Ejemplo n.º 1
    def runtest(self):
        Run test is called by pytest for each of these nodes that are
        collected i.e. a notebook cell. Runs all the cell tests in one
        kernel without restarting.  It is very common for ipython
        notebooks to run through assuming a single kernel.  The cells
        are tested that they execute without errors and that the
        output matches the output stored in the notebook.

        # Simply skip cell if configured to
        if self.options['skip']:

        kernel = self.parent.kernel
        if not kernel.is_alive():
            raise RuntimeError("Kernel dead on test start")

        # Execute the code in the current cell in the kernel. Returns the
        # message id of the corresponding response from iopub.
        msg_id = kernel.execute_cell_input(
            self.cell.source, allow_stdin=False)

        # Timeout for the cell execution
        # after code is sent for execution, the kernel sends a message on
        # the shell channel. Timeout if no message received.
        timeout = self.config.option.nbval_cell_timeout
        timed_out_this_run = False

        # Poll the shell channel to get a message
            self.parent.kernel.await_reply(msg_id, timeout=timeout)
        except Empty:  # Timeout reached
            # Try to interrupt kernel, as this will give us traceback:
            self.parent.timed_out = True
            timed_out_this_run = True

        # This list stores the output information for the entire cell
        outs = []
        # TODO: Only store if comparing with nbdime, to save on memory usage
        self.test_outputs = outs

        # Now get the outputs from the iopub channel
        while True:
            # The iopub channel broadcasts a range of messages. We keep reading
            # them until we find the message containing the side-effects of our
            # code execution.
                # Get a message from the kernel iopub channel
                msg = self.parent.get_kernel_message(timeout=self.output_timeout)

            except Empty:
                # This is not working: ! The code will not be checked
                # if the time is out (when the cell stops to be executed?)
                # Halt kernel here!
                if timed_out_this_run:
                        "Timeout of %g seconds exceeded while executing cell."
                        " Failed to interrupt kernel in %d seconds, so "
                        "failing without traceback." %
                            (timeout, self.output_timeout),
                    self.parent.timed_out = True
                        "Timeout of %d seconds exceeded waiting for output." %

            # now we must handle the message by checking the type and reply
            # info and we store the output of the cell in a notebook node object
            msg_type = msg['msg_type']
            reply = msg['content']
            out = NotebookNode(output_type=msg_type)

            # Is the iopub message related to this cell execution?
            if msg['parent_header'].get('msg_id') != msg_id:

            # When the kernel starts to execute code, it will enter the 'busy'
            # state and when it finishes, it will enter the 'idle' state.
            # The kernel will publish state 'starting' exactly
            # once at process startup.
            if msg_type == 'status':
                if reply['execution_state'] == 'idle':

            # execute_input: To let all frontends know what code is
            # being executed at any given time, these messages contain a
            # re-broadcast of the code portion of an execute_request,
            # along with the execution_count.
            elif msg_type == 'execute_input':

            # com? execute reply?
            elif msg_type.startswith('comm'):
            elif msg_type == 'execute_reply':

            # This message type is used to clear the output that is
            # visible on the frontend
            # elif msg_type == 'clear_output':
            #     outs = []
            #     continue

            # elif (msg_type == 'clear_output'
            #       and msg_type['execution_state'] == 'idle'):
            #     outs = []
            #     continue

            # 'execute_result' is equivalent to a display_data message.
            # The object being displayed is passed to the display
            # hook, i.e. the *result* of the execution.
            # The only difference is that 'execute_result' has an
            # 'execution_count' number which does not seems useful
            # (we will filter it in the sanitize function)
            # When the reply is display_data or execute_result,
            # the dictionary contains
            # a 'data' sub-dictionary with the 'text' AND the 'image/png'
            # picture (in hexadecimal). There is also a 'metadata' entry
            # but currently is not of much use, sometimes there is information
            # as height and width of the image (CHECK the documentation)
            # Thus we iterate through the keys (mimes) 'data' sub-dictionary
            # to obtain the 'text' and 'image/png' information
            elif msg_type in ('display_data', 'execute_result'):
                out['metadata'] = reply['metadata']
                out['data'] = reply['data']

                if msg_type == 'execute_result':
                    out.execution_count = reply['execution_count']

