_dets = det_coordinates.shape[0]
        n_gts = GT_coordinates.shape[0]
        print 'n_dets = %d, n_gts = %d' % (n_dets, n_gts)

        n_max = max(n_dets, n_gts)

        matrix = np.zeros((n_max, n_max)) + 1

        for i_d in range(n_dets):
            for i_gt in range(n_gts):
                if ((det_coordinates[i_d, 0] - GT_coordinates[i_gt, 0])**2 +
                    (det_coordinates[i_d, 1] - GT_coordinates[i_gt, 1])**
                        2) <= self.radius_match**2:
                    matrix[i_d, i_gt] = 0

        m = Munkres()
        indexes = m.compute(copy.copy(matrix))

        total = 0
        TP = []  #True positive
        FP = []  #False positive
        FN = []  #False negative
        for row, column in indexes:
            value = matrix[row][column]
            total += value
            if verbose:
                print '(%d, %d) -> %d' % (row, column, value)
            if value == 0:
                                               0]), int(det_coordinates[row,
            if value > 0:
                if row < n_dets:
                    FP.append((int(det_coordinates[row, 0]),
                               int(det_coordinates[row, 1])))
                if column < n_gts:
                    FN.append((int(GT_coordinates[column, 0]),
                               int(GT_coordinates[column, 1])))
        if verbose:
            print 'total cost: %d' % total

        return total, np.asarray(TP), np.asarray(FP), np.asarray(FN)
Ejemplo n.º 52
def mrProfit(matrix):
    cost_matrix = []
    for row in matrix:
        cost_row = []
        for col in row:
            cost_row += [sys.maxsize - col]
        cost_matrix += [cost_row]

    m = Munkres()
    indexes = m.compute(cost_matrix)
    print_matrix(matrix, msg='Highest profit through this matrix:')
    total = 0
    for row, column in indexes:
        value = matrix[row][column]
        total += value
        print('(%d, %d) -> %d' % (row, column, value))
    print('total profit=%d' % total)
Ejemplo n.º 53
 def munkres_maximise_assignment(self, matrix):
     # call to Munkres algorithm (a variant of the Hungarian algorithm)
     # maximise "profit" along rows of a matrix
     cost_matrix = munkres.make_cost_matrix(matrix,
                                            lambda cost: sys.maxint - cost)
     m = Munkres()
     indexes = m.compute(cost_matrix)
     #print_matrix(matrix, msg='Highest profit through this matrix:')
     useful_indices = []
     total = 0
     for row, column in indexes:
         value = matrix[row][column]
         total += value
         #print '(%d, %d) -> %d' % (row, column, value)
         useful_indices.append(((row, column)))
     print 'total score (hungarian) =%d' % total
     return total, useful_indices
Ejemplo n.º 54
    def match_detections_to_tracks_global_nearest_neighbour(
            self, objects_tracked, objects_detected):
        Match detected objects to existing object tracks using a global nearest neighbour data association
        matched_tracks = {}

        # Populate match_dist matrix of mahalanobis_dist between every detection and every track
        match_dist = [
        ]  # matrix of probability of matching between all people and all detections.
        eligable_detections = [
        ]  # Only include detections in match_dist matrix if they're in range of at least one track to speed up munkres
        for detect in objects_detected:
            at_least_one_track_in_range = False
            new_row = []
            for track in objects_tracked:
                # Use mahalanobis dist to do matching
                cov = track.filtered_state_covariances[0][
                    0] + track.var_obs  # cov_xx == cov_yy == cov
                mahalanobis_dist = math.sqrt(
                    ((detect.pos_x - track.pos_x)**2 +
                     (detect.pos_y - track.pos_y)**2) / cov
                )  # ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahalanobis_distance#Definition_and_properties
                if mahalanobis_dist < self.mahalanobis_dist_gate:
                    at_least_one_track_in_range = True
            # If the detection is within range of at least one person track, add it as an eligable detection in the munkres matching
            if at_least_one_track_in_range:

        # Run munkres on match_dist to get the lowest cost assignment
        if match_dist:
            munkres = Munkres()
            # self.pad_matrix(match_dist, pad_value=self.max_cost) # I found no difference when padding it
            indexes = munkres.compute(match_dist)
            for elig_detect_index, track_index in indexes:
                if match_dist[elig_detect_index][
                        track_index] < self.mahalanobis_dist_gate:
                    detect = eligable_detections[elig_detect_index]
                    track = objects_tracked[track_index]
                    matched_tracks[track] = detect

        return matched_tracks
Ejemplo n.º 55
    def generate_pairings(self):
        from munkres import Munkres
        ## create a matrix of mu values
        matrix = defaultdict(OrderedDict)
        players = self.all()
        for player in players:
            if matrix.get(player.judge, {}).get(player.target, None):
                print "ERROR, already in matrix: ", player.judge, player.target, player.mu
            matrix[player.judge][player.target] = player.mu

        ordered_matrix = OrderedDict(
            sorted(matrix.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].user_id))
        players = matrix.keys()
        ## create a matrix of combined mu values represnted as costs (lower is better)
        munkres_matrix = []
        key_matrix = []
        for player1 in players:
            munkres_row = []
            key_matrix_row = []
            for player2 in players:
                mu_p1_p2 = ordered_matrix.get(player1, {}).get(player2, 0)
                mu_p2_p1 = ordered_matrix.get(player1, {}).get(player2, 0)
                munkres_row.append(1000 - mu_p1_p2 - mu_p2_p1)
                key_matrix_row.append((player1, player2))

