Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, input_data: Signal, sync_pattern=(-1, 0, 0)):
        Aligns the word boundries of one Hispi lane and detects control codes.
        Compatible only with Packetized-SP mode because it needs end markers.

        :param sync_pattern: the preamble of a control word (default is correct for most cases)
        :param timeout: Issue a bit slip after a control word wasnt found for n cycles
        self.sync_pattern = sync_pattern
        self.input_data = input_data

        self.is_aligned = StatusSignal()

        self.timeout = ControlSignal(32, reset=10000)
        self.timeouts_to_resync = ControlSignal(32, reset=10000)

        self.since_last_sync_pattern_or_bitslip = StatusSignal(32)
        self.performed_bitslips = StatusSignal(32)
        self.timeouts_since_alignment = StatusSignal(32)
        self.last_word = StatusSignal(input_data.shape())
        self.last_control_word = StatusSignal(
            decoder=lambda x: next(
                ("{}/{:012b}".format(control_word, x)
                 for control_word, ending in control_words.items() if "{:012b}"
                 .format(x).endswith(ending)), "UNKNOWN/{:012b}".format(x)))

        self.do_bitslip = Signal()
        self.output = ImageStream(self.input_data.shape())
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, num_lanes, bits):
        assert num_lanes <= 32  # the pulse registers cannot be made wider
        assert bits == 12  # patterns, bitslip counts, and validation need adjusting
        self.num_lanes = num_lanes
        self.bits = bits

        self.lane_pattern = ControlSignal(bits)

        # registers accessed by host
        self.data_lane_delay_reset = PulseReg(num_lanes)
        self.data_lane_delay_inc = PulseReg(num_lanes)
        self.data_lane_bitslip = PulseReg(num_lanes)
        self.data_lane_match = StatusSignal(num_lanes)
        self.data_lane_mismatch = StatusSignal(num_lanes)

        self.ctrl_lane_delay_reset = PulseReg(2)  # control and clock
        self.ctrl_lane_delay_inc = PulseReg(2)
        self.ctrl_lane_bitslip = PulseReg(2)
        self.ctrl_lane_match = StatusSignal(1)
        self.ctrl_lane_mismatch = StatusSignal(1)

        self.trained = ControlSignal(1)

        # signals to/from PHY
        self.lane_delay_reset = Signal(num_lanes + 1)
        self.lane_delay_inc = Signal(num_lanes + 1)
        self.lane_bitslip = Signal(num_lanes + 1)

        self.outclk_delay_reset = Signal()
        self.outclk_delay_inc = Signal()
        self.halfslip = Signal()

        self.lane_match = Signal(num_lanes + 1)
        self.lane_mismatch = Signal(num_lanes + 1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, pin):
        self.pin = pin

        self.delay = ControlSignal(5)
        self.load = ControlSignal()

        self.output = Signal()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, i):
        self.i = i

        self.move = ControlSignal()
        self.direction = ControlSignal()
        self.at_limit = StatusSignal()

        self.o = Signal()
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, input: ImageStream, width=3000, height=3000):
        self.input = input
        self.output = ImageStream(24)

        self.width = width
        self.height = height

        self.shift_x = ControlSignal()
        self.shift_y = ControlSignal()
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, input: ImageStream, desired_width, desired_height):
        self.input = input
        self.output = input.clone(name="resized")

        self.output_width = ControlSignal(16, reset=desired_width)
        self.output_height = ControlSignal(16, reset=desired_height)
        self.shift_x = ControlSignal(signed(16))
        self.shift_y = ControlSignal(signed(16))

        self.input_width = StatusSignal(16)
        self.input_height = StatusSignal(16)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, input: ImageStream, width=3000, height=3000):
        self.input = input
        self.output = ImageStream(24)

        self.width = width
        self.height = height

        self.threshold = ControlSignal(16, reset=255)
        self.highlight_r = ControlSignal(8, reset=255)
        self.highlight_g = ControlSignal(8)
        self.highlight_b = ControlSignal(8)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, input: ImageStream, hdmi):
        self.hdmi = hdmi
        self.input = input

        self.allow_slip_h = ControlSignal(reset=1)
        self.allow_slip_v = ControlSignal(reset=1)
        self.slipped_v = StatusSignal(32)
        self.slipped_h = StatusSignal(32)

        self.line_cycles = StatusSignal(32)
        self.frame_cycles = StatusSignal(32)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self,
                 input: BasicStream,
        self.bitclk_domain = bitclk_domain
        self.plugin_resource = plugin_resource
        self.input = input

        self.training_pattern = ControlSignal(8, reset=training_pattern)
        self.do_training = ControlSignal(reset=1)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, data_width=8, max_packet_size=1024):
        self.max_packet_size = max_packet_size

        self.reset = ControlSignal()
        self.packet_length = ControlSignal(range(max_packet_size))
        self.read_ptr = StatusSignal(range(max_packet_size))
        self.done = StatusSignal(reset=1)
        self.memory = SocMemory(
            width=data_width, depth=self.max_packet_size,
            soc_read=False,  attrs=dict(syn_ramstyle="block_ram")