            # if the message is a stream then we store the output
            elif msg_type == 'stream':
                out.name = reply['name']
                out.text = reply['text']

            # if the message type is an error then an error has occurred during
            # cell execution. Therefore raise a cell error and pass the
            # traceback information.
            elif msg_type == 'error':
                # Store error in output first
                out['ename'] = reply['ename']
                out['evalue'] = reply['evalue']
                out['traceback'] = reply['traceback']
                if not self.options['check_exception']:
                    # Ensure we flush iopub before raising error
                        self.parent.kernel.await_idle(msg_id, self.output_timeout)
                    except Empty:
                        raise RuntimeError('Timed out waiting for idle kernel!')
                    traceback = '\n' + '\n'.join(reply['traceback'])
                    if out['ename'] == 'KeyboardInterrupt' and self.parent.timed_out:
                        msg = "Timeout of %g seconds exceeded executing cell" % timeout
                        msg = "Cell execution caused an exception"
                    self.raise_cell_error(msg, traceback)

            # any other message type is not expected
            # should this raise an error?
                print("unhandled iopub msg:", msg_type)

        outs[:] = coalesce_streams(outs)

        # Cells where the reference is not run, will not check outputs:
        unrun = self.cell.execution_count is None
        if unrun and self.cell.outputs:
            self.raise_cell_error('Unrun reference cell has outputs')

        # Compare if the outputs have the same number of lines
        # and throw an error if it fails
        # if len(outs) != len(self.cell.outputs):
        #     self.diff_number_outputs(outs, self.cell.outputs)
        #     failed = True
        failed = False
        if self.options['check'] and not unrun:
            if not self.compare_outputs(outs, coalesce_streams(self.cell.outputs)):
                failed = True

        # If the comparison failed then we raise an exception.
        if failed:
            # The traceback containing the difference in the outputs is
            # stored in the variable comparison_traceback
                "Cell outputs differ",
                # Here we must put the traceback output:
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def run_cell(self, index_cell, cell, clean_function=None):
        Runs a notebook cell and update the output of that cell inplace.

        @param      index_cell          index of the cell
        @param      cell                cell to execute
        @param      clean_function      cleaning function to apply to the code before running it
        @return                         output of the cell
        if self.detailed_log:
                "[run_cell] index_cell={0} clean_function={1}".format(
                    index_cell, clean_function))
        iscell, codei = NotebookRunner.get_cell_code(cell)

        self.fLOG('-- running cell:\n%s\n' % codei)
        if self.detailed_log:
                '[run_cell] code=\n                        {0}'.format(
                    "\n                        ".join(codei.split("\n"))))

        code = self.clean_code(codei)
        if clean_function is not None:
            code = clean_function(code)
        if self.detailed_log:
                '    cleaned code=\n                        {0}'.format(
                    "\n                        ".join(code.split("\n"))))
        if len(code) == 0:
            return ""
        if self.kc is None:
            raise ValueError(  # pragma: no cover
                "No kernel was started, specify kernel=True when initializing the instance."

