Ejemplo n.º 1
def build_network(logger):
    """Builds the network including setting of simulation and neuron
    parameters, creation of neurons and connections

    Requires an instance of Logger as argument


    tic = time.time()  # start timer on construction

    # unpack a few variables for convenience
    NE = brunel_params['NE']
    NI = brunel_params['NI']
    model_params = brunel_params['model_params']
    stdp_params = brunel_params['stdp_params']

    # set global kernel parameters
        'total_num_virtual_procs': params['nvp'],
        'resolution': params['dt'],
        'overwrite_files': True})

    nest.SetDefaults('iaf_psc_alpha', model_params)

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network', 'Creating excitatory population.')
    E_neurons = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', NE)

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network', 'Creating inhibitory population.')
    I_neurons = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', NI)

    if brunel_params['randomize_Vm']:
        nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                     'Randomzing membrane potentials.')

        random_vm = nest.random.normal(brunel_params['mean_potential'],
        nest.GetLocalNodeCollection(E_neurons).V_m = random_vm
        nest.GetLocalNodeCollection(I_neurons).V_m = random_vm

    # number of incoming excitatory connections
    CE = int(1. * NE / params['scale'])
    # number of incomining inhibitory connections
    CI = int(1. * NI / params['scale'])

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Creating excitatory stimulus generator.')

    # Convert synapse weight from mV to pA
    conversion_factor = convert_synapse_weight(
        model_params['tau_m'], model_params['tau_syn_ex'], model_params['C_m'])
    JE_pA = conversion_factor * brunel_params['JE']

    nu_thresh = model_params['V_th'] / (
        CE * model_params['tau_m'] / model_params['C_m'] *
        JE_pA * np.exp(1.) * tau_syn)
    nu_ext = nu_thresh * brunel_params['eta']

    E_stimulus = nest.Create('poisson_generator', 1, {
                             'rate': nu_ext * CE * 1000.})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Creating excitatory spike recorder.')

    if params['record_spikes']:
        recorder_label = os.path.join(
            'alpha_' + str(stdp_params['alpha']) + '_spikes')
        E_recorder = nest.Create('spike_recorder', params={
            'record_to': 'ascii',
            'label': recorder_label

    BuildNodeTime = time.time() - tic

    logger.log(str(BuildNodeTime) + ' # build_time_nodes')
    logger.log(str(memory_thisjob()) + ' # virt_mem_after_nodes')

    tic = time.time()

    nest.SetDefaults('static_synapse_hpc', {'delay': brunel_params['delay']})
    nest.CopyModel('static_synapse_hpc', 'syn_std')
    nest.CopyModel('static_synapse_hpc', 'syn_ex',
                   {'weight': JE_pA})
    nest.CopyModel('static_synapse_hpc', 'syn_in',
                   {'weight': brunel_params['g'] * JE_pA})

    stdp_params['weight'] = JE_pA
    nest.SetDefaults('stdp_pl_synapse_hom_hpc', stdp_params)

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network', 'Connecting stimulus generators.')

    # Connect Poisson generator to neuron

    nest.Connect(E_stimulus, E_neurons, {'rule': 'all_to_all'},
                 {'synapse_model': 'syn_ex'})
    nest.Connect(E_stimulus, I_neurons, {'rule': 'all_to_all'},
                 {'synapse_model': 'syn_ex'})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Connecting excitatory -> excitatory population.')

    nest.Connect(E_neurons, E_neurons,
                 {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': CE,
                  'allow_autapses': False, 'allow_multapses': True},
                 {'synapse_model': 'stdp_pl_synapse_hom_hpc'})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Connecting inhibitory -> excitatory population.')

    nest.Connect(I_neurons, E_neurons,
                 {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': CI,
                  'allow_autapses': False, 'allow_multapses': True},
                 {'synapse_model': 'syn_in'})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Connecting excitatory -> inhibitory population.')

    nest.Connect(E_neurons, I_neurons,
                 {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': CE,
                  'allow_autapses': False, 'allow_multapses': True},
                 {'synapse_model': 'syn_ex'})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Connecting inhibitory -> inhibitory population.')

    nest.Connect(I_neurons, I_neurons,
                 {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': CI,
                  'allow_autapses': False, 'allow_multapses': True},
                 {'synapse_model': 'syn_in'})

    if params['record_spikes']:
        if params['nvp'] != 1:
            local_neurons = nest.GetLocalNodeCollection(E_neurons)
            # GetLocalNodeCollection returns a stepped composite NodeCollection, which
            # cannot be sliced. In order to allow slicing it later on, we're creating a
            # new regular NodeCollection from the plain node IDs.
            local_neurons = nest.NodeCollection(local_neurons.tolist())
            local_neurons = E_neurons

        if len(local_neurons) < brunel_params['Nrec']:
                M_ERROR, 'build_network',
                """Spikes can only be recorded from local neurons, but the
                number of local neurons is smaller than the number of neurons
                spikes should be recorded from. Aborting the simulation!""")

        nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network', 'Connecting spike recorders.')
        nest.Connect(local_neurons[:brunel_params['Nrec']], E_recorder,
                     'all_to_all', 'static_synapse_hpc')

    # read out time used for building
    BuildEdgeTime = time.time() - tic

    logger.log(str(BuildEdgeTime) + ' # build_edge_time')
    logger.log(str(memory_thisjob()) + ' # virt_mem_after_edges')

    return E_recorder if params['record_spikes'] else None
Ejemplo n.º 2
def build_network(logger):
    '''Builds the network including setting of simulation and neuron
    parameters, creation of neurons and connections

    Requires an instance of Logger as argument


    tic = time.time()  # start timer on construction

    # unpack a few variables for convenience
    NE = brunel_params['NE']
    NI = brunel_params['NI']
    model_params = brunel_params['model_params']
    stdp_params = brunel_params['stdp_params']

    # set global kernel parameters
        'total_num_virtual_procs': params['nvp'],
        'resolution': params['dt'],
        'overwrite_files': True})

    nest.SetDefaults('iaf_psc_alpha', model_params)

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network', 'Creating excitatory population.')
    E_neurons = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', NE)

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network', 'Creating inhibitory population.')
    I_neurons = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', NI)

    if brunel_params['randomize_Vm']:
        nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                     'Randomzing membrane potentials.')

        seed = nest.GetKernelStatus(
            'rng_seeds')[-1] + 1 + nest.GetStatus([0], 'vp')[0]
        rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed)

        for node in get_local_nodes(E_neurons):
                           {'V_m': rng.normal(

        for node in get_local_nodes(I_neurons):
                           {'V_m': rng.normal(

    # number of incoming excitatory connections
    CE = int(1. * NE / params['scale'])
    # number of incomining inhibitory connections
    CI = int(1. * NI / params['scale'])

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Creating excitatory stimulus generator.')

    # Convert synapse weight from mV to pA
    conversion_factor = convert_synapse_weight(
        model_params['tau_m'], model_params['tau_syn_ex'], model_params['C_m'])
    JE_pA = conversion_factor * brunel_params['JE']

    nu_thresh = model_params['V_th'] / (
        CE * model_params['tau_m'] / model_params['C_m'] *
        JE_pA * np.exp(1.) * tau_syn)
    nu_ext = nu_thresh * brunel_params['eta']

    E_stimulus = nest.Create('poisson_generator', 1, {
                             'rate': nu_ext * CE * 1000.})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Creating excitatory spike detector.')

    if params['record_spikes']:
        detector_label = os.path.join(
            'alpha_' + str(stdp_params['alpha']) + '_spikes')
        E_detector = nest.Create('spike_detector', 1, {
            'withtime': True, 'to_file': True, 'label': detector_label})

    BuildNodeTime = time.time() - tic

    logger.log(str(BuildNodeTime) + ' # build_time_nodes')
    logger.log(str(memory_thisjob()) + ' # virt_mem_after_nodes')

    tic = time.time()

    nest.SetDefaults('static_synapse_hpc', {'delay': brunel_params['delay']})
    nest.CopyModel('static_synapse_hpc', 'syn_std')
    nest.CopyModel('static_synapse_hpc', 'syn_ex',
                   {'weight': JE_pA})
    nest.CopyModel('static_synapse_hpc', 'syn_in',
                   {'weight': brunel_params['g'] * JE_pA})

    stdp_params['weight'] = JE_pA
    nest.SetDefaults('stdp_pl_synapse_hom_hpc', stdp_params)

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network', 'Connecting stimulus generators.')

    # Connect Poisson generator to neuron

    nest.Connect(E_stimulus, E_neurons, {'rule': 'all_to_all'},
                 {'model': 'syn_ex'})
    nest.Connect(E_stimulus, I_neurons, {'rule': 'all_to_all'},
                 {'model': 'syn_ex'})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Connecting excitatory -> excitatory population.')

    nest.Connect(E_neurons, E_neurons,
                 {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': CE,
                     'autapses': False, 'multapses': True},
                 {'model': 'stdp_pl_synapse_hom_hpc'})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Connecting inhibitory -> excitatory population.')

    nest.Connect(I_neurons, E_neurons,
                 {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': CI,
                     'autapses': False, 'multapses': True},
                 {'model': 'syn_in'})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Connecting excitatory -> inhibitory population.')

    nest.Connect(E_neurons, I_neurons,
                 {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': CE,
                     'autapses': False, 'multapses': True},
                 {'model': 'syn_ex'})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Connecting inhibitory -> inhibitory population.')