        self.output = PacketizedStream(data_width)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, num_lanes=4, bits=12, hispi_domain="hispi"):
        assert bits == 12
        self.hispi_domain = hispi_domain

        self.hispi_clk = Signal()
        self.hispi_lanes = Signal(num_lanes)

        self.bitslip = [Signal() for _ in range(num_lanes)]
        self.out = [Signal(12) for _ in range(num_lanes)]

        self.hispi_x6_in_domain_counter = StatusSignal(32)
        self.enable_bitslip = ControlSignal(reset=1)
        self.word_reverse = ControlSignal()
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, resource, modeline, pix_domain="pix", generate_clocks=True):
        self.resource = resource
        self.pix_domain = pix_domain
        self.generate_clocks = generate_clocks
        self.initial_video_timing = parse_modeline(modeline)
        self.pix_freq = Clock(self.initial_video_timing.pxclk * 1e6)

        self.rgb = RGB24()

        self.hsync_polarity = ControlSignal()
        self.vsync_polarity = ControlSignal()

        self.clock_pattern = ControlSignal(10, name="hdmi_clock_pattern", reset=0b1111100000)

        self.timing_generator = HdmiTimingGenerator(self.initial_video_timing)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self, pin, ddr_domain):
        self.pin = pin
        self.ddr_domain = ddr_domain

        self.bitslip = ControlSignal()

        self.output = Signal(8)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, ddr_domain, lane_output):
        self.ddr_domain = ddr_domain

        self.lane_output = lane_output
        self.do_bitslip = ControlSignal()

        self.bitslip = Signal()
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, plugin, domain_name="sync"):
        self.plugin = plugin
        self.output = BasicStream(32)
        self.domain_name = domain_name

        self.trained = ControlSignal()
        self.valid = StatusSignal()
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, trace_length=2048, after_trigger=None):
        self.trace_length = trace_length

        self.after_trigger = ControlSignal(
            reset=(trace_length //
                   2 if after_trigger is None else after_trigger))
        self.reset = ControlSignal()

        # Yosys cannot handle a signal named `initial` (bug #2914)
        self.initial_ = StatusSignal(reset=1)
        self.running = StatusSignal()
        self.write_ptr = StatusSignal(range(trace_length))
        self.trigger_since = StatusSignal(range(trace_length + 1))
        self.probes = []
        self.decoders = []
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, input: BasicStream, output_width):
        self.input = input
        self.output_width = output_width

        self.offset = ControlSignal(
            range(len(self.input.payload) - self.output_width))

        self.output = self.input.clone()
        self.output.payload = Signal(self.output_width)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self,
                 input: ImageStream,
                 num_lanes: int,
        assert len(input.payload) == 24
        self.input = input
        self.num_lanes = num_lanes
        self.image_width = ControlSignal(16, reset=image_width * 3)
        self.debug = debug

        self.vbp = ControlSignal(16, reset=18)
        self.vfp = ControlSignal(16, reset=4)
        self.hbp = ControlSignal(16, reset=68 * 3)
        self.hfp = ControlSignal(16, reset=20 * 3)

        self.gearbox_not_ready = StatusSignal(32)

        self.output = PacketizedStream(num_lanes * 8)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self, resource, num_lanes, ddr_domain, ck_domain):
        self.resource = resource
        self.num_lanes = num_lanes
        self.ddr_domain = ddr_domain
        self.ck_domain = ck_domain

        self.control_input = PacketizedStream(8)
        self.control_output = PacketizedStream(8)
        self.hs_input = PacketizedStream(8 * num_lanes)
        self.request_hs = ControlSignal()
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def test_simple_test_csr_bank(self):
        platform = ZynqSocPlatform(SimPlatform())
        csr_bank = CsrBank()
        csr_bank.reg("csr", ControlSignal(32))

        def testbench():
            axi: AxiEndpoint = platform.axi_lite_master
            yield axi.read_address.payload.eq(0x4000_0000)
            yield axi.read_address.valid.eq(1)
            yield from do_nothing()

        platform.sim(csr_bank, (testbench, "axi_lite"))
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self, input: PacketizedStream, max_packet_size=1024):
        self.max_packet_size = max_packet_size

        self.reset = ControlSignal()
        self.write_pointer = StatusSignal(range(self.max_packet_size))
        self.packet_done = StatusSignal()
        self.memory = SocMemory(
            width=len(input.payload), depth=self.max_packet_size,
            soc_write=False, attrs=dict(syn_ramstyle="block_ram")

        self.input = input
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def check_csr_bank(self, num_csr=10, testdata=0x12345678, use_axi_interconnect=False):
        platform = ZynqSocPlatform(SimPlatform(), use_axi_interconnect)
        csr_bank = CsrBank()
        for i in range(num_csr):
            csr_bank.reg("csr#{}".format(i), ControlSignal(32))

        def testbench():
            axi = platform.axi_lite_master
            for addr in [0x4000_0000 + (i * 4) for i in range(num_csr)]:
                yield from axil_read(axi, addr)
                yield from axil_write(axi, addr, testdata)
                self.assertEqual(testdata, (yield from axil_read(axi, addr)))

        platform.sim(csr_bank, (testbench, "axi_lite"))
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(self, input: PacketizedStream, packet_len):
        self.input = input
        self.output = BasicStream(input.payload.shape())