        reply = self.kc.get_shell_msg()
        reason = None
            status = reply['content']['status']
        except KeyError:  # pragma: no cover
            status = 'error'
            reason = "no status key in reply['content']"

        if status == 'error':
            ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1b[^m]*m')
                tr = [
                    ansi_escape.sub('', _)
                    for _ in reply['content']['traceback']
            except KeyError:  # pragma: no cover
                tr = ["No traceback, available keys in reply['content']"] + \
            traceback_text = '\n'.join(tr)
            self.fLOG("[nberror]\n", traceback_text)
            if self.detailed_log:
                self.detailed_log('[run_cell] ERROR=\n    {0}'.format(
                    "\n    ".join(traceback_text.split("\n"))))
            traceback_text = ''
            self.fLOG('-- cell returned')

        outs = list()
        nbissue = 0
        while True:
                msg = self.kc.get_iopub_msg(timeout=1)
                if msg['msg_type'] == 'status':
                    if msg['content']['execution_state'] == 'idle':
            except Empty:  # pragma: no cover
                # execution state should return to idle before the queue becomes empty,
                # if it doesn't, something bad has happened
                status = "error"
                reason = "exception Empty was raised"
                nbissue += 1
                if nbissue > 10:
                    # the notebook is empty
                    return ""

            content = msg['content']
            msg_type = msg['msg_type']
            if self.detailed_log:
                self.detailed_log('    msg_type={0}'.format(msg_type))

            out = NotebookNode(output_type=msg_type, metadata=dict())

            if 'execution_count' in content:
                if iscell:
                    cell['execution_count'] = content['execution_count']
                out.execution_count = content['execution_count']

            if msg_type in ('status', 'pyin', 'execute_input'):

            if msg_type == 'stream':
                out.name = content['name']
                # in msgspec 5, this is name, text
                # in msgspec 4, this is name, data
                if 'text' in content:
                    out.text = content['text']
                    out.data = content['data']

            elif msg_type in ('display_data', 'pyout', 'execute_result'):
                out.data = content['data']

            elif msg_type in ('pyerr', 'error'):
                out.ename = content['ename']
                out.evalue = content['evalue']
                out.traceback = content['traceback']
                out.name = 'stderr'

            elif msg_type == 'clear_output':
                outs = list()

            elif msg_type in ('comm_open', 'comm_msg', 'comm_close'):
                # widgets in a notebook
                out.data = content["data"]
                out.comm_id = content["comm_id"]

                dcontent = "\n".join("{0}={1}".format(k, v)
                                     for k, v in sorted(content.items()))
                raise NotImplementedError(  # pragma: no cover
                    "Unhandled iopub message: '{0}'\n--CONTENT--\n{1}".format(
                        msg_type, dcontent))

            if self.detailed_log:
                self.detailed_log('    out={0}'.format(type(out)))
                if hasattr(out, "data"):
                    self.detailed_log('    out={0}'.format(out.data))

        if iscell:
            cell['outputs'] = outs

        raw = []
        for _ in outs:
                t = _.data
            except AttributeError:

            # see MIMEMAP to see the available output type
            for k, v in t.items():
                if k.startswith("text"):

        sraw = "\n".join(raw)
        if self.detailed_log:
            self.detailed_log('    sraw=\n                        {0}'.format(
                "\n                        ".join(sraw.split("\n"))))

        def reply2string(reply):
            sreply = []
            for k, v in sorted(reply.items()):
                if isinstance(v, dict):
                    temp = []
                    for _, __ in sorted(v.items()):
                        temp.append("    [{0}]={1}".format(_, str(__)))
                    v_ = "\n".join(temp)
                    sreply.append("reply['{0}']=dict\n{1}".format(k, v_))
                    sreply.append("reply['{0}']={1}".format(k, str(v)))
            sreply = "\n".join(sreply)
            return sreply

        if status == 'error':
            sreply = reply2string(reply)
            if len(code) < 5:
                scode = [code]
                scode = ""
            mes = "FILENAME\n{10}:1:1\n{7}\nCELL status={8}, reason={9} -- {4} length={5} -- {6}:\n-----------------\n{0}" + \
            raise NotebookError(
                mes.format(code, traceback_text, sraw, sreply, index_cell,
                           len(code), scode, self.comment, status, reason,
        if self.detailed_log:
            self.detailed_log('[run_cell] status={0}'.format(status))
        return outs
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def runtest(self):
        Run test is called by pytest for each of these nodes that are
        collected i.e. a notebook cell. Runs all the cell tests in one
        kernel without restarting.  It is very common for ipython
        notebooks to run through assuming a single kernel.  The cells
        are tested that they execute without errors and that the
        output matches the output stored in the notebook.

