Example #1
def eval_result(labels, result_gen, cache_file):
    if path.exists(cache_file):
        print "Loading cached result..."
        with open(cache_file, "rb") as inf:
            lbl_clst = pickle.load(inf)
        print "Done."
        lbl_clst = result_gen()
        print "Saving result to cache..."
        with open(cache_file, "wb") as outf:
            pickle.dump(lbl_clst, outf)
        print "Done."
    all_langs = ["da", "de", "el", "en", "es", "fi", "fr", "it", "nl", "pt", "sv"]

    print "Constructing cost matrix..."
    nObj = len(labels)
    nLang = len(all_langs)
    G = [[0 for j in range(nLang)] for i in range(nLang)]
    for i in range(nLang):
        for j in range(nLang):
            G[i][j] = -sum([(lbl_clst[k] == i and labels[k] == all_langs[j]) for k in range(nObj)])
    print "Finding best mapping..."
    m = Munkres()
    idx = m.compute(G)
    print "Calculating accuracy..."
    total = 0
    for row, col in idx:
        total += G[row][col]
    accuracy = -total / float(nObj)
    print "Accuracy = %.4f" % accuracy
def __assign_labels_to_clusters__(assignment, labels, clusters, clusts_labels):
    cost_matrix = gen_assignment_cost_matrix(assignment, labels, clusters, clusts_labels)
    munkres = Munkres()
    assignment_list = munkres.compute(cost_matrix)
    # assignment_list = [(i,i) for i in xrange(len(clusters))] #for debugging
    assigned_clusts_labels = dict(assignment_list)  # dictionary {cluster_no: assigned_label_no}
    return assigned_clusts_labels
Example #3
def match_rows_sign(X, Y):
    Permute the rows of _X_ to minimize error with Y, ignoring signs of the columns
    @params X numpy.array - input matrix
    @params Y numpy.array - comparison matrix
    @return numpy.array - X with permuted rows
    n, d = X.shape
    n_, d_ = Y.shape
    assert n == n_ and d == d_

    # Create a weight matrix to compare the two
    W = zeros((n, n))
    for i, j in it.product(xrange(n), xrange(n)):
        # Cost of 'assigning' j to i.
        W[i, j] = min(norm(X[j] - Y[i]), norm(X[j] + Y[i]))

    matching = Munkres().compute(W)
    _, rowp = zip(*matching)
    rowp = array(rowp)
    # Permute the rows of B according to Bi
    X_ = X[rowp]
    # Change signs to minimize loss
    for row in xrange(n):
        if norm(X_[row] + Y[row]) < norm(X_[row] - Y[row]):
            X_[row] *= -1

    return X_
def hun(costMatrix):

    # Check first, if costmatrix is not empty
    if costMatrix.shape==(0,0):
        return []

    # Create squared temporary matrix
    tmpMatrix = numpy.copy(costMatrix)
    tmpMatrix = makeSquareWithNegValues(tmpMatrix)
    sqCostMatrix = numpy.copy(tmpMatrix)

    # Solve ASP on the temporary matrix

    # Create resultin matrix that contains ones at matching
    # objects and remove all excluded matches
    binMatrix = numpy.zeros( tmpMatrix.shape,dtype=bool )
    for x,y in i:
        if tmpMatrix[x,y]==-1:

    return binMatrix
Example #5
def similar(list_current,list_called):
	global P,total
	# comparing the length of two files to compare smaller length to bigger 
	if len(list_current)<len(list_called):
		# calling comparison function to compare both files line by line for similarity 
		similarity = comparison(list_current,list_called)
		# storing the lenght of smaller 
		P = len(list_current)
		point=[[0 for x in range(len(list_called))] for y in range(len(list_current))]
		# calling comparison function to compare both files line by line for similarity
		similarity = comparison(list_called,list_current)
		P = len(list_called)
		point=[[0 for x in range(len(list_current))] for y in range(len(list_called))]
	# calling functions of munkres to form maximum weighted bipartite matching graph
	graph_matrix = make_cost_matrix(similarity, lambda cost: 1.0 - cost)
	m = Munkres()
	indexes =m.compute(graph_matrix)
	total = 0
	for row, column in indexes:
		# forming list of points(lines) of similarity between two files
		value = similarity[row][column]
		if value>0.0:
			total += 1
	return point
Example #6
def main(tutors, players):
  scores = []
  #create cross-scores
  for tutor in tutors:
    # create the score array for each tutor to every player
    scores.append([ getModFLF(tutor, player)*getBaseFLF(tutor,player) for player in players ])
  # print the matrix

  # find max
  maxscore = max(max(row) for row in scores)
  # turn the matrix into a min-problem
  for row in scores:
    for idx,col in enumerate(row):
      row[idx] = maxscore-col
  # using munkres (copy of tutorial)
  m = Munkres()
  indexes = m.compute(scores)

#  pretty_print(scores)
  total = 0
  print "[[Tutor ::: Player]]"
  for row, col in indexes:
    total += scores[row][col]
    print '{0} ::: {1}'.format(tutors[row],players[col])
  print 'total FLF: {0}'.format(maxscore*len(tutors)-total)
Example #7
def fix_parameters(true, guess, weights):
    """Find a column permutation of guess parameters that matches true parameters most closely (i.e. min |A
    - B|_F) also apply this to weights"""

    # The rows of A and B form a weighted bipartite graph. The weights
    # are computed using the vector_matching algorithm.
    # We need to find their minimal matching.
    assert true.shape == guess.shape

    d, k = true.shape
    m = Munkres()

    # Create the weight matrix
    W = sc.zeros((k, k))
    for i in xrange(k):
        for j in xrange(k):
            # Best matching between A and B
            W[i, j] = norm(true.T[i] - guess.T[j])

    matching = m.compute(W)
    _, colp = zip(*matching)
    colp = array(colp)
    # Permute the rows of B according to Bi
    guess = guess[:, colp]
    weights = weights[colp]

    return weights, guess
Example #8
File: align.py Project: borgr/ucca
def align(sen1, sen2):
	"""finds the best mapping of words from one sentence to the other"""
	#find lengths
	sen1 = list(map(preprocess_word, sen1.split()))
	sen2 = list(map(preprocess_word, sen2.split()))
	lengthDif = len(sen1) - len(sen2)
	if lengthDif > 0:
		shorter = sen2
		longer = sen1
		shorter = sen1
		longer = sen2
		lengthDif = abs(lengthDif)
	shorter += ["emptyWord"] * lengthDif

	#create matrix	
	matrix = np.zeros((len(longer), len(longer)))
	for i in range(len(longer)):
		for j in range(len(longer) - lengthDif):
			matrix[i,j] = distance.levenshtein(longer[i], shorter[j])
	#compare with munkres
	m = Munkres()
	indexes = m.compute(matrix)
	print("mapping is:",[(shorter[i], longer[j]) for (i,j) in indexes])
Example #9
def accuracy(labels_true, labels_pred):
    labels_true, labels_pred = check_clusterings(labels_true, labels_pred)
    n_samples = labels_true.shape[0]
    classes = np.unique(labels_true)
    clusters = np.unique(labels_pred)
    # Special limit cases: no clustering since the data is not split;
    # or trivial clustering where each document is assigned a unique cluster.
    # These are perfect matches hence return 1.0.
    if (classes.shape[0] == clusters.shape[0] == 1
            or classes.shape[0] == clusters.shape[0] == 0
            or classes.shape[0] == clusters.shape[0] == len(labels_true)):
        return 1.0
    # print "accuracy testing..."
    contingency = contingency_matrix(labels_true, labels_pred) #Type: <type 'numpy.ndarray'>:rows are clusters, cols are classes
    contingency = -contingency
    #print contingency
    contingency = contingency.tolist()
    m = Munkres() # Best mapping by using Kuhn-Munkres algorithm
    map_pairs = m.compute(contingency) #best match to find the minimum cost
    sum_value = 0
    for key,value in map_pairs:
        sum_value = sum_value + contingency[key][value]
    return float(-sum_value)/n_samples
Example #10
 def find_ambiguous_mapping(self, res, aa,
     from munkres import Munkres
     from numpy import fabs, sum, delete
     total_costs = None
     mapping = []
     ambiguous_keys = []
     ambiguous_shifts = []
     res_shifts, res_keys = res.get_carbons(previous)
     aa_shifts, aa_keys = aa.get_carbons()
     for i, j in non_ambiguous_mapping:
         if j in aa_keys:
             k = list(aa_keys).index(j)
             aa_shifts = delete(aa_shifts, k)
             aa_keys = delete(aa_keys, k)
     for i, key in enumerate(res_keys):
         if self.ambiguous(key, previous):
     if len(aa_keys) > 0 and len(ambiguous_shifts) > 0:
         costs = fabs(subtract.outer(ambiguous_shifts, aa_shifts))
         munkres = Munkres()
         result = munkres.compute(costs * 1.)
         for i, j in result:
             mapping.append((ambiguous_keys[i], aa_keys[j]))
     return mapping
Example #11
def match(img_location, features, cluster):
    img = cv2.imread(img_location)