        ## use Munkres to figure out the pairings to achieve highest combined mu values
        m = Munkres()
        munkres_indexes = m.compute(munkres_matrix)
        pairings = []
        ## save the results as Parings
        for row, column in munkres_indexes:
            print 'output: (%d, %d)' % (row, column)
            combined_mu = 1000 - munkres_matrix[row][column]
            player1 = key_matrix[row][column][0]
            player2 = key_matrix[row][column][1]
            new_pairing = Pairing(a=player1,
            print '(%d, %d) -> %s %s, %s %s -> %d' % (
                row, column, player1.first_name, player1.last_name,
                player2.first_name, player2.last_name, combined_mu)
        return pairings
Ejemplo n.º 56
def compute_accuracy(y_pred, y_t, num_class):
    # compute the accuracy using Hungarian algorithm
    m = Munkres()
    tot_cl = num_class
    mat = np.zeros((tot_cl, tot_cl))
    for i in range(tot_cl):
        for j in range(tot_cl):
            mat[i][j] = np.sum(np.logical_and(y_pred == i, y_t == j))
    indexes = m.compute(-mat)

    corresp = []
    for i in range(tot_cl):

    pred_corresp = [corresp[int(predicted)] for predicted in y_pred]
    acc = np.sum(pred_corresp == y_t) / float(len(y_t))
    return acc
Ejemplo n.º 57
def maximizeTrace(mat):
#--- Import modules
    # import numpy as np
    # import copy as cp
    # from munkres import Munkres
#-- Main algorithm     
    assert mat.shape[0] == mat.shape[1] # Matrix should be square
#--- Use of the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm (or Hungarian Algorithm)    
    m = Munkres()
    # Convert the cost minimization problem into a profit maximization one
    costMatrix = np.ones(np.shape(mat))*np.amax(mat) - mat       
    indexes = m.compute(cp.deepcopy(costMatrix))
    indexes= np.array(indexes)
    return (indexes[:,1]).astype(int)
Ejemplo n.º 58
def application(environ, start_response):
    wsgi_input = environ['wsgi.input']
    length = int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0))
    data = json.loads(wsgi_input.read(length))
    result = Munkres().compute(data)

    start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'application/json')])
    return [bytes(json.dumps(result), 'utf-8')]
Ejemplo n.º 59
 def __init__(self, config):
     # max DUE/CUE transmit power in dBm
     self.dB_Pd_max = config["dB_Pd_max"]
     self.dB_Pc_max = config["dB_Pc_max"]
     # large scale fading parameters
     self.stdV2V = config["stdV2V"]
     self.stdV2I = config["stdV2I"]
     # cell parameter setup
     self.freq = config["freq"]
     self.radius = config["radius"]
     self.bsHgt = config["bsHgt"]
     self.disBstoHwy = config["disBstoHwy"]
     self.bsAntGain = config["bsAntGain"]
     self.bsNoiseFigure = config["bsNoiseFigure"]
     # vehicle parameter setup
     self.vehHgt = config["vehHgt"]
     self.vehAntGain = config["vehAntGain"]
     self.vehNoiseFigure = config["vehNoiseFigure"]
     # Highway parameter setup
     self.numLane = config["numLane"]
     self.laneWidth = config["laneWidth"]
     # QoS parameters for CUE and DUE
     self.r0 = config["r0"]
     self.dB_gamma0 = config["dB_gamma0"]
     self.p0 = config["p0"]
     self.dB_sigma2 = config["dB_sigma2"]
     # dB to linear scale conversion
     self.sig2 = 10**(self.dB_sigma2 / 10)
     self.gamma0 = 10**(self.dB_gamma0 / 10)
     self.Pd_max = 10**(self.dB_Pd_max / 10)
     self.Pc_max = 10**(self.dB_Pc_max / 10)
     # CUE/DUE number setup
     self.numDUE = config["numDUE"]
     self.numCUE = config["numCUE"]
     # initialize vehicle sampler
     d0 = np.sqrt(self.radius**2 - self.disBstoHwy**2)
     self.vehicle_generator = VehicleGenerator(d0, self.laneWidth,
     # initialize channel large scale fading generator
     self.fading_generator = HwyChannelLargeScaleFadingGenerator(
         self.stdV2I, self.stdV2V, self.vehHgt, self.bsHgt, self.freq,
         self.vehAntGain, self.bsAntGain, self.bsNoiseFigure,
     # initialize Hungrian solver
     self.munkres = Munkres()
def relabel(array1, array2):
    # this function returns relabeled array2

    if len(array1) == len(array2):
        # set1 is the unique set of array1
        set1 = set(array1)
        # u1 is the unique list of array1
        u1 = list(set1)

        # set2 is the unique set of array2
        set2 = set(array2)
        # u2 is the unique list of array2
        u2 = list(set2)

        # matirx is the Corresponding matrix between u1 and u2
        matrix = [[0 for i in range(len(u2))] for j in range(len(u1))]

        for i in range(len(array1)):
            # item_1 is the index of array1's element in u1
            item_1 = u1.index(array1[i])
            # item_2 is the index of array2's element in u2
            item_2 = u2.index(array2[i])

            # this situation means 1 correspondence between item_1 and item_2 is observed
            # so corresponding location in corresponding matrix is incremented
            matrix[item_1][item_2] = matrix[item_1][item_2] + 1

        cost_matrix = benefit_to_cost(matrix)

        # Munkers library solve the cost minimization problem
        # but I would like to solve benefit maxmization problem
        # so convert benefit matrix into cost matrix

        # create mukres object
        m = Munkres()
        # get the most corresponded correspondance
        indexes = m.compute(cost_matrix)

        # I use array2 as Integer array so, convert it in case
        array2 = map(int, array2)

        # call replaced function to replace array2 according to object indexes
        replaced_matrix = replaced(array2, u1, u2, indexes)

        return replaced_matrix