        # Simply skip cell if configured to
        if self.options['skip']:

        kernel = self.parent.kernel
        if not kernel.is_alive():
            raise RuntimeError("Kernel dead on test start")

        # Execute the code in the current cell in the kernel. Returns the
        # message id of the corresponding response from iopub.
        msg_id = kernel.execute_cell_input(
            self.cell.source, allow_stdin=False)

        # Timeout for the cell execution
        # after code is sent for execution, the kernel sends a message on
        # the shell channel. Timeout if no message received.
        timeout = self.config.option.nbval_cell_timeout
        timed_out_this_run = False

        # Poll the shell channel to get a message
            self.parent.kernel.await_reply(msg_id, timeout=timeout)
        except Empty:  # Timeout reached
            # Try to interrupt kernel, as this will give us traceback:
            self.parent.timed_out = True
            timed_out_this_run = True

        # This list stores the output information for the entire cell
        outs = []
        # TODO: Only store if comparing with nbdime, to save on memory usage
        self.test_outputs = outs

        # Now get the outputs from the iopub channel
        while True:
            # The iopub channel broadcasts a range of messages. We keep reading
            # them until we find the message containing the side-effects of our
            # code execution.
                # Get a message from the kernel iopub channel
                msg = self.parent.get_kernel_message(timeout=self.output_timeout)

            except Empty:
                # This is not working: ! The code will not be checked
                # if the time is out (when the cell stops to be executed?)
                # Halt kernel here!
                if timed_out_this_run:
                        "Timeout of %g seconds exceeded while executing cell."
                        " Failed to interrupt kernel in %d seconds, so "
                        "failing without traceback." %
                            (timeout, self.output_timeout),
                    self.parent.timed_out = True
                        "Timeout of %d seconds exceeded waiting for output." %

            # now we must handle the message by checking the type and reply
            # info and we store the output of the cell in a notebook node object
            msg_type = msg['msg_type']
            reply = msg['content']
            out = NotebookNode(output_type=msg_type)

            # Is the iopub message related to this cell execution?
            if msg['parent_header'].get('msg_id') != msg_id:

            # When the kernel starts to execute code, it will enter the 'busy'
            # state and when it finishes, it will enter the 'idle' state.
            # The kernel will publish state 'starting' exactly
            # once at process startup.
            if msg_type == 'status':
                if reply['execution_state'] == 'idle':

            # execute_input: To let all frontends know what code is
            # being executed at any given time, these messages contain a
            # re-broadcast of the code portion of an execute_request,
            # along with the execution_count.
            elif msg_type == 'execute_input':

            # com? execute reply?
            elif msg_type.startswith('comm'):
            elif msg_type == 'execute_reply':

            # This message type is used to clear the output that is
            # visible on the frontend
            # elif msg_type == 'clear_output':
            #     outs = []
            #     continue

            # elif (msg_type == 'clear_output'
            #       and msg_type['execution_state'] == 'idle'):
            #     outs = []
            #     continue

            # 'execute_result' is equivalent to a display_data message.
            # The object being displayed is passed to the display
            # hook, i.e. the *result* of the execution.
            # The only difference is that 'execute_result' has an
            # 'execution_count' number which does not seems useful
            # (we will filter it in the sanitize function)
            # When the reply is display_data or execute_result,
            # the dictionary contains
            # a 'data' sub-dictionary with the 'text' AND the 'image/png'
            # picture (in hexadecimal). There is also a 'metadata' entry
            # but currently is not of much use, sometimes there is information
            # as height and width of the image (CHECK the documentation)
            # Thus we iterate through the keys (mimes) 'data' sub-dictionary
            # to obtain the 'text' and 'image/png' information
            elif msg_type in ('display_data', 'execute_result'):
                out['metadata'] = reply['metadata']
                out['data'] = reply['data']

                if msg_type == 'execute_result':
                    out.execution_count = reply['execution_count']