        # we calculate everything in bytes to make it easier to reason about
        buffer_size = 2048 * 4
        blanking = buffer_size
        aligned_len = ceil((packet_len + blanking) / buffer_size) * buffer_size
        print("ft60x paddnig:", (aligned_len - packet_len),
              (aligned_len - packet_len) // 4)

        self.padding = ControlSignal(16, reset=(aligned_len - packet_len) // 4)
        self.frame_len = StatusSignal(32)
        self.frame_len_changed = StatusSignal(32)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self, video_timing, vertical_signals_shape=range(8000), horizontal_signals_shape=range(4000)):
        self.hscan = ControlSignal(horizontal_signals_shape, reset=video_timing.hscan)
        self.vscan = ControlSignal(vertical_signals_shape, reset=video_timing.vscan)
        self.width = ControlSignal(horizontal_signals_shape, reset=video_timing.hres)
        self.height = ControlSignal(vertical_signals_shape, reset=video_timing.vres)
        self.hsync_start = ControlSignal(horizontal_signals_shape, reset=video_timing.hsync_start)
        self.hsync_end = ControlSignal(horizontal_signals_shape, reset=video_timing.hsync_end)
        self.vsync_start = ControlSignal(vertical_signals_shape, reset=video_timing.vsync_start)
        self.vsync_end = ControlSignal(vertical_signals_shape, reset=video_timing.vsync_end)

        self.x = StatusSignal(horizontal_signals_shape,)
        self.y = StatusSignal(vertical_signals_shape)
        self.active = StatusSignal()
        self.is_blanking_x = StatusSignal()
        self.is_blanking_y = StatusSignal()
        self.hsync = StatusSignal()
        self.vsync = StatusSignal()
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self, input, in_testpattern_mode, ddr_domain, bitslip_signal, testpattern=0b00010110):
        Does bit alignment of one lane usig a given testpattern if in_testpattern_mode is high
        self.input = input
        self.bitslip_signal = bitslip_signal
        self.in_testpattern_mode = in_testpattern_mode

        self.ddr_domain = ddr_domain
        self.testpattern = testpattern

        self.delay = ControlSignal(5, reset=15)
        self.error = StatusSignal(32)

        self.output = StatusSignal(8)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def __init__(self, pin, ddr_domain, qdr_domain):
        self.pin = pin
        self.ddr_domain = ddr_domain
        self.qdr_domain = qdr_domain

        self.not_valid_cnt = StatusSignal(16)

        self.blanking_threshold = ControlSignal(
            16, reset=(480 * 16))  # 128 is dvi spec, for hdmi this should be 8
        self.blankings_hit = StatusSignal(32)

        self.raw_word = StatusSignal(10)
        self.invert = StatusSignal(reset=1)

        self.data = StatusSignal(8)
        self.data_enable = StatusSignal()
        self.control = StatusSignal(2)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = Module()

        self.invert = ControlSignal(
            reset=is_signal_inverted(platform, self.pad))

        oserdes = m.submodules.oserdes = _OSerdes(data_width=self.bit_width,
        m.d.comb += oserdes.oce.eq(1)
        m.d.comb += oserdes.clk.eq(ClockSignal(self.ddr_domain))
        m.d.comb += oserdes.clkdiv.eq(ClockSignal())
        m.d.comb += oserdes.rst.eq(ResetSignal())
        m.d.comb += Cat(
            for i in (range(1, 9) if self.msb_first else reversed(range(1, 9))
                      )).eq(self.value ^ self.invert)
        m.d.comb += self.pad.eq(oserdes.oq)

        return m
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def __init__(self, resource):
        self.resource = resource

        self.blanking_threshold = ControlSignal(16, reset=(480 * 16))

        self.measured_width = StatusSignal(16)
        self.measured_height = StatusSignal(16)

        self.width = ControlSignal(16, reset=1440)
        self.height = ControlSignal(16, reset=480)

        self.blank_r = ControlSignal()
        self.blank_g = ControlSignal()
        self.blank_b = ControlSignal()

        self.stable_lines_needed = 2000
        self.lines_stable = StatusSignal(range(self.stable_lines_needed + 1))
        self.frames_stable = StatusSignal(32)
        self.stable = StatusSignal()
        self.always_valid = ControlSignal()

        self.output_not_ready = StatusSignal(32)

        self.output = ImageStream(24)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def __init__(self, input: ImageStream):
        self.input = input
        self.output = ImageStream(24)

        self.shift_x = ControlSignal()
        self.shift_y = ControlSignal()
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def __init__(self, width, count_if_not_ready=False):
        self.output = BasicStream(width, name="counter_stream")

        self.count_if_not_ready = ControlSignal(reset=count_if_not_ready)