Ejemplo n.º 1
def run_predictions():

    import MySQLdb as mdb
    from pyfann import libfann
    #from datetime import date
    from network_functions import save_prediction

    mydate = ""

    con = None
    con = mdb.connect('localhost', 'root',
            'fil1202job', 'stock');

    with con:
        cur = con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
        cur1 = con.cursor()
        # Get a list of all networks
        cur.execute("SELECT a.id, a.group, b.ticker, b.predict_data, a.net_file FROM `network`.`network` a, network.net_group b where a.group = b.id;")
        rows = cur.fetchall()

        for row in rows:
            # For each network get the training data - only most recent data at the moment
            #seldate = "select latest_prediction from network.network where id = " + str(row["id"])
            #latestdate = cur2.fetchone()
            #latestdate1 = latestdate[0]

            #print latestdate1
            for row1 in cur1.fetchall():
                # Extract Date
                mydate = row1[(len(row1) - 1)]
                row1b = list(row1)
                del row1b[(len(row1b) - 1)]
                # Set up network
                ann = libfann.neural_net()
                # Run Prediction
                print row1b
                print ann.run(row1b)
                prediction = ann.run(row1b)
                prediction = str(prediction).translate(None, '[]')
                # Store results in db - Function
                save_prediction(row["id"], mydate, prediction)

Ejemplo n.º 2
        #latestdate = cur2.fetchone()
        #latestdate1 = latestdate[0]

        #print latestdate1
        for row1 in cur1.fetchall():
            # Extract Date
            mydate = row1[(len(row1) - 1)]
            row1b = list(row1)
            del row1b[(len(row1b) - 1)]
            # Set up network
            ann = libfann.neural_net()
            # Run Prediction
            print ann.run(row1b)
            prediction = ann.run(row1b)
            prediction = str(prediction).translate(None, '[]')
            # Store results in db - Function
            save_prediction(row["id"], mydate, prediction)