    detector = cv2.FeatureDetector_create("SIFT")
    descriptor = cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create("SIFT")
    keypoints = detector.detect(img)
    keypoints = sorted(keypoints, key=lambda x: -x.response)
    keypoints, img_features = descriptor.compute(img, keypoints[0:5])
    img_features = img_features.tolist()

    m = Munkres()

    distance = {}
    for filename in cluster:
        distance[filename] = 0
        fea = features[filename]
        matrix = [[0 for i in range(5)] for j in range(5)]
        for i in range(5):
            for j in range(5):
                if matrix[j][i] != 0:
                    matrix[i][j] = matrix[j][i]
                    matrix[i][j] = np.linalg.norm( array(img_features[i]) - array(fea[j]) )
                    matrix[i][j] = 10000
        indexes = m.compute(matrix)
        for row, column in indexes:
            distance[filename] += matrix[row][column]

    results = sorted(cluster, key = lambda x: distance[x])
    # results = features.keys()
    return results, distance
Example #12
File: utils.py Project: kmwenja/ftm
def maximum_weight_bipartite(matrix):
    cost_matrix = make_cost_matrix(matrix, lambda cost: 100000 - cost)

    m = Munkres()
    indices = m.compute(cost_matrix)

    return indices
def loss1(usersPerCircle, usersPerCircleP):
  #psize: either the number of groundtruth, or the number of predicted circles (whichever is larger)
  psize = max(len(usersPerCircle),len(usersPerCircleP)) # Pad the matrix to be square
  # mm: matching matrix containing costs of matching groundtruth circles to predicted circles.
  #     mm[i][j] = cost of matching groundtruth circle i to predicted circle j
  mm = numpy.zeros((psize,psize))
  # mm2: copy of mm since the Munkres library destroys the data during computation
  mm2 = numpy.zeros((psize,psize))
  for i in range(psize):
    for j in range(psize):
      circleP = set() # Match to an empty circle (delete all users)
      circle = set() # Match to an empty circle (add all users)
      if (i < len(usersPerCircleP)):
        circleP = usersPerCircleP[i]
      if (j < len(usersPerCircle)):
        circle = usersPerCircle[j]
      nedits = len(circle.union(circleP)) - len(circle.intersection(circleP)) # Compute the edit distance between the two circles
      mm[i][j] = nedits
      mm2[i][j] = nedits

  if psize == 0:
    return 0 # Edge case in case there are no circles
    m = Munkres()
    #print mm2 # Print the pairwise cost matrix
    indices = m.compute(mm) # Compute the optimal alignment between predicted and groundtruth circles
    editCost = 0
    for row, column in indices:
      #print row,column # Print the optimal value selected by matching
      editCost += mm2[row][column]
    return int(editCost)
Example #14
    def get_suitability_score(customer_list, product_list):
        calculate the total maximum suitability score
        by using munkres algorithm and returns a detailed
        customer_product_enties & total suitability score
        suitability_scores = []
        customer_suitability_scores = []

        for customer in customer_list:
            for product in product_list:
            customer_suitability_scores = []

        customer_product_entries = []
        cost_matrix = make_cost_matrix(suitability_scores, lambda cost: 1e10 - cost)
        munkres = Munkres()
        indexes = munkres.compute(cost_matrix)
        total_suitability_score = 0
        for customer_index, product_index  in indexes:
            suitability_score = suitability_scores[customer_index][product_index]
            total_suitability_score += suitability_score
            suitability_score_entry = SuitabilityScoreEntry(customer_list[customer_index],product_list[product_index],suitability_score)

        return customer_product_entries,total_suitability_score
 def match(self, model_manager):
     individuals = model_manager.individuals
     groups = model_manager.groups
     pref_matrix = []
     individual_count = len(individuals)        
     row_index = -1
     individuals_by_row = {}
     groups_by_col = {}
     for individual_id, individual in individuals.iteritems():
         row_index += 1
         individuals_by_row[str(row_index)] = individual
         pref_matrix_row = []
         col_index = -1
         for group_id, group in groups.iteritems():
             group_pref_value = individual.get_group_pref_value(group.id)
             # we use group slots to control the max number of individuals per group.  one individual per slot
             # each slot represents a potential membership within a group within the preference matrix. 
             # the len(pref_matrix_group_slots[grounp.id]) == min(group.max_size, len(individuals))
             group_slot_size = min(group.max_size, individual_count)
             for s in range(group_slot_size):
                 # multiply value by negative 1 because munkres finds
                 # the assignment with minimum net value, 
                 # and we want to find the assignment with
                 # maximum net value
                 pref_matrix_row.append(group_pref_value * -1)
                 col_index += 1
                 groups_by_col[str(col_index)] = group      
     munkres = Munkres()
     optimal_match_indexes = munkres.compute(pref_matrix)
     assignments = [(individuals_by_row[str(row)], groups_by_col[str(col)]) for row, col in optimal_match_indexes]            
     return assignments
Example #16
def do_matching(gsrEvents, warnings):
    matrix = []

    M = len(gsrEvents)
    N = len(warnings)
    for m in range(M):
        row = []
        gsr = gsrEvents[m]
        for n in range(N):
            warn = warnings[n]
            if match(gsr, warn):
                row.append(get_quality(gsr, warn))

    costMatrix = []
    #create the cost matrix
    for m in range(M):
        r = []
        gsr = gsrEvents[m]
        for n in range(N):
            warn = warnings[n]
            r.append(10 - matrix[m][n])

    m = Munkres()
    if M > 0 and N > 0:
        indexes = m.compute(costMatrix)
        return None, None

    return matrix, indexes
Example #17
def Objmatch(objy,objx,ref,refc,L,W,im,length):
    global D_limit_s
    dmtx = np.zeros((L,W))
    cmtx = np.zeros((L,W))
    Wd = 0.5   #weight of distance
    Wc = 1-Wd  #weight of color
    for i in range(L):
        dmtx[i,:] =((objy - ref[i][0])**2+(objx - ref[i][1])**2).T
        cmtx[i,:] = Color_Dif(im,objx,objy,refc[i],length[i]) 

    dmtx = dmtx/diag # normalize the distance by divid diag
    dmtx[dmtx>D_limit_s] = 10**6    
    cmtx = cmtx*Wc + dmtx*Wd
    tmp = copy.deepcopy(cmtx)     
    m = Munkres()
    if L<=W:
        indexes = m.compute(cmtx)
    else:     # len(ori) > # live_blobs
        indexes = m.compute(cmtx.T)
        indexes = [(s[1],s[0]) for s in indexes]
    D_idx = []
    if vid_idx>=0:
        for i in range(len(indexes))[::-1]:
            if tmp[indexes[i][0],indexes[i][1]]>10**5:

    return indexes,D_idx  
Example #18
def p345():
    A = [[  7, 53, 183, 439, 863, 497, 383, 563, 79, 973, 287, 63, 343, 169, 583],
        [627, 343, 773, 959, 943, 767, 473, 103, 699, 303, 957, 703, 583, 639, 913],
        [447, 283, 463, 29, 23, 487, 463, 993, 119, 883, 327, 493, 423, 159, 743],
        [217, 623, 3, 399, 853, 407, 103, 983, 89, 463, 290, 516, 212, 462, 350],
        [960, 376, 682, 962, 300, 780, 486, 502, 912, 800, 250, 346, 172, 812, 350],
        [870, 456, 192, 162, 593, 473, 915, 45, 989, 873, 823, 965, 425, 329, 803],
        [973, 965, 905, 919, 133, 673, 665, 235, 509, 613, 673, 815, 165, 992, 326],
        [322, 148, 972, 962, 286, 255, 941, 541, 265, 323, 925, 281, 601, 95, 973],
        [445, 721, 11, 525, 473, 65, 511, 164, 138, 672, 18, 428, 154, 448, 848],
        [414, 456, 310, 312, 798, 104, 566, 520, 302, 248, 694, 976, 430, 392, 198],
        [184, 829, 373, 181, 631, 101, 969, 613, 840, 740, 778, 458, 284, 760, 390],
        [821, 461, 843, 513, 17, 901, 711, 993, 293, 157, 274, 94, 192, 156, 574],
        [ 34, 124, 4, 878, 450, 476, 712, 914, 838, 669, 875, 299, 823, 329, 699],
        [815, 559, 813, 459, 522, 788, 168, 586, 966, 232, 308, 833, 251, 631, 107],
        [813, 883, 451, 509, 615, 77, 281, 613, 459, 205, 380, 274, 302, 35, 805]]

    for r in range(len(A)):
        for c in range(len(A[0])):
            A[r][c] *= -1

    from munkres import Munkres, print_matrix

    m = Munkres()
    indexes = m.compute(A)
    total = 0
    for row, column in indexes:
        value = A[row][column]
        total += value
    return -total
Example #19
def match_rows(X, Y):
    Permute the rows of _X_ to minimize error with Y
    @params X numpy.array - input matrix
    @params Y numpy.array - comparison matrix
    @return numpy.array - X with permuted rows
    n, d = X.shape
    n_, d_ = Y.shape
    assert n == n_ and d == d_

    # Create a weight matrix to compare the two
    W = zeros((n, n))
    for i, j in it.product(xrange(n), xrange(n)):
        # Cost of 'assigning' j to i.
        W[i, j] = norm(X[j] - Y[i])

    matching = Munkres().compute(W)
    _, rowp = zip(*matching)
    rowp = array(rowp)
    # Permute the rows of B according to Bi
    X_ = X[rowp]

    return X_
Example #20
    def __init__(self, G1, G2, nattr='weight', eattr='weight', lamb = 0.5):
        G1, G2 = sorted([G1, G2], key=lambda x: len(x))
        csim = gs.tacsim_combined_in_C(G1, G2, node_attribute=nattr, edge_attribute=eattr, lamb=lamb)
        self.csim = csim / np.sqrt(((csim * csim).sum())) # to ensure valid structural distance
        self.g1 = G1
        self.g2 = G2

        m = Munkres()
        cdist = (1 - self.csim).tolist()
        self.matching = m.compute(cdist)

        nmap = {}
        def _gen_nnid(node):
            if node not in nmap:
                nmap[node] = len(nmap)
            return nmap[node]

        self.mesos = nx.DiGraph()
        for (e1_idx, e2_idx) in self.matching:
            e1 = G1.edges()[e1_idx]
            e2 = G2.edges()[e2_idx]
            ns = _gen_nnid(e1[0])
            nt = _gen_nnid(e1[1])
            self.mesos.add_edge(ns, nt)
            self.mesos.edge[ns][nt][eattr] = 0.5 * (G1.edge[e1[0]][e1[1]][eattr] + G2.edge[e2[0]][e2[1]][eattr])
            self.mesos.node[ns][nattr] = 0.5 * (G1.node[e1[0]][nattr] + G2.node[e2[0]][nattr])
            self.mesos.node[nt][nattr] = 0.5 * (G1.node[e1[1]][nattr] + G2.node[e2[1]][nattr])
def getFileSim(fileA,fileB,alpha,beta):  	#to find the similarity of two files
	File1=open(dirname+'/'+fileA, "r")
	File2=open(dirname+'/'+fileB, "r")
	if len(content1) > len(content2):
		content1,content2 = content2,content1
	for sen_A in content1:
		temp = []
		sen_A = sen_A.lower()
		for sen_B in content2:
			sen_B = sen_B.lower()
	for i in range(len(sim))		 #to make it a maximum cost problem
		for j in range(len(sim[i])):
			sim[i][j] = 1.0-sim[i][j]
	result_matrix=m.compute(sim)		#implementing hungarian 
	maxSimMatrix = []
	for row,column in result_matrix:
		if	sim[row][column]!=1.0:
			if flag==1:
			maxSimMatrix.append([row,column])	#storing which lines are matched
	if FileSim<beta:
		FileSim = 0
	return (FileSim, maxSimMatrix)
Example #22
def closest_permuted_matrix( A, B ):
    """Find a _row_ permutation of B that matches A most closely (i.e. min |A
    - B|_F)"""

    # The rows of A and B form a weighted bipartite graph. The weights
    # are computed using the vector_matching algorithm.
    # We need to find their minimal matching.
    assert( A.shape == B.shape )

    n, _ = A.shape
    m = Munkres()

    # Create the weight matrix
    W = sc.zeros( (n, n) )
    for i in xrange( n ):
        for j in xrange( n ):
            # Best matching between A and B
            W[i, j] = norm(A[i] - B[j])

    matching = m.compute( W )
    _, rowp = zip(*matching)
    rowp = array( rowp )
    # Permute the rows of B according to Bi
    B_ = B[ rowp ]

    return B_
def assign_projects():
    projects = Project.query.join(Priority).order_by(Project.id).all()
    users = User.query.join(Priority).order_by(User.id).all()
    user_ids = [user.id for user in users]
    default_priority = len(projects) + 1
    matrix = []

    for project in projects:
        priority_query = db.session.query(User.id, Priority.priority).\
            outerjoin(Priority, db.and_(User.id == Priority.user_id,
                                        Priority.project_id == project.id)).\
        priorities = [user_priority_tuple.priority
                      if user_priority_tuple.priority is not None
                      else default_priority
                      for user_priority_tuple in priority_query]

    if len(matrix) != 0:
        db.session.query(Project).update({Project.assignee_id: None})
        m = Munkres()
        indexes = m.compute(matrix)
        for row, column in indexes:
            projects[row].assignee_id = user_ids[column]

    flash('Project assignments updated.')
    return redirect(url_for('show_index'))
Example #24
def match_parameters(p, q, method="munkres", discard_misses=False):
    Match two sets of parameters.
    TODO: finish greedy
    logger.info("Matching with method %s" % method)
    assert p.shape[1] == q.shape[1], (
        "Shapes do not match (%s vs %s)" % (p.shape, q.shape)

    match_size = min(p.shape[0], q.shape[0])
    corrs = np.corrcoef(p, q)[match_size:, :match_size]
    corrs[np.isnan(corrs)] = 0

    if method == "munkres":
        m = Munkres()
        cl = 1 - np.abs(corrs)
        if (cl.shape[0] > cl.shape[1]):
            indices = m.compute(cl.T)
            indices = m.compute(cl)
            indices = [(i[1], i[0]) for i in indices]

    elif method == "greedy":
        q_idx = []
        raise NotImplementedError("Greedy not supported yet.")
        for c in range(q.shape[0]):
            idx = corrs[c, :].argmax()
            corrs[:,idx] = 0

        raise NotImplementedError("%s matching not supported" % method)

    return indices
Example #25
    def evaluateFrame(self,X,Y, X_labels=None, Y_labels=None):
        """ Compute the OSPA metric between two sets of points. """
        # check for empty sets
        if numpy.size(X) == 0 and numpy.size(Y) == 0:
            return (0,0,0,0)
        elif numpy.size(X) == 0 or numpy.size(Y) == 0 :
            return (self.c,0,self.c, 0)
        # we assume that Y is the larger set
        m = numpy.size(X,0) 
        n = numpy.size(Y,0)
        switched = False
        if m > n:
            X,Y = Y,X
            m,n = n,m 
            switched = True       

        dists = self.calculateCostMatrix(X,Y)
        # Copy cost matrix for munkres module
        munkres_matrix = numpy.copy(dists)
        # Only run munkres on non-empty matrix
        if len(munkres_matrix) > 0:
            munkres = Munkres()
            indices = munkres.compute(munkres_matrix)
            indices = []
        # compute the OSPA metric
        total = 0 
        total_loc = 0
        for [i,j] in indices:
            total_loc += dists[i][j]**self.p
        # calculate cardinalization error
        err_cn = (float((self.c)**(self.p)*(n-m))/n)**(1/float(self.p))
        # calculate localization error
        err_loc = (float(total_loc)/n)**(1/float(self.p)) 