            # if the message is a stream then we store the output
            elif msg_type == 'stream':
                out.name = reply['name']
                out.text = reply['text']

            # if the message type is an error then an error has occurred during
            # cell execution. Therefore raise a cell error and pass the
            # traceback information.
            elif msg_type == 'error':
                # Store error in output first
                out['ename'] = reply['ename']
                out['evalue'] = reply['evalue']
                out['traceback'] = reply['traceback']
                if not self.options['check_exception']:
                    # Ensure we flush iopub before raising error
                        self.parent.kernel.await_idle(msg_id, self.output_timeout)
                    except Empty:
                        raise RuntimeError('Timed out waiting for idle kernel!')
                    traceback = '\n' + '\n'.join(reply['traceback'])
                    if out['ename'] == 'KeyboardInterrupt' and self.parent.timed_out:
                        msg = "Timeout of %g seconds exceeded executing cell" % timeout
                        msg = "Cell execution caused an exception"
                    self.raise_cell_error(msg, traceback)

            # any other message type is not expected
            # should this raise an error?
                print("unhandled iopub msg:", msg_type)

        outs[:] = coalesce_streams(outs)

        # Cells where the reference is not run, will not check outputs:
        #unrun = self.cell.execution_count is None
        #if unrun and self.cell.outputs:
            #self.raise_cell_error('Unrun reference cell has outputs')

        # Compare if the outputs have the same number of lines
        # and throw an error if it fails
        # if len(outs) != len(self.cell.outputs):
        #     self.diff_number_outputs(outs, self.cell.outputs)
        #     failed = True
        failed = False
        if self.options['check'] and not unrun:
            if not self.compare_outputs(outs, coalesce_streams(self.cell.outputs)):
                failed = True

        # If the comparison failed then we raise an exception.
        if failed:
            # The traceback containing the difference in the outputs is
            # stored in the variable comparison_traceback
                "Cell outputs differ",
                # Here we must put the traceback output:
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def runtest(self):
        Run test is called by pytest for each of these nodes that are
        collected i.e. a notebook cell. Runs all the cell tests in one
        kernel without restarting.  It is very common for ipython
        notebooks to run through assuming a single kernel.  The cells
        are tested that they execute without errors and that the
        output matches the output stored in the notebook.

        # Execute the code in the current cell in the kernel. Returns the
        # message id of the corresponding response from iopub.
        msg_id = self.parent.kernel.execute_cell_input(
            self.cell.source, allow_stdin=False)

        # Timeout for the cell execution
        # after code is sent for execution, the kernel sends a message on
        # the shell channel. Timeout if no message received.
        timeout = 2000

        # Poll the shell channel to get a message
        while True:
                msg = self.parent.get_kernel_message(stream='shell',
            except Empty:
                raise NbCellError("Timeout of %d seconds exceeded"
                                  " executing cell: %s" (timeout,

            # Is this the message we are waiting for?
            if msg['parent_header'].get('msg_id') == msg_id:

        # This list stores the output information for the entire cell
        outs = []
        # TODO: Only store if comparing with nbdime, to save on memory usage
        self.test_outputs = outs

        # Now get the outputs from the iopub channel, need smaller timeout
        timeout = 5
        while True:
            # The iopub channel broadcasts a range of messages. We keep reading
            # them until we find the message containing the side-effects of our
            # code execution.
                # Get a message from the kernel iopub channel
                msg = self.parent.get_kernel_message(timeout=timeout)

            except Empty:
                # This is not working: ! The code will not be checked
                # if the time is out (when the cell stops to be executed?)
                raise NbCellError("Timeout of %d seconds exceeded"
                                  " waiting for output.")