    nest.Connect(I_neurons, I_neurons,
                 {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': CI,
                     'autapses': False, 'multapses': True},
                 {'model': 'syn_in'})

    if params['record_spikes']:
        local_neurons = list(get_local_nodes(E_neurons))

        if len(local_neurons) < brunel_params['Nrec']:
                M_ERROR, 'build_network',
                '''Spikes can only be recorded from local neurons, but the
                number of local neurons is smaller than the number of neurons
                spikes should be recorded from. Aborting the simulation!''')

        nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network', 'Connecting spike detectors.')
        nest.Connect(local_neurons[:brunel_params['Nrec']], E_detector,
                     'all_to_all', 'static_synapse_hpc')

    # read out time used for building
    BuildEdgeTime = time.time() - tic

    logger.log(str(BuildEdgeTime) + ' # build_edge_time')
    logger.log(str(memory_thisjob()) + ' # virt_mem_after_edges')

    return E_detector if params['record_spikes'] else None
def BuildNetwork(logger):
    tic = time.time()  # start timer on construction

    # set global kernel parameters
        'total_num_virtual_procs': params['nvp'],
        'resolution': params['dt']

    master_seed = 101
    n_vp = nest.GetKernelStatus(['total_num_virtual_procs'])[0]

        '0 << /grng rngdict/MT19937 :: 101 CreateRNG >> SetStatus')

    rng_seeds = list(
        range(master_seed + 1 + n_vp, master_seed + 1 + (2 * n_vp)))
    grng_seed = master_seed + n_vp
    kernel_dict = {'grng_seed': grng_seed, 'rng_seeds': rng_seeds}

    nest.SetDefaults('iaf_psc_alpha', brunel_params['model_params'])

    # ------------------------- Build nodes ------------------------------------

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network', 'Creating populations.')

    population_list = []
    for _ in range(brunel_params['num_pop']):
        pop = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', brunel_params['num_neurons'])
        population_list.append([pop[0], pop[-1]])
        logger_params['num_nodes'] += len(pop)

    BuildNodeTime = time.time() - tic

    logger.log('{} # build_time_nodes'.format(BuildNodeTime))
    logger.log('{} # virt_mem_after_nodes'.format(memory_thisjob()))

    #-------------------------- Connection -------------------------------------

    tic = time.time()  # start timer for selecting targets

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network', 'Finding target populations.')

    targets = [
        random.sample(population_list, brunel_params['num_pop_connections'])
        for _ in range(brunel_params['num_pop'])

    FindTargetsTime = time.time() - tic

    logger.log('{} # find_targets_time'.format(FindTargetsTime))

    tic = time.time()  # Start timer for connection time

    conn_degree = 50  # number of connections per neuron
    conn_dict = {'autapses': False, 'multapses': True}

    if params['rule'] == 'in':
        conn_dict.update({'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': conn_degree})
    elif params['rule'] == 'out':
        conn_dict.update({'rule': 'fixed_outdegree', 'outdegree': conn_degree})
    elif params['rule'] == 'tot':
            'rule': 'fixed_total_number',
            'N': conn_degree * brunel_params['num_neurons']
    elif params['rule'] == 'bern':
            'rule': 'pairwise_bernoulli',
            'p': conn_degree / brunel_params['num_neurons']
    elif params['rule'] == 'all':
        conn_dict.update({'rule': 'all_to_all'})

    # Create custom synapse types with appropriate values for our connections
    nest.SetDefaults('static_synapse_hpc', {'delay': brunel_params['delay']})

    if params['plastic']:
        brunel_params['stdp_params'].update({'weight': 1.})
        nest.CopyModel('stdp_pl_synapse_hom_hpc', 'syn_ex_ex',
        nest.CopyModel('static_synapse_hpc', 'syn_ex_ex', {'weight': 1.})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network', 'Connecting populations.')

    if params['d_min'] != params['d_max']:
        delays = {'distribution': 'uniform', 'low': d_min, 'high': d_max}
        delays = params['d_min']

    for source, target_vec in zip(population_list, targets):
        for target in target_vec:
            nest.Connect(list(range(source[0], source[1] + 1)),
                         list(range(target[0], target[1] + 1)), conn_dict,
                         {'model': 'syn_ex_ex'})

    # read out time used for building
    BuildEdgeTime = time.time() - tic

    logger.log('{} # build_edge_time'.format(BuildEdgeTime))
    logger.log('{} # virt_mem_after_edges'.format(memory_thisjob()))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def build_network(logger):
    '''Builds the network including setting of simulation and neuron
    parameters, creation of neurons and connections

    Requires an instance of Logger as argument


    tic = time.time()  # start timer on construction

    # unpack a few variables for convenience
    NE = brunel_params['NE']
    NI = brunel_params['NI']
    model_params = brunel_params['model_params']
    stdp_params = brunel_params['stdp_params']

    # set global kernel parameters
        'total_num_virtual_procs': params['nvp'],
        'resolution': params['dt'],
        'overwrite_files': True

    nest.SetDefaults('iaf_psc_alpha', model_params)

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network', 'Creating excitatory population.')
    E_neurons = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', NE)

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network', 'Creating inhibitory population.')
    I_neurons = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', NI)

    if brunel_params['randomize_Vm']:
        nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                     'Randomzing membrane potentials.')

        seed = nest.GetKernelStatus('rng_seeds')[-1] + 1 + nest.GetStatus(
            [0], 'vp')[0]
        rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed)

        for node in get_local_nodes(E_neurons):
                [node], {

        for node in get_local_nodes(I_neurons):
                [node], {

    # number of incoming excitatory connections
    CE = int(1. * NE / params['scale'])
    # number of incomining inhibitory connections
    CI = int(1. * NI / params['scale'])

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Creating excitatory stimulus generator.')

    # Convert synapse weight from mV to pA
    conversion_factor = convert_synapse_weight(model_params['tau_m'],
    JE_pA = conversion_factor * brunel_params['JE']

    nu_thresh = model_params['V_th'] / (CE * model_params['tau_m'] /
                                        model_params['C_m'] * JE_pA *
                                        np.exp(1.) * tau_syn)
    nu_ext = nu_thresh * brunel_params['eta']

    E_stimulus = nest.Create('poisson_generator', 1,
                             {'rate': nu_ext * CE * 1000.})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Creating excitatory spike detector.')

    if params['record_spikes']:
        detector_label = os.path.join(
            'alpha_' + str(stdp_params['alpha']) + '_spikes')
        E_detector = nest.Create('spike_detector', 1, {
            'withtime': True,
            'to_file': True,
            'label': detector_label

    BuildNodeTime = time.time() - tic

    logger.log(str(BuildNodeTime) + ' # build_time_nodes')
    logger.log(str(memory_thisjob()) + ' # virt_mem_after_nodes')

    tic = time.time()

    nest.SetDefaults('static_synapse_hpc', {'delay': brunel_params['delay']})
    nest.CopyModel('static_synapse_hpc', 'syn_std')
    nest.CopyModel('static_synapse_hpc', 'syn_ex', {'weight': JE_pA})
    nest.CopyModel('static_synapse_hpc', 'syn_in',
                   {'weight': brunel_params['g'] * JE_pA})

    stdp_params['weight'] = JE_pA
    nest.SetDefaults('stdp_pl_synapse_hom_hpc', stdp_params)

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network', 'Connecting stimulus generators.')

    # Connect Poisson generator to neuron

    nest.Connect(E_stimulus, E_neurons, {'rule': 'all_to_all'},
                 {'model': 'syn_ex'})
    nest.Connect(E_stimulus, I_neurons, {'rule': 'all_to_all'},
                 {'model': 'syn_ex'})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Connecting excitatory -> excitatory population.')

        E_neurons, E_neurons, {
            'rule': 'fixed_indegree',
            'indegree': CE,
            'autapses': False,
            'multapses': True
        }, {'model': 'stdp_pl_synapse_hom_hpc'})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Connecting inhibitory -> excitatory population.')

        I_neurons, E_neurons, {
            'rule': 'fixed_indegree',
            'indegree': CI,
            'autapses': False,
            'multapses': True
        }, {'model': 'syn_in'})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Connecting excitatory -> inhibitory population.')

        E_neurons, I_neurons, {
            'rule': 'fixed_indegree',
            'indegree': CE,
            'autapses': False,
            'multapses': True
        }, {'model': 'syn_ex'})

    nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network',
                 'Connecting inhibitory -> inhibitory population.')

        I_neurons, I_neurons, {
            'rule': 'fixed_indegree',
            'indegree': CI,
            'autapses': False,
            'multapses': True
        }, {'model': 'syn_in'})

    if params['record_spikes']:
        local_neurons = list(get_local_nodes(E_neurons))

        if len(local_neurons) < brunel_params['Nrec']:
                M_ERROR, 'build_network',
                '''Spikes can only be recorded from local neurons, but the
                number of local neurons is smaller than the number of neurons
                spikes should be recorded from. Aborting the simulation!''')

        nest.message(M_INFO, 'build_network', 'Connecting spike detectors.')
        nest.Connect(local_neurons[:brunel_params['Nrec']], E_detector,
                     'all_to_all', 'static_synapse_hpc')

    # read out time used for building
    BuildEdgeTime = time.time() - tic

    logger.log(str(BuildEdgeTime) + ' # build_edge_time')
    logger.log(str(memory_thisjob()) + ' # virt_mem_after_edges')

    return E_detector if params['record_spikes'] else None