        # Not contained in version from github implemented 
        # acc. to paper "A Metric for Performance Evaluation of Multi-Target Tracking Algorithms"
        # Implementation of labeling error
        # Penalizes ID switches from frame to frame
        new_assignments = []
        for [i,j] in indices:
            if (switched):
                i,j = j,i
            new_assignments.append((X_labels[i], Y_labels[j]))
        wrong_labels =len(self.old_assignments) - len(set(new_assignments) & set(self.old_assignments))
        err_label = (float((float(self.a)**float(self.p))/n)*wrong_labels) **(1/float(self.p)) 
        # store current assignments of labels to track
        self.old_assignments = new_assignments
        #ospa_err = ( float(total_loc + (n-m)*self.c**self.p) / n)**(1/float(self.p))
        ospa_err = ( float(total_loc + self.a*wrong_labels + (n-m)*self.c**self.p) / n)**(1/float(self.p))
        ospa_tuple = (ospa_err,err_loc,err_cn, err_label) 


        return ospa_tuple
def hungarian_mapping(inames, cnames, target, base):
    Utilizes the hungarian/munkres matching algorithm to compute an initial
    mapping of inames to cnames. The base cost is the expected correct guesses
    if each object is matched to itself (i.e., a new object). Then the cost of
    each object-object match is evaluated by setting each individual object and
    computing the expected correct guesses.

    :param inames: the target component names
    :type inames: collection
    :param cnames: the base component names
    :type cnames: collection
    :param target: An instance or concept.av_counts object to be mapped to the
        base concept.
    :type target: :ref:`Instance<instance-rep>` or av_counts obj from concept
    :param base: A concept to map the target to
    :type base: TrestleNode
    :return: a mapping for renaming components in the instance.
    :rtype: frozenset

    cnames = list(cnames)
    inames = list(inames)

    cost_matrix = []
    for o in inames:
        row = []
        for c in cnames:
            nm = {}
            nm[o] = c
            cost = mapping_cost({o: c}, target, base)
        unmapped_cost = mapping_cost({}, target, base)
        for other_o in inames:
            if other_o == o:

    m = Munkres()
    indices = m.compute(cost_matrix)

    # comments for using scipy hungarian
    # indices = linear_sum_assignment(cost_matrix)

    mapping = {}

    # for i in range(len(indices[0])):
    #     row = indices[0][i]
    #     col = indices[1][i]

    for row, col in indices:
        if col >= len(cnames):
            mapping[inames[row]] = inames[row]
            mapping[inames[row]] = cnames[col]

    return frozenset(mapping.items())
Example #27
 def _round(self, matrix):
     m = Munkres()
     lists = self.matrix_to_lists(matrix)
     indexes = m.compute(lists)
     matrix *= 0
     for row, column in indexes:
         matrix[row, column] = 1
     return matrix
def execute_munkres(matrix):
    m = Munkres()
    points = m.compute(matrix)
    result = 0
    for point in points:
        result += matrix[point[0]][point[1]]

    return result
Example #29
def match_labels(contingency_table):
    """Attempt to match the labels between ground truth and prediction using
    Hungarian algorithm. Extra prediction labels are moved to the right most
    m = Munkres()
    ind = m.compute(cost_matrix(contingency_table.as_matrix()))
    return rearrange_columns(ind, contingency_table.copy())
Example #30
    def allocate(self):
        from debate.models import AdjudicatorAllocation

        # remove trainees
        self.adjudicators = filter(lambda a: a.score > self.MIN_SCORE, self.adjudicators)

        # sort adjudicators and debates in descending score/importance
        self.adjudicators_sorted = list(self.adjudicators)
        self.adjudicators_sorted.sort(key=lambda a: a.score, reverse=True)
        self.debates_sorted = list(self.debates)
        self.debates_sorted.sort(key=lambda a: a.importance, reverse=True)

        n_adjudicators = len(self.adjudicators)
        n_debates = len(self.debates)

        n_solos = n_debates - (n_adjudicators - n_debates)/2

        # get adjudicators that can adjudicate solo
        chairs = self.adjudicators_sorted[:n_solos]
        #chairs = [a for a in self.adjudicators_sorted if a.score >
        #          self.CHAIR_CUTOFF]

        # get debates that will be judged by solo adjudicators
        chair_debates = self.debates_sorted[:len(chairs)]

        panel_debates = self.debates_sorted[len(chairs):]
        panellists = [a for a in self.adjudicators_sorted if a not in chairs]

        assert len(panel_debates) * 3 <= len(panellists)

        print "costing chairs"

        n = len(chairs)

        cost_matrix = [[0] * n for i in range(n)]

        for i, debate in enumerate(chair_debates):
            for j, adj in enumerate(chairs):
                cost_matrix[i][j] = self.calc_cost(debate, adj)

        print "optimizing"

        m = Munkres()
        indexes = m.compute(cost_matrix)

        total_cost = 0
        for r, c in indexes:
            total_cost += cost_matrix[r][c]

        print 'total cost for solos', total_cost
        print 'number of solo debates', n

        result = ((chair_debates[i], chairs[j]) for i, j in indexes if i <
        alloc = [AdjudicatorAllocation(d, c) for d, c in result]

        print [(a.debate, a.chair) for a in alloc]
Example #31
    def hungarian(self, matrix):
        munkres = Munkres()

        cost_matrix = make_cost_matrix(matrix, lambda cost: 1 - cost)
        indexes = munkres.compute(cost_matrix)

        total = 0
        coord = []

        for row, column in indexes:
            value = matrix[row][column]
            total += value

            coord.append([row, column])

        return total, coord
Example #32
    def __init__(self, seq_index, tt, length, cuda=True):
        Evaluating with the MotMetrics
        :param seq_index: the number of the sequence
        :param tt: train_test
        :param length: the number of frames which is used for training
        :param cuda: True - GPU, False - CPU

        # top index: 0 - correct matching, 1 - false matching, second index: 0 - min, 1 - max, 2 - total, 3 - counter
        self.ctau = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0]
                     for i in xrange(2)]  # get the threshold for matching cost

        self.seq_index = seq_index
        self.hungarian = Munkres()
        self.device = torch.device("cuda" if cuda else "cpu")
        self.tt = tt
        self.length = length
        self.missingCounter = 0

        print '     Loading the model...'

        self.out_dir = t_dir + 'motmetrics/'
        if not os.path.exists(self.out_dir):
Example #33
 def record_alignment(self, similarities, mappings):
     if len(similarities) == 0:
     cost_matrix = get_cost_matrix(similarities, mappings)
     for gold_cluster_index, system_cluster_index in Munkres().compute(
         gold_cluster = self.get(
             'cluster', 'gold',
         system_cluster = self.get(
             'cluster', 'system',
         similarity = self.lookup_similarity(similarities,
         if similarity > 0:
                 'ID')] = {
                     'aligned_to': system_cluster.get('ID'),
                     'aligned_similarity': similarity
                 'ID')] = {
                     'aligned_to': gold_cluster.get('ID'),
                     'aligned_similarity': similarity
Example #34
def order_items(items, trackinfo):
    """Orders the items based on how they match some canonical track
    information. Returns a list of Items whose length is equal to the
    length of ``trackinfo``. This always produces a result if the
    numbers of items is at most the number of TrackInfo objects
    (otherwise, returns None). In the case of a partial match, the
    returned list may contain None in some positions.
    # Make sure lengths match: If there is less items, it might just be that
    # there is some tracks missing.
    if len(items) > len(trackinfo):
        return None

    # Construct the cost matrix.
    costs = []
    for cur_item in items:
        row = []
        for i, canon_item in enumerate(trackinfo):
            row.append(track_distance(cur_item, canon_item, i+1))

    # Find a minimum-cost bipartite matching.
    matching = Munkres().compute(costs)

    # Order items based on the matching.
    ordered_items = [None]*len(trackinfo)
    for cur_idx, canon_idx in matching:
        ordered_items[canon_idx] = items[cur_idx]
    return ordered_items
def min_cost_perfect_bipartite_matching(G):
    n = len(G)
        from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment

        rows, cols = linear_sum_assignment(G)
        assert (rows == list(range(n))).all()
        return list(cols), _matching_cost(G, cols)
    except ImportError:

        from munkres import Munkres

        cols = [None] * n
        for row, col in Munkres().compute(G):
            cols[row] = col
        return cols, _matching_cost(G, cols)
    except ImportError:

    if n > 6:
        raise Exception("Install Python module 'munkres' or 'scipy >= 0.17.0'")

    # Otherwise just brute-force
    permutations = itertools.permutations(range(n))
    best = list(next(permutations))
    best_cost = _matching_cost(G, best)
    for p in permutations:
        cost = _matching_cost(G, p)
        if cost < best_cost:
            best, best_cost = list(p), cost
    return best, best_cost
Example #36
    def findMovement(self, data, publisher):
        m = Munkres()

        print "processing new scan"

        convert_data = self.xyConvert(data)

        if not (len(self.filter_scans) < self.filter_size):
            print "starting filter"

            print "adding odom"
            odom_scan = self.addOdom()

            matches = [[] for ii in range(len(self.filter_scans[1]))]

            for ii in range(1, self.filter_size - 1):
                print "calculating cost mat"
                cost_mat = self.makeCostMatrix(self.filter_scans[0],
                print len(cost_mat)
                print "doing matching"
                #indexes = m.compute(cost_mat)
                row_ind, col_ind = linear_sum_assignment(cost_mat)

                print "done matching for scan: ", ii
                #for item in indexes:
                #   matches[item[0]].append(self.filter_scans[ii][item[1]])

                for jj, item in enumerate(row_ind):

            matched_scans = []

            print "processing"
            for item in matches:
                res = apply(zip, item)

            filtered_points = []

            print "computing avg and std"
            for item in matched_scans:
                x_avg = np.mean(item[0])
                x_std = np.std(item[0])
                y_avg = np.mean(item[1])
                y_std = np.std(item[1])

                if x_std > self.max_var and y_std > self.max_var:
                    filtered_points.append([x_avg, y_avg, 0])

            print filtered_points
            pc_cloud = PointCloud2()
            pc_cloud = pc2.create_cloud_xyz32(pc_cloud.header, filtered_points)
            print "ending filter"

            print "building filter"
Example #37
def assign_items(items, tracks):
    """Given a list of Items and a list of TrackInfo objects, find the
    best mapping between them. Returns a mapping from Items to TrackInfo
    objects, a set of extra Items, and a set of extra TrackInfo
    objects. These "extra" objects occur when there is an unequal number
    of objects of the two types.
    # Construct the cost matrix.
    costs = []
    for item in items:
        row = []
        for i, track in enumerate(tracks):
            row.append(track_distance(item, track))

    # Find a minimum-cost bipartite matching.
    matching = Munkres().compute(costs)

    # Produce the output matching.
    mapping = dict((items[i], tracks[j]) for (i, j) in matching)
    extra_items = list(set(items) - set(mapping.keys()))
    extra_items.sort(key=lambda i: (i.disc, i.track, i.title))
    extra_tracks = list(set(tracks) - set(mapping.values()))
    extra_tracks.sort(key=lambda t: (t.index, t.title))
    return mapping, extra_items, extra_tracks
Example #38
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        t = self.tournament
        self.min_score = t.pref('adj_min_score')
        self.max_score = t.pref('adj_max_score')
        self.min_voting_score = t.pref('adj_min_voting_score')
        self.conflict_penalty = t.pref('adj_conflict_penalty')
        self.history_penalty = t.pref('adj_history_penalty')
        self.no_panellists = t.pref('no_panellist_position')
        self.no_trainees = t.pref('no_trainee_position')
        self.duplicate_allocations = t.pref('duplicate_adjs')
        self.feedback_weight = self.round.feedback_weight
        self.extra_messages = ""  # Surfaced to users for non-error disclosures

        self.munkres = Munkres()
Example #39
def order_items(items, trackinfo):
    """Orders the items based on how they match some canonical track
    information. This always produces a result if the numbers of tracks
    # Make sure lengths match.
    if len(items) != len(trackinfo):
        return None

    # Construct the cost matrix.
    costs = []
    for cur_item in items:
        row = []
        for i, canon_item in enumerate(trackinfo):
            row.append(track_distance(cur_item, canon_item, i + 1))

    # Find a minimum-cost bipartite matching.
    matching = Munkres().compute(costs)

    # Order items based on the matching.
    ordered_items = [None] * len(items)
    for cur_idx, canon_idx in matching:
        ordered_items[canon_idx] = items[cur_idx]
    return ordered_items
Example #40
def run():
    hungarian_input_dict = convertToSquareMatrix(get_alg_members(settings.GID), get_alg_time_blocks(settings.GID), get_alg_leader_groups(settings.GID), "y_leaders")
    #return {'final_dict': hungarian_input_dict}
    count_matrix = hungarian_input_dict["ct_matrix"]
    m = Munkres()
    #return hungarian_input_dict
    indexes = m.compute(count_matrix)
    ret_dict = {
        'indexes': indexes,
        'member_matrix': hungarian_input_dict["mem_id_matrix"],
        'tb_map': hungarian_input_dict["tb_map"],
        'lg_map': hungarian_input_dict["lg_map"],
        'ct_matrix': count_matrix
    return ret_dict
Example #41
def pnl(source_train, source_test, target_train, target_test, label1, label2, label3, class_num, classes):
    # 训练Source KNN分类器
    clf = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier()
    clf.fit(source_train, label1)
    source_predict = clf.predict(source_train)
    # 获得混淆矩阵
    cm = confusion_matrix(label1, source_predict, classes)
    source_predict = clf.predict(source_test)
    # 获得Semi-label
    semi_label = get_semi_label(cm, class_num)
    # Target数据KMeans聚类
    len2 = target_train.shape[0]
    target_cluster = KMeans(n_clusters=class_num).fit(target_train)
    target_predict = target_cluster.labels_
    target_predict = get_predict(target_predict, classes, len2)
    # 获取WLG
    wlg = get_wlg(class_num, len2, classes, semi_label, source_predict, target_predict)
    # 匈牙利算法
    munk = Munkres()
    indexes = munk.compute(wlg)

    # Labelling
    final_predict = target_cluster.labels_
    result = []
    for i in range(0, len2):
        cInd = final_predict[i]
    # 评价参数
    accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(label2, result)
    recall = metrics.recall_score(label2, result, average='macro')
    f1 = metrics.f1_score(label2, result, average='weighted')
    precision = metrics.precision_score(label2, result, average='weighted')
    print("PNL Labelling:", accuracy, recall, f1, precision)

    # Recognition
    len3 = target_test.shape[0]
    final_predict = target_cluster.predict(target_test)
    result = []
    for i in range(0, len3):
        cInd = final_predict[i]
    # 评价参数
    accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(label3, result)
    recall = metrics.recall_score(label3, result, average='macro')
    f1 = metrics.f1_score(label3, result, average='weighted')
    precision = metrics.precision_score(label3, result, average='weighted')
    print("PNL-Recognition:", accuracy, recall, f1, precision)
def performmultiparsing(S,L):
    '''Pass in the
    S=> part confidencemaps
    L=>PAF maps'''
    #Let Dj be the set of  candidate parts for multiple people for the jth part
    #building the D set
    D = np.zeros((S.shape[0],100, 2)) #(a,100,2) D must contain locations for the ath part, 100=max number of ath parts and 2 is the 2D dimension
    Dcounters = np.zeros(S.shape[0], np.uint8) #stores the number of points found for each part
    #speeding things up
    Snumpy = S.clone().detach().numpy()
    #cython implementation
    D, Dcounters = get_D_set_from_S_field(Snumpy, confidencemappartsthreshold)
    #building E Matrix holding E-values for each
    #candidate limb
    associations = {}
    for i, limb in enumerate(skeleton):
        partindexfrom, partindexto = limb[0]-1, limb[1]-1 #limb part indexes start from 1
        D1, D2 = D[partindexfrom], D[partindexto]
        Dcounters1, Dcounters2 = Dcounters[partindexfrom], Dcounters[partindexto]
        if ((Dcounters1 == 0) | (Dcounters2 == 0)):#if any has no-points, makes no sense look at this limb
        if (Dcounters1 != Dcounters2):
        EMtx = np.zeros((int(Dcounters1), int(Dcounters2)), dtype=float)
        Lpart = L[i]
        #filling EMtx
        for a in range(int(Dcounters1)):
            for b in range(int(Dcounters2)):
                dj1 = D1[a]
                dj2 = D2[b]
                if ((dj1[0] - dj2[0])== 0) & ((dj1[1] - dj2[1])==0):
                EMtx[a,b] = E(dj1, dj2, i, L)
        #negate values for maximization
        EMtx *= -1
        #once filled we need to find the best combination of a's and b's
        # by finding the max values of E for a and b combinations with the
        # constraint that a_i can only be connected to b_j and the same
        # rules for b values
        # Munkres or Hungarian Algorithm
        munkres = Munkres()
        indices = munkres.compute(EMtx)

        #storing index association
        associations[i] = indices
    #with this info we have enough info to rebuild the skeletons for all the people in the image
    return associations, D, Dcounters
Example #43
def main(cmd, dataset, run, conf, make_videos):   
    if make_videos:
        from visualize_tracking import render_video
        from config import DatasetConfig
        from apply_mask import Masker
        mask = Masker(dataset)
        dc = DatasetConfig(dataset)
    config_path = "{rp}{ds}_{rn}/world_tracking_optimization.pklz".format(rp=runs_path, ds=dataset, rn=run)
    if isfile(config_path):
        config = load(config_path)
        #raise(ValueError("No world tracking optimized configuration exists at {}".format(config_path)))
        config = WorldTrackingConfig(default_config)
    calib = Calibration(dataset)    
    munkres = Munkres()
    ts = Timestamps(dataset)
    start_stop = None
    if cmd == "findvids":
        from glob import glob
        vidnames = glob('{dsp}{ds}/videos/*.mkv'.format(dsp=datasets_path, ds=dataset))
        vidnames = [right_remove(x.split('/')[-1], '.mkv') for x in vidnames]
        outfolder = '{}{}_{}/tracks_world/'.format(runs_path, dataset, run)
        vidnames = [cmd]
        outfolder = './'
        start_stop = (0,500)
    for v in vidnames:
        out_path = "{of}{v}_tracks.pklz".format(of=outfolder, v=v)
        print_flush("Loading data...")
        det_path = "{rp}{ds}_{rn}/detections_world/{v}_world.csv".format(rp=runs_path, ds=dataset, rn=run, v=v)
        detections3D = pd.read_csv(det_path)
        klt_path = det_path.replace('.csv', '_klt.pklz')
        klts = load(klt_path)
        tracks = make_tracks(dataset, v, detections3D, klts, munkres, ts, calib, config, start_stop=start_stop)
        print_flush("Saving tracks...")
        save(tracks, out_path)
        if make_videos:

            vidpath = "{dsp}{ds}/videos/{v}.mkv".format(dsp=datasets_path, ds=dataset, v=v)
            print_flush("Rendering video...")
            render_video(tracks, vidpath, out_path.replace('.pklz','.mp4'), calib=calib, mask=mask, fps=dc.get('video_fps'))

Example #44
def main(cmd, dataset, run, conf, make_videos):   
    from pathlib import Path
    if make_videos:
        from visualize_tracking import render_video
        from config import DatasetConfig
        from apply_mask import Masker
        mask = Masker(dataset)
        dc = DatasetConfig(dataset)
    config_path = runs_path / "{}_{}".format(dataset,run) / "world_tracking_optimization.pklz"
    if config_path.is_file():
        config = load(config_path)
        #raise(ValueError("No world tracking optimized configuration exists at {}".format(config_path)))
        config = WorldTrackingConfig(default_config)
    calib = Calibration(dataset)    
    munkres = Munkres()
    ts = Timestamps(dataset)
    start_stop = None
    if cmd == "findvids":
        vidnames = (datasets_path / dataset / "videos").glob('*.mkv')
        vidnames = [x.stem for x in vidnames]
        outfolder = runs_path / "{}_{}".format(dataset,run) / "tracks_world"
        vidnames = [cmd]
        outfolder = Path('./')
        start_stop = (0,500)
    for v in vidnames:
        out_path = outfolder / (v+'_tracks.pklz')   
        print_flush("Loading data...")
        det_path = runs_path / "{}_{}".format(dataset,run) / "detections_world" / (v+'_world.csv')
        detections3D = pd.read_csv(det_path)
        klt_path = det_path.with_name(det_path.stem + '_klt.pklz')
        klts = load(klt_path)
        tracks = make_tracks(dataset, v, detections3D, klts, munkres, ts, calib, config, start_stop=start_stop)
        print_flush("Saving tracks...")
        save(tracks, out_path)
        if make_videos:            
            vidpath = datasets_path / dataset / "videos" / (v+'.mkv')
            print_flush("Rendering video...")
            render_video(tracks, vidpath, out_path.with_suffix('.mp4'), calib=calib, mask=mask, fps=dc.get('video_fps'))

Example #45
 def cleanup(self):
     nX = self.X.nodes()
     nY = self.Y.nodes()
     C = np.empty([nX, nY])
     for i in range(nX):
         for j in range(nY):
             C[i, j] = 1.0 - self.M[i, j]
     m = Munkres()
     indexmatch = m.compute(C)
     self.f = [indexmatch[i][1] for i in range(len(indexmatch))]
     self.f = self.f[0:nX]
     if (self.swapped):
         g = []
         for i in range(nY):
             g[f[i]] = i
         self.f = g
Example #46
def mycorrelation(x, y, method='Pearson'):
    """Evaluate correlation
         x: data to be sorted
         y: target data
         corr_sort: correlation matrix between x and y (after sorting)
         sort_idx: sorting index
         x_sort: x after sorting
         method: correlation method ('Pearson' or 'Spearman')

    # print("Calculating correlation...")

    x = x.copy()
    y = y.copy()
    dim = x.shape[0]

    # Calculate correlation -----------------------------------
    if method == 'Pearson':
        corr = np.corrcoef(y, x)
        corr = corr[0:dim, dim:]
    elif method == 'Spearman':
        corr, pvalue = sp.stats.spearmanr(y.T, x.T)
        corr = corr[0:dim, dim:]

    # Sort ----------------------------------------------------

    munk = Munkres()
    indexes = munk.compute(-np.absolute(corr))

    sort_idx = np.zeros(dim)
    x_sort = np.zeros(x.shape)
    for i in range(dim):
        sort_idx[i] = indexes[i][1]
        x_sort[i, :] = x[indexes[i][1], :]

    # Re-calculate correlation --------------------------------
    if method == 'Pearson':
        corr_sort = np.corrcoef(y, x_sort)
        corr_sort = corr_sort[0:dim, dim:]
    elif method == 'Spearman':
        corr_sort, pvalue = sp.stats.spearmanr(y.T, x_sort.T)
        corr_sort = corr_sort[0:dim, dim:]

    return corr_sort, sort_idx, x_sort
Example #47
def pnl():
    # 获取数据
    features, labels, classes, class_num = get_data()

    # 划分训练集和测试集
    # source选取right knee, target选取necklace
    source_train, source_test, target_test, target_train, label_train, label_test, test_len, train_len = data_devide(
        features, labels, 0.5, 1, 0)

    # 训练Source KNN分类器
    clf = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier()
    clf.fit(source_train, label_train)

    # 获取source单独训练正确率
    source_predict = clf.predict(source_test)
    source_cluster_accuracy = get_accuracy(label_test, source_predict, test_len)
    print("Source KNN预测正确率", source_cluster_accuracy)

    # 获得混淆矩阵
    cm = confusion_matrix(label_test, source_predict, classes)
    # print("Source KNN混淆矩阵:\n", cm)

    # 获得Semi-label
    semi_label = get_semi_label(cm, class_num)

    # Target数据KMeans聚类
    target_cluster = KMeans(n_clusters=17).fit(target_test)
    target_predict = target_cluster.labels_
    target_predict = get_predict(target_predict, classes, test_len)

    # 获取WLG
    wlg = get_wlg(class_num, test_len, classes, semi_label, source_predict, target_predict)

    # 匈牙利算法
    munk = Munkres()
    indexes = munk.compute(wlg)
    result = []
    for i in range(0, test_len):
        ci = target_predict[i]
        cInd = classes.index(ci)

    final_accuracy = get_accuracy(label_test, result, test_len)
    print("PNL Target labelling正确率:", final_accuracy)
    tcm = confusion_matrix(label_test, target_predict, classes)
    return wlg, tcm
Example #48
def solveGAP(M, t):
    w = deepcopy(M)
    m = w.tolist()
    # for i in range(len(m)):
    # for j in range(len(m[i])):
    # if m[i][j] == 1e9:
    # m[i][j] = DISALLOWED

    algo = Munkres()
    indexes = []
        indexes = algo.compute(m)
        print('Error in solveGAP')
        return []
    return indexes
    def trackObjects(self, objects):
        # if no object found, skip the rest of processing
        if len(objects) == 0:

        # If any object is registred in the db, assign registerd ID to the most similar object in the current image
        if len(self.objectDB) > 0:
            # Create a matix of cosine distance
            cos_sim_matrix = [[
                distance.cosine(objects[j].feature, self.objectDB[i].feature)
                for j in range(len(objects))
            ] for i in range(len(self.objectDB))]
            # solve feature matching problem by Hungarian assignment algorithm
            hangarian = Munkres()
            combination = hangarian.compute(cos_sim_matrix)

            # assign ID to the object pairs based on assignment matrix
            for dbIdx, objIdx in combination:
                if distance.cosine(objects[objIdx].feature,
                                   ) < self.similarityThreshold:
                    objects[objIdx].id = self.objectDB[
                        dbIdx].id  # assign an ID
                    self.objectDB[dbIdx].feature = objects[
                        objIdx].feature  # update the feature vector in DB with the latest vector (to make tracking easier)
                    self.objectDB[dbIdx].time = time.monotonic(
                    )  # update last found time
                    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = objects[objIdx].pos
                        (xmin + xmax) // 2, (ymin + ymax) // 2
                    ])  # record position history as trajectory
                    objects[objIdx].trajectory = self.objectDB[

        # Register the new objects which has no ID yet
        for obj in objects:
            if obj.id == -1:  # no similar objects is registred in feature_db
                obj.id = self.objectid
                self.objectDB.append(obj)  # register a new feature to the db
                self.objectDB[-1].time = time.monotonic()
                xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = obj.pos
                self.objectDB[-1].trajectory = [[
                    (xmin + xmax) // 2, (ymin + ymax) // 2
                ]]  # position history for trajectory line
                obj.trajectory = self.objectDB[-1].trajectory
                self.objectid += 1
Example #50
def lsa_solve_munkres(costs):
    """Solves the LSA problem using the Munkres library."""
    from munkres import Munkres

    m = Munkres()
    # The munkres package may hang if the problem is not feasible.
    # Therefore, add expensive edges instead of using munkres.DISALLOWED.
    finite_costs = add_expensive_edges(costs)
    # Ensure that matrix is square.
    finite_costs = _zero_pad_to_square(finite_costs)
    indices = np.array(m.compute(finite_costs), dtype=int)
    # Exclude extra matches from extension to square matrix.
    indices = indices[(indices[:, 0] < costs.shape[0])
                      & (indices[:, 1] < costs.shape[1])]
    rids, cids = indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1]
    rids, cids = _exclude_missing_edges(costs, rids, cids)
    return rids, cids
    def hungarian_matching(self,
        n_dets = det_coordinates.shape[0]
        n_gts = GT_coordinates.shape[0]
        print 'n_dets = %d, n_gts = %d' % (n_dets, n_gts)

        n_max = max(n_dets, n_gts)

        matrix = np.zeros((n_max, n_max)) + 1

        for i_d in range(n_dets):
            for i_gt in range(n_gts):
                if ((det_coordinates[i_d, 0] - GT_coordinates[i_gt, 0])**2 +
                    (det_coordinates[i_d, 1] - GT_coordinates[i_gt, 1])**
                        2) <= self.radius_match**2:
                    matrix[i_d, i_gt] = 0

        m = Munkres()
        indexes = m.compute(copy.copy(matrix))

        total = 0
        TP = []  #True positive
        FP = []  #False positive
        FN = []  #False negative
        for row, column in indexes:
            value = matrix[row][column]
            total += value
            if verbose:
                print '(%d, %d) -> %d' % (row, column, value)
            if value == 0:
                                               0]), int(det_coordinates[row,
            if value > 0:
                if row < n_dets:
                    FP.append((int(det_coordinates[row, 0]),
                               int(det_coordinates[row, 1])))
                if column < n_gts:
                    FN.append((int(GT_coordinates[column, 0]),
                               int(GT_coordinates[column, 1])))
        if verbose:
            print 'total cost: %d' % total

        return total, np.asarray(TP), np.asarray(FP), np.asarray(FN)
Example #52
def mrProfit(matrix):
    cost_matrix = []
    for row in matrix:
        cost_row = []
        for col in row:
            cost_row += [sys.maxsize - col]
        cost_matrix += [cost_row]

    m = Munkres()
    indexes = m.compute(cost_matrix)
    print_matrix(matrix, msg='Highest profit through this matrix:')
    total = 0
    for row, column in indexes:
        value = matrix[row][column]
        total += value
        print('(%d, %d) -> %d' % (row, column, value))
    print('total profit=%d' % total)
Example #53
 def munkres_maximise_assignment(self, matrix):
     # call to Munkres algorithm (a variant of the Hungarian algorithm)
     # maximise "profit" along rows of a matrix
     cost_matrix = munkres.make_cost_matrix(matrix,
                                            lambda cost: sys.maxint - cost)
     m = Munkres()
     indexes = m.compute(cost_matrix)
     #print_matrix(matrix, msg='Highest profit through this matrix:')
     useful_indices = []
     total = 0
     for row, column in indexes:
         value = matrix[row][column]
         total += value
         #print '(%d, %d) -> %d' % (row, column, value)
         useful_indices.append(((row, column)))
     print 'total score (hungarian) =%d' % total
     return total, useful_indices
Example #54
    def match_detections_to_tracks_global_nearest_neighbour(
            self, objects_tracked, objects_detected):
        Match detected objects to existing object tracks using a global nearest neighbour data association
        matched_tracks = {}

        # Populate match_dist matrix of mahalanobis_dist between every detection and every track
        match_dist = [
        ]  # matrix of probability of matching between all people and all detections.
        eligable_detections = [
        ]  # Only include detections in match_dist matrix if they're in range of at least one track to speed up munkres
        for detect in objects_detected:
            at_least_one_track_in_range = False
            new_row = []
            for track in objects_tracked:
                # Use mahalanobis dist to do matching
                cov = track.filtered_state_covariances[0][
                    0] + track.var_obs  # cov_xx == cov_yy == cov
                mahalanobis_dist = math.sqrt(
                    ((detect.pos_x - track.pos_x)**2 +
                     (detect.pos_y - track.pos_y)**2) / cov
                )  # ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahalanobis_distance#Definition_and_properties
                if mahalanobis_dist < self.mahalanobis_dist_gate:
                    at_least_one_track_in_range = True
            # If the detection is within range of at least one person track, add it as an eligable detection in the munkres matching
            if at_least_one_track_in_range:

        # Run munkres on match_dist to get the lowest cost assignment
        if match_dist:
            munkres = Munkres()
            # self.pad_matrix(match_dist, pad_value=self.max_cost) # I found no difference when padding it
            indexes = munkres.compute(match_dist)
            for elig_detect_index, track_index in indexes:
                if match_dist[elig_detect_index][
                        track_index] < self.mahalanobis_dist_gate:
                    detect = eligable_detections[elig_detect_index]
                    track = objects_tracked[track_index]
                    matched_tracks[track] = detect

        return matched_tracks
Example #55
    def generate_pairings(self):
        from munkres import Munkres
        ## create a matrix of mu values
        matrix = defaultdict(OrderedDict)
        players = self.all()
        for player in players:
            if matrix.get(player.judge, {}).get(player.target, None):
                print "ERROR, already in matrix: ", player.judge, player.target, player.mu
            matrix[player.judge][player.target] = player.mu

        ordered_matrix = OrderedDict(
            sorted(matrix.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].user_id))
        players = matrix.keys()
        ## create a matrix of combined mu values represnted as costs (lower is better)
        munkres_matrix = []
        key_matrix = []
        for player1 in players:
            munkres_row = []
            key_matrix_row = []
            for player2 in players:
                mu_p1_p2 = ordered_matrix.get(player1, {}).get(player2, 0)
                mu_p2_p1 = ordered_matrix.get(player1, {}).get(player2, 0)
                munkres_row.append(1000 - mu_p1_p2 - mu_p2_p1)
                key_matrix_row.append((player1, player2))

        ## use Munkres to figure out the pairings to achieve highest combined mu values
        m = Munkres()
        munkres_indexes = m.compute(munkres_matrix)
        pairings = []
        ## save the results as Parings
        for row, column in munkres_indexes:
            print 'output: (%d, %d)' % (row, column)
            combined_mu = 1000 - munkres_matrix[row][column]
            player1 = key_matrix[row][column][0]
            player2 = key_matrix[row][column][1]
            new_pairing = Pairing(a=player1,
            print '(%d, %d) -> %s %s, %s %s -> %d' % (
                row, column, player1.first_name, player1.last_name,
                player2.first_name, player2.last_name, combined_mu)
        return pairings
Example #56
def compute_accuracy(y_pred, y_t, num_class):
    # compute the accuracy using Hungarian algorithm
    m = Munkres()
    tot_cl = num_class
    mat = np.zeros((tot_cl, tot_cl))
    for i in range(tot_cl):
        for j in range(tot_cl):
            mat[i][j] = np.sum(np.logical_and(y_pred == i, y_t == j))
    indexes = m.compute(-mat)

    corresp = []
    for i in range(tot_cl):

    pred_corresp = [corresp[int(predicted)] for predicted in y_pred]
    acc = np.sum(pred_corresp == y_t) / float(len(y_t))
    return acc
Example #57
def maximizeTrace(mat):
#--- Import modules
    # import numpy as np
    # import copy as cp
    # from munkres import Munkres
#-- Main algorithm     
    assert mat.shape[0] == mat.shape[1] # Matrix should be square
#--- Use of the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm (or Hungarian Algorithm)    
    m = Munkres()
    # Convert the cost minimization problem into a profit maximization one
    costMatrix = np.ones(np.shape(mat))*np.amax(mat) - mat       
    indexes = m.compute(cp.deepcopy(costMatrix))
    indexes= np.array(indexes)
    return (indexes[:,1]).astype(int)
Example #58
def application(environ, start_response):
    wsgi_input = environ['wsgi.input']
    length = int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0))
    data = json.loads(wsgi_input.read(length))
    result = Munkres().compute(data)

    start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'application/json')])
    return [bytes(json.dumps(result), 'utf-8')]
Example #59
 def __init__(self, config):
     # max DUE/CUE transmit power in dBm
     self.dB_Pd_max = config["dB_Pd_max"]
     self.dB_Pc_max = config["dB_Pc_max"]
     # large scale fading parameters
     self.stdV2V = config["stdV2V"]
     self.stdV2I = config["stdV2I"]
     # cell parameter setup
     self.freq = config["freq"]
     self.radius = config["radius"]
     self.bsHgt = config["bsHgt"]
     self.disBstoHwy = config["disBstoHwy"]
     self.bsAntGain = config["bsAntGain"]
     self.bsNoiseFigure = config["bsNoiseFigure"]
     # vehicle parameter setup
     self.vehHgt = config["vehHgt"]
     self.vehAntGain = config["vehAntGain"]
     self.vehNoiseFigure = config["vehNoiseFigure"]
     # Highway parameter setup
     self.numLane = config["numLane"]
     self.laneWidth = config["laneWidth"]
     # QoS parameters for CUE and DUE
     self.r0 = config["r0"]
     self.dB_gamma0 = config["dB_gamma0"]
     self.p0 = config["p0"]
     self.dB_sigma2 = config["dB_sigma2"]
     # dB to linear scale conversion
     self.sig2 = 10**(self.dB_sigma2 / 10)
     self.gamma0 = 10**(self.dB_gamma0 / 10)
     self.Pd_max = 10**(self.dB_Pd_max / 10)
     self.Pc_max = 10**(self.dB_Pc_max / 10)
     # CUE/DUE number setup
     self.numDUE = config["numDUE"]
     self.numCUE = config["numCUE"]
     # initialize vehicle sampler
     d0 = np.sqrt(self.radius**2 - self.disBstoHwy**2)
     self.vehicle_generator = VehicleGenerator(d0, self.laneWidth,
     # initialize channel large scale fading generator
     self.fading_generator = HwyChannelLargeScaleFadingGenerator(
         self.stdV2I, self.stdV2V, self.vehHgt, self.bsHgt, self.freq,
         self.vehAntGain, self.bsAntGain, self.bsNoiseFigure,
     # initialize Hungrian solver
     self.munkres = Munkres()
def relabel(array1, array2):
    # this function returns relabeled array2

    if len(array1) == len(array2):
        # set1 is the unique set of array1
        set1 = set(array1)
        # u1 is the unique list of array1
        u1 = list(set1)

        # set2 is the unique set of array2
        set2 = set(array2)
        # u2 is the unique list of array2
        u2 = list(set2)

        # matirx is the Corresponding matrix between u1 and u2
        matrix = [[0 for i in range(len(u2))] for j in range(len(u1))]

        for i in range(len(array1)):
            # item_1 is the index of array1's element in u1
            item_1 = u1.index(array1[i])
            # item_2 is the index of array2's element in u2
            item_2 = u2.index(array2[i])

            # this situation means 1 correspondence between item_1 and item_2 is observed
            # so corresponding location in corresponding matrix is incremented
            matrix[item_1][item_2] = matrix[item_1][item_2] + 1

        cost_matrix = benefit_to_cost(matrix)

        # Munkers library solve the cost minimization problem
        # but I would like to solve benefit maxmization problem
        # so convert benefit matrix into cost matrix

        # create mukres object
        m = Munkres()
        # get the most corresponded correspondance
        indexes = m.compute(cost_matrix)

        # I use array2 as Integer array so, convert it in case
        array2 = map(int, array2)

        # call replaced function to replace array2 according to object indexes
        replaced_matrix = replaced(array2, u1, u2, indexes)

        return replaced_matrix