            # now we must handle the message by checking the type and reply
            # info and we store the output of the cell in a notebook node object
            msg_type = msg['msg_type']
            reply = msg['content']
            out = NotebookNode(output_type=msg_type)

            # Is the iopub message related to this cell execution?
            if msg['parent_header'].get('msg_id') != msg_id:

            # When the kernel starts to execute code, it will enter the 'busy'
            # state and when it finishes, it will enter the 'idle' state.
            # The kernel will publish state 'starting' exactly
            # once at process startup.
            if msg_type == 'status':
                if reply['execution_state'] == 'idle':

            # execute_input: To let all frontends know what code is
            # being executed at any given time, these messages contain a
            # re-broadcast of the code portion of an execute_request,
            # along with the execution_count.
            elif msg_type == 'execute_input':

            # com? execute reply?
            elif msg_type.startswith('comm'):
            elif msg_type == 'execute_reply':

            # This message type is used to clear the output that is
            # visible on the frontend
            # elif msg_type == 'clear_output':
            #     outs = []
            #     continue

            # elif (msg_type == 'clear_output'
            #       and msg_type['execution_state'] == 'idle'):
            #     outs = []
            #     continue

            # 'execute_result' is equivalent to a display_data message.
            # The object being displayed is passed to the display
            # hook, i.e. the *result* of the execution.
            # The only difference is that 'execute_result' has an
            # 'execution_count' number which does not seems useful
            # (we will filter it in the sanitize function)
            # When the reply is display_data or execute_count,
            # the dictionary contains
            # a 'data' sub-dictionary with the 'text' AND the 'image/png'
            # picture (in hexadecimal). There is also a 'metadata' entry
            # but currently is not of much use, sometimes there is information
            # as height and width of the image (CHECK the documentation)
            # Thus we iterate through the keys (mimes) 'data' sub-dictionary
            # to obtain the 'text' and 'image/png' information
            elif msg_type in ('display_data', 'execute_result'):
                out['metadata'] = reply['metadata']
                out['data'] = {}
                for mime, data in six.iteritems(reply['data']):
                    # This could be useful for reference or backward compatibility
                    #     attr = mime.split('/')[-1].lower()
                    #     attr = attr.replace('+xml', '').replace('plain', 'text')
                    #     setattr(out, attr, data)

                    # Return the relevant entries from data:
                    # plain/text, image/png, execution_count, etc
                    # We could use a mime types list for this (MAYBE)
                    out.data[mime] = data

                if msg_type == 'execute_result':
                     out.execution_count = reply['execution_count']

            # if the message is a stream then we store the output
            elif msg_type == 'stream':
                out.stream = reply['name']
                out.text = reply['text']

            # if the message type is an error then an error has occurred during
            # cell execution. Therefore raise a cell error and pass the
            # traceback information.
            elif msg_type == 'error':
                # Store error in output first
                out['ename'] = reply['ename']
                out['evalue'] = reply['evalue']
                out['traceback'] = reply['traceback']
                traceback = '\n' + '\n'.join(reply['traceback'])
                raise NbCellError(self.cell_num, "Cell execution caused an exception",
                                  self.cell.source, traceback)

            # any other message type is not expected
            # should this raise an error?
                print("unhandled iopub msg:", msg_type)

        # Compare if the outputs have the same number of lines
        # and throw an error if it fails
        # if len(outs) != len(self.cell.outputs):
        #     self.diff_number_outputs(outs, self.cell.outputs)
        #     failed = True
        failed = False
        if self.docompare:
            if not self.compare_outputs(outs, self.cell.outputs):
                failed = True

        # If the comparison failed then we raise an exception.
        if failed:
            # The traceback containing the difference in the outputs is
            # stored in the variable comparison_traceback
            raise NbCellError(self.cell_num,
                              "Cell outputs differ",
                              # Here we must put the traceback output: